arXiv:physics/9910019 v1 13 Oct 1999
rel1, Oct., 13, 1999
Radiation from a Charge in a Gravitational Field
Amos Harpaz & Noam Soker
Department of Physics, University of Haifa at Oranim, Tivon 36006, ISRAEL
When an electric charge is supported at rest in a static gravitational field, its
electric field is not supported with the charge, and it falls freely in the gravitational
field. Drawing the electric field lines continuously in time, we find that they always
emerge from the charge, but the electric field is curved and there is a stress force
between the freely falling (curved) field and the static charge. The charge radiates
and the work done by the gravitational field to overcome the stress force is the
source for the energy radiated by the supported (static) charge. A static charge
in a gravitational field radiates, as predicted by the principle of equivalence. This
mechanism is similar to the one applied to an electric charge accelerated in a free
space. In this case, the electric field is not accelerated with the charge. The electric
field is curved, and there is a stress force between the charge and its field. The
work done in overcoming the stress force is the source of the energy radiated by the
accelerated charge.
key words: Principle of Equivalence, Curved Electric Field
1. Introduction
The validity of the principle of equivalence (POE) to the case of radiation from
an electric charge in a gravitational field (GF) is a long-standing problem (refs.
[1], [2], and references cited therein). Specifically it is discussed in connection with
two cases: (1) Does an electric charge, freely falling in a gravitational field radiate?
(2) Does a charge supported at rest in a gravitational field radiate? Using plainly
the POE one may conclude that a freely falling charge in a GF will not radiate
because its situation is equivalent to that of a free charge in empty space, and a
charge supported at rest in a GF (chracterized by an acceleration, g), will radiate
because its situation is equivalent to that of a charge accelerated in free space with
an acceleration g. The common approach in the physical society is the opposite one
- it is believed that a static observer in a gravitational field will find that a freely
falling charge in a GF does radiate, while a charge supported at rest in a GF does
not radiate [1]. It is also concluded that the validity of the POE is limited, and it
is not a general principle.
However, this approach led to several contradictions, which in turn, led people to
conclude that the ability to observe a radiation depends on the relative accelration
between the charge and the observer: an observer falling freely in parallel to a freely
falling charge will not observe radiation, while a static observer in the same field
will observe radiation. In the same way, a static observer located in a lab where a
charge is supported at rest in a GF will not observe radiation, while a freely falling
observer, passing by the same charge, will observe radiation (ref [1], pp 218).
The electromagnetic radiation is defined as a relative phenomenon, that depends
on the relative acceleration between the observer and the charge. In the following,
we analyze the process that leads to the creation of radiation. We demand that
radiation as a process of energy transfer is a physical event (which is an objective
phenomenon), and we come to the conclusion that a freely falling charge does not
radiate, and a charge supported at rest in a GF does radiate. These conclusions are
in accord with the POE.
In§2 we present the problems concerned with the energy carried by the radiation
and the non-existence of the radiation reaction force in certain cases. In §3 we
present a freely falling system of reference as the preferred system to work in, and
in §4 we calculate the energy carried by the radiation from the supported charge in
a GF, using the work done to overcome the stress force of the field. We conclude in
2. The Problem
Treating radiation as a relative phenomenon leads to contradictions, because
radiation transffers energy from one system to another. If the energy carried by
the radiation is absorbed in some system and causes there a certain change, like
an excitation of a higher energy level, this absorption must be observed by any
observer, even if he does not have the means to observe directly the flow of the
energy. If a static observer observes radiation from a freely falling charge, he also
must be able to identify the source of the energy for this radiation. An observer
falling freely in parallel to the charge, must observe this source of energy, even if he
cannot observe directly the radiation that carries the energy. Similar contradictions
arise for the case of a charge supported at rest in a GF, where a static observer
does not observe the radiation, and a freely falling observer does. We find that
treating radiation as a relative phenomenon leads to contradictions concerning both
the source of the energy carried by the radiation, and the phenomena that may be
caused in absorbing the radiation. The emmitance of radiation is a physical event
that cannot be transformed away by a coordinate transformation (see [3]).
There is another difficulty with the common approach - it is generally believed
that when radiation is created by an accelration, a radiation reaction force is created,
which contradicts the force that creates the acceleration. The work done by the
external force to overcome the reactionforce, is considered asthe source of the energy
carried by the radiation. However, when the velocity of the charge is low (v lessmuch c),
the radiation is emitted mainly in a plane which is perpendicular to the direction of
motion ([4] pp. 663 and [7]). No momentum is imparted to the accelerated charge
by the radiation, and no radiation reaction force exists [6]. The source of the energy
carried by the radiation should be looked for elsewhere.
3. A Freely Falling System of Reference
According to Jackson [4], a radiation exists whenever an electric charge is ac-
celerated. However, a question should be raised to what system of reference this
acceleration is related. Without stating it explicitly, Jackson refers to an inertial
system of reference. Ordinarily, when general relativity is considered, the inertial
system of reference should be replaced by a freely falling system of reference, charac-
terized by a set of geodesics that covers this system. The “absolute acceleration” of
a charge supported at rest in a gravitational field does not vanish, where absolute ac-
celeration is the covariant time derivative of the four velocity of the charged particle.
A general relativistic criterion for the existence of radiation, is the non-vanishing of
the absolute acceleration. A regular acceleration is related to the system of geodesics
that covers the local space. The preferred system of reference to work in is the sys-
tem characterized by local geodesics, and freely falling objects - particles and fields
- follow these geodesics. The electric field of a charge is an independent physical
entity. Once it is induced on space, its behaviour is determined by the properties
of space. When the charge is accelerated by an external (non-gravitational) force,
the electric field of the charge is not accelerated, and a relative acceleration exists
between the charge and its field. As was shown by Fulton and Rohrlich [6], the
electric field of the charge is curved. There is a stress force between the charge and
its curved field, and, as shown in [5], this force gives rise to radiation.
A neutral particle and a similar charged particle will fall with the same accel-
eration. It was shown that the key feature for the creation of radiation is not the
relative acceleration between the charge and the observer, but rather the relative
acceleration between the charge and its own electric field.
A freely falling charge in a uniform GF follows a geodetic line in this system, and
it is not subject to any external force. The electric field of the charge follows similar
geodesics. The charge and its field both are located in the same frame of reference,
and in that frame their relative situation is similar to the one existing between a
static charge and its field in a free space. No relative acceleration exists between
the charge and its electric field, and we conclude that a freely falling charge does
not radiate.
The creation of radiation by a uniformly accelrated charge was analyzed ([5],[7]),
and it was shown that the electric field of the accelrated charge is curved, and there
exists a stress force between the charge and its (curved) field. The stress force Fs,
is given by: Fs = E2/4piRc, where Rc is the radius of curvature, whose value close
to the point charge is: Rc = c2/(asinθ), where a is the acceleration, and θ is the
angle between the direction of the acceleration and the initial direction of the field.
By calculating the stress force and the work performed to overcome this force, it is
shown that for a uniformly accelerated charge and for very low velocities, the power
supplied by the accelerating (external) force to overcome the the stress force, equals
the power radiated by the accelerated charge according to Larmor formula [5]. It
is concluded that the work done in overcoming the stress force is the source of the
energy carried by the radiation, and this work is done by the external force that
imparts the acceleration to the charge, in addition to the work it does in creating
the kinetic energy of the charge.
4. A Charge Supported in a Homogenous Gravitaional Field
The electric field of a charge supported at rest in the lab against GF seems
static, but it is not. The electric field, which is an independent physical entity, is
not supported with the charge, and it falls freely in the gravitaional field. There is
a relative acceleration between the charge and its electric field, the field is curved
(both in the lab system and in the freely falling system), and a stress force exists
between the charge and its field. The (freely falling) electric field follows the system
of refernec characterized by the geodesics. To calculate the fields of the supported
charge in the freely falling geodetic system, we adopt the results given by Rohrlich
[8]. Let us assign primes to the variables calculated in the freely falling system, Sprime.
According to Rohrlich, the field equations of the supported charge, in Sprime are:
Eprimeρ = 8eα
ξprime3 (1)
Eprimez = ?4eα
ξprime3 [z
p + ρ
prime2 ?zprime2] (2)
Bprimeφ = 8eα
ξprime3 (3)
Eprimeφ = Bprimeρ = Bprimez = 0 (4)
ξprime2 = [zprime2p ?ρprime2 ?zprime2]2 + (2αρprime)2 (5)
where we used for the particle location: zprime2p = α2+(ctprime)2, and α = c2/g is the particle
location at tprime = 0. Certainly, the Poynting vector does not vanish in this system.
Using transformations given by Rohrlich [8] we can calculate the electromagnetic
fields in the lab system. It follows (as can be expected), that the magnetic filed
vanishes in this system, and the Poynting vector vanishes as well. This led Rohrlich
to conclude that a charge supported at rest in a gravitational field does not radiate.
However, we know that a Poynting vector is not an invariant [9], and we demand
that the existence of radiation must be represented by a non-vanishing Poynting
vector in the frame of reference characterized by the local geodesics, Sprime, and in this
system the Poynting vector does not vanish.
The situation is not static, and the electric field exists in a steady state. The
pattern of the electric field remains constant, but the field itself does not. As we em-
phasized earlier, the electric field is a property of the space on which it was induced,
and its behaviour is determined by this space. The electric field is detached from the
supported charge, and it is not supported against gravity as the charge is. Hence the
electric field falls in a free fall, and it has an acceleration g relative to the supported
charge. In the freely falling system, which also has an acceleration g relative to the
supported charge, the charge is accelerated upward with an acceleration g.
It was also shown by Rohrlich [8], that in the system characterized by the
geodesics, a magnetic field does exist, and it comes out that the Poynting vec-
tor does not vanish. We conclude that a charge supported at rest in a gravitational
field does radiate. In Figure 1 we present the curved elcetric field lines calculated
for an electric charge supported at rest in a uniform homogenous GF, characterized
by an acceleration g. The field is similar to the one calculated by Singal [10], for a
uniformly accelerated charge.
The curved electric field gives rise to a stress force, and we calculate the work
done in overcoming this force in a way similar to that used in [5] for the uniformly
Figure 1: A curved electric field of a charge supported in a uniform homogenous
gravitational field.
accelerated charge, where the calculations are carried now in the (flat) freely falling
system of reference.
For the sake of convenience we ommit now the primes. We shall sum over the
stress force of the field, fs, and calculate the work done against this force. In order to
sum over fs, we have to integrate over a sphere whose center is located on the charge.
Naturally, such an integration involves a divergence (at the center). To avoid such
a divergence, we take as the lower limit of the integration a small distance from the
center, r = c?t, (where ?t is infinitsimal), and later we demand that ?t → 0. We
calculate the work done by the stress force in the volume defined by c?t < r < rup,
where c2/g greatermuch rup greatermuch c?t. These calculations are performed in the geodetic system
(the system of reference defined by the geodesics), which momentarily coincides with
the frame of reference of the charge at the charge location, at time t = 0.
The force per unit volume due to the electric stress is fs = E2/(4piRc), where E
is the electric field, and Rc is the radius of curvature of the field lines. The radius
of curvature is: Rc similarequal c2/(gsinθ), where θ is the angle between the initial direction
of the electric field line and the direction of the acceleration g of the charge, as seen
in the geodetic system. The force per unit volume due to the electric stress is
fs(r) = E
4piRc =
4pir4, (6)
where in the second equality we have substituted for the electric field E = e/r2,
which is a good approximation in weak graviatational fields [8]. The stress force is
perpendicular to the direction of the field lines, so that the component of the stress
force along the acceleration g is ?fs(r)sinφ, where φ is the angle between the local
field line and the acceleration. For very short intervals (where the direction of the
field lines did not change much from their original direction) φ ~ θ, and we can
write: ?fs(r)sinφ similarequal?fs(r)sinθ = ?gsin2 θc2 e24pir4. The dependence of this force on θ
is similar to the dependence of the radiation distribution of an accelerated charge
at zero velocity on θ. Integration of this force over a spherical shell extending from
r = c?t to rup (where c2/g greatermuch rup greatermuch c?t), yields the total force due to the stress
Fs(t) = 2pi
integraldisplay rup
integraldisplay pi
sinθdθ[?fs(r)sinθ] = ?23 gc2 e
1? c?tr
. (7)
Clearly the second term in the parenthesis can be neglected. The power created
in overcoming the electric stress force is:
Ps = ?Fsv = ?Fsg?t, (8)
where we substituted v = g?t, and v is the charge velocity in the geodetic system,
at time t = ?t. Substituting for Fs we obtain (at the limit ?t → 0):
Ps(t) = 23g
c3 (9)
which is equivalent to the power radiated by an accelerated charged particle (Larmor
formula), where the acceleration is replaced by g. Thus we find that the work done
against the stress force, supplies the energy carried by the radiation.
Who is performing this work or, what is the source of the energy of the radiation?
The charge is supported by a solid object, which is static in the GF. This solid
objet must be rigidly connected to the source of the GF. Otherwise, it will fall in the
GF, together with the ”supported” charge. This means that actually, the supporting
object is part of the object that creates the GF.
As we already mentioned, the charge is static and no work is done by the GF
that acts on the charge. However, the electric field of the charge is not static, and
it falls in a free fall in the GF. If there was no interaction between the electric field
and the charge that induced the field, the field would have follow a geodetic line and
no work would have been needed to keep it following the geodetic line. But the field
is curved, and a stress force is implied. The interaction between the curved field
and the supported charge creates a force that contradicts the free fall. In order to
overcome this force and cause the electric field to follow the geodetic lines, a work
should be done on the electric field, and this work is done by the GF. This work
is the source of the energy carried by the radiation. It comes out that the energy
carried away by the radiation is supplied by the GF, that loses this energy.
5. Conclusions
It is found that the “naive” conclusion from the principle of equivalence - that
a freely falling charge does not radiate, and a charge supported at rest in a gravi-
tational field does radiate - is a correct conclusion, and one should look for rdiation
whenever a relative acceleration exists between an electric charge and its electric
field. The electric field which falls freely in the gravitational field is accelerated
relative to the static charge. The field is curved, and the work done in overcoming
the stress force created in the curved field, is the source of the energy carried by the
radiation. This work is done by the gravitational field on the electric field, and the
energy carried by the radiation is created in the expence of the gravitational energy
of the system.
Motz [11] suggested that the huge radiation emerging from quasars may be cre-
ated by charges located in the strong gravitational fields close to the surface of the
quasars. Although the current expalnation for this phenomenon is different, radia-
tion from charges located in strong gravitational fields can still play a role in certain
cosmological phenomena.
We conclude that we find both the mechanism that creates the radiation emitted
by a charge supported in a GF, and the source of the energy carried by this radiation.
We acknowledge useful discussions on this topic with Amos Ori from the Tech-
[1] Rohrlich, F. 1965, in Classical Charged Particles, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., MA.
[2] Boulware, D. G. 1980, Annals of Physics, 124, 169.
[3] Matsas, G.E.A., 1994, Gen. Rel. Grav., 26, 1165.
[4] Jackson, J. D. 1975, Classical Electrodynamics, Second Edition, John Wiley &
Sons (New York).
[5] Harpaz, A., Soker, N., 1998, Gen. Rel. Grav., 30, 1217.
[6] Fulton, T., Rohrlich, F., 1960, Annals of Physics, 9, 499.
[7] Harpaz, A., Soker, N., 1999, in Proceedings of the 4th Freedmann Int. Seminar on
Gravitation and Cosmology, edts., Yu.N. Gnedin, A.A. Gribs, V.M. Mostepanenko,
W. Rodrigues Jr., UNICAMP (Br), and Friedmann Lab. Pub. (St. Petersburgh).
[8] Rohrlich, F., 1963, Annals of Physics, 22, 169.
[9] Parrot, S., 1997, paper 9303025, archive
[10] Singal, A.K., 1997, Gen. Rel. Grav., 29, 1371.
[11] Motz, L.A. 1972, Nuovo Cimento, 9B, 77.