6.042/18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science February 17,2005
Srini Devadas and Eric Lehman Lecture Notes
Number Theory I
Number theory is the study of the integers,Number theory is right at the core of math-
ematics; even Ug the Caveman surely had some grasp of the integers— at least the posi-
tive ones,In fact,the integers are so elementary that one might ask,“What’s to study?”
There’s 0,there’s 1,2,3 and so on,and there’s the negatives,Which one don’t you un-
derstand? Doesn’t math become easy when we don’t have to worry about nasty numbers

7,1/π,and i? We can even forget about fractions!
All the variables in these notes represent integers,
1 Divisibility
The true nature of number theory emerges from the?rst de?nition,We say that a divides
b if there is an integer k such that ak = b,This is denoted a | b,For example,
7 | 63 because 9 = 63 7·
A consequence of this de?nition is that every number divides zero since a· 0 = 0 for every
integer a,If a divides b,then b is a multiple of a,For example,63 is a multiple of 7,
This seems simple enough,but let’s play with this de?nition,The Pythagoreans,an
ancient sect of mathemtical mystics,said that a number is perfect if it equals the sum
of its positive integeral divisors,excluding itself,For example,6 = 1 + 2 + 3 and 28 =
1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 are perfect numbers,On the other hand,10 is not perfect because
1+2+5 = 8,and 12 is not perfect because 1+2+3+4+6 = 16,Euclid characterized all
the even perfect numbers around 300 BC,But is there an odd perfect number? More than
two thousand years later,we still don’t know! All numbers up to about 10
have been
ruled out,but no one has proved that there isn’t an odd perfect number waiting just over
the horizon,
So a half-page into number theory,we’ve strayed past the outer limits of human knowl-
edge,This is pretty typical; number theory is full of questions that are easy to pose,but
incredibly dif?cult to answer,Interestingly,computer scientists have found ways to turn
these dif?culties to their advantage,Every time you buy a book from Amazon,check
your grades on WebSIS,or use a PayPal account,you are relying on number theoretic
DON’T PANIC— we’re going to stick to some relatively benign parts of number theory,
We won’t put any of these super-hard unsolved problems on exams!
2 Number Theory I
1.1 Facts About Divisibility
The lemma below states some basic facts about divisibility that are not dif?cult to prove,
Lemma 1,The following statements about divisibility hold,
1,If a | b,then a bc for all c.|
2,If a | b and b c,then a c.| |
3,If a | b and a c,then a sb + tc for all s and t.| |
4,For all c = 0,a | b if and only if ca cb,
Proof,We’ll only prove parts (2) and (4); the other proofs are similar,
Proof of (2),Since a | b,there exists an integer k
such that ak
= b,Since b c,there |
exists an integer k
such that bk
= c,Substituting ak
for b in the second equation gives
= c,which implies that a | c,
Proof of (4),We must show that a | b implies ca cb and vice-versa,|
First,suppose a | b,This means ak = b for some k,Multiplying both sides by c gives
cak = cb for some k,This implies ca | cb,
Now,suppose ca | cb,Then cak = cb for some k,We can divide both sides by c since
c is nonzero,so ak = b for some k,This means a | b,
A number p > 1 with no positive divisors other than 1 and itself is called a prime,
Every other number greater than 1 is called composite,For example,2,3,5,7,11,and 13
are all prime,but 4,6,8,and 9 are composite,The number 1 is considered neither prime
nor composite,This is just a matter of de?nition,but re?ects the fact that 1 does not
behave like a prime in many contexts,such as the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,
which we’ll come to shortly,
1.2 When Divisibility Goes Bad
As you learned in elementary school,if one number does not evenly divide another,then
there is a,remainder” left over,More precisely,if you divide n by d,then you get a
quotient q and a remainder r,This basic fact is the subject of a useful theorem,
Theorem 2 (Division Theorem),Let n and d be integers such that d > 0,Then there exists a
unique pair of integers q and r such that n = qd + r and 0 ≤ r < d,
3 Number Theory I
Famous Problems in Number Theory
Fermat’s Last Theorem Do there exist positive integers x,y,and z such that
n n
x + y
= z
for some integer n > 2? In a book he was reading around 1630,Fermat claimed
to have a proof,but not enough space in the margin to write it down,Wiles
nally solved the problem in 1994,after seven years of working in secrecy and
isolation in his attic,
Goldbach Conjecture Is every even integer greater than or equal to 4 the sum of two
primes? For example,4 = 2 + 2,6 = 3 + 3,8 = 3 + 5,etc,The conjecture holds
for all numbers up to 10
,In 1939 Schnirelman proved that every even number
can be written as the sum of not more than 300,000 primes,which was a start,
Today,we know that every even number is the sum of at most 6 primes,
Twin Prime Conjecture Are there in?nitely many primes p such that p + 2 is also a
prime? In 1966 Chen showed that there are in?nitely many primes p such that
p + 2 is the product of at most two primes,So the conjecture is known to be
almost true!
Primality Testing Is there an ef?cient way to determine whether n is prime? An
amazingly simple,yet ef?cient method was?nally discovered in 2002 by
Agrawal,Kayal,and Saxena,Their paper began with a quote from Gauss em-
phasizing the importance and antiquity of the problem even in his time— two
centuries ago,
Factoring Given the product of two large primes n = pq,is there an ef?cient way
to recover the primes p and q? The best known algorithm is the,number?eld
seive”,which runs in time proportional to,
1.9(ln n)
(ln ln n)
This is infeasible when n has a couple hundred digits or more,
4 Number Theory I
As an example,suppose that a = 10 and b = 2716,Then the quotient is q = 271 and the
remainder is r = 6,since 2716 = 271 · 10 + 6,
The remainder r in the Division Theorem is denoted n rem d,In other words,n rem d
is the remainder when n is divided by d,For example,32 rem 5 is the remainder when
32 is divided by 5,which is 2,Similarly,?11 rem 7 = 3,since?11 = (?2) 7 + 3,There ·
is a rem operator built into many programming languages,For example,the expression
“32 % 5” evaluates to 2 in Java,C,and C++,However,all these languages treat negative
numbers strangely,
There are a couple naming problems related to the Division Theorem,First,the the-
orem is often called the,Division Algorithm”,even though it is not an algorithm in the
modern sense,Second,some people use the notation,mod” (which is short for,modulo”)
instead of,rem”,This is unfortunate,because,mod” has been used by mathematicians
for centuries in a confusingly similar context,which we’ll come to shortly,So we’ll stick
to rem here,
We’re not going to prove the Division Theorem,but there is an important feature that
you should notice,The theorem asserts that the quotient q and remainder r exist and also
that these values are unique,Thus,the Division Theorem is one example of an,existence
and uniqueness” theorem; there are many others,Not surprisingly,the proof of such a
theorem always has two parts,
A proof that something exists,such as the quotient q and remainder r,
A proof that nothing else?ts the bill; that is,there is no other quotient q
and re-
mainder r
We’ll prove a famous,existence and uniqueness” theorem in this way shortly,
Number Theory I 5
2 Die Hard
Simon,On the fountain,there should be 2 jugs,do you see them? A 5-gallon
and a 3-gallon,Fill one of the jugs with exactly 4 gallons of water and place it
on the scale and the timer will stop,You must be precise; one ounce more or
less will result in detonation,If you’re still alive in 5 minutes,we’ll speak,
Bruce,Wait,wait a second,I don’t get it,Do you get it?
Bruce,Get the jugs,Obviously,we can’t?ll the 3-gallon jug with 4 gallons of
Bruce,All right,I know,here we go,We?ll the 3-gallon jug exactly to the top,
Bruce,Okay,now we pour this 3 gallons into the 5-gallon jug,giving us exactly
3 gallons in the 5-gallon jug,right?
Samuel,Right,then what?
Bruce,All right,We take the 3-gallon jug and?ll it a third of the way..,
Samuel,No! He said,“Be precise.” Exactly 4 gallons,
Bruce,Shit,Every cop within 50 miles is running his ass off and I’m out here
playing kids games in the park,
Samuel,Hey,you want to focus on the problem at hand?
This is from the movie Die Hard 3,With a Vengeance,Samuel L,Jackson and Bruce
Willis have to disarm a bomb planted by the diabolical Simon Gruber,Fortunately,they
nd a solution in the nick of time,(No doubt reading the script helped.) On the surface,
Die Hard 3 is just a B-grade action movie; however,I think the inner message of the?lm
is that everyone should learn at least a little number theory,
3 Die Once and For All
Unfortunately,Hollywood never lets go of a gimmick,They’re planning to keep the Die
Hard series going with,
Die Hard 4,Die Hardest Bruce goes on vacation and— shockingly— happens into a ter-
rorist plot,To save the day,he must make 3 gallons using 21 and 26 gallon jugs,
6 Number Theory I
Die Hard 5,Die of Old Age Bruce must save his assisted living facility from a criminal
mastermind by forming 2 gallons with 899 and 1147 gallon jugs,
Die Hard 6,Die Once and For All Bruce has to make 4 gallons using 3 and 6-gallon jugs,
It would be nice if we could solve all these silly water jug questions at once,In particular,
how can one form g gallons using jugs with capacities a and b?
That’s where number theory comes in handy,
3.1 Finding an Invariant Property
Suppose that we have water jugs with capacities a and b,Let’s carry out a few arbitrary
operations and see what happens,The state of the system at each step is described below
with a pair of numbers (x,y),where x is the amount of water in the jug with capacity a
and y is the amount in the jug with capacity b,
(0,0) → (a,0)?ll?rst jug
→ (0,a) pour?rst into second
→ (a,a)?ll?rst jug
→ (2a? b,b) pour?rst into second
→ (2a? b,0) empty second jug
→ (0,2a? b) pour?rst into second
→ (a,2a? b)?ll?rst
→ (3a? 2b,b) pour?rst into second
Of course,we’re making some assumptions about the relative capacities of the two jugs
here,But another point leaps out,at every step,the amount of water in each jug is of the
s a + t b· ·
for some integers s and t,An expression of this form is called a linear combination of a
and b,This sounds like an assertion that we might be able to prove by induction!
Lemma 3,Suppose that we have water jugs with capacities a and b,Then the amount of water in
each jug is always a linear combination of a and b,
Proof,We use induction,Let P(n) be the proposition that after n steps,the amount of
water in each jug is a linear combination of a and b,
Base case,P(0) is true,because both jugs are initially empty,and 0 a + 0 b = 0.· ·
Inductive step,Now we must show that P(n) implies P(n + 1) for n ≥ 0,So assume that
after n steps the amount of water in each jug is a linear combination of a and b,There are
two cases,
Number Theory I 7
If we?ll a jug from the fountain or empty a jug into the fountain,then that jug is
empty or full,The amount in the other jug remains a linear combination of a and b,
So P(n + 1) holds,
Otherwise,we pour water from one jug to another until one is empty or the other is
full,By our assumption,the amount in each jug is a linear combination of a and b
before we begin pouring,
= bs
· a + t
= bs
· a + t
After pouring,one jug is either empty (contains 0 gallons) or full (contains a or b
gallons),Thus,the other jug contains either j
+ j
+ j
a,or j
+ j
gallons,all of which are linear combinations of a and b,
The claim follows by the principle of induction,
This theorem has an important corollary,
Corollary 4,Bruce dies,
Proof,In Die Hard 6,Bruce has water jugs with capacities 3 and 6 and must form 4 gallons
of water,However,the amount in each jug is always of the form 3s+6t by Lemma 3,This
is always a multiple of 3 by part (3) of Lemma 1,so he can not measure out 4 gallons,
Lemma 3 isn’t very satisfying,We’ve just managed to recast a pretty understand-
able question about water jugs into a complicated question about linear combinations,
This might not seem like progress,Fortunately,linear combinations are closely related to
something more familiar and that will help us solve the water jug problem,
4 The Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor of a and b is exactly what you’d guess,the largest number
that is a divisor of both a and b,It is denoted gcd(a,b),For example,gcd(18,24) = 6,
Probably some junior high math teacher made you compute greatest common divi-
sors for no apparent reason until you were blue in the face,But,amazingly,the greatest
common divisor actually turns out to be quite useful for reasoning about the integers,
Speci?cally,the quantity gcd(a,b) is a valuable piece of information about the relation-
ship between the numbers a and b,So we’ll make arguments about greatest common
divisors all the time,
8 Number Theory I
4.1 Linear Combinations and the GCD
The theorem below relates the greatest common divisor to linear combinations,This the-
orem is very useful; take the time to understand it and then remember it!
Theorem 5,The greatest common divisor of a and b is equal to the smallest positive linear com-
bination of a and b,
For example,the greatest common divisor of 52 and 44 is 4,And,sure enough,4 is a
linear combination of 52 and 44,
6 · 52 + (?7) 44 = 4·
Furthermore,no linear combination of 52 and 44 is equal to a smaller positive integer,
Proof,Let m be the smallest positive linear combination of a and b,We’ll prove that m =
gcd(a,b) by showing both gcd(a,b) ≤ m and m ≤ gcd(a,b),
First,we show that gcd(a,b) ≤ m,By the de?nition of common divisor,gcd(a,b) a|
and gcd(a,b) | b,Therefore,for every pair of integers s and t,
gcd(a,b) | sa + tb
Thus,in particular,gcd(a,b) divides m,and so gcd(a,b) ≤ m,
Now,we show that m ≤ gcd(a,b),We do this by showing that m | a,A symmetric
argument shows that m | b,which means that m is a common divisor of a and b,Thus,m
must be less than or equal to the greatest common divisor of a and b,
All that remains is to show that m | a,By the Division Algorithm,there exists a quo-
tient q and remainder r such that,
a = q m + r (where 0 ≤ r < m)·
Recall that m = sa + tb for some integers s and t,Subtituting in for m and rearranging
terms gives,
a = q · (sa + tb) + r
r = (1? qs)a + (?qt)b
We’ve just expressed r as a linear combination of a and b,However,m is the smallest
positive linear combination and 0 ≤ r < m,The only possibility is that the remainder r is
not positive; that is,r = 0,This implies m | a,
The proof notes that every linear combination of a and b is a multiple of gcd(a,b),
Conversely,since gcd(a,b) is a linear combination of a and b,every multiple of gcd(a,b) is
as well,This establishes a corollary,
Number Theory I 9
Corollary 6,Every linear combination of a and b is a multiple of gcd(a,b) and vice versa,
Now we can restate the water jugs lemma in terms of the greatest common divisor,
Corollary 7,Suppose that we have water jugs with capacities a and b,Then the amount of water
in each jug is always a multiple of gcd(a,b),
For example,there is no way to form 4 gallons using 3 and 6 gallon jugs,because 4 is
not a multiple of gcd(3,6) = 3,
4.2 Properties of the Greatest Common Divisor
We claimed that greatest common divisors are powerful tools for reasoning about the
integers,So we’ll often make use of some basic gcd facts,
Lemma 8,The following statements about the greatest common divisor hold,
1,Every common divisor of a and b divides gcd(a,b),
2,gcd(ka,kb) = k · gcd(a,b) for all k > 0,
3,If gcd(a,b) = 1 and gcd(a,c) = 1,then gcd(a,bc) = 1,
4,If a | bc and gcd(a,b) = 1,then a c.|
5,gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,a rem b),
Here’s the trick to proving these statements,translate the gcd world to the linear com-
bination world using Theorem 5,argue about linear combinations,and then translate
back using Theorem 5 again,
Proof,We prove only parts (3) and (4),
Proof of (3),The assumptions together with Theorem 5 imply that there exist integers
s,t,u,and v such that,
sa + tb = 1
ua + vc = 1
Multiplying these two equations gives,
(sa + tb)(ua + vc) = 1
The left side can be rewritten as a · (asu +btu +csv)+b c(tv),This is a linear combination ·
of a and bc that is equal to 1,so gcd(a,bc) = 1 by Theorem 5,
Proof of (4),Theorem 5 says that gcd(ac,bc) is equal to a linear combination of ac and
bc,Now a | ac trivially and a | bc by assumption,Therefore,a divides every linear
combination of ac and bc,In particular,a divides gcd(ac,bc) = c · gcd(a,b) = c,The?rst
equality uses part (2) of this lemma,and the second uses the assumption that gcd(a,b) =

10 Number Theory I
Part (5) of the lemma is useful for quickly computing the greatest common divisor of
two numbers,For example,we could compute the greatest common divisor of 1147 and
899 by repeatedly applying part(5),
gcd(1247,899) = gcd(899,1247 rem 899)
= gcd(248,899 rem 248)
= gcd(155,248 rem 155)
= gcd(93,155 rem 93)
= gcd(62,93 rem 62)
= gcd(31,62 rem 31)
= gcd(31,0)
= 31
This is called Euclid’s algorithm,The last equation might look wrong,but 31 is a divisor
of both 31 and 0 since every integer divides 0,
This calculation,together with Corollary 7,implies that there is no way to measure out
2 gallons of water using jugs with capacities 1247 and 899; we can only obtain multiples
of 31 gallons,This is good news– Bruce won’t even survive Die Hard 5!
Let’s see if Bruce can possibly make 3 gallons using 21 and 26-gallon jugs,First,we
compute the greatest common divisorof 21 and 26 using Euclid’s algorithm,
gcd(26,21) = gcd(21,5) = gcd(5,1) = 1
Now 3 is a multiple of 1,so we can’t rule out the possibility that Bruce can form 3 gallons,
On the other hand,we don’t know he can do it either,
4.3 One Solution for All Water Jug Problems
Can Bruce form 3 gallons using 21 and 26-gallon jugs? This question is not so easy to
answer without some number theory,
Corollary 6 says that 3 can be written as a linear combination of 21 and 26,since 3 is a
multiple of gcd(21,26) = 1,In other words,there exist integers s and t such that,
3 = s 21 + t 26· ·
We don’t know what the coef?cients s and t are,but we do know that they exist,
Number Theory I 11
Now the coef?cient s could be either positive or negative,However,we can readily
transform this linear combination into an equivalent linear combination
3 = s
21 + t
26· ·
where the coef?cient s
is positive,The trick is to notice that if we increase s by 26 in the
original equation and decrease t by 21,then the value of the expression s · 21 + t 26 is·
unchanged overall,Thus,by repeatedly increasing the value of s (by 26 at a time) and
decreasing the value of t (by 21 at a time),we get a linear combination s
21 + t
26 = · ·
3 where the coef?cient s
is positive,Notice that t
must be negative; otherwise,this
expression would be much greater than 3,
Now here’s how to form 3 gallons using jugs with capacities 21 and 26,
Repeat s
– Fill the 21-gallon jug,
– Pour all the water in the 21-gallon jug into the 26-gallon jug,Whenever the
26-gallon jug becomes full,empty it out,
At the end of this process,there must be exactly 3 gallons in the 26-gallon jug! Here’s why,
we’ve taken s
21 gallons of water from the fountain,we’ve poured out some multiple of ·
26 gallons,and in the end the 26-gallon jug holds somewhere between 0 and 26 gallons,
Furthermore,we know,
21 + t
26 = 3· ·
Thus,we must have emptied the 26-gallon jug exactly?t
times; if we had emptied it
fewer times,then there woule be more than 26 gallons left,And we did not withdraw
enough water from the fountain to empty the 26-gallon jug more than?t
the equation above,there must be exactly 3 gallons left,
Remarkably,we don’t even need to know the coef?cients s
and t
in order to use this
strategy! Instead of repeating the outer loop s
times,we could just repeat until we obtain
3 gallons,since that must happen eventually,Of course,we have to keep track of the
amounts in the two jugs so we know when we’re done,Here’s the solution that approach
12 Number Theory I
ll 21
pour 21 into 26
(0,0) (21,0) (0,21)
ll 21
pour 21 into 26
(21,21) (16,26) (16,0) (0,16)
empty 26 pour 21 into 26
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,16) (11,26) (11,0) (0,11)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,11) (6,26) (6,0) (0,6)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,6) (1,26) (1,0) (0,1)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26
(21,1) (0,22)
ll 21
pour 21 into 26
(21,22) (17,26) (17,0) (0,17)
empty 26 pour 21 into 26
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,17) (12,26) (12,0) (0,12)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,12) (7,26) (7,0) (0,7)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,7) (2,26) (2,0) (0,2)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26
(21,2) (0,23)
ll 21
pour 21 into 26
(21,23) (18,26) (18,0) (0,18)
empty 26 pour 21 into 26
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,18) (13,26) (13,0) (0,13)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,13) (8,26) (8,0) (0,8)→→→→
ll 21
pour 21 into 26 empty 26 pour 21 into 26
(21,8) (3,26) (3,0) (0,3)→→→→
The same approach works regardless of the jug capacities and even regardless the
amount we’re trying to produce! Simply proceed as follows,
Repeat until the desired amount of water is obtained,
– Fill the smaller jug,
– Pour all the water in the smaller jug into the larger jug,Whenever the larger
jug becomes full,empty it out,
By the same reasoning as before,this method eventually generates every multiple of the
greatest common divisor of the jug capacities— all the quantities we can possibly pro-
duce,No ingenuity is needed at all!
5 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithemtic
We now have almost enough tools to prove something that you probably already know,
Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic),Every positive integer n can be written in
a unique way as a product of primes,
n = p
≤ p
≤,.,≤ p
)· · · · p
13 Number Theory I
Notice that the theorem would be false if 1 were considered a prime; for example,15
could be written as 3 5 or 1 3 5 or 1
3 5,Also,we’re relying on a standard convention,· · · · ·
the product of an empty set of numbers is de?ned to be 1,much as the sum of an empty
set of numbers is de?ned to be 0,Without this convention,the theorem would be false for
n = 1,
There is a certain wonder in the Fundamental Theorem,even if you’ve known it since
the crib,Primes show up erratically in the sequence of integers,In fact,their distribution
seems almost random,
Basic questions about this sequence have stumped humanity for centuries,And yet we
know that every natural number can be built up from primes in exactly one way,These
quirky numbers are the building blocks for the integers,The Fundamental Theorem is
not hard to prove,but we’ll need a couple preliminary facts,
Lemma 9,If p is a prime and p | ab,then p a or p b.| |
Proof,The greatest common divisor of a and p must be either 1 or p,since these are the
only divisors of p,If gcd(a,p) = p,then the claim holds,because a is a multiple of p,
Otherwise,gcd(a,p) = 1 and so p | b by part (4) of Lemma 8,
A routine induction argument extends this statement to the fact we assumed last time,
Lemma 10,Let p be a prime,If p | a
,then p divides some a
Now we’re ready to prove the Fundamental Theorem of Arithemtic,
Theorem 11 (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic),Every positive integer n can be written
in a unique way as a product of primes,
n = p
≤ p
≤,.,≤ p
Proof,We must prove two things,(1) every positive integer can be expressed as a product
of primes,and (2) this expression is unique,
First,we use strong induction to prove that every positive integer n is a product of
primes,As a base case,n = 1 is the product of the empty set of primes,For the inductive
step,suppose that every k < n is a product of primes,We must show that n is also
a product of primes,If n is itself prime,then this is true trivially,Otherwise,n = ab
for some a,b < n,By the induction assumption,a and b are both products of primes,
Therefore,a·b = n is also a product of primes,Thus,the claim is proved by induction,
Second,we use the well-ordering principle to prove that every positive integer can be
written as a product of primes in a unique way,The proof is by contradiction,assume,
contrary to the claim,that there exist positive integers that can be written as products of

14 Number Theory I
The Prime Number Theorem
Let π(x) denote the number of primes less than or equal to x,For example,π(10) =
4 because 2,3,5,and 7 are the primes less than or equal to 10,Primes are very
irregularly distributed,so the growth of π is similarly erratic,However,the Prime
Number Theorem give an approximate answer,
lim = 1
x/ln x
Thus,primes gradually taper off,As a rule of thumb,about 1 integer out of every ln x
in the vicinity of x is a prime,
The Prime Number Theorem was conjectured by Legendre in 1798 and proved a
century later by de la Vallee Poussin and Hadamard in 1896,However,after his death,
a notebook of Gauss was found to contain the same conjecture,which he apparently
made in 1791 at age 15,(You sort of have to feel sorry for all the otherwise,great”
mathematicans who had the misfortune of being contemporaries of Gauss.)
In late 2004 a billboard appeared in various locations around the country,
rst 10-digit prime found
in consecutive digits of e
Substituting the correct number for the expression in curly-braces produced the URL
for a Google employment page,The idea was that Google was interested in hiring
the sort of people that could and would solve such a problem,
How hard is this problem? Would you have to look through thousands or millions
or billions of digits of e to?nd a 10-digit prime? The rule of thumb dervied from the
Prime Number Theorem says that among 10-digit numbers,about 1 in
ln 10
≈ 23
is prime,This suggests that the problem isn’t really so hard! Sure enough,the?rst
10-digit prime in consecutive digits of e appears quite early,
e =2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966
15 Number Theory I
primes in more than one way,By the well-ordering principle,there is a smallest integer
with this property,Call this integer n,and let
n = p
= q
be two of the (possibly many) ways to write n as a product of primes,Then p
| n and
so p
| q
,Lemma 10 implies that p
divides one of the primes q
,But since q
is a
prime,it must be that p
= q
,Deleting p
from the?rst product and q
from the second,
we?nd that n/p
is a positive integer smaller than n that can also be written as a product
of primes in two distinct ways,But this contradicts the de?nition of n as the smallest such
positive integer,