Models for Time Series and
to accompany
Introduction to Business Statistics
fourth edition,by Ronald M,Weiers
Presentation by Priscilla Chaffe-Stengel
Donald N,Stengel
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Chapter 18 - Learning Objectives
? Describe the trend,cyclical,seasonal,and irregular
components of the time series model.
? Fit a linear or quadratic trend equation to a time series.
? Smooth a time series with the centered moving average and
exponential smoothing techniques.
? Determine seasonal indexes and use them to compensate for
the seasonal effects in a time series.
? Use the trend extrapolation and exponential smoothing
forecast methods to estimate a future value.
? Use MAD and MSE criteria to compare how well equations fit
? Use index numbers to compare business or economic measures
over time.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Chapter 18 - Key Terms
? Time series
? Classical time series
– Trend value
– Cyclical component
– Seasonal component
– Irregular component
? Trend equation
? Moving average
? Exponential
? Seasonal index
? Ratio to moving
average method
? Deseasonalizing
? MAD criterion
? MSE criterion
? Constructing an index
using the CPI
? Shifting the base of an
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Classical Time Series Model
y = T ? C ? S ? I
where y = observed value of the time series variable
T = trend component,which reflects the general
tendency of the time series without fluctuations
C = cyclical component,which reflects systematic
fluctuations that are not calendar-related,such as
business cycles
S = seasonal component,which reflects systematic
fluctuations that are calendar-related,such as the
day of the week or the month of the year
I = irregular component,which reflects fluctuations that
are not systematic
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Trend Equations
?Linear,= b0 + b1x
?Quadratic,= b0 + b1x + b2x2
= the trend line estimate of y
x = time period
b0,b1,and b2 are coefficients that are selected
to minimize the deviations between the
trend estimates and the actual data values
y for the past time periods,Regression
methods are used to determine the best
values for the coefficients,
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Smoothing Techniques
? Smoothing techniques - dampen the impacts of
fluctuation in a time series,thereby providing a
better view of the trend and (possibly) the cyclical
? Moving average - a technique that replaces a data
value with the average of that data value and
neighboring data values.
? Exponential smoothing - a technique that replaces a
data value with a weighted average of the actual
data value and the value resulting from exponential
smoothing for the previous time period.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Moving Average
? A moving average for a time period is the average
of N consecutive data values,including the data
value for that time period.
? A centered moving average is a moving average
such that the time period is at the center of the N
time periods used to determine which values to
If N is an even number,the techniques need to be adjusted
to place the time period at the center of the averaged
values,The number of time periods N is usually based on
the number of periods in a seasonal cycle,The larger N is,
the more fluctuation will be smoothed out.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Moving Average - An Example
Time Period Data Value
1997,Quarter I 818
1997,Quarter II 861
1997,Quarter III 844
1997,Quarter IV 906
1998,Quarter I 867
1998,Quarter II 899
? 3-Quarter Centered Moving Average for 1997,Quarter IV:
? 4-Quarter Centered Moving Average for 1997,Quarter IV:
3.8 7 2 3 8 6 79 0 68 4 4 ????
25.8 7 4 4 8 9 98 6 79 0 68 4 45.0 4 8 6 79 0 68 4 48 6 15.0 ???????????
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Exponential Smoothing
Et = a?yt + (1 –a) Et–1
Et = exponentially smoothed value for time period t
Et–1 = exponentially smoothed value for time period t – 1
yt = actual time series value for time period t
a = the smoothing constant,0 ?a? 1
? The larger a is,the closer the smoothed value will track
the original data value,The smaller a is,the more
fluctuation is smoothed out.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Exponential Smoothing - An Example
Data Smoothed Value Smoothed Value
Period Value (a = 0.2) (a = 0.8)
1 818 818 818
2 861 826.6 852.4
3 844 830.1 845.7
4 906 845.3 893.9
? Calculation for smoothed value for Period 2 (a = 0.2):
E2 = a y + (1 –a ) E1
= 0.2 (861) + 0.8 (818) = 826.6
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Seasonal Indexes
? A seasonal index is a factor that adjusts
a trend value to compensate for typical
seasonal fluctuation in that period of a
seasonal cycle.
? A seasonal index is expressed as a
percentage with a value of 100%
corresponding to an average position in
a seasonal cycle.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Seasonal Indexes - An Example
Season Index
(Annual Quarter) Value
I 84.5
II 102.3
III 95.5
IV 117.7
? If the trend value for Quarter I in the given year was
902,the value with seasonal fluctuation would be
y = T ? S = 902 ? 84.5% = 762.2
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Ratio to Moving Average Method
? A technique for developing a set of seasonal index
values from the original time series.
? Steps:
– 1,Construct a centered moving average of the time
series,Set N = number of periods in the seasonal cycle.
– 2,Express each original time series value as a percentage
of the corresponding centered moving average,The
result is the ratio to moving average.
?Example,If the original data value is 906 and the
corresponding centered moving average is 872.3,
Ratio to moving average = (906/872.3) ? 100 = 103.86
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Ratio to Moving Average Method
? Steps,cont.:
– 3,For each period in the seasonal cycle,average all the
ratio to moving average values (from Step 2)
corresponding to that period in the seasonal cycle,
The result is the unadjusted seasonal index for that
period in the seasonal cycle.
?Example,If ratios corresponding to Quarter I are
80.4,87.3,82.1,89.5,and 78.7,the unadjusted
seasonal index value is
6.83 5 7.78 5.89 1.82 3.87 4.80 ?????
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Ratio to Moving Average Method? Steps,cont.:
– 4,The average of the seasonal index values should be 100.0
or their sum should be N?100,If not,multiply all seasonal
index values by the appropriate adjustment factor,N?100
divided by the sum of unadjusted seasonal index values.
? Example,Unadjusted Adjusted
Season Seasonal Index Seasonal Index
I 83.60 83.83
II 102.07 102.35
III 95.42 95.68
IV 117.81 118.34
00276.181.11742.9507.10260.83 1004FactorAdjustment ???? ×?
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Deseasonalizing a Time Series
This procedure involves use of a seasonal index to
remove the effect of typical seasonal fluctuation from a
time series data value,The result is also called a
seasonally-adjusted value.
– Example,If the original data value for the first quarter
of a given year is 1124 and the seasonal index for
Quarter I is 83.4,the seasonally-adjusted value is:
100Periodfor Index Seasonal ValueDataOriginalValueizedDeseasonal ×?
1 12 483, 4 ? 1 00 ? 1 34 7, 7
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Forecasting with Classical Time
Series Models
To forecast a value in a future time period:
? 1,Use the trend equation to forecast the trend
value for that time period.
?2,Adjust the data value using the cyclical and
seasonal index values,If there is no cyclical
index,do not do a cyclical adjustment.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Forecasting with Classical Time
Series Models - An Example
? Example - Trend Equation:
where = trend value
x = number of quarters to 1997,Quarter IV
To forecast the value for 1999,Quarter II
Forecast of trend = 970.2 + 12.3 (6) = 1044.0
If the seasonal index for Quarter II is 102.35,the
forecast with seasonal fluctuation is:
y ? 9 7 0, 2 ? 12, 3 x
1 0 4 4, 0 ? 1 0 2, 351 0 0 ? 1 0 6 8, 5
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Forecasting with
Exponential Smoothing
A technique for generating a forecast for the next
time period using the forecast and actual data value
for the current time period,This technique is not
valid if there is a significant upward or downward
Ft+1 = a yt + (1 –a) Ft Ft+1 = forecast for period t+1
yt = actual value for period t
Ft = forecast for period t
a = smoothing constant,(0 ?a? 1)
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Forecasting with Exponential
Smoothing - An Example
? If the forecast for the current time period
was 842 and the actual value was 872,
using a smoothing constant of a = 0.6,
the forecast for the next period is:
(0.6) (872) + (0.4) (842) = 860
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Evaluating Time Series Models
Models can be evaluated using past data by examining
the differences (or errors) between the values predicted
from the models and the actual data values,The errors
can be summarized and accuracy measured using either
of the following criteria:
? Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) Criterion:
1,Express each difference as a positive number.
2,Find the average of the differences from Step 1.
? Mean Squared Error (MSE) Criterion:
1,Square each error difference.
2,Find the average of the squared error differences from
Step 1.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Evaluating Time Series Models -
An ExampleValue Actual
Computed Data Absolute Squared
By Model Value Deviation Error
1440 1436 4 16
1456 1461 5 25
1472 1480 8 64
1488 1472 16 156
1504 1495 9 81
Sums,42 342
MAD = 42/5 = 8.4 MSE = 342/5 = 68.4
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
What are index numbers?
? Index numbers:
– are time series that focus on the
relative change in a count or
measurement over time.
–express the count or measurement as a
percentage of the comparable count or
measurement in a base period.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Base Periods for Index Numbers
? The base period is arbitrary but should
be a convenient point of reference.
? The value of an index number
corresponding to the base period is
always 100.
? The base period may be a single period
or an average of multiple adjacent
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Applications of Index Numbers in
Business and Economics
? A price index shows the change in the price of
a commodity or group of commodities over
? A quantity index shows the change in quantity
of a commodity or group of commodities used
or purchased over time.
? A value index shows a change in total dollar
value (price ? quantity) of a commodity or
group of commodities over time.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Simple Relative Index
? A simple relative index shows the
change in the price,quantity,or value of
a single commodity over time.
? Calculation of a simple relative index:
Index in period t = M e a s ur e m e nt i n pe r i od t
M e a s ur e m e nt i n ba s e pe r i od ? 100
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,Simple Relative Price Index
Price Index Price Index
Year Price 1985 as base year 1995 as base year
1985 $140 100.0 58.3
1990 195 139.3 81.3
1995 240 171.4 100.0
2000 275 196.4 114.6
Computation of index for 1990 (1985 as base year):
I ? P tP
? 1 0 0 ? 1 9 51 4 0 ?1 0 0 ? 1 3 9, 3
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Consumer Price Index
? A weighted aggregate price index used to
reflect the overall change in the cost of goods
and services purchased by a typical consumer.
? Applications:
– Indicator of rate of inflation
– Used to adjust wages to compensate for lost
purchasing power due to inflation
– Used to convert a price or wage to a real price or
real wage to show the equivalent amount in a base
period after adjusting for inflation.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,The CPI as Deflator
Suppose a person was earning $50,000 per
year in June 2001,when the CPI was 178.0
(base year,1982-84 ),What was the
person’s real income in its 1982-84
Real income in period t =
Income in period t ?
Real earnings in 2001 = $50,000 ? 100/178.0
= $28,090
10 0C P I i n p e r i o d t
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,The CPI as Deflator
Suppose the same person was earning
$46,500 per year in 1997,when the CPI was
160.5 (base year,1982-84 ),What was the
person’s real income in its 1982-84
Real earnings in 1997 = $46,500 ? 100/160.5
= $28,972
The purchasing power of the person’s earnings
was higher in 1997 than in 2001.
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Shifting the Base of an Index
? For useful interpretation,it is often
desirable for the base year to be fairly
? To shift the base year to another year
without recalculating the index from the
original data:I n d e x f o r y e a r i n n e w b a s e y e a r
= I n d e x f o r y e a r r e l a t i v e t o o l d b a s e y e a rI n d e x f o r n e w b a s e y e a r r e l a t i v e t o o l d b a s e y e a r
1 0 0
t ?
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group
Example,Shifting a Base Year
To shift a base year from 1985 to 1995:
Price Index Price Index
Yr 1985 as base yr 1995 as base yr
1985 100.0 58.3
1990 139.3 81.3
1995 171.4 100.0
2000 196.4 114.6
An Illustration:
6.1 1 4 1 0 0
4.1 7 1
4.1 9 6
1 0 0
1 9 9 5
O l d
2 0 0 0
O l d
2 0 0 0
N e w
? 2002 The Wadsworth Group