科研论文撰写和送审过程中导师和学生的互动杨 雄 里复旦大学神经生物学研究所本研究室科研论文撰写的程序
2,学生向导师提供与该课题有关的主要综述和原始论文( 20~ 30篇)。
本研究室科研论文撰写的程序杂志主编对送审论文的说明信( cover letter)
3,不明确表示,收” 或,拒”。
From,"NeuroReport" <nr@lww.co.uk>
Sent,Wednesday,June 18,2003 6:19 PM
Subject,NeuroReport,Decision on Voltage-gated K+ channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells
18 Jun 2003
Dear Dr,Yang,
Submission no.,NR-D-03-00757
Article title,Voltage-gated K+ channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells
Corresponding author,Dr,Xiong-Li Yang
Your paper has been seen by our reviewers and I have received from the Section Editor a favourable
recommendation,I am pleased to let you know that we will therefore publish it in the next issue of
NeuroReport to be compiled,There is no specific criticism of the paper and no requests of revision (and
this makes a most pleasant and unusual change from our routine; congratulations!).
A decision is not yet been made on the cover of the issue but we will take into consideration the figure that
you are offering for the purpose,If your picture is chosen (the chances are high),I will need an ad hoc
figure legend,that could be read and understood without direct reference to the paper itself; it could be
quite long,but it has to be extremely clear,Will you have a go at it?.
Thank you for sending this interesting paper to our Journal.
Kind regards.
Yours sincerely,
Giorgio Gabella,MD DSc
Editor in Chief
Localization of Kv subunits in
retinal amacrine cells
Cholinergic Dopaminergic
Kv 3.1b
Kv 4.3
2,由学生拟出答复意见 。
1,Zhang,D.Q,and Yang,X.L,(1998) GABA modulates color-opponent bipolar cells,Brain
2,Lu,T,Shen,Y,and Yang,X.L,(1998) Desensitization of AMPA receptors on horizontal cells isolated
from crucian carp retina,Neurosci Res.,31:123-135.
3,Shen,Y,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Zinc modulation of AMPA receptors may be relevant to splice
variants in carp retina,Neuroscience Lett.,259:177-180.
4,Shen,Y.,Lu,T,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Modulation of desensitization at glutamate receptors in
isolated crucian carp horizontal cells by concanavalin A,cyclothiazide,aniracetam and pepa.,
5,Zhang,D.Q.,Yang,R,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Suppression of sustained and transient on signals of
amacrine cells by GABA is mediated by different receptor subtypes,Science in China,Ser.C,42:395-
6,Zhang,J.and Yang,X.L.(1999) GABAb receptors in Muller cells of the bullfrog retina,NeuroReport,
7,Li,P.,Yang,X.L.(1999) Zn2+ differentially modulates glycine receptors versus GABA receptors in
isolated carp retinal third –order neurons,Neuroscience Lett.,269:75-78.
8,Han,M.H,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Zn2+ differentially modulates kinetics of GABAc vs GABAa
receptors in carp retinal bipolar cells,NeuroReport,10:2593-2597.
9,Yang,X.L,Gao,F,and Wu,S.M,(1999) Moduation of horizortal cell function by GABAa and
GABAc receptors in dark-and light-adapted tiger salamander retina,Visual Neuroscience,16:1-13.
Publications (1998~2004)
10,Yang,X.L,Shen,Y.,Han,M.H,and Lu,T,(1999) Physiological and Pharmacological
Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors in the Retina,Korean Journal
of Physiology and Pharmacology,3:461-469.
11,Du,J.L,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Retinal bipolar cell——A model for the study of
neuronal signal integration,Chinese Science Bulletin,44:1737-1743.
12,Yang,X.L.,Shen,Y,and Han,M.H.(1999) Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric receptors
and their characteristics in retina,Chinese Science Bulletin,44:1548-1556.
13,Yang,X.L,Gao,F,and Wu,S.M.(1999) Modulation of horizortal cell function by
GABAa and GABAc receptors in dark-and light –adapted tiger salamander retina,
Visual Neuroscience.1-13.
14,Shen,Y.,and Zhou,Y,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Characterization of AMPA receptors on
isolated amacrine-like cells in carp retina,Eur.J.Neurosci.,11:4233-4240,
15,Xu,H.P,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Differential modulation by GABA of signals from red
–and green –sensitive cones in the carp retina,Brain Res Bul,,51:493-497,
16,Zhao,J.W.,Du,J.L.,Li,J.S,and Yang,X.L.(2000) Expression of GABA transporters
on bullfrog retinal Müller cells,Glia 31:104-117
17,Du,J.L,and Yang,X.L,(2000) Subcellular localozation and complements of GABAA
and GABAc receptors on bullfrog retinal bipolar cells,J,Neurophysiol.,84:666-676
18,Xu,H.P,and Yang,X.L,(2000) Differential modulation by GABA of signals from red-and green-
sensitive cones in the carp retina,Brain Res Bull.,501:493-497
19,Han,M.H.,Shen,Y,and Yang,X.L,(2000) Differences in kinetics between GABAc and GABAA
receptors on carp retinal bipolar cells,Science in China (Ser.C),43:526-534.
20,Li,P,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Forskolin modulation of desensitization at GABAA and glycine
receptors is not mediated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase in isolated carp amacrine-like cells,
Pflüger Arch (Eur,J,Physiol.),441:739-745
21,Yang,X.L.,Li,P.,Lu,T.,Shen,Y.,and Han,M.H,(2001) Physiological and Pharmacological
Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors on Carp Retinal Neurons,Prog Brain Res.,
22,Xu,H.P.,Luo D.G,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Signals from cone photoreceptors to L-type horizontal
cells are differentially modulated by low calcium in carp retina,Eur.J.Neurosci.,13:1411-1419.
23,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Glutamate transporter EAAC1 is expressed on Müller cells of
lower vertebrate retinas,J Neurosci Res,66:89-95.
24,Luo,D.G,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Zn2+ differentially modulates signals from red- and short
wavelength-sensitive cones to horizontal cells in carp retina,Brain,Res.,900:95-102,
25,Li,G.L.,Li,P,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Melatonin modulates γ-amino-butyric acid receptor-
mediated currents on isolated carp retinal neurons,Neurosci Lett.,301,49-53,2001
26,Du,J,L.,Yang,X,L,(2002) Bullfrog retinal bipolar cells may express heterogeneous glycine
receptors at dendrites and axon terminals,Neuroscience Letters 322,177-181.
27,Yang,X.L.,Fan,G and Wu,S.M,(2002) Non-linear,high-gain and sustained –to-transient signal
transmisson from rods to amacrine cells in dark-adapted retina of Ambystoma,J,Physiol.,539,
28,Du,J,L.,Yang,X,L,(2002) Glycinergic synaptic transmission to bullfrog retinal bipolar cells is
29,Xu,H.P.,Zhao,J.W.,Yang,X.L,(2002) Expression of voltage-dependent calcium channel subunits in
the rat retina,Neurosci,Lett 1,329:297-300.
30,Luo,D.G.,Li,G.L and Yang,X.L (2002) Zn2+ modulates light responses of color-opponent bipolar
and amacrine cells in the carp retina,Brain Res,Bull.,58:461-468.
31,Xu,H,P.,Yang,X,L,(2002) Different effects of low Ca2+ on signal transmission from rods and cones
to bipolar cells in carp retina,Brain Res.,957:136-143.
32,Luo,D,G.,Yang,X.L,(2002) Suppression by zinc of transient OFF responses of carp amacrine cells
to red light is mediated by GABAA receptors,Brain Res.,958:222-226.
33,Du,J.L.,Xu,L.Y.,and Yang,X.L,(2002) Glycine receptors and transporters on bullfrog retinal
Müller cells,NeuroReport,13:1653-1656.
34,Xu,H.P.,Zhao,J.W and Yang,X.L,(2002) Cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells
differentially express calcium channel subunits in therat retina,118,763-768
34,Xu,H.P.,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Cholinergic and dopaminergic
amacrine cells differentially express calcium channel subunits in the rat retina.
35,Tian,M.,Chen,L.,Xie,J.X.,Yang,X.L,and Zhao,J.W,(2003) Expression
patterns of inwardly rectifying potassium channel subunits in rat retina,Neurosci
36,Tian,M.,Xie,J.X.,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Differential expression of
voltage-gated postssium channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic
amacrine cells in rat retina,NeuroReport,14:1763-1766
37,Li,G.L,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Glycinergic input to carp retinal ganglion cells
may be mediated by glycine receptors with homologous kinetics,Brain
38,Shen,Y,Zhang,A.J,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Uncoupling of horizontal cells alters
the receptive fields of retinal bipolar cells,NeuroReport,14:2159-2163
and Yang,X.L*.(2004) AMPA receptor is involved in transmission of cone signal to ON
bipolar cells in carp retina,Brain Res.,1002,86-93
40,Yang,X.L.,* (2004) Characterization of receptors for glutamate and GABA in retinal
neurons,Progress in Neurobiology,73:127-150
41,Cao,L.W.,Yu,Y.C.,Zhao,J.W.,and Yang,X.L,(2004) Expression of natriuretic
peptides in rat Muller cells,Neurosci,Lett,365:176-179
42,Chen,L.,Yu,Y.C.,Zhao,J.W and Yang,X.L* (2004) Inwardly rectifying potassium
channels in rat retinal ganglion cells,Eur,J,Neurosci.,20:956-964
43,Xu,L.Y.,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,* (2004) GLAST expression on bullfrog Muller cells
is regulated by dark/light,NeuroReport,(in press)
Thank you !
2,学生向导师提供与该课题有关的主要综述和原始论文( 20~ 30篇)。
本研究室科研论文撰写的程序杂志主编对送审论文的说明信( cover letter)
3,不明确表示,收” 或,拒”。
From,"NeuroReport" <nr@lww.co.uk>
Sent,Wednesday,June 18,2003 6:19 PM
Subject,NeuroReport,Decision on Voltage-gated K+ channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells
18 Jun 2003
Dear Dr,Yang,
Submission no.,NR-D-03-00757
Article title,Voltage-gated K+ channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells
Corresponding author,Dr,Xiong-Li Yang
Your paper has been seen by our reviewers and I have received from the Section Editor a favourable
recommendation,I am pleased to let you know that we will therefore publish it in the next issue of
NeuroReport to be compiled,There is no specific criticism of the paper and no requests of revision (and
this makes a most pleasant and unusual change from our routine; congratulations!).
A decision is not yet been made on the cover of the issue but we will take into consideration the figure that
you are offering for the purpose,If your picture is chosen (the chances are high),I will need an ad hoc
figure legend,that could be read and understood without direct reference to the paper itself; it could be
quite long,but it has to be extremely clear,Will you have a go at it?.
Thank you for sending this interesting paper to our Journal.
Kind regards.
Yours sincerely,
Giorgio Gabella,MD DSc
Editor in Chief
Localization of Kv subunits in
retinal amacrine cells
Cholinergic Dopaminergic
Kv 3.1b
Kv 4.3
2,由学生拟出答复意见 。
1,Zhang,D.Q,and Yang,X.L,(1998) GABA modulates color-opponent bipolar cells,Brain
2,Lu,T,Shen,Y,and Yang,X.L,(1998) Desensitization of AMPA receptors on horizontal cells isolated
from crucian carp retina,Neurosci Res.,31:123-135.
3,Shen,Y,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Zinc modulation of AMPA receptors may be relevant to splice
variants in carp retina,Neuroscience Lett.,259:177-180.
4,Shen,Y.,Lu,T,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Modulation of desensitization at glutamate receptors in
isolated crucian carp horizontal cells by concanavalin A,cyclothiazide,aniracetam and pepa.,
5,Zhang,D.Q.,Yang,R,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Suppression of sustained and transient on signals of
amacrine cells by GABA is mediated by different receptor subtypes,Science in China,Ser.C,42:395-
6,Zhang,J.and Yang,X.L.(1999) GABAb receptors in Muller cells of the bullfrog retina,NeuroReport,
7,Li,P.,Yang,X.L.(1999) Zn2+ differentially modulates glycine receptors versus GABA receptors in
isolated carp retinal third –order neurons,Neuroscience Lett.,269:75-78.
8,Han,M.H,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Zn2+ differentially modulates kinetics of GABAc vs GABAa
receptors in carp retinal bipolar cells,NeuroReport,10:2593-2597.
9,Yang,X.L,Gao,F,and Wu,S.M,(1999) Moduation of horizortal cell function by GABAa and
GABAc receptors in dark-and light-adapted tiger salamander retina,Visual Neuroscience,16:1-13.
Publications (1998~2004)
10,Yang,X.L,Shen,Y.,Han,M.H,and Lu,T,(1999) Physiological and Pharmacological
Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors in the Retina,Korean Journal
of Physiology and Pharmacology,3:461-469.
11,Du,J.L,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Retinal bipolar cell——A model for the study of
neuronal signal integration,Chinese Science Bulletin,44:1737-1743.
12,Yang,X.L.,Shen,Y,and Han,M.H.(1999) Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric receptors
and their characteristics in retina,Chinese Science Bulletin,44:1548-1556.
13,Yang,X.L,Gao,F,and Wu,S.M.(1999) Modulation of horizortal cell function by
GABAa and GABAc receptors in dark-and light –adapted tiger salamander retina,
Visual Neuroscience.1-13.
14,Shen,Y.,and Zhou,Y,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Characterization of AMPA receptors on
isolated amacrine-like cells in carp retina,Eur.J.Neurosci.,11:4233-4240,
15,Xu,H.P,and Yang,X.L,(1999) Differential modulation by GABA of signals from red
–and green –sensitive cones in the carp retina,Brain Res Bul,,51:493-497,
16,Zhao,J.W.,Du,J.L.,Li,J.S,and Yang,X.L.(2000) Expression of GABA transporters
on bullfrog retinal Müller cells,Glia 31:104-117
17,Du,J.L,and Yang,X.L,(2000) Subcellular localozation and complements of GABAA
and GABAc receptors on bullfrog retinal bipolar cells,J,Neurophysiol.,84:666-676
18,Xu,H.P,and Yang,X.L,(2000) Differential modulation by GABA of signals from red-and green-
sensitive cones in the carp retina,Brain Res Bull.,501:493-497
19,Han,M.H.,Shen,Y,and Yang,X.L,(2000) Differences in kinetics between GABAc and GABAA
receptors on carp retinal bipolar cells,Science in China (Ser.C),43:526-534.
20,Li,P,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Forskolin modulation of desensitization at GABAA and glycine
receptors is not mediated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase in isolated carp amacrine-like cells,
Pflüger Arch (Eur,J,Physiol.),441:739-745
21,Yang,X.L.,Li,P.,Lu,T.,Shen,Y.,and Han,M.H,(2001) Physiological and Pharmacological
Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors on Carp Retinal Neurons,Prog Brain Res.,
22,Xu,H.P.,Luo D.G,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Signals from cone photoreceptors to L-type horizontal
cells are differentially modulated by low calcium in carp retina,Eur.J.Neurosci.,13:1411-1419.
23,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Glutamate transporter EAAC1 is expressed on Müller cells of
lower vertebrate retinas,J Neurosci Res,66:89-95.
24,Luo,D.G,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Zn2+ differentially modulates signals from red- and short
wavelength-sensitive cones to horizontal cells in carp retina,Brain,Res.,900:95-102,
25,Li,G.L.,Li,P,and Yang,X.L,(2001) Melatonin modulates γ-amino-butyric acid receptor-
mediated currents on isolated carp retinal neurons,Neurosci Lett.,301,49-53,2001
26,Du,J,L.,Yang,X,L,(2002) Bullfrog retinal bipolar cells may express heterogeneous glycine
receptors at dendrites and axon terminals,Neuroscience Letters 322,177-181.
27,Yang,X.L.,Fan,G and Wu,S.M,(2002) Non-linear,high-gain and sustained –to-transient signal
transmisson from rods to amacrine cells in dark-adapted retina of Ambystoma,J,Physiol.,539,
28,Du,J,L.,Yang,X,L,(2002) Glycinergic synaptic transmission to bullfrog retinal bipolar cells is
29,Xu,H.P.,Zhao,J.W.,Yang,X.L,(2002) Expression of voltage-dependent calcium channel subunits in
the rat retina,Neurosci,Lett 1,329:297-300.
30,Luo,D.G.,Li,G.L and Yang,X.L (2002) Zn2+ modulates light responses of color-opponent bipolar
and amacrine cells in the carp retina,Brain Res,Bull.,58:461-468.
31,Xu,H,P.,Yang,X,L,(2002) Different effects of low Ca2+ on signal transmission from rods and cones
to bipolar cells in carp retina,Brain Res.,957:136-143.
32,Luo,D,G.,Yang,X.L,(2002) Suppression by zinc of transient OFF responses of carp amacrine cells
to red light is mediated by GABAA receptors,Brain Res.,958:222-226.
33,Du,J.L.,Xu,L.Y.,and Yang,X.L,(2002) Glycine receptors and transporters on bullfrog retinal
Müller cells,NeuroReport,13:1653-1656.
34,Xu,H.P.,Zhao,J.W and Yang,X.L,(2002) Cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells
differentially express calcium channel subunits in therat retina,118,763-768
34,Xu,H.P.,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Cholinergic and dopaminergic
amacrine cells differentially express calcium channel subunits in the rat retina.
35,Tian,M.,Chen,L.,Xie,J.X.,Yang,X.L,and Zhao,J.W,(2003) Expression
patterns of inwardly rectifying potassium channel subunits in rat retina,Neurosci
36,Tian,M.,Xie,J.X.,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Differential expression of
voltage-gated postssium channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic
amacrine cells in rat retina,NeuroReport,14:1763-1766
37,Li,G.L,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Glycinergic input to carp retinal ganglion cells
may be mediated by glycine receptors with homologous kinetics,Brain
38,Shen,Y,Zhang,A.J,and Yang,X.L,(2003) Uncoupling of horizontal cells alters
the receptive fields of retinal bipolar cells,NeuroReport,14:2159-2163
and Yang,X.L*.(2004) AMPA receptor is involved in transmission of cone signal to ON
bipolar cells in carp retina,Brain Res.,1002,86-93
40,Yang,X.L.,* (2004) Characterization of receptors for glutamate and GABA in retinal
neurons,Progress in Neurobiology,73:127-150
41,Cao,L.W.,Yu,Y.C.,Zhao,J.W.,and Yang,X.L,(2004) Expression of natriuretic
peptides in rat Muller cells,Neurosci,Lett,365:176-179
42,Chen,L.,Yu,Y.C.,Zhao,J.W and Yang,X.L* (2004) Inwardly rectifying potassium
channels in rat retinal ganglion cells,Eur,J,Neurosci.,20:956-964
43,Xu,L.Y.,Zhao,J.W,and Yang,X.L,* (2004) GLAST expression on bullfrog Muller cells
is regulated by dark/light,NeuroReport,(in press)
Thank you !