Quiz 8 Name _________ Class __________ Score __________ Part I. Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with the words or expressions from this unit that best keep the original meaning. 1. My remark pertained to your earlier comments. ( ) 2. This child impressed me as unusually mature. ( ) 3. My boss and I get along very well. ( ) 4. You are worthy of a promotion after all the hard work you have done. ( ) 5. She felt the heat when she got out of the car. ( ) 6. "Did you work out the meaning of the poem?" ( ) 7. It is evident in all but one case that all these sorts of movement are clear each from each. ( ) 8. People who continually experience daydreams of this kind tend to be full of self-doubt. ( ) 9. The supermarket's selection of vegetables changes according to the season. ( ) 10. The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun. ( ) 11. He was able to start his old job again. ( ) 12. We went on our talk until well past midnight. ( ) 13. The newspaper uncovered the President's illegal dealings. ( ) 14. We disrupt the program for the following messages. ( ) 15. Mirabel, on his social side, is a(n) resistless companion. ( ) Part II. Make sentences with following expressions and structures 1. 看着这台新机器,我们的相比之下显得老式过时了。 2. 当他在集中注意力思考问题的时候不要打扰他。 3. 除了只知道大概要离开三个月以外,对于这次会议他一无所知。 4. 不管她怎么说玛丽坚持星期一出发。 Part III. Translate the following into Chinese. 1. It was some time before I figured out why they all wore hats. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Suddenly you are startled back to reality. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Her view suggests that daydreaming and fantasy can be a constructive way of providing relief from everyday reality, as well as a means of reducing internal tension and external aggression. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. The third pattern of daydreams identified involves a range of positive and accepting feelings. _____________________________________________________________________