? increase in the frequency of bowel
? increase in stool liquidity
? in some cases increase in daily stool weight
Pathophysiological mechanisms
? secretory diarrhea (increased intestinal
? Osmotic diarrhea
? Decreased intestinal surface area and/or
intestinal absorption
? Rapid transit of intestinal contents (shortened
transit time)
Pathophysiological mechanisms
? secretory diarrhea (increased intestinal
? infections (cholera toxin,E-col,salmonella,
? Hormonal (Gut Hormones,ZES,VIP),
cancer (calcitonin,Prostaglandins)
? miscellaneous (laxatives abuse,villous
adenoma of the rectum)
agents Adenylate cyclase cAMP system secretory
active NaCl?
Pathophysiological mechanisms
? Osmotic diarrhea
It caused by accumulation of the followings in
the gut lumen
poorly absorble solutes
maldigestion of ingested food
failure to transport an osmotically
active dietary nonelectrolyte
intestinal Lumen
being osmotically active
Causes of diarrhea in enteral nutrition
Pathophysiological mechanisms
? Decreased intestinal surface area
and/or intestinal absorption
E,surgical removal; malabsorption
Pathophysiological mechanisms
? Rapid transit of intestinal contents (shortened
transit time)
E,irritable bowel syndrome [Functional diarrhea]
laxatives abuse
post vagotomy diarrhea
post gastrectomy dumbing syndrome
liquidity contact time? increase small bowel mucosa
increase in intestinal motility (intestinal hurry)
Calculation of osmotic gap
Acute Diarrhea
? infection
? Food poisoning
? Systematic diseases (influenza,sepsis,
? Miscellanous
Acute Diarrhea
? infection
(A) viral
(B) bacterial
? campylobacteria
? Shigella
? E,Coli
? Salmoneila
? etc
(C) fungal
(D) parasitic (amebic Trophozoites,Giardia)
? Food poisoning
? bacterial,plants,chemical poison(arsenic,...)
? Systematic diseases (influenza,sepsis,
? Miscellanous
? Allergic diseases
Allergic purpura,enteropathy.,
? endocronic diseases (ZES,etc.)
? Drugs,laxatives,5-Fu,etc,
Chronic Diarrhea
? Intestinal
? Gastric(chronic gastritis,subtotal gastrectomy,
? Pancreatic (Chronic Pancreatitis,Pancreatic
? Hepatobiliary(liver cirrhosis,obstructive
? Endocronic (Hyperthyroids crisis,ZES,
? Drugs (Reserpin,Ismelin,Laxatives,etc.)
? Others (uremia,hypogammaglobulemia,etc.)
Chronic Diarrhea
? Intestinal
? infections(T.B.,Chronic bacteria dysentery,
? parasitics (Amebia dysentery,Giardiasis,
? IBD (ulcerative colitis,Chron’s,etc.)
? malabsorption synd,(lactase deficiency,etc.)
? tumors
Mechanisms and causes of secretory
T A B L E 4 - 6, M E C H A N I S M S A N D C A U S E S O F S E C R E T O R Y D I A R R H E A
R e d u c t io n i n m u c o s a l s u r f a c e a r e a
P o s t r e s e c t i o n d i a r r h e a
S h o r t - b o w e l s y n d r o m e
E x t e n s i v e m u c o s a l d is e a s e a n d I n f l a m m a t i o n
V i r a l g a s t r o e n t e r i t is
C e l i a c d is e a s e
W h i p p l e ' s d is e a s e
C r o h n ' s d is e a s e
L y m p h o m a
A b s e n c e o f i o n t r a n s p o r t m e c h a n is m
C o n g e n i t a l c h l o ri d o r rh e a
B a c t e r i a l t o x i n s
C h o l e r a
E n t e r o t o x i g e n i c E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i
S h i g e l l a
S t a p h y l o c o c c u s
C l o s t r i d i u m p e r f r in g e n s
L u m i n a l s e c r e t a g o g u e s
B i l e a c i d s
F a t t y a c i d s,h y d r o x y - f a t t y a c i d s
P h e n o l p h t h a l e i n,r i c i n o l e i c a c i d,b is a c o d y l
C i r c u la t i n g s e c re t a g o g u e s
G a s t r i n ( Z o l l i n g e r - E l l is o n s y n d r o m e )
V a s o a c t i v e i n t e s t i n a l p o l y p e p t i d e ( V I P o m a,g a n g l i o n e u ro m a,n e u ro b la s t o m a,p h e o c h r o m o c y t o m a )
C a l c i t o n i n,p r o s t a g l a n d in s ( m e d u ll a r y c a r c i n o m a o f t h e t h y r o i d )
S o m a t o s t a t i n (s o m a t o s t a t in o m a )
G l u c a g o n ( g l u c a g o n o m a )
S e r o t o n i n,k i n i n s ( c a r c i n o i d t u m o r )
T h y r o x i n e ( h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m )
H i s t a m i n e ( m a s t o c y t o s is )
D r u g s a n d p o is o n s
M i s o p r o s t o l
O l s a l a z i n e
C o l c h i c i n e
P r o p r a n o l o l
Q u i n i d i n e
H e a v y m e t a l s
A b n o r m a l c i r c u la t i o n
R a d i a t i o n e n t e r i t is
M e s e n t e r i c is c h e m ia
M e s e n t e r i c v e n o u s t h r o m b o s is
L y m p h a n g ie c t a s i a
D is o r d e r e d r e g u la t i o n
P o s t v a g o t o m y d i a r r h e a
P o s t s y m p a t h e c t o m y
Endoscopic image,infectious colitis in 7-
year-old girl
Cholera,the simplified version
Acute diarrhea
duration less than 2 weeks
? onset,
Abrupt frequent,small fecal discharge
Cramping abdominal pain,tenesmuse
? stool,increased
Routin Ex
? severe cases,dehydration,electrolyte disturbances,
metabolic acidosis,collapse hypovolumia,tetany,
flecks of blood,mucus
destroyed epithelium
Chronic diarrhea
duration more than 2 months
? Onset,
Diarrhea of variable severity
Diarrhea alternate with constipation
Colicky abdominal pain,distention
? stool
inflammatory cells/mucus/pus/indigested food
? severe/long-standing cases,
weight loss,malnutrition,edema,multy vits
bone pain
Accompanied Symptoms
? severe dehydration
(cholera,pancreatic cholera-WDHA,etc.)
? fever
(Acute bacillery dysentery,Typhoid,TB enteritis,etc.)
? tenesmus (Acute dysentery,proctitis,etc.)
? markedly weight loss
(cancer of gut,malabsorption,etc.)
? Arthralgia/Arthritis
(IBD,connective tissue diseases,etc.)
? masses (malignant cancer of GI,TB,peritonitis,etc.)
Diagnostic Procedures
masses,Tenesmus,digital rectal examination,
Lab findings
Diagnostic Procedures
? in epidemics (Dysentery,v,Cholerae,Typhoid,
food poisonning,enteritis)
? food allergy
? past illness(antibiotic related diarrhea,etc.)
? medication take(corticosteroids,laxatives,etc.)
? predisposing conditions (surgical resection,
parasitic infection,etc.)
Lab findings
?Tolerance tests
?Breath tests
?Culture of Jejunal aspirates
?5 HIAA (urinary excretion)
?Vit B12 absorption test
?X-ray Barium
?Suction biopsy technique (Jejunal
mucosa histology
? blood
? Culture
? Specific Antigen/Antibody (widal test,etc.)
? Serum testings
(carotin/iron,Ferritin/albumin/folic acid)
(vitB12/glucose/gut hormone/Ca2+,K+,Cl-,
Lab findings
Lab findings
? Urine
? Protein
? cast
? Stool
? appearance
Lab findings
? Microscopy
polymorphonuclear (PMN):Shigella,solmonella,
E coli
mononuclear (M)
motile amebic trophozoites
? Gram’s stain (+) staphylococcal enteritis
? Culture,salmonolla,shigella,v,cholera
? Fat determination
Lab findings
? Tolerance tests
? (d-xylose; Glucose/lactose/sucrose)
? Breath tests
? 14C Glycine-cholate,xylose
? Culture of Jejunal aspirates
? (Bacterial overgrowth)
? (increased Bile and deconjugation)
? 5 HIAA (urinary excretion)
? Vit B12 absorption test
Lab findings
? X-ray Barium
? meal
? enema
? Endoscopy
? Duodenoscopy (ERCP)
? Colonoscopy
? Sigmoidoscopy
? Suction biopsy technique (Jejunal
mucosa histology)