ENTERPRISE LEVEL WASTE Module to Support Team Assignment in Course 16.852J/ESD.61.J – Fall 2002 “Integrating the Lean Enterprise” Prepared by: Joe Mize Alexis Stanke Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 1 ENTERPRISE LEVEL WASTE Joe Mize, MIT Alexis Stanke, MIT The elimination of “waste” is one of the fundamental tenets of “lean thinking”. “Waste” may be defined as “any action, process or activity that consumes resources and does not directly add value for a stakeholder”. We will first review how waste is traditionally viewed when value stream maps are developed within production operations. We will then consider comparable wastes within information systems. There are other wastes at the enterprise level that must be considered when performing enterprise-level value stream mapping and analysis Waste in Production Operations Traditional value stream mapping efforts have been performed primarily in production operations. The developers of the Toyota Production System identified seven basic categories of waste: ? Waiting: A condition caused by (1) a production operation waiting for maintenance, for material/parts from previous operation, tooling, operator readiness, etc., or (2) production parts waiting in a queue (perhaps in batches). ? Transportation: Excessive movement of materials/tools between production operations, between facilities, or to and from storage. ? Over-Processing: Using oversized equipment or equipment not designed for the task at hand, thereby requiring excess running time and costs; using equipment that has not been properly maintained, thereby requiring excess processing. ? Excessive Inventory: Maintaining stocks of raw materials in excess of current production requirements; or stocks of finished goods in excess of current customer demand; or stocks of work in progress as buffers between un- synchronized production operations. ? Unnecessary Motion: Human actions/motions beyond the minimum required to achieve the task at hand, i.e. tasks which, in themselves, do not add value. ? Defective Products: Parts, materials, sub-assemblies or products that do not meet specifications and which must be scrapped or reworked to bring into conformance. ? Overproduction: Producing more than is required or producing before required; any work performed which is not “pulled” by the next stakeholder in the value stream. Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 2 See Table C.1 in Appendix C for examples and associated causes of each of these production waste categories. In general, these seven categories of waste have proven to be sufficient for dealing with efforts to convert production operations to “lean”. When engaged in mapping the value stream of a product family, these categories of waste are the primary targets for elimination or reduction. As efforts have been made to apply value stream mapping outside production operations, these seven categories have been found to be lacking. We will first consider how we may use these categories for categorizing wastes found in information systems, then we will move to the enterprise level and explore additional categories of waste needed. Seven Types of Information Waste Clearly, waste also occurs outside production operations. An important enterprise element in which significant waste can occur is the information system of the enterprise. The seven types of information wastes discussed in this section are analogous to the seven types of manufacturing wastes for any environment where there is not a physical product involved. The handling, exchange or transportation, and processing of information has some unique and some common characteristics with the handling, transportation, and processing of physical material. ? Waiting: Idle time due to unavailable information. ? Transportation (unnecessary movement): (In the case of information, this waste category is the same as Excess Processing, below.) ? Excess Processing: Processing information beyond requirements, e.g. unneeded precision. ? Inventory: Information that is unused or is “work in progress”. ? Unnecessary Motion: Any human movement necessitated by poor Information System design. ? Defects: Any element of data, information or intelligence that is erroneous. ? Overproduction: Producing and distributing more information to more people than is needed. See Table C.2 in Appendix C for examples and associated causes of these information waste categories. Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 3 Enterprise Level Wastes More broadly, waste occurs at the enterprise level in a wide variety of contexts. Many of these wastes can be mapped into Toyoto’s seven fundamental categories. Some, however, are unique and require additional categories. ? Waiting/Delays: Idle time due to late decisions, cumbersome and excessive approvals, and unsynchronized enterprise processes. ? Excessive Transportation: Unnecessary movement (including electronically) of administrative paperwork; multiple approvals and handoffs. ? Inappropriate Processing/Ineffectual Effort: Effort expended which does not increase value to any of the enterprise’s stakeholders; can occur within the workforce, within management ranks, or across the entire enterprise. ? Inventory: Unnecessary levels of any enterprise resource: capacity, space, workforce, suppliers. ? Excessive Motion: Any human effort that does not increase stakeholder value. ? Defects/Rework: Erroneous results from enterprise processes and decisions. ? Overproduction: Any creation of enterprise outputs which does not increase stakeholder value. In addition, two other categories are added to accommodate waste categories at the enterprise level. ? Structural Inefficiencies: Waste resulting from inappropriate organizational structure, policies or business model structure. ? Opportunity Costs: Wastes resulting from lost opportunities, e.g., untapped talent in the workforce. See Table C.3 in Appendix C for examples and associated causes of each of these enterprise level waste categories. Also, see Table C.4 in Appendix C for a Taxonomy of Enterprise Wastes. Enterprise Monuments Another aspect of faulty enterprise design is that of “monuments”, which can be considered another factor contributing to waste. Books focusing on Lean Manufacturing stress that “monuments” need to be eliminated. Womack defines a “monument” as any machine or process which is too large to be moved to accommodate dynamic reconfigurations as the value stream changes and whose scale requires operating in a batch and queue mode. A “right-sized tool”, on the other hand, is a “design, scheduling or production device that can be fitted directly into the flow of products within a product family so that production no longer requires unnecessary transport, storage and waiting.” Example of monuments are huge presses, centralized paint booths, etc. Analogous enterprise monuments are: ? Centralized command and control structure ? Centralized, tightly coupled information systems ? Highly bureaucratic rules, regulations and procedures Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 4 ? Excessive Layers of Middle management ? Highly Concentrated, Centralized Headquarter Facilities ? Excessive, Bloated Corporate Staff Functions ? Monolithic Functional Organizations (Silos): Purchasing, H.R., Finance, Engineering, etc. Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 5 APPENDIX C WASTE IN THE ENTERPRISE Table C.1 PRODUCTION WASTE Table C.2 INFORMATION WASTE Table C.3 ENTERPRISE LEVEL WASTE Table C.4 ENTERPRISE WASTE TAXONOMY Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 6 TABLE C.1 PRODUCTION WASTES TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Waiting Idle time in which no value is added Employee waiting for ? tooling ? equipment repair ? quality inspector ? material machine to complete operation ? Poor scheduling, work coordination ? Inadequate preventive maintenance ? Lack of employee empowerment ? Push system ? One employee assigned to each machine Machine waiting for ? tooling ? equipment repair ? quality inspector ? material ? employee ? set-up changeover ? same ? same ? same ? same ? Inattention; poor scheduling; unbalanced operations; no back-up or cross training of co-workers ? Long set-up times; monolithic equipment Production order waiting for ? machine availability ? transport to next operation ? Push system; unbalanced operations ? Poor coordination; functional process layout Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 7 TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Transportation Excessive move- ment of material, tools or parts Materials/tools moved between functionally grouped equipment or processing centers, or between different facilities/sites ? Batch and queue (push) system ? Functional process layout ? Monolithic equipment/processes ? Irrational facility/site locations Production orders moved to and from stores ? Push system; poor layout Finished items moved through multi-level distribution channels ? Traditional hierarchical distribution system Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 8 TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Over-processing Effort expended which does not add customer value Work that could be combined with other operations via fewer individual parts or multiple operations on same equipment ? Poor product design ? Poor process planning/manufacturing engineering Work performed on wrong-sized equipment, requiring excess running time, or excess operating costs ? Improperly sized equipment; poor maintenance; poor instructions and training Enhancements, precision beyond customer needs ? Lack of clear customer requirements; tendency for engineers to over-design Improper material ? Lack of current knowledge of alternative material capabilities Rework ? Inadequate preventive maintenance; lack of automated process controls; poor workmanship Excessive testing ? Poor product/process design; lack of qualified performance certification system Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 9 TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Inventories Accumulations of materials beyond JIT requirements Excessive raw materials and supplies ? Maintaining stocks of materials in excess of current production requirements; inadequate selection of suppliers; lack of JIT discipline in supply base; lack of coordination with suppliers; inaccurate inventory records Excessive finished goods ? Push system; building to forecast; multi-level distribution system; production to maintain employment level Excessive work in progress ? Push system; batch and queue; buffers between unsynchronized production operations; high variability in process times; “lost” production orders Obsolete and out-of- production parts and materials ? Waiting too long to dispose; frequent design changes; undisciplined configuration management; lack of understanding of “sunk cost” ? Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 10 TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Unnecessary Motion Any human move- ment that does not add value Excessive reaching, bending, stretching ? Poor work design; lack of standard methods; poor work-space design Searching for tools, parts, materials ? Poor layout; poor facility design; poor housekeeping and organization Excessive walking for tools, parts, materials ? Poor facility design; poor tool and material access Excessive handling of work pieces ? Lack of one-piece flow; lack of cellular layout; stop and go processing Excessive force, energy required for operations ? Poor work design; lack of ergonomic standards; poor part design Long set-up times ? Lack of disciplined set-up minimization effort Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 11 TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Product Defects Any item that does not meet specifications Defects occurring in internal production ? Poor process capability; poor standard operation specifications; inadequate training and instruction; lack of consideration of process capability during product design phase; lack of mistake- proofing discipline Defects occurring in supplier parts/materials ? Inadequate quality certification/verification regimen Defects occurring during final test ? Defects discovered by customer after delivery ? Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 12 TYPES OF PRODUCTION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Over Production Producing more or sooner than required Producing more than required ? Producing to forecast rather than to current customer demand; large lot production; producing to maximize machine/labor utilization; producing to avoid layoffs; producing ahead for planned marketing promotion; lack of coordination (demand management) with customers Producing before required ? Push production system; unsynchronized production operations; poor production planning and control system Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 13 Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 14 TABLE C.2 INFORMATION WASTES TYPES OF INFORMATION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Waiting Idle time due to unavailable information People waiting for information ? Lack of access; untimely updating of data bases; lack of interoperability among IS components; multiple approvals Unnecessary Movement (same as “Excessive Processing”, below) Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 15 TYPES OF INFORMATION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Excessive Processing Information processing beyond requirements Excessive/custom Formatting ? Lack of standardization Numerous, Frag- ? Poor output design; lack of understanding of user requirements mented Reports That Could be Combined Unnecessary ? Tendency to “over-design” Detail and Accuracy Unnecessary ? Poor system design; lack of understanding of concurrent processing Serial Processing capabilities Excessive Approvals for Information Release ? Stove pipe, command and control mentality ? Turf protection Excessive Information Distribution ? Broadcasting information to people other than those who need it; information overload Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 16 TYPES OF INFORMATION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Inventory Information that is unused or is “work in progress” Too much information ? Poor understanding of user needs Multiple/redundant ? Tendency for everybody to maintain their own files (e.g., paper files Files of the same information maintained in several places, in addition to electronic files Outdated/obsolete ? Lack of “version control”; lack of disciplined system for updating new Information and purging old; tendency to retain raw data long after it has been summarized and incorporated into higher level information “Just-in-Case” Information ? Collection, processing and storage of every element of data that the system designers can think of, whether or not a specific end-use has been identified Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 17 TYPES OF INFORMATION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Unnecessary Motion Any human move- ment necessitated by poor IS design Walking to Central Information Access Point ? Lack of distributed, direct access Excessive Keyboard, Mouse Operations ? Lack of training; poorly designed, incompatible user interfaces; incompatible software suites Retrieving Printed ? Lack of on-line access Instruction Manuals Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 18 TYPES OF INFORMATION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Defects Erroneous data, information, reports Errors in Data Reporting/Entries ? Human error; poorly designed input templates Errors in Information Provided to Customers ? Lack of disciplined reviews, tests, verification Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 19 TYPES OF INFORMATION WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Over Production Producing, distributing more information than needed Pushing, Not Pulling Data, Information ? Poor IS design Over- Dissemination ? Poor understanding of each user’s requirements; “send all information to everyone”, rather than targeted distribution to meet specific needs Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 20 Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 21 TABLE C.3 ENTERPRISE WASTES TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Waiting/Delays Idle time due to late decisions, bottlenecks in enterprise processes In making decisions ? Unnecessary levels/steps in decision structure and approval processes; multiple handoffs ? Information unavailable or inaccessible ? Risk aversion mentality ? Inflexible policies and procedures; excessive rules and regulations In administrative processes ? Undisciplined processes and practices ? Variability in enterprises processes ? Lack of standardization; lack of common tools and systems ? Errors in data ? Linear, serial task sequencing ? Batch and queue mentality in enterprise processes ? Lack of flow – lack of level scheduling of administrative processes ? Unsynchronized enterprise processes ? Delays in information processing, dissemination and consequent actions ? Ineffective, inefficient business systems; lack of connectivity and interoperability Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 22 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Excessive Transportation Unnecessary movement of administrative paperwork, multiple approvals/handoffs Movement of forms, reports, other paperwork ? Poor design of business processes Multiple handoffs ? Unsynchronized enterprise processes Expediting Administrative Paperwork ? Poor design of business processes Dispersed Facilities ? Poor location decisions Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 23 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Inappropriate Processing/ Ineffectual Effort Effort expended which does not increase stakeholder value Poor workforce performance ? Rigid job classifications, narrowly trained employees ? Lack of congruence between reward structure and enterprise objectives ? Undisciplined processes and practices ? Lack of employee empowerment ? Employee empowerment without accompanying training ? Inadequate job skills ? Poor employee selection & placement to facilitate Lean ? Disheartened, de-motivated work force ? Lack of consistent, timely communication Poor management ? Lack of congruence between reward structure (scorecard) and enterprise performance objectives ? Excessive QA inspections, re-inspects ? Time spent in reacting, fixing problems ? Excessive and uncoordinated initiatives ? Confusion regarding roles, responsibilities ? Excessive meetings; poorly prepared/facilitated meetings with no followup ? Excessive data collection and storage ? Counterproductive performance measures ? Risk aversion mentality Poor enterprise ? Inefficient, ineffective process interfaces performance ? Physical, information and conceptual disconnects – lack of connectivity and interoperability ? Lack of standardized processes; lack of common tools, systems and platforms ? Bloated middle management Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 24 ? Outdated, counterproductive financial systems and performance measures ? Enterprise managers not on the same page ? Inflexible policies & procedures, excessive rules and regulations ? Organizational rigidity, lack of responsiveness and adaptability ? Unsynchronized enterprise processes ? Wrong metrics ? Poor strategy and execution ? Business systems are cumbersome and disconnected Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 25 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Inventory Unnecessary levels of capacity, space, work- force, suppliers Excessive capacity ? Poor planning Excessive Space ? Poor planning, re-deployment of freed up resources Excessive Workforce ? Poor planning, re-deployment of freed up resources Excessive Technical ? Poor staffing planning Staff Excessive Suppliers ? Lack of rationalized lean supply chain network Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 26 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Excessive Motion Any human effort that does not increase stakeholder value Redundant activities ? Poor integration; cumbersome business systems Excessive and ? Lack of discipline and focus; chasing fads uncoordinated initiatives Wasted effort ? Excessive number of meetings, status reporting; ? Unsynchronized enterprise processes Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 27 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Defects/Rework Erroneous results from enterprise processes and decisions Errors ? Physical, information and conceptual disconnects – lack of connectivity ? Undetected errors in data entry and processing ? Out of date policies and procedures – lack of configuration control ? Variation in enterprise processes ? Misinterpretation of data Incorrect, inappro- ? Optimizing within one function causes sub-optimal enterprise performance priate decisions ? Errors (defects) in enterprise processes ? Unsynchronized enterprise processes ? Misinterpretation of processed information ? Confusion regarding roles and responsibilities ? Lessons learned are not captured and archived ? Decisions re-decided or changed later ? Excessive metrics; inappropriate metrics ? Poorly prepared and facilitated meetings ? Multiple handoffs Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 28 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Over-production Any creation of enterprise outputs which does not increase stakeholder value Excessive dissemin- ation of data, reports ? “Push” mentality prevails ? Outdated policies and procedures ? Wrong metrics Over-managing ? Lack of appropriate delegation, employee empowerment ? Command and control mentality prevails Exuberant pursuit of illogical initiatives ? Too many “movements” (initiatives) being pushed, some at cross purposes, leading to diffusion of commitment ? Failure to stay grounded in fundamentals ? Over-reliance on “solutions of the month” Marketing campaign ? Belief that “pushing” sales via incentives will result in overall increase in sales volume, but usually results in short term demand amplification and then sharp drop in demand Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 29 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Structural Inefficiencies Wastes resulting from inappropriate organ- ization, policies, business model structure Organizational structure ? Redundant activities; overlapping command and control ? Failure to deploy critical resources horizontally along the value stream ? Bloated middle management ? Unclear chain of command ? Unsynchronized enterprise processes Supplier relations ? Tendency to view suppliers in an adversarial way ? Failure to create “win-win” relationships ? Reluctance to share detailed operations data Partner relations ? Lack of interconnectivity and interoperability ? Reluctance to share detailed internal data Customer relations ? Failure to focus on customer needs and values ? Failure to anticipate how we can help our customers be successful Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 30 TYPES OF ENTERPRISE WASTE EXAMPLES CAUSES Opportunity Costs Wastes resulting from lost opportunities that are acieveable Customer disconnects ? Remoteness from customer ? Failure to focus on what customer values Untapped talent ? Failure to capitalize on the “whole person” by helping each employee in workforce grow to full potential; underutilization of people ? Inappropriate reward/incentive systems Failure to view knowledge as a corporate asset ? Managers unaware of potential of knowledge management ? No tradition of capturing lessons learned, of growing corporate knowledge base; lack of knowledge transfer internally Unmotivated workforce ? Workforce not empowered; people have no authority or accountability Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 31 TABLE C.4 ENTERPRISE WASTE TAXONOMY 8 Types of Enterprise Waste Enterprise activities/beaviors which may contribute to Waste Overprod uction: parts, product, paper, deliverable s Waiting Transport: parts, product paper, deliverable s Overproce ssing Inventorie s Unnecess ary Movement : parts, paper, deliverable s Defects/R ework: Deliverable s and Processes _ Non-Integration: (P=people, M=money) Poor Motivation X X P - improper incentives - lack of trust - lack of empowerment - impowerment without training - inefficient use - poor communications - bad fit Non-standard Processes/Systems/Tools X X M - variability in enterprise processes - uncommon part types Regulatory Agency X P - non compliance (audits, documentation) Poor Integration X P,M - redundant activities Wrong Metrics X X P - leads to wrong behavior - wrong financial systems - excessive Linear, Serial Task Sequencing X X M Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 32 Lost Knowledge, Transfer P - lessons learned not captured or shared - knowledge not viewed as corporate asset Change Activity X X - rework - delays - shortages Poor Strategy & Execution X X P,M Labor Issues P - lack of cross-training - multiple classifications Schedules X X M - non-integrated - reschedules Obsolete Materials X Business Systems X X X X P,M - cumbersome - lack of connectivity& interoperability - inefficient - information unavailable or inaccessible - multiple legacy ways Product/Process Specialization (Customer Specs) X X M - over specification - excessive QA inspections, re-inspects Buy-offs & Inspection X Poorly Prepared & Facilitated Meetings X P Approvals (verbal, written) X X Moves/Queues (people, product, paper) X X Multiple Handoffs X X X X X P Expediting X X X X P,M - parts & paper Transportation X Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 33 Excess Equipment / Oversize Capital X X M Unbalanced Resource Allocation X P,M - resources not deployed along value stream Organizational Structure X X X X X P - unsynchronized enterprise processes - stovepipe - redundant activities - bloated middle management - unclear Equipment Down Time X Bad Decisions X X P,M - late decisions - redecided or changed later, indecision - flavor of the month - unsupported request for business case Unsupported Initiatives X X X P,M - exuberant pursuit of illogical initiatives - excessive & uncoordinated initiatives Too Many Suppliers X X X X P,M Excessive Data Collection & Storage X X P,M Facility X X X - layout poor - poor location - excess space Excessive Number of: X X X X P - meetings - status - reports Overlapping Command & Control X X P - excess command media - maintaining, updating & changing procedures Processes X P Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 34 - excessive process steps - inefficient, ineffective process interfaces - cumbersome Enterprise Level Waste 10/20/2002 35