《海上酒店基础知识》讲义1 序言 Subject: Preface Time of teaching: 2 periods Aims of teaching: Make students understand what “maritime hotel” is, the development status of the international cruise industry and the employment situation of maritime hotel students. Focal points: a. The development status of the international cruise industry; b. The employment situation of maritime hotel students. Methods of teaching: a. Bilingual teaching; b. Apply a large number of data to explain; c. Show some pictures of different cruise ships. Process of teaching: “海上酒店”是旅游船的专业术语,它是集“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”为一体的水上流动饭店,除了具备陆上酒店的一般功能外,还具有交通功能和流动功能。随着世界经济的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,自八十年代以来,世界游船业以每年7%的速度递增,近几年来,更是呈加速增长的态势,国内沿海游船和内河游船特别是长江游船旅游也日益成熟和完善,对海上酒店的管理和服务人员的素质要求越来越高,尤其需要既有理论知识又有实际操作技能,还要熟悉船舶水上知识和精通外语的复合型人才。经过深入调查研究和实地考察,海上酒店专业人才无论是在国际上还是在国内都具有良好的就业前景。 1. 国际海上酒店业人才就业状况。 2001年,为了发展我国海上酒店教育和培训,我们代表学院应邀参加了2001年5月8日~11日在伦敦召开的世界海上酒店大会,几乎世界上所有的游船公司和海上酒店教育培训机构都派代表参加了此次盛会,通过参加这次大会,我们获得不少关于海上酒店方面的信息。2001年世界上已投入营运的大型海上游船就有300艘,2002年新增大型游船11艘,2003年新增10艘,2004年将新增7艘。根据统计和研究,每艘游轮上海上酒店部门员工所占比例最大,为70.16%,其他部门员工所占比例依次为:行政管理部门为3.49%,驾驶部门为6.46%,轮机部门为9.63%,娱乐部门为9.95%,医疗部门为0.32%。2001年在世界游轮上就业的海上酒店员工有十万五千人, 2001~2004年就需新增海上酒店员工十万人,仅海上酒店初级工每年需增7000余人, 这些员工绝大部分都来自发展中国家。从这些数字不难看出,世界游船业对海上酒店人才的需求量日益增大。 2. 国内海上酒店业人才就业状况。 国内海上酒店业市场以长江和三峡为重心。70年代末,80年代初,长江开始对外开放,长江游船由外事接待向旅游接待转变,随着改革开放的深入,长江三峡吸引了大批海内外游客,客流量的增加推动了长江旅游的发展,经营长江三峡旅游的游船不断增多。据统计,目前长江上从事涉外旅游的游船公司约20家,共计58艘豪华游轮。以每艘平均配备100位海上酒店人员计(三星级游船一般标准),共需海上酒店人员5800人,加上海上酒店人员具有流动性大的特点,长江游船市场在海上酒店服务和管理人才上将会有一个长期而迫切需求。而且,随着以长江轮船总公司为代表的从事长江客船运输的企业将客轮逐渐改造为旅游船,实现普通客运向大众旅游的转变,长江沿线从事旅游业务的船舶将进一步地增多。不仅如此,随着国内外经济的发展,长江旅游秩序的整顿,中国加入WTO,申奥、申博的成功,三峡工程的兴建,国际经济一体化进程的加快,长江游船旅游的前景将越来越光明,对海上酒店业人才的需求将越来越大。 另外,由于香港、澳门的回归,我国近海海上酒店业也正在迅猛发展,一些开往香港、澳门、越南的旅游航线相继开通,其他的沿海航线也相继开通。一些香港、澳门的游船公司和沿海的游船公司正在向内地的游船市场拓展,开始大量招募内地高素质的海上酒店专业人才。 此外,随着国际国内经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平正在不断提高,外出旅行度假的人越来越多,陆上酒店和度假村日益増多,对酒店管理和服务人才的需求量也越来越大。 所有这些,都为海上酒店人才的培养和教育创造了良好的条件,提供了绝好的契机。 为了适应海上酒店教育发展的需要,本人根据自己所学和十多年的国内外实际游船工作经验,在参考大量海内外有关海上酒店的资料的基础上,特编写本教材。本教材和游船实际工作密切结合,既可作为高等院校旅游管理专业、航海专业和高等职业教育教学用书, 又可作为自学考试、职业培训或相关专业的参考用书。 本人在编写此教材的过程中,得到了湖北省教育厅领导、长航集团领导、学院领导、教务处领导、旅游管理系领导以及相关老师的大力支持和帮助,在此表示衷心的感谢! 思考题 什么是海上酒店? 简要讲述海上酒店业人才就业状况。 简要讲述长江游船业的发展历史。 简要讲述海上酒店业人才就业的四个层次。 Part 1 Information For Maritime Hotel Students Subject: 1. Purpose For Studying This Course 2. The Target For Studying This Course Time of teaching: 3 periods Aims of teaching: (1) Make students to realize why they should study this course; (2) Make students to understand the target for studying this course. Focal points: (1) The past of our Chinese maritime crew; (2) The merits of present Chinese crew; (3) The target for our Chinese maritime hotel students. Methods of teaching: (1) Bilingual teaching; (2) Combine my practical work experiences on the cruise ships and apply some cases to explain. Process of teaching: (1) Give a few questions to review the last lessons. (2) Read the new words & expressions. (3) Explain the text (give some practical examples to help students understand). 1.Purpose For Studying This Course. The cruise ship industry is a new industry, more and more people begin to join this industry. It is very attractive to Chinese young men on employment and salary. In the past, there were not many Chinese crew ready for the employment in the cruise ships of international standard, because: (1.) The language was a major obstacle for the Chinese crew to enter the international cruise ship market. (2.) Generally speaking, the Chinese crew lacked the necessary skills for working on a international cruise ship because such type of cruise ships had never existed in China before. But this doesn’t mean this situation will be like this in the future. In recent years,Chinese government has taken a lot of measures to improve English education, Chinese students’ English level has been raised a lot. In addition, more and more students begin to work on the yangtze cruise ships, although their skills are not up to the international standard, indeed improved a lot. Our Chinese crew has a lot of merits: (1.) Firstly, the value of salary. With the still relatively lower cost of living in china, specially for those people in the inland, the salary offered for them onboard will have much higher value than that in other countries and this itself is a very efficient motivation for the Chinese crew. It goes without saying the Chinese crew will value their job very much and this will certainly reflect in the work output, performance, etc. (2.) Secondly, the availability. China has a huge population with an average annual income of US$700 per person, it is not difficult to imagine that the wages offered on the cruise ship can definitely and easily attract thousands of highly qualified, motivated young boys and girls to join the cruise industry. (3.) Thirdly, the working attitude of Chinese crew. Most of chinese people are influenced by the eastern culture and have strong service consciousness. With suitable training, it will not be difficult to mould them into what are required in the international cruise industry. (4.) Fourthly, the discipline of Chinese crew. China is a socialist country and it is therefore normal to find most of people are well disciplined and obedient to the superior. In fact, most of the training institutes or marine academies are under semi-military management to ensure the crew sent onboard will be disciplinary- minded. Conclusively, the conditions are ready for Chinese crew to enter the international cruise industry. So our urgent matter is to develop China’s maritime hotel education to meet all the requirements of the international cruise ship industry and other relevant regulations. If we train our Chinese crew according to the international standards of maritime hotel, It’s not difficult for them to employ in the cruise ship market. Exercises: (1.)What were the weak points of Chinese crew in the past? (2.)What are the plus points of Chinese crew? 2.The Target For Studying This Course After studying this course, the students should (1.) Understand the nature of the cruise industry, the hotel department on board, the working and living conditions in a multi-cultural environment. (2.) Be aware of the statutory requirements of health and safety when working on board a cruise ship. (3.) Reach to the level of written and spoken English comprehension and obtain the ability to communicate so that safety instructions, and job procedures in both written and verbal English are understood. (4.) Demonstrate that they can express themselves and inquire basic questions concerning their employment and safety. Exercises: (1.) What is the target for the students to study this course? (2.) What does “hotel department” mean? Subject: 3. Overview of The Cruise Industry Time of teaching: 5 periods Aims of teaching: (1) Make students to understand what a cruise ship is; (2) Make students to know some information about the past, present and future cruise ships; (3) Make students to understand how many cruise ships are active in the world today; (4) Make students to understand how many new cruise ships have been or will be put into operation; (5) Make students to know some cruise ship operators; (6) Make students to understand where passengers mainly come from; (7) Make students to know some famous destinations for cruise ships; (8) Make students to understand some information about cruise ship employees; (9) Make students to understand the importance of hotel department on the cruise ships. Focal points: (1) The past, present & future cruise ships; (2) The introduction of some cruise ship operators; (3) Where do passengers like to travel to? (4) Who works where? Methods of teaching: (1) Bilingual teaching; (2) Combine my practical work experiences on the cruise ships, apply a large number of cases to explain. (3) Apply some pictures and maps to help students to understand. Process of teaching: (1) Give a few questions to review the last lessons. (2) Read the new words & expressions. (3) Explain the text (give some practical examples to help students understand). (1)What is a cruise ship? Generally speaking, a cruise ship is a “floating water hotel” which merges dining, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, etc. into an organic whole. The short names for different ships: S.S.---Steam Ship M.V.---Motor Ship C.S.---Cruise Ship The picture of a cruise ship: THE GRAND PRINCESS Tonnage: 109,000 gross tons Length: 951 feet Passengers: 2,600 Crew: about 1,000 Bars: 12 Restaurants: 7 Theatres: 2 Over 700 balconies Nearly one crew serves for two passengers. Notes: 1foot=12 inches= 30.48cm 1inches=2.54cm 1nautical mile=1.852 kilometers (2) The past, present & future cruise ships Some information of the past, present & future cruise ship: A. VICTORIA: 27,000 Tons; 4 Bars; It’s a traditional ship and can hold about 700 passengers; Originally only for rich people. B. AURORA: 80,000 Tons; 20 Bars; It was put into operation in 1995; It is a modern ship and can hold about 3,000 passengers; It’s like a village including a golf course, etc. C. QUEEN MARRY 2: 120,000 Tons; Over 30 Bars; It will be put into operation in 2003; It is a very modern ship and can hold 5,000 passengers; It’s like a small town including some conference halls and theatres, etc. (3)How many cruise ships are active in the world today? At present, about three hundred maritime cruise ships have been put into operation in the world, obviously this number doesn’t include the cruise ships on all rivers of the world. (4)How many new cruise ships have been or will be put into operation? With the development of the world’s economy and improvement of people’s living standard, a lot of huge cruise ships have been or will be put into operation, for example: a.2001 16 b.2002 11 c.2003 10 d.2004 8 e.2005 12 ………………… (5)The introduction of some cruise ship operators: a. Celebrity Cruises In 1989, Celebrity Cruises was founded by Chandris Group as an upscale line. In 1997, Celebrity Cruises merged with Royal Caribbean International, bringing together two outstanding cruise line brands under one corporate name ---Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. The company now has more than twenty custom-designed cruise ships sailing the globe, with several additional ships under construction or on firm order. The company continues to lead industry in fleet innovation. Its Millennium is one of the first cruise ships equipped with smokeless gas-turbine engines, representing the cruise industry’s newest technology from protecting the environment. In 2001, Royal Celebrity Tours was launched, building on the strengths of both the Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises brands. b. Royal Caribbean International More than a quarter century ago, Royal Caribbean International set sail on a voyage that had taken its ships to the ends of earth and made it a leader in providing exciting and memorable cruise vacation to millions of guests along the way. Royal Caribbean’s cruise ships are the most innovative and exciting in the travel industry. Passengers can experience rock-climbing walls, elegant dining rooms and relaxing spas. Its fleet includes Voyager Family, Radiance Family, Sovereign Family, Nordic Empress, etc. c. Princess Cruises Princess Fleet was designed with personal choice in mind, with a seemingly endless array of options and features. Passengers can enjoy a “ What you want, when you want” vacation surrounded by luxury appointments, intimately designed spaces, spacious staterooms and Princess trademark private balconies. It owns Golden Princess, Grand Princess and Coral Princess, etc. Princess Cruise Ships sail to some of the most beautiful and exotic destinations in the world. d. Thomson Cruises Thomson Cruises is a part of the World of TUI---a global partnership of two hundred leading travel companies across sixteen countries, it can offer passengers higher levels of service and choice. Its fleet include the TOPAZ, the Emerald and European Vision. e. Star Cruises is the best cruise operator in Asia-Pacific. Taking the cruise ship of this corporation, you can experience the myriad pleasures of cruising the high seas of the Asia-Pacific and beyond. There is also a comprehensive programme of facilities, entertainment, activities and services onboard. Besides the above, there are also some other cruise ship operators as follows: Carnival Cruises; Crystal Cruises; Norwegian Cruise Line; Costa; Radisson Seven Seas Cruises; Cruising Italian Style; Disney Cruise Line; P&O Cruises; NYK(Japanese Mail Steamship Company). (6)Where do passengers mainly come from? Generally speaking, most of cruise ships’ passengers come from the developed countries, for example: a. About 1.5 million come from Europe; b. About 5.5 million come from America. (7)Where do passengers like to travel to? Mediterranean It is located at the junction of Europe, Africa and Asia. Along the Mediterranean, the passengers can enjoy a lot of famous scenic spots, local people’s customs and stories, for example: a. Sicily is famous for its Mafia story; b. Barcelona is famous for its bull fight; c. Monaco is famous for its casino; d. Rome is famous for its gladiator; e. Pisa is famous for its Pisa Tower. Canary Islands They are a series of small islands located in the northeast of the Atlantic Ocean and on the north west of Africa, some belong to Spain, some belong to Portugal, they are ideal interesting places for spending winter holidays. Scandinavia It’s in the north west of Europe including the countries Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. The Caribbean Sea It is located at the junction of America, Mexico and some other Carribbean countries. A lot of cruise ship operators establish their headquarters in the port city Miami of Florida Peninsular. E. Alaska It’s one state of the United States located in the north west of North America. The maps of some interesting places   (8)Cruise ship employees Now the international cruise ship industry is developing very fast, a lot of employees have already been employed in this industry, more and more new employees are needed in this industry. According to research: a. The cruise ship industry currently employs around 105,000 employees on it’s active fleet; b. About 100,000 personnel will be required by 2004, this number is just for the newly built cruise ships. c. The majority of these employees are hotel staff (crew). (9)Who works where? The cruise ship mainly consists of administration department, deck department, engine department, entertainment department, medical department and hotel department, different department has different number of staff, their rates are as follows: a. Administration Department-----3.49% b. Deck Department-----------------6.46% c. Engine Department---------------9.63% d. Entertainment Department------9.95% e. Medical Department------------- 0.32% f. Hotel Department-----------------70.16% From the above rates, we can see most of the staff on the cruise ship are hotel staff(crew). Exercises (1)What is a cruise ship? (2)Would you please list the names of one past, one present, one future cruise ship and their tonnage? (3)How many cruise ships are active in the world today? (4)Would you please list the names of five big cruise ship operators? (5)Where do passengers of the cruise ships mainly come from? (6)Where do passengers like to travel to? (7)Would you please list five interesting places and their interesting programs? (8)How many employees are employed on the active fleet of the cruise ship industry? (9)How many employees will be required by 2004, just for the new builds? (10)What’s the rate of staff and crew of the hotel department on the cruise ship? Subject: 4. The Benefits & Challenges Of “Life At sea” Time of teaching: 2 periods Aims of teaching: (1) Make students to understand the benefifts of “Life at Sea”; (2) Make students to understand the challenges of “Life at Sea”. Focal points: The challenges of “Life at Sea”. Methods of teaching: (1) Bilingual teaching; (2) Combine my practical work experiences on the cruise ships, apply a large number of cases to explain. Process of teaching: (1) Give a few questions to review the last lessons. (2) Read the new words & expressions. (3) Explain the text (give some practical examples to help students understand). (1) Benefits of “life at sea” What does cruising mean to passengers? Taking a cruise ship, the passengers can get a lot of benefits, for example, they can: a. Enjoy luxurious surroundings; b. Meet new friends; c. Enjoy fantastic scenery; d. Enjoy entertainment galore including casino, cabaret show, sport, etc. e. Relax themselves completely; f. Value for their money; g. Enjoy super food; h. Enjoy exciting destinations; i. Enjoy first class service. B. What are the benefits for us (crew)? Working on the cruise ship, crew also can get a lot of benefits, for example, they can: a. Travel the world; b. Meet new friends; c. Obtain new experiences; d. Save money; e. Enjoy ship’s facilities including crew gym, beauty room, crew club, etc. f. Learn a lot of new skills; g. Have free board & lodging; h. Enjoy exciting destinations; i. Have excellent opportunities of promotion. (2) Challenges of “life at sea”---living conditions, etc. for us (crew) Although crew can get a lot of benefits on the cruise ship, in the meantime we must face many challenges at sea, for example: a. We must be used to the semi-military life on the cruise ship. The time for working, meeting, eating, sleeping, drinking, having a break and even going ashore, etc. is ruled strictly, we must proceed all of these strictly according to time table, quite different from our daily life ashore. b. Seasickness Sometimes we will feel dizzy, don’t want to eat and don’t dare to eat and drink because of disgusting and vomiting caused by seasickness, in the meantime we must insist on working, but generally speaking, we can overcome these after some time. c. Eating Whether we like foreign food or not, we must get used to eating it, because no special Chinese food is offered for us. d. Sleeping Probably we will share rooms with some foreigners, we must overcome different sleeping habits, times, etc. e. Working Everyday we have to do a long time hard work, no Saturday and Sunday for us to take a rest. f. Different culture and religions Different culture and religions sometimes may cause misunderstanding and discrimination between us and some foreigners. Exercises (1) What are the benefits of “life at sea” for passengers? (2) What are the benefits of “life at sea”for crew? (3) What are the challenges of “life at sea”for crew? Part 2 Working On The Cruise Ships Subject: 1. Ship’s Terminology Time of teaching: 8 periods Aims of teaching: (1) Make students to get familiar with the terms about the ship’s external view; (2) Make students to understand the terms about galley line during the meal service; (3) Make students to understand the terms about the dining room; (4) Make students to understand the terms about the stores; (5) Make students to understand the terms about cleaning onboard. Focal points: (1) The terms about galley line; (2) The terms about the dining room; (3) The terms about the bar; (4) The terms about cleaning. Methods of teaching: (1) Bilingual teaching; (2) Combine my practical work experiences on the cruise ships, apply a large number of cases to explain; (3) Apply some pictures to help students to understand. Process of teaching: (1) Give a few questions to review the last lessons. (2) Read the new words & expressions. (3) Explain the text (give some practical examples to help students understand). (1) Ship’s external view The pictures of different ships B. The external view and terms of the cruise ship---TOPAZ ①bow-------------------- the forward part of a ship; ②stern--------------------the back end of a ship; ③mooring line----------the line used for fastening a ship to land; ④anchor-----------------a piece of heavy metal, usu. a hook with two arms, at the end of a chain or rope, for lowering into the water to keep a ship from moving; ⑤navigation bridge-----the raised part of a ship on which the captain and other officers stand when on duty; ⑥mast--------------------a long upright pole of wood or metal for carrying flags or sails for ship; ⑦funnel------------------a metal chimney for letting out smoke from a steam engine or steamship; ⑧lifeboat----------------one of the small boats carried by a ship for escape in case of wreck, fire,etc. ⑨gangway-------------- an opening in the side of a ship and the movable board (gangplank) which is used to make a bridge from it to the land; ⑩hull-------------------- the main body of the ship; (11)portholes----------- - a small usu. circular window or opening in a ship for light or air; (12)windows------------- a space in a wall, esp. in a house, to let in light and air, which can be opened; The other technical terms on ship: a. AFT--------------the rear of ship; b. Bulkhead--------the wall of ship; c. Bridge-----------the raised part of a ship on which the captain and other officers stand when on duty; d. Deck-------------the floor of ship; e. Deckhead--------the ceiling of ship; f. Galley------------the kitchen of a ship; g. Knot-------------a measure of the speed of a ship, about 1.853 meters(about 6,080feet) per hour; h. PAX--------------short for passenger; i. Starboard side---the right side of a ship; j. Tender------------a small boat for carrying passengers, supplies etc. between the shore and a larger boat; k. Port side---------the left side of a ship. Exercises a. What’s the bow? b. What’s the stern? c. What’s navigation bridge? d. What’s funnel? e. What’s gangway? f. What’s porthole? g. What does AFT mean? h. What does bulkhead mean? i. What does knot mean? j. What’s tender? k. What does bridge mean here? (2) The terms about the galley line during meal service Section A ①cook’s hat---------------Especially used by cook in order to prevent cook’s hair and sweat from falling into the food; ②cook’s jacket---------- -cook’s uniform for working; ③soup bowls--------------the bowls for holding soup; ④plate covers-------------the covers for covering the plates to keep food clean and hot. ⑤overhead heaters-------an overhanging machine for heating air or water; ⑥service counter---------a narrow table or flat surface used for offering services; ⑦bain marie---------------hot water bar for keeping food hot; ⑧No Smoking Notice---the notice for warning not to smoke; ⑨Notice board------------a board on a wall which notices may be fixed to; ⑩Cooking tray------------a tray used for cooking in the kitchen; (11) Plastic gloves----------a kind of gloves, used for protecting hand and keeping food clean. Section B ①waiter or restaurant steward---one of a number of men who serves passengers in the restaurant. ②water fountain-------------------a kind of device for drinking water; ③service cook---------------------the cook for offering service in the galley; ④tray runner-----------------------a kind of equipment on which tray can slide; ⑤plate’s cover---------------------the cover used for covering the plate to keep food clean and hot; ⑥tray--------------------------------a flat piece of wood or metal with raised edges used for carrying small articles, esp. cups, plates, food, etc. ⑦galley-----------------------------the kitchen of a ship; ⑧fire main sprinkler--------------a system of fire protection inside a building with water openings which are turned on by high heat; ⑨ventilator------------------------any arrangement or apparatus used for the passing of fresh air into and around a room, building, etc. ⑩hot cupboard--------------------for holding hot plates, etc. and killing bacteria on the plates, etc. Exercises a. What’s the overhead heater? b. What’s the plate cover? c. What’s the water fountain? d. What ‘s the fire main sprinkler? (3)About the dining room Section A The terms about food service and buffet tables 1 ①steward--------------------means buffet assistant here; ②sneeze plate---------------a plate used for blocking sneeze; ③ice well---------------- a trough for holding ice for keeping food and beverages cold; ④sliced cucumber----------the cucumber which are cut into slices; ⑤mixed salad---------------a mixture of foods, usu. mainly vegetables, served cold and sometimes, esp, when other foods are added as the main dish at a meal: a green salad (=mostly of lettuce); ⑥cook’s hat-----------------used for covering cook’s head to prevent the cook’s hair and sweat into the food; ⑦buffet plates---------------the plates for getting buffet food. b. The terms about food service and buffet tables 2: ①service cook---------------the cook for offering services in the galley; ②small hat-------------------the same as cook’s hat; ③plate------------------------a flat, usu. round dish with a slightly raised edge from which food is eaten or served; ④individual condiments---different powders or liquids used for giving a special taste to food; ⑤hot roast meat-------------the meat cooked by dry heat, either in front of an open fire or in a hot iron box(oven); ⑥cook’s jacket--------------cook’s unifom; ⑦heat lamps-----------------the lamps used for heating; ⑧gravy-----------------------hot sauce; ⑨carving knife and fork---the knife used for cutting in order to make a special shape; fork is an instrument for holding food or carrying food to the mouth, having a handle at one end with two or more points at the other, and usu. made of metal or plastic; ⑩heated carving stand-----a kind of heated furniture for carving food. Exercises a. What’s the sneeze plate? b. What’s the ice well? c. What’s the heat lamps? d. What’s the gravy? Section B The terms about the table set-up in the dining room ①napkin-----------a usu. square piece of cloth or paper used for protecting one’s clothes and for cleaning one’s hands and lips during a meal; ②dinner plate-----used for taking food at dinner; ③side plate--------used for holding food waste; ④water glass------the glass for drinking water; ⑤wine glass-------the glass for drinking wine; ⑥soup spoon -----the spoon for drinking soup; ⑦knife -------------a blade fixed in a handle used for cutting as a tool or weapon; ⑧bread basket-----a basket for holding bread; ⑨fork --------------an instrument for holding food or carrying it to the mouth, having a handle at one end with two and more points at the other, and usu. made of metal or plastic; ⑩chair--------------used for sitting at the table; (11)table cloth-------a cloth for covering a table, esp.during a meal; (12)dessert spoon---the spoon used for eating dessert. Section c The terms about waiter serving meal ①waiter---------------a person who serves food at the tables in the restaurant; ②waiter’s cloth------used for taking hot plates; ③meal-----------------an amount of food eaten at one time; ④wine-----------------(any of many kinds of ) alcoholic drink made from grapes; ⑤gentleman----------a man who behaves well; ⑥lady-----------------a woman, esp.a woman of good social position or of good manners or education; ⑦salt and pepper----two kinds of condiments; ⑧cocktail bar--------the bar for making and offering cocktail; ⑨tuxedo--------------dinner jacket; ⑩companionway----the steps leading from the deck to the area below. Exercises a. What’s napkin? b. What’s bread basket? c. What’s tuxedo? d. What’s companionway? (4) About the bar Section A The terms about the bar set-up 1: ①barman-----------------------------also bartender, a man who serves drinks in a bar; ②spirits-------------------------------an alcoholic drink (such as whisky or brandy) produced by boiling (distillation) from a weaker alcohol-containing drink or mixture; ③graduate---------------------------a kind of measuring glass for drinks here; ④highball glasses-------------------the glasses for drinking an alcoholic drink, esp. whisky or brandy with soda. ⑤cocktail decorations--------------used for making cocktail more beautiful; ⑥post-mix mineral concentrate---the concentrated form of post-mix mineral; ⑦waistcoat---------------------------a men’s close-fitting garment without arms that reaches to the waist and is worn under the jacket of a 3-piece suit; ⑧bow tie-----------------------------a tie fastened at the front with a knot in the shape of a BOW; ⑨Instruction Notice----------------a usu. short written statement of information or directions to the public; ⑩bar counter------------------------a narrow table or flat surface for offering services in the bar. Section B The terms about bar set-up 2: ①cigarettes---------finely cut tobacco rolled in a narrow tube of thin paper for smoking; ②cocktail-----------a mixed alcoholic drink; ③cocktail glass----used for holding short mixed drink; ④orange slice------the orange which are cut into slices; ⑤cherries-----------a type of small soft fleshy red, yellow, or black round fruit with a stonelike seed in the middle. ⑥drip mat-----------put under a glass or a cup to absorb the drips and keep the table clean; ⑦wine glasses------goblets for drinking wine; ⑧umbrella----------an arrangement of cloth over a folding frame with a handle, used for keeping rain off the head; Hereit means a cocktail decoration shaped like an umbrella ⑨bar counter-------a narrow table or flat surface for offering services in the bar; ⑩storage shelf-----a frame for storing things. Exercises a. What’s spirit? b. What’s waistcoat? c. What’s cocktail? d. What’s storage shelf?