w88 石光 981239 第一题源程序
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
start proc near
jmp next
dw 001fh,0000h,0000h
db 000h,000h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 0ffh,0ffh,00h,00h,00h,9bh,00h,00h
db 0ffh,0ffh,00h,00h,00h,93h,00h,00h
db 0ffh,0ffh,00h,80h,0bh,93h,00h,00h
errmsg db 'You must run this program in real mode!',0dh,0ah,'$'
msg_1 db 'red word,green background.'
count_1 equ $-msg_1
attr_1 db 24h
msg_2 db 'red word,green background.'
count_2 equ $-msg_2
attr_2 db 42h
msg_3 db 'highlighted red word,blink green background.'
count_3 equ $-msg_3
attr_3 db 0cah
back db 0dh,0ah,'Back in Real Mode!$'
next: mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov eax,cr0
and al,1
je begin
lea dx,errmsg
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov ax,cs
shl eax,04h
mov bx,offset gdttab
add eax,ebx
mov di,offset gdtadds+02h
mov cs:[di],eax
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov ax,cs
shl eax,04h
mov di,offset gdttab+08h
mov si,offset gdttab+10h
mov cs:[di+02h],ax
mov cs:[si+02h],ax
shr eax,10h
mov cs:[di+04h],al
mov cs:[si+04h],al
mov cs:[di+07h],ah
mov cs:[di+07h],ah
lgdt fword ptr cs:gdtadds
mov eax,cr0
or al,01h
mov cr0,eax
jmp protection_mode
mov ax,0010h
mov ds,ax
mov si,offset msg_1
mov ax,0018h
mov es,ax
mov ax,0010h
mov ds,ax
mov di,0000h
mov ah,attr_1
mov cx,count_1
loop L1
mov ah,attr_2
mov cx,count_2
loop L2
mov ah,attr_3
mov cx,count_3
loop L3
mov eax,cr0
and al,0feh
mov cr0,eax
jmp return_real_mode
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset back
mov ah,09
int 21h
mov ax,4cffh
int 21h
start endp
code ends
end start

.model small
snake db ' -============#';字符串的第一个字符为空格;下为存放各字符位置向量的循环队列
pos db 21h,0ch,22h,0ch,23h,0ch
db 24h,0ch,25h,0ch,26h,0ch
db 27h,0ch,28h,0ch,29h,0ch
db 2ah,0ch,2bh,0ch,2ch,0ch
db 2dh,0ch,2eh,0ch,2fh,0ch;循环队列的队尾标记
tail db 0
.stack 100
mov al,0
mov bh,10h
mov ah,6
mov cx,0
mov dl,79
mov dh,24
int 10h;用si指向当前蛇尾位置向量
lea si,pos;显示当前位置的蛇
L0: xor ch,ch
mov cl,15
lea di,snake;设置当前位置光标
L1: mov dh,[si+1]
mov dl,[si]
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov bh,0
mov al,[di]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov bl,1eh
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
inc di
inc si
inc si
cmp si,offset tail
jne A1
lea si,pos
A1: loop L1;用di指向当前蛇头位置向量;用bx指向原蛇头位置向量;用cx指向原蛇颈位置向量;(若当前蛇头与蛇颈位置相同,说明蛇转向180度);以上三个指针均为循环指针
mov di,si
mov bx,di
cmp bx,offset pos
jne A2
lea bx,tail
A2: sub bx,2
mov cx,bx
cmp cx,offset pos
jne A3
lea cx,tail
A3: sub cx,2;当前蛇尾位置向量前移一个
inc si
inc si
cmp si,offset tail
jne J0
lea si,pos;接受键盘输入
J0: mov ah,0
int 16h
cmp ah,72
jne J1;输入为上移
mov al,[bx]
mov [di],al
mov al,[bx+1]
dec al;判断是否超出屏幕;若是,则从下方进入
cmp al,-1
jne M0
mov al,24
M0: mov [di+1],al
mov al,[di]
xchg cx,bx
mov dh,[bx]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
mov al,[di+1]
mov dh,[bx+1]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
xchg cx,bx
jmp J0
J1: cmp ah,80
jne J2;输入为下移
mov al,[bx]
mov [di],al
mov al,[bx+1]
inc al
cmp al,26
jne M1
mov al,0
M1: mov [di+1],al
mov al,[di]
xchg cx,bx
mov dh,[bx]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
mov al,[di+1]
mov dh,[bx+1]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
xchg cx,bx
jmp J0
J2: cmp ah,75
jne J3;输入为左移
mov al,[bx+1]
mov [di+1],al
mov al,[bx]
dec al
cmp al,-1
jne M2
mov al,79
M2: mov [di],al
mov al,[di]
xchg cx,bx
mov dh,[bx]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
mov al,[di+1]
mov dh,[bx+1]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
xchg cx,bx
jmp J0
J3: cmp ah,77
jne J4;输入为右移
mov al,[bx+1]
mov [di+1],al
mov al,[bx]
inc al
cmp al,80
jne M3
mov al,0
M3: mov [di],al
mov al,[di]
xchg cx,bx
mov dh,[bx]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
mov al,[di+1]
mov dh,[bx+1]
cmp al,dh
jne L0
xchg cx,bx
jmp J0;输入为PageDown,则退出
J4: cmp ah,81
je FIN
jmp J0