Biology of microorganisms
Zhao Bin and He shaojiang
The college of Life Science and Technology
Huazhong Agricultural University
How to use your textbook?
What’s the arrangement for
the teaching?
Why should we study microbiology
? Lecture (70 hours)
? Laboratory practice (50 hours)
? Mini-test (10 times)
? Open-laboratory practice
? Club activity
Why should we study microbiology?
Two major reasons
microbiology deals with many important
practical problems in medicine,agriculture,
and industry,
Biochemical and genetic study
As a basic
biological science
As an applied
biological science
Provides research tools
? the experimental basis of microbiology
? the general principles of cell structure and function
? the classification and diversity of microorganisms
? biochemical processes in cells
? the genetic basis of microbial growth and evolution
? the ecological activities of microorganisms in nature.
We will discuss:
How to use your textbook?
The CHAPTER OUTLINE provides an overview of the chapter’s
main concepts.
SECTION NUMBERS keyde to page numbers provide easy
reference points.
The WORKING GLOSSARY provides definitions of important terms
within each chapter.
(Brock Biology of Microorganisms,Ninth Edition)
CONCEPT CHECKS summarize each section and provide quiz
questions,so students can evaluate their understanding as
they progress through the chapter.
CONCEPT LINKS alert students to material that builds on
previous concepts and provides a useful cross-referencing
system for the entire book.
Outstanding MICROGRAPHS are included throughout.
TABLES have been redesigned to make key information even
more accessible to students.
The ART in the ninth edition has been thoroughly revised,
but still maintains the use of consistent color coding.
BOLDFACED TERMS are defined in the Glossary.
FEATURE BOXES provide additional,relevant information,
Some take an historical perspective,some focus on
techniques and applications,and others explore a text topic
in greater depth,
REVIEW QUESTIONS challenge the student’s mastery of
chapter concepts.
APPLICATION QUESTIONS allow students to test their
analytical and problem-solving skills.
APPENDICES provide useful tutorial and reference information.
A very effective study technique to you
Read Revise
SQ4R Technique
To continue
Briefly scan the chapter to become familiar with its
general content,Quickly read the title,introduction,
summary,and main headings,Record the major
ideas and points that you think the chapter will make,
If there are a list of chapter concepts and a chapter
outline,pay close attention to these,This survey
should give you a feel for the topic and how the
chapter is approaching it,
As you reach each main heading or subheading,try
to compose an important question or two that you
believe the section will answer,This preview
question will help focus your reading of the section,
It is also a good idea to keep asking yourself
questions as you read,This habit facilitates active
reading and learning,
Carefully read the section,Read to understand
concepts and major points,and try to find the
answer to your preview question(s),You may
want to highlight very important terms or
explanations of concepts,but do not
indiscriminantly highlight everything,
After reading the section,revise your question(s)
to more accurately reflect the section's contents,
These questions should be concept type questions
that force you to bring together a number of
details,They can be written in the margins of
your text,
Underline the information in the text that answers
your questions,if you have not already done so,
You may wish to write down the answers in note
form as well,This process will give you good
material to use in preparing for exams,
Review the information by trying to answer your
questions without looking at the text,If the text has a
list of key words and a set of study questions,be sure
to use these in your review,You will retain much
more if you review the material several times,
1.1 What is a microbe?
1.2 The importance of Microbiology
1.3 Microbes in our lives
1.4 The history of microbiology
1.5 Important events in the development of microbiology
Microorganisms and Microbiology
The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe
an organism that is so small that,normally,it cannot be
seen without the use of a microscope,Viruses,bacteria,
fungi,protozoa and some algae are all included in this
1.1 What is a microbe?
Our world is populated by
invisible creatures too small to
be seen with the unaided eye,
These life forms,the microbes or
microorganisms,may be seen
only by magnifying their image
with a microscope.
Microbial world
Infectious agents
eukaryotes viruses viroids prions
Eubacteria Archaea Algae
Most of the bacteria,
proto- zoa,and fungi
are single-celled
microo rganisms,and
even the multicelled
microbes do not have
a great range of cell
types,Viruses are not
even cells,just genetic
material surrounded
by a protein coat and
incapable of
independent existence.
The size and cell type of microbes
microbe Approximate
range of sizes
Cell type
Viruses 0.01-0.25μm Acellular
Bacteria 0.1-10μm Prokaryote
Fungi 2μm ->1m Eukaryote
Protozoa 2-1000μm Eukaryote
Algae 1μm -several meters Eukaryote
Microbes impinge on all aspects of life,just a few of
these are listed below:
The environment Medicine Food
Biotechnology Research
1.2 The importance of microbiology
1,The environment
5,Research Press here to continue
Microbes are responsible for the cycling of carbon,
nitrogen and phosphors (geochemical cycles),all
essential components of living organisms (Topic FI),
They are found in association with plants in symbiotic
relationships,maintain soil fertilitv and may also be
used to clean up the environment of toxic compounds
(bio-remediation; Topics H6 and 14),Some microbes
are devastating plant pathogens (Topic H7),which
destroy important food crops,but others may act as
biological control agents against these diseases.
The disease-causing ability of some microbes such as
smallpox,(Variola virus; Topic KS),cholera (Vibrio
cholera bacteria; Section F3) and malaria (Plasmodium
protozoa,Topic J7) is well known,However,micro-
organisms have also provided us with the means of their
control in the form of antibiotics (Topic F7) and other
medically important drugs.
Microbes have been used for thousands of years,in
many processes,to produce food,from brewing and
wine making,through cheese production and bread
making,to the manufacture of soy sauce (Topic F2),
At the other end of the scale,microbes are responsible
for food spoilage,and disease-causing microbes are
frequently carried on food (Topic F5).
Traditionally microbes have been used to
synthesize many important chemicals such
as acetone and acetic acid (Topic F2),More
recently he advent of genetic engineering
techniques has led to the cloning of
pharmaceutically important polypeptides
into microbes,which may hen be produced
on a large scale.
Microbes have been used extensively as model
organisms for the investigation of biochemical and
genetical processes as they are much easier to work
with than more complex animals and plants,Millions
of copies of the same single cell can be produced in
large numbers very quickly and at low cost to give
plenty of homogeneous experimental material,An
additional advantage is that most people have no
ethical objections to experiments with these
Microbial Morphology
Phycology or Algology
Microbial physiology
Microbial taxonomy
Microbial genetics
Molecular biology
Microbial ecology
The discovery of microorganisms
The spontaneous generation conflict
The recognition of microbial role in
The discovery of microbial effects on
organic and inorganic matter
The development of microbiology in this
1.4 The history of microbiology
The discovery of microorganisms
The first person to
accurately observe and
describe microorganisms
Antony van Leeuwenhock
The first person to observe and describe
microorganisms was the amateur microscopist
Antony van leeuwenhoek of Delft,Holland.
Leeuwenkoek made his simple,single-lens
microscope which could amplify the object being
viewed 50 – 300 times,Between 1673 – 1723,he
wrote a series of letters to the Royal Society of
London describing the microbes he observed from
the samples of rainwater,and humam mouth.
drawings of bacteria
from the human
A drawing of one of
the microscopes
showing the lens a;
mounting pin b; and
focusing screws c
and d.
? Final refutation of
spontaneous generation –
birth of microbiology as a
? Discovery of the existence
of anaerobic life –
? Vaccines
? Pasteurization
Pasteur’s contributions:
Louis Pasteur working in his laboratory
Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895)
1,Pasteur (1857) demonstrated that lactic acid
fermentation is due to the activity of
2,Pasteur (1861) conflict over spontaneous
generation – birth of microbiology as a
3,Pasteur (1881) developed anthrax vaccine
The spontaneous generation conflict
Spontaneous generation – that living
organisms could develop from nonliving or
decomposing matter.
Pasteur’s swan neck flasks used in his experiments
on the spontaneous generation of microorganisms
Microorganisms are not spontaneously
generated from inanimate matter,but are
produced by other microorganisms
Robert Kock in his laboratory
The recognition of microbial role in disease
Robert Kock (1843 – 1910)
1,The microorganisms must be present in every
case of the disease but absent from healthy
2,The suspected microorganisms must be isolated
and grown in a pure culture.
3,The disease must result when the isolated
microorganisms is inoculated into a healthy host.
4,The same microorganisms must be isolated again
from the diseased host
Kock’s postulates
The Golden age of microbiology
? Koch and pure cultures
? Fermentation and Pasteurization
? Germ theory of desease
? Vaccination
Beijerinck made fundamental
contributions to microbial ecology,
He isolated Azotobacter and
The discovery of microbial effects
on organic and inorganic matter
The Russian microbiologist
Winograsky discovered that soil
bacteria could oxidize iron,sulfur
and ammonia to obtain energy,
and also isolated nitrogen – fixing
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered
the antibiotic penicillin,He had
the insight to recognize the
significance of the inhibition of
bacterial growth in the vicinity of a
fungal contaminant when most
other scientists probably would
have simply discarded the
contaminated plates.
Alexander Fleming
1676 Leeuwenhoek discovers "animalcules"
1.5 Important events in the
development of microbiology
Think and answer following questions:
1,How did Pasteur's famous experiment defeat the
theory of spontaneous generation?
2,How can Koch's postulates prove cause and effect in a
3,Who was the first person to use solid culture media in
microbiology? What advantages do solid media offer
for the culture of microorganisms?
4,What is the enrichment culture technique and why was
it a useful new method in microbiology?
5,When and how Alexander Fleming discovered
Reference books
For more useful aids,please visit:
Zhao Bin and He shaojiang
The college of Life Science and Technology
Huazhong Agricultural University
How to use your textbook?
What’s the arrangement for
the teaching?
Why should we study microbiology
? Lecture (70 hours)
? Laboratory practice (50 hours)
? Mini-test (10 times)
? Open-laboratory practice
? Club activity
Why should we study microbiology?
Two major reasons
microbiology deals with many important
practical problems in medicine,agriculture,
and industry,
Biochemical and genetic study
As a basic
biological science
As an applied
biological science
Provides research tools
? the experimental basis of microbiology
? the general principles of cell structure and function
? the classification and diversity of microorganisms
? biochemical processes in cells
? the genetic basis of microbial growth and evolution
? the ecological activities of microorganisms in nature.
We will discuss:
How to use your textbook?
The CHAPTER OUTLINE provides an overview of the chapter’s
main concepts.
SECTION NUMBERS keyde to page numbers provide easy
reference points.
The WORKING GLOSSARY provides definitions of important terms
within each chapter.
(Brock Biology of Microorganisms,Ninth Edition)
CONCEPT CHECKS summarize each section and provide quiz
questions,so students can evaluate their understanding as
they progress through the chapter.
CONCEPT LINKS alert students to material that builds on
previous concepts and provides a useful cross-referencing
system for the entire book.
Outstanding MICROGRAPHS are included throughout.
TABLES have been redesigned to make key information even
more accessible to students.
The ART in the ninth edition has been thoroughly revised,
but still maintains the use of consistent color coding.
BOLDFACED TERMS are defined in the Glossary.
FEATURE BOXES provide additional,relevant information,
Some take an historical perspective,some focus on
techniques and applications,and others explore a text topic
in greater depth,
REVIEW QUESTIONS challenge the student’s mastery of
chapter concepts.
APPLICATION QUESTIONS allow students to test their
analytical and problem-solving skills.
APPENDICES provide useful tutorial and reference information.
A very effective study technique to you
Read Revise
SQ4R Technique
To continue
Briefly scan the chapter to become familiar with its
general content,Quickly read the title,introduction,
summary,and main headings,Record the major
ideas and points that you think the chapter will make,
If there are a list of chapter concepts and a chapter
outline,pay close attention to these,This survey
should give you a feel for the topic and how the
chapter is approaching it,
As you reach each main heading or subheading,try
to compose an important question or two that you
believe the section will answer,This preview
question will help focus your reading of the section,
It is also a good idea to keep asking yourself
questions as you read,This habit facilitates active
reading and learning,
Carefully read the section,Read to understand
concepts and major points,and try to find the
answer to your preview question(s),You may
want to highlight very important terms or
explanations of concepts,but do not
indiscriminantly highlight everything,
After reading the section,revise your question(s)
to more accurately reflect the section's contents,
These questions should be concept type questions
that force you to bring together a number of
details,They can be written in the margins of
your text,
Underline the information in the text that answers
your questions,if you have not already done so,
You may wish to write down the answers in note
form as well,This process will give you good
material to use in preparing for exams,
Review the information by trying to answer your
questions without looking at the text,If the text has a
list of key words and a set of study questions,be sure
to use these in your review,You will retain much
more if you review the material several times,
1.1 What is a microbe?
1.2 The importance of Microbiology
1.3 Microbes in our lives
1.4 The history of microbiology
1.5 Important events in the development of microbiology
Microorganisms and Microbiology
The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe
an organism that is so small that,normally,it cannot be
seen without the use of a microscope,Viruses,bacteria,
fungi,protozoa and some algae are all included in this
1.1 What is a microbe?
Our world is populated by
invisible creatures too small to
be seen with the unaided eye,
These life forms,the microbes or
microorganisms,may be seen
only by magnifying their image
with a microscope.
Microbial world
Infectious agents
eukaryotes viruses viroids prions
Eubacteria Archaea Algae
Most of the bacteria,
proto- zoa,and fungi
are single-celled
microo rganisms,and
even the multicelled
microbes do not have
a great range of cell
types,Viruses are not
even cells,just genetic
material surrounded
by a protein coat and
incapable of
independent existence.
The size and cell type of microbes
microbe Approximate
range of sizes
Cell type
Viruses 0.01-0.25μm Acellular
Bacteria 0.1-10μm Prokaryote
Fungi 2μm ->1m Eukaryote
Protozoa 2-1000μm Eukaryote
Algae 1μm -several meters Eukaryote
Microbes impinge on all aspects of life,just a few of
these are listed below:
The environment Medicine Food
Biotechnology Research
1.2 The importance of microbiology
1,The environment
5,Research Press here to continue
Microbes are responsible for the cycling of carbon,
nitrogen and phosphors (geochemical cycles),all
essential components of living organisms (Topic FI),
They are found in association with plants in symbiotic
relationships,maintain soil fertilitv and may also be
used to clean up the environment of toxic compounds
(bio-remediation; Topics H6 and 14),Some microbes
are devastating plant pathogens (Topic H7),which
destroy important food crops,but others may act as
biological control agents against these diseases.
The disease-causing ability of some microbes such as
smallpox,(Variola virus; Topic KS),cholera (Vibrio
cholera bacteria; Section F3) and malaria (Plasmodium
protozoa,Topic J7) is well known,However,micro-
organisms have also provided us with the means of their
control in the form of antibiotics (Topic F7) and other
medically important drugs.
Microbes have been used for thousands of years,in
many processes,to produce food,from brewing and
wine making,through cheese production and bread
making,to the manufacture of soy sauce (Topic F2),
At the other end of the scale,microbes are responsible
for food spoilage,and disease-causing microbes are
frequently carried on food (Topic F5).
Traditionally microbes have been used to
synthesize many important chemicals such
as acetone and acetic acid (Topic F2),More
recently he advent of genetic engineering
techniques has led to the cloning of
pharmaceutically important polypeptides
into microbes,which may hen be produced
on a large scale.
Microbes have been used extensively as model
organisms for the investigation of biochemical and
genetical processes as they are much easier to work
with than more complex animals and plants,Millions
of copies of the same single cell can be produced in
large numbers very quickly and at low cost to give
plenty of homogeneous experimental material,An
additional advantage is that most people have no
ethical objections to experiments with these
Microbial Morphology
Phycology or Algology
Microbial physiology
Microbial taxonomy
Microbial genetics
Molecular biology
Microbial ecology
The discovery of microorganisms
The spontaneous generation conflict
The recognition of microbial role in
The discovery of microbial effects on
organic and inorganic matter
The development of microbiology in this
1.4 The history of microbiology
The discovery of microorganisms
The first person to
accurately observe and
describe microorganisms
Antony van Leeuwenhock
The first person to observe and describe
microorganisms was the amateur microscopist
Antony van leeuwenhoek of Delft,Holland.
Leeuwenkoek made his simple,single-lens
microscope which could amplify the object being
viewed 50 – 300 times,Between 1673 – 1723,he
wrote a series of letters to the Royal Society of
London describing the microbes he observed from
the samples of rainwater,and humam mouth.
drawings of bacteria
from the human
A drawing of one of
the microscopes
showing the lens a;
mounting pin b; and
focusing screws c
and d.
? Final refutation of
spontaneous generation –
birth of microbiology as a
? Discovery of the existence
of anaerobic life –
? Vaccines
? Pasteurization
Pasteur’s contributions:
Louis Pasteur working in his laboratory
Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895)
1,Pasteur (1857) demonstrated that lactic acid
fermentation is due to the activity of
2,Pasteur (1861) conflict over spontaneous
generation – birth of microbiology as a
3,Pasteur (1881) developed anthrax vaccine
The spontaneous generation conflict
Spontaneous generation – that living
organisms could develop from nonliving or
decomposing matter.
Pasteur’s swan neck flasks used in his experiments
on the spontaneous generation of microorganisms
Microorganisms are not spontaneously
generated from inanimate matter,but are
produced by other microorganisms
Robert Kock in his laboratory
The recognition of microbial role in disease
Robert Kock (1843 – 1910)
1,The microorganisms must be present in every
case of the disease but absent from healthy
2,The suspected microorganisms must be isolated
and grown in a pure culture.
3,The disease must result when the isolated
microorganisms is inoculated into a healthy host.
4,The same microorganisms must be isolated again
from the diseased host
Kock’s postulates
The Golden age of microbiology
? Koch and pure cultures
? Fermentation and Pasteurization
? Germ theory of desease
? Vaccination
Beijerinck made fundamental
contributions to microbial ecology,
He isolated Azotobacter and
The discovery of microbial effects
on organic and inorganic matter
The Russian microbiologist
Winograsky discovered that soil
bacteria could oxidize iron,sulfur
and ammonia to obtain energy,
and also isolated nitrogen – fixing
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered
the antibiotic penicillin,He had
the insight to recognize the
significance of the inhibition of
bacterial growth in the vicinity of a
fungal contaminant when most
other scientists probably would
have simply discarded the
contaminated plates.
Alexander Fleming
1676 Leeuwenhoek discovers "animalcules"
1.5 Important events in the
development of microbiology
Think and answer following questions:
1,How did Pasteur's famous experiment defeat the
theory of spontaneous generation?
2,How can Koch's postulates prove cause and effect in a
3,Who was the first person to use solid culture media in
microbiology? What advantages do solid media offer
for the culture of microorganisms?
4,What is the enrichment culture technique and why was
it a useful new method in microbiology?
5,When and how Alexander Fleming discovered
Reference books
For more useful aids,please visit: