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Arena 3DPlayer Overview
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What We’ll Do,..
Product Overview
Generating Playback Files In Arena
Importing 2D Animation Into 3DPlayer
Example 1
3DPlayer Environment (Panes,Toolbars,Modes)
Path Drawing and Editing
Example 2
Static Systems And Shapes
Shape Assignment Mode,Assigning Shapes
Example 3
Enhancing the Animation (Importing VRML Files)
Example 4
Product Support Materials (Help/Examples/Tutorials)
3 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Product Overview
Developed by Systemflow Simulations (Indianapolis,Indiana).
Post-process 3D animator
– Generate playback file (*.pbf) in Arena
– Create 3D layout file (*.a3d) in 3DPlayer
Run playback with layout in 3DPlayer to view 3D animation.
Before creating a layout file,the recommended approach is to
generate a playback file first,Then open the playback file in 3DPlayer
to get lists of Arena object names for building the layout.
2D animation information from an Arena model (e.g.,the locations of
resource pictures,paths,global pictures,etc.) may be imported into a
new layout file in 3DPlayer.
Supports direct import of line geometry from a DXF file.
Supports the text-based VRML97 file format (*.wrl) to import 3D solid
shape data.
4 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Generating Playback Files In Arena
The option to generate a playback file is available in
Arena 7.01 or later.
1,In Run Setup>Run Control,select
the Generate Playback File
2,Specify the playback file name
3,Click <OK>.
4,Run the simulation for as long as
you wish,Stop the simulation,The
playback file will be generated.
5 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Importing 2D Animation Into 3DPlayer
Available to convert existing animations to 3D or
start a new animation using the familiar 2D Arena
layout creation environment.
First start Arena and open the model that will be
In 3DPlayer,select File>Import Arena Layout…
The 2D animation information is imported into a
new layout file,
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Example 1
Open Arena3DPlayerExample.doe
Generate playback file Arena3DPlayerExample.pbf
Import the 2D Animation Into 3DPlayer
Open playback file Arena3DPlayerExample.pbf
Run the 3D animation
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3DPlayer Environment – Panes
Tree View Pane – Objects in playback
file and 3D layout
3D Pane – 3D animation
Dashboard Pane – 2D
informational animation
(clocks,status variables,
8 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – Panes
Edit Pane – Activated
when object in 3D layout is
selected (specifies object
properties such as
9 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – Tree View Pane
Color codes identify which objects exist only in
playback file (red),which objects exist only in the
3D layout (blue),and which objects exist in both
Categories of objects may be hidden/unhidden
using the checkboxes at top-level of the tree.
An alternate means (in the case of entity pictures,
the only means) of selecting a specific object for
A way to locate a specific named item in a
crowded layout.
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3DPlayer Environment – 3D Pane
3D Animation is created in the 3D Pane
Origin Triad – Indicates the
origin of the layout where
Grid – Drawn at zero height
Floor – a thin,dark grey box
drawn just beneath the grid,
3D Pane Toolbar – Add 3D
objects,view commands,etc.
11 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – 3D Pane
The View menu contains commands for hiding/unhiding
the grid and floor,as well as specifying the grid spacing,
extent,and snap settings.
To navigate the view within the 3D Pane:
– Left-click the mouse and drag left/right to rotate the
geometry to the left or right.
– Left-click the mouse and drag up/down to tilt the
geometry up/down.
– Right-click the mouse and drag up/down to make the
geometry bigger or smaller.
– Middle-click the mouse (or shift-right-click if you have a
two button mouse) to establish a new center point (this
also adjusts the drawing's center of rotation),
– To pan the 3D Pane,use the Up/Down/Left/Right
arrow keys.
12 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – 3D Pane
To navigate the view in the 3D Pane (continued):
– Choose View > Normal Views to access the six
orthogonal (right-angled),pre-defined named views,
Top,Bottom,Left,Right,Front,and Back.
– Named views and a ―Home‖ view may be defined
using View > Named Views and View > Home,
3DPlayer Demonstration,View Navigation In 3D Pane
13 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – Dashboard Pane
Dashboard Toolbar – Add
2D objects,view commands,
Toggle Split Screen
14 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – Edit Pane
When you select an animation
object,its properties (including
color options) are also displayed
and may be edited in the Edit
pane (temporarily replaces the
Dashboard Pane).
When you select an animation object,it
will turn magenta and a "triad" (set of
three coordinate axes) will appear that
allows you to graphically move or rotate
the object by clicking and dragging an
arrowhead or sensor pad of the triad,
15 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment – Edit Pane (Entity
1,In the Tree View
Pane,select the
picture in the Entity
Pictures category that
you want to edit.
2,A copy of the entity
picture is displayed
near the origin in the
3D Pane.
3,Edit the properties
of the entity picture
(e.g.,scale,color) in
the Edit Pane.
16 www.ArenaSimulation.com
3DPlayer Environment - Modes
Three Modes
– Run Mode,Playback file must be open,Automatically
entered when animation run is started.
– Layout Mode,Mode for adding or moving animation in
3D Pane or Dashboard Pane,Automatically entered
when animation run is ended.
– Shape Assignment Mode,Mode for assigning 3D
shapes to objects (including importing VRML files).
The 3DPlayer mode is manually changed using
the Mode menu.
17 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Path Drawing and Editing
Arena 3DPlayer supports all of Arena’s path movements
such as:
– Entities moving on Routes
– Entities moving on Segments (Conveyors)
– Transporters moving on Distances
– Transporters moving on Networks
– Ride Points and Parking Areas are supported
The path drawing and editing interface in Arena 3DPlayer
is shared among all eight types of paths—the four "guide-
type" paths (routes,segments,distances,and networks)
and the four "residence-type" paths (queues,seize areas,
storages,and parking areas).
See Path Drawing and Editing topic in the online help
18 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Material Handling and Path Drawing
3D Pane Toolbar – Objects/Paths such
as transporters,network links,routes,
conveyor segments,queues,parking
areas,etc,may be selected and added to
the 3D animation similar to how
animation is added in Arena.
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Example 2
Start new layout file in 3DPlayer
Open playback file Aena3DPlayerOverview.pbf
Manually create the 3D animation
Save As Arena3DPlayerOverview.a3d
Run the 3D animation
20 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Static Systems And Shapes
Animations often contain 3D information that is important to the 3D
visual scene but is not part of the simulation animation.
– Walls and Doors
– Furniture and Fixtures
– Signage
– Roadways and Landscaping
Arena 3DPlayer manages this information in static systems.
– Tools > Add Static System menu command
– Only one static system is active at a time (select using the Tree
View Pane)
– Static shapes are added to the active static system using the
Tools > Add 3D Objects > Static Shape command.
– The active system's elements are the only static shapes that can
be region selected (i.e.,by drawing a net using Alt-drag).
– A static system may be hidden/unhidden by unchecking/checking
the static system name in the Tree View Pane.
21 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Shape Assignment Mode,Assigning
Shapes are assigned to animation objects in Shape
Assignment mode.
Select Mode > Shape Assignment to enter this mode.
Or,select any shape-assignable object in layout mode,
right-click on it and choose Shape Assignment.
22 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Shape Assignment Mode,Assigning
Select the object to modify the
shape(s) for using the tree view
After assigning and/or
adding new shapes,click
the Done button to return to
layout mode
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Example 3
Open layout file Arena3DPlayerOverview.a3d
Add a static system named ―Plants‖.
Add some static shapes that look like plants to the
―Plants‖ static system.
24 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Enhancing The Animation
Arena 3DPlayer includes 100+ shapes in its default shape
assignment library.
New shapes may also be imported into the library while in
Shape Assignment mode,To import a shape,the shape
data file must be in a compatible Virtual Reality Model
Language (VRML) format.
– Must be VRML97 (or 2.0) text formatted files (*.wrl).
– VRML is supported as an export format by most 3D
graphics programs.
– Texture maps and some other VRML features not
supported by Arena 3DPlayer are ignored,
– VRML is a file format with an irregular structure,Arena
3DPlayer may not be able to import some files.
25 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Enhancing The Animation
There are several internet sites that offer either free 3D
models or models that may be purchased (be sensitive to
permission issues if the 3D animation will be publicly
displayed or provided to others).
3D shapes may also be created in a 3D graphics program
For best animation performance,avoid using highly
detailed or curved shapes (i.e.,shapes that contain a
large number of poly-surfaces) for:
– Entity pictures that will be displayed a large number of times
– Dense populations of static shapes,
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Example 4
Create a ―STOP Sign‖ drawing in Visx3D,
Save the drawing in VRML97 format (*.wrl).
Open layout file Arena3DPlayerOverview.a3d
Import the STOP sign into the Arena 3DPlayer
library and assign it to a static shape.
27 www.ArenaSimulation.com
Product Support Materials
Online Help
Examples have been installed in the Arena 3DPlayer\Examples
– Flexible Manufacturing (Note,there are two separate basic and
advanced (high detail) layouts that both use Flexible
– Banking Transactions
– Helicopter Combat
– Auto Assembly
The Arena 3DPlayer User's Guide includes tutorials that guide you
through building and running a simple animation,enhancing an
animation,editing the Dashboard display,and importing an Arena
– Tutorials are installed in Arena 3DPlayer\Tutorials folder
– The User’s Guide is available in *pdf format in Help > Product Manual >
Arena 3DPlaye User’s Guide