All the codes are edited and tested by TeamWork410.
The codes are tested in BorlandC3.1 OR Visual C++6.0,There are
some difference between the two compilers,So,some codes should be
edited when being runned in VC or BC,We'll try our best to make the
codes to satisfy the both compilers.
If you have any question,please mail to uct in 9#BBS.
File Name format:
PXXX:code on Page.XXX
All the codes in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 are finished except:
One Bug in P294 modified.
p236-p242 (Binary Search ) Reason,It needs "Tree" in Chapter 6.
p279 (Kruskal Mini-Tree P190 Failed) Reason,It needs "MiniHeap" in Chapter 6.