Unit 6
Reading I Stamps and Postage Stamps
Stamps faithfully
reflect a nation’s
history and
Teaching Outline
? Pre-reading Questions
? Background Information
? Passage Analysis
° style and structure
° spelling
° word derivation
° language points
° useful expressions
Pre-reading Questions
? What is a stamp?
? Name some kinds of
stamps in the world.
? What do you know
about the famous British Stamp Act in 1765?
? Which kind of stamps is the most familiar to people
everywhere? What is its function?
? Who were called the father of the postage stamp?
Why were they so called?
? What can you usually see on a postage stamp?
? Can you tell something about the change of the
postage stamps of China?
Background Information
? About The Stamp Act
In 1765 the English
Parliament passed and act,
requiring the use in colonies
of stamped paper for
and legal documents,This
tax provoked anger and
violence,A serious riot
occurred in Boston,and the
government officials who
undertook to sell the
stamped paper were
attacked.Pauline Maier who was
strongly against the Act
Passage Analysis
Style, Exposition
Theme, The history and
evolution of stamps and
postage stamps
? Part 1,definition and
varieties of stamps
? Part 2,history of stamps
? Part 3,evolution of
stamps and
postage stamps
? emblem
? monarch
? issue
? gum
? affix
? indicate
? deed
? postage
? document
? impose
? liquor
? cigarette
? tobacco
? finance
? colonist
? purchase
? luxury
? commercial
? pamphlet
? revenue
? civilian
? adhesive
? effective
? transmission
? isolate
? device
? twopence
? mismanagement
? royal
? courier
? originate
? reform
? inaugurate
? Switzerland
? denomination Maps From Macow
? Postmaster
? provisional
Word Derivations
? document(n.)—documentary(adj.)
? luxury(n.)—luxurious(adj.)
? commerce(n.)—commercial(adj.)
? transmit(v.)—transmission(n.)
? require(v.)—requirement(n.)
? impose(n.)—imposition(n.)
? responsible(adj.)—responsibility(n.)
? divide(v.)—division(n.)
Language Points
?1,impose on, to establish ( an additional payment ) officially,征税等
?A new tax has been imposed on wines and tobaccos.
?The government would not dare to impose taxes on such necessities as
bread or milk.
?2,relating to, about
?He showed me all the documents relating to the matter.
?The government just passed a law relating to noise.
? 3…,by requiring that special internal revenue stamps be affix to… 表
示命令, 决定, 建议等词语之后的 that –分句中, 不管主语是什么人称, 动词
一律用原形 。 Verbs like this are,decide decree demand insist move
提议 order prefer propose request recommend suggest vote ect.
?He ordered that all the books be sent at once.
?She insisted that she go to the south for her holiday
?The teacher suggests that the boy make good use of his spare time,
Language Points(con.)
? 4.familiar to (with),
? The postage stamp is familiar to people all over the world.
? People all over the world are familiar with the postage stamp.
? 5.each bearing the likeness of the young Queen Victoria…
? ―bear‖ 具有, 上面有, 怀有
? Her face bore signs of tears.
? I bear hatred against no man.
? 6,… and abuse of the British postal system
?,abuse” (n,v) 滥用, 乱用
? Here are some recent abuses of the word.
? Borrowing money is an abuse of friendship.
? The privilege has been much abused.
? To abuse one’s authority,position,wealth,ect.
? 7,Chalmers originated the idea of… 创始
? He is credited with originated a new printing process
? Who originated this new style of dancing?
? 8..He inaugurated the penny post。
,inaugurate‖,开创, 使开始 。 (originate)
The city inaugurated a clean-air campaign.
Useful Expressions
? be affixed to
? revenue stamps印花税票
? impose on
? stamp tax(duty)印花税
? the American Revolution
? the Civil War
? internal revenue 国内税收
票 war savings stamps战
争储蓄票 fair division of
food and clothing make
an appearance postal rate
be responsible for base on
consist of be in use
? A Stamp From Hong Kong
? penny post( 便士邮政, 指旧
时无论邮件路程远近均收 1便
士 邮 资 的 邮 政 制 度 ) 。
Stamp Act:( see note 19 in
SB.印花税法:英政府 1765年
收直接税的法令, 规定殖民
加贴印花税票, 于 1766年被
迫废除 )
The end of
Reading I
Reading II Stamp Collecting
---a beneficial hobby
Teaching Outline
? Pre-reading Questions
? Language Study
? new words and spellings
? word derivation
? useful phrases
? language points
? Weekly Quiz
Pre-reading Questions
? How and where did
stamp-collecting begin
as a hobby?
? What famous people are
interested in stamp-
? Is stamp-collecting an
expensive hobby?
? How do stamps reflect a
country’s history and
? What do you know about
commemorative stamps?
Language Study
New words and spellings
? philately
? advertisement
? cancel
? mania
? favorite
? pastime
? estimate
? recreational
? equipment
? moderately
? album
? mount
? tweezers
? commemorative
? fascinating
? available
? custom
? accomplishment
? supplant
? concurrently
? tremendous
? specimen
? depicting
? instrument
? enthusiast
? locomotive
? violet
? assemble
Word Derivations
? estimate(v.) —estimation(n.)
? equip(v.) —equipment(n.)
? recreation(n.) —recreational(adj.)
? moderate(adj./v./n.) —moderation(n.)
? commemorate(v.) —commemoration(n.)
? fascinate(v.) —fascination(n.) —fascinating(adj.)
? accomplish(v.) —accomplishment(n.)
? concurrent(adj.) —concurrently(adv.) —concurrence(n.)
? enthuse(v.) —enthusiastic(adj.) —enthusiastically(adv.)
— enthusiasm(n.) —enthusiast(n,—person)
Useful Phrases
? off the press
? man of letters
? a pair of tweezers
? stamp mounts
? make note of
? mode of travel
? due to as a result Stamps of the faces of Beking Opera
? musical instruments (medical instruments )
? limit to
? narrow the field of interest
Language Points
? 1,be off press 刚刚印好
? The students got the key answers as soon as they were
off the press.
? I’ll let you have the materials when they are off the press.
? Go to press, (of a newspaper for any particular day)to
start being printed
? The newspaper goes to press at midnight.
? At (the ) press,=in (the) press, being printed
? He has already published three novels,and the fourth one
is in the press.
? 2,refer to, mention
? This author begins by referring to the early history of
? Don’t refer to this matter again.
? The speaker referred to his past experiences,
Language Points(con.)
? 3,estimate (vt)+n.
? It’s impossible to estimate his abilities yet.
? Estimate+ clause
? Weestimate it will take three months to cover this book.
? It is estimated that…
? It is estimated that 10 months will be needed for this project.
? 4,reflect 反映, 表现
? Their actions reflect their thoughts.
? The book reflects the author’s own thoughts on the matter.
? The play reflects the customs of the time.
? 5,favorite, sth or sb that is loved above all others 最喜欢的
? What’s your favorite sport /subject.
? His favorite newspaper was the Times.
? favorable,(of a message,answer,ect ) saying what one wants
to hear.有利的, 良好的, 可喜的
? The doctor gave a very favorable report on my health.
? The movie received a favorable review.
? The weather is favorable for a picnic.
Weekly Quiz
? Spelling check
? Word derivation
? Translation
A Stamp From France
Thanks for your presence!
And hope you enjoy your
spare time!