DeepView - Swiss-Pdb Viewer
Release Notes - PC version 3.7 SP5
Dear DeepViewers,
thanks to your constructive critics during the last months,we
found several bugs in the windows version 3.7,In this bug fix
release (let's call it Service Packs) we tried to fix many of
the known problems,
Torsten & Nicolas
Release 3.7 (SP3)
* The empty character problem caused by the "Mutate" function
when mutating small to large residues should be fixed
* Infinite file size problem with PovRay output fixed
* MegaPOV output has been removed and replaced by PovRay 3.5
* PovRay output (hopefully) complies with PovRay 3.5 syntax
* PovRay label problem for SS-bonded cysteines fixed.
* New & faster DeepView file server installed:
Server, Port,27000
24,March 2003
Torsten (
Release 3.7 (SP4)
* Bugfix for a crash when loading PDB entry 1QEY
* Bugfix for a sporadic problem in the layer info window
8,April 2003
Torsten (
Release 3.7 (SP5)
* Bugfix,Molecular surfaces in POV RAY were displaced
when several layers were superposed
* Bugfix,Saving files with residue insertion codes was
6,June 2003
Torsten (
Known problems with the current release:
* Still had no time to implement the new DelPhi3 format,..
* Poisson-Boltzmann calculation is broken,..
Please let us know if you find other bugs and problems with
this release,..
Release Note 3.7 Dear Swiss-PdbViewer users,
We are glad to announce the availability of version 3.7,which
corrects several glitches of the version 3.7b2.
We no longer have enough time to dedicate to answer directly to
all questions that are sent to us,Therefore,please use the
e-mail discussion list that was setup by Prof,Gale Rhode
(check our web site to subscribe).
Although we will continue to read and consider all bug reports
and requests for improvements that are directly sent to us,we
are unlikely to answer those mails.
Have fun,
Nicolas,Torsten & Alexandre.
Comments about release 3.7
- There is an updated version of the Manual on the main site.
- It is possible to use custom colors for amino acids
through the custom color menu,See an example file in your usrstuff
- Better CCP4 Electron density map cross-platform support
(when computed on PC or linux can be read on Mac sgi)
- Rock and roll motion should be stopped using esc key.
- Fixed the add residue bug that was always adding an Ala regardless
of what was selected.
- Fixed a few bugs in the Pov-Ray scene creation.
- Better stereo red/blue rendering
- Fixed bugs in the scripting language and added support for 2D arrays.
Some of the examples present on the web site will no longer work correctly,
However,the examples provided with the distribution are functional (for
some of them,you may have to download specific files such as 1ATP or 4MDH
and place them in your 'download' directory).
The scripting language manual will be updated later directly on the Web site.
- reorganization of the Fit menu to provide better access to a
second exhaustive 3D-fit method.
- Added a few filetypes on the Mac,Files of type 'BINA' and ''
can be open in addition to files of type 'TEXT',This should help
Mac users read the files returned by Swiss-Model.
Finally,Mac users will be happy to know that I am debugging a
carbonized version that will lift the 256 colors limitation and
work on OSX,The port is complete,and I am currently testing
that the various dialogs and scripts run smoothly.