Spitzer, C.R., Martinec, D.A., Leondes, C.T., Rana, A.H., Check, W. “Aerospace
The Electrical Engineering Handbook
Ed. Richard C. Dorf
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
Aerospace Systems
102.1Avionics Systems
A Modern Example System?Data Buses?Displays?Power?
Software in Avionics?CNS/ATM?Navigation Equipment?
Emphasis on Communications?Impact of “Free Flight”?
Avionics in the Cabin?Avionics Standards
102.2Communications Satellite Systems: Applications
Satellite Launch?Spacecraft and Systems?Earth Stations?VSAT
Communication System?Video?Audio?Second-Generation
102.1 Avionics Systems
Cary R. Spitzer, Daniel A. Martinec, and Cornelius T. Leondes
Avionics (aviation electronics) systems perform many functions: (1) for both military and civil aircraft, avionics
are used for flight controls, guidance, navigation, communications, and surveillance; and (2) for military
aircraft, avionics also may be used for electronic warfare, reconnaissance, fire control, and weapons guidance
and control. These functions are achieved by the application of the principles presented in other chapters of
this handbook, e.g., signal processing, electromagnetic, communications, etc. The reader is directed to these
chapters for additional information on these topics. This section focuses on the system concepts and issues
unique to avionics that provide the traditional functions listed in (1) above.
Development of an avionics system follows the traditional systems engineering flow from definition and
analysis of the requirements and constraints at increasing level of detail, through detailed design, construction,
validation, installation, and maintenance. Like some of the other aerospace electronic systems, avionics operate
in real time and perform mission- and life-critical functions. These two aspects combine to make avionics
system design and verification especially challenging.
Although avionics systems perform many functions, there are three elements common to most systems: data
buses, displays, and power. Data buses are the signal interfaces that lead to the high degree of integration found
today in many modern avionics systems. Displays are the primary form of crew interface with the aircraft and,
in an indirect sense, through the display of synoptic information also aid in the integration of systems. Power,
of course, is the life blood of all electronics.
The generic processes in a typical avionics system are signal detection and preprocessing, signal fusion,
computation, control/display information generation and transmission, and feedback of the response to the
control/display information. (Of course, not every system will perform all of these functions.)
A Modern Example System
The B-777 Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) is the first civil transport aircraft application of
the integrated, modular avionics concept, similar to that being used in the U.S. Air Force F-22. Figure 102.1
shows the AIMS cabinet with eight modules installed and three spaces for additional modules to be added as
the AIMS functions are expanded. Figure 102.2 shows the AIMS architecture.
Cary R. Spitzer
AvioniCon Inc.
Daniel A. Martinec
Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
Cornelius T. Leondes
University of California, San Diego
Abdul Hamid Rana
GE LogistiCom
William Check
GE Spacenet
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
AIMS functions performed in both cabinets include flight management, electronic flight instrument system
(EFIS) and engine indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS) displays management, central maintenance,
airplane condition monitoring, communications management, data conversion and gateway (ARINC 429 and
ARINC 629), and engine data interface. AIMS does not control the engines nor flight controls, nor operate any
internal or external voice or data link communications hardware but does select the data link path as part of
the communications management function. Subsequent generations of AIMS may include some of these latter
In each cabinet the line replaceable modules (LRMs) are interconnected by dual ARINC 659 backplane data
buses. The cabinets are connected to the quadraplex (not shown) or triplex redundant ARINC 629 system and
fly-by-wire data buses and are also connected via the system buses to the three multifunction control display
units (MCDU) used by flight crew and maintenance personnel to interact with AIMS. The cabinets transmit
merged and processed data over quadruple redundant custom designed 100 Mhz buses to the EFIS and EICAS
In the AIMS the high degree of function integration requires levels of system availability and integrity not
found in traditional distributed, federated architectures. These extraordinary levels of availability and integrity
are achieved by the extensive use of fault-tolerant hardware and software maintenance diagnostics and promise
to reduce the chronic problem of unconfirmed removals and low mean time between unscheduled removals
Figure 102.3 is a top-level view of the U.S. Air Force F-22 Advanced Tactical Fighter avionics. Like many
other aircraft, the F-22 architecture is hybrid, part federated and part integrated. The left side of the figure is
the highly integrated portion, dominated by the two Common Integrated Processors (CIPs) that process, fuse,
and distribute signals received from the various sensors on the far left. The keys to this portion of the architecture
are the Processor Interconnect (PI) buses within the CIPs and the High Speed Data Buses (HSDBs). (There
are provisions for a third CIP as the F-22 avionics grow in capability.) The right side of the figure shows the
federated systems including the Inertial Reference, Stores Management, Integrated Flight and Propulsion Con-
trol, and Vehicle Management systems and the interface of the latter two to the Integrated Vehicle System
Control. The keys to this portion of the architecture are the triple or quadruple redundant AS 15531 (formerly
MIL-STD-1553) command/response two-way data buses.
FIGURE 102.1 Cabinet assembly outline and installation (typical installation). (Courtesy of Honeywell, Inc.)
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Data Buses
As noted earlier, data buses are the key to the emerging integrated avionics architectures. Table 102.1 summarizes
the major features of the most commonly used system buses. MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 were the first
data buses to be used for general aircraft data communications. These are used today widely in military and
civil avionics, respectively, and have demonstrated the significant potential of data buses. The others listed in
the table build on their success.
All modern avionics systems use electronic displays, either CRTs or flat-panel LCDs that offer exceptional
flexibility in display format and significantly higher reliability than electromechanical displays. Because of the
very bright ambient sunlight at flight altitudes the principal challenge for an electronic display is adequate
brightness. CRTs achieve the required brightness through the use of a shadow mask design coupled with narrow
bandpass optical filters. Flat-panel LCDs also use narrow bandpass optical filters and a bright backlight to
achieve the necessary brightness.
FIGURE 102.2 Architecture for AIMSbaseline configuration. (Courtesy of Honeywell, Inc.)
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Because of the intrinsic flexibility of electronic displays, a major issue is the design of display formats. Care
must be taken not to place too much information in the display and to ensure that the information is
comprehendible in high workload (aircraft emergency or combat) situations.
Aircraft power is generally of two types: 28 vdc, and 115 vac, 400 Hz. Some 270 vdc is also used on military
aircraft. Aircraft power is of poor quality when compared to power for most other electronics. Under normal
conditions, there can be transients of up to 100% of the supply voltage and power interruptions of up to 1 second.
This poor quality places severe design requirements on the avionics power supply, especially where the avionics
are performing a full-time, flight-critical function. Back-up power sources include ram air turbines and batteries,
although batteries require very rigorous maintenance practices to guarantee long-term reliable performance.
Software in Avionics
Most avionics currently being delivered are microprocessor controlled and are software intensive. The “power”
achieved from software programs hosted on a sophisticated processor results in very complex avionics with
many functions and a wide variety of options. The combination of sophistication and flexibility has resulted
FIGURE 102.3 F-22 EMD Architecture.
TABLE 102.1 Characteristics of Common Avionics Buses
Bus Name Word Length Bit Rate Transmission Media
MIL-STD-1553 20 bits 1 Mb/s Wire
DOD-STD-1773 20 bits TBS Fiber optic
High-speed data bus 32 bits 50 Mb/s Wire or fiber optic
ARINC 429 32 bits 14.5/100 kb/s Wire
ARINC 629 20 bits 2 Mb/s Wire or fiber optic
ARINC 659 32 bits 100 MB/s Wire
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
eather is a critical factor in aircraft operations. It is the largest single contributor to flight
delays and a major cause of aircraft accidents.
A study conducted for NASA by Ohio State University reported that the principal diffi-
culties in making proper flight decisions are the timeliness and clarity of weather data dissemination.
To advance the technology of in-flight weather reporting, Langley Research Center developed in the early
1990’s a cockpit weather information system known as CWIN (Cockpit Weather Information). The system
draws on several commercial data sensors to create radar maps of storms and lightning, together with
reports of surface observations.
Shown above is a CWIN
display in the simulation cock-
pit of Langley’s Transport Sys-
tems Research Vehicle, a
modified jetliner used to test
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in lengthy procedures for validation and certification. The brickwalling of software modules in a system during
the initial development process to ensure isolation between critical and noncritical modules has been helpful
in easing the certification process.
There are no standard software programs or standard software certification procedures. RTCA has prepared
Document DO-178 to provide guidance (as opposed to strict rules) regarding development and certification
of avionics civil software. The techniques for developing, categorizing, and documenting avionics civil software
in DO-178 are widely used.
For military avionics software, the principal document is DOD-STD-498. This standard defines a set of
activities and documentation suitable for the development of both weapon systems and automated information
systems. Many software languages have been used in the past in avionics applications; however, today there is
a strong trend for both military and avionics civil software to use Ada wherever reasonably possible.
The evolving definition of a standards for Applications Exchange (APEX) software promises to provide a
common software platform whereby the specialized requirements of varying hardware (processor) requirements
are minimized. APEX software is a hardware interface that provides a common link with the functional software
within an avionics system. The ultimate benefit is the development of software independent of the hardware
platform and the ability to reuse software in systems with advanced hardware while maintaining most, if not
all, of the original software design.
advanced technologies. The
CWIN display is the lower
right screen among the four
center panel screens. By push-
ing a button, the pilot may
select from a menu of several
displays, such as a ceiling and
visibility map, radar storm
map, or lightning strike map.
(Courtesy of National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration.)
The last decade of this century has seen much attention focused on Communication/Navigation/Surveillance
for Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM), a satellite-based concept developed by the Future Air Navigation
System (FANS) Committees of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a special agency of the
United Nations. Many studies have predicted enormous economic rewards of CNS/ATM for both aircraft
operators and air traffic services providers.
The new CNS/ATM system should provide for:
? Global communications, navigation, and surveillance coverage at all altitudes and embrace remote, off-
shore, and oceanic areas.
? Digital data exchange between air-ground systems (voice backup).
? Navigation/approach service for runways and other landing areas which need not be equipped with
precision landing aids.
Navigation Equipment
A large portion of the avionics on an aircraft are dedicated to navigation. The following types of navigation
and related sensors are commonly found on aircraft:
? Flight control computer (FCC)
? Flight management computer (FMC)
? Inertial navigation system (INS)
? Attitude heading and reference system (AHRS)
? Air data computer (ADC)
? Low range radio altimeter (LRRA)
? Radar
? Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
? Instrument Landing System (ILS)
? Microwave Landing System (MLS)
? VHF OmniRange (VOR) Receiver
? Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Emphasis on Communications
An ever-increasing portion of avionics is dedicated to communications. Much of the increase comes in the
form of digital communications for either data transfer or digitized voice. Military aircraft typically use digital
communications for security. Civil aircraft use digital communications to transfer data for improved efficiency
of operations and RF spectrum utilization. Both types of aircraft are focusing more on enhanced communica-
tions to fulfill the requirements for better operational capability.
Various types of communications equipment are used on aircraft. The following list tabulates typical com-
munications equipment:
? VHF transceiver (118–136 MHz)
? UHF transceiver (225–328 MHz/335–400 MHz for military)
? HF transceiver (2.8–24 MHz)
? Satellite (1530–1559/1626.5–1660.5 MHz, various frequencies for military)
? Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting (ACARS)
? Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS)
In the military environment the need for communicating aircraft status and for aircraft reception of crucial
information regarding mission objectives are primary drivers behind improved avionics. In the civil environment
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(particularly commercial transport), the desire for improved passenger services, more efficient aircraft routing
and operation, safe operations, and reduced time for aircraft maintenance are the primary drivers for improving
the communications capacity of the avionics.
The requirements for digital communications for civil aircraft have grown so significantly that the industry
as a whole embarked on a virtually total upgrade of the communications system elements. The goal is to achieve
a high level of flexibility in processing varying types of information as well as attaining compatibility between
a wide variety of communication devices. The approach bases both ground system and avionics design on the
ISO Open System Interconnect (OSI) model. This seven-layer model separates the various factors of commu-
nications into clearly definable elements of physical media, protocols, addressing, and information identification.
The implementation of the OSI model requires a much higher level of complexity in the avionics as compared
to avionics designed for simple dedicated point-to-point communications. The avionics interface to the physical
This McDonnell Douglas conceptual design for a Mach 2.4 supersonic trans-
port is sized to carry about 300 passengers over a distance of 5,000 nautical
miles. A NASA/industry high speed civil transport research effort is a first
step toward determining whether such a plane can be economically viable
and environmentally acceptable. (Photo Courtesy of National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.)
ircraft manufacturers of several nations are developing technology for the next plateau of inter-
national aviation: the long-range, environmentally acceptable, second generation supersonic
passenger transport, which could be flying by 2010.
NASA’s High Speed Research (HSR) program is intended to demonstrate the technical feasibility of a
high speed civil transport (HSCT) vehicle. The program is being conducted as a national team effort
with shared government/industry funding and responsibilities.
The team has established a baseline design concept that serves as a common configuration for inves-
tigations. A full-scale craft of this design would have a maximum cruise speed of Mach 2.4, only marginally
faster than the Anglo-French Concorde supersonic transport. However, the HSCT would have double
the capacity of the Concorde, and it would operate at an affordable ticket price.
Phase I of the HSR program, which began in 1990, focused on environmental challenges: engine
emission effects on the atmosphere, airport noise, and sonic boom. Phase II, initiated in 1994, focuses
on the technology advances needed for economic viability, principally weight reductions in every aspect
of the baseline configuration. In materials, the HSR team is developing, analyzing, and verifying the
technology for trimming the baseline airframe by 30 to 40%. In aerodynamics, a major goal is to minimize
air drag to enable a substantial increase in range. Phase II also includes computational and wind tunnel
analyses of the baseline HSCT and alternative designs. Additional research involves ground and flight
simulations aimed at development of advanced control systems, flight deck instrumentation, and displays.
(Courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.)
medium will generally possess a higher bandwidth. The bandwidth is required to accommodate the overhead
of the additional information on the communications link for the purpose of system management. The higher
bandwidths pose a special problem for aircraft designers due to weight and electromagnetic interference (EMI)
considerations. Additional avionics are required to perform the buffering and distribution of the information
received by the aircraft. Generally a single unit, commonly identified as the communications management unit
(CMU), will perform this function.
The CMU can receive information via RF transceivers operating in conjunction with terrestrial, airborne,
or space-based transceivers. The capability also exists for transceiver pairs employing direct wire connections
or very short-range optical links to the aircraft. The CMU also provides the routing function between the
avionics, when applicable. Large on-board databases, such as an electronic library, may be accessed and provide
information to other avionics via the CMU.
The increasing demand on data communication system capacity and flexibility is dictating the development
of a system without the numerous limitations of current systems. Current communication systems require
rather rigid protocols, message formatting, and addressing. The need for a more flexible and capable system
has led to the initial work to develop an Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN). The characteristics
envisaged for the ATN are the initiation, transport, and application of virtually any type of digital message in
an apparently seamless method between virtually any two end systems. The ATN is expected to be a continually
evolving system.
Impact of “Free Flight”
“Free Flight” is a term describing an airspace navigation system in which the “normal” air traffic controls are
replaced by the regular transmission of position information from the airplane to the ground. The ground
system, by projecting the aircraft position and time, can determine if the intended tracks of two aircraft would
result in a cohabitation of the same point in the airspace. This is commonly called “conflict probe”. If a potential
conflict occurs, then a message is transmitted to one or more of the aircraft involved to make a change to course
and/or speed.
“Free Flight” dictates special requirements for the avionics suite. A highly accurate navigation system with
high integrity is required. The communications and surveillance functions must exhibit an extremely high level
of availability.
GNSS Avionics performing the position determination functions will require augmentation to achieve the
necessary accuracy. The augmentation will be provided by a data communications system and will be in the
form of positional information correction. A data communications system will also be required to provide the
frequent broadcast of position information to the ground. A modified Mode S transponder squitter is expected
to provide that function.
The free flight concept will require the equipage of virtually all aircraft operating within the designated free-
flight airspace with a commensurate level of avionics capability. The early stages of the concept development
uncovered the need to upgrade virtually all aircraft with enhanced CNS/ATM avionics. The air transport
industry resolved this problem on older airplanes by developing improved and new avionics for retrofit
applications. The new avionics design addresses the issues of increased accuracy of position and enhancement
of navigation management in the form of the GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit (GNLU) housed in a single
unit and designed to be a physical and functional replacement for the ILS and/or MLS receivers. A built-in
navigator provides enhanced navigation functionality for the airplane. The GNSS can provide ILS lookalike
signals and perform landing guidance functions equivalent to Category I.
Avionics in the Cabin
Historically, the majority of avionics have been located in the electronics bay and the cockpit of commercial
air transport airplanes. Cabin electronics had generally been limited to the cabin interphone and public address
system, the sound and central video system, and the lighting control system. More recently the cabin has been
updated with passenger telephones using both terrestrial and satellite systems. The terrestrial telephone system
operates in the 900-MHz band in the United States and will operate near 1.6 GHz in Europe. The satellite
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system, when completely operational, will also operate near 1.6 GHz. Additional services available to the
passengers are the ability to send facsimiles (FAXes) and to view virtually real-time in-flight position reporting
via connection of the video system with the flight system. Private displays at each seat will allow personal
viewing of various forms of entertainment including movies, games, casual reading, news programming, etc.
Avionics Standards
Standards play an important role in avionics. Military avionics are controlled by the various standards (MIL-
STDs, DOD-STDs, etc.) for packaging, environmental performance, operating characteristics, electrical and
data interfaces, and other design-related parameters. General aviation avionics are governed by fewer and less
stringent standards. Technical Standard Orders (TSOs) released by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
are used as guidelines to ensure airworthiness of the avionics. TSOs are derived from and, in most cases,
reference RTCA documents characterized as Minimum Operational Performance Standards and Minimum
Avionics System Performance Standards. EUROCAE is the European counterpart of RTCA.
The commercial air transport industry adheres to multiple standards at various levels. The International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is commissioned by the United Nations to govern aviation systems includ-
ing but not limited to Data Communications Systems, On-Board Recorders, Instrument Landing Systems,
Microwave Landing Systems, VHF OmniRange Systems, and Distance Measuring Equipment. The ICAO Stan-
dards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) control system performance, availability requirements, frequency
utilization, etc. at the international level. The SARPS in general maintain alignment between the national
avionics standards such as those published by EUROCAE and RTCA.
The commercial air transport industry also uses voluntary standards created by the Airlines Electronic
Engineering Committee and published by Aeronautical Radio Inc. (ARINC). The ARINC “characteristics”
define form, fit, and function of airline avionics.
Defining Terms
ACARS: A digital communications link using the VHF spectrum for two-way transmission of data between
an aircraft and ground. It is used primarily in civil aviation applications.
Brickwalling: Generally used in software design in critical applications to ensure that changes in one area of
software will not impact other areas of software or alter their desired function.
Distance measuring equipment: The combination of a receiver and a transponder for determining aircraft
distance from a remote transmitter. The calculated distance is based on the time required for the return
of an interrogating pulse set initiated by the aircraft transponder.
Fault tolerance: The built-in capability of a system to provide continued correct execution in the presence
of a limited number of hardware or software faults.
JTIDS: Joint Tactical Information Distribution System using spread spectrum techniques for secure digital
communication. It is used for military applications.
Validation: The process of evaluating a product at the end of the development process to ensure compliance
with requirements.
Verification: (1) The process of determining whether the products of a given phase of the software development
cycle fulfill the requirements established during the previous phase. (2) Formal proof of program correct-
ness. (3) The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing, or otherwise establishing and
documenting whether items, processes, services, or documents conform to specified requirements (IEEE).
Related Topic
78.1 Introduction
Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee Archives, Aeronautical Radio Inc.
FANS Manual, International Air Transport Association, Montreal, Version 1.1, May 1995.
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Federal Radionavigation Plan, DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-90-3/DOD4650.4, Departments of Transportation and
Defense, 1990.
M.J. Morgan, “Integrated modular avionics for next generation commercial airplanes,” IEEE/AES Systems
Magazine, pp. 9–12, August 1991.
C.R. Spitzer, Digital Avionics Systems, 2nd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Further Information
K. Feher, Digital Communications, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1981.
J.L. Farrell, Integrated Aircraft Navigation, New York: Academic Press, 1976.
L.E. Tannas, Jr., Flat Panel Displays and CRTs, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.
M. Kayton and W.R. Fried, Avionics Navigation Systems, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1969.
102.2 Communications Satellite Systems: Applications
Abdul Hamid Rana and William Check
The history of satellites began in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, the world’s first satellite. In
the 1960s the commercial sector became actively involved in satellite communications with the launch of Telstar
I by the Bell System followed by the use of a geosynchronous orbit. With this type of an orbit, an object 22,753
miles above the earth will orbit the earth once every 24 hours above the equator, and from the earth’s surface
appear to be stationary. The first geostationary orbit was achieved by NASA using a SYNCOM in 1963. The
Communications Satellite Act was signed by the United States Congress in 1962 and created the Communica-
tions Satellite Corporation (COMSAT). This was followed by the formation of INTELSAT, an organization that
is composed of over 120 countries and provides global satellite communication services. In the 1970s, multiple
companies in the private sector in the United States began to operate their own domestic satellite systems.
Today there are numerous companies providing this service in the United States: e.g., GE Americom, Hughes,
Loral, COMSAT, and American Mobile Satellite Corporation. Other nations such as Canada, Australia, Indo-
nesia, Japan, etc. have their own satellite systems. Several international and regional satellite systems have also
been formed. Examples of these are INTELSAT, EUTELSAT, Intersputnik, ARABSAT, AsiaSat, etc. [Pritchard
and Sciulli, 1986].
The satellite-based communications systems have significantly evolved over a three-decade period. In the
1960s, satellite communications for commercial use became a viable alternative because of the demand for
reliable communications (telephony and voice). In the 1970s, technical innovations made larger, more powerful
and more versatile satellites possible. Advanced modulation and multiple-access schemes resulted in smaller,
less expensive earth stations and better service offerings that were lower cost and higher quality. In the 1980s
very small aperture terminals (VSATs) emerged and the Ku-band frequency spectrum became widely used.
In the 1990’s satellites support data, voice, and video communications applications. The VSAT industry has
given an overall boost to the entire satellite communication industry.
As new satellites are launched, they will have long-term applications which have expanded opportunities.
These include private long-haul networks for internal communications, cable TV, pay TV, business voice and
data, satellite news gathering, direct broadcast to the home, integrated VSATs, private international satellite
service, high-definition TV, mobile service, personal communications, and ISDN. Disaster recovery planning
increasingly includes satellites in order to overcome the coverage limitations of existing terrestrial networks.
With the allocation of frequencies for personal communications, the promise of global communications and
the reality of a personal phone will soon push satellite communications to a new age.
This section describes satellite communications from the application point-of-view. Since VSATs initiated
the growth in satellite communication, a significant portion of the section is devoted to this topic. After a review
of the satellites’ launch and their characteristics, VSAT networks are discussed in detail. Video/audio applications
are described next, along with the equipment necessary for these applications. The section is concluded with
a summary of next-generation trends.
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Satellite Launch
Launching a communications satellite into orbit is a complex and expensive process. This first stage in a satellite’s
airborne life may cost several million dollars. The cost for launching is primarily a function of the satellite’s
weight and size. Traditional geosynchronous communications satellites tend to be large and more costly to launch,
although the more compact digital communications payloads and longer satellite life will reduce life cycle costs.
Low earth orbit communications satellites tend to be smaller and more economical to launch, but will have
shorter in orbit life.
A shortage of launch vehicles influenced the economics of the launch industry following the 1986 U.S. Space
Shuttle Challenger disaster. The shortage has now given way to other launch alternatives. The dominant player
in the satellite launch business is the French company Arianespace. Major U.S. players in the satellite launch
business are Lockheed Martin, McDonnell Douglas, and Orbital Sciences Corporation. China and Russia have
also begun providing launch services.
The launch of a satellite payload into the geosynchronous orbit involves many complex steps. Using the
launch vehicle, the payload is first placed in a parking orbit. This is a nearly circular orbit which places the
satellite approximately 300 km above the earth’s surface. After reaching this orbit, the next step is to fire a motor
known as the payload assist module (PAM) to place the payload in a transfer orbit. The PAM motor is discarded
afterwards. The transfer orbit is an elliptical orbit whose perigee matches the parking orbit and whose apogee
matches the geostationary orbit. Perigee is defined as the point in the orbit closest to the earth, while apogee
is the point in the orbit furthest from the earth. The payload itself consists of the satellite with an apogee kick
motor (AKM). Once in a transfer orbit, the AKM is fired at the point when the satellite has reached apogee.
This firing will place the satellite in a nearly circular orbit. Final positioning of the satellite in geosynchronous
orbit can then take place [Pritchard and Sciulli, 1986].
Spacecraft and Systems
A satellite spacecraft employs several major subsystems. These are propulsion, electrical, tracking, telemetry
command and control, and the communications subsystem. Figure 102.4 is a diagram of a typical commercial
satellite. The propulsion subsystem consists of thrusters oriented in north-south and east-west directions and is
used to maintain the spacecraft in the proper orbit and orientation. An electrical subsystem is used to generate
electricity in the spacecraft by means of solar cells. Backup batteries are used during periods of equinoxes. The
solar cells are also used to charge the batteries. The tracking, telemetry, and command subsystem is used to receive
commands from the controlling ground station, as well as to allow the ground station to monitor on-board systems.
The spacecraft requires some form of stabilization to prevent it from tumbling in space. There are two types
of stabilization techniques: spin stabilization and three-axis stabilization. Spin stabilization uses an outside
cylinder to spin, creating the effect of a gyroscope providing spacecraft stabilization. An internal platform is
decoupled from the cylinder, whose orientation is fixed towards the earth. Three-axis stabilization uses internal
gyros which sense movement of the spacecraft. Any movement in the axes is detected and can be compensated
by firing thruster jets.
The communications subsystem consists of receiver and transmitter sections. The receiver system consists
of wideband redundant units. The transmitter subsystem consists of separate amplifiers (transponders) for each
channel utilized. Satellite systems make use of orthogonal polarized signals in order to transmit two signals
simultaneously on the same frequency, a technique known as “frequency reuse.” Two different polarization
methods for signals are used: horizontal and vertical linear polarization, or clockwise and counterclockwise
circular polarization.
Figure 102.5 shows a simplified block diagram of a typical satellite. A matrix-type switching arrangement is
provided on the input and output of the transmitter subsystem for switching to backup transponders. This
satellite is three-axis stabilized and operates at Ku-band. There are 16 operational transponders with a bandwidth
of 54 MHz each. The employment of frequency reuse provides nearly 1000 MHz of usable bandwidth. Fourteen
of the 16 operational transponders use 20-W traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA) to provide ground-
commandable east or west regional coverage, for 48-state (CONUS) coverage. The remaining two transponders
provide 50-state coverage using 27-W TWTAs. For the 50-state channels, one spare 27-W TWTA provides
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FIGURE 102.4 Simplified block diagram of a communications satellite.
FIGURE 102.5 Simplified block diagram of GSTAR satellite.
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protection for the two operating TWTAs (3-for-2 redundancy). For the remaining transponder channels, 5 spare
20-W TWTAs provide protection for 14 operating TWTAs (19-for-14 redundancy). Redundant communica-
tions receivers are provided on a 4-for-2 basis.
The power radiated from a satellite is described as its effective radiated isotopic power (EIRP) and is the
radiated power of the satellite in decibels referenced to one watt of power. The units are in dBW. The strength
of the signal received on the ground is a function of the spacecraft location and that of the ground station and
will vary depending upon location. A map of the signal strength contours is called the satellite’s “footprint.”
Geosynchronous Satellites
There are over 500 Ku-band and C-band satellites in geosynchronous orbit. These satellites are typically spaced
anywhere between 1 to 3 degrees apart. Older satellites no longer in active service may be spaced less than one
degree in an inclined orbit.
The frequency plan for C- and Ku-band satellite services is shown in Fig. 102.6. The typical transmit frequency
band used for fixed satellite services in the Ku-band is 14.0–14.5 GHz. Receive frequency is 11.7–12.2 GHz.
Some satellites also use the extended band. For C-band satellites, the typical operating transmit frequency is
5.925–6.425 GHz and the receive frequency is 3.7–4.2 GHz. The operating band was extended at WARC ’79 to
7.075 GHz to be assigned to individual countries for domestic satellite systems. Ka-band satellites have down-
links in the frequency range 17–23 GHz and uplinks in the range 27–31 GHz. Some European and Japanese
satellites operate in this range [Long, 1991].
The satellite performance data indicate a wide range of variation in the specifications among the various
satellites. Most satellites have a design lifetime of 10 years. The newer GEO satellites tend to have an extended
life of 12–15 years. Most domestic U.S. satellites have 24 transponders. The older generation of Asian satellites
have very few transponders per satellite. Some planned satellites will have a large number of transponders.
Nominal transponder bandwidths include 36, 54, and 72 MHz.
Satellite power is increasing in the newer generation of satellites. Lower-power satellites have an EIRP in the
20–35 dBW range. There are a significantly large number of medium-power satellites in the 35–45 dBW range.
Newer high-power satellites tend to have power in the 50–60 dBW range. Direct broadcast satellites are planned
for transponder power in the 60–120 W range. The power generally varies with polarization, frequency, and
beam. Table 102.2 is a profile of typical satellite performance characteristics.
Mobile Satellite Systems
Mobile satellite systems encompass communications on land, in the air, or over the oceans ideally allowing a person
to communicate with anyone anywhere [Long, 1991]. The Inmarsat system is a mobile communications system
providing global coverage through a variety of communication paths. In the United States, the FCC has authorized
American Mobile Satellite Corporation (AMSC) to provide domestic mobile satellite services. AMSC makes use of
geostationary satellites to provide a domestic offering similar to the international offering of Inmarsat.
FIGURE 102.6 Ku- and C-band frequency allocation chart.
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Over the past two decades, there has been active work in the area of low earth orbit (LEO) satellite systems.
In general, LEOs are designed to provide a full range of communication services, both voice and data. Proposed
systems are designed to complement existing cellular communications technology. Several companies have
proposed LEO systems and have made application to the FCC for a “Pioneer’s Preference” license. This license
allows the use of new and innovative technology. Motorola’s Iridium system is potentially the largest, using
66 satellites to provide coverage over the entire globe.
Because of the low altitude of the orbit, LEO systems use multiple satellites to provide coverage over a regional
area or over the entire globe. Satellites operating at a low orbit are less costly due to the reduced launch costs
and reduced weight. However, a low orbit requires the use of multiple satellites since the low altitude of the
system provides smaller beam coverage. Since these satellites are not geostationary, ground stations must track
an LEO satellite as it passes overhead.
Due to potential growth of mobile satellite communications, several systems are proposed to be in operation
in the 1990s. Examples of these systems are the Iridium, Globalstar, ICO, Orbcomm, Starsys, Odyssey, and
Direct Broadcast Satellites
The direct broadcast satellites (DBS) concept is to transmit programming directly to homes using a small
receive-only antenna via high-powered satellites. Through the use of a high-powered satellite, a small receive-
only satellite antenna may be used for home reception, with the ultimate goal to offer antennas less than one
foot in diameter. High-powered DBS satellites use high-powered transponders, i.e., 60–120 W. To prevent
interference into the small receive antennas at these high power levels, the DBS satellites will be spaced further
apart in geosynchronous orbit.
The first efforts in DBS began in the early 1980s when COMSAT built several DBS satellites, but did not
launch them. Internationally, many countries currently have DBS services. Several European countries have
high-powered DBS satellites; many others use medium-powered satellites. The DBS industry in the United
States is being revitalized by advances in digital video compression technology and the announcement of new
players such as Hughes, Primestar, Echostar, etc. to offer DBS services. Hughes Communications and United
States Satellite Broadcasting (USSB) system using a high-powered DBS satellite is in operation. As an alternative
to the launch of a high-powered satellite, medium-powered DBS systems make use of existing satellites in orbit.
However, larger home antennas are required, approximately 2 feet or greater in diameter. A medium-powered
DBS in the U.S. is Primestar. Digital video compression techniques using the MPEG-2 standard are used to
allow multiple video channels in a transponder. DIRECTV? service, launched in the summer of 1994 by Hughes
Electronics, is an example of the direct satellite system.
TABLE 102.2 Typical Satellite Performance
Satellite Operator System Name Configuration EIRP in dBW at Edge Comments
GE Americom GSTAR series Ku-band 38–48 Domestic coverage
Spacenet series C- and Ku-band C-band: 34–36
Ku-band: 39
Hughes Comm Galaxy Series C- and Ku-band C-band: 34–38 Domestic coverage
Ku-band: 45–49.5
Intelsat Intelsat VA (IBS) C- and Ku-band C-band: 20–26 International service,
worldwideKu-band: 38–41
Intelsat VI C- and Ku-band C-band: 20–26
Ku-band: 38–41
Intelsat VII C- and Ku-band C-band: 26–36
Ku-band: 41–46
Eutelsat Eutelsat I series Ku-band 35–43.5 Covers all of Europe
Eutelsat II Ku-band 42–47
NASDA-NTT (Japan) Sakura 2 C- and Ka-band C-band: 30
`Ka-band: 37
CS-4a, CS-4b in the Sakura
series is scheduled for
launch during 1992–94
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Earth Stations
Earth stations are the interface point for communications to and from the satellite [Ha, 1986]. An earth station
can be divided into two subsystems, the transmit chain and the receive chain. A common element between the
transmit and receive chain is the antenna. Because of the large signal attenuation at RF frequencies, the earth
station antenna must have high signal gain and be highly directional to focus the power to and from the satellite.
A parabolic-shaped reflector antenna is used by earth stations since it can provide these characteristics.
The transmit chain consists of several major components: baseband equipment, modulators, frequency
upconverters, high-power amplifiers (HPA), and combiner circuitry used to switch the output of the HPAs to
the antenna. The receive chain uses a low-noise amplifier to receive the satellite signals, frequency downcon-
verters, demodulator, and baseband equipment.
In the transit chain the signals are modulated, combined, and frequency-shifted with an upconverter to the
desired satellite transmit frequency. After upconversion, the signals are amplified by HPAs. In a large earth station,
there may be many HPAs which feed to a single antenna. These signals must be switched and combined appro-
priately. At microwave frequencies, waveguide combiners are used to route the output of the HPAs to the antenna.
In the receive chain, the counterpart to the HPA is the low-noise amplifier (LNA), which is used to amplify
the signals received from the antenna. This amplifier must be designed for maximum gain with a very small
noise contribution. The noise generated in this unit contributes significantly to the overall performance of the
receive side of the earth station. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) FETs are commonly used in the amplifier section of
the LNA because of their low-noise characteristics. The LNA feeds the signal to the frequency downconverter,
which converts it to IF frequency suitable for demodulator.
A hub monitoring and control (M&C) system provides the monitoring and control of the RF equipment
and baseband equipment. Redundant RF equipment is common at a hub, and the M&C system is used to
monitor the components and provide automatic switchover in the event of equipment failure. Switchover
between equipment can occur either by operator initiation or automatically by the M&C upon sensing an
equipment failure.
Technical characteristics of large earth stations have been established for use with the INTELSAT system.
INTELSAT categorizes two types of earth stations: multipurpose and special purpose. A multipurpose earth
station can be used with any service, while a special-purpose earth station is restricted. Multipurpose standard
A, B, and C earth stations have antenna diameters from 11 to 33 meters. Special-purpose standard D, E, and
F earth stations have antenna diameters between 3.5 to 11 meters.
In addition to fixed earth stations, “portable” earth stations, called transportables, have been manufactured
which can be taken to locations originating the programming. These transportables are usually mounted on a
truck or trailer and include all the components necessary for an earth station. In the case of the transportable,
the antenna size is selected to be as small as 4 meters in diameter. A transportable earth station is designed to
be upgraded with “building blocks” to handle heavy, medium, and thin route traffic. Transportable earth stations
are designed to meet the requirements for various applications such as temporary business communications,
temporary carrier service, backup during the retrofit of an existing earth station, and disaster recovery.
Another type of earth station is the flyaway. This is a small remote satellite terminal which can be packed
into suitcases for shipment on an airline for delivery anywhere in the world. These systems consist of a small
antenna, RF unit, and baseband equipment to provide a complete satellite communications station. An example
is an L-band version which provides audio communications via the Inmarsat system. Fitting into a small suitcase,
it contains a telephone handset, RF electronics, and antenna that can be assembled to provide audio commu-
nications anywhere in the world. Mobile satellite terminals are even smaller, suitable to be carried as handheld
or briefcase units.
VSAT Communication System
Advances in technology have revolutionized the satellite communications industry by deployment of very small
aperture terminal (VSAT) networks for data, voice, and video communication. Since the mid-1980s, VSAT
networks have become widely used in the oil, lodging, financial, auto, retail, and manufacturing industries.
By the 1990s, VSATs were operating in C and Ku-bands. Also by the mid-1990s, over 70% of the VSAT market
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was accounted for by the retail, automotive, and financial industries. VSATs are making private networks a
viable alternative for many companies, for applications such as point-of-sale, reservation systems, remote
monitoring and control, branch office administration, financial transactions, etc. A VSAT is a small earth station
suitable for installation at a customer’s premises. A VSAT typically consists of antenna less than 2.4 m, an
outdoor unit to receive and transmit signals, and an indoor unit containing the satellite and terrestrial interface
units [Rana et al., 1990].
VSAT networks fall into three general categories: broadcast networks, point-to-point networks, and inter-
active networks. In a broadcast network, a centralized hub station broadcasts data, audio, and/or video to a
group of receive-only VSATs. Low-cost receive-only VSATs can receive news, weather services, and financial
information. Music distribution and video broadcast via broadcast networks is widely used. Point-to-point
networks provide direct communication between two locations without the requirement of a large hub for
data, voice, and image transmission. Variations of these networks include point-to-multipoint dedicated circuits
or demand-assigned mesh topologies. Interactive networks are used for two-way communications services
between a central hub station and a large number of VSATs in a star topology. Table 102.3 is a summary of the
salient features of VSAT networks. VSATs are available for both C- and Ku-band frequency. Most VSAT systems
use BPSK modulation with Rate 1/2 FEC. For interactive networks, the inbound channel is shared on contention
basis to conserve space segment. More advanced systems use concatenated codes to improve performance.
Recently, hybrid VSATs have been introduced to use terrestrial networks on the return channel. An example is
the Hugh’s Direct PC which uses a high speed satellite receive channel, and a low speed terrestrial return channel.
A critical element of VSAT networks is the network availability. The VSAT system availability is affected by
three major components: effects of rain attenuation, equipment availability, and software availability. The effects
of rain attenuation for Ku-band networks are significant. While link availability is usually specified at 99.5%,
link performance can be optimized to nearly any desired value through the use of energy dispersion techniques
or large antenna sizes. The network hardware must be highly reliable. Hub hardware should provide for optional
redundancy and the ability to achieve better than 99.9% availability. The use of hub diversity and uplink power
control can also be used to improve the network availability. The VSAT hardware availability is less catastrophic;
the loss of one VSAT does not constitute network failure but may require a service call to rectify the problem.
Hence, it is common to use nonredundant but highly reliable VSAT units. Software availability needs to be
improved since software failures dominate the overall availability of interactive networks in existing VSAT products.
Interactive networks have been by far the most popular for data communication and audio/video overlays.
The remaining portion of this section is devoted to these networks. An interactive VSAT system consists of a
TABLE 102.3 Typical VSAT Systems Features
Feature Interactive Point-to-point Broadcast
Topology Star Point-to-point, mesh Point-to-multipoint
Communication Between hub and VSAT to VSAT Hub to VSATs
through hub
Frequency Ku-, C-band Ku-, C-band Ku-, C-band
Hub antenna 3–11 m — 3–11m
VSAT antenna 0.9–2.4 m 1.8, 2.4 m 0.5–2.4 m
Hub to remote access TDM, SCPC, SCPC SCPC, spread
spread spectrum spectrum, FM
Remote to hub access ALOHA, reservation SCPC —
stream, CDMA
Outbound data rate (Kbps) 56–512 9.6–2048 9.6–2048
Inbound data rate (Kbps) 9.6–256 9.6–2048 —
FEC Rate 1/2, Rate 1/2, Rate 1/2,
convolutional or block convolutional convolutional or block
Protocols SDLC, Bisync, Clear channel Clear channel,
Async, X.25, TCP/IP synchronous,
Burroughs and others HDLC format
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hub, VSAT, network management system, and associated transmission and processing subsystems. These sub-
systems along with sophisticated satellite access protocols and terrestrial protocol interfaces make interactive
networks a flexible and powerful communication medium.
The hub performs all functions that are necessary to establish and maintain virtual connections between the
central location and VSATs. In private dedicated networks, the hub is co-located with the user’s data processing
facility. In shared hub networks, the hub is connected to the user equipment via terrestrial backhaul circuits.
Since the hub is a single point for failure in a star network, it is typically configured with 1:1 or 1:N redundancy.
The hub consists of antenna, RF, and baseband equipment (Fig. 102.7). It will handle multiple channels of
inbound and outbound data and often one or more channels of audio or video broadcast.
The hub antenna consists of a parabolic reflector and associated electrical and mechanical support equipment.
The RF subsystem converts the modulated carrier to RF frequency, provides the necessary signal amplification,
and transmits the resulting RF carrier to the antenna subsystem. It also receives RF signals from the antenna
subsystem, provides low-noise amplification, RF/IF conversion, and passes the resulting IF carriers to the
baseband equipment subsystem. The hub baseband equipment consists of the modem equipment and the
processing equipment. The hub modems employ continuous modulators and burst demodulators. The pro-
cessing equipment interfaces to the modem equipment and provides the satellite access processing and protocol
processing for interface to the customer host.
The VSAT consists of an antenna, outdoor unit (ODU), interfacility link (IFL), and indoor unit (IDU). The
IFL connects the IDU and ODU subsystems, providing the transmit and receive lines, monitor and control
signals, and dc power for the ODU electronics. A single-cable IFL, in which all signals are multiplexed on the
same cable, is usually used to reduce the cost of IFL. VSATs nominally use a 1.2- or 1.8-m offset feed parabolic
antenna. Smaller antenna sizes are preferable to reduce the installation cost. Options for small antennas include
the use of either a submeter parabolic reflector or a flat-plate antenna. The choice of antenna is a tradeoff
among performance, installation cost, and aesthetic considerations.
The ODU consists of a solid-state power amplifier (SSPA), a low-noise amplifier, upconverter, and a down-
converter. VSAT SSPA modules are usually between 1.0 to 3.0 W. The ODU cost can be significantly lowered
by utilization of a low-power SSPA (0.1 to 0.5 W) consistent with obtaining the required output power. The
VSAT receive side front end can be economically configured using an LNB. Low-cost HEMT LNBs are currently
available with 50–60 dB gain and noise figures lower than 1.3 dB.
FIGURE 102.7 Block diagram of a hub.
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Direct modulation of the RF carrier may lower the cost of the VSAT IF and RF electronics while consolidating
modulation and upconversion functions. Direct modulation allows the design of a VSAT with fewer parts,
smaller size, and lower weight than with traditional outdoor units. Figure 102.8 is a block diagram showing a
conventional VSAT and a VSAT using direct modulation. An L-band receive interface between the ODU and
IDU is preferable in order to receive audio and video overlays.
The IDU is located near the user terminal equipment. Major IDU functions include outbound carrier signal
acquisition, tracking, demodulation, bit synchronization, burst modulation, and protocol processing. It also
controls the operation of the ODU, monitors VSAT health, and responds to hub commands. The baseband
processing system performs satellite channel access and protocol and customer interface processing functions.
A video/audio port can be provided with an RF splitter at the IDU to separate the received audio/video signal
for the optional video/ audio receiver.
Network Management System
The network management system (NMS) is a critical element of a VSAT network. Through the NMS, the user
can have full control of his network, which is usually not possible in the case of terrestrial network facilities.
The NMS generally provides a centralized management tool for hub and VSAT equipment configuration control,
assignment of inbound and outbound satellite channels, network monitor and control, switchover to back-up
equipment, network statistics collection, downline loading of new software, and report generation. In the shared
hub environment, the hub operator controls the allocation of resources among various users and controls the
RF transmission facility. The user must have the ability to manage his portion of the network transparent to
other users. In the case of a dedicated hub, a single management entity can exert full control over the network,
including RF transmission facilities.
The network management system standards community has defined five functional areas as requirements for
network management systems. These areas are fault management, accounting management, configuration man-
agement, performance management, and security management. The VSAT network management system should
be capable of interfacing with other network management systems by supporting a standard network management
protocol. The protocol standard most widely accepted is the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Transmission System
Most VSAT systems employ BPSK or QPSK modulation with rate R = 1/2, K = 7 convolutional coding and
soft-decision Viterbi decoding on both the inbound and outbound channels. Differential phase shift keying
(DPSK) modulation may be used to reduce the demodulator complexity and cost. DPSK is relatively insensitive
FIGURE 102.8 Simplified VSAT block diagram.
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to phase noise and frequency offset, thus allowing the use of lower-cost LNBs in the VSAT terminals. However,
as compared to BPSK, convolutionally encoded DPSK requires about 2 dB greater Eb/No at a BER of 10
. In
addition, if operation is required below 10 dB, some form of low-level interleaving may be required.
In lieu of performing the VSAT demodulation function via the traditional analog circuit techniques, an all-
digital implementation using digital signal processing (DSP) techniques may be considered. The merits of DSP
include the development of a more testable, producible, maintainable, configurable, and cost-effective demod-
ulator. Figure 102.9 presents an illustration of the DSP demodulator functions to be implemented using the DSP
processor(s). The functions of the major blocks are as follows: phase locked loop (PLL) for carrier acquisition,
narrowband Costas loop for data detection, external automatic gain control (AGC), dynamically advance/retard
sampling to achieve optimum data sampling, and A/D converters for signal analog-to-digital conversion.
A VSAT system must employ frequency agility in the remote terminal to use an assigned block of frequencies
within a transponder. Within the assigned frequency band, one or more outbound carriers and a number of
inbound carriers are precisely located. On the VSAT receive or outbound side, the LNB output can be demod-
ulated directly using a synthesizer-controlled local oscillator, or further downconversion can be used under
synthesizer control to obtain the demodulator input signal at a standard IF frequency such as 70 or 140 MHz.
In the inbound direction, channel selection can be accomplished by two methods. First, the carrier frequency
of the modulator can be shifted to select the appropriate channel and a fixed upconverter may be used to obtain
the RF signal. Second, the synthesizer output frequency may be multiplied up to RF to obtain the carrier, which
may then be modulated directly with the data as described in Cannistraro and McCarter [1990].
Satellite Access Protocols
The multiple satellite access protocol is one of the most critical elements to the performance of a VSAT network.
VSAT systems tend to be used in applications where message delay is critical and this protocol is the controlling
element to the delay-throughput performance of the system. During the past 15 years, there have been numerous
multiple-access protocols developed and simulated in the context of satellite packet communications [Ray-
chaudhuri and Joseph, 1988]. Table 102.4 provides a comparison of throughput vs. delay for various satellite
access protocols.
In the outbound or hub-to-VSAT direction, a TDM channel is employed. This channel may be regarded as
a point-to-multipoint or broadcast channel with node selectivity being achieved by the use of addressing
FIGURE 102.9 DSP demodulator functional diagram.
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information embedded in the modulated data stream. The delay performance of this channel is essentially
controlled by the queuing behavior of the hub. In the VSAT-to-hub direction, a large number of VSATs share
the channel to conserve space segment. Most VSAT networks utilize a combination of slotted ALOHA protocol
for the interactive component of the inbound traffic and a reservation TDMA scheme for any bulk data transfers.
Most protocols are adaptive in the sense that as the channel traffic increases, they automatically evolve into
reservation TDMA systems. Code division multiple access (CDMA) has been used in VSATs operating at C-band.
CDMA permits more than one signal to simultaneously utilize the channel bandwidth in a noninterfering
manner. This makes it possible to significantly increase the utilization and throughput of the channel.
Interface Capabilities
Most VSAT systems support common data communications protocols such as SDLC, X.25, Async, Bisync,
TCP/IP, etc. Coexistence of different protocols is allowed in a network. A VSAT supports multiple ports with
common interfaces such as RS232C, RS422, V.35, etc. VSAT networks typically must provide protocol spoofing
to provide acceptable delay and throughput performance to the end-user application. To minimize the effect
of satellite delay, the host computer front-end processor is emulated at the VSAT location, and multiple cluster
controllers are emulated at the hub location. The polling associated with the front-end processor to cluster
controller communication is not carried on the satellite link, but is instead emulated locally.
Satellites are an excellent medium for video transmission since they can provide a broadcast capability with
wide bandwidth. Video on satellites is ideal for applications such as videoconferencing, business TV, distance
learning, satellite news gathering, etc.
Video Teleconferencing
Satellite communications provides a cost-effective and flexible means of interactive videoconferencing. Tech-
nological improvement in videocompression has resulted in low-cost codecs at data rates less than T1, and
good quality videoconferencing is possible at data rates as low as 56 Kbps. Low-cost satellite terminals coupled
with low-cost codecs are making videoconferencing via satellite affordable and practical for many organizations.
Applications include all types of business meetings and technical information exchange such as management
and staff meetings, new product introductions and updates, sales meetings, training, and market presentations.
Videoconferencing allows people at different locations to meet with almost as much ease as being in the same
room, providing benefits of increased productivity, reduced travel time and cost, and increased management
A generic videoconference system is presented in Fig 102.10. The system consists of a specially designed
room, video/audio equipment, transmission equipment, monitor and control computer, and space segment.
The video and audio feeds from the meeting room pass through the codec and are compressed. From the codec,
the signal passes to the satellite modem for modulation. The radio frequency/terminal (RFT) upconverts the
modulated carrier and amplifies it for transmission to the satellite. At the other site, the process is reversed.
A videoconferencing network features point-to-point, broadcast, or point-to-multipoint architectures. In a
point-to-point system, two sites are configured for interactive conference with duplex audio and full motion
video transmission. Videoconferencing broadcast is appropriate for formal presentations where the presenter
TABLE 102.4Random Multi-Access Protocols Comparison
Throughput Comments
Pure ALOHA 0.13–0.18 Low cost, good for variable-length messages
Slotted ALOHA 0.25–0.37 Good for fixed-length messages
Selective reject ALOHA 0.20–0.30 Variation of pure ALOHA with a modified algorithm
Tree CRA 0.40–0.49 Sensing capability for collision resolution, good for fixed-length messages
Announced retransmission 0.50–0.60 Uses modified algorithm of slotted ALOHA by announcement of
random access (ARRA) transmission
Random access with notification 0.45–0.55 Uses partition for new and retransmitted message
CDMA 0.10–0.40 Used in spread spectrum systems, low delay
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does not need to see the audience, such as a speech from a senior corporate executive. In a point-to-multipoint
conference, multiple sites can receive a transmitting site. Two of the primary sites are fully interactive with each
other. A feature called multipoint switching has been implemented in some commercial systems. This feature
allows switching of receive and transmit sites during the conference. The multipoint switching feature can be
provided using either a TDMA or SCPC system. A TDMA system allows multiple sites to transmit and receive
in a mesh configuration. An economical multipoint switching system is possible with SCPC using only two
transmit frequencies. In a “chair” controlled conference, the chair is assigned one of these frequencies for the
duration of the conference. Dynamic allocation of the second frequency is controlled by the chair to any of the
participating sites at any time during the conference.
Video Broadcast
Video broadcast over satellite is attractive for industry segments such as educational TV, distance learning,
business television, and television receive-only (TVRO) applications. Business television allows users to transmit
broadcast-quality video programming from a studio to any number of specified locations equipped with TVROs.
A video broadcast capability, as an overlay to interactive data networks, is becoming increasingly popular for
corporate presentations, education, and training.
A video uplink consists of a video exciter, HPA, antenna, and optionally an encryption system such as B-MAC
(multiplexed analog component, version B) encoder, for business video broadcasts. Each remote VSAT must
be configured to receive the video transmission. This involves adding a video receiver at each VSAT location
that plugs into the VSAT IDU. Audio/video signals from the video receiver can be presented directly or through
a B-MAC decoder to a standard TV monitor.
The digital compressed video signal can be used as a replacement for an analog video distribution. Digital
coding technology can be used to compress video signals to reduce data rates to 2 Mbps or even lower and
reproduce near broadcast-quality video. Distribution of digital video signals at such rates requires less tran-
sponder bandwidth and a smaller antenna at remote terminals. Compression techniques used are based on one
or a combination of the following: inter/intra-frame prediction, adaptive differential transform, conditional
replenishment, discrete cosine transform, adaptive prediction, motion compensation, and vector quantization
[Patterson and Delp, 1990].
Satellite News Gathering
Satellite news gathering (SNG) is used for live, on-the-spot coverage and news exchanges with other commercial
broadcast stations. This is made possible by the availability of occasional-use space segment and transportable
earth stations on news trucks. An SNG systems consists of a compact earth station and video/audio transmission
FIGURE 102.10 A generic videoconference system.
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system on a truck. A duplex voice channel is used to coordinate between the space segment provider, studio,
and the SNG truck.
Figure 102.11 presents a block diagram of a typical SNG system. The RF subsystem has a transmit path and
two independent receive paths. The transmit path consists of an HPA and a frequency agile video exciter which
modulates and upconverts the video signal to the satellite’s RF frequency. A waveguide switch is used to select
transmit polarization. Camera signals go simultaneously to tape for storage and for transmission over the
satellite. A receive path is typically provided for both receive polarizations. Each path consists of a transmit
reject filter and an LNB which downconverts to L-band. The received L-band signal passes through a video
satellite receiver, from which point it can be routed to various monitor or test points or be routed to a tape
device for recording and storage.
The use of commercial broadcast audio transmission via satellite began in the late 1970s with National Public
Radio and Mutual Broadcasting using Western Union’s WESTAR I satellite. The main application was to send
high-quality audio to radio broadcast stations to transmit programming information. This type of system makes
use of single channel per carrier (SCPC) satellite transmission, where each satellite channel corresponds to one
audio channel. The entire satellite channel is FM modulated. Pre-emphasis is used over the channel to provide
additional noise reduction. A variation of this technique, called multiple channel per carrier (MCPC), can be
used to transmit multiple channels over a single satellite carrier. Figure 102.12 is a block diagram of the MCPC
As the marketplace searched for lower-cost systems, the FM
(or FM/FM) modulation technique evolved,
allowing the use of low-cost FM receivers. Through a high-powered FM modulated carrier on the satellite, a
low-cost audio and data broadcast receiver can be built. This FM/FM modulation technique is widely used to
distribute audio and data on a low-cost basis.
In addition to audio broadcasts, satellite-based voice applications include point-to-point voice, multinode
interactive voice, and voice over data VSATs. Point-to-point voice is most prevalently used for high-volume
voice trunking for long-distance connectivity or transoceanic connectivity. A multinode, interactive voice
architecture is ideal in providing voice connectivity to remote locations that are not serviced by terrestrial voice
facilitates. Both mesh and star configurations are used to provide multinode voice connectivity. Automated
satellite access control and resource allocation techniques are used to allow for granting requested on-demand
FIGURE 102.11SNG vehicle video/audio system.
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availability of voice connectivity. To support voice over data VSATs, an audio encoder is used to accept an
analog voice signal, digitize and packetize it, and format it for transmission through the VSAT data network.
A voice port may either be implemented as part of a “baseline” data/voice card or as an add-on stand-alone box.
The integrated data/voice system employs a TDM outbound carrier and shared inbound carriers for data
and voice transmission. Two types of voice network communications alternatives may be implemented for voice
channel communications: a poll/response access scheme and a reservation TDMA access scheme. With the
poll/response access scheme, the hub polls the VSAT voice ports on a cyclic basis. The VSATs return their
responses in the form of call requests or status updates. The number of sites in the voice network determines
the rate at which VSATs are polled. Thus, this scheme is suitable for a small network. Excessive polling delays
will be encountered for a network with a relatively large number of remotes.
In reservation TDMA, on the other hand, voice call requests are serviced by the assignment (reservation) of
a logical channel for inbound voice traffic. Although various means are implemented to avoid collisions on the
satellite link, the time needed to reserve capacity on an inbound carrier may be lengthy, depending on traffic
conditions. Therefore, call setup times are not as predictable as they are with the poll/response access scheme.
The VSAT design is ideally suited for digital compressed voice. Coding rates of 32, 16, and 9.6 kbps and
lower can presently be achieved, depending on the compression technique employed. There are two classes of
digitizing voice signals: waveform coding and vocoding. In waveform coding, the analog voice curve is coded
and then reproduced by modeling its physical shape. Data rates are relatively high, i.e., higher than 9.6 kbps.
Vocoding attempts to reproduce the analog voice curve by abstractly “identifying” the type and shape of the
curve. Only a set of parameters is transmitted, describing the nature of the curve. Achieved data rates can be
as low as 1.2 kbps.
Second-Generation Systems
The recent wave of satellites have much higher power than their predecessors. The Intelsat K satellite, for
example, is equipped with 60-W TWTAs and serves increasing worldwide traffic, video, and VSAT services.
Another example is the Telstar 4 satellite which has variable power up to 120 W for Ku-band transmissions
and is being promoted to be HDTV compatible in preparation for expected widespread use of HDTV. Other
trends in satellite design, i.e., NASA’s advanced communication technology satellite (ACTS), include the use of
multiple spot beams and onboard IF and/or baseband switching. Onboard switching coupled with electronically
hopped spot beams and laser intersatellite links have been proposed. Spot beams provide higher satellite EIRP
which permits small, low-cost VSATs to accommodate higher bit rate transmissions. The use of multiple-beam
architectures also increases bandwidth availability through frequency reuse. Advances in multibeam satellites
FIGURE 102.12 Block diagram of the MCPC system.
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? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
he International Space Station will be a permanent laboratory for human-monitored long term
research in the unique environment of Earth-orbital space, an environment that cannot be
duplicated on Earth for long duration experiments. This space station program draws upon the
resources and scientific and technological expertise of 13 cooperating nations.
This project is being constructed in three phases. Phase I included the 1995 construction of two Boeing-
built nodes (Node 1 and Node 2). The nodes will serve as connecting passageways between modules.
Phase I was completed in early 1996 with the production of the U.S. laboratory module where astronauts
will perform continuous scientific research.
Phase II of the space station program begins in November 1997 with the launch of the FGB functional
cargo block on a Russian Proton vehicle. The FGB is a 21-ton element that will provide altitude control
and propulsion during the early assembly operations, plus solar power and berthing ports for additional
modules. In May of 1998, the embryo space station will grow with the addition of the Proton-boosted
Russian service module, which provides life support and habitation facilities, utilities, and thrusters. Then
the crew transfer vehicle, a Russian Soyuz TM capsule, will be joined to the station. By June 1998, the
first three-person crew will begin its orbital stay. Phase II will be completed in Spring of 1999.
In Phase III, the International Space Station will progress gradually to its ultimate status as a fully
operational permanent orbital research facility. Among key additions to the core configuration are the
remaining modules of the U.S.-built solar array; the Japanese experiment module, to be delivered in
2000; and the U.S. habitation module which contains the galley, toilet, shower, sleep stations, and medical
facilities. With the delivery of a second Russian crew transfer vehicle in June 2002, the station will be
virtually complete.
The completed station will measure 361 feet from tip to tip of the solar arrays. The pressurized living
and working space is roughly equivalent to the passenger cabin volume of two Boeing 747 jetliners. The
The interim International Space Station will look like this. In the right fore-
ground is the U.S. laboratory module and the station’s airlock. In the center of
the horizontal string of modules is the FGB energy block. The solar power array
at the top is one of four that will provide power for the complete station. Below
the tower is the Russian-built universal docking module and, at bottom, one
of two crew transfer vehicles. (Photo courtesy of National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.)
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
space station will contain seven laboratories. In addition, the Japanese experiment module has an exposed
“back porch” with 10 mounting spaces for experiments that require long duration with the space
Beginning in 1997, there will be a total of 73 assembly and service flights until the station becomes
fully operational in midyear 2002. (Courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.)
A concept view of the International Space Station in its final configu-
ration with a space shuttle orbiter docked at the fore port. The cylinder
near the orbiter’s nose is the U.S. centrifuge accommodation module.
Below it, hidden by the orbiter, is the U.S. laboratory module, flanked
by the European (left) and Japanese laboratories. (Photo courtesy of
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.)
This concept view is of the station from the opposite (aft port)
end. In the foreground (lower right) is the Russian service mod-
ule, with living and working room for three crew members. Next,
toward the center of the photo, is the FGB energy block, then
(near the orbiter) the U.S. laboratory module. The vertically
mounted cylinder below it is the U.S. habitation module. (Photo
courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.)
with onboard baseband processing allows some of the intelligence in the central hub and VSAT equipment to
be moved to the satellite. The result is expected to be improved VSAT-to-VSAT communications and a platform
to provide dynamic bandwidth allocation [Naderi and Wu, 1988].
The trend in deploying higher-power satellites has an inverse effect on the size of the earth station antenna.
The earth stations are becoming smaller, less complex, and more cost effective. Private hubs are now typically
in the range of 3.5 to 7.6 m and are not required to be staffed. Two-way VSATs antennas originally deployed
in sizes from 1.2 to 1.8 m are now using elliptical or rectangular-shaped antennas with apertures equivalent to
1.0 m or less. Two-way ultra-small aperture terminals are also emerging. These lower-cost, lower-functionality
earth stations are designed for thin route, niche-type applications such as point-of-sale and credit card trans-
action processing. The advances in DSP technology will continue to enhance the capabilities and performance
while at the same time lowering the cost of VSATs. The advances in MMIC technology continue to miniaturize
the RF components while increasing reliability.
With advances in digital signal processing and compression techniques, analog video and audio transmission
will increasingly be converted to digital transmissions. The advanced compression techniques reduce the
bandwidth requirements and allow for smaller and lower-cost VSAT antennas to be used. The continued
technological advances in satellite technology and the emerging demand for more flexible communication
services will generate new satellite communications applications, such as LAN interconnections and ISDN
support [Murthy and Gordon, 1989]. Satellite communications will also play an increasing role in mobile
communications on land, air, and on sea. In addition to telephony services, new services such as global distress
and safety applications, global positioning, navigation, voice messaging, and data transmissions are now possible.
Defining Terms
Earth station: The interface point for communications to and from a satellite. An earth station (also known
as a hub) consists of an antenna and transmit and receive subsystems.
Geosynchronous orbit: An orbit 22,753 miles above the earth in which an object will orbit the earth once
every 24 hours above the equator and will appear to be stationary from the earth’s surface.
Protocol spoofing: A technique used by VSAT networks to reduce the network delay. The satellite network
emulates the host computer front-end processor at the VSAT location and emulates the multiple cluster
controllers at the hub location.
Satellite access protocol: A set of rules by which a number of distributed VSATs communicate reliably over
a shared satellite channel.
VSAT: Very small aperture terminal. A small earth station suitable for installation at a customer’s premises.
A VSAT typically consists of an antenna less than 2.4 m, an outdoor unit to receive and transmit signals,
and an indoor unit containing the satellite and terrestrial interface units.
Related Topics
74.1 Introduction ? 78.1 Introduction
J.C.L. Cannistraro and S. McCarter, “Direct modulation lowers VSAT equipment costs,” Microwaves and RF,
pp. 99–102, August 1990.
T.T. Ha, Digital Satellite Communications, New York: MacMillan, 1986.
M. Long, World Satellite Almanac, 3rd ed., Winter Beach, Fla.: MLE, Inc. 1991.
K.M. Murthy and K.G. Gordon, “VSAT networking concepts and new applications development,” IEEE Com-
munications Magazine, pp. 43–49, May 1989.
F.M. Naderi and W.W. Wu, “Advanced satellite concepts for future generation VSAT networks,” IEEE Commu-
nications Magazine, vol. 26, pp. 13–22, July 1988.
H.A. Patterson and E.J. Delp, “An overview of digital image bandwidth compression,” Journal of Data and
Computer Communications, pp. 39–49, Winter 1990.
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
W. Pritchard and J.A. Sciulli, Satellite Communication Systems Engineering, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-
Hall, 1986.
A.H. Rana, J. McCoskey, and W. Check, “VSAT technology, trends, and applications,” IEEE Proc., vol. 78, no.
7, pp. 1087–1095, July 1990.
D. Raychaudhuri and K. Joseph, “Channel access protocols for Ku-band VSAT networks: A comparative eval-
uation,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 34–44, May 1988.
Further Information
The World Satellite Almanac provides a tutorial of the satellite communications industry. It includes the technical
characteristics and footprint maps for geosynchronous satellites worldwide. Contact: MLE Inc., P.O. Box 159,
Winter Beach, FL 32971.
World Satellite Communications and Earth Station Design is a text which provides an analytical presentation
of communication satellites and their applications. Contact: CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W., Boca
Raton, FL 33431.
The monthly IEEE Communications Magazine investigates VSAT communications in a special series spanning
several issues between 1988 and 1989. Contact: IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150.
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC