经贸知识英语主 讲:邵 峰主 编:王 学 文出版社:中国人民大学出版社经贸知识英语主 讲:邵 峰主 编:王 学 文出版社:中国人 民大学出版社经贸知识英语主 讲:邵 峰主 编:王 学 文出版社:中国人民大学出版社
关于考试及试题类型概 论试题类型
一 英汉短语互译( 10)
二 搭配题( 5)
三 经贸术语翻译( 20)
四 用所给词的正确形式填空( 10)
五 英译汉( 15)
六 汉译英( 25)
七 回答问题( 15)
International Trade(I)
(1) A country may develop a particular
comparative advantage purely through its own
action,independent of the endowment of nature.
一个国家可以不依赖于大自然的恩赐而完全通过自身的行动来发展某一具体比较优势 。
independent of sth:not depending on sth,独立于 。
(2) Switzerland’s comparative advantage in watch
making is typical example,瑞士钟表制造业就是一个典型的例子 。
in:prep,在 …… 方面
(3) Similarly,the United States has developed
comparative advantage in many lines that use
the most up-to-date technology,同样,美国已经在使用最先进技术的许多行业发展了比较优势 。
(4) Trade to exploit comparative
advantage promotes efficiency among
countries,since it can make one country
better off without making another worse
off,利用比较利益进行贸易能够在各国间提高效益,可以改善一个国家的经济状况而不损害另一个国家的利益 。
① since:因为
② it 指上述情况
③ well off:境况良好
④ worse off:badly off 的比较级
(5) As a result,Country A would specialize
in the production of computers and trade
some of them for Country B’s cars,and
Country B would specialize in cars and
exchange some of the cars for Country A’s
computers,因为,甲国将专门生产计算机并用部分产品换取乙国的小汽车 。 而乙国将专门生产小汽车并用部分产品换取甲国的计算机 。
① as a result:因此
② specialize in:专攻 ( 专门研究 )
(6) But according to the above theory,trade occurs
only when each country has an absolute
advantage over the other in the production of
one commodity,但是,根据上述理论,只有当一个国家对另一个国家在某一商品的生产方面占绝对优势时,贸易才会发生 。
(7) On the other hand,one man in Country B can
produce 40 cars in a year but only 20in Country
A,从另一方面讲,在乙国每人每年能生产四十辆小汽车,但在甲国每人每年只能生产二十辆 。
On the one hand,… on the other hand…,一方面 …… 另一方面 ……
(8) So Country A is more efficient in producing
computers than Country B,and we say that the
former has an absolute advantage over the latter.
所以,甲国的计算机生产能力要比乙国强 。 我们说前者对于后者来说有着绝对优势 。
① in doing sth.:在做 …… 方面
② the former … the latter…,前者 …… 后者 ……
(9) In reality,it is not rare that one country has no
absolute advantage in any commodity,事实上,对于一个国家来说,生产任何一种商品都不占绝对优势的情况并不罕见 。
① in reality:事实上
② rare:罕见的
(10) The theory of comparative advantage
holds that even if a country is less efficient
than another in the production of both
commodities,there is still a basis for
mutually beneficial trade,比较优势学说认为,即使一个国家在生产两种商品时都比另一个国家效率高,这两个国家也存在着互利的贸易基础 。
even if/though:即使 …… ( 引导条件状语从句 )
(11) The first country should specialize in the
production and export of the commodity in
which its absolute disadvantage is smaller,i.e.
the commodity of its comparative advantage,
and import the commodity in which its absolute
disadvantage is greater,i.e,the commodity of its
comparative disadvantage,甲国应该专门生产和出口那些绝对劣势小,也就是有相对优势的商品,进口那些绝对劣势大,也就是有相对劣势的商品 。
① in which( 不能用 that) 引导定语从句,修饰其前的 commodity
② i.e,( 拉丁语缩写 ),也就是说
(12) Some countries are abundant in resources,
and while elsewhere reserves are scarce or even
nonexistent,有些国家资源非常丰富,而其他国家资源稀少,甚至根本就没有 。
① be abundant/rich in:富有
② while:虽然
You like basketball,while I’d rather read,你爱打篮球,但我爱看书。
(13) For instance,举例来说,英国煤资源丰富,
但金属资源匮乏 。
For instance:例如:
(14) Kuwait has vast oil deposits but little farm
produce,科威特石油储量巨大,但农产品缺乏 。
(15) And Japan relies heavily on import for
most of the primary commodities,对于多数的初级产品,日本严重依赖进口 。
rely on:依赖
We cannot rely on developed countries all the
time,我们不能总是依赖着发达国家 。
(1) define:及物动词,解释 。
(2) distribution:名词,分布,经销 。
(3) natural resources:短语,自然资源 。
(4) abundant:形容词,丰富的;丰富
(5) scarce:形容词,缺少的;稀有的;多与介词连用形成词组
(6) in terms of (as regards sth.):从 …… 方面来讲
Think of it in terms of an investment,从投资的角度考虑那件事 。
The figures are expressed in terms of a
percentage/in percentage terms,这些数字是以百分数表达的 。
China has an absolute advantage over any other
countries in terms of labor,在人力资源方面,
中国比别的任何国家都有优势 。
(7) incentive:名词,刺激,鼓励,同时该词还兼有形容词的词性,意指:刺激的;鼓励的 。
(8) constitute:动词,构成,形成 。
(9) remainder:名词,剩余物,余数 。
(10) hold:及物动词,认为 。
(11) in terms of:介词短语,在 …… 方面 。 例句:
In terms of manpower we have a large
population to take part in this activity 在人力这一方面,我们有足够的人员去参加这活动 。
(12) specialization,In our text,it means one
country produces more of a commodity than it
uses itself and sells the remainder to other
countries,专门化:在本文指一个国家所生产的某种商品数量超出它的消费,并将所剩商品卖给其他国家 。
(13) services,A useful business or job that
does not produce goods.,服务:不生产具体物品的一种职业或工作 。
(14) primary commodities,Mainly means the
non-processed or the primarily,processed
produce or products,it includes foods,drinks,
material processing in agriculture and
mineral,vegetable oil and animal fat,and
fuel manufacturing,初级产品:主要指未经加工或仅经初步加工的农林,牧,渔,矿等产品 。 分为食品,饮料,农矿原料,动植物油脂和燃料五大类 。
三 练习与作业( page12)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 2题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,5)
Lesson 2
International Trade(II)
(1) These countries attract large numbers of
tourists,who spend money for traveling,hotel
accommodations,meals,taxis,and so on,这些国家吸引着大批观光者,他们花钱旅游,食宿,
乘出租车等 。
① large numbers of +可数名词:大量的
② who 引导非限制性定语从句 。
(2) This refers to the money sent back to home
countries by people working in a foreign land.
这里指的是那些在国外工作的人汇回国内的钱 。
① 句中画线部分为过去分词短语作定语,修饰
② working in a foreign land 为现在分词短语作定语,修饰 people。
(3) Invisible trade can be as important to some
countries as visible trade is to others.如同有形贸易对一些国家非常重要一样,无形贸易对一些国家一样非常重要 。
as +adj.+其他 +as… 结构的用法:像 …… 一样
(4) A tariff is a tax levied on a commodity when it
crosses the boundary of a customs area which usually
coincides with the area of a country,关税是商品跨越关税区时对该商品征收的税 。 一般来说,关税区与一个国家的领域是一致的 。
① levy a tariff on:对征 …… 收关税
A departure tax was levied on all travellers.
② 句中画线部分是过去分词短语,作 tax的定语 。
③ coincide with:与 …… 一致
My ideas coincide with his.
(5) Import duties may be either specific,or ad
valorem,or a combination of the two ——
compound duties,进口税可以是从量税,从价税,或两者的结合,即混合税 。
either… or…,或者 …… 或者 ……
(6) But a complete answer must also take into
account other factors such as patterns of scale
and,economies of scale and innovation or style.
如需求结构,规模经济,以及革新或款式 。
① take sth,into account:把 …… 考虑在内
② such as:例如
(7) For strategic or domestic reasons,a country may
continue to produce goods for which it does not have an
advantage,出于战略或国内的原因,一个国家可能继续生产其不具优势的商品 。
for which为,介词 +关系代词,结构,引导定语从句,
修饰先行词 goods,for在这里是,对于,的意思,即
(8) Where there are no differences among countries in
the basic capabilities at producing goods,other bases for
trade among them may still exist,在那些生产商品的基础能力方面没有差异的国家中,其他方面的贸易基础仍然可能存在 。
where 引导一个地点状语从句 。
(9) For example,most consumers in one
country may consider dog meat a delicacy,
while in another country the consumption of
dog meat is abhorrent,例如,在一个国家消费者可能把狗肉看作一种美食,而在另一个国家,
吃狗肉则被认为是不雅的 。
① while:―而,表示前后意思的对比 。
② abhorrent:adj.―可恶的,
(10) Even though Country A produces enough cars at
reasonable costs to meet its own demand and even to
export some,it still import cars from other countries for
innovation or variety of style,即使甲国能以合理的民本生产足够的小汽车满足自己的需求,甚至出口一些,但是因革新与款式的需要,它仍从别的国家进口一些小汽车 。
① even though/if:即使
② meet:满足
meet sb’s wishes,conditions,needs,etc.满足某人的希望,
条件,需要等 。
③ for:由于 He's learning English for the fun of it.
Can you summarize this passage?
Seek to 试图。
The two parties seek to bring the disagreement to
and end
Seek 还可以与介词 for连用,意思为:探求,寻求
They are seeking for the solution to current
Take into account 考虑,认为
We are taking into account the drawback
of the meeting.
In reality,事实上,实际上。类似的短语还有 in fact,
in practice,
In reality,most of countries are lack of natual
affect意为影响,多为负面影响; influence为中性词。
Smoking affects health.
My teacher influenced my decision to study science.
介词 With的用法
1 和 … 一起
Misery acquaints men with strange
bedfellows.(谚 )
to live with one's parents
staying with a friend
2 带有 … 的心情、态度等
He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.
3 有
I sat down on one of those modern chairs with
holes in it and waited.
4 因为,由于
With the state of national economy so serious,I see
no reason for the government's complacency.
The former前者
Did he go there by air or by train? The former
seems more likely.
the latter前者,后者 Did he walk or swim? The
latter seems unlikely.
Refer to
针对;有关 ;指的是
The new law does not refer to farm land.
What I said refers to all of you.
on the basis of 以,..为基础
The principle is on the basis of fairness.
In addition to
In addition to gene,intelligence also depends on an
adequate diet,a good education and a decent home
除 … 以外 (还有 )
Besides milk and cheese,we need vegetables.
(常与 for,that连用)除 … 之外(没有)
All the answers are excellent except for some mistakes.
His report is correct except that some details are omitted.
除 … 以外(主语多为不定代词)
no one but me
Book 意思是租用
You'll have to book up early.
The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton
The hotel is fully booked up.
As well as除 … 以外
Attract vt 吸引
She was attracted by the novel advertisement.
Allure captivate charm draw fascinate
infatuate intere stpull tempt distract repel
Large number of大量的。用来修饰可数名词。
A smaller number of families may raise children.
Large amount of 大量的 。
Large amounts of money were spent
on the magnificent building.
1.(常与 on 连用)信任,信赖;需要
Can I depend on you?
I haven't a car,I have to depend on the buses.
2.(常与 on,upon连用)视情况而定
That depends.
It all depends on how you tackle the problem.
Make effort to
He made an effort to climb the wall.
他尽力爬上墙 。
Please put more effort into your school work.
engage in 使从事于,参加
I have no time to engage in gossip.
engage for 保证
engage on 开始 (某种职业 )
(1) concession,名词,让步 。 通常用短语
,make a concession to… ‖对 …… 作出让步 。
(2) impose:动词,强加 。 Impose something on
somebody把 …… 强加于某人 。 另外 impose还可作不及物动词,意指利用,如 impose on sb’s
kindness利用某人的善意 。
(3) non-tariff barriers,非关税壁垒,指关税之外的一切直接或间接限制进口的法规和措施,
如,进口限额等 。 随着关税壁垒在贸易保护中的作用减弱,非关税壁垒则被广泛采用 。
(4) without reference to countries:与国家无关,
短语 without reference to与 …… 无关 。 如,all
the people,without reference to age or sex,所有人,不论男女老少 。
Visible trade:有形贸易,指商品的进出口 。
(5) reasonable costs:合理的成本,reasonable的含义是,适当的,,,不过分的,,,公道的,,,合乎情理的,。 如果要表达,合理利用 资 源,,,合 理 化 建 议,则 不 能 用
reasonable 而该用 rational,分别译作 make
rational use of resources 和 rationalization
(6) coincide:v.巧合,偶合,用时多与介词 with
相连用,但也有例外,如,We do not coincide
in opinion,我们意见不和 。
(7) refund,v.偿还,退还 。
(8) signatory,now签约人,签约国 。 例如,the
signatories to a treaty 各缔约国 。
(9) impose::v,to establish ( an additional
payment) officially征 ( 税 ),加 ( 负担 ) 于
A new tax has been imposed on tabaco.对烟又征收了新税项 。
(10) protectionist:n.a person who wants to keep
the system of protecting one’s own country’s
trade,esp.by tariffs( 贸易 ) 保护主义者 。
The U,S,A is one of protectionists in
international trade.
美国是国际贸易中一个保护主义者 。
(11) unilateral,adj.done by or having an effect
on only one side,esp.one of the political groups
in an agreement:一方的,单方面的 。
The treaty denies any unilateral withdrawal.该条约禁止任何单方面的撤出 。
(12) label,n.a piece of other material,fixed to
(13) customs union:关税同盟 。 两个或多个国家缔约建立统一的关税,对内取消相互间的进口关税,实现内部商品自由流通;对外实行统一的关税,这样的联盟即为关税同盟 。
(14) Import duties may be either specific,or ad
valorem,or a combination of the two—
compound duties,Specific duties,从量税,以商品的重量,数量,容量,长度,面积等计征的关税; ad valorem duties ;从价税,以商品的价格为标准征收的关税; compound duties混合税,复合税,英语也称,对同一税目的商品,
同时按从价和从量两种税率计征的关税 。
(15) drawback:退税
(16) exploit vt,use; develop:利用
(A) Man should make more efforts to exploit
natural resources,人类应该更加努力地开发利用自然资源 。
(B) Man exploits waterpower very well,人类对水能开发利用得很好 。
(17) assume vt,take as true before there is
(A) Assuming that her story is true,what
should we do? 假如她说的是真的,我们怎么办?
(B) I assume that she has received my telegram.
我猜测她已经接到了我的电报 。
( 18) take into account other factors:考虑其他因素 。 Take into account 是一个常用短语 。
We must take into account all the different
opinions expressed at the meeting.我们必须考虑会上提出的不同意见 。
三 练习与作业( page25)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 6题、第 8题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,4)
课后练习 1参考答案,
(1) yes,there are,for example,patterns of
demand; economies of scales; innovation or style.
(2)economy of scale is the cost advantages of
large-scale production,Trade may occur out of
economies of scale.
(3)the theory of international specialization seek
to answer the question which countries will
produce what goods,with what trade patterns
among them.
(4)no,it will not,For stratagic or domestic
reasons,a country may continue to produce
goods for which it does not have an advantage.
(4),the benefits of specialization may also be
affected by transport cost,Protectionist measures
which are often taken by governments are also
barries to trade,and typical examples are tariffs
and quotas.
(5).tariff barries are the most common of trade
restriction,a tariffs is tax levied on a commodity
when it crosses the bounary of a customs area
extending beyond national boundaries to include
two or more independent nations is called a
customs union.
(6).the most-favoured-nation(MFN) treatment
refers to a tariffs treatment under which a
country is required to extend to all signatories
any tariff concessions granted to any
participating country,MFN treatment is not
really special treatment but is just normal
trading status because it gives a country lowest
tariffs only within the tariff‘s schedule,but it is
still possible to have lower tariffs.
(7).quotas or quantitative restrictions are the
most common form of non-tariff barries,A
quotas limits the imports or export of a
commodities during a given period of time.
(8).visible trade involves the export and import of
goods,Invisible trade involves the exchange of
services and tecknoledge between countries,
Invisible trade include transportation,insurance,
tourism,immigrant remittance,ect.
Lesson 3
International Payment
(1).Generally speaking,it is not difficult for buyers and
sellers in domestic trade to get to know each other’s
financial status and other information,and payment is
likely to be made in a straightforward manner,say by
remittance or by debiting the debtor’s account,一般而言,在国内贸易中,买卖双方相互了解对方的财务状况和其他相关信息并不难,支付可能以一种直接的方式进行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐 。
① generally speaking 为插入语
② be likely to do sth:可能干某事
③ in a straightforward manner,in a straightforward
Eg,It is very difficult for me to understand what you
are talking about.
Be likely to do sth.
Eg,It is not likely to rain this afternoon.
Eg,She is very likely to ring me tonight,Or it is likely that
she will call me tonight.
Say 比如,假定;常用作插入语。
Eg,You could learn to play chess in,say,three months.
Eg,Let us take any writer,say,Dickens.
(2).pachase and sale of goods and services are carried
out beyond national boundaries,which makes it rather
difficult for the parties concerned in the transaction to
get adequate information about each other ‘s financial
standing and credit worthiness,货物的购买和销售跨越国界进行,交易中的有关当事人很难充分地得到彼此的财务状况和信誉方面的信息。
carry out 事实,执行,贯彻,落实,进行
carry out a promise,a threat,a plan,an order
Which makes it rather difficult for the parties
concerned in the transaction to get adequate
information about each other ‘s financial standing and
credit worthiness,Which 引导的定语从句修饰前面的整个句子。句种 it是形式宾语。真正的宾语是不定式短语。
Eg,George made it clear that he disagreed.
Eg,I thought it peculiar that she had not written.
Standing n,地位,名声,等级。
They are making enquiries into its financial standing.
She was an economist of considerable standing.
(3)The importer might fail to pay in full for goods.
In full:全部的,全面的
The bill has been paid in full.
Write your name in full,please.
Fail to do sth.不能干什么,无法干什么
He failed to pass the driving test.
(4)He might go bankrupt ;his government might,for
various reasons,ban trade with the exporting country or
ban imports of certain commodities; the buyer might
run into difficulties getting the foreign exchange to pay
for the goods.他可能破产了;出于各种原因他大的政府可能禁止同出国进行贸易,或者禁止进口某些商品,为了得到外汇偿付货款,卖方可能陷入困境。
Go bankrupt:破产,倒闭
The company went bankrupt because it could not sell its
Run into:遇到,碰上
They ran into the bad storm.
Trade sth,with sb.于某人交换什么
Since Britain joining the Common Market,Britain
trade goods with other countries.
getting the foreign exchange to pay for the goods是现在分词短语作状语,
(5)The delay may be caused by problems in production or
transportation,and such delays may lead to loss of
business,There is also a risk that wrong goods might be
sent as a result of negligence of the exporter or simply
because of his lack of integrity.这种拖延可能是因为生产或是运输造成的,并有可能导致损失业务。还有一种风险,即由于出口上的疏忽,或是不诚实造成 发运出不合要求的货物。
Lead to:导致,通向
This misprint led to great confusion.
All roads lead to Beijing.
As a result of:因为,由于
The flight was delayed as a result of fog.
She was late as a result of the snow.
Lack of:缺乏,短缺
Lack of rest made her tired.
The project had to be abandoned because of lack of
that wrong goods might be sent as a result of negligence
of the exporter or simply because of his lack of integrity
做 risk的同位语。
(6)Political risk such as war,quotas..,.,.,,.,before
parting with their money.政治风险,譬如战争,配额,.,.,.,,.,在付款之前就得到货物。
Add up to:总计达到
These numbers add up to 100.
All this add up to a new concept of international division
of labor.
Release sb/sth from somewhere把某人或某物从省么中释放出来
She released the rabbit from the trap.
prefer地用法。 Prefer to do sth./prefer sth to sth/prefer
doing sth/prefer that/prefer to,..rather than.
Eg,She preferred that he should it in the kitchen.
Eg,He perferd to stay at home rather than go with us.
Be hesitant to do sth.不情愿做谋事,不愿意做谋事
Eg,He was hesitant to invite me to take party in her
birthday party.
Part with 与什么分手
Eg,He just parted with his former girlfriend.
(7)Various methods oftrade,在国际贸易中已经采用了许多措施以解决不同情况。
Copy with对付,处理,解决。相当于 deal with 或 do
Eg.how do you copy with this problem?
(8)when the political and…… cash in advance.当进口国的政治经济形势使付款不稳定或当买方的信誉让人感到怀疑时,出口商喜欢采纳预付现金或部分预付现金。
in advance 提前,预先
Most of the importers do not like pay in advan
句中两个 when引导的是两个并列的时间状语从句。
(9)if the exporter wishes to…… transaction.如果出口商愿意继续保持货物所有权,它可以采用寄售交易。
enter into 开始;进入
eg,I dared not enter conversation with him.
eg,he entered into negociation with their rival
or 即,亦即。
a kilo,or two pounds.
(10).a lot of international transactions are paid
for…… in the future.国际贸易中的许多交易是通过汇票支付的,英文的汇票 draft也称 bill of
exchange…… 一定数额的款项。
by means of用谋办法,借助于。
The water may be carried by means of a pipe.
refer to as 把 …… 什么称作
Do not refer to your sister as a silly cow!
on demand按要求
Passengers must show their tickets on demand.
(11) in the case of …… a later date.在承兑交单的情况下,
井口上在承兑了出口商所开出的汇票之后,便可得到单据,而付款则要在晚些时候进行 。
hand sth,over to sb.把什么交给某人
The robber handed his weapon over to policeman.
He was handed over to a military tribunal for trial.
In the case of 在什么情况下
in case以防;可能;倘若
Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.
in case of如果;万一
In case of rain they can't go.
(12) So far as the exporter’s interest is concerned,D/P at
sight is more favorable than D/P after sight,and D/P
after sight,and D/P is more favorable than D/P.就出口商的利益而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利,付款交单比承兑交单有利 。
As/so far as sth./sb,Is concerned:就某事物 ( 某人 ) 而言
The rise in interest rates will be disastrous so far as
many firms are concerned.利率的增加对于许多公司来说是大祸临头。
The car is fine as far as the engine is concerned but the
body work needs a lot of attention,
at/on sight一见到 …… 立即
they were told to school looters on sight.
(13) Generally speaking,it is not difficult for
buyers and sellers in domestic trade to get to know
each other’s financial status and other information,
and payment is likely to be made in a
straightforward manner,say by remittance or by
debiting the debtor’s account,一般而言,在国内贸易中,买卖双方相互了解对方的财务状况和其他相关信息并不难,支付可能以一种直接的方式进行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐 。
① generally speaking 为插入语
② be likely to do sth:可能干某事
③ in a straightforward manner,in a
straightforward way以一种直接的方式。
(14) Both the exporter and the importer face
risks as there is always the possibility that the
other party may not fulfill the contract,出口商与进口商都面临着风险,因为对方不履行合同的可能性总是存在的 。
① as在此表示原因 。
② that在此引导同位语从句,修饰 possibility.
(6) The importer might fail to pay in full for the
goods.进口商可能不支付全部贷款 。
① in full 完全地
a,publish report in full:全文发表一份报告
b,recite the text in full:背出全文
② fail:be unable to do sth,未能 ( 做某事 )
(1) open account:记账交易,实际上是卖方提供给买方的信贷,而又无任何担保,抵押,卖方风险极大,一般只有卖方充分信任买方时才采用 。
(2) carry the cost of the goods:承担货物的费用 。
(3) retain title or ownership to the goods:保留货物的所有权 。 Title,所有权,注意后面接用介词 to,不接 of。
(4) go bankrupt:破产 。 go在这里是系动词,go
作系动词的例子很多 。 go bad变坏,go hungry
挨饿; His face went red.他脸红了 。
(5) may lead to loss of business:可能导致损失业务 。 Lead to:导致,其中 to是介词 。 再如:
The dispute between the two countries led to a
trade war.两国间的争执导致了一场贸易战 。
(6) bulky:笨重的,体积大的 。
This pair of shoes looks bulky,这双鞋看起来很笨重 。
(7) perishable,adj.易腐烂的,易碎的 ( 尤指食物 )
Glasswares are perishable.玻璃器品易碎 。
(8) scarce:adj,缺乏的
a,Food was scarce during the war,战争期间食物匮乏 。
b,Pears are scarce and expensive this week,本周梨缺而贵 。
(9) appeal:n.吸引力
a,Music has little appeal to me,音乐对我几乎没有吸引力 。
b,Rock music has lost its appeal,摇滚乐已经失去了吸引力 。
(10) constitute:vt.构成
Seven days constitute a week,一周有 7天 。
(11) draft (bill of exchange),汇票 It is an
unconditional order to a bank or customer to
pay a sum of money to someone on demand or
at a fixed time in the future,汇票是对某银行或客户下达的无条件的命令,命令其立即或在未来的某个固定时间向某人支付一定数额的款项 。
(12) drawer,出票人,The person who draws
the draft,usually the exporter,is called the
drawer.开出汇票的一方,通常是出口商,叫作出票人,或开票人 。
(13) D/P
a,D/P at sight,即期付款交单,It requires
immediate payment by the importer to get hold
of the documents.它要求进口商立即付款从而取得单据 。
b,D/P after sight,远期付款交单,It gives the
importer a certain period after presentation of
the documents,but documents are not released
to him until he actually pays for the
但只有其在确实履行付款以后才将单据交给他 。
(14) fluctuation:n.
a,People have got used to the fluctuating prices.
人们已经习惯了价格的波动 。
b,The price of fruits fluctuates according to the
season.水果的价格随季节而波动 。
(15) hesitant:adj.踌躇的;犹豫的
She was hesitant about accepting the invitation.
她对是否接受邀请犹豫不决 。
(16) dubious:adj.怀疑
a,I remain dubious about her motives,我对她的动机表示怀疑 。
b,This is a dubious compliment,这是一个意义不明的恭维 。
(17) … all add up to the problems in
international trade,所有这些构成了国际贸易中的问题 。 Add up to 是 amount to 的含义 。 如
All this adds up to a new concept of
international division of labour,这一切形成了对国际分工的新观念 。
(18) drawee,受票人,the person to whom the
draft is drawn is called the drawee.接受汇票的人称作受票人 。
(19) payee,受款人,the person receiving the
payment,who and the drawer are generally but
not necessarily the same person,也就是收受款项的人,受款人同出票人通常是同一人,但并不一定是同一人 。
(20) documentary draft,跟单汇票,The draft
is accompanied by the relevant documents such
as the bill of lading,the invoice,the insurance
商业发票,保险单之类的单据 。
Clean draft:光票 。 a draft without documents.
不附带任何单据的汇票即为光票 。
Documentary collections:跟单托收 。
(21)domestic adj,本国的,国内的;豢养的,
a.A good newspaper publishes both domestic and
foreign news.
b,In domestic science lesson,girls learn how to run
a home.
(22)status n,地位,状况 ;
Women have very little status in many countries.
What is your official status in the company?
(23)default n,不还债,不出庭,不做谋事; v,
The defendant made default yesterday.
(24)Ban v,禁止 n.禁令
The play was banned by the censor.
He was banned from attending the meeting.
(25)hesitent adj,犹豫的,迟疑的,不情愿的
Why were you so hesitant about asking for help?
(26)dubious adj,半信半疑,可疑的。
I remain dubious about her motives.
I am dubious about the wisdom of this action.
(27)sound adj,健全的,良好的;合理的,正确的,明智的。
He has sound fame in this small county.
三 练习与作业( page38)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 3题、第 4题、第 6
题、第 8题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,4)
(1) If a bank,either nominated by the opening
bank or at its own choice,buys the exporter’s
draft submitted to it under a credit,it is called a
negotiating bank.如果一家银行,或者由开证行指定或者自己主动买下出口人呈交给它的信用证下的汇票,这家银行就称为议付行 。
Draft有两个常用意思 。
① rough preliminary written version of sth:草稿
② 汇票
Lesson 4
The Letter of Credit(Ⅰ )
1.in international trade it is…… paying the money.在国际贸易中,付款与实际交或几乎不可能同时进行,只就构成了买一中的矛盾,应为出口商喜欢在发货实现先拿到付款。而进口商则心换在付款之前便能控制货物。
7 days constitute a week
"England,Wales,Scotland,and Northern Ireland
constitute / compose / make up the United kingdom."
(2) Letters of credit are varied in form,length,language,
and stipulations.信用证在格式,长短,语言和规定上都有所不同 。
Varied:各种各样的,不同的; vary:改变;变化
The weather varies from day to day.
(3) They have no obligation whether the goods comply
with the contract,银行对于货物是否符合合同不承担法律责任 。
Comply(with sth),do as one is requested,commanded,
① She was told to pay the fine,but refused to comply.
通知她交纳罚款,但她拒绝交款 。
② The regulations must be complied with,这些规章制度必须遵守 。
(4) The exporter or beneficiary will make a
careful examination of all the contents of the
credit and will request the opener to make
amendments to any discrepancies in the credit so
as to ensure safe and timely payment,出口人即受益人将对信用证的所有内容进行认真审核,如果发现信用证中有任何与合同不符之处,便要求开证人进行修改,以保证安全及时地收到货款 。
(5) Sometimes the exporter may require a
confirmed letter of credit either because the
credit amount is too large,or because he does not
fully trust the opening bank,有时出口商会因为信用证金额太大或不完全信任开证行而要求开立保兑信用证 。
(6) Then he will present the draft and the accompanying
documents to the advising bank that pays or accepts or
negotiates the bill of exchange,然后,他将向通知行提供汇票和所附单据,通知行则对汇票付款,承兑或议付 。
① present sth to sb,give or hand over sth to sb,给某人某物
They sent presents to their teacher,他们送礼物给老师 。
② accompany,A,兼带,附有
She accompanied me to the doctor's.
The minister was accompanied by his secretary to the
Please accompany me on the trip to my hometown.
Lightning usually accompanies thunder.
The text is accompanied by illustrations.
Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano.
The well-known singer was accompanied at the
electronic organ by his school teacher.
Company:n伴侣;同伴 I had no company on the
(7) The opening bank sends the credit to its
correspondent bank in the exporter’s country,
who will,after examining the credit,advise the
exporter of its receipt,开证行将信用证寄给它在出口国的关系行,后者在审核信用证后,便通知出口人信用证已收到 。
Advise sb of sth,通知或告知 。 主要用于商业事务 。 另外 advise的一般用法是 advise sb to do
sth/ advise sb on sth,指建议,劝告
① Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods.
货物发出时请通知我们 。
② He advises me to take a rest,他建议我休息一下 。
③ He advises the government on economic
affairs,他向政府提出经济方面的建议 。
(8) ―Letter of credit ‖ is often shortened as L/C
or L.and is some-times referred to as ―banker’s
commercial letter of credit‖,―banker’s credit‖,
―commercial credit‖ or so simply ―credit‖,信用证经常简写成 L/C或 L.C.,有时称为,银行商业信用证,,,银行信用证,,,商业信用证,或直截了当称为,信用证,。
Refer to:提到
① When I said some people are stupid,I wasn’t
referring to you,我说有些人很愚蠢,并不是指你 。
② Don’t refer to that matter again,please,请不要再提那件事了 。
(9) In international trade it is almost impossible
to match payment with physical delivery of the
goods,which constitutes conflicting problems
for trade,since the exporter prefers to get paid
before releasing the goods and the importer
prefers to gain control over 在国际贸易中,付款同实际交货几乎不可能同时进行,这就构成了贸易中的矛盾,因为出口商喜欢在发货之前先得到付款,而进口商则喜欢在付款之前便控制货物 。
(10)it does not guarantee that the goods purchased will
be those invoiced or shipped.信用证不担保所购货物即是发票所开或所装运的货物
guarantee,vt.担保,保证;后面可以跟 that从句,也可以跟不 定式 to do sth.
a,We can not guarantee that the punctual arrival of trains
in foogy weather.
b,He guranteed the debt will be paid.
c,We guranteed to be here tomorrow
The goods purchased 与 those invoiced or shipped 均为过去分词短语作定语
(11)it is stipulated in …… may late.“
Deal in 经营,做买卖
a shop that deals in goods of all kinds
(与 with连用)对付;应付
How would you deal with an armed burglar?
(与 with连用)与 … 有贸易往来;与 … 做买卖
I've dealt with this shop for 20 years.
我同这家商店做生意已经有 20年了
Relate to与 …… 有关
We should relate our work to society.
(12)they will be considered......the credit.
So long as只要,如果
You may borrow this book as long as you promise to
give it back.
Comply with服从,顺从,遵守,符合
All the citizens must comply with the law.
You must comply with the library rules.
We can not y comply with your request
(13)the quality and quantity …… the goods
Depend upon(on).依靠,取决
Can I depend on you?
I haven't a car,I have to depend on the buses.
与 on,upon连用还可以当视情况而定
That depends.
It all depends on how you tackle the problem.
( 1) an effective means:有效的手段 。 means
作方法,手段讲,虽然形式上词尾用 s,但却是单数名词 。 再如 Revolution is a means not an
end 革命是手段,而不是目的 。
( 2) facilitate international payment:方便国际支付 。 注意作为及物动词,后面用表示事物或行为的名词或动名词作宾语 。 而不能用动词不定式作宾语,也不能用表示人的词作宾语 。
( 3) dispatch,v.派遣,发生,文中指货物 。
( 4) negotiate:动词,强制,商定,转让,兑现,文中 negotiate 采用的是兑现之意,
negotiating bank主要指议付行 。
( 5) guarantee,v.担保,保佑,保证 。
( 6) purchase,v.购买,与动词 buy意思类似,多用于书面合同或文书之中 。
( 7) inferior,adj.较低的,其用处为多与介词 to连用,
表示比后者次 。
goods inferior to sample
No inferior products should be allowed to pass.
His work is inferior to mine.
( 8) quantity,n.数量,quantity和另一个单词 quality
( 质量 ) 表示商品的两个不同方面 。
( 9) obligation n.moral duty责任,义务
a.You’ re under no obligation to pay for goods which you
did not order.没有订购的货物就无须付款 。
b.Damaging the glasswares puts you under an obligation
to buy them.你损坏了这些玻璃器皿你就得把它们买下来 。
c.I am under an obligation to help.我有责任帮忙
( 10) ultimately adv.最终
a.Ultimately.,all the colonies will become independent.最终所有的殖民地都将独立 。
b.We hope ultimately to be able to buy a car of our own.我们希望最终能够自己买一辆车 。
c,The union leaders declared that the ultimate aim of their
struggle was to pay increase and improved working
conditions for the workers.
( 11) gain control over:得到对 …… 的控制
a.It is difficult to gain control over the army now.现在要控制部队已经不容易了 。
b.The new teacher gained control over the class easily.新教师很容易地控制住了班里学生 。
( 12) applicant,信用证申请开证人:在信用证交易当中,进口商通常是申请开证人,或者叫做工证人,委托人等 。
( 13) opening bank,开证行:接受开证申请人的要求申请 。 开立信用证的银行称为开证行,其实还可以写成
issuing bank或 establishing bank.
(14) 14) beneficiary,受益人:使用信用证得到付款的出口人被称作为信用证的受益人
( 15) bilateral:a.双边的 。
The two countries are doing what they can to improve the
bilateral relations.两国正做一切努力,以改善双边关系 。
We have reached a bilateral agreement 我们已经达成了双边协定 。
(16) unique:a.唯一无二的;独特的 。
That building is unique because all the others like it were
destroyed.那座建筑很独特,因为所有像它那样的其他建筑都毁坏了 。
If it is going to draw people’s attention,it must be unique.想要吸引人的注意,就必须具有独特性 。
I submitted my papers to the examiner.
I hope you can submit you term papers before the deadline.
What is the seller’s undertaking? 卖方有什么许诺?
My season ticket will expire this week.
Our trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end
of this year.
(21) unit price,单价,即指所购商品单位价格 。
(22) partial shipment,分批装运:分批装运指同一桩交易中的同一合同下的货物可以分几次装运给买方 。
We seal the back of envelopes.
(与 off连用)封;阻隔;封闭
(常与 up连用)决定,确定
(24) obligation:n.
(25) underlying:underlie的现在分词形式
under an obligation
We are under an obligation to help.
三 练习与作业( page51)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 6题、第 8题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,4)
Lesson 5
The Letter of Credit(Ⅱ )
(1)They are generally used in non-trade settlement or in
payment in advance by means of the L/C
光票信用证通常用于非贸易结算 或以信用证方式进行预付货款。
a.In advance:提前,预先
Send your luggage in advance.
It's unwise to spend your income in advance.
b.By means of利用什么方式
The stock is got to South American by means of air freight.
By all means 不惜一切代价; by no means 决不,一点也不
These goods are by no means satisfactory,
by no means放在句首用倒装语序
(2)most of the credit in international trade are ……
the draft.
i.e=that is.是同位语引导词,类似的短语还有
namely,or,such as,especially,ect.
b.Require sb./sth,To do sth.要求命令某人做什么
The law requires you to submit all income to the tax
All passengers are required to show their tickets.
Require 后跟宾语从句时,要用虚拟语气。
He required she (should) accompany him to new york.
(2)safe and reliable,this type is extensively used
in world trade.这种信用证既安全又可靠,在国际贸易中广泛使用。
Safe and reliable:是形容词作状语,相当于
He came though the storm safe and sound.
Unable to reply,he pretend not to hear me.
Young,rich and pretty,Jane has a lot of boy
(3) It must be noted that if there is no specific indication
whether a credit is revocable or irrevocable,it should be
regarded as irrevocable.必须指出的是,如果信用证上未标明,可撤销,还是,不可撤销,,应该为不可撤销信用证 。
a,It must be noted that if there is no specific indication
whether a credit is revocable or irrevocable是主语从句 。
b,It+be+过去分词 +that从句 ; It+be+adj+that从句
It was said that the president would come next day.
It was essential that the shortage of water should be
Specific:detailed,precise and exact 详细的,确切的
(4) If a credit does not specify whether it is transferable,
it should be regarded as a non-transferable documents
according to the credit stipulations.如果信用证上没有明确规定是否可以转让,应视为不可转让信用证,其受益人必须根据信用证的规定供应货物并准备有关的单据 。
Specify:确切说明 ( 细节,材料等 ) ;明确规定
Regard as 视为,当作 。
I regard him as my brother.
She regarded him as being without principle.
You can't regard him as a friend but a business associate.
"你不能把他看作朋友,只是个生意合伙人。 "
'Titanic' is regarded as his best film so far.
'泰坦尼克号 '被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。
(5) A sight credit is one by which payment can be made
upon presentation of the draft and impeccable
documents by the beneficiary to the bank,即期信用证是指受益人向银行出示汇票和正确无误的单据时银行立即付款的信用证 。
A.one=the credit.
B,by which payment can be made upon presentation of
the draft and impeccable documents by the beneficiary
to the bank是介词 +关系代词引导的定语从句
Make payment upon presentation of draft to the bank.
Free admission on presentation of the card.
D.present:vt.介绍,引见,给,赠送,上演,提出,呈现 adj.
出席的;到场的 There are twenty children present.
在座的有 20个孩子。
(6).A usance credit,also referred to as term credit or
time credit,is one by which payment can not be made
until a specific time after the date or after sight
远期信用证,即,usance credit,term credit or time
A,also referred to as term credit or time credit 是过去分词做定语
C.not…… until直到 …… 才
We can't start the job until we have the approval from
the authority concerned.
He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was
able to return two days later.
(7) If a credit can be transferred by the original
beneficiary to one or more parties,it is a transferable
A.Transfer(vt.) sth to sb,转让
The property should be transferred to his son according
to his will.根据遗嘱,财产应该由他的儿子来继承 。
His employer transferred him to another office.
Can I have a transfer to a new office?
(8) The original beneficiary is called the first beneficiary
and the party (or parties )the credit is transferred to is
called the second beneficiary.原受益人又称为第一受益人,而接受转让的一方 ( 或几方 ) 称为第二受益人 。
A.本句中的 the credit is transferred to 做了 the party(or
parties)的定语 。
Who was the original owner of this house?
The original owner of the house
a person with an original
The speaker seems to have no original ideas; his speech
was full of platitudes.
"演讲人似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。 "
(9) If the beneficiary wishes to get payment before the
maturity of the draft,he can ask the bank to discount
the acceptance,and immediately pay him the net
proceeds,i.e,the face value of the draft minus the
disount charges.如果受益人希望在汇票到期之前得到付款,他可以要求银行对承兑的信用证进行贴现,并且立即支付净值,即汇票值减去贴现费 。
a wish to see the world
The girl got her wish.
B,vt.,vi.但愿;要是 … 多好
I wish we had a car.
I wish you a very happy future.
I wish I were 30 years younger.
I wish I know.
I wish I were a cat.
You have everything you could wish for.
When do you wish to leave?
Do you wish to eat alone?
(常与 on,upon连用)把 … 强加于
C.preceed:vt.(常与 to连用)开始进行
As soon as he came in he proceeded to tell us all his
The interview procceded in a most friendly atmosphere.
As soon as he came in he proceeded to complain about
all his troubles.
他一进来就开始抱怨起他所遇到的种种麻烦事 。
(与 against连用)起诉;控诉
I advise you not to proceed against him.
(常与 from连用)源于,起因于
Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next
( 常与 with,to +inf 连用)继续进行
Tell us your name and then proceed with your story.
"先把你的名字告诉我们,然后说你的事情。 "
Let us proceed with our lesson.
After stopping to rest,they proceeded up the hill.
"'On this point',be proceeded,'our attitude is clear.'"
他接着说,'在这点上我们的态度是明确的。 '
Do not proceed across a main road without first looking
to the right and the left.
"没有向左右两边看清楚之前,不要横穿大马路。 "
(10)they mainly include payment credit and deferred
payment credit which are repectively similar to sight
credit and usance credit with the difference that no draft
is drawn and presented in the case of non-draft credit.他们主要有付款信用证和延期信用证,这两种信用证分别同即期和远期信用证类似。所不同的事,在无汇票信用证情况下,不开立汇票也不提示汇票。
My new dress is similar to the one you have.
All big cities are quite similar.
B.respect:n.(与 of,for连用)尊敬;尊重
to show respect to those who are older
The students have great respect for their history teacher.
to pay (have) respect to
(pl) 敬意;问候
Give my respects to your wife.
I respect his courage.
I'll respect your wishes.
Usually people don't respect those who are too
without respect to不管;不考虑
with respect to谈到
with respect to the recent flood谈到最近的洪水
in all respects无论从哪方面来看
in respect of关于;就 … 来说
pay one's respects拜访
C,respectable,adj.可敬的,有名望的,高尚的,值得尊敬的 ;
a respectable young man
respectful.adj.恭敬的,尊敬的,尊重人的,有礼貌的 ;
pectful silence
to visit our respective mothers
(11) It has already been mentioned that the letter
of credit has greatly facilitated and promoted
international trade.前面已经提到,信用证极大地方便并促进了国际贸易 。
(12) The seller may sustain losses because of the
buyer’s delay or even failure in the establishment
of credit.卖方可能由于买方延误开证,甚至未能开证而蒙受损失 。
(13) Besides,it is more expensive to use the letter of
credit than remittance or collection as the bank will
charge its client for all the services it provides.除此之外,
由于银行对其提供的所有服务都将向客户收取费用,使用信用证比汇款和托收费用要高 。
A,to use the letter of credit than remittance or collection
是不定式做主语 。
a charge for the use of the telephone
The charge for a front-row seat is $3.
a charge of stealing
The charge carries a possible sentence of three years.
She charged me to look after her daughter.
(常与 with连用)装(弹药);载
(常与 up连用)使充电
Does your car battery charged easily?
(与 with连用) 使负责
The fruit seller charged me too much money.
How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?
How much do you charge for your mushrooms?
Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-
duty time?
That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the
summer holidays.
那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价 。
(常与 with连用)责令;公开指责;控诉
He was charged with stealing a car.
Those young men were charged by the police with
causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood.
The tax collector has been charged with extorting money
from several shopkeepers.
They provide us with food.
We provided food for the hungry children.
It is provided in the contract that the work
should be accomplished within a year.
The law provides that valuable ancient buildings
must be preserved by the government.
( 常与 for,against连用)预防,防范
It's wise to save some money and provide for the future.
"积蓄点钱,为将来使用作些准备是明智的。 "
to provide food and clothes for one's family
He has a wife and seven children to provide for.
(1) confirmed credit,保兑信用证:如果信用证被开证行以外的另外一家银行保兑,这个信用证便称为保兑信用证 。
(2) sight credit,即期信用证:即其信用证是指受益人向银行提示汇票和正确无误的单据时银行立即付款的信用证 。
(3) usance credit,远期信用证
(4) consulting with:和 …… 协商 。 consult with 不同于 consult,后者的含义是请教,假如本句改为
consult the beneficiary 则含义为,向受益人了解情况,。
(5) all the parties concerned,所有当事人 。 Party
除作党派解外,还常作 1) 会议,活动等的参与者和有关方面,2) 参加某项活动的一组人,随行人员,3) 社交或娱乐性聚会 。
(6) referred to as含义是,提到某人或革事物时称之为,,如,Mao Zedong was referred to as
the great savior of the Chinese nation,毛泽东被称作中华民族的大救星 。
(7) to issue an L/C in favor of the seller,开立以卖方为受益人的信用证 。 开证可说 issue an L/C,
也常用 open an L/C或 establish an L/C,in favor of
the seller 也可说 in the seller’s favor,或 with the
seller as the beneficiary等 。
(8) advise,在外贸英语中常用,通知,解,和
inform可互换,但 advise的风格较正式,不要随便用 tell来替换 。
(9) deal in:经营 。 后面常接商品,具体业务,如:
The company deals in books,该公司经营书本 。
而 deal with后面如接人或公司表示,与 …… 做交易,;如接表示,问题,之类的词则表示,处理,。
(10) non-trade settlement,非贸易结算,Non-trade
settlement mainly means the settlement which
occur not because of trade between the trading
parties,but of the other reasons such as the
government agreement,非贸易结算主要指不是由于交易双方的贸易而引起的结算,而是由于诸如政府协定之类的其他原因 。
(11) revocable credit,可撤销信用证,The credit is a
revocable one if the commitment to pay on the part of
the applicant and the issuing bank can be altered or
even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary.
如果申请人或开证行对付款的承诺在未同受益人协商的情况下而被改变甚至取消,那么该信用证即为可撤销信用证 。
(12) irrevocable credits,不 可 撤 销 信 用 证,
Irrevocable credits are those that cannot be amended
or revoked without the consent of all the parties
concerned 不可撤销信用证是指未经有关当事人同意,
不可随意修改或撤销的信用证 。
(13) goods shipped,过去分词 shipped 作定语,修饰,
含有,完成,的意思 。
(14) a particular transaction,一笔特定的交易 。
a,We deal only in the most expensive categories of
b,This book fall into the category of reference books.
(16)Fall under:归为 …… 类别,归为 …… 项下,列入 ……
a,The subject falls under tree heads.
b,Whales fall under the class of mammals
The mechenism of the body;the mechenism of
government;the company's discount
mechenism;market mechenism.
Price have gone up that’s a certainty.
It’s a certainty that he will win the game.
a.These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
b.The design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled
lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement.
a,a commitment to pay $50000 to Red Cross
承诺向红十字会提供 50000美元
b.I've taken on too many commitments.
c.He doesn't want to get married because he is afraid of
any commitments.
A.犯(错误、罪);做(坏事);作(奸); 犯(法)
A robbery was committed last night.
If you commit a crime you can never escape being
"你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。 "
to commit him to jail
to commit oneself to a promise
a,She cancelled her order.
b.She cancelled the trip to paris as she felt ill.
a,a cancelled stamp.
b.she cancelled her orgder for a car.
c.They cancelled the disputed clause in the contract.
a.I consulted George about buying a car.
b.I must consult my principal on this matter.
(常与 with连用)商量;请教
a.Consult with one's fellow workers
b.Before we can accept the firms offer we consult with the
a,to revoke an order 取消命令
b,The quota on luxury items has been revoked
v.(常与 of连用)同意;答应;允许
I asked my mother if I could go out,and she consented.
Has the minister consented to have his speech printed?
I had to get my mother's consent before I went.
Mary's parents refused their consent to her marriage.
(26)involve:(常与 in连用)牵涉;拖累
Don't involve other people in your trouble.
(常与 in连用)使陷入包括,涉及
All the children were involved in the school play.
This lesson involves a lot of work.
Be involved in.专心于 ……
I was involve in research project.
Being involved in these imaginings she hnew nothing of
(27)renew:vt.更新;翻新 ;更换;换新
to renew one's library ticket
to renew correspondence
Owing to a tight budget several professor are not renewed,
He was dismissed,but was later reinstated in his former
The wotker union demanded that the sacked workers
should be reinstated.
sustaining food维持体力的食物加强;保持强壮支撑;支持 will the ilgt\ht shelvf can sustain allthe books.
The company went bankrupt because of its
The local government bankrupted the steel and iron
三 练习与作业( page64)
1,回答问题,第 2题、第 4题、第 9题。
1.clean credit only require clean draft,i.e,draft not
accompanied with shipping documents for payment
while documentary credits require shipping documents
to be presented together with the draft,The former is
generally used in non-trade settlement or in payment in
advance by means of the letter of credit.
2.irrevocable credit is the one that can not be amended
or revoked without the consent of all parties concerned,
If a credit does not specify whether it is revocable or
irrevocable,it should be regarded as irrevocable.
3.the confirmation is undertaken either by advising
bank or by another leading bank in the case of
confirmed credit,
4.no,it is not completely right,Because a confirmed
credit involves additional cost as a result of the
confirmation.therefore,if the opening bank is a a
relieable prime bank,confirmation may not be
5.a sight credit gives the beneficiary better security and
help him speed up his capital turnover.
6.if the beneficiary wishes to get payment before the
maturity of the draft,he can ask the bank to dis count
the acceptance,and immediately pay him the net
proceeds,i.e,the face value of the draft minus the
discount charges.
7.A credit can be transferred only once,but transferring a
credit to more parties at the same time is allowed
provided partial shipments are permitted.
8.A revolving credit is particularly useful when the buyer
and seller have regular trading relationship and in a
specific quantity of goods each month or any particular
period time,
9.no,it can not,The seller maysustain losses because of the
buyers delay or even failure in the establishment of
credit,The buyer may suffer losses as a result of the
document presented by the seller which do not truly
represent the goods shipped.
10.non-draft credit is one by which payment is to be made
by presentation of documents without the formality of
drawing and presenting a draft.
2 搭配题 h,a,e,b,d,I,c,j,g,f
3 完型填空
(Bank; written; request; shall; have ;
to; provided; standing; against; for)
4 英汉翻译(作业)
to abuse a privilege滥用特权,
to abuse a horse虐待一匹马
What were your aggregate wages last year?
5 汉译英(作业为 2,3,6)
Lesson 6
The Business Contract
1.it is enforceable by law,and any party that fails to
fulfill his con tractual obligations may be sued and
forced to make compensation,though most
contracts do not give rise to dis pute.虽然多数合同并不引起纠纷,但是,任何一方当事人未能履行合同义务,可能会引起诉讼并强制做出赔偿。
The prototype failed its first test.
The teachers failed me on the written composition.
He failed his English examination.
Last year the crops failed.
"They fail to recognize that our population is increasing
faster than the supply of food,available resources and
job opportunities."
他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给 |资源的开发和就业的机会。
His courage failed him in the end.
"到最后,他泄气了。 "
We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect
of us.
His friends failed him when he most needed them.
The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness.
"风停了,海面上恢复了一片寂静。 "
to fulfill one's promise
He has fulfilled the orders that I gave him.
They fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours.
"同我们一样,他们也提前完成了任务。 "
His belief that the world would end was not fulfilled.
"If he's lazy,he'll never fulfil his ambition to achieve
"如果他不努力,他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负 "
She fulfilled herself as a mother.
She fulfilled herself both as a qualified mother and as a
successful painter.
The rider forced his horse on through the storm.
It's not proper to force your idea upon others.
The enemy was forced to ground arms.
force the window open
forced laughter
the force of the explosion
You must use force to open that bottle.
The porter had to force the window open every morning.
New emerging forces are invincible.
The thief took the money from the old man by force.
n.〈 物 〉 力
the force of gravity地心引力
The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.地心引力使物体落向地面。
the forces of evil邪恶势力
the forces of nature自然力
force of example榜样的力量
There is force in what he said.他的话有说服力。
the police force警察部队
(pl) 三军武装力量
The air force is one of the armed forces.
(2) In case of a first enquiry,that is,an enquiry sent
to an exporter whom the importer has never dealt
with,information should be given in the enquiry as
to how the name and address of the exporter have
been obtained,the business line and usual practice
of the importer,etc.so as to facilitate the exporter’s
work,若系首次询盘,即进口商向从未打过交道的出口商发出询盘,询盘中应包括进口商是如何获得了出口商的行名和地址的,还应包括进口人的经营范围和通常做法等等,以便出口商进行工作 we。
(3) A written contract is generally prepared and
signed as the proof of the arrangement and as the
basis for its execution,这时,通常要着手制作并签署一个书面合同,作为达成协议的凭证和执行该协议的基础 。
(4) When the contract is made by the seller,it is called a
sales contract,and when made by the buyer,a purchase
contract,若合同由卖方制作,该合同称为销售合同 。 若由买方制作,则称为购货合同 。
这个句子是由 and连接的两个并列句 。 后面一个并列句由于和前面一个并列句结构相同,所以有两部会进行了省略 。
(5) The setting up of a contract is similar to that of a
trade agreement or any other type of formal agreements.
合同的构成同贸易协定或任何基他种类的正式协定类似 。
that代替了前面的 setting up
(6) The offeree may find part of the offer unacceptable
and may raise for further discussions his own proposals
which constitute a counter-offer.收到发盘的人可能发现该盘的一部分不能接受,并可能提出他自己的建议供进一步讨论,这就构成了一个还盘 。
(1) cotton piece goods:棉布织品
(2) bleached,adj.漂白的,很明显
(3) produce,n.产品,尤其指农产品 ;product指工业品;
(4) contracting parties:缔约双方
(5) force majeure:不可抗力条款
(6) arbitration:仲裁条款
(7) business line:业务范围,经营范围
(8) contract proper:合同本身,合同正文,用在所修饰名词的后面,表示,本身的,,,严格意义上的,,如:指不包括郊县在内的北京市区 。
定典正文 。
(9) The commodities involved,涉及的商品,有关的商品 。 过去分词作定语时常常放在所修饰名词的后面,尤其是分词短语作定语更是如此 。 如:
达成的条款等 。
(10) possible extension of the contract,合同可能的延期,其含义为合同不一定延期,但是如有必要可以延期 。 在这个条款荐下一般要规定延期的条件,如在合同有效期终止前两个月由双方同意将合同延期等等 。
(11) certificate,n.证书
(12) China Commodity Inspection Bureau:中国商品检验局,简称商检局 ( CCIB),负责进出口商品的检验工作 。
(13) specification,n.规格
(14) business line,业务范围:业务范围是指缔约各方的业务所包括的范围 。
(15) consignment,寄售:寄信指卖方将货稳操胜券发运至国外,由其在该国的代销人代为出售,在货物售出之前所有权仍属卖方 。
(16) contracting parties.缔约方:缔约方是指签订合同的多个方面,缔约方可以是个人,公司或国家 。
(17) offeree,受盘人:受盘人就是受报盘的对象 。
(18) sales contractual,销售合同:如果合同是由卖方制定的,则此合同即为销售合同;
(19) purchase confirmation,购货确认书:购货确认书没有合同那么详细,其中只包括最基本的交易条件 。
(20)set forth:a.陈述,阐明,宣布,提出,列出
Is this condition set forth in the agreement?
In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing
the book.
B.动身,启程 =set out
We will set forth from beijing next week.
Bind the prisoner arms together.
Bind the ganster to the seat with rope lest he should
Bind the prisoner's hands together.
She bound (up) her hair.
to bind a book
The dress is bound with ribbon.
This dough isn't wet enough to bind properly.
I am bound by this agreement.
They bound me to remain silent.
Many things bind us (together).
The police enforce the law.
(与 on连用)强迫,强制
The term in a contract are enforceable by law.
To sue sb,for damage.
He is suing the company for 50,000 compensation
(24)trade fairs:商品交易会
To run a trade fair
(25)Trunk call:长途电话
She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.
the voluntary movements
She's become quite indispensable to the company.
Air and water are indispensable to life.
He was the indispensible figur.
The claim has been declared invalid.
Unless it is signed,a check is invalid.
(29)setting up:结构,构成。
He is new to office and does not know the setting up yet.
The government planned to rebuild the city's entire
setting up.
I hereby declare Mr Rogers elected.
We hereby revoke the agreement of January 1st 1998
We send you herewith two copies of the contract.
A list of the names of the contributors is enclosed
Did you bleach this tablecloth?
There were only a few dry bones left,bleached by the
I must offer them an apology for not going to attend
their get-gathering.
He offered me 300 dollars for that television.
他出 300美元向我买那部电视机。
(与 to连用)表示愿意;试图
offer to go
an offer of £ 100
出价 100 英镑
I have been offered a large sum of money to go away,
but I am determined to stay here.
Thank you for your offer of help.
to consign money in a bank
to consign goods by rail
The goods have been consigned to you by air.
Consignment n.寄售;托付,托卖的货物;交托的物品
Their consignment of bananas was / were bad.
on consignment
We usually only order goods on consignment.
(35)arbitration:settlement of a dispute by the decision of
someone chosen as a judge by both sides仲裁。
(36)foce majeure,something which happens out of the
control of the parties who have signed a contract,such as
三 练习与作业( page25)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 6题、第 8题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,4)
Lesson 7
Major Documents Required in
World Trade
(1) If they are not the correct ones,the importer will
have difficulties in taking delivery of the goods,and
delays caused by incorrect documentation may affect
future business relations between the trading
partners,如果单据不正确的话,进口商将在提货的时候遇到困难,而由于不正确的单据所引起的延误可能会影响到贸易伙伴之间今后的贸易关系 。
① 这里的 they指的是前面所提到的 documents.
(2) In the case of documentary letter of credit,any
discrepancy,even in minor details,between the
documents presented and those specified in the
credit may lead to refusal by the bank to make
甚至是微小的差异都可能导致银行拒绝付款 。
(3) Different documents are required for different
transactions,depending on the nature of the deal,
the term of delivery,the type of commodity,
stipulations of credit,regulations and practices in
different countries etc,不同的交易需要不同的单据,
这取决于交易的性质,交货条件,商品的种类,信用证的规定,不同国家的规定和做法等等 。
depend on,be decided by sth,; follow from sth,视某情况而定;取决于某事物
(4) It is enforceable by law,and any party that fails
to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued
and forced to make compensation,though most
contracts do not give rise to disputes,虽然多数合同并不引起纠纷,但合同是依法实施的,任何一方当事人若未能履行合同义务,可能会受到起诉并被强制做出赔偿 。
(5) The insurance policy and the insurance
certificate are similar in function,the only
difference being that the latter is a bit simpler than
the former,保险单同保险证书的作用是相似的,
它们之间的唯一差别就职后者比前者简单一些 。
(6) Written negotiations often begin with enquiries
made by the buyers to get information about the
goods to be ordered such as quantity,specifications,
prices,time of shipment and other terms,书面谈判往往以买方询盘开始,发出询盘是为了了解欲定货物的有关信息,如,数量,规格,价格,装运时间和其他贸易条件 。
(7) The main contents of such insurance documents
① the insured,Under CIF terms,the insured is
generally the beneficiary of the credit unless
otherwise specified,while under CFR and FOB terms,
the insured is usually the importer.
② cargo description including name,quantity,
weight,shipping marks,etc.
③ the amount insured and the risks covered.
① 被保险人 。 在 CIF条款下除非另有规定,被保险人一般即是信用证的受益人,而在 CFR和 FOB条款下,被保险人通常都是进口人 。
② 货物特征:名字,数量,重量,运输标志 。
③ 担保数量及险种 。
(8) The weight list,weight note,or weight memo
are also similar to the packing list in content and
function but put emphasis on the weight of the
goods and are generally used for goods which are
based on the weight for price calculation,重量单,
在内容和作用上同装箱单相似,但更加强调货物的重量,通常用于以重量计价的货物 。
A,The weight list,weight note,or weight memo 作为主语,后面跟了三个谓语,a,are also similar to
the packing list in content and function; b,put
emphasis on the weight of the goods; c,are
generally used for goods which are based on the
weight for price calculation.
B,similar,resembling sb/sth but not the same;alike
① We have similar tastes in music,我们在音乐方面爱好相似 。
② Gold is similar in color to brass,金与黄铜的颜色相似 。
C,put emphasis on sth,place special meaning,
value or importance on sth,强调某事的特殊的意义,
价值或重要性 。
Some schools put great emphasis on language
study,有些学校极注重语言学习 。
(1) bill of lading,提单
(2) carrier,承运人
(3) shipper,货主,托运人
(4) consignor,托运人
(5) carriage,运输
(6) consignee,收货人
(7) notify party,被通知人
(8) payable,应支付的,可支付的
(9) airway bill,空运提单
(10) insurance policy,保险单
(11) legal holder,合法持有人 。 有时用 bona
fide holder善意持有人,指不是通过,偷,,
,抢,,,骗,等非法手段而得到的持有人 。
(12) made out ―to order‖,抬头作成,凭指定,,
此种抬头的提单可以通过背书转让,由背书人单纯签字盖章的称作,空白背书,,列明背书人名称的称作记名背书 。
(13) shipping marks,唛头,即印刷在外包装上为便于运输过程中识别的标记 。
(14) port of shipment,装运港,起运港
(15) apparent:―明显的,,,显而易见的,;
,外观上的,,,表面上的,,此处是第二种含义 。
(16) cargo receipt,铁路运单,货运收据
(17) commercial invoice,商业发票
(18) legal holder,合法持有人
(19) insurance certificate,保险证书
(20) customs invoice,海关发票
(21) consular invoice,领事发票
(22) qualifying remarks,作特别说明的话;批注性的话 。 本句的意思是提单上不能有表达货物包装或表面状况不符合要求的批注 。
(23) bound to,此处含义是有责任和义务去做某事 (bound to do sth)这个短语也常作,必定,。
(24) insurance policy,保险单,俗称大保单;
insurance certificate保险证书,俗称小保单 。
三 练习与作业( page25)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 6题、第 8题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,4)
Lesson 8
(1) The terms have been grouped in four basically
different categories; namely starting with the only
term whereby the seller makes the goods available
to the buyer at the seller’s own premises (the E-
term,Ex works); followed by the second group
whereby the seller is called upon to deliver the
goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer (the F-
terms FGA,FAS and FOB); continuing with the
C-terms where the seller has to contract for
carriage,but without assuming the risk of loss or
damage to the goods or additional costs due to
events occurring after shipment and dispatch (CFR,
CIF,CPT and CIP); and,finally,the D-terms
whereby the seller has to bear all costs and risks
needed to bring the goods to the country of destination
(DAF,DES,DEQ,DDU and DDP),这些术语按不同类别大致分为四个组,开始是第一组,只包括一个术语,
卖方在自己的地点 ( 工厂或仓库 ) 将货物交付给买方
( E组,工厂交货 ) 。 接着是第二组,系指卖方交至由买方指定的承运人 ( F组,货交乘运人;装运港船边交货 ) 。 下面是第三组,C组,由卖方订立运输合同,但不承担从装运地起运后所发生的货物丢失或损坏的风险及额外费用 ( 成本加运费;成本加保险费,
运费;运费付至;运费,保险费付至 ) 。 最后是 D组,
卖方必须负担将货物运往指定的进口国交货地点的一切风险和费用 ( 边境交货;目的港船上交货;目的港码头交货;未完税交货;完税后交货 。 )
(2) Conversely,under some terms such as the
D-terms,the buyer is not interested in costs
which the seller might incur in order to bring
the goods all the way to an agreed destination
point,而另一方面在有些条款比如说 D组的条款下,买方也无兴趣知道卖方为了将货物从远道运至指定目的港所花掉的费用 。
① Conversely 承接上句,表达意思上的逆向 。
② under some terms … D-terms 作句子的状语 。
(3) Further,under all terms the respective
obligations of the parties have been grouped under
10 headings where each heading on the seller’s side
mirrors the position of the buyer with respect to the
same subject matter,为进一步说明,在所有条款中,
买卖双方各自的义务均排列在 10项标题下 。 从卖方下的每个标题即可看出同一标题下买方的地位 。
(4) In the present 1990 version of Incoterms the
trade terms are presented in a new format which
allows seller and buyer to follow a step-by-step
process to determine their respective obligations,现行的 90通则修订本以一种新的格式出现如买方已从卖方得到电子提单,买方就拥有他真正从卖方得到提单时应得到的同等的法律权利 。 使得买卖双方可以农步确定各自的义务 。
Negotiable transport document,可转让装运单据
FOB:装运港船上交货 Free On Board
CFT:成本加运费 Cost and Freight
CIF:成本,保险费加运费 Cost,Insurance and
EXW:工厂交货 Ex Work
FCA:货交承运人 Free Carrier
FAS:装运港传边交货 Free Alongside Ship
CPT:运费付至 Carriage Paid To
CIP,运费,保 险 费 付 至 Carriage and
Insurance Paid To
DAF:边境交货 Delivered At Frontier
DES:目的的港船上交货 Delivered Ex Ship
DEQ:目的的港码头交货 Delivered Ex Quay
DDU:未完税交货 Delivered Duty Unpaid
DDP:完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid
(1) the necessity and purpose of having
incoterms:Sellers and buyers in international
contract want their deals to be successfully;
completed,When drawing up their contract
buyer and seller have some commonly
understood rules specially refer to,They
specially refer to,They can be sure of defining
and safety,The purpose of INCOTERMS is to
provide a set of international rules for the
interpretation of the most commonly used
trade terms in foreign trade.
(2)International Chamber of
Commerce,(ICC)is an international non-official
commercial organization which was founded in
1920,An its headquarter is in Paris,There are
three liaison offices in New York,Geneva,and
Bangkok for it,Incoterms are made by ICC.
There are more than one hundred member
countries or regions all over the world for ICC.
(3)negotiable:Negotiable means a kind of
document can be transferred from one party to
another legally after a fixed process.
(4)EDI:EDI namely is electronic data
interchange,it is used between the trading
parties to ensure that the buyer has the same
legal position as he would have obtained if he
had received a bill of lading form the seller.
(5)trade terms:Trade terms are terms used in
international trade to describe the general
information about the trade such as the unit
price,port of destination,port of shipment and
the kind of currency etc,
(6)trading practices:Trading practices are
widely acknowledged customary deeds
experienced from actual trade.
(7)roll on and roll off:Roll on and roll off is a
type of transportation whereby the vehicles can
roll on the ships,unloading the goods,then the
vehicles can roll off the ship,Thus the goods
are transferred to the ships.
三 练习与作业( page25)
1,回答问题,第 1题、第 6题、第 8题。
2 搭配题
3 完型填空
4 英汉翻译(作业)
5 汉译英(作业为 1,2,4
Lesson 9
(1) The important common element in any
definition of transportation,however,is
movement,changing the physical location of
freight or passengers,任何一条运输的定义都有一个重要的相同点,即位移,让货物或旅客改变实际的位置 。
(2) In a formal sense,freight transportation is
defined as the economic movement of
commodities and products and the effect of
such movement on the development and
advancement of business,从正式的意义上来说,
货物运输可定义为商品和产品为经济目的进行的移动以及这种移动对商业的发展和进步产生的影响 。
(3) It allows the entrepreneur to assemble more
easily the raw material and labor inputs needed
to make a specific product,它使业主能更容易地集中原材料和劳动力投入去生产某项具体产品 。
(4) The most important contribution that
transportation has made to the production
process is that,by widening the market areas
that a producer can reach it has encouraged the
introduction of more efficient,larger-scale
production techniques,运输对生产过程所作的最大贡献是通过扩大制造厂能达到的市场范围,鼓励采用效率更高的,更大规模的生产技术 。
(5) A second factor that has thrusted the
transportation function into the limelight in
recent years is the growing utilization of just-in –
time inventory systems,最近几年使运输功能引人注目的另一个因素就是越来越多地使用及时供应的库存系统 。
(6) The past decade has seen an increasing
tendency among business firms to provide their
own transportation capability and become
private carriers,过去的十年中,商业公司自己提供运输服务能力的倾向越来越大并成为自有承运人 。
(7) In this worldwide environment,the
transportation of both production inputs and
finished products presents a special challenge
to distribution markets,will require a more
sophisticated logistics system,在这个世界范围的环境中,对生产投入物和制成品的运输向分销经理提出了特殊的挑战 。 对所有公司来说,
有竞争力地为世界市场服务将需要一个更为复杂的后勤体系 。
(8) The utilization of this system has placed great
pressure on the supplier’s transportation system
because the supplier must be able to deliver
products exactly when the customer requires them.
因为供货商必须有能力在客户需要之时及时运来货物 。
(1) documentation:制单
(2) finished products:成品
(3) deregulation:撤销管制规定,解除控制
(4) productivity:生产率
(5) cost economies:节约成本,成本节约
(6) intermediate products:中间产品
(7) natural product province:产品自然领域