Chapter 20
1,Gluconeogenesis,The universal pathway for
synthesis of glucose.
2,Biosynthesis of glycogen,starch,and sucrose.
3,CO2 fixation in plants (the Calvin Cycle).
4,Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in plants.
1,Carbohydrates are synthesized from
simple precursors via gluconeogenesis
? A few three-carbon compounds (including lactate,
pyruvate,glycerol,and 3-phosphoglycerate) serve as
the major precursors for carbohydrate (glucose)
biosynthesis,or gluconeogenesis.
? The reactions of gluconeogenesis are essentially the
same in different organisms.
? The conversion of pyruvate to glucose is the central
pathway in gluconeogenesis.
2,The opposing pathways of glycolysis
and gluconeogenesis have 3 reactions
different and 7 reactions in common
? The reversible reactions between pyruvate and
glucose are shared by gluconeogenesis and
glycolysis,but the irreversible reactions are
different (“bypassed” in gluconeogenesis).
Opposing pathways of
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis,
with 3 different and 7 common
3,Pyruvate is converted to
phosphoenoylpyruvate (PEP) via two
alternative paths
? In both paths,pyruvate is converted to oxaloacetate
(with the catalysis of pyruvate carboxylase) in
? In one path,oxaloacetate is converted directly to
PEP in the matrix of mitochondria in a reaction
catalyzed by the mitochondrial PEP carboxykinase
isozyme,PEP is then transported to the cytosol for
further conversion.
? In another path,oxaloacetate is first converted to
malate in the matrix,which is then transported to
the cytosol,where it is converted to oxaloacetate,
and then PEP in a reaction catalyzed by cytosolic
PEP carboxykiase isozyme.
? Both paths involve a carboxylation-
decarboxylation sequence,acting as a unique
way to activate pyruvate.
? Two high-energy phosphate equivalents must be
expended to convert one pyruvate to one PEP.
From pyruvate
to PEP,two
alternative paths
4,Conversion of fructose 1,6-
bisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate is
the second bypassing step
? The reaction is catalyzed by Mg 2+ -dependent
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (instead of
5,The conversion of glucose 6-phosphate
to glucose is the last bypassing step
? The reaction is catalyzed by glucose 6-phosphatase
(instead of hexokiase).
? The enzyme is present on the lumen side of the ER
membrane of hepatocytes and renal cells.
? The enzyme is not present in muscle or brain
cells,where gluconeogenesis does not occur.
Glucose 6-phosphatase converts glucose 6-P to
glucose in the ER lumen of liver and kidney cells.
6,More energy is consumed in
gluconeogenesis than produced in
? Six high-energy phosphate groups are required when
two molecules of pyruvates are converted to one
glucose via gluconeogenesis pathway.
? Two molecules of ATP are produced when one
glucose molecule is converted to two pyruvate
molecules via glycolysis pathway.
? The NADH needed for gluconeogenesis is either
provided by lactate dehydrogenation in the cytosol
or exported from mitochondria matrix via malate
during one path for converting pyruvate to PEP.
The overall ?G for gluconeogenesis in cell is about -16 kJ/mol
The overall ?G for glycolysis in cell is about –63 kJ/mol
7,Many amino acids but not fatty acids
are glucogenic in mammals
? The amino acids that can be converted to pyruvate
or citric acid cycle intermediates are glucogenic.
? Net conversion of acetyl-CoA to pyruvate (the
oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate is irreversible)
or oxaloacetate does not occur in mammals,thus
neither Lys and Leu nor even-numbered fatty acids
are glucogenic in mammals; but net conversion of
acetyl-CoA to oxaloacetate occurs in organisms like
plants and bacteria that have the glyoxylate cycle.
? Fatty acid oxidation provide an important energy
source for gluconeogenesis.
8,Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are
reciprocally regulated to avoid futile
cycles that waste ATP consumption
? If the three pairs of bypassing reactions of glucose
degradation and synthesis occur simultaneously,
ATP will be consumed for heat generation,being
often (not always) an energy wasting process.
? To avoid such futile cycling processes,the two
pathways are regulated coordinately and reciprocally
(相反地 ),a common regulator molecule having
opposite effect towards the pair of enzymes
catalyzing the bypassing reactions.
fructose 2,6-bisphosphate act
reciprocally to coordinate both pathways
? Acetyl-CoA inhibits the pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex (of glycolysis),but activates the pyruvate
carboxylase (of gluconeogenesis).
? AMP inhibits fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase-
1),but activates phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1).
? Citrate inhibits PFK-1 and activates FBPase-1.
? Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (a regulator,not an
intermediate) in liver cells,signaling a high blood
glucose/glucagon level,activates PFK-1 and inhibits
? F-2,6-bisphosphate is synthesized from (and
degraded to) fructose 6-phosphate in a reaction
catalyzed by PFK-2 (and FBPase-2).
? PFK-2 and FBPase-2 are two distinct activities of a
single,bifunctional protein.
? Glucagon stimulates the phosphorylation of PFK-
2/FBPase-2,which inhibits the PFK-2 activity,but
activates the FBPase-2 activity,thus inhibiting the
glycolysis,but stimulating the gluconeogenesis.
The alternative fates
of pyruvate are
coordinately regulated
by acetyl-CoA
Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate (F-2,6-BP),
AMP,and citrate have opposite effect
on the enzymatic activities of PFK-1 and
F-2,6-BP activates
PFK-1,but inhibits
The level of F-2,6-BP is controlled by the
relative activity of PFK-2 and FBPase-2,
which are located in one polypeptide
chain and whose activities are regulated
by glucagon-stimulated phosphorylation.
10,Fatty acids in germinating seeds can
be converted to sucrose
? This occurs via four pathways,b-oxidation,
glyoxylate cycle,citric acid cycle and
? The whole conversion finishes in three
compartments of the cell,glyoxysomes,
mitochondrion,and cytosol.
? Sucrose is used as a major source for energy and
biosynthetic precursors for the initial growth of
Fatty acids can be converted
to sucrose in germinating seeds.
11,Hexoses are converted to sugar
nucleotides before being polymerized
? Glycogen was initially thought to be synthesized by
a simple reverse of phosphorolysis.
? Leloir discovered in 1949 that one hexose is
transformed to another via sugar nucleotide and in
1959 that glycogen is synthesized from UDP-
? Hexose nucleotides are common precursors for
carbohydrate transformation and polymerization!
? A hexose nucleotides is formed via a condensation
reaction occurring between a NTP and a hexose 1-
Glycogen synthesis was thought to occur
through a direct reverse of the degradation
Sugar nucleotides
were found to be
the activated forms
of sugars
participating in
A sugar nucleotide is formed through a
condensation reaction between a NTP
and a sugar phosphate.
12,Glycogen is synthesized using UDP-
? Glucose-6-phosphate (from glucose phosphorylation
or gluconeogenesis) is converted to glucose-1-
phosphate (catalyzed by phosphoglucomutase),
which then condenses with UTP to form UDP-
glucose in a reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose
pyrophosphorylase (named for the reverse reaction).
? The glucose residue of UDP-Glucose is transferred
to the nonreducing end of a primer or glycogen
branch (of at least 4 glucose residues) to make a new
a-1,4 glycosidic bond in a reaction catalyzed by
glycogen synthase.
? The formation of (a1?6) branches of glycogen is
catalyzed by glycosyl-(4?6)-transferase,a terminal
fragment of 6-7 residues is transferred from a branch
having at least 11 residues to the C-6 hydroxyl
group at a more interior position of the same or
another glycogen chain.
? The very first glucose residue,transferred from
UDP-glucose,is covalently attached to Tyr194 of
glycogenin,a 37 kDa protein that also catalyzes the
assembly of the first 8 glucose residues in a complex
formed between glycogenin and glycogen synthase.
UDP-glucose is formed through a
condensation reaction between
glucose-1-P and UTP in a reaction
catalyzed by UDP-glucose
Glycogen is extended from the
nonreducing end using UDP-glucose
A branching enzyme catalyzes the
transferring of a short stretch of Glc
residues from one nonreducing end
to the interior of the glycogen to make
an a1?6 linkage (thus a branch).
Glycogenin initiates glycogen synthesis
and stays inside the glycogen particle
13,Glycogen synthase and glycogen
phosphorylase are reciprocally regulated
in vertebrates by hormones
? Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation have
opposite effects towards the enzymatic acitivities of
these two enzymes.
? Hormones like epinephrine (acting on muscle cells)
or glucagon (acting on liver cells) will activate
protein kinase A,which will lead to phosphorylation
modification of both the glycogen phosphorylase
(thus activating it) and the glycogen synthase (thus
inactivating it).
Glycogen synthase
and phosphorylase
are reciprocally
regulated by
hormones via
14,Starch synthesis in chloroplast
stroma is similar to glycogen synthesis
? But ADP-glucose is used as the precursor (UDP-
glucose is used at the priming stage).
? Starch synthase also transfers the glucose unit to the
nonreducing end of a preexisting primer
? Branches in amylopectin are synthesized using a
similar branching enzyme.
? The synthesis of ADP-Glucose,catalyzed by ADP-
glucose pyrophosphorylase,is rate limiting.
? ADP-glucose is also used for bacteria to synthesize
bacterial glycogen.
15,Sucrose is synthesized from UDP-
glucose and fructose 6-phosphate in the
cytosol of plant cells
? Sucrose 6-phosphate is first synthesized by the
catalysis of sucrose 6-phosphate synthase.
? The phosphate is then removed in a reaction
catalyzed by sucrose 6-phosphate phosphatase.
? Sucrose,having no anomeric carbons (thus
nonreducing),is then transported to other tissues,
Sucrose is
from UDP-Glc
and Fru 6-P
16,Galactosyltransferase in lactating
mammary gland is converted to lactose
synthase by associating with a-
? Galactosyltransferase (GT) in nonlactating tissues
catalyzes the transfer of galactose from UDP-
Galactose to N-acetylglucosamine that is linked to
? The binding of GT to a-lactalbumin present in
lactating tissues changes the substrate specificity of
GT,galactose from UDP-Gal is now transferred to
D-glucose to form D-lactose,
Galactosyltransferase is converted to lactose
synthase by binding to a-lactalbumin in
lactating mammary glands
17,Glucuronate and L-ascorbic acid are
synthesized from glucose via UDP-
Glucose in many organisms
? UDP-Glc is converted to UDP-glucuronate by the
catalysis of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase,generating
two NADH.
? UDP-glucuronate can be used for synthesizing
glycosaminoglycan and detoxifying a variety of
nonpolar compounds (by increasing their polarity
via glucuronidation).
? UDP-glucuronate can also be hydrolyzed to form D-
glucuronate,which is then reduced to L-gulonate by
consuming NADPH,
? L-gulonate is then converted to L-gulonolactone,
which is converted to L-ascorbic acid going through
an oxidation reaction.
? Humans lack gulonolactone oxidase (a flavoprotein),
thus is unable to synthesize vitamin C,which is
needed for making the collagen-containing
connective tissue.
? The lack of Vitamin C will cause scurvy in humans.
UDP-glucose is used to
synthesize glucuronate
and L-ascorbic acid
18,Carbohydrates can be synthesized
from CO2 in photosynthetic organisms
? Organic compounds of at least three carbons are
used as precursors for carbohydrate synthesis in
animals (via gluconeogenesis).
? The,path” of CO2 in photosynthesis was revealed
by studies using radioisotope tracer (14CO2) and
chromatographic separation of labeled intermediates
(Malvin Calvin,early 1950s).
? 3-phosphoglycerate,a glycolysis/gluconeogenesis
intermediate was found to be the first metabolite
labeled when algae suspensions having 14CO2 was
illuminated for a short period of time!
? All the 14C was found to be in the carboxyl group of
? Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) was revealed to
be the CO2 acceptor by comparing the steady-state
concentrations of various compounds by suddenly
raising or lowering the CO2 levels.
? The assimilation of CO2 was also found to occur
through a cyclic pathway called the Calvin cycle.
3-phosphoglycerate was
found to be the first organic
compound that CO2
enters during photosynthesis
19,The CO2 assimilation process via
the Calvin cycle can be divided into
three stages
? Stage I (fixation),CO2 is condensed to a five-carbon
acceptor,ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate,to form 3-
? Stage II (reduction),3-phosphoglycerate is reduced
to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
? Stage III (regeneration),ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate is
regenerated using glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
20,One CO2 is initially added to one
ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate to form two
molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate
? Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate is converted to an enediol(烯
二醇 ) intermediate before condensed to CO2.
? CO2 (not bicarbonate) is added to the second carbon of
the enediol intermediate to form a six-carbon b-keto
acid intermediate,which is then hydrated to form
another six-carbon intermediate.
? Two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules are formed from the
cleavage of the six-carbon intermediate via a carbanion.
? The whole conversion is catalyzed by ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco in short).
One CO2 is initially added to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate,
producing two 3-phosphoglycerate via two six-carbon
The initial CO2
fixation is catalyzed
by ribulose 1,5-
21,Rubisco has a complicated structure,
low efficiency and large quantity
? The plant enzyme consists of 8 large (with both
catalytic and regulatory sites) and 8 small subunits
(with unknown function).
? It has both a carboxylase and an oxygenase activity
sharing the same active site,located at the interface
of the large subunits.
? O2 competes with CO2 at the active site.
? It is the most abundant enzyme in the biosphere
(being about 250 mg/ml in the chloroplast stroma).
? The bacterial enzyme is a dimer (both similar to the
large sununits of the plant enzyme).
The plant rubisco consists of 8 large and
8 small subunits
Active site
The bacterial rubisco consists of two
22,3-phosphoglycerate is reduce to
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate via a two
steps reactions
? Essentially the reversal of the two steps of
glycolysis pathway.
? 3-phosphoglycerate kinase converts 3-
phosphoglycerate to 1,3-bisphophoglycerate
(consuming one ATP),which is then reduced to
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate by Glyceraldehyde-3-
phosphate dehydrogenase,
? But NADPH,in stead of NADH is used here.
23,Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate has
three alternative fates
? Fate I,be used for starch synthesis in the stroma
of chloroplasts after being converted to glucose-
1-P via the gluconeogenesis pathway.
? Fates II and III,be transported out into the
cytosol (using a specific Pi-triose phosphate
antiporter) and then be used for sucrose
synthesis (sucrose is then transported to other
growing regions of the plant) or enter glycolysis
to provide additional energy for the developing
24,Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is
regenerated from glyceraldehyde 3-P for
the Calvin cycle to continue
? For each 6 triose phosphates,5 are used for
regenerating 3 molecules of ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate (leaving one for the alternative fates).
? RuBP regeneration occurs by carbon skeleton
rearrangement starting with the triose phosphates,
involving four-,five-,six-,and seven-carbon sugar
phosphate intermediates.
? The carbon rearrangement is mainly catalyzed
by two transketolases and two transaldolase
(also called aldolase),but also helped by a
bisphosphatase,an isomerase,an epimerase,and
a kinase.
? The pathway is essentially the reversal of the
pentose phosphate pathway.
Three RuBP are regenerated
by using five triose phosphates
The TPP-containing
transketolases catalyze the
transfer of a ketol (醇酮 )
group from a ketose donor
to an aldose acceptor
TPP acts as a temporary
carrier of two-carbon
units in transketolase
Both ribose 5-P and xylulose 5-P
are converted to RuBP through
isomerization and phosphorylation
25,The synthesis of one triose phosphate
from 3 CO2 consumes 6 NADPH and 9
? Six NADPH and Six ATP are used for reducing six
3-phosphoglycerate to six glyceraldehyde 3-
? Three ATP are consumed in the last step of
regenerating RuBP,phosphorylation of ribulose 5-P.
? Two NADPH and Three ATP are needed for fixing
each CO2.
Two NADPH and Three
ATP are consumed for
fixing each CO2
26,The Pi-triose phosphate antiport
system of the inner chloroplast
membrane facilitates the inside-outside
transport of materials and energy
? For one role the newly synthesized triose
phosphatess can be exported from the stroma to the
cytosol,where it is converted to sucrose,meanwhile,
Pi is imported from the cytosol to the stroma for
ATP synthesis there.
? The Pi-triose phosphate antiporter is also effectively
used for exporting ATP and reducing equivalents
(NADH/NADPH) from the stroma to cytosol.
The Pi-triose phosphate antiporter moves triose
Phosphate out of and Pi into the chloroplast
ATP/reducing equivalents
are exported from stroma
to cytosol via the Pi-triose
phosphate antiporter and
The dihydroxyacetone-
3-phosphoglyerate cycle
27,Rubisco is both positively and
negatively regulated
? Carboxylation of a specific Lys residue (forming a
carbamate) by CO2 activates the enzyme.
? At high CO2 levels,carboxylation occurs
? At low CO2 levels,this reaction is catalyzed by
rubisco activase (with ATP consumed).
? The carbamate binds Mg2+ which is needed for the
enzymatic activity.
? The enzyme is inactivated by a naturally
occurring transition-state analog,2-
carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (also called
“nocturnal inhibitor”),which acts in the dark and
breaks down in light (thus carbon fixation does
not occur in the dark),
Rubisco is positively regulated
by covalent modification and
negatively regulated by a naturally
occurring transitional state analog
28,Certain enzymes are indirectly
activated by light
? Light will drive the proton pumping from stroma to
thylakoid lumen,thus increasing the pH of the
stroma of chloroplast,accompanied by a flow of
Mg2+ from thykaloid lumen into the stroma.
? The enzymatic activity of fructose 1,6-
bisphosphatase increases with increasing pH and
Mg2+ concentration.
? A few Calvin cycle enzymes (including
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase,
bisphosphatase,and ribulose-5-phosphate kinase)
are activated by light-driven reduction of disulfide
bonds,mediated by a soluble,small disulfide-
containing thiroredoxin (reduced form),which is in
turn activated by the reduced ferredoxin generated
from PSI under illumination.
Light drives a decrease
Of [H+] and increase
Of [Mg2+] in the
Stroma of chloroplasts
Light indirectly drives the reduction of a disulfide
bond for a few Calvin cycle enzymes,which is
needed for activating the enzymes
29,Photophosphorylation,CO2 fixation,
sucrose/starch syntheses,and glycolysis
are tightly regulated
? The triose phosphates newly synthesized from the
Calvin cycle have to be properly partitioned
between sucrose/starch syntheses (which releases
Pi for ATP synthesis in photophosphorylation) and
regeneration of Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate for the
effective running of the Calvin cycle.
? Carbohydrate biosynthesis (gluconeogenesis)
should slow down and degradation (glycolysis)
should speed up in the dark and vice versa.
? Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate also plays a key role in
regulating these processes in plants!
? Photosynthetic 3-carbon products,present at a high
level under illumination,inhibit FPK-2,thus
lowering the level of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate,
which will in turn increase the activity of FBPase-1
of gluconeogenesis.
? Pi,present at a high level in the dark,stimulates
FPK-2,thus raising the level of fructose-2,6-
bisphosphate,which in turn increases the activity of
PFK-1 and the level of glycolysis.
? Sucrose 6-phosphate synthase (the enzyme
catalyzing the synthesis of sucrose) is allosterically
activated by glucose 6-P,present at a high level
when triose phosphate is actively produced from the
Calvin cycle,and inactivated by Pi,present at a high
level in the dark; it is also regulated by reversible
phosphorylation (phosphorylated in the dark and
less active).
? ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase,the key regulatory
enzyme for starch synthesis,is activated by 3-
phosphoglycerate and inhibited by Pi.
? 3-phosphoglycerate accumulates when sucrose
synthesis slows down,which leads to a stimulation
of starch synthesis.
Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
reciprocally regulates the
gluconeogenesis and
glycolysis in the light and
30,Rubisco’s oxygenase activity results
in photorespiration
? O2 can be added to the same position as CO2 to
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate in the same active site of
rubisco,generating 3-phosphoglycerate and
? The O2 condensation competes with CO2 fixation in
the enzyme active site.
? Phosphoglycolate,with no known roles,can be
converted to 3-phosphoglycerate via the
multicompartmental glycolate pathway,in which O2
is consumed (in three steps) and CO2 is produced (in
one step),thus called photorespiration,
? Unlike mitochondrial respiration,no energy is
conserved in photorespiration
? The oxygenase activity increases more rapidly
with temperature increase than the carboxylase
31,C4 plants have evolved a mechanism
to minimize photorespiration
? In one pathway,CO2 is first fixed (temporarily) to
phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to form the 4-carbon
oxaloacetate in mesophyll cells by a reaction
catalyzed by PEP carboyxlase,which has a high
affinity to HCO3-.
? Oxaloacetate is then reduced to malate,which
moves to the bundle-sheath cells via the
plasmodesmata (胞间连丝 ) linkage.
? Malate is then converted to pyruvate in a
reaction catalyzed by malic enzyme,releasing
CO2 in the bundle-sheath cells.
? Carbon fixation then occur via the Calvin cycle
in the bundle sheath cells exactly like what
happens in C3 plants,exposing rubisco at a high
level of CO2 but low level of O2 (the bundle
sheath cells are away from the air).
? The pyruvate generated in the bundle sheath
cells is transported back into the mesophyll cells,
and is converted to PEP in a reaction catalyzed
by pyruvate phosphate dikinase,
? C4 plants consume five ATP to fix one CO2,
(whereas C3 plants consume only three);
? When temperature increases to about 28oC to
30oC,the gain in efficiency from the elimination
of photorespiration in C4 plants more than
compensates for this higher energy cost,thus C4
plants grows faster than the C3 plants under
these temperatures.
C4 plants (e.g.,maize,sugarcane
and sorghum) have evolved a
mechanism to minimized
? Gluconeogenesis,the synthesis of glucose from 3-
carbon compounds (mainly pyruvate) is highly
conserved in all organisms.
? Gluconeogenesis shares most of the reactions
occurring in glycolysis,but bypassing the three
irreversible reactions (using different enzymes).
? Gluconeogenesis consumes more energy than
glycolysis releases.
? Most of the amino acids,but not fatty acids can be
used for net production of glucose in vertebrates.
? The gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are reciprocally
regulated by molecules like acetyl CoA,AMP,
fructose 1,6-bisphosphate.
? Sugar nucleotides are used for biosynthesis,UDP-
Glc is used for glycogen and sucrose syntheses;
ADP-Glc is used for starch synthesis.
? Galactosyl transferase is converted to lactose
synthase by binding to a-lactalbumin in the lactating
mammary gland.
? UDP-glucose is used to synthesize glucuronate and
L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
? CO2 can be fixed into ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in
plants,initially producing 3-phosphoglycerate,
which is then reduced to glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate (a triose phosphate) via the Calvin cycle
(with RuBP constantly regenerated).
? Triose phosphates are then converted to glucose via
the gluconeogenesis pathway.
? Rubisco is an oligomeric protein having a large
quantity in the stroma of chloroplasts.
? Rubisco can add either CO2 or O2 to RuBP in the
same active site leading to either CO2 fixation or
? The Pi-triose phosphate antiport system of the inner
chloroplast membrane facilitates the inside-outside
transport of materials and energy.
? Rubisco is both positively and negatively regulated.
? Certain enzymes of the Calvin cycle are indirectly
regulated by light.
? Photophosphorylation,CO2 fixation,sucrose/starch
syntheses,and glycolysis are tightly regulated.
? C4 plants have evolved a mechanism to minimize
1,Gluconeogenesis,The universal pathway for
synthesis of glucose.
2,Biosynthesis of glycogen,starch,and sucrose.
3,CO2 fixation in plants (the Calvin Cycle).
4,Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in plants.
1,Carbohydrates are synthesized from
simple precursors via gluconeogenesis
? A few three-carbon compounds (including lactate,
pyruvate,glycerol,and 3-phosphoglycerate) serve as
the major precursors for carbohydrate (glucose)
biosynthesis,or gluconeogenesis.
? The reactions of gluconeogenesis are essentially the
same in different organisms.
? The conversion of pyruvate to glucose is the central
pathway in gluconeogenesis.
2,The opposing pathways of glycolysis
and gluconeogenesis have 3 reactions
different and 7 reactions in common
? The reversible reactions between pyruvate and
glucose are shared by gluconeogenesis and
glycolysis,but the irreversible reactions are
different (“bypassed” in gluconeogenesis).
Opposing pathways of
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis,
with 3 different and 7 common
3,Pyruvate is converted to
phosphoenoylpyruvate (PEP) via two
alternative paths
? In both paths,pyruvate is converted to oxaloacetate
(with the catalysis of pyruvate carboxylase) in
? In one path,oxaloacetate is converted directly to
PEP in the matrix of mitochondria in a reaction
catalyzed by the mitochondrial PEP carboxykinase
isozyme,PEP is then transported to the cytosol for
further conversion.
? In another path,oxaloacetate is first converted to
malate in the matrix,which is then transported to
the cytosol,where it is converted to oxaloacetate,
and then PEP in a reaction catalyzed by cytosolic
PEP carboxykiase isozyme.
? Both paths involve a carboxylation-
decarboxylation sequence,acting as a unique
way to activate pyruvate.
? Two high-energy phosphate equivalents must be
expended to convert one pyruvate to one PEP.
From pyruvate
to PEP,two
alternative paths
4,Conversion of fructose 1,6-
bisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate is
the second bypassing step
? The reaction is catalyzed by Mg 2+ -dependent
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (instead of
5,The conversion of glucose 6-phosphate
to glucose is the last bypassing step
? The reaction is catalyzed by glucose 6-phosphatase
(instead of hexokiase).
? The enzyme is present on the lumen side of the ER
membrane of hepatocytes and renal cells.
? The enzyme is not present in muscle or brain
cells,where gluconeogenesis does not occur.
Glucose 6-phosphatase converts glucose 6-P to
glucose in the ER lumen of liver and kidney cells.
6,More energy is consumed in
gluconeogenesis than produced in
? Six high-energy phosphate groups are required when
two molecules of pyruvates are converted to one
glucose via gluconeogenesis pathway.
? Two molecules of ATP are produced when one
glucose molecule is converted to two pyruvate
molecules via glycolysis pathway.
? The NADH needed for gluconeogenesis is either
provided by lactate dehydrogenation in the cytosol
or exported from mitochondria matrix via malate
during one path for converting pyruvate to PEP.
The overall ?G for gluconeogenesis in cell is about -16 kJ/mol
The overall ?G for glycolysis in cell is about –63 kJ/mol
7,Many amino acids but not fatty acids
are glucogenic in mammals
? The amino acids that can be converted to pyruvate
or citric acid cycle intermediates are glucogenic.
? Net conversion of acetyl-CoA to pyruvate (the
oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate is irreversible)
or oxaloacetate does not occur in mammals,thus
neither Lys and Leu nor even-numbered fatty acids
are glucogenic in mammals; but net conversion of
acetyl-CoA to oxaloacetate occurs in organisms like
plants and bacteria that have the glyoxylate cycle.
? Fatty acid oxidation provide an important energy
source for gluconeogenesis.
8,Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are
reciprocally regulated to avoid futile
cycles that waste ATP consumption
? If the three pairs of bypassing reactions of glucose
degradation and synthesis occur simultaneously,
ATP will be consumed for heat generation,being
often (not always) an energy wasting process.
? To avoid such futile cycling processes,the two
pathways are regulated coordinately and reciprocally
(相反地 ),a common regulator molecule having
opposite effect towards the pair of enzymes
catalyzing the bypassing reactions.
fructose 2,6-bisphosphate act
reciprocally to coordinate both pathways
? Acetyl-CoA inhibits the pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex (of glycolysis),but activates the pyruvate
carboxylase (of gluconeogenesis).
? AMP inhibits fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase-
1),but activates phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1).
? Citrate inhibits PFK-1 and activates FBPase-1.
? Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (a regulator,not an
intermediate) in liver cells,signaling a high blood
glucose/glucagon level,activates PFK-1 and inhibits
? F-2,6-bisphosphate is synthesized from (and
degraded to) fructose 6-phosphate in a reaction
catalyzed by PFK-2 (and FBPase-2).
? PFK-2 and FBPase-2 are two distinct activities of a
single,bifunctional protein.
? Glucagon stimulates the phosphorylation of PFK-
2/FBPase-2,which inhibits the PFK-2 activity,but
activates the FBPase-2 activity,thus inhibiting the
glycolysis,but stimulating the gluconeogenesis.
The alternative fates
of pyruvate are
coordinately regulated
by acetyl-CoA
Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate (F-2,6-BP),
AMP,and citrate have opposite effect
on the enzymatic activities of PFK-1 and
F-2,6-BP activates
PFK-1,but inhibits
The level of F-2,6-BP is controlled by the
relative activity of PFK-2 and FBPase-2,
which are located in one polypeptide
chain and whose activities are regulated
by glucagon-stimulated phosphorylation.
10,Fatty acids in germinating seeds can
be converted to sucrose
? This occurs via four pathways,b-oxidation,
glyoxylate cycle,citric acid cycle and
? The whole conversion finishes in three
compartments of the cell,glyoxysomes,
mitochondrion,and cytosol.
? Sucrose is used as a major source for energy and
biosynthetic precursors for the initial growth of
Fatty acids can be converted
to sucrose in germinating seeds.
11,Hexoses are converted to sugar
nucleotides before being polymerized
? Glycogen was initially thought to be synthesized by
a simple reverse of phosphorolysis.
? Leloir discovered in 1949 that one hexose is
transformed to another via sugar nucleotide and in
1959 that glycogen is synthesized from UDP-
? Hexose nucleotides are common precursors for
carbohydrate transformation and polymerization!
? A hexose nucleotides is formed via a condensation
reaction occurring between a NTP and a hexose 1-
Glycogen synthesis was thought to occur
through a direct reverse of the degradation
Sugar nucleotides
were found to be
the activated forms
of sugars
participating in
A sugar nucleotide is formed through a
condensation reaction between a NTP
and a sugar phosphate.
12,Glycogen is synthesized using UDP-
? Glucose-6-phosphate (from glucose phosphorylation
or gluconeogenesis) is converted to glucose-1-
phosphate (catalyzed by phosphoglucomutase),
which then condenses with UTP to form UDP-
glucose in a reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose
pyrophosphorylase (named for the reverse reaction).
? The glucose residue of UDP-Glucose is transferred
to the nonreducing end of a primer or glycogen
branch (of at least 4 glucose residues) to make a new
a-1,4 glycosidic bond in a reaction catalyzed by
glycogen synthase.
? The formation of (a1?6) branches of glycogen is
catalyzed by glycosyl-(4?6)-transferase,a terminal
fragment of 6-7 residues is transferred from a branch
having at least 11 residues to the C-6 hydroxyl
group at a more interior position of the same or
another glycogen chain.
? The very first glucose residue,transferred from
UDP-glucose,is covalently attached to Tyr194 of
glycogenin,a 37 kDa protein that also catalyzes the
assembly of the first 8 glucose residues in a complex
formed between glycogenin and glycogen synthase.
UDP-glucose is formed through a
condensation reaction between
glucose-1-P and UTP in a reaction
catalyzed by UDP-glucose
Glycogen is extended from the
nonreducing end using UDP-glucose
A branching enzyme catalyzes the
transferring of a short stretch of Glc
residues from one nonreducing end
to the interior of the glycogen to make
an a1?6 linkage (thus a branch).
Glycogenin initiates glycogen synthesis
and stays inside the glycogen particle
13,Glycogen synthase and glycogen
phosphorylase are reciprocally regulated
in vertebrates by hormones
? Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation have
opposite effects towards the enzymatic acitivities of
these two enzymes.
? Hormones like epinephrine (acting on muscle cells)
or glucagon (acting on liver cells) will activate
protein kinase A,which will lead to phosphorylation
modification of both the glycogen phosphorylase
(thus activating it) and the glycogen synthase (thus
inactivating it).
Glycogen synthase
and phosphorylase
are reciprocally
regulated by
hormones via
14,Starch synthesis in chloroplast
stroma is similar to glycogen synthesis
? But ADP-glucose is used as the precursor (UDP-
glucose is used at the priming stage).
? Starch synthase also transfers the glucose unit to the
nonreducing end of a preexisting primer
? Branches in amylopectin are synthesized using a
similar branching enzyme.
? The synthesis of ADP-Glucose,catalyzed by ADP-
glucose pyrophosphorylase,is rate limiting.
? ADP-glucose is also used for bacteria to synthesize
bacterial glycogen.
15,Sucrose is synthesized from UDP-
glucose and fructose 6-phosphate in the
cytosol of plant cells
? Sucrose 6-phosphate is first synthesized by the
catalysis of sucrose 6-phosphate synthase.
? The phosphate is then removed in a reaction
catalyzed by sucrose 6-phosphate phosphatase.
? Sucrose,having no anomeric carbons (thus
nonreducing),is then transported to other tissues,
Sucrose is
from UDP-Glc
and Fru 6-P
16,Galactosyltransferase in lactating
mammary gland is converted to lactose
synthase by associating with a-
? Galactosyltransferase (GT) in nonlactating tissues
catalyzes the transfer of galactose from UDP-
Galactose to N-acetylglucosamine that is linked to
? The binding of GT to a-lactalbumin present in
lactating tissues changes the substrate specificity of
GT,galactose from UDP-Gal is now transferred to
D-glucose to form D-lactose,
Galactosyltransferase is converted to lactose
synthase by binding to a-lactalbumin in
lactating mammary glands
17,Glucuronate and L-ascorbic acid are
synthesized from glucose via UDP-
Glucose in many organisms
? UDP-Glc is converted to UDP-glucuronate by the
catalysis of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase,generating
two NADH.
? UDP-glucuronate can be used for synthesizing
glycosaminoglycan and detoxifying a variety of
nonpolar compounds (by increasing their polarity
via glucuronidation).
? UDP-glucuronate can also be hydrolyzed to form D-
glucuronate,which is then reduced to L-gulonate by
consuming NADPH,
? L-gulonate is then converted to L-gulonolactone,
which is converted to L-ascorbic acid going through
an oxidation reaction.
? Humans lack gulonolactone oxidase (a flavoprotein),
thus is unable to synthesize vitamin C,which is
needed for making the collagen-containing
connective tissue.
? The lack of Vitamin C will cause scurvy in humans.
UDP-glucose is used to
synthesize glucuronate
and L-ascorbic acid
18,Carbohydrates can be synthesized
from CO2 in photosynthetic organisms
? Organic compounds of at least three carbons are
used as precursors for carbohydrate synthesis in
animals (via gluconeogenesis).
? The,path” of CO2 in photosynthesis was revealed
by studies using radioisotope tracer (14CO2) and
chromatographic separation of labeled intermediates
(Malvin Calvin,early 1950s).
? 3-phosphoglycerate,a glycolysis/gluconeogenesis
intermediate was found to be the first metabolite
labeled when algae suspensions having 14CO2 was
illuminated for a short period of time!
? All the 14C was found to be in the carboxyl group of
? Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) was revealed to
be the CO2 acceptor by comparing the steady-state
concentrations of various compounds by suddenly
raising or lowering the CO2 levels.
? The assimilation of CO2 was also found to occur
through a cyclic pathway called the Calvin cycle.
3-phosphoglycerate was
found to be the first organic
compound that CO2
enters during photosynthesis
19,The CO2 assimilation process via
the Calvin cycle can be divided into
three stages
? Stage I (fixation),CO2 is condensed to a five-carbon
acceptor,ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate,to form 3-
? Stage II (reduction),3-phosphoglycerate is reduced
to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
? Stage III (regeneration),ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate is
regenerated using glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
20,One CO2 is initially added to one
ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate to form two
molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate
? Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate is converted to an enediol(烯
二醇 ) intermediate before condensed to CO2.
? CO2 (not bicarbonate) is added to the second carbon of
the enediol intermediate to form a six-carbon b-keto
acid intermediate,which is then hydrated to form
another six-carbon intermediate.
? Two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules are formed from the
cleavage of the six-carbon intermediate via a carbanion.
? The whole conversion is catalyzed by ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco in short).
One CO2 is initially added to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate,
producing two 3-phosphoglycerate via two six-carbon
The initial CO2
fixation is catalyzed
by ribulose 1,5-
21,Rubisco has a complicated structure,
low efficiency and large quantity
? The plant enzyme consists of 8 large (with both
catalytic and regulatory sites) and 8 small subunits
(with unknown function).
? It has both a carboxylase and an oxygenase activity
sharing the same active site,located at the interface
of the large subunits.
? O2 competes with CO2 at the active site.
? It is the most abundant enzyme in the biosphere
(being about 250 mg/ml in the chloroplast stroma).
? The bacterial enzyme is a dimer (both similar to the
large sununits of the plant enzyme).
The plant rubisco consists of 8 large and
8 small subunits
Active site
The bacterial rubisco consists of two
22,3-phosphoglycerate is reduce to
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate via a two
steps reactions
? Essentially the reversal of the two steps of
glycolysis pathway.
? 3-phosphoglycerate kinase converts 3-
phosphoglycerate to 1,3-bisphophoglycerate
(consuming one ATP),which is then reduced to
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate by Glyceraldehyde-3-
phosphate dehydrogenase,
? But NADPH,in stead of NADH is used here.
23,Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate has
three alternative fates
? Fate I,be used for starch synthesis in the stroma
of chloroplasts after being converted to glucose-
1-P via the gluconeogenesis pathway.
? Fates II and III,be transported out into the
cytosol (using a specific Pi-triose phosphate
antiporter) and then be used for sucrose
synthesis (sucrose is then transported to other
growing regions of the plant) or enter glycolysis
to provide additional energy for the developing
24,Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is
regenerated from glyceraldehyde 3-P for
the Calvin cycle to continue
? For each 6 triose phosphates,5 are used for
regenerating 3 molecules of ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate (leaving one for the alternative fates).
? RuBP regeneration occurs by carbon skeleton
rearrangement starting with the triose phosphates,
involving four-,five-,six-,and seven-carbon sugar
phosphate intermediates.
? The carbon rearrangement is mainly catalyzed
by two transketolases and two transaldolase
(also called aldolase),but also helped by a
bisphosphatase,an isomerase,an epimerase,and
a kinase.
? The pathway is essentially the reversal of the
pentose phosphate pathway.
Three RuBP are regenerated
by using five triose phosphates
The TPP-containing
transketolases catalyze the
transfer of a ketol (醇酮 )
group from a ketose donor
to an aldose acceptor
TPP acts as a temporary
carrier of two-carbon
units in transketolase
Both ribose 5-P and xylulose 5-P
are converted to RuBP through
isomerization and phosphorylation
25,The synthesis of one triose phosphate
from 3 CO2 consumes 6 NADPH and 9
? Six NADPH and Six ATP are used for reducing six
3-phosphoglycerate to six glyceraldehyde 3-
? Three ATP are consumed in the last step of
regenerating RuBP,phosphorylation of ribulose 5-P.
? Two NADPH and Three ATP are needed for fixing
each CO2.
Two NADPH and Three
ATP are consumed for
fixing each CO2
26,The Pi-triose phosphate antiport
system of the inner chloroplast
membrane facilitates the inside-outside
transport of materials and energy
? For one role the newly synthesized triose
phosphatess can be exported from the stroma to the
cytosol,where it is converted to sucrose,meanwhile,
Pi is imported from the cytosol to the stroma for
ATP synthesis there.
? The Pi-triose phosphate antiporter is also effectively
used for exporting ATP and reducing equivalents
(NADH/NADPH) from the stroma to cytosol.
The Pi-triose phosphate antiporter moves triose
Phosphate out of and Pi into the chloroplast
ATP/reducing equivalents
are exported from stroma
to cytosol via the Pi-triose
phosphate antiporter and
The dihydroxyacetone-
3-phosphoglyerate cycle
27,Rubisco is both positively and
negatively regulated
? Carboxylation of a specific Lys residue (forming a
carbamate) by CO2 activates the enzyme.
? At high CO2 levels,carboxylation occurs
? At low CO2 levels,this reaction is catalyzed by
rubisco activase (with ATP consumed).
? The carbamate binds Mg2+ which is needed for the
enzymatic activity.
? The enzyme is inactivated by a naturally
occurring transition-state analog,2-
carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (also called
“nocturnal inhibitor”),which acts in the dark and
breaks down in light (thus carbon fixation does
not occur in the dark),
Rubisco is positively regulated
by covalent modification and
negatively regulated by a naturally
occurring transitional state analog
28,Certain enzymes are indirectly
activated by light
? Light will drive the proton pumping from stroma to
thylakoid lumen,thus increasing the pH of the
stroma of chloroplast,accompanied by a flow of
Mg2+ from thykaloid lumen into the stroma.
? The enzymatic activity of fructose 1,6-
bisphosphatase increases with increasing pH and
Mg2+ concentration.
? A few Calvin cycle enzymes (including
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase,
bisphosphatase,and ribulose-5-phosphate kinase)
are activated by light-driven reduction of disulfide
bonds,mediated by a soluble,small disulfide-
containing thiroredoxin (reduced form),which is in
turn activated by the reduced ferredoxin generated
from PSI under illumination.
Light drives a decrease
Of [H+] and increase
Of [Mg2+] in the
Stroma of chloroplasts
Light indirectly drives the reduction of a disulfide
bond for a few Calvin cycle enzymes,which is
needed for activating the enzymes
29,Photophosphorylation,CO2 fixation,
sucrose/starch syntheses,and glycolysis
are tightly regulated
? The triose phosphates newly synthesized from the
Calvin cycle have to be properly partitioned
between sucrose/starch syntheses (which releases
Pi for ATP synthesis in photophosphorylation) and
regeneration of Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate for the
effective running of the Calvin cycle.
? Carbohydrate biosynthesis (gluconeogenesis)
should slow down and degradation (glycolysis)
should speed up in the dark and vice versa.
? Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate also plays a key role in
regulating these processes in plants!
? Photosynthetic 3-carbon products,present at a high
level under illumination,inhibit FPK-2,thus
lowering the level of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate,
which will in turn increase the activity of FBPase-1
of gluconeogenesis.
? Pi,present at a high level in the dark,stimulates
FPK-2,thus raising the level of fructose-2,6-
bisphosphate,which in turn increases the activity of
PFK-1 and the level of glycolysis.
? Sucrose 6-phosphate synthase (the enzyme
catalyzing the synthesis of sucrose) is allosterically
activated by glucose 6-P,present at a high level
when triose phosphate is actively produced from the
Calvin cycle,and inactivated by Pi,present at a high
level in the dark; it is also regulated by reversible
phosphorylation (phosphorylated in the dark and
less active).
? ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase,the key regulatory
enzyme for starch synthesis,is activated by 3-
phosphoglycerate and inhibited by Pi.
? 3-phosphoglycerate accumulates when sucrose
synthesis slows down,which leads to a stimulation
of starch synthesis.
Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
reciprocally regulates the
gluconeogenesis and
glycolysis in the light and
30,Rubisco’s oxygenase activity results
in photorespiration
? O2 can be added to the same position as CO2 to
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate in the same active site of
rubisco,generating 3-phosphoglycerate and
? The O2 condensation competes with CO2 fixation in
the enzyme active site.
? Phosphoglycolate,with no known roles,can be
converted to 3-phosphoglycerate via the
multicompartmental glycolate pathway,in which O2
is consumed (in three steps) and CO2 is produced (in
one step),thus called photorespiration,
? Unlike mitochondrial respiration,no energy is
conserved in photorespiration
? The oxygenase activity increases more rapidly
with temperature increase than the carboxylase
31,C4 plants have evolved a mechanism
to minimize photorespiration
? In one pathway,CO2 is first fixed (temporarily) to
phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to form the 4-carbon
oxaloacetate in mesophyll cells by a reaction
catalyzed by PEP carboyxlase,which has a high
affinity to HCO3-.
? Oxaloacetate is then reduced to malate,which
moves to the bundle-sheath cells via the
plasmodesmata (胞间连丝 ) linkage.
? Malate is then converted to pyruvate in a
reaction catalyzed by malic enzyme,releasing
CO2 in the bundle-sheath cells.
? Carbon fixation then occur via the Calvin cycle
in the bundle sheath cells exactly like what
happens in C3 plants,exposing rubisco at a high
level of CO2 but low level of O2 (the bundle
sheath cells are away from the air).
? The pyruvate generated in the bundle sheath
cells is transported back into the mesophyll cells,
and is converted to PEP in a reaction catalyzed
by pyruvate phosphate dikinase,
? C4 plants consume five ATP to fix one CO2,
(whereas C3 plants consume only three);
? When temperature increases to about 28oC to
30oC,the gain in efficiency from the elimination
of photorespiration in C4 plants more than
compensates for this higher energy cost,thus C4
plants grows faster than the C3 plants under
these temperatures.
C4 plants (e.g.,maize,sugarcane
and sorghum) have evolved a
mechanism to minimized
? Gluconeogenesis,the synthesis of glucose from 3-
carbon compounds (mainly pyruvate) is highly
conserved in all organisms.
? Gluconeogenesis shares most of the reactions
occurring in glycolysis,but bypassing the three
irreversible reactions (using different enzymes).
? Gluconeogenesis consumes more energy than
glycolysis releases.
? Most of the amino acids,but not fatty acids can be
used for net production of glucose in vertebrates.
? The gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are reciprocally
regulated by molecules like acetyl CoA,AMP,
fructose 1,6-bisphosphate.
? Sugar nucleotides are used for biosynthesis,UDP-
Glc is used for glycogen and sucrose syntheses;
ADP-Glc is used for starch synthesis.
? Galactosyl transferase is converted to lactose
synthase by binding to a-lactalbumin in the lactating
mammary gland.
? UDP-glucose is used to synthesize glucuronate and
L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
? CO2 can be fixed into ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in
plants,initially producing 3-phosphoglycerate,
which is then reduced to glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate (a triose phosphate) via the Calvin cycle
(with RuBP constantly regenerated).
? Triose phosphates are then converted to glucose via
the gluconeogenesis pathway.
? Rubisco is an oligomeric protein having a large
quantity in the stroma of chloroplasts.
? Rubisco can add either CO2 or O2 to RuBP in the
same active site leading to either CO2 fixation or
? The Pi-triose phosphate antiport system of the inner
chloroplast membrane facilitates the inside-outside
transport of materials and energy.
? Rubisco is both positively and negatively regulated.
? Certain enzymes of the Calvin cycle are indirectly
regulated by light.
? Photophosphorylation,CO2 fixation,sucrose/starch
syntheses,and glycolysis are tightly regulated.
? C4 plants have evolved a mechanism to minimize