Basic Circuit Theory Chpter1 Problems 1 For the circuit of Fig. 1-26 find: v, i , and the power absorbed by the load. v V20 A3 ?2?10 i ? + V60 A2 + - + - Load Fig. 1-26 For prob. 1. 2 With reference to the network shown in Fig. 1-27 find i , v , and the power absorbed by the 5V source. x x ?+ V5 A A3 A6 B x i V8 x v ? + + - 3 Find the power supplied by the 3V source in Fig. 1-28. Fig. 1-27 For prob. 2. 1 i ?5 ?10V3 ?6 V13 1 20i + - + - + - Fig. 1-28 For prob.3. 4 For the battery-charging circuit shown in Fig. 1-29 a) find i and the power delivered to the load. b) What would i be if the battery voltage increased to 12.6 V? 1 v ?06.0 i V16 1 2.0 v V12 ?24.0 ? + + - + - + - Load Fig. 1-29 For prob. 4. 5 For the circuit shown in Fig. 1-30 find V 30 and the power supplied by the 10 mA source. a ) Find V , i , and i for the circuit shown in Fig. 1-31. b) Change the control on the dependent source in Fig. 1-31 from 2 i to 2 i , and then find V 30 , i , and i 30 x y x y x y ? +mA30 ?k1 mA10 ?25030 v Fig. 1-30 For prob. 5. DaLian Maritime University 1 Basic Circuit Theory Chpter1 Problems 6 It is desired that the 5S conductance in Fig. 1-32 be replaced by a conductance G that will absorb exactly 100 W when used in that circuit. Find the larger value of G that will accomplish this. ? + mA30 ?k1 x i mA10 30 v x i2 y i Fig. 1-31 For prob. 6. 7 a) Find the v, i, and the power delivered by the independent source in Fig. 1-33. b) Repeat if the arrow of the dependent source is reversed 1 v ? + 1 02 v mA13 mA3 S5S6S10 8 Find i and i in the circuit of Fig. 1-34 x y Fig. 1-32 For prob.7. A10 ?2 i ? + 5.0 ?2v v Fig. 1-33 For prob. 8. 9 Referring to the circuit in Fig. 1-35, a) If i = 5A, find v 1 and i . b ) If v 1 = 3V, find i and i . c) What value of i s will lead to v 1 x y x y ≠ v ? 2 10 a ) Use Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s laws in a step-by-step procedure to evaluate all the currents and voltages in the circuit of Fig.1-36. b) Calculate the power absorbed by each of the five circuit elements and show that the sum is zero. Fig. 1-34 For prob.9. ?5 ?1 A5 x i y i A1 ? + ?10 x i y i 2 v 1 v ?+ ?10 ?10 ?10 ?10 s i Fig. 1-35 For prob.10. DaLian Maritime University 2 Basic Circuit Theory Chpter1 Problems Reference Answers to Selected Problems 1: (a) 10.0 V; (b) 5.0 A; (c) 50.0 W. 2: i =-3 A, v =-3 V, P=15 W. x x 3: -20W. 4: (a) 5.13 A; (b) 63.1 W; (c) 2.82 A. 5: v 30 =4 V, P=-0.04 W. 6: (a) –20 V, -20 mA, 50 mA; (b) 26.7 V, 26.6 mA, 3.33 mA. 7: 6.57 S. 8: (a) 6.67 V, 3.33 A, 66.7 W; (b) 20 V, 10 A, 200 W. 9: i =1 A, i =5 A. x y 10: (a) i =2.5 A, v =25 V; (b) i =600 mA, i =300 mA; (c) no value. y x x y DaLian Maritime University 3