Environmental Geology
主讲人,万新南 教授
Prof,Wan xinnan
? Plate Tectonics
? Geologic Tectonics
? Earthquake
? Tsunamis海啸 and Coastal Flooding
Oft the teeming浇铸 earth①
Is with a kind of colic pinch'd挤压 and vex'd烦恼
By the imprisoning of unruly wind
Within her womb发源地 ; which for enlargement striving抗争
Shakes the old bedlam疯人院 earth and topples down
Steeples教堂尖塔 and moss苔 -grown towers.
William Shakespeare
“This earthquake is not a new thing,” replied
Pangloss.,The town of Lima felt the same
shocks in America last year,similar causes
produce similar effects; there must certainly be
a train of sulfur underground from Lima to
Lisbon..,all this is for the best.”②
Epicenter震中 and Focus震源,
When an earthquake occurs,seismic waves travel in all
directions from the focus,the region where the earthquake's
energy originates,The foci焦距、震源 of most earthquakes are
concentrated in the earth's crust,which is about 50 km thick
under continents,Earthquakes are classified according to focal
depths a) 0-60 km are shallow,b) 60-300 km are intermediate,
and c) deep earthquakes may reach depths of 700 km,The
epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the earth's surface
directly above the focus.,
Epicenter震中 and Focus震源, (中国人发明的地震仪)
The scientific study of earthquakes began with the Chinese as
early as 132 A.D,Chang Heng,a Chinese astronomer and
mathematician,invented an earthquake weathercock风标,an
instrument consisting of an array of loosely held balls in the
mouths of eight dragons facing at angles of 45° from one
another,An internal mechanism,activated by even a slight
tremor,opened the mouth of a dragon,releasing a ball which
fell into the open mouth of a toad蟾蜍 below,sounding an alarm,
The direction of the earthquake could be determined by the
orientation of the empty-mouthed dragon..
Epicenter震中 and Focus震源,
Until the 18th century,few factual descriptions of
earthquakes were recorded,and the natural cause of
earthquakes was unknown,One popular theory in the
Dark Ages was that earthquakes were cause by air
rushing out of caverns deep in the interior,Most
earthquakes occur along the edge of the Pacific
Ocean and in other tectonically active areas,The
epicenters outline the moving lithospheric plates
Epicenter震中 and Focus震源,
An earthquake is frightening as well as destructive,Most people who have
lived in California a long time have felt an earthquake,I was in the Army in
1961,stationed at Fort Ord,CA,when at 11:23 P.M,on April 18,the earth
moved,My three-story barracks兵营 was shaken in such a way that it
caused all the beds to vibrate up and down,The lights were turned on and
we could see the ceiling and floor moving laterally,The vertical columns
were tilting back and forth,and it seemed there was a possibility that the
entire barracks could collapse,The trembling lasted for a few seconds; then
a minute later the process repeated,Many soldiers slept out on the lawn for
the rest of the night! The earthquake was magnitude 5.6,and the epicenter
was 30 km away.
6 Intensity震强
The intensity of an earthquake is based on
observed effects of ground shaking on people,
buildings,and natural features,Intensity varies
from place to place within the affected region,
depending on the distance from the epicenter
and the type of bedrock.
Intensity is expressed by the Modified Mercalli
Scale,a subjective measure which describes
the severity of earthquake effects at a
particular location,The Modified Mercalli Scale
(Table 1) is composed of 12 increasing levels
of severity that range from imperceptible难查觉
shaking to catastrophic destruction (designated
by Roman numerals I-XII).There is no real
mathematical basis for earthquake intensity;
instead,it is a ranking based on effects as
observed people.
Table 1 Modified Mercalli Scale of Earthquake
Intensity ( Scale Description)
Ⅰ, Not felt except by a very few under especially
favorable conditions.
Ⅱ, Felt only by a few persons at rest,especially on
upper floors of buildings.
Ⅵ, Felt by all,many frightened,Some heavy furniture
moved; a few instances of fallen plaster,Damage slight.
Ⅹ, Some well-built wooden structures destroyed;
most masonry石砌 and frame structures destroyed
with foundations,Rails bent.
Ⅻ, Damage total,Lines of sight and level are distorted,
Objects thrown into the air.
Seismic Waves:
seismic waves radiating
from the focus can be
recorded by an
instrument called a
seismograph 地震仪
which produces a record
known as a seismogram.
Seismograms give data
on the time,epicenter,
and focal depth of an
earthquake,and can
provide estimates of the
amount of energy that
was released.
地 震 波 的 纪 录 Nearly all
seismographs use a heavy mass in
suspension so that its inertia 惯量
keeps it at rest while the earth is
displaced (Fig.11.5),Displacement of
north-south,east-west,and vertical
are usually made,using both short
and long period displacement.
Commonly the seismogram is made
by a light beam projected onto
photosensitive感光 paper,so that the
actual earth displacement is
magnified by about 800×, Fig.11.6 is
a seismogram of the 1939 Turkey
Earthquake magnitude 幅度 and intensity 强度, The magnitude of an
earthquake as devised发明 by Richter (1935) is a parameter that is quantitatively
determined from a seismogram,Specifically,magnitude (M) is defined as the
log10 of the amplitude振幅 in microns (10-3 mm) of the largest displacement on a
seismogram,obtained by a standard Wood-Andeson torsion扭矩 seismometer
located 100 km from the earthquake epicenter.
EarthquakeEarthquakemagnitude 幅度
and intensity强度,
The magnitude of
an earthquake as
devised 发明 by
Richter (1935) is a
parameter that is
determined from a
magnitude (M) is
defined as the
log10 of the
amplitude 振幅 in
microns (10-3 mm)
of the largest
displacement on a
obtained by a
standard Wood-
Andeson torsion扭
矩 seismometer
located 100 km
from the
Earthquake Prediction 地震预报,In the People's Republic of China,some
10,000 scientists and technicians and 100,000 part-time amateur observers work
on earthquake prediction,Their motivation is great,From 1966 to 1976,eleven
earthquakes of magnitude 6.8 or greater occurred in China,In February 1975,
after months of smaller earthquakes,radon氡 anomalies,and increases in ground
tilt followed by a rapid increase in both tilt and microearthquake frequency,the
scientists predicted an imminent earthquake near Haicheng in northeastern China.
The government ordered several million people out of their homes into the open.
Nine and one-half hours later,a major earthquake struck,and many lives were
saved because people were not crushed by collapsing buildings,Over the next
two years,earthquake scientists successfully predicted four large earthquakes in
the Hebei district,They also concluded that a major earthquake could be
expected near Tangshan,about 150 kilometers southeast of Beijing,In the latter
case,however,they could only say that the event was likely to occur sometime
during the following two months,When the earthquake-magnitude over 8.0 with
aftershocks up to magnitude 7.9-did occur,there was no immediate warning,no
sudden change in precursor phenomena and more than 250,000 people died.