Designing Team Presentations Showing you really are a TEAM… How do you start? ? Assume the audience is technically competent, but isn’t familiar with your project? ? What do they need to know first? Introduction ? Background ? Current situation and/or problem ? Motivation ? Why the research you’re doing is significant ? Benefits, solutions, uniqueness ? Overall project objective/mission ? Overall technical approach or strategy ? How you’re going to fulfill the objective ? Advanced organizer – an overview of the main sections of the presentation Each Subteam ? What does the audience need to know at the beginning of your section? ? How does your section fit into the whole project? ? What is the design strategy you’re using to organize your section? ? Logical sequence? ? Parts or components – what order is logical? ? How can you visualize your section and its content for your audience? Each Speaker on a Team ? What does the audience need to know at the beginning? ? How does your part fit into your team’s whole? ? How can you visualize your part for the audience? ? What is the connection to the next speaker’s part? Professional Teamwork ? Ensure the audience knows how a section or part fits into the larger structure ? Always connect sections and parts via your speakers ? Make audible transitions between speakers ? Use navigational aids on your slides ? Repeat similar structures across subteams Professional Speaking ? Time your presentation ? Practice individually, then in subteams ? Help team members improve their delivery ? Strengths and areas for improvement ? Have equipment ready beforehand ? Stay calm and attentive throughout ? Practice answering questions and dealing with interruptions ? Remember that it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you deal with it Viewgraphs ? Large type ? Bulleted points ? Consistent design ? Lots of graphics ? Readable labels ? Visual aid for you; navigation aid for the audience