Principles and Practice
Kenneth C,Louden
8,Code Generation
Part One
8.1 Intermediate Code and Data Structure for code Generation
8.2 Basic Code Generation Techniques
Part Two
8.3 Code Generation of Data Structure Reference
8.4 Code Generation of Control Statements and Logical Expression
8.5 Code Generation of Procedure and Function calls
Part Three
8.6 Code Generation on Commercial Compilers,Two Case Studies
8.7 TM,A Simple Target Machine
8.8 A Code Generator for the TINY Language
8.9 A Survey of Code Optimization Techniques
8.10 Simple Optimizations for TINY Code Generator
8.6 Code Generation in Commercial
Compilers,Two Case Studies
Borland’s C Compiler for 80X86
Sun’s C Compiler for SparcStations
For example,
Consider the C procedure
Void f ( int x,char c)
{ int a[10];
double y;
Offset of x
fp Offset of c
Offset of a
Offset of y
The activation record for a call to f would appear as
Control link
Return address
Name Offset
x +5
c +4
a -24
y -32
Assuming two bytes for integers,four bytes for addresses,
one byte for character and eight bytes for double-precision
floating point,we would have the following offset values,
Now,an access of a[i],would require the computation of
the address:
For the expression,( x = x +3 ) + 4,the p-
code and three-address code:
Lad x
Lod x
Ldc 3
Adi t1=x+3
Stn x=t1
Ldc 4
Adi t2=t1+4
8.6.1 The Borland 3.0 C Compiler for
the 80X86
Consider the examples of the output of this
compiler with the following assignment
(x = x +3 ) + 4
The assembly code for this expression as produced
by the Borland 3.0 compiler for the Intel 80x86 is
as follows:
mov ax,word ptr [bp-2]
add ax,3
mov word ptr [bp-2],ax
add ax,4
– The bp is used as the frame pointer.
– The static simulation method is used to convert the
intermediate code into the target code.
For the expression,( x = x +3 ) + 4,
The p-code and three-address code:
Lad x
Lod x
Ldc 3
Adi t1=x+3
Stn x=t1
Ldc 4
Adi t2=t1+4
1) Array Reference
An example,(a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
Assume that i j,and a are local variables declared as
int i,j;
int a[10];
The Borland C compiler generates the following assembly
code for the above expression (in next page)
Expression,(a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
( 1 ) mov bx,word ptr [bp-2]
( 2 ) shl bx,1
( 3 ) l ea ax,word ptr [bp-22]
( 4 ) add bx,ax
( 5 ) mov ax,2
( 6 ) mov word ptr [bx],ax
( 7 ) mov bx,word ptr [bp-4]
( 8 ) shl bx,1
( 9 ) l ea dx,word ptr [bp-24]
( 1 0 ) add bx,dx
( 1 1 ) add ax,word ptr [bx]
The compiler has applied the algebraic fact to compute address:
address(a [ i + 1 ]) = base _ address (a) + (i + 1)*elem_size (a)
= (base _ address (a) + elem_size (a)) + i*elem_size (a)
Array reference generated by a code generation procedure.
( a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
lda a
lod i
ldc 1
a d i
ixa elem_size(a)
ldc 2
s t n
lda a
lod j
ixa elem_size(a)
ind 0
2) Pointer and Field References
Assume the declarations of previous examples:
typedef struct rec
{ int i;
char c;
int j;
} Rec;
typedef struct treeNode
{ int val;
struct treeNode * lchild,* rchild;
} TreeNode;
Rec x;
TreeNode *p;
Assume that X and P are declared as local variables and that
appropriate allocation of pointers has been done.
Consider,first,the sizes of the data types involved,
Integer variable has size 2 bytes;
Character variable has size 1 bytes;
The pointer has size 2 bytes.
The code generated for the statement
x.j =x.i;
mov ax,word ptr [bp-6]
mov word ptr [bp-3],ax
– Local variables are allocated only on even-byte boundaries;
– The offset computation for j (-6 + 3 = -3 ) is performed statically by
the compiler.
The code generated for the statement
p->lchild = p;
mov word ptr [si+2],si
And the statement
p = p->rchild;
mov si,word ptr [si+4]
3) If and While-Statement
The statements we use are
if (x>y) y++; else x--;
while (x<y) y -= x;
The Borland compiler generates the following
80x86 code for the given if-statement:
cmp bx,dx
jle short @1@86
inc dx
jmp short @1@114
dec bx
For the given while-statement:
jmp short @1@170
sub dx,bx
cmp bx,dx
jl short @1@142
4) Function definition and call
The examples are the C function definition:
int f( int x,int y)
return x+y+1 ;
And a corresponding call
f (2+3,4)
The Borland compiler for the call f (2+3,4):
mov ax,4
push ax
mov ax,5
push ax
call near ptr _f
pop cx
pop cx
The arguments are pushed on the stack in reverse order;
The caller is responsible for removing the arguments from
the stack after the call,
The call instruction on the 80x86 automatically pushes the
return address onto the stack.
Now,consider the code generated by the Borland
compiler for the definition of f:
_ f proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,word ptr [bp+4]
add ax,word ptr [bp+6]
inc ax
jmp short @1@58
pop bp
_ f endp
After these operations,the stack looks as follows:
The body of f then corresponds to the code that comes next
mov ax,word ptr [bp+4]
add ax,word ptr [bp+6]
inc ax
Finally,the code executes a jump,restores the old bp from the
stack,and returns to the caller.
8.6.2 The Sun 2.0 C Compiler for
Sun SPARCstation
Consider again with the assignment
(x = x + 3 ) + 4
The Sun C compiler produces assembly code:
ld [ %fp + - 0x4 ],% o1
add %o1,0x3,%o1
st %o1,[ %fp + - 0x4 ]
ld [ %fp + - 0x4 ],%o2
add %o2,0x4,%o3
1) Array Reference
( a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
translated to the following assembly code by the Sun compiler:
( 1 ) add %fp,- 0x2c,%o1 /*fp-44
( 2 ) l d [ %f p + - 0x4 ],%o2
( 3 ) sll %o2,0x2,%o3
( 4 ) mov 0x2,%o4
( 5 ) st %o4,[ %o1 + %o3 ]
( 6 ) add %f p,- 0x30,%o5 /*fp-48
( 7 ) ld [ %fp + - 0 x 8 ],% o 7
( 8 ) sll %o7,0 x 2,% l 0
( 9 ) ld [ %o5 + % l 0 ],%l1
( 1 0 ) mov 0x2,%l2
( 1 1 ) add %l2,%l1,%l3
2) Pointer and Field References
typedef struct rec
{ int i;
char c;
int j;
} Rec;
typedef struct treeNode
{ int val;
struct treeNode * lchild,* rchild;
} TreeNode;
Rec x; /*allocated only on 4-bytes boundaries.
TreeNode p; /*4 bytes sizes.
The code generated for the assignment x.j =x.i; is
ld [%fp+-0xc],%o1
st %o1,[%fp+-0x4]
The pointer assignment p = p - > r c h i l d;
results in the target code:
ld [ % f p + - 0x10 ],%o4
ld [%o4 +0x8],%o5
st %o5,[ %f p + - 0x10 ]
3) If- and while-statements
if (x>y) y++; else x--;
The Sun SPARCstation compiler generates the
following code:
ld [ % f p + - 0x4 ],%o2
ld [ % f p + - 0x8 ],%o3
cmp %o2,%o3
bg L16
b L15
ld [ %f p + - 0x8 ],%o4
add %o4,0x1,%o4
st %o4,[ %fp+-0x8]
b L17
ld [ %fp + - 0x4 ],%o5
sub % o 5,0 x 1,% o 5
st %o5,[ %fp+-0x4]
and while (x<y) y -= x;
The code generated by the Sun compiler for
the while-loop is
ld [ % f p + - 0x4 ],%o7
ld [ % f p + - 0x8 ],%10
cmp %o7,%10
bl L21
b L20
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 4 ],% 1 1
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 8 ],% 1 2
sub % 1 2,% 1 1,% 1 2
st %12,[ %fp+-0x8]
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 4 ],% 1 3
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 8 ],% 1 4
cmp % 1 3,% 1 4
bl L18
b L22
4) Function Definition and Call
We use the same function definition as previously
the C function definition:
int f( int x,int y)
return x+y+1 ;
and a corresponding call
f (2+3,4)
Sun compiler generates the following code:
mov 0x5,%o0
mov 0x4,%o1
call _f,2
And the code generated for the definition f is
_ f,
sethi %hi ( LF62),%gl
add %gl,%lo ( L F 6 2 ),%gl
save %sp,%gl,%sp
st %i0,[ %fp + 0x44 ]
st %i1,[%fp+0x48]
,seg " text "
ld [ %fp + 0x44 ],%o0
ld [%fp+0x48],%o1
add %o0,%o1,%o0
add %o0,0x1,%o0
b LE62
mov %o0,%i0
– The call passes the arguments in register O0 and O1,
rather than on the stack;
– The call indicates with number 2 how many registers
are used for this purpose;
– The,o” registers become the,i” registers after call.
8.7 TM,A Simple Target Machine
In the section following this one will present a
code generator for the TINY language
Generate target code directly for a very simple
machine that can be easily simulated
This machine is called TM (for Tiny Machine).
8.7.1 Basic Architecture of the Tiny
TM consists of a read-only instruction memory,a data
memory,and a set of eight general-purpose registers,
These all use nonnegative integer addresses beginning at 0,
Register 7 is the program counter and is the only special
register,as described below,
The C declarations
#define IADDR_SIZE,..
/* size of instruction memory */
#define DADDR_SIZE...
/* size of data memory */
#define NO_REGS 8 /* number of registers */
#define PC_REG 7
Instruction iMem[IADDR_SIZE];
int dMem[DADDR_SIZE];
int reg[NO_REGS];
TM performs a conventional fetch-execute cycle:
d o
/* fetch */
Current Instruction = iMem [reg[pcRegNo]++];
/* execute current instruction */
while (!(halt||error));
A register-only instruction has the format
opcode r,s,t
There are two basic instruction formats,
Register only ------ RO instruction;
Register-memory ------ RM instruction.
The complete instruction set of the Tiny Machine is listed
in the next page.
RO Instructions
Format opcode r,s,t
Opcode Effect
HALT stop execution (operands ignored)
IN reg [r] ← integer value read from the standard input
(s and t ignored)
OUT reg [r] → the standard output (s and t ignored)
ADD reg [r] = reg[s] + reg[t]
SUB reg [r] = reg[s] - reg[t]
MUL reg [r] = reg[s] * reg[t]
DIV reg [r] = reg[s] / reg[t](may generate ZERO _ DIV)
RM Instructions
Format opcode r,d(s)
(a=d+ r e g [s]; any reference to DMem [a] generates DEME_ERR
if a<0 or a≥DADDR – SIZE )
Opcode Effect
LD reg [r] = dMem[a] (load r with memory value at a)
LDA reg [r] = a (load address a directly into r)
LDC reg [r] = d (load constant d directly into r – s is ignored)
ST dMem[a] = reg[r] (store value in r to memory location a)
JLT if (reg [r]<0) reg [PC_REG] = a
(jump to instruction a if r is negative,similarly for the following)
JLE if (reg [r]<=0 reg [PC_REG] = a
JGE if (reg [r]>0) reg [PC_REG] = a
JGT if (reg [r]>0) reg [PC_REG] = a
TEQ if (reg [r]==0) reg [PC_REG] = a
JNE if (reg [r]!=0) reg [PC_REG] = a
A register-memory instruction has the format
opcode r,d(s)
RM instructions include three different load instructions
corresponding to the three addressing modes
–,load constant” (LDC),
–,load address” (LDA),
– and,load memory” (LD).
Since the instruction set is minimal,some comments are in
order about how they can be used to achieve almost all
standard programming language operations.
– (More detail in the page P456-457)
(1) The target register in the arithmetic,IN,and load operations
comes first,and the source register(s) come second.
(2) All arithmetic operations are restricted to registers.
(3) There are no floating-point operations or floating-point
(4) There are no addressing modes specifiable in the operands
as in some assembly code.
(5) There is no restriction on the use of the pc in any of the
LDA 7,d(s)
(6) There is also no indirect jump instruction.
LD 7,0(1)
(7) The conditional jump instructions (JLT,etc.) can be made
relative to the current position in the program by using the
pc as the second register.
JEQ 0,4(7)
(8) There is no procedure call or JSUB instruction.
LD 7,d(s)
8.7.2 The TM Simulator
The machine simulator accepts text files
containing TM instructions as described above,
with the following conventions:
– An entirely blank line is ignored.
– A line beginning with an asterisk is considered a
comment and is ignored.
– Any other line must contain an integer instruction
location followed by a colon followed by a legal
instruction,Any text occurring after the instruction is
considered a comment and is ignored.
Figure 8.16 A TM program showing format
* This program inputs an integer,computes
* its factorial if it is positive,
* and prints the result
0,IN 0,0,0 r0 = read
1,JLE 0,6 (7) if 0 < r0 then
2,LDC 1,1,0 r1 = 1
3,LDC 2,1,0 r2 = 1
* repeat
4,MUL 1,1,0 r1 = r1*r0
5,SUB 0,0,2 r0 = r0-r2
6,JNE 0,-3 (7) until r0 == 0
7,OUT 1,0,0 write r1
8,HALT 0,0,0 halt
* end of program
Note,there is no need for location to appear in ascending
sequence as they do above.
For example,a code generator is likely to generate
the code of Figure 8.16 in the following sequence:
0,IN 0,0,0
2,LDC 1,1,0
3,LDC 2,1,0
4,MUL 1,1,0
5,SUB 0,0,2
6,JNE 0,-3(7)
7,OUT 1,0,0
1,JLE 0,6(7)
8,HALT 0,0,0
8.8 Code Generation for the
Tiny Language
8.8.1 The TM Interface of the
TINY Code Generator
Encapsulate some of the information the code
generator needs to know about the TM in files
code.h and code.c
– which are listed in Appendix b
Review here some of the features of the constant and
function definitions in the code.h file
If a program has two variables x and y,and there are
two temporary values currently stored in memory,
then dMem would look as following page
There are seven code emitting functions:
8.8.2 The TINY Code Generator
The TINY code generator is contained in file
cgen.c,with its only interface to the TINY
compiler the function codeGen,with prototype
– void codeGen(void);
The codeGen function does,
– It generates a few comments and instructions that set up
the runtime environment on startup,
– The calls the cGen function on the syntax tree,
– And finally generates a HALT instruction to end the
A TINY syntax tree has a form given by the declarations
typedef enum { StmtK,ExpK } NodeKind;
typedef enum { IfK,RepeatK,AssignK,ReadK,WriteK } StmtKind;
typedef enum { OpK,ConstK,IdK } ExpKind;
typedef struct treeNode
{ struct treeNode * child[MAXCHILDREN] ;
struct treeNode * sibling;
int lineno;
NodeKind nodekind;
union { StmtKind stmt; ExpKind exp; } kind;
union { TokenType op;
Int val;
char * name; } attr;
ExpType type;
} TreeNode;
The cGen function tests only whether a
node is a statement or expression node(or
calling the appropriate function genStmt or
and then calling itself recursively on
8.8.3 Generating and Using TM Code
Files with the TINY Compiler
8.8.4 A Sample TM Code File
Generated by the TINY Compiler
8.9 A Survey of Code Optimizations
8.9.1 Principal Sources of Code
(1) Register Allocation
Good use of registers is the most important
feature of efficient code.
(2) Unnecessary Operations
The second major source of code improvement is
to avoid generating code for operations that are
redundant or unnecessary.
(3) Costly Operations
A code generator should not only look for
unnecessary operations,but should take
advantage of opportunities to reduce the cost of
operations that are necessary,
but may be implemented in cheaper ways than
the source code or a simple implementation
might indicate.
(4) Prediction Program Behavior
To perform some of the previously described
optimizations,a compiler must collect
information about the uses of variables,values
and procedures in programs,whether
expressions are reused,whether or when
variables change their values or remain constant,
and whether procedures are called or not.
A different approach is taken by some compilers
in that statistical behavior about a program is
gathered from actual executions and the used to
predict which paths are most likely to be taken,
which procedures are most likely to be called
often,and which sections of code are likely to be
executed the most frequently.
8.9.2 Classification of Optimizations
Two useful classifications are the time during the
compilation process when an optimization can be
applied and the area of the program over which
the optimization applies:
– The time of application during compilation,
Optimizations can be performed at practically every
stage of compilation,
For example,constant folding…,
– Some optimizations can be delayed until after target
code has been generated- the target code is examined
and rewritten to reflect the optimization,
For example,jump optimization…,
The majority of optimizations are performed either
during intermediate code generation,just after
intermediate code generation,or during target
code generation.
To the extent that an optimization does not depend
on the characteristics of the target machine (called
source-level optimizations)
They can be performed earlier than those that do
depend on the target architecture (target-level
Sometimes both optimizations do.
Consider the effect that one optimization may have on
For instance,propagate constants before performing
unreachable code elimination,Occasionally,a phase
problem may arise in that each of two optimizations may
uncover further opportunities for the other,
For example,consider the code
x = 1;
y = 0;
if (y) x = 0;
if (x) y = 1;
A first pass at constant propagation might result in
the code
x = 1;
y = 0;
if (0) x = 0;
if (x) y = 1;
Now,the body of the first if is unreachable code;
eliminating it yields:
x = 1;
y = 0;
if (x) y = 1;
The second classification scheme for
optimizations that we consider is by the area of
the program over which the optimization applies
The categories for this classification are called
local,global and inter-procedural optimizations
( 1) Local optimizations,applied to straight-line
segments of code,or basic blocks.
( 2) Global optimizations,applied to an individual
( 3) Inter-procedural optimizations,beyond the
boundaries of procedures to the entire program.
8.9.3 Data Structures and Implementation
Techniques for Optimizations
Some optimizations can be made by
transformations on the syntax tree itself
– Including constant folding and unreachable code
– However the syntax tree is an unwieldy or unsuitable
structure for collecting information and performing
An optimizer that performs global optimizations
will construct from the intermediate code of each
– A graphical representation of the code called a flow
– The nodes of a flow graph are the basic blocks,and the
edges are formed from the conditional and
unconditional jumps,
– Each basic block node contains the sequence of
intermediate code instructions of the block,
A single pass can construct a flow graph,together
with each of its basic blocks,over the intermediate
Each new basic block is identified as follows:
– The first instruction begins a new basic block;
– Each label that is the target of a jump begin a
new basic block;
– Each instruction that follows a jump begins a
new basic block;
A standard data flow analysis problem is to
compute,for each variable,the set of so-called
reaching definitions of that variable at the
beginning of each basic block,
– Here a definition is an intermediate code instruction
that can set the value of the variable,such as an
assignment or a read
Another data structure is frequently constructed
for each block,called the DAG of a basic block.
– DAG traces the computation and reassignment of
values and variables in a basic block as follows,
– Values that are used in the block that come from
elsewhere are represented as leaf nodes,
Operations on those and other values are
represented by interior nodes,
– Assignment of a new value is represented by
attaching the name of target variable or temporary
to the node representing the value assigned
For example:
Repeated use of the same value also is represented in the
DAG structure,
For example,the C assignment x = (x+1)*(x+1) translates
into the three-address instructions:
t1 = x + 1
t2 = x + 1
t3 = t1 * t2
x = t3
DAG for this sequence of instructions is given,showing the
repeated use of the expression x+1
The DAG of a basic block can be constructed by
maintaining two dictionaries,
– A table containing variable names and constants,with a
lookup operation that returns the DAG node to which a
variable name is currently assigned.
– A table of DAG nodes,with a lookup operation that,
given an operation and child node
Target code,or a revised version of intermediate
code,can be generated from a DAG by a traversal
according to any of the possible topological sorts
of the nonleaf nodes,
t3 = x - 1
t2 = fact * x
x = t3
t4 = x == 0
fact = t2
Of course,wish to avoid the unnecessary use of temporaries,
and so would want to generate the following equivalent three-
address code,whose order must remain fixed:
fact = fact * x
x = x - 1
t4 = x == 0
A similar traversal of the DAG of above Figure results in the
following revised three-address code:
t1 = x + 1
x = t1 * t1
Using DAG to generate target code for a basic block,we
automatically get local common sub expression elimination
The DAG representation also makes it possible to eliminate
redundant stores and tells us how many references to each
value there are
A final method that is often used to assist register
allocation as code generator proceeds
– Involves the maintenance of data called register descriptors and
address descriptors.
– Register descriptors associate with each register a list of the
variable names whose value is currently in the register.
– Address descriptors associate with each variable name the
locations in memory where its value is to be found.
For example,take the basic block DAG of Figure 8.19 and
consider the generation of TM code according to a left-to-
right traversal of the interior nodes,
– Using the three registers 0,1,and 2,
– Assume that there are four address descriptors,
and isCounst(value),
Assume further that x is in global location 0,that fact is in
global location 1,that global locations are accessed via the gp
register,and that temporary locations are accessed via the mp
Finally,assume also that none of the registers begin with any
values in them,
Then,before code generation for the basic block begins,the
address descriptors for the variables and constants would be as
Now assume that the following code is generated:
LD 0,1(gp) load fact into reg 0
LD 1,0(gp) load x into reg 1
MUL 0,0,1
The address descriptors would now be
Variable/Constant Address Descriptors
And the register descriptors would be
Register Variables Contained
Now,given the subsequent code
LDC 2,1(0) load constant 1 into reg 2
ADD 1,1,2
The address descriptors would become:
Variable/Constant Address Descriptors
And the register descriptors would become:
Register Variables Contained
8.10 Simple Optimizations for
the TINY Code Generator
Primarily,the inefficiencies are due to two
– The TINY code generator makes very poor use
of the registers of the TM machine.
– The TINY code generator unnecessarily
generates logical values 0 and 1 for tests,when
these tests only appear in if-statements and
while-statements,where simpler code will do.
– In this section,indicate how even relatively
crude techniques can substantially improve the
code generated by the TINY compiler.
8.10.1 Keeping Temporaries in
The first optimization is an easy method for
keeping temporaries in registers rather than
constantly storing and reloading them from
In the TINY code generator temporaries were
always stored at the location:tmpoffset(mp)
where tmpoffset is a static variable initialized to 0,
decremented each time a temporary is stored,and
incremented each time it is reloaded,
A simple way to use registers as temporary
locations is to interpret tmpoffset as initially
referring to registers,and only after the available
registers are exhausted,to use it as an actual offset
into memory.
With this improvement,the TINY code generator now generates
the TM code sequence given in Figure 8.21.
8.10.2 Keeping Variables in
A further improvement can be made to the use of
the TM registers by reserving some of the registers
for use as variable locations,
A basic scheme is to simply pick a few registers
and allocate these as the locations for the most
used variables of the program
With these modifications,the code of the sample
program might now use register 3 for the variable
x and register 4 for the variable fact,assuming that
register 0 through 2 are still reserved for
8.10.3 Optimizing Test
The final optimization is to simplify the code
generated for tests in if-statement and while-
This improvement depends on the fact that a
comparison operator must appear as the root node
of the test expression,
The genExp code for this operator will simply
generate code to subtract the value of the right-
hand operand from the left-hand operand,leaving
the result in register 0,
The code for the if-statement or while-statement
will then test for which comparison operator is
applied and generate appropriate conditional jump
– if 0<x then.
Corresponds to the TM code:
4,SUB 0,0,3
5,JLT 0,2(7)
6,LDC 0,0(0)
7,LDA 7,1(7)
8,LDC 0,1(0)
9,JEQ 0,15(7)
will generate instead the simpler TM code
4,SUB 0,0,3
5,JGE 0,10(7)
With this optimization,the code generated for the test
program becomes that given in Figure 8.23.
End of Part Three
Principles and Practice
Kenneth C,Louden
8,Code Generation
Part One
8.1 Intermediate Code and Data Structure for code Generation
8.2 Basic Code Generation Techniques
Part Two
8.3 Code Generation of Data Structure Reference
8.4 Code Generation of Control Statements and Logical Expression
8.5 Code Generation of Procedure and Function calls
Part Three
8.6 Code Generation on Commercial Compilers,Two Case Studies
8.7 TM,A Simple Target Machine
8.8 A Code Generator for the TINY Language
8.9 A Survey of Code Optimization Techniques
8.10 Simple Optimizations for TINY Code Generator
8.6 Code Generation in Commercial
Compilers,Two Case Studies
Borland’s C Compiler for 80X86
Sun’s C Compiler for SparcStations
For example,
Consider the C procedure
Void f ( int x,char c)
{ int a[10];
double y;
Offset of x
fp Offset of c
Offset of a
Offset of y
The activation record for a call to f would appear as
Control link
Return address
Name Offset
x +5
c +4
a -24
y -32
Assuming two bytes for integers,four bytes for addresses,
one byte for character and eight bytes for double-precision
floating point,we would have the following offset values,
Now,an access of a[i],would require the computation of
the address:
For the expression,( x = x +3 ) + 4,the p-
code and three-address code:
Lad x
Lod x
Ldc 3
Adi t1=x+3
Stn x=t1
Ldc 4
Adi t2=t1+4
8.6.1 The Borland 3.0 C Compiler for
the 80X86
Consider the examples of the output of this
compiler with the following assignment
(x = x +3 ) + 4
The assembly code for this expression as produced
by the Borland 3.0 compiler for the Intel 80x86 is
as follows:
mov ax,word ptr [bp-2]
add ax,3
mov word ptr [bp-2],ax
add ax,4
– The bp is used as the frame pointer.
– The static simulation method is used to convert the
intermediate code into the target code.
For the expression,( x = x +3 ) + 4,
The p-code and three-address code:
Lad x
Lod x
Ldc 3
Adi t1=x+3
Stn x=t1
Ldc 4
Adi t2=t1+4
1) Array Reference
An example,(a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
Assume that i j,and a are local variables declared as
int i,j;
int a[10];
The Borland C compiler generates the following assembly
code for the above expression (in next page)
Expression,(a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
( 1 ) mov bx,word ptr [bp-2]
( 2 ) shl bx,1
( 3 ) l ea ax,word ptr [bp-22]
( 4 ) add bx,ax
( 5 ) mov ax,2
( 6 ) mov word ptr [bx],ax
( 7 ) mov bx,word ptr [bp-4]
( 8 ) shl bx,1
( 9 ) l ea dx,word ptr [bp-24]
( 1 0 ) add bx,dx
( 1 1 ) add ax,word ptr [bx]
The compiler has applied the algebraic fact to compute address:
address(a [ i + 1 ]) = base _ address (a) + (i + 1)*elem_size (a)
= (base _ address (a) + elem_size (a)) + i*elem_size (a)
Array reference generated by a code generation procedure.
( a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
lda a
lod i
ldc 1
a d i
ixa elem_size(a)
ldc 2
s t n
lda a
lod j
ixa elem_size(a)
ind 0
2) Pointer and Field References
Assume the declarations of previous examples:
typedef struct rec
{ int i;
char c;
int j;
} Rec;
typedef struct treeNode
{ int val;
struct treeNode * lchild,* rchild;
} TreeNode;
Rec x;
TreeNode *p;
Assume that X and P are declared as local variables and that
appropriate allocation of pointers has been done.
Consider,first,the sizes of the data types involved,
Integer variable has size 2 bytes;
Character variable has size 1 bytes;
The pointer has size 2 bytes.
The code generated for the statement
x.j =x.i;
mov ax,word ptr [bp-6]
mov word ptr [bp-3],ax
– Local variables are allocated only on even-byte boundaries;
– The offset computation for j (-6 + 3 = -3 ) is performed statically by
the compiler.
The code generated for the statement
p->lchild = p;
mov word ptr [si+2],si
And the statement
p = p->rchild;
mov si,word ptr [si+4]
3) If and While-Statement
The statements we use are
if (x>y) y++; else x--;
while (x<y) y -= x;
The Borland compiler generates the following
80x86 code for the given if-statement:
cmp bx,dx
jle short @1@86
inc dx
jmp short @1@114
dec bx
For the given while-statement:
jmp short @1@170
sub dx,bx
cmp bx,dx
jl short @1@142
4) Function definition and call
The examples are the C function definition:
int f( int x,int y)
return x+y+1 ;
And a corresponding call
f (2+3,4)
The Borland compiler for the call f (2+3,4):
mov ax,4
push ax
mov ax,5
push ax
call near ptr _f
pop cx
pop cx
The arguments are pushed on the stack in reverse order;
The caller is responsible for removing the arguments from
the stack after the call,
The call instruction on the 80x86 automatically pushes the
return address onto the stack.
Now,consider the code generated by the Borland
compiler for the definition of f:
_ f proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,word ptr [bp+4]
add ax,word ptr [bp+6]
inc ax
jmp short @1@58
pop bp
_ f endp
After these operations,the stack looks as follows:
The body of f then corresponds to the code that comes next
mov ax,word ptr [bp+4]
add ax,word ptr [bp+6]
inc ax
Finally,the code executes a jump,restores the old bp from the
stack,and returns to the caller.
8.6.2 The Sun 2.0 C Compiler for
Sun SPARCstation
Consider again with the assignment
(x = x + 3 ) + 4
The Sun C compiler produces assembly code:
ld [ %fp + - 0x4 ],% o1
add %o1,0x3,%o1
st %o1,[ %fp + - 0x4 ]
ld [ %fp + - 0x4 ],%o2
add %o2,0x4,%o3
1) Array Reference
( a [ i + 1 ] = 2 ) + a [ j ]
translated to the following assembly code by the Sun compiler:
( 1 ) add %fp,- 0x2c,%o1 /*fp-44
( 2 ) l d [ %f p + - 0x4 ],%o2
( 3 ) sll %o2,0x2,%o3
( 4 ) mov 0x2,%o4
( 5 ) st %o4,[ %o1 + %o3 ]
( 6 ) add %f p,- 0x30,%o5 /*fp-48
( 7 ) ld [ %fp + - 0 x 8 ],% o 7
( 8 ) sll %o7,0 x 2,% l 0
( 9 ) ld [ %o5 + % l 0 ],%l1
( 1 0 ) mov 0x2,%l2
( 1 1 ) add %l2,%l1,%l3
2) Pointer and Field References
typedef struct rec
{ int i;
char c;
int j;
} Rec;
typedef struct treeNode
{ int val;
struct treeNode * lchild,* rchild;
} TreeNode;
Rec x; /*allocated only on 4-bytes boundaries.
TreeNode p; /*4 bytes sizes.
The code generated for the assignment x.j =x.i; is
ld [%fp+-0xc],%o1
st %o1,[%fp+-0x4]
The pointer assignment p = p - > r c h i l d;
results in the target code:
ld [ % f p + - 0x10 ],%o4
ld [%o4 +0x8],%o5
st %o5,[ %f p + - 0x10 ]
3) If- and while-statements
if (x>y) y++; else x--;
The Sun SPARCstation compiler generates the
following code:
ld [ % f p + - 0x4 ],%o2
ld [ % f p + - 0x8 ],%o3
cmp %o2,%o3
bg L16
b L15
ld [ %f p + - 0x8 ],%o4
add %o4,0x1,%o4
st %o4,[ %fp+-0x8]
b L17
ld [ %fp + - 0x4 ],%o5
sub % o 5,0 x 1,% o 5
st %o5,[ %fp+-0x4]
and while (x<y) y -= x;
The code generated by the Sun compiler for
the while-loop is
ld [ % f p + - 0x4 ],%o7
ld [ % f p + - 0x8 ],%10
cmp %o7,%10
bl L21
b L20
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 4 ],% 1 1
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 8 ],% 1 2
sub % 1 2,% 1 1,% 1 2
st %12,[ %fp+-0x8]
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 4 ],% 1 3
ld [ % f p + - 0 x 8 ],% 1 4
cmp % 1 3,% 1 4
bl L18
b L22
4) Function Definition and Call
We use the same function definition as previously
the C function definition:
int f( int x,int y)
return x+y+1 ;
and a corresponding call
f (2+3,4)
Sun compiler generates the following code:
mov 0x5,%o0
mov 0x4,%o1
call _f,2
And the code generated for the definition f is
_ f,
sethi %hi ( LF62),%gl
add %gl,%lo ( L F 6 2 ),%gl
save %sp,%gl,%sp
st %i0,[ %fp + 0x44 ]
st %i1,[%fp+0x48]
,seg " text "
ld [ %fp + 0x44 ],%o0
ld [%fp+0x48],%o1
add %o0,%o1,%o0
add %o0,0x1,%o0
b LE62
mov %o0,%i0
– The call passes the arguments in register O0 and O1,
rather than on the stack;
– The call indicates with number 2 how many registers
are used for this purpose;
– The,o” registers become the,i” registers after call.
8.7 TM,A Simple Target Machine
In the section following this one will present a
code generator for the TINY language
Generate target code directly for a very simple
machine that can be easily simulated
This machine is called TM (for Tiny Machine).
8.7.1 Basic Architecture of the Tiny
TM consists of a read-only instruction memory,a data
memory,and a set of eight general-purpose registers,
These all use nonnegative integer addresses beginning at 0,
Register 7 is the program counter and is the only special
register,as described below,
The C declarations
#define IADDR_SIZE,..
/* size of instruction memory */
#define DADDR_SIZE...
/* size of data memory */
#define NO_REGS 8 /* number of registers */
#define PC_REG 7
Instruction iMem[IADDR_SIZE];
int dMem[DADDR_SIZE];
int reg[NO_REGS];
TM performs a conventional fetch-execute cycle:
d o
/* fetch */
Current Instruction = iMem [reg[pcRegNo]++];
/* execute current instruction */
while (!(halt||error));
A register-only instruction has the format
opcode r,s,t
There are two basic instruction formats,
Register only ------ RO instruction;
Register-memory ------ RM instruction.
The complete instruction set of the Tiny Machine is listed
in the next page.
RO Instructions
Format opcode r,s,t
Opcode Effect
HALT stop execution (operands ignored)
IN reg [r] ← integer value read from the standard input
(s and t ignored)
OUT reg [r] → the standard output (s and t ignored)
ADD reg [r] = reg[s] + reg[t]
SUB reg [r] = reg[s] - reg[t]
MUL reg [r] = reg[s] * reg[t]
DIV reg [r] = reg[s] / reg[t](may generate ZERO _ DIV)
RM Instructions
Format opcode r,d(s)
(a=d+ r e g [s]; any reference to DMem [a] generates DEME_ERR
if a<0 or a≥DADDR – SIZE )
Opcode Effect
LD reg [r] = dMem[a] (load r with memory value at a)
LDA reg [r] = a (load address a directly into r)
LDC reg [r] = d (load constant d directly into r – s is ignored)
ST dMem[a] = reg[r] (store value in r to memory location a)
JLT if (reg [r]<0) reg [PC_REG] = a
(jump to instruction a if r is negative,similarly for the following)
JLE if (reg [r]<=0 reg [PC_REG] = a
JGE if (reg [r]>0) reg [PC_REG] = a
JGT if (reg [r]>0) reg [PC_REG] = a
TEQ if (reg [r]==0) reg [PC_REG] = a
JNE if (reg [r]!=0) reg [PC_REG] = a
A register-memory instruction has the format
opcode r,d(s)
RM instructions include three different load instructions
corresponding to the three addressing modes
–,load constant” (LDC),
–,load address” (LDA),
– and,load memory” (LD).
Since the instruction set is minimal,some comments are in
order about how they can be used to achieve almost all
standard programming language operations.
– (More detail in the page P456-457)
(1) The target register in the arithmetic,IN,and load operations
comes first,and the source register(s) come second.
(2) All arithmetic operations are restricted to registers.
(3) There are no floating-point operations or floating-point
(4) There are no addressing modes specifiable in the operands
as in some assembly code.
(5) There is no restriction on the use of the pc in any of the
LDA 7,d(s)
(6) There is also no indirect jump instruction.
LD 7,0(1)
(7) The conditional jump instructions (JLT,etc.) can be made
relative to the current position in the program by using the
pc as the second register.
JEQ 0,4(7)
(8) There is no procedure call or JSUB instruction.
LD 7,d(s)
8.7.2 The TM Simulator
The machine simulator accepts text files
containing TM instructions as described above,
with the following conventions:
– An entirely blank line is ignored.
– A line beginning with an asterisk is considered a
comment and is ignored.
– Any other line must contain an integer instruction
location followed by a colon followed by a legal
instruction,Any text occurring after the instruction is
considered a comment and is ignored.
Figure 8.16 A TM program showing format
* This program inputs an integer,computes
* its factorial if it is positive,
* and prints the result
0,IN 0,0,0 r0 = read
1,JLE 0,6 (7) if 0 < r0 then
2,LDC 1,1,0 r1 = 1
3,LDC 2,1,0 r2 = 1
* repeat
4,MUL 1,1,0 r1 = r1*r0
5,SUB 0,0,2 r0 = r0-r2
6,JNE 0,-3 (7) until r0 == 0
7,OUT 1,0,0 write r1
8,HALT 0,0,0 halt
* end of program
Note,there is no need for location to appear in ascending
sequence as they do above.
For example,a code generator is likely to generate
the code of Figure 8.16 in the following sequence:
0,IN 0,0,0
2,LDC 1,1,0
3,LDC 2,1,0
4,MUL 1,1,0
5,SUB 0,0,2
6,JNE 0,-3(7)
7,OUT 1,0,0
1,JLE 0,6(7)
8,HALT 0,0,0
8.8 Code Generation for the
Tiny Language
8.8.1 The TM Interface of the
TINY Code Generator
Encapsulate some of the information the code
generator needs to know about the TM in files
code.h and code.c
– which are listed in Appendix b
Review here some of the features of the constant and
function definitions in the code.h file
If a program has two variables x and y,and there are
two temporary values currently stored in memory,
then dMem would look as following page
There are seven code emitting functions:
8.8.2 The TINY Code Generator
The TINY code generator is contained in file
cgen.c,with its only interface to the TINY
compiler the function codeGen,with prototype
– void codeGen(void);
The codeGen function does,
– It generates a few comments and instructions that set up
the runtime environment on startup,
– The calls the cGen function on the syntax tree,
– And finally generates a HALT instruction to end the
A TINY syntax tree has a form given by the declarations
typedef enum { StmtK,ExpK } NodeKind;
typedef enum { IfK,RepeatK,AssignK,ReadK,WriteK } StmtKind;
typedef enum { OpK,ConstK,IdK } ExpKind;
typedef struct treeNode
{ struct treeNode * child[MAXCHILDREN] ;
struct treeNode * sibling;
int lineno;
NodeKind nodekind;
union { StmtKind stmt; ExpKind exp; } kind;
union { TokenType op;
Int val;
char * name; } attr;
ExpType type;
} TreeNode;
The cGen function tests only whether a
node is a statement or expression node(or
calling the appropriate function genStmt or
and then calling itself recursively on
8.8.3 Generating and Using TM Code
Files with the TINY Compiler
8.8.4 A Sample TM Code File
Generated by the TINY Compiler
8.9 A Survey of Code Optimizations
8.9.1 Principal Sources of Code
(1) Register Allocation
Good use of registers is the most important
feature of efficient code.
(2) Unnecessary Operations
The second major source of code improvement is
to avoid generating code for operations that are
redundant or unnecessary.
(3) Costly Operations
A code generator should not only look for
unnecessary operations,but should take
advantage of opportunities to reduce the cost of
operations that are necessary,
but may be implemented in cheaper ways than
the source code or a simple implementation
might indicate.
(4) Prediction Program Behavior
To perform some of the previously described
optimizations,a compiler must collect
information about the uses of variables,values
and procedures in programs,whether
expressions are reused,whether or when
variables change their values or remain constant,
and whether procedures are called or not.
A different approach is taken by some compilers
in that statistical behavior about a program is
gathered from actual executions and the used to
predict which paths are most likely to be taken,
which procedures are most likely to be called
often,and which sections of code are likely to be
executed the most frequently.
8.9.2 Classification of Optimizations
Two useful classifications are the time during the
compilation process when an optimization can be
applied and the area of the program over which
the optimization applies:
– The time of application during compilation,
Optimizations can be performed at practically every
stage of compilation,
For example,constant folding…,
– Some optimizations can be delayed until after target
code has been generated- the target code is examined
and rewritten to reflect the optimization,
For example,jump optimization…,
The majority of optimizations are performed either
during intermediate code generation,just after
intermediate code generation,or during target
code generation.
To the extent that an optimization does not depend
on the characteristics of the target machine (called
source-level optimizations)
They can be performed earlier than those that do
depend on the target architecture (target-level
Sometimes both optimizations do.
Consider the effect that one optimization may have on
For instance,propagate constants before performing
unreachable code elimination,Occasionally,a phase
problem may arise in that each of two optimizations may
uncover further opportunities for the other,
For example,consider the code
x = 1;
y = 0;
if (y) x = 0;
if (x) y = 1;
A first pass at constant propagation might result in
the code
x = 1;
y = 0;
if (0) x = 0;
if (x) y = 1;
Now,the body of the first if is unreachable code;
eliminating it yields:
x = 1;
y = 0;
if (x) y = 1;
The second classification scheme for
optimizations that we consider is by the area of
the program over which the optimization applies
The categories for this classification are called
local,global and inter-procedural optimizations
( 1) Local optimizations,applied to straight-line
segments of code,or basic blocks.
( 2) Global optimizations,applied to an individual
( 3) Inter-procedural optimizations,beyond the
boundaries of procedures to the entire program.
8.9.3 Data Structures and Implementation
Techniques for Optimizations
Some optimizations can be made by
transformations on the syntax tree itself
– Including constant folding and unreachable code
– However the syntax tree is an unwieldy or unsuitable
structure for collecting information and performing
An optimizer that performs global optimizations
will construct from the intermediate code of each
– A graphical representation of the code called a flow
– The nodes of a flow graph are the basic blocks,and the
edges are formed from the conditional and
unconditional jumps,
– Each basic block node contains the sequence of
intermediate code instructions of the block,
A single pass can construct a flow graph,together
with each of its basic blocks,over the intermediate
Each new basic block is identified as follows:
– The first instruction begins a new basic block;
– Each label that is the target of a jump begin a
new basic block;
– Each instruction that follows a jump begins a
new basic block;
A standard data flow analysis problem is to
compute,for each variable,the set of so-called
reaching definitions of that variable at the
beginning of each basic block,
– Here a definition is an intermediate code instruction
that can set the value of the variable,such as an
assignment or a read
Another data structure is frequently constructed
for each block,called the DAG of a basic block.
– DAG traces the computation and reassignment of
values and variables in a basic block as follows,
– Values that are used in the block that come from
elsewhere are represented as leaf nodes,
Operations on those and other values are
represented by interior nodes,
– Assignment of a new value is represented by
attaching the name of target variable or temporary
to the node representing the value assigned
For example:
Repeated use of the same value also is represented in the
DAG structure,
For example,the C assignment x = (x+1)*(x+1) translates
into the three-address instructions:
t1 = x + 1
t2 = x + 1
t3 = t1 * t2
x = t3
DAG for this sequence of instructions is given,showing the
repeated use of the expression x+1
The DAG of a basic block can be constructed by
maintaining two dictionaries,
– A table containing variable names and constants,with a
lookup operation that returns the DAG node to which a
variable name is currently assigned.
– A table of DAG nodes,with a lookup operation that,
given an operation and child node
Target code,or a revised version of intermediate
code,can be generated from a DAG by a traversal
according to any of the possible topological sorts
of the nonleaf nodes,
t3 = x - 1
t2 = fact * x
x = t3
t4 = x == 0
fact = t2
Of course,wish to avoid the unnecessary use of temporaries,
and so would want to generate the following equivalent three-
address code,whose order must remain fixed:
fact = fact * x
x = x - 1
t4 = x == 0
A similar traversal of the DAG of above Figure results in the
following revised three-address code:
t1 = x + 1
x = t1 * t1
Using DAG to generate target code for a basic block,we
automatically get local common sub expression elimination
The DAG representation also makes it possible to eliminate
redundant stores and tells us how many references to each
value there are
A final method that is often used to assist register
allocation as code generator proceeds
– Involves the maintenance of data called register descriptors and
address descriptors.
– Register descriptors associate with each register a list of the
variable names whose value is currently in the register.
– Address descriptors associate with each variable name the
locations in memory where its value is to be found.
For example,take the basic block DAG of Figure 8.19 and
consider the generation of TM code according to a left-to-
right traversal of the interior nodes,
– Using the three registers 0,1,and 2,
– Assume that there are four address descriptors,
and isCounst(value),
Assume further that x is in global location 0,that fact is in
global location 1,that global locations are accessed via the gp
register,and that temporary locations are accessed via the mp
Finally,assume also that none of the registers begin with any
values in them,
Then,before code generation for the basic block begins,the
address descriptors for the variables and constants would be as
Now assume that the following code is generated:
LD 0,1(gp) load fact into reg 0
LD 1,0(gp) load x into reg 1
MUL 0,0,1
The address descriptors would now be
Variable/Constant Address Descriptors
And the register descriptors would be
Register Variables Contained
Now,given the subsequent code
LDC 2,1(0) load constant 1 into reg 2
ADD 1,1,2
The address descriptors would become:
Variable/Constant Address Descriptors
And the register descriptors would become:
Register Variables Contained
8.10 Simple Optimizations for
the TINY Code Generator
Primarily,the inefficiencies are due to two
– The TINY code generator makes very poor use
of the registers of the TM machine.
– The TINY code generator unnecessarily
generates logical values 0 and 1 for tests,when
these tests only appear in if-statements and
while-statements,where simpler code will do.
– In this section,indicate how even relatively
crude techniques can substantially improve the
code generated by the TINY compiler.
8.10.1 Keeping Temporaries in
The first optimization is an easy method for
keeping temporaries in registers rather than
constantly storing and reloading them from
In the TINY code generator temporaries were
always stored at the location:tmpoffset(mp)
where tmpoffset is a static variable initialized to 0,
decremented each time a temporary is stored,and
incremented each time it is reloaded,
A simple way to use registers as temporary
locations is to interpret tmpoffset as initially
referring to registers,and only after the available
registers are exhausted,to use it as an actual offset
into memory.
With this improvement,the TINY code generator now generates
the TM code sequence given in Figure 8.21.
8.10.2 Keeping Variables in
A further improvement can be made to the use of
the TM registers by reserving some of the registers
for use as variable locations,
A basic scheme is to simply pick a few registers
and allocate these as the locations for the most
used variables of the program
With these modifications,the code of the sample
program might now use register 3 for the variable
x and register 4 for the variable fact,assuming that
register 0 through 2 are still reserved for
8.10.3 Optimizing Test
The final optimization is to simplify the code
generated for tests in if-statement and while-
This improvement depends on the fact that a
comparison operator must appear as the root node
of the test expression,
The genExp code for this operator will simply
generate code to subtract the value of the right-
hand operand from the left-hand operand,leaving
the result in register 0,
The code for the if-statement or while-statement
will then test for which comparison operator is
applied and generate appropriate conditional jump
– if 0<x then.
Corresponds to the TM code:
4,SUB 0,0,3
5,JLT 0,2(7)
6,LDC 0,0(0)
7,LDA 7,1(7)
8,LDC 0,1(0)
9,JEQ 0,15(7)
will generate instead the simpler TM code
4,SUB 0,0,3
5,JGE 0,10(7)
With this optimization,the code generated for the test
program becomes that given in Figure 8.23.
End of Part Three