Silberschatz,Galvin,and Gagne?199911.1Applied Operating System Concepts
Module 11,File-System Interface( 文件系统接口)
File Concept( 文件概念)
Access Methods(存取方法)
Directory Structure (目录结构)
File-System Structure (文件系统结构)
Allocation Methods(分配方法)
Free-Space Management (自由空间管理)
Directory Implementation(目录实现)
Efficiency and Performance(效率和性能)
Silberschatz,Galvin,and Gagne?199911.2Applied Operating System Concepts
File Concept( 文件概念)
Contiguous logical address space(相邻的逻辑地址空间)
Types,( 类型)
– Data( 数据)
Numeric( 数字)
Character( 字符)
Binary( 二进制)
– Program( 程序)
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File Structure( 文件结构)
None - sequence of words,bytes( 顺序的字和字节)
Simple record structure( 简单的记录结构 )
– Lines ( 线性)
– Fixed length( 固定长度)
– Variable length( 可变长度)
Complex Structures( 复杂结构)
– Formatted document( 规格化的文档 )
– Relocatable load file( 可重定位文件 )
Can simulate last two with first method by inserting
appropriate control characters.
( 可以用第一个方法通过增加适当的控制字符来模拟后两种方法

Who decides( 需要决定)
– Operating system( 操作系统 )
– Program( 程序 )
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File Attributes( 文件属性)
Name – only information kept in human-readable form.
( 文件名,唯一的以人们可以理解的方式保存的信息 )
Type – needed for systems that support different types.
( 类型,需要可以支持多种类型的系统 )
Location – pointer to file location on device.
( 位置,指向文件在设备上的存储位置的指针 )
Size – current file size,( 大小,当前文件的大小)
Protection – controls who can do reading,writing,executing.
( 保护:控制对文件的读取,改写和执行的权限 )
Time,date,and user identification – data for protection,
security,and usage monitoring.( 时间,日期和用户身份:保护和安全需要的数据 )
Information about files are kept in the directory structure,which is
maintained on the disk.( 文件的信息保存在磁盘上的目录结构中 )
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File Operations( 文件操作)
Create( 创建 )
Write( 改写 )
Read( 读取 )
reposition within file – file seek( 重定位文件,文件搜索 )
Delete( 删除 )
Truncate( 截去 )
open( Fi) – search the directory structure on disk for entry
Fi,and move the content of entry to memory.
( 打开 ( Fi),在磁盘上的目录结构中搜寻 Fi的表项,然后把表项的内容移动到内存中 )
close ( Fi) – move the content of entry Fi in memory to
directory structure on disk.
( 关闭 ( Fi),把 Fi在内存中的表项内容移动到磁盘中 )
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File Types – name,extension
Ex ec uta b le exe,com,bin o r
no n e
rea d y - to - r un m ach i ne -
la n gu a ge pr og r am
Obje ct ob j,o comp lied,mac hi n e
la n gu a ge,no t linked
So urce co de c,p,pa s,17 7,
sou rce co de i n va rio us
la n gu a ge s
Ba tch ba t,sh comma n ds to the
comma n d in ter pre ter
T ex t tx t,do c tex tu al da t a d o cume nts
Word pro cess o r w p,t e x,rrf,etc,vari ou s w o rd - p roce ssor
Li bra r y li b,a li bra r ie s of rou t in es
Prin t or vie w ps,dvi,gi f ASCII or b in ar y f il e
Archi ve arc,zip,t ar rel ate d file s gr ou p ed
in to one f il e,so metime s
comp ress ed,
F i l e T yp e U su a l e x t e n si o n F u n ct i o n
Silberschatz,Galvin,and Gagne?199911.7Applied Operating System Concepts
Access Methods( 存取方法)
Sequential Access( 顺序存取 )
read next( 读下一个 )
write next ( 写下一个 )
reset( 复位 )
no read after last write( 未曾读取 )
( rewrite)
Direct Access( 直接存取 )
read n( 读第 n项 )
write n( 写第 n项 )
position to n( 移动位置到第 n项 )
read next( 读下一个 )
write next ( 写下一个 )
rewrite n( 重写第 n个 )
n = relative block number( n为相对块数 )
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Directory Structure( 目录结构)
A collection of nodes containing information about all files.
( 一个包含着所有文件信息的节点的集合 )
F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4
F n
Both the directory structure and the files reside on disk.( 目录结构和文件都在磁盘上 )
Backups of these two structures are kept on tapes.( 备份放在磁带上 )
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Information in a Device Directory
Name ( 名称 )
Type( 类型 )
Address ( 地址 )
Current length( 当前长度 )
Maximum length( 最大长度 )
Date last accessed ( for archival)( 最后访问时间 )
Date last updated ( for dump)( 数据最后更新时间 )
Owner ID ( who pays)( 所有者 ID)
Protection information ( discuss later)( 保护信息 )
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Operations Performed on Directory
Search for a file( 寻找一个文件 )
Create a file( 建立一个文件 )
Delete a file( 删除一个文件 )
List a directory(( 列出目录的列表 )
Rename a file( 重命名文件 )
Traverse the file system( 整体操作文件系统)
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Organize the Directory ( Logically) to Obtain
Efficiency – locating a file quickly.( 效率,快速的定位一个文件 )
Naming – convenient to users.( 命名,方便用户 )
– Two users can have same name for different files.
( 两个用户可以有相同名字的不同文件 )
– The same file can have several different names.
( 相同的文件可以有不同的名字 )
Grouping – logical grouping of files by properties,( e.g.,
all Pascal programs,all games,… )
( 分组,从逻辑上对文件按属性进行分组,比如所有的 Pascal程序,游戏 )
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Single-Level Directory( 单级目录)
A single directory for all users.( 一个对所有用户的简单目录结构 )
Naming problem( 命名问题 )
Grouping problem( 分组 )
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Two-Level Directory( 二级目录)
Separate directory for each user.( 每个用户有单独的目录结构

Path name( 路径名 )
Can have the same file name for different user( 不同的用户可以有相同
Efficient searching( 有效率的搜索 )
No grouping capability( 无法分组 )
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Tree-Structured Directories( 树型目录)
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Tree-Structured Directories ( Cont.)
Efficient searching( 有效的搜索 )
Grouping Capability( 分组的可能 )
Current directory ( working directory)( 当前目录 —工作目录

– cd /spell/mail/prog
– type list
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Tree-Structured Directories ( Cont.)
Absolute or relative path name( 绝对或相对路径名 )
Creating a new file is done in current directory.
( 建立新文件在当前路径下 )
Delete a file( 删除一个文件 )
rm <file-name>
Creating a new subdirectory is done in current directory.( 建立新子目录在当前路径下)
mkdir <dir-name>
Example,if in current directory /spell/mail
mkdir count
prog copy prt exp count
Deleting,mail”? deleting the entire subtree rooted by,mail”.
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Acyclic-Graph Directories( 无环图结构目录)
Have shared subdirectories and files.( 有共享的子目录和文件 )
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Acyclic-Graph Directories ( Cont.)
Two different names ( aliasing)( 别名,两个不同的名字 )
If dict deletes list? dangling pointer.
Solutions:( 解决方案 )
– Backpointers,so we can delete all pointers.
( 断点,我们可以删除所有的指针)
– Variable size records a problem.
( 可变大小记录问题)
– Backpointers using a daisy chain organization.
( 断点组织成菊花链的形式)
– Entry-hold-count solution.( 表项保留计数的解决)
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General Graph Directory( 普通图结构目录)
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General Graph Directory ( Cont.)
How do we guarantee no cycles?(如何保证无环)
– Allow only links to file not subdirectories.
– Garbage collection.(碎片收集)
– Every time a new link is added use a cycle detection
algorithm to determine whether it is OK.
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Protection( 保护)
File owner/creator should be able to control
– what can be done(去做什么)
– by whom(由谁来做)
Types of access(存取的类型)
– Read(读)
– Write(写)
– Execute(执行)
– Append(添加)
– Delete(删除)
– List(列表)
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Access Lists and Groups( 访问列表或分组)
Mode of access,read,write,execute访问模式:读写执行)
Three classes of users(三种类型的用户)
a) owner access (所有者) 7? 1 1 1
b) groups access(组用户) 6? 1 1 0
c) public access(公共用户) 1? 0 0 1
Ask manager to create a group ( unique name),say G,and
add some users to the group.(建立一个组,加入一些用户)
For a particular file ( say game) or subdirectory,define an
appropriate access.(对特定文件或目录,定义适当的访问)
owner group public
chmod 761 game
Attach a group to a file(加入组的信息到文件)
chgrp G game
Silberschatz,Galvin,and Gagne?199911.23Applied Operating System Concepts
File-System Structure( 文件系统结构)
File structure(文件结构)
– Logical storage unit(逻辑存储单元)
– Collection of related information(相关信息的集合)
File system resides on secondary storage ( disks),
(文件系统存在于辅助存储器中 —磁盘)
File system organized into layers.(文件系统按层组织)
File control block – storage structure consisting of
information about a file.
(文件控制块 FCB,由一个文件的相关信息组成的存储结构)
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Contiguous Allocation( 顺序分配)
Each file occupies a set of contiguous blocks on the disk.
Simple – only starting location ( block #) and length ( number of
blocks) are required.(简单:只需要起始块号和长度)
Random access.(可以随机存取)
Wasteful of space ( dynamic storage-allocation problem),
Files cannot grow.(文件不能增长)
Mapping from logical to physical.(从逻辑地址映射到物理地址)
– Block to be accessed = ! + starting address
– Displacement into block = R
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Linked Allocation( 链接分配)
Each file is a linked list of disk blocks,blocks may be
scattered anywhere on the disk.
pointerblock =
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Allocate as needed,link together; e.g.,file starts at block 9
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Linked Allocation ( Cont.)( 链接分配,续)
Simple – need only starting address( 简单:只需要起始地址)
Free-space management system – no waste of space
( 自由空间管理系统:没有磁盘空间浪费)
No random access( 无法随机存取)
Mapping( 映射)
– Block to be accessed is the Qth block in the linked chain
of blocks representing the file.
– Displacement into block = R + 1
File-allocation table ( FAT) – disk-space allocation used by
MS-DOS and OS/2.( 文件分配表:被 MS-DOS和 OS/2所采用)
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Indexed Allocation( 索引分配)
Brings all pointers together into the index block.
( 把所有的指针都一起放在索引块里)
Logical view.( 逻辑形式)
index table
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Example of Indexed Allocation( 索引分配的例子)
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Indexed Allocation ( Cont.)( 索引分配,续

Need index table( 需要索引表)
Random access( 随机存取)
Dynamic access without external fragmentation,but have
overhead of index block.( 可以动态存取而没有外部碎片)
Mapping from logical to physical in a file of maximum size of
256K words and block size of 512 words,We need only 1
block for index table.( 为了从逻辑映射到实际的文件系统,一个 256K字的文件,块为 512字,我们只需一个块作为索引表)
– Q = displacement into index table
– R = displacement into block
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Indexed Allocation – Mapping ( Cont.)
索引分配 —映射(续)
Mapping from logical to physical in a file of unbounded
length ( block size of 512 words),
( 无限长度的文件从逻辑向物理的映射)
Linked scheme – Link blocks of index table ( no limit on
size),( 链接策略 —把索引块链接起来)(没有长度限制)
LA / ( 512 x 511)
– Q1 = block of index table
– R1 is used as follows:
R1 / 512
– Q2 = displacement into block of index table
– R2 displacement into block of file:
Silberschatz,Galvin,and Gagne?199911.32Applied Operating System Concepts
Indexed Allocation – Mapping ( Cont.)
索引分配 —映射(续)
Two-level index ( maximum file size is 5123)( 两极索引)
LA / ( 512 x 512)
– Q1 = displacement into outer-index
– R1 is used as follows:
R1 / 512
– Q2 = displacement into block of index table
– R2 displacement into block of file:
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Indexed Allocation – Mapping ( Cont.)
索引分配 —映射(续)
外部索引 index
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Combined Scheme,UNIX ( 4K bytes per block)
联合策略,UNIX( 4K字节每个块)
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Free-Space Management( 自由空间管理)
Bit vector ( n blocks)( 位图)

0 1 2 n-1
bit[i] =

0? block[i] free
1? block[i] occupied
Block number calculation( 块数计算)
( number of bits per word) *
( 每个字的 bit数)
( number of 0-value words)
( 值为 0的字的个数)
offset of first 1 bit
第一个 bit的偏移量
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Free-Space Management ( Cont.)
Bit map requires extra space,Example( 位图需要额外空间)
block size = 212 bytes
disk size = 230 bytes ( 1 gigabyte)
n = 230/212 = 218 bits ( or 32K bytes)
Easy to get contiguous files ( 比较容易得到连续的文件)
Linked list ( free list)( 链接表 —自由空间表)
– Cannot get contiguous space easily( 得到连续空间困难)
– No waste of space( 没有浪费空间)
Grouping ( 分组)
Counting( 计数)
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Free-Space Management ( Cont.)
Need to protect:( 需要保护)
– Pointer to free list( 指向自由空间表的指针)
– Bit map( 位图)
Must be kept on disk( 必须保存在磁盘上)
Copy in memory and disk may differ.
( 内存中的拷贝可能和磁盘上的不同)
Cannot allow for block[i] to have a situation where
bit[i] = 1 in memory and bit[i] = 0 on disk.
( 磁盘上的值要和内存中的值相一致)
– Solution:( 解决方案)
Set bit[i] = 1 in disk.( 磁盘上设置为 1)
Allocate block[i]( 分配空间)
Set bit[i] = 1 in memory( 内存中设置为 1)
Silberschatz,Galvin,and Gagne?199911.38Applied Operating System Concepts
Directory Implementation( 目录实现)
Linear list of file names with pointer to the data blocks.
( 线性的文件名列表,包括指向数据块的指针)
– simple to program( 容易编程)
– time-consuming to execute( 耗 CPU的执行时间)
Hash Table – linear list with hash data structure.
( 哈希表 —有着哈希数据结构的线性表)
– decreases directory search time( 减少目录的搜索时间)
– collisions – situations where two file names hash to the
same location( 碰撞:两个名字映射到同样的位置)
– fixed size( 固定长度)
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Efficiency and Performance( 效率和性能)
Efficiency dependent on,( 效率取决于)
– disk allocation and directory algorithms
( 磁盘分配和目录算法)
– types of data kept in file’s directory entry
( 保存在文件目录项中的数据结构)
Performance( 性能)
– disk cache – separate section of main memory for
frequently sued blocks
( 磁盘高速缓存 —主存中用于存放经常访问块的单独区域)
– free-behind and read-ahead – techniques to optimize
sequential access
( free-behind&read-ahead,优化顺序存取的技术)
– improve PC performance by dedicating section of
memroy as virtual disk,or RAM disk.
( 改进 PC性能可以靠用内存来模拟磁盘,即 RAM)
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Various Disk-Caching Locations
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Recovery( 恢复)
Consistency checker – compares data in directory structure
with data blocks on disk,and tries to fix inconsistencies.
( 一致性检查:比较目录结构中的数据和磁盘块中的数据,尝试着去修正不一致)
Use system programs to back up data from disk to another
storage device ( floppy disk,magnetic tape),
( 应用系统程序来备份数据到其他的存储设备,软盘,磁带)
Recover lost file or disk by restoring data from backup.
( 通过从备份重建来恢复丢失的文件或磁盘)