Basic Circuit Theory Chpter2 Problems 1 Writing nodal equations by inspection determine v 1 in each circuit of Fig.2-32. S2 S2 ?2 A5 S4S4 1 v S2 ? + A6A4 ?10 1 v ? + ?5 A7 (a) (b) Fig.2-32 For prob.1. 2 Apply nodal analysis to the circuit in Fig.2-33 to evaluate v 1 . 1 v ?7 A2 ? + ?3 V50 ?2 A4 + - Fig.2-33 For prob.2. 3 Use nodal technique to determine i in network shown in Fig.2-34. k ?5 A3? ?10 A4 ?20 k i k i3 Fig.2-34 For prob.3. 4 Set up nodal equations for the circuit of Fig.2-35 and find the power furnished by the 5V source. x V S3S1 A5 V5 S4 S2 x V4 ?+ + - Fig.2-35 For prob.4. 5 Use nodal analysis on the circuit of Fig.2-36 to determine v and v . A B ?5 A3 ? + V12 ?2 ?10 ?+ A V B V A i B i ?5 ?2 A6 + - Fig.2-36 For prob.5. DaLian Maritime University 1 Basic Circuit Theory Chpter2 Problems 6 Write nodal equations by inspection and then determine v in the circuit shown in Fig.2-37. p A2 A5.2 ?10 ?20 ?001 ?002 A10 ?40 A5 ?50 ? + p v Fig.2-37 For prob.6. 7 For the circuit of Fig.2-38, a) use nodal analysis to determine v 1 and v . b) compute the power absorbed the 6 resistor. 2 ? 1 v ?6 ?3 ?12 V240 A10 ?30 V60 ?+ ?+ 2 v - + - + Fig.2-38 For prob.7. 8 Referring to the circuit depicted in Fig.2-39, use nodal analysis to determine the value of V that will result in v 1 = 0. 2 ? + 1 v 2 v ?10 A6A4 ?20 ?40 1 1.0 v V96 + - + - + - Fig.2-39 For prob.8. 9 Employ nodal analysis to obtain a value for v as indicated in Fig.2-40. x 1 v ? + x v V9 mA7 ?k2.2?k01?470 ?+ 1 2.0 v mA5 + ? Fig.2-40 For prob.9. DaLian Maritime University 2 Basic Circuit Theory Chpter2 Problems 10 Consider the circuit of Fig.2-41. Writing nodal equations determine the current labeled i 1 . 1 i A2 ?4 V4V3 ?21 5.0 i + - + - + - Fig.2-41 For prob.10. 11 In the circuit of Fig.2-42 writing nodal equations determine the power supplied by the 2A source. ?6 V1 A2 ?3 ?4 V4 V3 ?2 A4 ?1 ?7 + - + - + - Fig.2-42 For prob.11. 12 Write mesh equations and then determine i in each of the circuits illustrated in Fig.2-43 x ?10 ?5 V60 V10 A2 x i ?4 - + + - ?4 ?2 V4 ?10 V6 x i 8 x i + - -+ - + (a) (b) Fig.2-43 For prob.12. Reference Answers to Selected Problems 1: (a) 10V; (b) 1.238V. 2: 21V. 3: 2.0A. 4: 25.6W. 5: v =1.5V, v =3V. A B 6: 171.6V. 7: (a) v 1 =58.5V, v =64.4V; (b) 543W. 2 8: -28W. 9: -8.086V. 10: -1.636A. 11: 133.2W. 12: (a) 6A; (b) 5A. DaLian Maritime University 3