Methods for Protein Structure Prediction Homology Modeling & Fold Recognition Next time: Ab Initio Prediction 7.91 Amy Keating Review - Homology Modeling ? Identify a protein with similar sequence for which a structure has been solved (the template) ? Align the target sequence with the template ? Use the alignment to build an approximate structure for the target ? Fill in any missing pieces ? Fine-tune the structure ? Evaluate success An excellent review: Marti-Renom et al. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 29 (2000): 291-325. these numbers are from an entirely automated process - can do better with manual intervention Marti-Renom et al. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 29 (2000): 291-325. Courtesy of Annual Reviews Nonprofit Publisher of the Annual Review of TM Series. Used with permission. Homology Modeling on a Genomic Scale ? Requires automation – Can’t choose templates or fine-tune the alignment by hand! ? MODBASE and 3D-CRUNCH ? Automatic assessment is critical - how reliable is the model? One approach to assessment Want to compute the probability that a prediction is good, based on properties of the model For a given score of the model (e.g. Q-score - more on this later), use a training set of known examples, together with Bayes’ rule P(A|B) = P(A ^ B)/P(B) = P(A)P(B|A)/{P(A)P(B|A) + P(!A)P(B|!A)} Assume probability of a good vs. a bad model is the same, i.e. P(A) = P(!A) where A = good model; !A = bad model; B = Q-score P(good|Q-score) = P(Q-score|good)/{P(Q-score|good) + P(Q-score|bad)} Prob. Q-score good models bad models Sanchez, R, and A Sali. "Large-scale Protein Structure Modeling of The Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Genome." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 95, no. 23 (10 November 1998): 13597-602. MODBASE ? 733,239 sequences & 7,120 non-redundant structures ? Fold Assignments (by PSI-BLAST) ? Reliable fold assignments: 827,007 for 413,311 sequences ? Average folds per sequence: 2.0 ? Average length of queries: 511 amino acids ?Average length of folds: 229 amino acids ? Comparative Models (by MODELLER) ? Reliable models 547,473 ? Sequences with reliable models: 327,393 (59%) ? Structures used as templates: 6.366 (89%) For a reliable fold assignment, PSI-BLAST E value < 0.0001 OR a reliable model. For a reliable model, 30% of Cα atoms superpose within 3.5? of their correct positions Example You’ve just cloned a new gene from Pombe - look it up in ModBase ? putative galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase (GenBank accession # 3006192) Pieper, Ursula, Narayanan Eswar, Ashley C. Stuart, Valentin A. Ilyin, and Andrej Sali. "MODBASE, A Database of Annotated Comparative Protein Structure Models." Nucl. Acids Res. 30 (2002): 255-259. Model of new POMBE gene TEMPLATE = 1HCL TARGET PDB ID: 1HCL Schulze-Gahmen, U., J. Brandsen, H. D. Jones, D. O. Morgan, L. Meijer, J. Vesely, and S. H. Kim. "Multiple Modes of Ligand Recognition: Crystal Structures of Cyclin-dependent Protein Kinase 2 in Complex with ATP and Two Inhibitors, Olomoucine and Isopentenyladenine." Proteins 22 (1995): 378. The Protein Data Bank (PDB - is the single worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data. Berman, H. M., J. Westbrook, Z. Feng, G. Gilliland, T. N. Bhat, H. Weissig, I. N. Shindyalov, and P. E. Bourne. The Protein Data Bank. Nucleic Acids Research 28 (2000): 235-242. (PDB Advisory Notice on using materials available in the archive: The CASP contests ? Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction ? Began in 1994 (CASP1) ? Held every two years ? Experimentalists submit target sequences ? Predictors submit and rank blind predictions ? Assessors develop criteria to judge success ? A meeting is held to discuss the results and a journal issue (of PROTEINS) is published to describe them ? In theory, this identifies the problem areas and people go back and work on them for the next round of CASP CASP4 Target T0111 1. Protein Name Example of a CASP target enolase 2. Organism Name Escherichia coli 3. Number of amino acids (approx) 431 4. Accession number P08324 5. Sequence Database Swiss-prot 6. Amino acid sequence SKIVKIIGREIIDSRGNPTVEAEVHLEGGFVGMAAAPSGASTGSREALEL RDGDKSRFLGKGVTKAVAAVNGPIAQALIGKDAKDQAGIDKIMIDLDGTE NKSKFGANAILAVSLANAKAAAAAKGMPLYEHIAELNGTPGKYSMPVPMM NIINGGEHADNNVDIQEFMIQPVGAKTVKEAIRMGSEVFHHLAKVLKAKG MNTAVGDEGGYAPNLGSNAEALAVIAEAVKAAGYELGKDITLAMDCAASE FYKDGKYVLAGEGNKAFTSEEFTHFLEELTKQYPIVSIEDGLDESDWDGF AYQTKVLGDKIQLVGDDLFVTNTKILKEGIEKGIANSILIKFNQIGSLTE TLAAIKMAKDAGYTAVISHRSGETEDATIADLAVGTAAGQIKTGSMSRSD RVAKYNQLIRIEEALGEKAPYNGRKEIKGQA 7. Additional Information oligomerization state: dimer in the presence of magnesium by dynamic light scattering and small angle x-ray solution scattering and in the recently solved crystal structure. 8. Homologous Sequence of known structure yes 9. Current state of the experimental work Structure solved by molecular replacement. Currently, the refinement to 2.5 A resolution is near completion. Current Rfree 27 % ; R 22 % BLAST target T0111 against the PDB >gi|1311141|pdb|1PDZ| Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Enolase; Chain: Null; Synonym: 2-Phospho-D-Glycerate Dehydratase; Ec:; Heterogen: Phosphoglycolate; Heterogen: Mn 2+ gi|1311142|pdb|1PDY| Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Enolase; Chain: Null; Synonym: 2-Phospho-D-Glycerate Dehydratase; Ec: Length = 434 Score = 384 bits (987), Expect = e-107 Identities = 220/432 (50%), Positives = 280/432 (63%), Gaps = 16/432 (3%) Query: 3 IVKIIGREIIDSRGNPTVEAEVHLEGGFVGMAAAPSGASTGSREALELRDGDKSRFLGKG 62 I K+ R I DSRGNPTVE +++ G AA PSGASTG EALE+RDGDKS++ GK Sbjct: 3 ITKVFARTIFDSRGNPTVEVDLYTSKGLF-RAAVPSGASTGVHEALEMRDGDKSKYHGKS 61 Query: 63 VTKAVAAVNGPIAQALI--GKDAKDQAGIDKIMIDLDGTENKSKFGANAILAVSLANAKA 120 V AV VN I +I G Q D+ M LDGTENKS GANAIL VSLA KA Sbjct: 62 VFNAVKNVNDVIVPEIIKSGLKVTQQKECDEFMCKLDGTENKSSLGANAILGVSLAICKA 121 Query: 121 AAAAKGMPLYEHIAELNGTPGKYSMPVPMMNIINGGEHADNNVDIQEFMIQPVGAKTVKE 180 AA G+PLY HIA L + +PVP N+INGG HA N + +QEFMI P GA + E Sbjct: 122 GAAELGIPLYRHIANL-ANYDEVILPVPAFNVINGGSHAGNKLAMQEFMILPTGATSFTE 180 Query: 181 AIRMGSEVFHHLAKVLKAK-GMN-TAVGDEGGYAPNLGSNAEALAVIAEAVKAAGYELGK 238 A+RMG+EV+HHL V+KA+ G++ TAVGDEGG+APN+ +N +AL +I EA+K AGY GK Sbjct: 181 AMRMGTEVYHHLKAVIKARFGLDATAVGDEGGFAPNILNNKDALDLIQEAIKKAGYT-GK 239 etc… Best prediction for T0111 at CASP4 superimposed with the real structure For a description of results from CASP 4 homology modeling, see… Tramontano, A, R Leplae, and V Morea. "Analysis and Assessment of Comparative Modeling Predictions in CASP4." Proteins Suppl 5 (2001): 22-38. Progress in Comparative Modeling Methods have not advanced significantly from CASP1 to CASP5 More template structures are available More sequences are available to help alignment More remotely related sequences can be detected using PSI-BLAST No new good solutions to the alignment OR refinement problem The fold recognition/threading approach to protein structure prediction OBSERVATION: there appear to be a limited number of protein folds (~1,000?) Instead of having to predict protein structure “from scratch”, maybe we can just pick the correct answer out of a finite list This can be done using sequence-based techniques, or by “threading” the sequence onto different templates in turn, and evaluating how good a match each one is Fold recognition or threading Target = SHPALTQLRALRYCKEIPALDPQLLDWLLLEDSMTKRFEQQ… Library of possible folds (these have known sequences AND structures): Sequence-structure alignment Target = SHPALTQLRALRYCKEIPALDPQLLDWLLLEDSMTKRFEQQ… = t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 …t n C Sequence for known fold = s 1 s 2 s 3 s 4 s 5 …s n Positions for known fold = p 1 p 2 p 3 p 4 p 5 …p n N How do you align the target sequence to the structure? S H P A L T Q L… Linking the sequence to structural properties by 3D-1D comparison ? Describe the structure by a sequence of terms representing the structural environment of each residue area buried f r a c t i o n p o l a r E –How buried it is P 1 B –Polar/non-polar nature of the environment –Local secondary structure 1 6 x 3 environment classes P 2 B 3 B 2 Bowie & Eisenberg, Science (1991) 253, 164-170 Different amino acids prefer different environments ? Quantify preference of each amino acid type for each environment using statistical preferences (log odds score) score ij = ln ? ? ? P( j _in _ environment _ i ? ? ? ? P( j_ in _ any _ environment ? environment Trp Phe Tyr … class B1α 1.00 1.32 0.18 … B1β 1.17 0.85 0.07 … … Make a scoring matrix = 3D profile fold position environ. class Trp Phe Tyr … gap 1 B1b 1.17 0.85 0.07 … 200 2 E loop -2.14 -1.90 -0.94 … 2 and use it to align the sequence to the environment string using dynamic programming target seque n ce p 1 p 2 p 3 p 4 p 5 p 6 p 7 environment class t 1 . . . t 2 t 3 t 4 … Fold recognition by 3D-1D ? Compare the target sequence alignment to the template against a large number of other possible sequences score?< score > Z = score σ ? Z-scores > 7 represent a good match Improvements to 3D-1D scoring ? Better to use more classes - this is possible now that we have a lot more structural data ? Incorporate predicted properties of the target (i.e. 2° structure) ? H3P2 uses 5 scoring dimensions – 3 for the fold ? 7 residue classes ? 3 secondary structures ? 2 burial groups – 2 for the sequence ? 7 residues classes ? Predicted secondary structure ? 7x3x2x7x3 = 882 different elements in the scoring matrix ? Derive values for the matrix from 119 structurally similar pairs with < 30% sequence identity H3P2 method: Rice & Eisenberg J. Mol. Bio. (1997) 267, 1026 Fold recognition by 3D-1D alignment Advantages Disadvantages Fold recognition by 3D-1D alignment Advantages Disadvantage -fast O(mn) - incorporates structural information - reasonable performance - assumes independence of positions -assumes conservation of environment Useful both for fold recognition and for structure assessment (e.g. of predicted or experimental structures) Incorporating position-dependence ? Score based on a pair-wise contact potential Score = ∑∑ score(i, j) i j>i score(i, j) = f( p i , p j ,t ,t ) r i r j t r i is the amino acid from the target sequence that is mapped to structure position i N C Knowledge-based contact potentials ? Use observed frequencies in the pdb to compute scores Example Define a contact as occurring if 2 residues are < 6 ? apart (Cα-Cα distance) ? P(i, j | contact ) ? score(i, j) =?ln? ? ? normalization ? Normalization based on the expected rate of seeing i and j in contact, given no interaction between the two. Knowledge-based threading potentials ? Some statistical potentials include a distance- dependence ? score( aa i ,aa j , r ij ,d ij ) =?ln ? ? ? f (aa i ,aa j ,r ij ,d ij ) ? ? f(r ij ,d ij ) ? ? At d ij = 4 compare potentials for potential density Ala-Val Ala-Pro no a-helices good a-helices Separation (?) Separation (?) Sippl J. Mol. Bio. (1990) 213, 859; Jones et al. Nature (1992) 358, 86 Pros and cons of contact potentials Pros and cons of contact potentials ? Fast to compute ? Not sensitive to details of structure ? Can use even for low-resolution experimental structures ? Don’t require accurate description of physics ? Have proven to be quite sensitive to quality of structure ? Don’t represent physical potentials well ? Tend to capture mostly H/P patterning effects ? Artifacts: +/+, +/- and -/- are similarly good at distances > 4? since they are often all found on the surface Using contact potentials for threading or structure evaluation Sippl defined a “polyprotein” of 230 proteins of known structure fused together with reasonable geometry Slide the target sequence along the polyprotein and compute a Z-score; normalize somehow for the length score?< score > Z = score σ This is the Q-score used by ModBase to compute model reliability. It is independent of the scoring functions used to build the models. Problem with using contact potentials for threading ? The contacts depend on the alignment ? The alignment depends on the contacts To calculate the score for putting a residue in a certain position, you need to know what residues are in other positions. These aren’t yet determined! Performing an alignment using a pairwise scoring function while allowing variable-length gaps is an NP-hard problem - it can’t be solved in polynomial time What to do? ? Put limits on gap lengths and positions (e.g. don’t allow gaps in core secondary structure elements) ? Use heuristics Example: in the “frozen” approximation you first use the template sequence to compute the scores at each position In subsequent iterative rounds you use the residue that was there in the last round of alignment new A L E P R M K E S A A gap E S K template structure sequence Godzik et al. J. Mol. Bio. (1992) 227, 227-238 Fold recognition performance - CASP4 ?Two tasks – Find the correct fold – Align the target to the template ? Difficulty is correlated with how similar the best template is to the target and how similar the target sequence is to a template sequence ? For the best groups, they usually recognize the correct fold (or something close) ? For the worst groups performance is terrible (worse than the performance of automated servers) ? For all groups, alignment is A HUGE PROBLEM!! Sippl et al. PROTEINS (2001) Suppl. 5, 55-67 Fold recognition performance CASP4 VERY POOR GOOD (but only 9% residues correctly aligned) EXCELLENT (46% residues correctly aligned) Please see Sippl, MJ, P Lackner, FS Domingues, A Prlic, R Malik, A Andreeva, and M Wiederstein. "Assessment of The CASP4 Fold Recognition Category." Proteins Suppl 5 ( 2001): 55-67. Fold recognition at CASP4 Scale: 1 = found somewhat related fold 2 = found right fold 3 = right fold, poor alignment 4 = SUPER! (still, alignment accuracy ~40%) Average performance over targets: Homolog analog new fold (sim. struct. & funct. in pdb) (sim. struct in pdb) (part of struct in pdb) 3.7 2.6 1.7 2.5 0.8 0.9 First line: “virtual predictor” averages best score from any group Second line: average for best group Sippl et al., PROTEINS (2001) 5, 55-67 BEST TEMPLATE 12.7% seq ID TARGET BEST PREDICTION Please see Kinch, LN, JO Wrabl, SS Krishna, I Majumdar, RI Sadreyev, Y Qi, J Pei, H Cheng, and NV Grishin. "CASP5 Assessment of Fold Recognition Target Predictions." Proteins 53, Suppl 6 (2003): 395-409. Assessment criteria at CASP Complicated area of research - makes it hard to follow progress in the field as the criteria keep changing Recent consensus that GDT-TS is a good measure GDT-TS = 1/4(N1 + N2 + N3 + N4) N1 = max # residues alignable to w/in 1 ? rms N2 = 2 ? N3 = 4 ? N4 = 8 ? Please see Venclovas, C, A Zemla, K Fidelis, and J Moult. "Assessment of Progress over The CASP Experiments." Proteins 53, Suppl 6 (2003): 585-95. Target Difficulty Fold recognition at CASP5 Fold recognition performance in CASP5 improved primarily because of the use of “metaservers” Metaservers collect predictions from other methods and combine them in different ways (e.g. using neural networks) Some metaservers: 3D SHOTGUN PCONS Fold recognition on a genome-wide scale ? Want to annotate various proteomes for structure and function ? The threading methods are too slow and require too much human intervention for genome-wide applications ? Sequence-based methods have gotten very good ? Adding structural information helps in detecting remote homologies Programs for genome-wide fold recognition ? GenThreader – Build a structure-based sequence alignment from all the fold templates – Align the target to the profile (sequence alignment, like PSI-BLAST) – Score the alignment using a threading potential ? E(aa i ,aa ,d i ) =?ln ? ? f(aa i ,aa j ,r ij ,d ij ) ? E environ (a i ) =?ln( f ai (burial ) )j ? ? f (r ij , d ij ) ? ? f(burial ) – Get out several measures of success: ? Alignment score, alignment length, target length, template length, pairwise threading score, environment threading score – Feed these to a neural network to get a single indicator of the quality of the model Performance of GenThreader ? Benchmark on 68 protein pairs with < 18.9% sequence identity from FSSP (remember DALI…) ? 73.5% of matches made correctly – Best sequence-based methods in 1999 got 63% ? Low false positive rate - good indication of confidence ? 46.2% of residues correctly aligned when fold was correct ? Mycoplasma genitalium genome (1999) – Provided some annotation for 46% of proteins in the genome (30% of amino acids) Jones, David T. "GenTHREADER: An Efficient and Reliable Protein Fold Recognition Method for Genomic Sequences1." Journal of Molecular Biology 287, no. 4 (9 April 1999): 797-815.