README FILE DMChangeRes? v 1.0 Xtra for Director 6?and Director 7? THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH OTHER WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL DEDALOMEDIA INTERACTIVE S.R.L. BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF DEDALOMEDIA INTERACTIVE S.R.L. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT DEDALOMEDIA INTERACTIVE S.R.L. LIABILITY EXCEED THE FEE PAID FOR THE SOFTWARE ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Product Information DMChangeRes? is a freeware product. Please contact us for more information. 2. System Requirements DMChangeRes? is compatible with Windows 95?Windows 98?and Windows NT 4. For updated information, please consult our web site at 3. Setup Installation is easy. Just copy the file DMChangeRes.x32 into your Director Xtras folder. This xtra add a new function to Lingo: ChangeRes. This function allows you to change the screen resolution in your movie. ex. set oldRes = changeres([640,480]) -- set the monitor to 640x480 set oldRes = changeres([800,600]) -- set the monitor to 800x600 To restore the original resolution use the variable "oldRes" In order to use it set the stage location property to "Upper-Left" (Modify->Movie->Property) To set the screen depth use the lingo function "the colorDepth" 4. Technical Support DEDALOMEDIA INTERACTIVE S.R.L. B.go Padova 170 35013 - Cittadella - Padova - Italy TEL ++39-049-9414411 FAX ++39-049-9414430 WWW - E-mail - Xtra, Director and Lingo are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. Windows and Windows 95/98/NT are trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. DMChangeres.x32免费插件,使用比较简单,下面这段简短的程序已足以实现上述功能,而且还可恢复显示器刷新率。因为是免费的你自己找找看吧,是dmtools一系列的 on startMovie global oldRes set oldRes = changeRes([800,600]) (the stage).rect=rect(0,0,800,600) end on stopMovie global oldRes changeRes(oldRes) end 用DMChangRes就可以很方便的解决这个问题。这个小巧的Xtra可以在www.dmtools.com下载,也可以在下载。安装DMChangResV1.0很简单,只需将DMChangRes.X32拷贝到你的Director Xtras文件夹。这个Xtra将在Lingo中增加一个新的函数ChangRes,凭借这个函数,你可随心所欲地更改用户端的屏幕分辨率。 运行Director 8.0,在Movie Script中输入如下程序: on startMovie global oldRes set oldRes = changeRes([800,600]) end 该段程序首先在电影脚本中申明一个全局变量oldRes,用于保存用户当前的分辨率信息。函数changeRes([800,600])将屏幕分辨率改为800×600,同时返回用户原来的分辨率,保存在变量oldRes中。 在舞台中放置三个按钮:按钮1、按钮2、按钮3,并使它们的Text属性分别为640×480、800×600和1024×768。放置它们的位置如图所示: 在第10帧处加入帧脚本: on exitFrame me go to the frame end 下面我们为这三个按钮分别加入相应cast member script : on mouseUp changeRes([640,480])——这里的数字对应于按钮的Text属性 end 这样,当我们按下按钮之后,屏幕分辨率就产生相应的变化。 切记:演示作品结束之后,将分辨率恢复到先前的状态。用户一般不喜欢有人更改自己电脑的设置。只要最后在电影脚本中加入以下语句即可实现该功能: on stopMovie global oldRes changeRes(oldRes) end 如果同时还要改变屏幕颜色位数,参见lingo自带的函数the colorDepth。