Discrete Probability Distributions
to accompany
Introduction to Business Statistics
fourth edition,by Ronald M,Weiers
Presentation by Priscilla Chaffe-Stengel
Donald N,Stengel
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Chapter 6 - Learning Objectives
? Distinguish between discrete and continuous
random variables.
? Differentiate between the binomial and the
Poisson discrete probability distributions and
their applications.
? Construct a probability distribution for a
discrete random variable,determine its mean
and variance,and specify the probability that a
discrete random variable will have a given
value or value in a given range.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Chapter 6 - Key Terms
? Random variables
– Discrete
– Continuous
? Bernoulli process
? Probability distributions
– Binomial distribution
– Poisson distribution
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Discrete vs Continuous Variables
? Discrete Variables,
Can take on only
certain values along
an interval
– the number of sales
made in a week
– the volume of milk
bought at a store
– the number of
defective parts
? Continuous Variables,
Can take on any value
at any point along an
– the depth at which a
drilling team strikes oil
– the volume of milk
produced by a cow
– the proportion of
defective parts
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Describing the Distribution for a
Discrete Random Variable
? The probability distribution for a
discrete random variable defines the
probability of a discrete value x.
– Mean,μ= E(x) =
– Variance,s2 = E[(x – μ) 2]
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
? ? )( ii xPx
? ?? )()( 2 ii xPx ?
The Bernoulli Process,
1,There are two or more consecutive
2,In each trial,there are just two
possible outcomes.
3,The trials are statistically independent.
4,The probability of success remains
constant trial-to-trial.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Binomial Distribution
? The binomial probability distribution defines
the probability of exactly x successes in n
trials of the Bernoulli process.

for each value of x.
– Mean,μ= E(x) = n p
– Variance,s2 = E[(x – μ) 2] = n p (1 – p)
P ( x ) ? n !x !?( n – x )! ?p x ? ( 1 – p ) n – x
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Binomial Distribution,
An Example Worked by Equation
? Problem 6.23,A study by the International Coffee
Association found that 52% of the U.S,population aged 10
and over drink coffee,For a randomly selected group of 4
individuals,what is the probability that 3 of them are coffee
drinkers? Number Proportion
Coffee drinkers (x) 3,52
Noncoffee drinkers 1,48
Totals 4 1.00
So,p = 0.52,(1 – p) = 0.48,x = 3,(n – x) = 1,
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Binomial Distribution,
Working with the Equation
? To solve the problem,we substitute:
P ( x ) ? n !
x !?( n – x )!
?p x ? ( 1 – p ) n – x ?
P ( 3 ) ? 4 !
3 !?( 4 – 3 )!
(, 52 ) 3 ?(,48 ) 1 ?
? 4 ?(,14 060 8 ) ? (,48 ) ?, 26 996 7 ? 0, 27 00
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Binomial Distribution,
An Example Worked with Tables
? Problem,According to a corporate association,50.0% of the
population of Vermont were boating participants during the
most recent year,For a randomly selected sample of 20
Vermont residents,with x = the number sampled who were
boating participants that year,determine:
a,E(x) = n p = 20 x 0.50 = 10
b,P(x ? 8) Go to Appendix,Table A.2,n = 20,For p = 0.5
and k = 8,P(x ? 8) = 0.2517
c,P(x = 10) Go to Appendix,Table A.1,n = 20,For p = 0.5
and k = 10,P(x = 10) = 0.1762
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,Binomial Tables
? Problem, According to a corporate association,50.0% of the
population of Vermont were boating participants during the
most recent year,For a randomly selected sample of 20
Vermont residents,with x = the number sampled who were
boating participants that year,determine:
d,P(x = 12) Go to Appendix,Table A.1,n = 20,For p = 0.5
and k = 12,P(x = 12) = 0.1201
e,P(7 ? x ? 13) Go to Appendix,Table A.2,n = 20,For p = 0.5
and k = 13,P(x ? 13) = 0.9423
For p = 0.5 and k = 6,P(x ? 6) = 0.0577
P(7 ? x ? 13) = 0.9423 – 0.0577 = 0.8846
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,Using Microsoft Excel
? Problem,According to a corporate association,50.0% of the
population of Vermont were boating participants during the
most recent year,For a randomly selected sample of 20
Vermont residents,with x = the number sampled who were
boating participants that year,determine:
b,P(x ? 8) In a cell on an Excel worksheet,type
and you will see the answer,0.2517
c,P(x = 10) In a cell on an Excel worksheet,type
and you will see the answer,= 0.1762
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,Using Microsoft Excel
? Problem, According to a corporate association,50.0% of the
population of Vermont were boating participants during the
most recent year,For a randomly selected sample of 20
Vermont residents,with x = the number sampled who were
boating participants that year,determine:
d,P(x = 12) In a cell on an Excel worksheet,type
and you will see the answer,= 0.1201
e,P(7 ? x ? 13) In a cell on an Excel worksheet,type
=BINOMDIST(13,20,0.5,true)- BINOMDIST(6,20,0.5,true)
and you will see the answer,= 0.8846
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Poisson Distribution
? The Poisson distribution defines the probability that an
event will occur exactly x times over a given span of time,
space,or distance.
– where l = the mean number of
occurrences over the span
e = 2.71828,a constant
– Mean = Variance = l
– Example,Problem 6.36,During the 12 p.m,– 1 p.m,noon
hour,arrivals at a curbside banking machine have been
found to be Poisson distributed with a mean of 1.3
persons per minute,If x = number of arrivals per minute,
a,E(x) = l = 1.3
P ( x ) ? l x ?e – lx !
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Poisson Distribution,
Working with the Equation
? Example,Problem 6.36,During the 12 p.m,– 1 p.m,
noon hour,arrivals at a curbside banking machine have
been found to be Poisson distributed with a mean of 1.3
persons per minute,If x = number of arrivals per minute,
– b.
– c,
– d,P(x ? 2) = 0.8571 from Appendix Table A.4,l = 1.3,
k = 2
P ( x ? 0 ) ? ( 1, 3 ) 0 ( 2, 7 18 28 ) – 1, 30 ! ? 0, 2 72 51 ? 0, 2 72 5
P ( x ? 1 ) ? ( 1, 3 ) 1 ( 2, 7 18 28 ) – 1, 31 ! ? 0, 3 54 31 ? 0, 3 54 3
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
The Poisson Distribution,
Using Microsoft Excel
? Example,Problem 6.36,
– b,P(x = 0) In a cell in an Excel spreadsheet,type
and you will see the answer,= 0.2725
– c,P(x = 1) In a cell in an Excel spreadsheet,type
and you will see the answer,= 0.3543
– d,P(x 2) In a cell in an Excel spreadsheet,type
and you will see the answer,= 0.8571
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group