Lesson 10 Graphic Design in Packaging
第 10课 包装中的平面设计
? Introduction
? Demographic and Psychographics
? The Retail Environment
? Fundamental Messages
? Equity and Names
? Graphic Design Basics
? Typography
A package design is composed of two separate components,
1,Features and characteristics
2,Attract consumer and motivate purchase decision
surface decoration,form,material,shape
? Overview of the information
? Create packages to observer,
? Attention to product
Consideration of the package design
Sophisticated graphics and misleading statements
二, Demographics and Psychographics
? Correct structural design product facts and physical world
Understanding of the intended receiver of the communication,
? Consumption habits and motivations of population segments
Purchase decision in the targeted audience
Realms of demographics and psychographics,
? Demography,specific,easily quantifiable classifications
information gender age occupation
residence cultural background ethnic background
education level marital status family size
socioeconomic status geographic factors religious factors
? Anticipating market,future packaging needs,
? Some can be difficult to project,
? Broad demographic categorizations
二, Demographics and Psychographics
? Psychographics ---how groups of people are motivated
and how they behave
An imprecise study common in everyday usage,
Presumably,certain images will appeal to these different groups and
others will not,
? Continuous effort to identify tomorrow's hot trend or an unfulfilled
? Discover the purchasing preference
? Seek to identify behavioral patterns
三,The Retail Environment
? Modern retail establishment --- choices
Typical consumer sees fewer than 100 of these and leaves the
store with about fourteen,
Individual products present an equally astonishing number of
The challenge facing the package designer
? Package---the only medium influence the purchase
Consumer and package--- final confrontation
Depending on the information source and the nature of the product
About 68 and 80% decisions are made the product shelf,
? Consumer rarely has a specific list
Product must convey messages to motivate decision in 7 seconds
三,The Retail Environment
? Cluttered graphic designs and contradictory messages
unseen is unsold,
? Merchandising methods
self-serve sales clerks pegboard display
shelf display mail order vending machine
door to door warehouse outlets department stores
specialty stores inspection before purchase
? Merchandising change
From the second-choice economy option to better price,
? Merchandisers--- UPC codes and computers
Power in the hands of retailers
tell suppliers what is needed
四, Fundamental Messages
? the most important first item of understanding that must be delivered
in a flash is,
? What is this?
? customer needs information to make a purchasing decision,With 100
options clamoring for the customer’s attention,the customer will
want to know
? What is it going to do for me?
? A last factor that may contribute to the purchase decision is the
answer to the question;
? Who guarantees that?
? company or brand name may influence the purchase decision
? Designers use these messages in various proportions,depending on
the nature of the product,
四,Fundamental Messages
? 1,What is this? (the chords of familiarity) --- instantly recognize
? Direct common names are the most familiar
? Appropriate with new products.)
? Brand names become synonymous with the product
? 2,The second message
? What is it going to do for me? (the point of difference),
recognize the benefit or virtue of the product,In a choice of 12 different
kinds of rice,the chord of familiarity is "rice." The points of difference
that characterize them might be
? instant rice long-grain rice
? wild rice Cajun-style rice
? rice and tomato free recipe book with this rice
? win a trip to Florida rice famous person eats this rice
五, Equity and Brand Names
? products have graphic elements or icons easily identified
Company name,brand name,symbol,typographic style,color or color
pattern,or any combination of these,
Coca-Cola's bottle shape and can color pattern;
Campbell's Soup's red-and-white can label,the Heinz "tombstone" logo;
McDonald's golden arches
Equity is built by establishing a reputation for consistently good
product and service over a long time period,
Icons are highly recognizable symbols that have major motivational
impacts on a consumer's purchasing decision,
Icons with high equity are always carried on new product lines in order
to immediately establish the heritage and trust,
五,Equity and Brand Names
2,Brand names
? a great deal of equity; an invaluable purchase motivator,
Anacin,Ajax,Kraft,Oreos,Maxwell House,Marlboro,Tide,Band-Aid,Tylenol,
Heinz,Perrier,Quaker Oats,and Schweppes,
? Established brand names are valued possessions
Great care to protect trademarks or copyrights
? Good brand names describe the virtue of the product or invoke some image
Greese - off (a dishwashing product)
I Hate Peas (French fries made from peas)
Gorilla Balls (vitamin-enriched malt balls for athletes)
Fluff-off (static cling eliminator)
? Brand names for new products can succeed only if the name is promoted
by a substantial advertising and promotional campaign
Cost of a new brand name
六, Graphic Design Basics
basic design elements of a package,
1,Shape The actual package outline,illustration,or body of text,
2,Size How large or small the object or design is
3,Color Attract attention ;affects package ; add expense
4,Texture Perceived or real smoothness or roughness
The sense of touch; the differente materials
Using graphic patterns or textured substrates
5,Tone The lightness or darkness
6,Line Straight or curved,heavy or light,rough or smooth,
continuous or broken; create different feelings,
horizontal,calm vertical,dignity
diagonal,vitality curved,grace
7,Icons Convey meanings or messages; alsohave equity,
? Design principles,Organize design elements into balance and unity
Apply to each element and to the design as a whole
A composition is a specific arrangement of design elements,
七, Typography
? sans serif fonts are preferred,(Serifs are the small,decorative
extensions at the ends of a letter’s line),Serif fonts have fine lines
that tend to fill during printing,particularly with reversed-out
printing of text,(Figure 10.1,right side) A larger font size could
overcome this problem somewhat,
? Typographical fonts to choose
logos and trade names,a unique design
? Basic fonts ---classified as serif and sans serif
Figure 10.1 Example of script,serif,and sans serif fonts (left,top to bottom) and reversed-out type
七, Typography
? Decorative fonts to project a certain character or mood,Script fonts,for
example,may be considered as feminine or romantic and are popular
for personal care products,Elaborate script fonts can be difficult to read;
relatively simple script designs in a larger size are preferred,Figure 10.2
shows a number of type treatments designed to convey a message
beyond the actual textual message
Figure 10.2 Typography can be designed to communicate more than just the word itself
七, Typography
Considerations of typography for a package,
? Match the persona of the package and product
? Must be readable from the normal observer distance at the point of
? Population contains people who are functionally illiterate and who
should wear eyeglasses when shopping but don't,
? Be cautious of reversed-out type or increase its size and select fonts with
wide strokes,
? Avoid using text over illustrations or color areas…
? Avoid long stretches of small type,
? Uppercase letters doesn’t necessarily make a message easier to read,
? In some cases typography is determined by regulations,
? Text and illustrations in joints or seams may be difficult to register,