College English,Book I
How to Improve Your Study Habits
Unit 1
? Background Information
? Organization of the Text
? Introtuctory Exercise
? Text & New Word Reading
? Intensive Study
? Exercise Check-up
? Assignment
? Intelligence and IQ
? Hobbies & Habits
? Skimming & Scanning
? 10 Tips for Getting Good Grades
Background Information
Background Information
Intelligence is a person’s capacity to (1) acquire
knowledge (i.e,learn and understand),(2) apply knowledge
(solve problems),and (3) engage in abstract reasoning,It is the
power of one’s intellect,and as such is clearly a very important
aspect of one’s overall well-being,Psychologists have
attempted to measure it for well over a century.
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is the score you get on an
intelligence test,Originally,it was a quotient (a ratio),IQ=
MA/CA x 100 [MA is mental age,CA is chronological age].
Today,scores are calibrated against norms of actual population
Background Information
? Under 70 [mentally retarded] -- 2.2%
? 70-80 [borderline retarded] -- 6.7%
? 80-90 [low average] -- 16.1%
? 90-110 [average] -- 50%
? 110-120 [high average] -- 16.1%
? 120-130 [superior] -- 6.7%
? Over 130 [very superior] -- 2.2%
2,Hobbies & Habits
Background Information
Types of Hobbies
?Amateur and Ham Radio Amateur
Astronomy Beachcombing
?Bell Ringing Birding
?Books Bubbles
?Candlemaking Cloud Watching
?Collecting Crafts
?Electronics Games
?Gardening Genealogy
?Handwriting Analysis Homebrewing
?Jet Engines Juggling
2,Hobbies & Habits
Background Information
Habit is an effect of repeated acts and an aptitude
to reproduce them,and may be defined as,a quality
difficult to change,whereby an agent whose nature it
is to work one way or another indeterminately,is
disposed easily and readily at will to follow this or
that particular line of action.” (Rickaby,Moral
Background Information
略读 (Skimming)
略读又称跳读, 或浏览, 是一种, 全景式, 地通览全文, 指以
尽可能快的速度阅读, 迅速获取文章大意或中心思想 。 它是一种常
用的速读技巧, 是帮助读者扼要地摄取信息的最有价值的阅读方法,
其目的是要求读者通过进行有选择地阅读, 跳过某些细节, 抓住文
章的大概, 从而加快阅读速度 。 浏览的关键是要抓住文章的开头和
结尾以及各段的关键词和主题句, 读者还可以根据文章的难易程度
和需要达到的目的, 不断灵活地调整阅读速度 。 普通读者的浏览速
度可以是每分钟 300-500字, 能力强的读者可以超过 1000字 。
Background Information
寻读 (Scanning)
寻读指的是快速地扫视所读的文章以寻找所需要的信息 。 寻读
的目的是要从读物中迅速查获读者所需要的某一个或几个信息, 例
如在车站寻找某次列车或汽车的运行时刻, 在机场寻找某次班机的
飞行时刻, 在图书馆查找书刊的目录等都可以采用这种方法 。 与略
读相比, 寻读带有明确的目的性, 是有针对性地去选择问题的答案 。
略读是在读者事先对材料一无所知的情况下进行的, 而寻读是读者
对材料比较熟悉后进行的 。 例如在字典中寻找一个字时, 读者事先
就知道了要找的字, 并且知道字典是按照字母顺序排列的, 因此,
按照字典上方的标示词, 再按照字母顺序, 读者很快就能查到所需
单词 。 一般说来, 寻读材料主要分以下几类,1) 工具书:百科全书,
字典等; 2) 飞机, 火车等的时刻表; 3) 报刊, 杂志; 4) 广告, 电
视节目等; 5) 电话薄, 索引; 6) 说明书, 备忘录等 。
Organization of the Text
? Main Idea of Each Part
Organization of the Text
The text may be divided into three major part:
(paras 2-7 of the textbook)
(paras 8 of the textbook)
(para 1 of the textbook)
10 Tips for Getting Good (or Better) Grades
1,Attend All Your Classes
2,Master Your Professors
3,Get/Stay Organized
4,Use Time Wisely
5,Become "Noteworthy"
6,Use the Textbook
7,Follow Good Rules of Writing
9,Be a Good Test-Taker
10,Polish Those Verbal Communications Skills
Background Information
Introductory Exercise
Read the text and give True / False response
to each of the following statements.
Introductory Exercise
1.A student with average intelligence can
hardly be a top student he does a lot of
additional work.
2,A weekly schedule or chart of time will
solve all of your problems.
Introductory Exercise
3,You should spend as much time as possible
on your work.
4.A good place for study should be
comfortable and have no distractions.
Introductory Exercise
5,Skimming means reading a passage
carefully and slowly.
6,Being attentive and taking notes in class
will save you a lot of time after class,T
Introductory Exercise
7,If you review class work regularly,you
will surely get better grades o tests.
8,The main purpose of a test is to provide
Introductory Exercise
9.Improving your study habits means
having better learning techniques.
10,The author thinks he has covered all
important study techniques in his article.
Please Read the new words and
phrases after the tape.
Please listen to the text.
Language Point
How to Improve Your Study Habits
Perhaps you are an average student with average
intelligence,You do well enough in school,but you probably
think you will never be a top student,This is not necessarily
the case,however,You can receive better grades if you want
to,Yes,even students of average intelligence can be top
students without additional work,Here’s how.
Language Point
1,Plan your time carefully,Make a list of your weekly tasks.
Then make a schedule or chart of your time,Fill in committed
time such as eating,sleeping,meeting,classes,etc,Then
decide on good,regular times for studying,Be sure to set
aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work
assignments,Of course,studying shouldn’t occupy all of the
free time on the schedule,It’s important to set aside time for
relaxation,hobbies,and entertainment as well,This weekly
schedule may not solve all of your problems,but it will make
you more aware of how you spend your time,Furthermore,it
will enable you to plan your activities so that you have
adequate time for both work and play.
Language Point
2,Find a good place to study,Choose one place for your
study area,It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the
school library,but it should be comfortable,and it should not
have distractions,When you begin to work,you should be
able to concentrate on the subject.
Language Point
3,Skim before you read,This means looking over a passage
quickly before you begin to read it more carefully,As you
preview the material,you get some idea of the content and
how it is organized,Later when you begin to read you will
recognize less important material and you may skip some of
these portions,Skimming helps double your reading speed
and improve your comprehension as well.
4,Make good use of your time in class,Listening what the
teacher says in class means less work later,Sit where you can
see and hear well,Take notes to help you remember what the
teacher says.
Language Point
5,Study regularly,Go over your notes as soon as you can
after class,Review important points mentioned in class as
well as points you remain confused about,Read about these
points in your textbook,If you know what the teacher will
discuss the next day,skim and read that material too,This will
help you understand the next class,If you review your notes
and textbook regularly,the material will become more
meaningful and you will remember it longer,Regular review
leads to improved performance on tests.
Language Point
6,Develop a good attitude about tests,The purpose of a test
is to show what you have learned about a subject,The world
won’t end if you don’t pass a test,so don’t worry excessively
about a single test,Tests provide grades,but they also let you
know what you need to spend more tie studying,and they
help make you new knowledge permanent.
Language Point
There are other techniques that might help you with your
studying,Only a few have been mentioned here,You will
probably discover many others after you have tried these,Talk
with your classmates about their study techniques,Share with
them some of the techniques you have found to be helpful.
Improving your study habits will improve your grades.
Language Point
average,adj,usual or ordinary in kind or character
? a poll of average people; average eyesight
? I was average in my class though I had hoped I
would be better.
Language Point
More to learn
1) the actual condition
eg,He thought he had found the right answer,but that was not
the case.
With Internet we can communicate with people far away
cheaply,A few years ago that was not the case at all.
Language Point
More to learn
2) Instance of a diseased condition
eg,Five cases of flu have been reported.
3) question to be decided in a law court
eg,The child-murder case attracted world-attention.
Language Point
More to learn
? I am ready to help in any case.
? In case of emergency,call me at this number.
? He carries an umbrella with him in case it rains.
? In no case should you lose heart.
Language Point
Match each of the phrases with its explanation.
in case in no circumstances
in case of anyhow
in any case if this/that happens,happened
in most cases if it should happen that
in no case in the event of
in this/that case in most circumstances
Language Point
1,in an essential manner;
2,in such a manner as could not be otherwise;
3,as a highly likely consequence.
? Such expenses are necessarily incurred.
? It is necessarily so.
? We are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe
Language Point
This is not necessarily the case:
But this is not inevitably (必然地 ) true.
Language Point
“Committed Time” is the time during which a person
feels it necessary to do certain things.
Language Point
He’ve decided on listening to English news every morning
before class.
他已决定每天早上上课前听英语新闻 。
decide on:
choose from two or more possibilities
Language Point
set aside,reserve for a special purpose
? Have you set aside some money for a possible emergency?
? We should set aside regular hours for the more important
aspects of our work.
She set aside part of her dinner for next day’s lunch.
她留了一些饭第二天中午吃 。
Language Point
be aware of,have knowledge of ; realize
? Are you aware of your mistake?
? I stayed indoors too long to be aware of how cold it was
? He is fully aware that he is late for the meeting.
Language Point
… make you know more about how you spend your
The pattern of the sentence is:
make sb,+ adj.
The news made me happy.
Language Point
furthermore,adv,besides; naddition
? The lamb is costly,and furthermore,it is not of good quality.
? It’s getting dark,Furthermore,it’s going to snow.
Language Point
1,to give someone the ability to do
2,allow sb,to do
? Your help will enable me to make progress this semester.
? The support from the families enabled us to win the game.
Language Point
1,enough in amount,and good enough in quality
2,good enough to be used or accepted
? None of the students received adequate training in listening.
? How do you feel when you couldn’t think of an adequate
answer to your son’s question?
Language Point
He looked over his mother’s letter and found she
hadn’t received the package he sent last month.
look over,examine; inspect
Language Point
Translate the above sentence into Chinese
定期复习你的功课将会提高你的学习成绩 。
go over,review
? Go over your notes as soon as you can after class.
confuse v,fail to tell the difference between…
be confused… with / about, not clear about,don’t know
exactly what to do
? Many people are confused with the twin buildings.
? I’m afraid I’m a little confused about what he said.
? If you do too many things at a time,you may get
Language Point
remain confused about,be still confused about
Language Point
Use drugs can lead to death.
lead to,cause
1,His failure in the exam has made him aware of how
important it is to review his lessons regularly.
2,Be sure not to forget what your parents said to you
before you left home.
Exercise Check-up
Ex,10 p,10
Translate the following sentences into English
3,I’m sure her knowledge of English is adequate for
the job.
4,The purpose of this article is to tell the students
how to develop good study habits.
Exercise Check-up
5,In our age,people depend more and more on
computers to solve various kinds of difficult
6,Skimming not only helps you get some idea of
what you are going to read,but also helps you read
faster and improve your comprehension.
Exercise Check-up
7,Some people believe / think that boys’ performance
on tests / in exams is always better than girls’,That
is not necessarily the case,however.
8,Even students of average intelligence can become
top students by improving their study habits.
Exercise Check-up
1,Review Text;
2,Preview Reading Activities,p,11;
3,Ex,3-5,p,6-7 (on book);
4,Ex,10,p,10 (on exercise-book).