Quiz 10&11
Name ______________ Score ______________
I. Explain the following words, phrases and sentences in your own words.
1. benign: 2. funk: 3. candid:
4. uncanny: 5. constitution (unit 11): 6. spacious:
7. quintessential: 8. tempo: 9. static:
10. He was only wild: 11. embody:
12. He was down and out.
13. That bespeaks a responsibility on the part of the hearer..
14. …streaked with human frailties.
15. It is not so much the composer that the listener hears as the interpreter’s conception of the composer.
II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. III. Write out the antonyms of the following expressions.
No composer can write into his music a value that he does not posses a man.
I got some glimmering of what he was driving at.
He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.
So that in most cases we can take technical proficiency for granted.
1. stray away
2. insane
3. affected
4. mild
5. physical
6. sufficient
7. agreeable
8. ordinary
IV. Make a sentence with each of the following phrases, with no less than 12 words.
something of
leave no room for
derive from
take aback
5. be confronted with
V. Translate the following into English.
2. 期末考试日期临近, 同学们愈加发愁了。
3. 这位具有高度的责任感和敏锐的洞察力的领导英年早逝,他年迈的父母悲痛欲绝。