Quiz 8&9 Name ______________ Score ______________ I. Explain the following words, phrases and sentences in your own words. 1. outweigh: 2. tempestuous: 3. obscure (v.): 4. judicious: 5. fat hammock (unit 9): 6. lust: 7. non-stop: 8. disintegrate: 9. strangle out: 10. or married him for that matter: 11. injurious: 12. …their finger-tips burned a little… 13. the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news. 14. The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated. II. Match the following phrases according to the texts. III. Write out the adjectives of the following nouns. 1. loose inviolate 1. winter  2.remain feeling of rage and misery 2. integration  3.black granules 3. spontaneity  4.poison feature 4. sympathy  5.swelling sacs 5. metaphor  6.glittering landmasses 6. essence  7.populated distillate 7. imagine  8.distinctive eyes   IV. Make a sentence with each of the following phrases, with no less than 12 words. let alone set eyes (foot) on when it was made plain every other … 5. hemmed in V. Translate the following into English. 成都举行的一年一度的美食节吸引了来自全世界的各类人士。 2.有一些确凿的证据表明外星人造访过地球,这些不明飞行物对地球人来说一直是一个难解之迷。 3.我总觉得我们的总裁目光远大、足智多谋;他带领公司员工利用甘甜清新的山泉制成矿泉水,提供人体健康所必需的矿物质。