Plant nutrition
Lecturer, Prof,Wang Linquan
Office,测试楼 321
I expresses thanks to Assoc,Prof,Rob
Reid of Adelaide university of Australia,Dr
Jeff Gale,foreign teacher of Northwest
A&F University of China,and Prof,Zhang
Fusuo,Prof,Li Xiaolin of China Agriculture
University,Prof,Liu Yuanyin of Northeast
agriculture Unversity and other authors,
who provide materials for me,or whose
materials,such as photographs and
figures etc,I used in the lectures,
What is plant nutrition?
Plant nutrition is the part of plant
physiology that deals with the uptake and
assimilation( 同化) of nutrients for the
optimal functioning of the plant.
? The supply and adsorption of chemical
compounds needed for growth and
metabolism may be defined as nutrition
( 营养),
? The chemical compounds or elements
required by an organism termed
nutrients( 养分),
What is plant nutrition?
physiological characteristics
Water relations
uptake of Nutrients
of nutrients
Main Processes
regulation of
What are plant nutrients?
What are fertilizers?
Ancient Practices Up To The Fall Of Rome
? Many of the sound(合理的,有效的 ) agricultural
practices of today,including manuring,liming,
and crop rotations with legumes were also
important in ancient times.
? Organic manures have been used in Chinese
agriculture for over 3,000 years,Descriptions of
using human and animal wastes,plant ashes
and grasses and how these materials benefited
crop production and improved soil fertility were
recorded in our country over 2,000 years ago.
? These same early Greek writers
recognized the value of green manure
crops,particularly legumes,Many of these
ancients rated lupine(羽扇豆 ) as the best
general-purpose green-manure crop
because it grew well under a wide range of
soil conditions,furnished供给 food for man
and beast,was easy to seed and quick to
Ancient Practices Up To The Fall Of Rome
After The Fall Of Rome To The Middle Ages
? Following the decline of Rome,Western
Europe entered into the six centuries of
the "Dark Ages" when there was little
interest in the sciences and scholarship.
? Much of the Greek knowledge was
preserved through the collection and
translation of manuscripts from Islamic
The Middle Ages,12th to 16th Centuries
? Soil fertility and soil amendment practices
remained much the same as in the days of
the Greeks and Romans,relying
principally upon animal manures;
composts; sewage and other waste
products; seas and,seaweed(海藻 ) and
fish in coastal areas; bones; and liming
materials,usually marl(泥灰 ).
What are plant nutrients?
? Greek guy from a long time past decides four
elements are important
? ARISTOTLE (4'th century) had claimed that
all matter was composed of the 4 basic
elements,earth,air,fire and water.
? He considered the roots of plants to be the
"mouths" of the plant which absorbed the
plant's food from (already made) soil.
? 中国古代人认为植物养分就是地气、地
? 所有之田,岁岁种之,土敞气衰,生物
不减,地力长新。 ——地力长新
What are plant nutrients?
Chemical Discoveries In The 17th And 18th Centuries
? Gold,silver,copper,tin,iron,lead etc,were known at
the time of the Greek and Roman civilizations.
? Ammonium sulfate was discovered in the 1600s.
? Potassium nitrate or saltpeter(硝石 ) was known but not
its composition,and phosphorus was identified in 1669.
? Nitrogen,oxygen,hydrogen,manganese and
molybdenum were all discovered between the early
1770s and 1782,Sulfur was classified as an element in
? Ammonia was made for the first time in 1774
? Urea was identified in 1773 and in 1775 the
presence of large amounts of calcium
? Phosphate in bones was confirmed.
Chemical Discoveries In The 17th And 18th Centuries
? A Flemish( 佛兰德人) chemist—J B van
Helmont (early 17th century) noted that the
bulk of the plant came from water
? Added 5 lb of willow cuttings( 柳树枝条) to
200 lb of dried soil
? Covered soil pot but allowed water to enter
? After five years,he harvested willow cuttings
and soil
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
Table1, Van Helmont's willow tree experiment (1648)
1,Weight of dry soil 200 lb (91kg)
2,Initial weight of the
tree.(fresh weight)
5 lb (2.3kg)
3,Final weight of the
tree.(fresh weight)
169 lb (76.8kg)
4,Weight gain of the
tree.(fresh weight)
164 lb (74.5kg)
5,Weight gain of the tree
(dry weight)
16 lb (7.45kg)
6,Weight loss of the soil (dry
2 oz (57g)
7,Percent loss from soil (dry
? After 5years growth:
? Willow cuttings weighed 169 lb.
? Dried soil weighed 199 lb,14 oz.
? Only 2 oz of soil was lost
? Suggested all the remaining weight came
from water,The water was in some way
transmuted into plant tissue,
? What was wrong with him?
What are plant nutrients?Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
2.3 kg
Van Helmont‘s
willow tree
? What is particularly important about this study
is that it represented the first documented
attempt to evaluate plant nutrition by
experimental means rather than by accepted
dogma( 教义、教条),
? The directness,simplicity and taking of
quantitative measurements in his experiment
played an important role in developing the
experimental approach of the future.
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? The concept was altered by John
Woodward an English researcher,who
found muddy water to produce more
plant growth than rain water or river
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
1,rain water 62% increase
2,river water 92% increase
3,drain water 126% increase
4,soil + drain water 309% increase
Table 2,Woodward‘s spearmint ( 绿薄荷) experiment (1699)
? The investigations of John Woodward
(1665-1728) in England revealed that most
of the water taken up by a plant was
transpired and that the plant grew in
proportion to the amount of "matter"
present in the water,Leading to the
conclusion that the fine earth was the
―principle‖ of growth.
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? V on Sachs – invented solution culture - no soil
? The use of soilless mixes and increased
research in nutrient cultures and hydroponics(水
培法) as well as advances in plant tissue
analysis have led to a broader understanding of
plant nutrition,
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
A technique of
growing plants
without soil,in water
or sometimes an inert
medium (e.g.,sand)
containing dissolved
? Plant tissue analysis
? Burned plants and collected the ash
? Analyzed the ash and added the
individual ash components to
hydroponics system to determine what
are importance
? W,John Woodward (English) - identified
that in sand culture,distilled water(蒸馏
水) is not sufficient to keep plant alive,
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? De Saussure (swiss) - not all minerals absorbed
by plants equally,some are more important.
? He demonstrated that hydrogen and oxygen from
water and carbon dioxide from the air contributed
to the dry matter content of plants and that these
sources were more important than humus.
? He recognized that salts present in plants were
subject to selective absorption and some plants
absorbed salts that were of no benefit to them or
were actually harmful.
What are plant nutrients?Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? Sir Humphrey Davy,who discovered the
elements potassium,sodium,calcium,chlorine
and boron in rapid succession between 1807
and 1810,published in 1813 a series of lectures
in a book entitled Elements of Agricultural
? It became a standard text for 50 years and it
coordinated and summarized a considerable
body of knowledge on growth and nourishment
of plants,
? He believed that most of the carbon in plants
was taken up by the roots and even
recommended fertilization with oil as a carbon
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? Yet the scientific community still clung to( 坚
持,墨守) the humus theory,basically
Aristotle's idea that the soil provided the
organic matter necessary for plant growth.
? Von Thaer( German,1752-1828) thought
that the principle was humus( organic fluids)
taken in by the plant from soil,because the
fertility soil has higher humus content.
What are plant nutrients?Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? Liebig,the famous German chemist - states that
soil contribute inorganic soluble minerals,not
―organic fluids’
? In 1840,Liebig,published a book entitled
fierce criticism of the humus theory finally put it
to rest.
? Developed the ―Mineral Theory of Fertilizers( 肥
料) ‖
What are plant nutrients?
养分归还学说, 植物以不同方式从土壤中吸收矿
He wrote:,It must be borne in mind that
as a principle of arable farming,what is
taken from the soil must be return to it in
full measures.
What are plant nutrients?
The Law of the Minimum
化 —最小养分律
The Law of the
Minimum states that a
crop’s yield is restricted by
the lack of a single element,
even though there may be
sufficient quantities of all
other essential elements.
? Liebig strongly believed that soil fertility
could be maintained by the addition of
mineral elements present in plant ashes and
that nitrogenous manures were unnecessary
because of the ammonia occurring in the
atmosphere and supplied in rainfall,
? Benefits of manure were attributed to the
release of ammonia to the air in contact with
What are plant nutrients?Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? Although Von Liebig showed that treatment of
bones with a strong acid,such as sulfuric acid,
would increase the availability of phosphorus,
he developed a fertilizer in which the
phosphate and potash salts were fused with
lime and as a result it was a failure.
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
? Several famous French chemists conducted quantitative
experiments and demonstrations to determine the benefits of
chemical fertilization.
? Lavoisier began his studies in 1778 and found large yield
increases on unproductive soils in his area of France.
? Boussingault established a farm at Alsace and from 1834 to 1871
conducted quantitative field plot experiments with manures,
fertilizers and other materials,His inputs and the harvested crops
were weighed and analyzed.
– Indicates soils need nutrient replenishment(补偿)
– Considered the initiator( 创始人) of Agricultural Science
Early Field Experiments With Chemical Fertilizers
? Lawes and Gilbert at England‘s Rothamsted Experiment
Station founded in 1843
? (a ) crops require both phosphorus and potassium and
the amount of these elements in plant ash is not a
measure of plant requirements,
? (b) non-legume crops require a supply of nitrogen and
the amount of ammonia provided by the atmosphere is
insufficient for crop needs
? (c) soil fertility could be maintained for many years by
using chemical fertilizers
? (d) the beneficial effect of fallowing is the increase in
? availability of soil nitrogen.
Early Understandings Of Plant Growth
Early Field Experiments With Chemical Fertilizers
Why is Plant Nutrition Important?
3 main reasons
1,To maximise productivity
2,To improve quality
3,To improve human nutrition
Methods for the increase in agricultural production
1,New,high yielding varieties
2,Improved farming methods (include irrigation)
3,The use of pesticides,Insecticides,Herbicides
? Pesticides – chemical compounds used to kill unwanted
pests (plants,animals,or insects)
? Insecticides – kills insects
? Herbicides – kills weeds
4,The application of fertilizer
Why is Plant Nutrition Important?
Good plant nutrition must be a balance of
yield,quality and nutritional value
1,Maximising Productivity
? Genetic make-up of plant
? Water
? Nutrient deficiency
? Nutrient toxicity
? Insufficient light
What limits plant productivity?
The major factors that control crop
quality are genetically controlled,but
environmental and nutritional factors do
have some influence.
Limitations to productivity
– genetic makeup
reality Farmer’s
- H a r v e s t i n d e x =
h a r v e s t e d
p r o d u c t
t o t a l
b i o m a s s
- Y i e l d p e r h e c t a r e
e, g, p r o t e i n,n u t r i e n t,c o l o u r
Breeding to improve the harvest index
of wheat
harvest index
? original domesticated wheat 20%
? modern wheat 50 - 55%
? physiological limit? 60%
Introduction of
dwarf varieties
+ agronomic
Dwarfing – ?what was lost in the straw was gained in the grain‘
表 5良种和地方种小麦对养分吸收的差异
Table5 The difference of nutrients uptake by the modern
cultivars and original domesticated wheat cultivars
国家 品种
(吨 /公
养分吸收量(公斤 /公顷) 单位产量养分吸收量 (千克 /100千克)
N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O

地方种 2.8 84 36 73 3.0 1.29 2.67
良种 6.0 165 73 155 2.75 1.20 2.58

地方种 2.2 59 29 67 2.68 1.32 3.01
良种 6.0 168 75 175 2.80 1.25 2.92
C u l t i v a r
0 50 100 150 200
R o o t l e n g t h ( m m / p l a n t )
G e n ot ypi c va r i at i on i n
b or on e f f i c i e n c y i n 6 5
c u l t i va r s of B r as s i c a n ap u s
a p p l i e d B = 0, 1 μ M
S t a n g o u l i s e t a l, 2 0 0 0
Genotypic differences in nutrient uptake
Wheat yield per hectare in key producing
countries (average 1994-1996)
C o u n tr y Yi el d (to n / h a)
U, K, 7,7
F r an ce 6,8
Eg yp t 5,4
M exi co 4,1
C h i n a 3,6
Po l an d 3,4
U kr ai n e 2,7
India 2,5
U, S,2,5
C an ad a 2,3
A r g en ti n a 2,1
Paki stan 2
A u str al i a 1,6
R u ssi a 1,4
K az akstan 0,6
bad farmers
better farmers
best farmers
soil nutrient status
very low
Major nutrient deficiencies
Environmental limitations to yield
- nutrients
The relationship of yields and fertilizers of ancient China
( 奚振邦,1998)
时代 产量(公斤 /公顷)
灰肥 (ash) 古代 375
灰肥 +粪肥
(ash and dung)
古代 <750
灰肥 +粪肥 +绿肥
(ash and dung and green manure)
古代、近代 <3000
灰肥 +粪肥 +绿肥 +化肥
(ash and dung and green manure and
mineral fertilizers)
近代 >3000
The relationship of mineral fertilizers,grain yield and food
consume per capita
年份 人口(万) 粮食产量(万
( kg)
1949 54167 11320 / 209
1952 57482 16390 7.8 288
1957 64653 19505 37.3 306
1963 72538 19455 194.2 272
1973 91970 28450 536.9 309
1980 98255 32052 1269.4 327
1985 104689 37898 1322.2 365
1975 年以来我国肥料施用量与粮食总产量的变化
1 9 7 5 1 9 7 8 1 9 8 2 1 9 8 5 1 9 8 8 1991 1994 1997 2 0 0 0
1 5 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
2 5 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
3 5 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
4 5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
6 5 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0
7 5 0 0 0

表 -4 我国氮、磷、钾化肥的增产效果
The effects of N,P and K fertilizers of China( 1981-1983)
( 林葆,1998)
增产量 Yield increase
( kg/kg养分)
N P2O5 K2O
水稻 rice 9.1 4.7 4.6-6.6
小麦 wheat 10.0 8.1 2.1
玉米 maize 13.4 9.1 1.6
棉花(籽棉) cotton 3.6 2.0 2.9
油菜籽 seed rape 4.0 6.3 0.6
马铃薯 potato 58.1 33.2 10.3
Deformed fruit caused by Boron deficiency
2,Improving quality of produce through
plant nutrition
Bi t t e r P i t,G r a nn y S m i t h
Bitter Pit caused by Ca deficiency
Low Boron reduces quality of potatoes
Improving quality – increasing protein
content of cereals through high N
low moderate excess
Grain yield
Protein %
Grain Yield
Grain Protein Yield
Grain Protein %
Availability of nitrogen
% protein
Nitrogen applied
Low protein
low yield
Excess N
high yield
high protein
Max yield
10.5 - 11%
Wheat quality
Low P
? mis-shapen fruit
? coarse rind
? open centres
? low juice (acid)
Low N
? thin skin (desirable)
? low yield
High N
? thick skin
? less juice (acid)
3,Improving Human Nutrition
Low nutrient concentrations in food can cause
severe deficiencies in humans and farm animals.
Main micronutrient deficiencies worldwide
? Iron
? Zinc
? Iodine - not essential for plants
? Selenium - not essential for plants
? Vitamin A - not essential for plants
Global prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia(贫血 )
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
1 9 8 0 1 9 9 0
Y e a r
– impairs learning and growth
– diminishes ability to fight infections
– maternal & foetal illness or death
Fe deficiency
Macronutrients can also be deficient in foods
Malformation畸形 in children
due to insufficent Calcium in
Grains – low in Ca
Vegetables – high in Ca
History of chemical fertilizers
The world‘s first
fertilizer was
nitrate mined
from natural
in Chile.
Ammonium sulfate was the
next commercial
source of fertilizer nitrogen.
The initial product in England
in 1815.
It was overtaken by
ammonium nitrate,
Commercial method of
urea through the reaction
of ammonia and carbon dioxide
was first introduced
in Germany in 1920.
History of chemical fertilizers
In 1842,Lawes of Rothamsted fame
was granted a patent for the
production of superphosphate
and he began manufacturing and
selling this fertilizer the same year.
Triple (concentrated)
was initially produced
in Germany in 1872.
Ammonium phosphates,
were first produced commercially
in the U.S,in 1916.
History of chemical fertilizers
The potassium fertilizer industry
originated in
Western Europe with
the world‘s first potash
factory being installed
in Germany in 1857.
1979 was the first time
that production
of small amounts of potassium
fertilizer was recorded in China.
Production continued
at modest levels through the 1980s
with a significant increase
in capacity planned for 1997 or 1998.
History of chemical fertilizers
The impetus推进 for
production of granular(颗粒 ),
homogeneous NPK fertilizers
in the U.S.
occurred in 1953
with the introduction
of the Tennessee Valley
Authority‘s (TVA)
History of chemical fertilizers
In 1947,there were only
four bulk blending
operations in the
U.S.,all located in Illinois,
By 1967,35 percent of all fertilizers
consumed in the U.S.
were in the form of bulk
blends,This proportion increased
to 40 percent in 1976
and since 1979 it has remained
at about 52 percent
of the total fertilizer
marketed nationally.
History of chemical fertilizers
液体肥料 liquid mixed fertilizer or fluids
After a modest beginning in California
between 1923 and 1928,the U.S,
liquid mixed
fertilizer sector grew slowly until the
decade of the 1950s when it expanded
rapidly in
the Midwest and Pacific Northwest.
History of chemical fertilizers
Why study it?
1,Plant nutrition provides interesting and
challenging problems for scientists.
2,Even more intense knowledge of plant
nutrition will be necessary to feed the
world’s growing populations,
3,We have many ecological problems
associated with current fertilizer usage.
What will we learn in the lesson?
? Principles of plant nutrition---
What are the essential nutrients of plants;
How roots explore the soil to find nutrients;
The mechanisms used by plant roots to
absorb essential nutrients; nutrients
assimilation and functions in plant
? foliar fertilization etc
What will we learn in the lesson?
? Nutrients availability of soil----
How soil structure and soil chemistry affect
nutrient availability; How plants change the
conditions in the soil surrounding the root
– the RHIZOSPHERE,and how this
affects availability of nutrients etc
What will we learn in the lesson?
? Fertilizers ----the concept of fertilizers;
the characteristics and properties of
common fertilizers; transformation of
fertilizers in the soil; organic fertilizers and
? fertilizer efficient use etc
? Fertilization and environmental
Text book and references
? K Mengel & E,A,kirkby,Principles of plant
nutrition,5th edition,Kluwer Academic
? M,J,Singer & Donald N Munns,Soils-an
introduction,2th edition,Prentice hall,
Upper Saddler River NJ,1996
Text book and references
1 ?植物营养原理 ? 史瑞和蔼 等 江苏科技出版社 1989
2 ?植物营养原理 ? 何念祖 孟赐福 编 上海科技出版社
3 ?植物营养原理 ? 4版,K.Mengel和 A.Kirkby 编 张
宜春等 译 农业出版社 1987
4 ?高等植物的矿质营养 ? H.Marschner 著 曹一平 陆
景陵等译 北京农业大学出版社 1991
5,Principles of plant nutrition,4th edition 1987,
k,Mengel and E.A.Kirkby