Unit 2 Iron Deficiency
新 视野 大学英语第三册电子教案
? 1,Are you iron deficient?
? 2,How would you know?
b,have reduced ability to exercise.
c,have poor stamina
d,get frequent infections
e,are lethargic
Lead-in Questions
? 3,The cause of Iron Deficiency
a,Not eating enough iron foods.
b,Increased demand for iron,
? 4,What’s the use of iron to human being?
a,To carry oxygen around the body.
b,Ensuring a healthy immune system
c,Making energy.
? 5,Not all Iron is the same.
a,Haem iron
b,non-haem iron
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,
This is a multidisciplinary journal featuring original
investigations,clinical studies,and comprehensive
reviews on current topics in sports medicine and
exercise science,With this multidisciplinary journal,
exercise physiologists,physiatrists,physical
therapists,team physicians and athletic trainers get
a vital exchange of information from basic and
applied science,medicine,education,and allied
health fields.
The Background Information
Digestive system:
The digestive system is a
series of hollow organs joined
in a long,twisting tube from
the mouth to the anus,Inside
this tube is a lining called the
mucosa,In the mouth,stomach,
and small intestine,the mucosa
contains tiny glands that
produce juices
to help digest food,
? Part 1,The central topic is exercise,even
moderate exercise,may lead to reduced
iron in the blood of women.( Para.1-3)
① endurance athletes
② women starters of a program of moderate
exercise showing evidence of iron loss.
③ New exercisers with the normal diet showing
a decrease in iron levels.
The structure of the passage:
? Part 2,The causes of iron deficiency.
( Para.4-6)
P4,The general causes of ID:
① the monthly bleeding is a major source of
iron loss.
② rejecting red meat for health-conscious.
③ women may not consume enough iron-rich
food for controlling weight.
? P5&P6,deal with two specific cause.
? Part 3,What are the symptoms of ID and how
to improve it.( Para,7-12)
? P7&P8,tell us there are 3 stages of ID and if
you?re in stage 3,you are in trouble.
① having low iron reserves,having no typical symptoms.
② Fatigue and poor performance.
③ Weak,tired and out of breath.
P9,One way to check the iron storage in the blood.
P10-12,Suggest specific ways of correct iron deficiency
① adding more iron-rich foods to diet
② selecting food with,iron-added”labels,using iron
pans and avoiding coffee or tea with meals.
③ paying attention to warning signs of iron deficiency.
? Long distance
runners need
great endurance.
很大的耐力 。
Endurance:n.忍耐 (力 ),持久 (力 ),耐久 (性 )
? There is a lot of evidence
that stress is partly
responsible for disease.
? 有很多证据表明, 压力
是致病的部分原因 。
? There is no material
evidence.没有物证 。
? A smile gives evidence of
her consent.
? 微笑表明她同意。
evidence:n.明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据,[物 ]证据,证物
? The doctor reads
the Journal of
Medical Science.
? 这位医生在阅读, 医
学科学, 杂志。
The children were bouncing a
Just at the moment his
brother bounced into the
He is young enough to
bounce back from this
Bounce:v.(使 )反跳,弹起,弹跳,n.(球)跳起;弹回
? The two balls are 30cm and
? She gave beer to the man
and a toy to the baby,
? Their sons,Tom and Jack,
were 3 and 6 respectively.
? respective a.分别的,各自的
? respectful a.恭敬的,有礼貌

? respectable a.可敬的,有名
The ratio of r to s is 0.618.
The ratio of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1.
The bottom chart shows the ratio
of personal debt to personal
The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6.
the proportion of births to the
The proportion of men to women
in the population is out of
balance in China.
ratio:n,relation between two amounts expressed
by dividing one by the other 比,比率,
up to 100 men可达一百人
Everyone works,from the
lift boy up to the
Up to now,he did not
realized his mistakes,到
Up to,as far as; to and including(数目)到 … 之多,直到
3 plus 6 is 9.
They will pay about $675
million plus interest.
The cost is a pound plus 10
pence for portage.
This work needs intelligence
plus experience
Her mark was B plus。
她的分数 B+。
the plus sign正号
Plus,prep.&adj.&n.加;加上,和 ;正的 ;加号,正号
be restricted in one's
be restricted by time[law]
受时间 [法律 ]限制
Discussion at the meeting is
restricted to the agenda.

to restrict oneself to two
cigarettes a day限制每天吸
Restrict vt,keep within limits限制 ; 约束 ; 制 [禁 ]止
The boy is liable to catch
He is liable to shout when
It is liable to rain.要下雨。
He is liable to come today.
Liable,likely esp,from habit or tendency.易于,..的,
有,..倾向的 (to),大概,可能的
A basic grain allowance.
Most of our flights have a
luggage allowance of 20kg
per passenger.
travelling allowance出差津贴
an allowance of $10000 a
year每年补助 1 万美元
My monthly allowance is 50 ¥
我每月的津贴是 50元。
Allowance,n,amount of sth,(money,etc,)allowed to sb,
Regularly.定量分配,给与额 ;津贴,补助,零用钱
Snow is a natural phenomenon,
Single parents should not be
regarded simply as a social
ageing phenomenon老化现象
climatic phenomenon气候现象
psychological phenomenon
surface -phenomena表面现象
Phenomenon:(pl.phenomena) 现象
Has Edward calculated the
From the table you can ~
the total profit we made
this month.
Did you ~ the cost? Yes,I
calculated that it would
cost $500,
Calculate,v.计算,考虑,计划,打算 v.<美 >以为,认为
These plans must be
modified if they are to be
used successfully.
The military training
program has been
modified to the benefits of
the students.
Which part does the word
Adjectives modify nouns.
Modify,vt.更改,修改 v.修改,(语法)修饰,限制(意义)
derive knowledge from books
Many English words are derived from Latin.
He is one of those people who can derive
pleasure from helping others.
Derive from,obtain from,come from得到,来自;源自;出自
I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your
Don?t interfere with him,He?s preparing for the final
This noise interferes with my work.
interfere in sb.?s private affairs干涉某人的私事
Don?t interfere in matters that don?t concern you,
Interfere with,干扰,妨碍
Interfere in:干涉,干预,
? Remedy an injustice
/ a fault / a loss
? A great deal has been
done internationally to
remedy the situation in the
Middle East.
? The law provides no
remedy for this injustice.
? The remedy lies in the
hands of the government,
Remedy vt.&n,n.药物,治疗法,补救,赔偿
Ⅵ, Writing
Effects of Sth,On Sb,/ Sth,Else
The Effects of Exercise on Our Health
Reference model:
The Effects of Exercise on Our Health
1) As is known to all,exercise does bring a lot
of benefits to our health,2) First,it can greatly
strengthen our hearts,lungs,bones and muscles,
thereby changing our whole health for the
better,3) Besides,it can make our brains better
able to react to what is going on around us,4)
And best of all,it can help us breed optimism
about our tough life.
5) But all the above does not mean that we can
turn a blind eye to the negative effects exercise
brings about,6) If you are normally inactive and
then,contrary to your usual habit,start a
program of undue exercise,as a succession of
scientific studies reveals,there are more chances
that you have yourself injured,7) In addition,
the more exercise those on a fat-reducing diet
take,the more loss of iron they will suffer and
the worse their health will get,8) And
worst of all,continual as well as excessive
exercise can result in sudden death,
9) Therefore,a scientific approach must be
adopted to the problem of exercise,10) On the
one hand,our physical exercise must be based on
both progressiveness and regularity,11) On the
other,we must go in for physical exercise
according to local as well as health conditions of
our own,12) In sum,exercise can do us good or
harm,all depending on how we make use of it.