Space-Time Code Design in OFDM Systems
Ben Lu and Xiaodong Wang
Department of Electrical Engineering
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843
E-mail: {benlu, wangx}
Abstract- We consider a space-time coded (STC) or-
thogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) sys-
tem in frequency-selective fading channels. By analyz-
ing the pairwise error probability (PEP), we show that
STC-OFDM systems can potentially provide a diversity
order as the product of the number of transmitter anten-
nas, the number of receiver antennas and the frequency
selectivity order, and that the laTge effective length and
the ideal inte~leawing are two most important principles
in designing STC’S for OFDM systems. Following these
principles, we propose a new class of trellis-structured
STC’S. Compared with the conventional space-time trel-
lis codes, our proposed STC’S significantly improve the
performance by efficiently exploiting both the spatial di-
versity and the frequency-selective-fading diversity.
Considerable amount of recent research has addressed
the design and implementation of space-time coded
(STC) systems for wireless flat-fading channels, e.g.,
[1], [2], [3]. The space-time coding methodologies in-
tegrate the techniques of antenna array spatial diver-
sity and channel coding, and can provide significan-
t capacity gains in wireless channels. However, many
wireless channels are frequency-selective in nature, for
which the STC design problem becomes a complicated
issue. On the other hand, the orthogonal frequency-
division multiplexing (OFDM) technique transforms a
frequency-selective fading channel into parallel corre-
lated flat-fading channels. Hence, in the presence of
frequency-selectivity, it is natural to consider STC in
the (3FDM context. The first STC-OFDM system was
proposed in [4]. In this paper, by deriving the pairwise
error probability (PEP) of the STC-OFDM system! we
show that the STC-OFDM system can potentially pro-
vide a diversity at the order of (NkfL), where N is the
number of transmitter antennas, A4 is the number of re-
ceiver antennas and L is the frequency-selectivity order
(i.e., the number of non-zero resolvable taps). Mean-
while, we show that the large effective length [5] and the
ideal interleaving are two most important design prin-
ciples in designing STC’S for OFDM systems. Based on
these two simple principles, a new class of bandwidth
efficient STC’S for OFDM systems is found.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section II-A, an STC-OFDM system over frequency-
selective fading channels is described. In Section II-B,
This work was supported in part by the the U.S. National Sci-
ence Foundation under Grant CAREER CCR–9875314, and in
part ‘by a .@ft .s=nt from the Motorola S1’s =d D Sp core l’=h-
nology Center. Ben Lu’s work was also supported in part by the
Texas Telecommunications Engineering Consortim (TxTEC).
the pairwise error probability (PEP) of the considered
STC-OFDM system is analyzed. In Section II-C, the
STC coding design principles are proposed. In Section
II-D, following the proposed coding design principles, a
new class of STC’S is constructed for OFDM systems.
In Section III, computer simulation results are present-
ed. Section IV contains the conclusions.
A. System Model
Fig, 1. An STC-OFDM system with N = 2 transmitter antennas
and M = 1 receiver antenna.
We consider an STC-OFDM system with K subcar-
riers, N transmitter antennas and M receiver antennas,
signaling through a frequency-selective fading channel.
Each STC code word consists of (NK) STC symbols
and transmits simultaneously during one OFDM word.
Each STC symbol is transmitted at a particular OFDM
subcarrier and a particular transmitter antenna. It is
assumed that the fading process remains static during
each OFDM word; and the fading processes associat-
ed with different transmitter-receiver antenna pairs are
uncorrelated. As an example, an STC-OFDM system
with N = 2 transmitter antennas and Ill = 1 receiver
antenna is illustrated in Figure 1,
At the receiver, the signals are received from M re-
ceiver antennas. After matched filtering and symbol-
rate sampling, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is
applied to the received discrete-time signal to obtain
!l[k]= Iqk]x[k]+ .%[k], k=l, . . ..K. (1)
where .FI[k] c CM’~ is the matrix of complex chan-
nel frequency responses at the k-th subcarrierj which is
explained below; x [k] c CN and y[k] s CM are respec-
tively the transmitted signal and the received signal at
the k-th subcarrier; .z[k] c CM is the ambient noise,
which is circularly symmetric complex Gaussian with
unit variance.
Consider the channel response between the j-th
transmitter antenna and the i-th receiver antenna. Fol-
lowing [6], the time-domain channel impulse response
0-7803-6454-6/00/$10.00 (C) 2000
can be modeled as a tapped-delay line. With only the
non-zero taps considered, it can be expressed as
where 6 (.) is the Kronecker delta function; L denotes
the number of non-zero taps; ai,j (/; t) is the complex
amplitude of the l-th non-zero tap, whose delay is
nl /A j, where nl is an integer and Af is the tone spac-
ing of the OFDM system. In this paper, we restrict our
attention to the STC transmitted and received during
one OFDM slot; for notational convenience, the time
index t is dropped henceforth.
For OFDM systems with proper cyclic extension and
sample timing, with tolerable leakage, the channel fre-
quency response between the j-th transmitter antenna
and the i-th receiver antenna and at the k-th subcarri-
er, which is exactly the (i, j)-th element of ll[k] in (1),
can be expressed as
= h:jwj(k) , (3)
where hi,j[l] s ai,j(l), h;,j S [a; ~(1), . . . . ai,j(L)]H is
the L-sized vector contammg the \ime responses of all
the non-zero taps; and Wf (k) 2 [e–~zm~n’l~, . . . ,
e-~2”’n’/K] T contains the corresponding DFT coeffi-
From (3), it is seen that due to the close spacing of
OFDM sub carriers, for a specific antenna pair (i, j), the
channel responses {If;,j [k]}~ are DFT transformations
[specified by Wf (k)] of the same random vector hi,j,
and hence they are correlated in frequency.
B. Performance Analysis
In this section, we analyze the pairwise error prob-
ability (PEP) of this system with coded modulation.
With perfect CSI at the receiver, the maximum likeli-
hood (ML) decision rule of the signal model (1) is given
M K–1
=arg*~~ Yi[~] - ~Hi,j[~]xj[~] 2, (4)j=l
where the minimization is over all possible STC code-
word z = {~j [~]}j~k. Assuming equal transmitted
power at all transmitter antennas, using the Chernoff
bound, the PEP of transmitting x and deciding in favor
of another codeword ii at the decoder is upper bounded
P(z -+ Z1’li) < exp
(-d2(::)7) ~ ‘5)
where y is the total signal power transmitted from all
N transmitted antennas (Recall that the noise at each
receiver antenna is assumed to have unit variance); H ~
{h;,j [k]}i,j,~. Using (3), dz(z, Z) is given by
MK-l IN ,2
d2(x, ii)= ~ ~ ~ Hi,j [~l~j [1’cI
i=l k=O j=l
M K–1
=~~[h:, ... h:~] ,x(j..J,,) [Wf(fww
;=1 k=o
=5h;Dhi , (6)
with ej [k] ~ Zj [k] – ~j [~] ,
e[k] ~ [e~[k], . . . . e~[k]]~x, ,
YVj(k) sdiag{wf(k),..., wf(k)}(~~),~ ,
D ~ ~ Wf(k)e[k]eH[k]’W~ (k)
k=o (NL)x (NL)
In (7), (e[k]eH [k]) is a rank-one matrix, which equals
to a zero matrix if the entries of codewords x and x
corresponding to the k-th subcarrier are same. Let D
denote the number of instances when e[k]eH[k] # O, Vk;
similarly as in [5], the minimum D over every two
possible codeword pair is called the effective length of
the code. Denote r ~ rank(D), it is easily seen that
r < min(D, NL). Since w j (k) vary with different de-
lay profiles, the matrix D is also variant with different
channel environments. However, it is observed that D
is a non-negative definite Hermitian matrix, by singular
value decomposition (SVD), it can be written as
D = VAVH , (8)
where V is a unitary matrix and A $ diag{~l, . . . . },,
o , . ...0 }, where {Aj }~=1 are positive real eigenvalues
of D. Moreover, by assuming that all the (NiML) el-
ements of {hi,j }i,j are i.i. d, (independent and identi-
cally distributed) circularly symmetric complex Gaus-
sian with zero-mean and equal-variance, (5) can be re-
written as
where &i(j) ~ [VHki] j is the j-th element of VHhi.
Obviously, {di(j) }~,j are still i.i.d. circularly symmetric
0-7803-6454-6/00/$10.00 (C) 2000
complex Gaussian with zero-mean and equal-variance,
and their magnitudes { Ifii(j) I}Z,j are i.i. d. Rayleigh dis-
tributed. By averaging the conditional PEP in (9) over
the Rayleigh pdf (probability density function), the
PEP of an ST’c,-OFDM system over frequency-selective
fading channels is finally-written as “
/. , –M
< mIAj (-&-”~ (lo)
\j=l / ‘-
[When deriving (9), we assumed that the elements of
{hi,j}i,j have equal variances, or equivalently equal
power. However, in practice, the multipath taps usu-
aHy have different power, which causes the elements of
{ti~(,~)}i,j are not mutually independent any more and
to some extent makes the upper bound in (10) opti-
mistic.] It is seen from (10) that the highest possible
diversity order the STC-OFDM system considered here
can provide is (N NfL), i.e., the product of the number
of transmitter antennas, the number of receiver anten-
nas iind the number of selective-fading diversity order.
In other words, the attractiveness of the STC-OFDM
system lies in its ability to exploit all the available di-
versity resources.
C. Designing Principles
In addition to giving a very promising perspective of
STC-OFDM systems, (10) also provides some implica-
tions on STC coding design:
1. The dominant exponent in the PEP (10) that is
related to the structure of the code is r, the rank of
the matrix D. Recall that r < min(ll, NL), in or-
der to achieve the maximum diversity, clearly, the
effective length of the code (which is the minimum
D over every two possible codeword pair) must be
larger than NL, the dimension of matrix D in (7).
Since L is associated with the channel characteris-
tic, which is not known to the transmitter (or the
STC encoder) in advance. It is preferable to have
an STC code with large effective length.
2. Another factor in the PEP is ~~=1 }j, the prod-
uct of eigenvalues of matrix D. Since D changes
with different channel setup ~ the optimal design
J is not feasible. However, as observedof ~;=l J
in [1], the space-time trellis codes (STTC’S) with
higher state numbers (and essentially larger effec-
tive length) have better performance, which sug-
gests that increasing the effective length of the STC
beyond the minimum requirement (e.gj NL, in our
system) may help to improve the factor ~~=1 ~j.
3. The structure of D is partly decided by the chan-
nel delay profile [specified by {hi,j}i,j and W~ (~)1,
which causes that the eigenvalues {Aj }j are part-
ly decided by the channel delay profile; and the
decoding performance may unfavorably vary with
different channel delay profiles [4]. This problem
can actually be alleviated by using an interleaver
to scramble the STC symbols at the output of
the STC encoder. From the information theoretic
viewpoint, such an interleaver ‘<whitens” the trans-
mitted STC symbols [7].
In summary, in the system considered here, because of
the diverse fading profiles of the wireless channels and
the assumption that the CSI is known only at the re-
ceiver, the systematic coding design (e.g., by computer-
search) is less helpful; insteadj two general principles
should be met in choosing STC codes in order to ro-
bustly exploit the rich diversity resources in this system,
namely, large effective length and ideal interleaving.
D. Code Construction
In the previous section, based on the PEP analysis of
an STC-OFDM system, we show that an STC should
have the highest possible effective length and the ideal
built-in interleaver, in order to efficiently exploit both
the spatial diversity and the frequency-selectivity di-
versity. In another aspect> the recent increasing inter-
est in providing high data-rate services, such as video-
conferencing, multimedia Internet access and wide area
network over wideband wireless channels, calls for the
higher bandwidth efficiency. In the next, we propose a
class of bandwidth efficient STC’S.
D2 v~$W;
4-?s. cl
H: H :.* H:. H? H: Maw..
?aI *,
x; H ;.l H 4.2 Hi xi~ ~-p,x
+ + + + +
~o ~wp.=
. . .
~: H ;-l ~ :_* ~~
Fig. 2, Encoder structure of the proposed STC.
Before the invention of STC, there had been a lot
of work done for analyzing and designing trellis-coded
modulation (TCM) codes in flat-fading channels, such
as [5], [8]. For flat fading channels, the design criteria
of the TCM are large eflectiue length and product dis-
tance. Based on these criteria, in [5], a class of rate 2/3,
8-PSK Ungerboeck codes was optimized for flat-fading
channels. Since the design criteria for TCM codes are
conceptually close to our proposed design principles for
STC’S, we then extend the TCM codes designed there
into the STC’S (with two transmitter antennas) by split-
ting the original 8-PSK mapper into two QPSK map-
pers, as depicted in Figure 2. Obviously the eflecti~e
length of the resulting STC code is the same as the o-
riginal TCM code, therefore a new class of STC’s with
0-7803-6454-6/00/$10.00 (C) 2000
effective length ranging from 2 to 6 [5] is immediately
Fc]llowing the ideal interleaving principle, two random
interleaves are applied to the STC encoded symbols, as
illustrated in Figure 1. Note that, in order to preserve
the effective length of the STC ~these two interleaves
are identical. Since OFDM signals are transmitted and
received in the block manner, therefore, using an in-
terleave does not introduce any additional processing
In this section, we provide computer simulation re-
sults to illustrate the performance of our proposed new
class of STC’S for multiple-antenna OFDM systems.
The channel model is the same as described in Sec-
tion II-A. (Specifically, the fading processes comply
with the COST 207 model. ) In simulations the avail-
able bandwidth is 1 MHz and 256 sub-carrier tones are
used for OFDM modulation. These correspond to a
sub-channel separation of 3.9 KHz and OFDM frame
duration of 256ps, To each frame, a guard interval of
40ps is added to combat the effect of inter-symbol inter-
ference. N=2 transmitter antennas and Lf=l receiver
antenna are used in the OFDM systems. With the per-
fect CSI at the receiver, the optimal Viterbi decoding
algorithm is used to decode the STC. For the purpose
of comparison, we also include the performance of the
STC-OFDM system proposed in [4], which is denoted
by STC-I; while the STC proposed in this paper is de-
noted by ST C- II. It is clear that both two types of STC
are based on the trellis-tree structure, where at the be-
ginning and the end of encoding, the encoders are forced
to zero-state by properly padding the last several tailing
bits. During each OFDM slot, 512 binary bits are en-
coded by the STC encoder; and the two streams of 256
STC coded QPSK symbols are interleaved and trans-
mitted from 2 transmitter antennas. Then the spectral
efficiency of the STC-OFDM system considered here is
x 2 x ~ x ~ = 1.72 bits/see/Hz. (The approxima-~ 512
tion oft e spectral efficiency is due to the fact that the
number of tailing bits is related with the state number
of the STC. )
A. Performance of STC- OFDM an channels with dif-
ferent delay projiles
Figures 3–6 show the performance of three STC’S,
i.e., 16-state STC-I (with effective length 3), 16-state
STC-1 I (with effective length 3) and 256-state STC-I I
(with effective length 5), in channels with different de-
lay profiles, where “w/o intlv” denotes the performance
without interleaving and “w intlv” denotes that with in-
terleaving. The performance is shown in terms of the
OFDM word error rate (WER) versus the signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR) y.
Performance in a single-tap fading channel
In Figure 3, we provide the performance of the STC
for OFDM systems in a single-tap (or flat-) fading chan-
nel! which is conceptually equivalent to the quasi-static
flat-fading channels in [1]. In this case, the maxi-
mum achievable diversity order is iVikIL = 2, (where
N=2,Jf=l ,L=l), which is exactly achieved by all three
STC’S. Note that the interleaver, which operates in the
frequency domain, has no impact in this particular flat-
fading case. For clarity, here we omit the performance
of three STC’S without interleavers, which is the same
as what is shown in Figure 3.
Performance in two-tap fading channels
In Figure 4, we provide the performance of the STC
in a two-tap equal-power fading channel, where the de-
lay spread between the two paths is 5ps; while in Fig-
ure 5, we show the performance in a two-path equal-
power fading channel, where the delay spread between
the two taps is 40ps, From the figures, several conclu-
sions can be drawn. First, the use of the random in-
terleave does bring obvious performance improvement;
moreover, it makes the performance robust (or consis-
tent) against different channel delay profiles. Secondly,
with the larger effective length, the 256-state STC- II
performs the best out of all three STC’S, and at high
SNR’S it can achieve the maximum available diversity
order IVJ4L = 4, (where N=2,iM=l, L=2). Thirdly,
the 16-state STC- I performs close to the 16-state STC-
1I, which implies that the effective length can also be
used to roughly evaluate the performance of the STC.
Performance in a six-tap fading channel
Figure 6 shows the performance in a six-path equal-
power fading channel, where the six paths are equally
spread at the dist ante of 6 .5~s, As the total avail-
able diversity order increases to IVLL5 = 12, (where
N=2,A4=1 ,L=6), it is seen that all three STC’S im-
prove their performance compared with that in two-tap
fading channels [cf. Fig. 4–5] by efficiently exploiting
the diversity resources in the system. It is also ob-
served that due to the relatively small effective length,
the performance improvement of two 16-state STC’S is
less than the performance improvement of the 256-state
STC-11. It is expected that the STC with larger effec-
tive length can achieve even better performance in this
system, although the increase of effective length gen-
erally leads to the corresponding increase of the STC
comple.xit y,
In this paper, we have studied the STC design in
OFDM systems. By analyzing the PEP, we have shown
that in frequency-selective fading channels, the STC-
OFDM system can potentially provide a diversity order
as the (N LfL), where N is the number of transmitter
antennasj A4 is the number of receiver antennas and
0-7803-6454-6/00/$10.00 (C) 2000
L is the frequency-selectivit y order (or the number of
non-zero resolvable taps). We have also proposed that
the large ejfective length and the ideal built-in inter-
leave are two most important coding design principles
for the STC in OFDM systems. By following these two
principles, a new class of trellis-structured STC’S is de-
signed. Computer simulations have demonstrated the
significant performance improvement of our proposed
STC’s over the conventional space-time trellis codes.
Further research on the STC design for OFDM system-
s in frequency-selective and time-selective fading chan-
nels, the STC design based on the bit-interleaved coded
modulation is now pursued.
The authors would like to thank K. R. Narayanan for
his helpful comments.
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5!!.s ,ePe’ated tw-,q 5TC-OFDM
t... . .:. !y><%$;:. ,,,.,,:,..,...,, .. ....{
I I10~5 \ Y
10 20
S(Q”.1-tO-N& Raflo (@B)
Fig. 4. WER in a two-tap equal-power fading channel, where
the delay spread between two paths is 51M.
4WS mmr.ted IWO-W STC-OFDM
,- C-- 256-state STC-11w/o intlv
~~+ 25S-state STC-11 w intlv
TO 20
SIOnal-tO-N& Rallo (dB]
Fig. 5. WER in a two-tap equal-power fading channel, where
the delay spread between two paths is 40ps.
ILlo~.,“-+””.—.- u-..::+ .-o--“ -4-
16-date STC–I VA indv
i 6–state STC–I w id.
i 6-state STC-11wlo intlv
16-state STC-11 w inflv
256-state STC-11WIOintlv
256-state STC-11 w mtlv
slgnel-lo-N& mu. (dB) ‘“
. .
Fig. 6. WER in a six-tap equal-power fading channel, where
paths are equally spread at the distance of 6.5LLs.
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