Spring 2004
北京电子科技学院行政管理学系 马 宏 教授
提 纲
2。古今中外 4种政治学和 4种政治思想
一, 导言
? 1。 什么是西方政治思想史
? 从最一般的意义上来讲, 政治思想史就是研究政治
思想历史的科学 。 但也有各种不同的定义 。
?, political ideas‖和, political thoughts‖
? 2。 为什么学习西方政治思想史
? ( 1), 有用, 与, 没用,
? ( 2), 知识分子, 与, 有知识的分子,
? ( 3), 知识经济, 和, 知识政治,
? 3。 如何学习西方政治思想史
? ( 1) 分数与方法
( 2) 本课程的要求
? 西方政治学
? 宗教政治学
? 马克思主义政治学
? 中国政治学
三, 西方的政治思想研究
? 近代:哥伦比亚大学政治学系 1880年
? 当代:芝加哥大学里奥 ·斯特劳斯, F.哈
? 史:约翰 ·麦克里兰, 里奥 ·斯特劳斯
四, 中国政治思想研究
? 52年取消, 78年恢复
? 徐大同, 王沪宁, 刘军宁
? 北大, 人大, 天津师大
五, 马克思主义政治思想
※ 产生于 19世纪 40年代, 特点是:
? 1,科学性
? 2,阶级性
? 3,革命性
? 4,实践性
? 5,发展性
※ 基本观点
? 1,关于政治关系, 政治生活方式和政治观念
? 2,关于阶级
? 3,关于国家
Empirical v,Normative Studies
? Empirical,What is observed?
? Normative,What ―ought‖ to be?
? Political Science involves BOTH the
empirical (recognizing we can measure and
find what is true) and normative
(recognizing that we can make
recommendations as to what ought to be).
A brief history
? of the research in political science.
? The Greeks
? Middle ages
? Renaissance
? Enlightenment
? Legalism
? Behavioralism
? Post-Behavioralism
? Eclectisism (Including behavioralism and perestroika)
? The scientific study of politics
Politics as Philosophy:
Brief History of the Discipline
? Foundation of Politics as a study is in political
? Rooted in normative emphasis.
? Based on idea that man behaves
INTENTIONALLY,We have free will and
choose to take certain actions.
? Study of politics was structured around opposing
views of human behavior,man is ultimately
good; man is ultimately self-serving.
Normative Foundations of
? Focus on human behavior in interacting
with others
? First emphasis on what ―ought‖ to be
? Political Philosophy focused on ideas like
? Rights
? Equality
? Justice
? Freedom
The Ancient Greeks
? Philosophy,Philos = loving,Sophia = wisdom.
? 2,500 years ago,Greek civilization emerged
? city states (?the polis‘) the center of political life
? the polis was center of the universe
? ?idiot‘ - word to describe someone with no
interest in politics
the judicial murder of Socrates
―No person on earth,has the right to tell another man what he
should believe or to deprive him of the right to think as he pleases.‖
Socrates was a ―moderate‖----a liberal who saw good and evil in
both systems of government and who tried to find a compromise
which should satisfy all reasonable people,This,of course,had made
him thoroughly unpopular with both sides.
苏格拉底 ( 公元前 469—399年 ) 出生于雅典一个工匠家
庭, 其母是助产婆 。 他作为雅典的重装步兵参加过三次
战役, 并有一次通过抽签担任雅典议事会成员, 为人正
直, 性格耿直刚正, 后被控否认城邦之神并引进新的神
和腐蚀青年, 最终由陪审法庭判处死刑 。
1), 推动希腊哲学研究兴趣由自然转向人和社会 。
2), 是西方哲学和科学理性主义主流传统的开创者 。
3), 突出强调道德是城邦政治的基础, 而知识和教育
是城邦政治的根本 。
2.An young Athenian,Plato gathered all Socrates had ever said or
thought into a series of dialogues.
Plato taught his doctrines in pleasure garden which was called the
He began his career as a mathematician,but gradually switched over
to politics and in this field he laid the foundations for our modern
school of government..
His famous Republic(B.C.386).
Plato (427-347 BC)
? Founder of a lyceum (school) for politics and law
(first of its kind)
? philosopher whose pedagogy was based on a
dialogue b/w student & teacher
? his political philosophy presented essentially in
The Republic
? Deductive theory
? advocated a system of ?enlightened dictatorship‘
by ?philosopher-kings‘
Plato (continued)
? Philosopher-Kings were selected from
? subjected to an incredibly intensive
education in ethics,theoretical and
practical politics,etc.
? groomed to lead from a very early age
? ―who shall guard the guardians?‖ a key
? 著作主要有:, 理想国,,, 政治家篇,,, 法律篇, 。
? 一, 哲学家治国思想
? 1), 建立和维护社会分工制度, 极力防止不同等级的人相互混杂 。
? 2), 在哲学家和军人内部废除私有财产和家庭 。
? 3), 对公民 ( 即哲学家军人 ) 进行教育 。
? 4), 将法律置于次要位置 。
? 5), 文化专制主义精神 。
? 二, 政体思想
? 在现实生活中存在的都是不当政体, 分为四种类型:荣誉政体,
寡头政体, 平民政体, 僭主政体 。 他重视每种政体的内在精神和
原则 。 他认为最好的统治不是法治, 而是有知识的人的统治 。
? 三, 第二等好的理想国
? 他十分强调知识的重要性,接受了有限的民主原则,引进了混合
私人利益,一切公有,不存在, 你的,,, 我的, 之分的社会。
3.Aristotle,the wonder-child from Macedonia.
The Politics(B.C.325)
His distaste for the democratic form of government and his
lack of belief in the sovereign abilities of the common
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
? Plato‘s best know student
? normally considered the ?father‘ of political
? in fact,he argued that politics was ?the master
? first to undertake a systematic empirical
(inductive) survey of political life (The
? a survey of patterns across approx,350 city states
Aristotle‘s Classification of City
No, o f Rulers True Form Perve rsio n
One Kingdom Ty ra n ny
Sever al Aris tocra cy Oligarchy
Many/a ll
P oliteia
(Repub li c or
re pr,D em,)
(Direc t
Democ ra cy )
主要著作,, 修辞学,,, 政治学,,, 雅典政制,

研究 重心转向对现实城邦的经验的和历史性的描述和分析上。
1), 他是政治学的开创者 。 他第一个有意识地将人类知识区分为
不同的学科领域, 使政治学成为独立的学科, 从而为政治学的进
一步发展奠定了基础 。
2), 他在整体主义的框架内渗入了某些个人主义的因素, 是西方
较为开放, 进步和理想主义政治传统的先驱 。
The Ancient Greeks
? Questions of Ethical/Philosophical and Prudential
nature (Normative)
? What is the good life for humans
? Who should rule
? city states (?the polis‘) the center of political life
? Different approaches
? Deductive (Plato)
? Inductive or Empirical (Aristotle)
Middle Ages (5th-15th century
? a subordination of political thought to theology
? objective of political theory was to identify the
will of God and the most appropriate way to
organize secular life according to the Divine Plan
? Human government & law subordinate to divine will
and order
? Natural law
? So long as the objective was to subordinate
political life to theology,genuine political
thought was not possible
Political Thought During the
Middle Ages
? From roughly the 5th Century AD to the
middle/end of the 15th Century
? a subordination of political thought to
? objective of political theory was to identify
the will of God and the most appropriate
way to organize secular life according to
the Divine Plan
Middle ages church
? According to the church the kingdom of god is
not political and therefore there is no reason for
man to engage in a struggle for power,Heaven is
a spiritual state where one is indifferent to power.
? Authority is unquestionably in hands of the
church as the agents of god on earth,(draws on
Augustine and the City of God).
? Politics removed from the hands of the common
The Middle Ages (continued)
? Reconciling the ?heavenly‘ and the ?secular‘
cities of God
? boils down to a relationship b/w church & state
? Political authority,normally monopolized by a
monarch,was legitimated by means of a claim for
a monarch having a special relationship to God
? ?the Divine Right of Kings‘
? Origin of rule to the benefit of the subjects (Thomas
Aquinas - Summa Theologica - 1267)
? Thomas Aquinas,Summa
? The Inquisition
? heretic
? 托马斯 ?阿奎那 ( 1225—1274年 ) 是西欧封建
经院哲学的集大成者, 他所建立的系统的, 完
影响, 被基督教会奉为圣人, 有, 神学界之王,
之称 。
? 著作, 反异教大全,,, 亚里士多德 〈 政治学 〉
诠释,,, 神学大全,,, 论君主政治, 。
? 托马斯 ?阿奎那的神权政治思想
? 一, 信仰和理性
? 阿奎那神权政治思想的基本特点是, 在坚持基督教信仰的前提下, 调和
信仰和理性的矛盾, 并以此作为其政治思想的理论基础 。
? 他所谓信仰的真理, 从根本上讲就是教会所宣扬的上帝创造一切, 高于
一切的信条和人民对统治者的服从 。
? 二, 教会和国家
? 阿奎那神权政治思想的主要内容是教会和国家的关系, 其核心是论证教
权高于俗权, 维护基督教会的神权统治 。 解决统治阶级和广大人民群众
以及统治阶级内部教, 俗集团之间的矛盾 。
? 国家的目的是实现人的理性对于社会生活的要求, 教会的目的则是实现
人的理性的最高要求 。
? 三, 政体理论
? 他还认为, 国家只有由一个君主来治理, 才是最好的政体 。 国家权力的
安排应注意两点:一是大家都应在某一方面参与政治, 二是一个国家应
该由一位德行高超的人来治理, 他主张一种类似于将君主制, 寡头制和
民主制相结合的混合政体, 是受贵族制约的选举君主制 。
5— 10世纪西欧政治思想的特点
? 1), 政治思想以神学的形式表现出来, 这是西欧中世纪政治思想
? 2), 5—10世纪的西欧, 政治发展水平极低, 政治权力和政治机
? 3), 入主西欧的日尔曼人没有公共权力观念, 也没有能力建立系
统的权力组织以实现对国家的控制, 中世纪政治思想中没有正式
的, 国家, 概念;
? 4), 与政治的弱化相适应, 这个时期, 政治家和学者也没有使用
过, 政治的, 这个术语, 从形式上说, 各门学科都降为神学的分
支, 从内容上说, 都是神学的婢女;
? 5)、政治思想没有形成独立系统的理论形式,虽有许多创新,但
Transitions to Modernity
? So long as the objective was to subordinate
political life to theology,genuine political
thought was not possible
? ?renaissance‘ - a ?rebirth‘ of thought,culture
? based on ?humanism‘
? belief that humanity,not God (or a Deity) is and
should be the central focus of concern in
philosophy,the arts,politics,etc.
Historical currents underpinning the
Renaissance and Enlightenment
? During the late Middle Ages,peasants moved in
increasing numbers to the towns,
? As trade and communication improved during the
Renaissance,town-dweller increasingly
questioned the absolute authority of the church in
favor of emphasis on their individual merit and
hard work,unlike the inherited wealth of
traditional aristocrats,
? Intellectual focus back to human action
? Machiavelli (1513),control of state can be
used to individual ends,Power can be
? Politics seen as means to end; power as an
end in itself.
Renaissance Thought
? Emergence of the notion of ?statecraft‘ -
governing well or governing badly
? two examples
? Marsiglio of Padua (1275-1343)
? physician
? ?commonwealth‘ should serve the ?good life‘
? Machiavelli (1469-1527)
Marsiglio of Padua (1275-1343)
? Padua by his own account a devout catholic
innocent of heresies wrote the ―Defencor Paxis‖
or (defender of the peace) about Separation of
Church and state.
? He insisted on explicit and unique control of
governance by the state,The actions of the state
he argued were based not on spiritual right or
wrong but on the need for exercise of power by
the state for the maintenance of peace
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
? Mid-level bureaucrat - Medici family in 16th
Century Florence
? Ambitious
? ?wanted to get back an advisory position in the
government of Lorenzo di Medici who ruled
Florence from 1513 to 1519.
? The Prince (pub,1515) most ?notorious‘ work
? the state conceived as an ?autonomous association
? state and ruler were ?ends in themselves‘
Machiavelli- 2
? The Prince was necessary to provide order
? a ?how to rule manual‘ to contribute to this
? centered on the notion of POWER
? Rulers had to be both ?lions‘ and ?foxes‘
? ―Lions cannot defend themselves against traps,and
foxes cannot defend themselves against wolves,You
have to be like a fox to see the traps,and like a lion
to terrify the wolves,If all people was always totally
trustworthy you only had to be like a lion,In reality
you have to be like a cunning fox at times,Princes
that are cunning and strong as appropriate always
succeed better as princes that are only as lions‖ (W,
Machiavelli -3
? Amorality of his work
? (neither moral nor immoral),but today ―Machiavellian‖
is an adjective used to describe an immoral person for
whom the ends justify the means
? couldn‘t get much further from medieval political
? 尼科洛 ?马基雅维利 ( 1469—1527年 ) 是意大
利政治家, 思想家, 近代资产阶级政治学说的
奠基人之一, 靠自学成才 。 1498年, 马基亚维
利担任共和国权力机构, 十人委员会, 的秘书,
参与军事和外交方面的工作 。
? 著作,〈〈 君主论 〉〉, 〈〈 佛罗伦萨
史 〉〉 。
? 马基雅维利的政治思想
? 一, 权力政治观
? 1,不重书本重实际, 从人们历史和现实的经验出发研究政治问题;
? 2,对于现实中的人性, 他总体上侧重于性恶论;
? 3,重视财产因素在国家中的重要作用;
? 4,主张国家的根本问题是统治权, 统治者应以夺取和保持权力为目的;
? 5,维护国家统治的基础, 一个是法律, 一个是军队 。
? 二, 共和理想和君主专制
? 认为共和制是一种合理的政体, 但必须在一种有秩序的社会中才能
实行, 他主张要建立任何一种秩序, 唯一的方法是建立君主专制的政府 。
? 三, 君主的统治方法
? 马基亚维利极力主张君主应该不受任何道德准则的束缚, 可以采用
各种手段去实现自己的目的 。
Historical currents underpinning the
Renaissance and Enlightenment
? During the late Middle Ages,peasants moved in
increasing numbers to the towns,
? As trade and communication improved during the
Renaissance,town-dweller increasingly
questioned the absolute authority of the church in
favor of emphasis on their individual merit and
relationship with the king,
? Questioning ―divine authority‖ of the king.
Enlightenment- 18th C.
? Further increasing emphasis on reason and
? Emphasis on ―rules of behavior‖ –
theorizing and predicting human behavior
? 托马斯,霍布斯 是 17世纪英国唯物主义哲
论的系统阐发者,被誉为, 现代人之
父, 。 1640年写下, 法的原理, 一书,
1641年 9月完成, 论公民,, 1651年出版
,利维坦, 一书,又写下, 论人, 和
,论物体, 两部哲学著作。
? 一, 国家的起源和本质
? 由于人人都想攫取大于他人的权力来保存自己, 从而使和平难以
实现, 因此, 他主张必须有一个大于一切人的权力的公共权力做
自然法的后盾, 这个公共权力就是国家 。 他将主权者看作国家的
本质 。 他第一次明确地将个人不可转让, 不可剥夺的权利看作是
国家权利的基础 。
? 二, 主权学说和政体理论
? 他将主权看作国家的, 灵魂, 。 主权包括立法, 决定和平与
战争, 统帅军队, 任免官吏, 征税, 审判, 授勋等各项权力 。 他
认为具有至高无上, 不可分割, 不可转让的性质 。 他根据主权的
归属, 将国家分为三种政体形式:君主政体, 贵族政体, 民主政
体 。 他虽然拥护君主制度, 但他并不反对贵族制, 民主制 。
? 三, 人民的自由和主权者的义务
? 他认为为人民规定的另一自由权利是自我保存的自然权利。
The ―early modern‖ philosophers
17th century
? Hobbes
? Little faith in Humanity,
? State of Nature (removing political authority) is
anarchy and war.
? Social contract as a means to provide peace and
The Social Contract
? Hobbes hypothetical solution to the state of
? Every man agrees to be ruled by a
sovereign who ―shall act,or cause to be
acted,in those things which concern the
common peace and safety.‖
? (Leviathan ch,XVII)
? 约翰,洛克是英国哲学家和政治思想家,
他 1652年就读于牛津大学基督教会学院。
1667年洛克成为艾希利勋爵。 1681年,
1684年逃往荷兰。, 光荣革命, 后,连
接发表了, 宗教的宽容,,, 政府论,,
,人类理解论, 等。
? 一, 政教分离和信仰自由
? 洛克系统地阐述了政教分离和信仰自由的原则, 认为教会和国家
是完全不同的两种组织, 任何人都不是生来就属于某一教会, 加
入某一教会是自由, 自愿的行为 。
? 二, 自然权利理论
? 他认为生命, 自由, 财产是自然法为人类规定的基本权利, 是不
可让与, 不可剥夺的自然权利, 其他权利都以财产权为基础 。
? 三, 政府的起源和目的
? 在自然状态中, 自然法是由每个人行使的, 人人都是自己案
件的裁判者 。 人们互不信任, 便相互订立契约, 自愿放弃惩罚他
人的权利, 把它们交给他们中间被指定的人, 按照社会全体成员
或他们授权的代表所一致同意的规定来行使 。 这就是政府的起源 。
他认为政府的主要的目的, 就是保护人们的财产 。
? 四, 法治和分权
? 洛克认为政府必须实行法治,即政府只能以正式公布和经常有效
对暴君专制,而且反对, 贤君, 的专制。他认为国家有三种权力:
? John Locke,Two Treatises of
Government (1690)