Quiz 1 Name ___________ Score ______________ I. Write down a word or phrase for each item according to the given explanation. 1. a rough drawing _______________   2. cry out with a high sound  ____________ 3. without limit   _______________   4. finish successfully, succeed  ____________ 5. jacket and trousers for sleeping in   _____________ 6. stretch out oneself or one’s limbs in a lying or sitting position ____________ 7. great and noisy confusion or excitement _____________ 8. in a friendly way, good-humoredly    ______________ 9. thoughtful as far as the feelings or needs of others are concerned ___________ 10. waste material _______________ II. Explain the following words, phrases or sentences with your own words. 1. The kids have been impossible all day. 2. throw in the sponge: 3. resolution: 4. cross-examine 5. Meet your children at his own level. 6.The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest. 7. You get out of them what you put in. 8. uneasily: 9. wander off: 10. dread: III. Fill in the following blanks according to Text I in Unit 1. 1. I ______________ a conversation with Kit, trying to establish some kind of __________. I _____________ hippies, pop music and so on. She _____________ very little. 2. To ___________ the situation, I picked up her ___________ sweater from the floor and put it over a chair. 3. I _____________ and kissed her on the back of the neck. (Be _________ in showing affection.) 4. I make every effort to be a good father, and this is the thanks I get. The fact is, you don’t ___________ the father you’ve got. 5. I __________ out to steady a lamp I had __________ with my sleeve. IV. Translate the following into English, trying to use the words or phrases from Text I. 从观众的反应判断,演出很成功。演员们极有天赋。 总裁坚持我们公司应不失时机地接管这家时装厂。 汤姆蹑手蹑脚,溜到妹妹的身后,想给她一个惊喜。 4.五岁的迈克拆开了DVD机,却不能重新装好,心情遭透了。 5.他以自己的名誉发誓,他今后会与妻子分担家庭琐碎杂务并善待小孩与老人。