Quiz 4 Name ______________ Score ______________ I. Explain the following words, phrases and sentences in your own words. 1. read between the lines: 2. transfer: 3. scribble: 4. dilapidated: 5. sacred: 6. an original Picasso: 7. the end papers 8. Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading. 9. The second kind of book owner is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance. 10. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. II. Fill in the blanks according to the text of Unit 4. Why is marking up a book ________________ to reading? I ________, quite ________, that marking up a book is not an act of __________ but of love. Presumably he knows more about the subject than you do; naturally, you’ll have the proper ________ as you _______ him. And marking a book is ___________ an expression of your differences or agreements of opinion, with the author. To set down your ___________ to important words and sentences you have read, and the questions they have raised in your mind, is to ___________ those reactions and __________ those questions. III. Make a sentence with each of the following expressions. Your sentence should be no shorter than 12 words. 1. consist in: 2. in …sense: 3. continuous / continual: 4. come up with: 5. so to speak: IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. I’d no more scribble all over a first edition of Paradise Lost than I’d give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt! But a great book rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable. It’s like resuming an interrupted conversation with the advantage of being able to pick up where you left off. 4. A book is more like the score of a piece of music than it is like a painting.