Introduction to Soil Science
Genxing Pan
Department of Soil Science,&
Inst,Resources,Ecosystem &
Environment of Agriculture (IREEA)
What is Soil?
What is soil science?
Why do we study soil (science)?
Soils in a changing Earth
What is Soil?
What is Soil?
What is a Soil?
What is a soil?
What is a soil?
Natural body
Sustaining life (incl.Support plant
Dynamically changing
At the earth surface
Soil Vs Land
1,soft growth media vs babitat
2,Fertility vs productivity
3,natural Vs social-economical
Soil Vs Land?
Why do we study soil?
Decreasing capacity of natural resources


Why do we study soil?
Deterioration of ecosystem and environment
(incl,Land degradation)
The Changing Earth
Why do we study soil?
Why do we study soil?
Soil provides natural sink
What do we study?
Soil provide meso- and micro- habitat for
Why do we study soil?
Soil provides shelter and preserves cultural heritage
Why do we study soil?
Soil provides natural beauty
Why do we study soil?
Are we less dependent on soils?
Why do we study soil?
Urbanization---Urban soils
Hydroponic culture– Organic farming
Plastics---cornstarch plastics,polyesters
or cottons
What is Soil Science? What is
the role of soil science?
Study of soil as an part of terrestrial
ecosystem,environment,and integrated
Earth surface System;
Study of soil by physical,chemical and
biological means and others;
Study of soil in scales ranging from molecular
to pedosphere;
Study of soil in interaction with water,air,
biomes,and human,etc.
Soil Science
Soil - plant science,- ion uptake,soil
fertility,nutrient transport,
bioavailability; food quality
Soil-water science,water translocation,
water use efficiency; nutrient loading,
drinking water quality
Soil- air science,gas exchange,
emissions,GHE,Global change
Soil Science
Soil – material science,soil mechanics
or dynamics,soil engineering;
Soil – ecosystem science,soil
ecosystems,stability of ecosystem,
Biodiversity and ecological safety
Soil - landscape science,soil
associations,land use patterns,soil
Closely related science
Food Science
Medicine & Health science,
Role of Soil Science
Basic discipline of natural sciences;
Fundamental science of agricultural
Core science of environmental and
ecological sciences;
Role of Soil Science
Impacts in:
Land use planning;
Help solve food supply,ex,Sandro
Policy making - agriculture and
environment protection;
etc,WHO project
IUSS,a member of ICSU
World Soil Day,December 5 as
Soil projects among IGBP-Core projects
Soil science department in the land
grant universities
Winner of food Prize– Prof,Sanchez
Role of Soil Science
Overview of Soil Science
Ancient time,
End of 19 century:
Lipig,Mineral nutrition of plant,1840
Docuchayev (1883,Chernozem in
Russian Great Plain;
Waksman,1930’s,Soil colloids
USDA,Soil Taxonomy,1975
Soil Science in China
Ancient time:
1,,尚书,?禹贡 ;2,,管子,? 地员篇 ;3,
Dynasty Soil Mosaic
Modern time,
1930’s,Soil Research Unit;
1940’s,Soil Survey,
Soil Science in China
1950’s,Soil Resource Survey and
Rehabitation; Soil Science Institute
National Soil Survey(2 times),Chinese
Soil Taxonomic Classification
Late 1980’s – early 2000’s,Soil
Science expanded
State Discipline of Soil Science
Soil Science System
Soil fertility- Soil Quality
Pedology-Soil Science;
Soil water- SPAC
Ped – Soil system- Soil ecosystem-
Earth System
二级学科 三级学科 分支学科土 壤 科学土壤发生与分布 土壤发生学与地理学,土壤形态学,古土壤学,土壤分类与制图土壤物理学 土壤水分与溶质迁移,土壤空气与土-气交换,土壤结构与力学土壤化学与矿物学 土壤粘土矿物学,土壤胶体与表面化学,土壤溶液化学土壤生物学 土壤微生物学,土壤动物学,土壤生物化学与酶学土壤肥力学 土壤养分及其利用,土宜学土壤环境学 土壤污染与控制,土壤环境监测与评价土壤资源学 土壤资源调查与评价,土壤资源利用与保护,数字土壤学土壤生态学?
Soil Science System
Soil Science SYstem
知识层面 理论及其服务 技术及其应用指导与支撑层面辩证唯物论,地球系统科学,
物质科学现代分析技术,现代信息技术与计算机技术中心层面 土壤发生发育理论,土壤物质形态与效应理论土壤分析技术,土壤监测网络应用层面 农业发展,环境保护,地球表层过程肥力分析,环境分析,
Unique Soils of China
Soils of Loess;
Soils in Tibetan Plateau;
Soils of Paddy-Paddy soils
Soils on limestone in southwestern
What will we learn from soil
Behaviors (Functions)
Trends in the changing environment
Fundamental methodology of soil
How do we study soil science?
Field studies,precise sampling and detailed observation
How do we study soil science?
Macro to micro scale modern analytical facilities:
How do we study soil science?
Modern tracing and monitoring techniques
Further reference:
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