The Teddy Stoddard Story
Teaching Objectives
1,To get students know the qualifications to be a
good teacher,
2,To understand the purpose of writing and
organization of the text,
3,To reinforce some basic linguistic knowledge by
doing various types of exercises,
Design of the Teaching Process
1.Students are asked to discuss the structure of the
text and try to tell the main idea of each part,and
the teacher comments on the result of discussion,
2.Detailed study of the text mainly based on questioning
and answering whether by the teacher or students,
3,Exercises and comment,
a) Read the text as fluently as possible,
b) Write a composition describing your favourite
5,Means of classroom instruction,Multi-media
Think over,
1.When a teacher praises me…
2.When a teacher criticizes me…
3.When a teacher ignores me…
4.When I can not answer a question in class…
5.Why do I keep silent in class?
6.I’d like to regard my teacher as ……
Structural analysis of the text
Part One (1-5),
It relates Mrs,Thompson’s general impression
about Teddy from her observation,
Part two (6-8),
It is about what the teacher learned of Teddy from
his records,
Part Three (9-12),
It is the description of how Teddy’s Christmas
present touched the teacher,which is the turning
point of the whole story,
Part Four (13-14),
It is about Mrs,Thompson’s special care and
encouragement to Teddy,
Part Five (15-20),
It presents the five successive notes by Teddy at
important stages of his study and life,
some difficult sentences,words or phrases
1.On that very day,she quit teaching reading,
writing and speaking,Instead,she began
to teach children,
Explain,Starting from that very day,she stopped
regarding her pupils as mere,objects” of her
instruction in reading,writing and speaking,Instead,
she treated them as human beings and gave them
more care and encouragement,
2.…she got another letter,saying that while
things had been tough at times,he’d
stayed in school,had stuck with it,…
Explain,…she got another letter which told her
that,although he had had difficulties occasionally,
he had kept moving on in school and had never
given up…
focus on concentrate on centre on
---direct one’s attention to
1.The conference will focus on the issue of
population control,
2.The movie focuses on the parallel lives of two
families,one black,one white,
take pains---to make a great effort or take great
1.Mary took great pains with her English lesson
and got high marks,
2.NO pains,no gains.( No gains without pains.)
3.We must give him something for his
pains,(great care or effort)
Translation exercises,
1) He admitted that his failure was caused by his
lack of confidence,
2) Visitors are required to sign their names on arrival,
3) We’ve invited them to the party,but we’ll have to
put it off because the baby’s sick,
4) We must take steps to help the families of those
who were hurt,
5) The teacher took great pains to make sure
that we all understood the text,
6) Today we’re going to focus on the issue of the
homeless people,
7) We wondered whether you would be so kind
as to attend our end-of-the-year party,
8) He assured his mother that everything was
all right,
The point of changing self-image is not to develop an image
of ourselves that is not real,To try to become something we
really aren’t is just as wrong as living the unrealistic,inferior
image we may have,The aim is to find the,real” self,to bring
our mental images of ourselves in line with our true potential,
However,it is generally accepted among psychologists that
most of us fail to do justice to ourselves,We’re usually better
than we think we are,
It is important to have realistic expectations of ourselves,
Some of our dissatisfaction might come from expecting too
much of ourselves,If we demand constant perfection in
everything we do,we can be disappointed,Our poor self-
concept will continue,If our goal is to teach perfection,we
are doomed from the start,
World Teachers' Day
World Teachers' Day was launched by the Director-
General of UNESCO,Federico Mayor,at the
International Conference on Education in Geneva in
1993,The date 5 October was chosen because it was
that date in 1966 that a special inter-governmental
conference,organized jointly by UNESCO and the
International Labor Organization (ILO),adopted the
Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers,
which remains valid today,
World Teachers' Day was proclaimed to keep alive
the recognition of the contribution of teachers to
society,When drawing up their policies,
governments all too often neglect teachers,Yet,
without their full co-operation,there can be no
sustained development,social cohesion or peace,A
substantial proportion continue to live below the
poverty line in many countries,It is not unusual for
teachers to go unpaid for several months,
sometimes more than a year,
World Teachers’ Day reminds governments and the
general public of the role of teachers and of the
need to improve their status and working conditions,
Above all,it is an opportunity to show appreciation
for their work in preparing the next generation to
function efficiently in a changing world,
More than 100 countries recognize World Teachers'
Day and the number grows annually,Each country
decides how to celebrate the day,Activities include
television and radio programmes,seminars,round
tables,awareness-raising campaigns and public debates,
The Director-General of UNESCO sends out a message
in various languages commemorating the occasion,This
year the message is co-signed by the ILO,UNICEF and
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
Although World Teachers' Day is gaining recognition,
more efforts could be made by both the media and
society to celebrate it,
It is hoped that those who read this will commit
themselves to supporting teachers in tangible ways,
The Personal Qualities of a Teacher
What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher?
Probably no two people would write exactly similar lists,but
I think the following would be generally accepted,
First,a teacher should be pleasantly live and attractive,This
does not rule out people who are not good-looking or even
ugly,because many such have great personal charm,But it
does rule out such types as the over-excitable,dull,sad,
cold-mannered,or any with other undesirable qualities,
Secondly,it is not only desirable but essential for a
teacher to have real capacity for sympathy---a capacity
to understand the minds and feelings of other people,
and especially,since most teachers are school teachers,
the minds and feelings of children,Closely-related with
this is the capacity to be tolerant---not indeed,of what is
wrong,but of weaknesses of human nature which induce
people,and again especially children,to make mistakes,
I find it essential for a teacher to be a bit of an actor,That is
part of the technique of teaching,which demands that every now
and then a teacher should put on an act to make his lesson
interesting and vivid,Children,especially young children live in a
world that is rather larger than life,
A teacher must be capable of great patience,This,I may say,is
largely a matter of self-training,We are none of us born like that,
Teaching makes great demands on nervous energy and one
should be able to take in his stride countless small irritations any
adult dealing with children has to endure,
Finally,I think a teacher should have the kind of mind
which always wants to go on learning,Teaching is a job at
which one will never be perfect; there is always
something more to learn about it,There are three main
subjects of study,the subject or subjects which the
teacher is teaching the methods by which they can best
be taught to the pupils in the classes he is teaching;--by
far the most important---the children,young people or
adults to whom they are to be taught,The two main
principles of British education today are that education is
education of the whole person,and that it is best acquired
through full and active cooperation between two persons,
the teacher and the learner,