6.042/18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science March 3,2005
Srini Devadas and Eric Lehman Lecture Notes
Graph Theory II
1 Coloring Graphs
Each term,the MIT Schedules Of?ce must assign a time slot for each?nal exam,This is
not easy,because some students are taking several classes with?nals,and a student can
take only one test during a particular time slot,The Schedules Of?ce wants to avoid all
con?icts,but to make the exam period as short as possible,
We can recast this scheduling problem as a question about coloring the vertices of
a graph,Create a vertex for each course with a?nal exam,Put an edge between two
vertices if some student is taking both courses,For example,the scheduling graph might
look like this,
Next,identify each time slot with a color,For example,Monday morning is red,Mon-
day afternoon is blue,Tuesday morning is green,etc,
Assigning an exam to a time slot is now equivalent to coloring the corresponding ver-
tex,The main constraint is that adjacent vertices must get different colors; otherwise,
some student has two exams at the same time,Furthermore,in order to keep the exam
period short,we should try to color all the vertices using as few different colors as possi-
ble,For our example graph,three colors suf?ce,
green blue
2 Graph Theory II
This coloring corresponds to giving one?nal on Monday morning (red),two Monday
afternoon (blue),and two Tuesday morning (green),
1.1 k-Coloring
Many other resource allocation problems boil down to coloring some graph,In general,a
graph G is k-colorable if each vertex can be assigned one of k colors so that adjacent ver-
tices get different colors,The smallest suf?cient number of colors is called the chromatic
number of G,The chromatic number of a graph is generally dif?cult to compute,but the
following theorem provides an upper bound,
Theorem 1,A graph with maximum degree at most k is (k + 1)-colorable,
Proof,We use induction on the number of vertices in the graph,which we denote by n,
Let P(n) be the proposition that an n-vertex graph with maximum degree at most k is
(k + 1)-colorable,A 1-vertex graph has maximum degree 0 and is 1-colorable,so P(1) is
Now assume that P(n) is true,and let G be an (n + 1)-vertex graph with maximum
degree at most k,Remove a vertex v,leaving an n-vertex graph G
,The maximum degree
of G
is at most k,and so G
is (k + 1)-colorable by our assumption P(n),Now add back
vertex v,We can assign v a color different from all adjacent vertices,since v has degree
at most k and k + 1 colors are available,Therefore,G is (k + 1)-colorable,The theorem
follows by induction,
1.2 Bipartite Graphs
The 2-colorable graphs are important enough to merit a special name; they are called
bipartite graphs,Suppose that G is bipartite,This means we can color every vertex in
G either black or white so that adjacent vertices get different colors,Then we can put all
the black vertices in a clump on the left and all the white vertices in a clump on the right,
Since every edge joins differently-colored vertices,every edge must run between the two
clumps,Therefore,every bipartite graph looks something like this,
Graph Theory II 3
Bipartite graphs are both useful and common,For example,every path,every tree,and
every even-length cycle is bipartite,In turns out,in fact,that every graph not containing
an odd cycle is bipartite and vice verse,
Theorem 2,A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd cycle,
2 The King Chicken Theorem
There are nchickens in a farmyard,For each pair of distinct chickens,either the?rst pecks
the second or the second pecks the?rst,but not both,We say that chicken u virtually pecks
chicken v if either,
Chicken u pecks chicken v,
Chicken u pecks some other chicken w who in turn pecks chicken v,
A chicken that virtually pecks every other chicken is called a king chicken
We can model this situation with a tournament digraph,The vertices are chickens,and
an edge u v indicates that chicken u pecks chicken v,In the tournament below,three →
of the four chickens are kings,
king not a king
Now we’re going to prove a theorem about chicken tournaments,The result is not
very useful,but the proof involves both induction and digraphs,two of the most common
mathematical tools in computer science,
Theorem 3 (King Chicken Theorem),Every n-chicken tournament has a king,where n ≥ 1,
Proof,The proof is by induction on n,the number of chickens in the tournament,Let P(n)
be the proposition that in every n-chicken tournament,there is at least one king,
First,we prove P(1),In this case,we can safely say that the lone chicken virtually
pecks every other chicken,since there are no others,Therefore,the only chicken in the
tournament is a king,and so P(1) is true,
Next,we must show that P(n) implies P(n + 1) whenever n ≥ 1,Suppose there is
a chicken tournament with chickens v
,If we ignore the last chicken for the
But if a chicken is a king,isn’t it male? And if it is male,isn’t it a rooster? Oh well,
4 Graph Theory II
moment,then we are left with a tournament among the?rst n chickens,By our induction
hypothesis,P(n),this tournament has a king chicken,v
Let D
be the set of chickens pecked by the king,v
,Let D
be the set of chickens vir-
tually pecked by the king,but not pecked directly,Thus,each chicken in D
was pecked
by some chicken in D
,Since v
is a king,this accounts for all the chickens; that is,{v
,and D
form a partition of the set of chickens {v
},The situation is represented
schematically below,
Now we reintroduce the last chicken,v
,and show that the full tournament on n+1
chickens has a king,There are two cases,
1,Suppose that v
pecks v
,Then v
is a king of the full tournament,
pecks v
,There are then two subcases,
(a) If some chicken in D
pecks v
,then v
virtually pecks v
and so v
is again
a king of the full tournament,
(b) Otherwise,v
pecks every chicken in D
,In this case,v
is a king of the full
tournament; he directly pecks v
and all the chickens in D
,and he virtually
pecks all the chickens in D
In every case,a chicken tournament with n+1 chickens has a king,and so P(n+1) holds,
Thus,by the principle of induction,the claim is proved,
3 Planar Graphs
Here are three dogs and three houses,
5 Graph Theory II
Dog DogDog
Can you?nd a path from each dog to each house such that no two paths intersect?
A quadapus is a little-known animal similar to an octopus,but with four arms,Here
are?ve quadapi resting on the sea?oor,
Can each quadapus simultaneously shake hands with every other in such a way that no
arms cross?
Informally,a planar graph is a graph that can be drawn in the plane so that no edges
cross,Thus,these two puzzles are asking whether the graphs below are planar; that is,
whether they can be redrawn so that no edges cross,
In each case,the answer is,“No— but almost!” In fact,each drawing would be possible if
any single edge were removed,
More precisely,graph is planar if it has a planar embedding (or drawing),This is a
way of associating each vertex with a distinct point in the plane and each edge with a
continuous,non-self-intersecting curve such that,
The endpoints of the curve associated with an edge (u,v) are the points associated
with vertices u and v,
6 Graph Theory II
The curve associated with an edge (u,v) contains no other vertex point and inter-
sects no other edge curve,except at its endpoints,
This scary de?nition hints at a theoretical problem associated with planar graphs,
while the idea seems intuitively simple,rigorous arguments about planar graphs require
some heavy-duty math,The classic example of the dif?culties that can arise is the Jordan
Curve Theorem,This states that every simple,closed curve separates the plane into two
regions,an inside and an outside,like this,
Up until the late 1800’s,mathematicians considered this obvious and implicitly treated
it as an axiom,However,in 1887 Jordan pointed out that,in principle,this could be a
theorem proved from simpler axioms,Actually nailing down such a proof required more
than 20 years of effort,(It turns out that there are some nasty curves that defy simple
arguments.) Planar graphs come up all the time and are worth learning about,but a
several-month diversion into topology isn’t in the cards,So when we need an,obvious”
geometric fact,we’ll handle it the old fashioned way,we’ll assume it!
Planar graphs are worthy of study for several reasons,One is rooted in human pyschol-
ogy,many kinds of information can be presented as a graph (family relations,chemical
structures,computer data structures,contact data for study of disease spread,?ow of
cash in money laundering trials,etc.),Big graphs are typically incomprehensible messes,
but planar graphs are relatively easy for humans to grasp since there are no crisscross-
ing edges,Sometimes the advantages of planarity are more concrete; for example,when
wires are arranged on a surface,like a circuit board or microchip,crossings require trou-
blesome three-dimensional structures,When Steve Wozniak designed the disk drive for
the early Apple II computer,he struggled mightly to achieve a nearly planar design,
For two weeks,he worked late each night to make a satisfactory design,
When he was?nished,he found that if he moved a connector he could cut
down on feedthroughs,making the board more reliable,To make that move,
however,he had to start over in his design,This time it only took twenty
hours,He then saw another feedthrough that could be eliminated,and again
started over on his design.,The?nal design was generally recognized by
computer engineers as brilliant and was by engineering aesthetics beautiful,
Woz later said,’It’s something you can only do if you’re the engineer and the
PC board layout person yourself,That was an artistic layout,The board has
virtually no feedthroughs.’”
From apple2history.org which in turn quotes Fire in the Valley by Freiberger and Swaine,
Graph Theory II 7
Finally,as we’ll see shortly,planar graphs reveal a fundamental truth about the structure
of our three-dimensional world,
3.1 Euler’s Formula
A drawing of a planar graph divides the plane into faces,regions bounded by edges of
the graph,For example,the drawing below has four faces,
1 2
3 4
Face 1,which extends off to in?nity in all directions,is called the outside face,It turns out
that the number of vertices and edges in a connected planar graph determine the number
of faces in every drawing,
Theorem 4 (Euler’s Formula),For every drawing of a connected planar graph
v? e +f = 2
where v is the number of vertices,e is the number of edges,and fis the number of faces,
For example,in the drawing above,|V = 4,E = 6,and f = 4,Sure enough,4?6+4 =| | |
2,as Euler’s Formula claims.
Proof,We use induction on the number of edges in the graph,Let P(e) be the proposition
that v? e +f = 2 for every drawing of a graph G with e edges.
Base case,A connected graph with e = 0 edges has v = 1 vertices,and every drawing of
the graph has f = 1 faces (the outside face),Thus,v? e + f = 1? 0 + 1 = 2,and so P(0)
is true.
Inductive step,Now we assume that P(e) is true in order to prove P(e + 1) where e ≥ 0.
Consider a connected graph G with e + 1 edges,There are two cases:
1,If G is acylic,then the graph is a tree,Thus,there are e+2vertices and every drawing
has only the outside face,Since (e +2)? (e +1)+1 = 2? 1+1 = 2,P(n +1) is true,
2,Otherwise,G has at least one cycle,Select a spanning tree and an edge (u,v) in
the cycle,but not in the tree,(The spanning tree can not contain all edges in the
cycle,since trees are acyclic.) Removing (u,v) merges the two faces on either side
of the edge and leaves a graph G
with only e edges and some number of vertices
v and faces f,Graph G
is connected,because there is a path between every pair
of vertices within the spanning tree,So v? e + f = 2 by the induction assumption
P(e),Thus,the original graph G had v vertices,e + 1 edges,and f + 1 faces,Since
v? (e + 1) + (f + 1) = v? e +f = 2,P(n + 1) is again true,
8 Graph Theory II
The theorem follows by the principle of induction,
In this argument,we implicitly assumed two geometric facts,a drawing of a tree can
not have multiple faces and removing an edge on a cycle merges two faces into one,
3.2 Classifying Polyhedra
The Pythagoreans had two great mathematical secrets,the irrationality of 2 and a geo-
metric construct that we’re about to rediscover!
A polyhedron is a convex,three-dimensional region bounded by a?nite number of
polygonal faces,If the faces are identical regular polygons and an equal number of poly-
gons meet at each corner,then the polyhedron is regular,Three examples of regular
polyhedra are shown below,the tetraheron,the cube,and the octahedron,
How many more polyhedra are there? Imagine putting your eye very close to one face
of a translucent polyhedron,The edges of that face would ring the periphery of your
vision and all other edges would be visible within,For example,the three polyhedra
above would look something like this,
Thus,we can regard the corners and edges of these polyhedra as the vertices and edges
of a planar graph,(This is another logical leap based on geometric intuition.) This means
Euler’s formula for planar graphs can help guide our search for regular polyhedra,
9 Graph Theory II
Let m be the number of faces that meet at each corner of a polyhedron,and let n be
the number of sides on each face,In the corresponding planar graph,there are m edges
incident to each of the v vertices,Since each edge is incident to two vertices,we know,
mv = 2e
Also,each face is bounded by n edges,Since each edge is on the boundary of two faces,
we have,
nf = 2e
Solving for v and f in these equations and then substituting into Euler’s formula gives,
2e 2e
= 2
e +
1 1 1 1
+ = +
m n e 2
The last equation places strong restrictions on the structure of a polyhedron,Every non-
degenerate polygon has at least 3 sides,so n ≥ 3,And at least 3 polygons must meet to
from a corner,so m ≥ 3,On the other hand,if either n or m were 6 or more,then the left
side of the equation could be at most
+,which is less than the right side,Checking =
3 26
the?nitely-many cases that remain turns up?ve solutions,For each valid combination of
n and m,we can compute the associated number of vertices v,edges e,and faces f,And
polyhedra with these properties do actually exist,
n m v e f polyhedron
3 3 4 6 4 tetrahedron
4 3 8 12 6 cube
3 4 6 12 8 octahedron
3 5 12 30 20 icosahedron
5 3 20 30 12 dodecahedron
The last polyhedron in this list,the dodecahedron,was the other great mathematical se-
cret of the Pythagorean sect!
4 Hall’s Marriage Theorem
A class contains some girls and some boys,Each girl likes some boys and does not like
others,Under what conditions can each girl be paired up with a boy that she likes?
We can model the situation with a bipartite graph,Create a vertex on the left for each
girl and a vertex on the right for each boy,If a girl likes a boy,put an edge between them,
For example,we might obtain the following graph,
10 Graph Theory II
Jane Mergatroid
In graph terms,our goal is to?nd a matching for the girls; that is,a subset of edges
such that exactly one edge is incident to each girl and at most one edge is incident to each
boy,For example,here is one possible matching for the girls,
Jane Mergatroid
Hall’s Marriage Theorem states necessary and suf?cient conditions for the existence of
a matching in a bipartite graph,Hall’s Theorem is a remarkably useful mathematical tool,
a hammer that bashes many problems,Moreover,it is the tip of a conceptual iceberg,a
special case of the,max-?ow,min-cut theorem”,which is in turn a byproduct of,linear
programming duality”,one of the central ideas of algorithmic theory,
We’ll state and prove Hall’s Theorem using girl-likes-boy terminology,De?ne the set
of boys liked by a given set of girls to consist of all boys liked by at least one of those girls,
For example,the set of boys liked by Martha and Jane consists of Tom,Michael,and
For us to have any chance at all of matching up the girls,the following marriage con-
dition must hold,
Every subset of girls likes at least as large a set of boys,
For example,we can not?nd a matching if some 4 girls like only 3 boys,Hall’s The-
orem says that this necessary condition is actually suf?cient; if the marriage condition
holds,then a matching exists,
Graph Theory II 11
Theorem 5,A matching for a set of girls G with a set of boys B can be found if and only if the
marriage condition holds,
Proof,First,let’s suppose that a matching exists and show that the marriage condition
holds,Consider an arbitrary subset of girls,Each girl likes at least the boy she is matched
with,Therefore,every subset of girls likes at least as large a set of boys,Thus,the mar-
riage condition holds,
Next,let’s suppose that the marriage condition holds and show that a matching ex-
ists,We use strong induction on |G,the number of girls,If G = 1,then the marriage | | |
condition implies that the lone girl likes at least one boy,and so a matching exists,Now
suppose that G ≥ 2,There are two possibilities,| |
1,Every proper subset of girls likes a strictly larger set of boys,In this case,we have
some latitude,we pair an arbitrary girl with a boy she likes and send them both
away,The marriage condition still holds for the remaining boys and girls,so we can
match the rest of the girls by induction,
2,Some proper subset of girls X? G likes an equal-size set of boys Y? B,We match
the girls in X with the boys in Y by induction and send them all away,We will show
that the marriage condition holds for the remaining boys and girls,and so we can
match the rest of the girls by induction as well,
To that end,consider an arbitrary subset of the remaining girls X
G? X,and
let Y
be the set of remaining boys that they like,We must show that |X
| ≤ |Y
Originally,the combined set of girls X ∪ X
liked the set of boys Y ∪ Y
,So,by the
marriage condition,we know,
X ∪ X
Y ∪ Y
| | ≤ | |
We sent away |X girls from the set on the left (leaving X
) and sent away an equal |
number of boys from the set on the right (leaving Y
),Therefore,it must be that
| ≤ |Y
as claimed,|
In both cases,there is a matching for the girls,The theorem follows by induction,
The proof of this theorem gives an algorithm for?nding a matching in a bipartite
graph,albeit not a very ef?cient one,However,ef?cient algorithms for?nding a matching
in a bipartite graph do exist,Thus,if a problem can be reduced to?nding a matching,the
problem is essentially solved from a computational perspective,
4.1 A Formal Statement
Let’s restate Hall’s Theorem in abstract terms so that you’ll not always be condemned to
saying,“Now this group of little girls likes at least as many little boys...” Suppose S is
a set of vertices in a graph,De?ne N(S) to be the set of all neighbors of S; that is,all
vertices that are adjacent to a vertex in S,but not actually in S,
12 Graph Theory II
Theorem 6 (Hall’s Theorem),Let G = (L ∪ R,E) be a bipartite graph such that every edge
has one endpoint in L and one endpoint in R,There is a matching for the L vertices if and only if
S for every set S? L.|N(S)| ≥ | |
Srini Devadas and Eric Lehman Lecture Notes
Graph Theory II
1 Coloring Graphs
Each term,the MIT Schedules Of?ce must assign a time slot for each?nal exam,This is
not easy,because some students are taking several classes with?nals,and a student can
take only one test during a particular time slot,The Schedules Of?ce wants to avoid all
con?icts,but to make the exam period as short as possible,
We can recast this scheduling problem as a question about coloring the vertices of
a graph,Create a vertex for each course with a?nal exam,Put an edge between two
vertices if some student is taking both courses,For example,the scheduling graph might
look like this,
Next,identify each time slot with a color,For example,Monday morning is red,Mon-
day afternoon is blue,Tuesday morning is green,etc,
Assigning an exam to a time slot is now equivalent to coloring the corresponding ver-
tex,The main constraint is that adjacent vertices must get different colors; otherwise,
some student has two exams at the same time,Furthermore,in order to keep the exam
period short,we should try to color all the vertices using as few different colors as possi-
ble,For our example graph,three colors suf?ce,
green blue
2 Graph Theory II
This coloring corresponds to giving one?nal on Monday morning (red),two Monday
afternoon (blue),and two Tuesday morning (green),
1.1 k-Coloring
Many other resource allocation problems boil down to coloring some graph,In general,a
graph G is k-colorable if each vertex can be assigned one of k colors so that adjacent ver-
tices get different colors,The smallest suf?cient number of colors is called the chromatic
number of G,The chromatic number of a graph is generally dif?cult to compute,but the
following theorem provides an upper bound,
Theorem 1,A graph with maximum degree at most k is (k + 1)-colorable,
Proof,We use induction on the number of vertices in the graph,which we denote by n,
Let P(n) be the proposition that an n-vertex graph with maximum degree at most k is
(k + 1)-colorable,A 1-vertex graph has maximum degree 0 and is 1-colorable,so P(1) is
Now assume that P(n) is true,and let G be an (n + 1)-vertex graph with maximum
degree at most k,Remove a vertex v,leaving an n-vertex graph G
,The maximum degree
of G
is at most k,and so G
is (k + 1)-colorable by our assumption P(n),Now add back
vertex v,We can assign v a color different from all adjacent vertices,since v has degree
at most k and k + 1 colors are available,Therefore,G is (k + 1)-colorable,The theorem
follows by induction,
1.2 Bipartite Graphs
The 2-colorable graphs are important enough to merit a special name; they are called
bipartite graphs,Suppose that G is bipartite,This means we can color every vertex in
G either black or white so that adjacent vertices get different colors,Then we can put all
the black vertices in a clump on the left and all the white vertices in a clump on the right,
Since every edge joins differently-colored vertices,every edge must run between the two
clumps,Therefore,every bipartite graph looks something like this,
Graph Theory II 3
Bipartite graphs are both useful and common,For example,every path,every tree,and
every even-length cycle is bipartite,In turns out,in fact,that every graph not containing
an odd cycle is bipartite and vice verse,
Theorem 2,A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd cycle,
2 The King Chicken Theorem
There are nchickens in a farmyard,For each pair of distinct chickens,either the?rst pecks
the second or the second pecks the?rst,but not both,We say that chicken u virtually pecks
chicken v if either,
Chicken u pecks chicken v,
Chicken u pecks some other chicken w who in turn pecks chicken v,
A chicken that virtually pecks every other chicken is called a king chicken
We can model this situation with a tournament digraph,The vertices are chickens,and
an edge u v indicates that chicken u pecks chicken v,In the tournament below,three →
of the four chickens are kings,
king not a king
Now we’re going to prove a theorem about chicken tournaments,The result is not
very useful,but the proof involves both induction and digraphs,two of the most common
mathematical tools in computer science,
Theorem 3 (King Chicken Theorem),Every n-chicken tournament has a king,where n ≥ 1,
Proof,The proof is by induction on n,the number of chickens in the tournament,Let P(n)
be the proposition that in every n-chicken tournament,there is at least one king,
First,we prove P(1),In this case,we can safely say that the lone chicken virtually
pecks every other chicken,since there are no others,Therefore,the only chicken in the
tournament is a king,and so P(1) is true,
Next,we must show that P(n) implies P(n + 1) whenever n ≥ 1,Suppose there is
a chicken tournament with chickens v
,If we ignore the last chicken for the
But if a chicken is a king,isn’t it male? And if it is male,isn’t it a rooster? Oh well,
4 Graph Theory II
moment,then we are left with a tournament among the?rst n chickens,By our induction
hypothesis,P(n),this tournament has a king chicken,v
Let D
be the set of chickens pecked by the king,v
,Let D
be the set of chickens vir-
tually pecked by the king,but not pecked directly,Thus,each chicken in D
was pecked
by some chicken in D
,Since v
is a king,this accounts for all the chickens; that is,{v
,and D
form a partition of the set of chickens {v
},The situation is represented
schematically below,
Now we reintroduce the last chicken,v
,and show that the full tournament on n+1
chickens has a king,There are two cases,
1,Suppose that v
pecks v
,Then v
is a king of the full tournament,
pecks v
,There are then two subcases,
(a) If some chicken in D
pecks v
,then v
virtually pecks v
and so v
is again
a king of the full tournament,
(b) Otherwise,v
pecks every chicken in D
,In this case,v
is a king of the full
tournament; he directly pecks v
and all the chickens in D
,and he virtually
pecks all the chickens in D
In every case,a chicken tournament with n+1 chickens has a king,and so P(n+1) holds,
Thus,by the principle of induction,the claim is proved,
3 Planar Graphs
Here are three dogs and three houses,
5 Graph Theory II
Dog DogDog
Can you?nd a path from each dog to each house such that no two paths intersect?
A quadapus is a little-known animal similar to an octopus,but with four arms,Here
are?ve quadapi resting on the sea?oor,
Can each quadapus simultaneously shake hands with every other in such a way that no
arms cross?
Informally,a planar graph is a graph that can be drawn in the plane so that no edges
cross,Thus,these two puzzles are asking whether the graphs below are planar; that is,
whether they can be redrawn so that no edges cross,
In each case,the answer is,“No— but almost!” In fact,each drawing would be possible if
any single edge were removed,
More precisely,graph is planar if it has a planar embedding (or drawing),This is a
way of associating each vertex with a distinct point in the plane and each edge with a
continuous,non-self-intersecting curve such that,
The endpoints of the curve associated with an edge (u,v) are the points associated
with vertices u and v,
6 Graph Theory II
The curve associated with an edge (u,v) contains no other vertex point and inter-
sects no other edge curve,except at its endpoints,
This scary de?nition hints at a theoretical problem associated with planar graphs,
while the idea seems intuitively simple,rigorous arguments about planar graphs require
some heavy-duty math,The classic example of the dif?culties that can arise is the Jordan
Curve Theorem,This states that every simple,closed curve separates the plane into two
regions,an inside and an outside,like this,
Up until the late 1800’s,mathematicians considered this obvious and implicitly treated
it as an axiom,However,in 1887 Jordan pointed out that,in principle,this could be a
theorem proved from simpler axioms,Actually nailing down such a proof required more
than 20 years of effort,(It turns out that there are some nasty curves that defy simple
arguments.) Planar graphs come up all the time and are worth learning about,but a
several-month diversion into topology isn’t in the cards,So when we need an,obvious”
geometric fact,we’ll handle it the old fashioned way,we’ll assume it!
Planar graphs are worthy of study for several reasons,One is rooted in human pyschol-
ogy,many kinds of information can be presented as a graph (family relations,chemical
structures,computer data structures,contact data for study of disease spread,?ow of
cash in money laundering trials,etc.),Big graphs are typically incomprehensible messes,
but planar graphs are relatively easy for humans to grasp since there are no crisscross-
ing edges,Sometimes the advantages of planarity are more concrete; for example,when
wires are arranged on a surface,like a circuit board or microchip,crossings require trou-
blesome three-dimensional structures,When Steve Wozniak designed the disk drive for
the early Apple II computer,he struggled mightly to achieve a nearly planar design,
For two weeks,he worked late each night to make a satisfactory design,
When he was?nished,he found that if he moved a connector he could cut
down on feedthroughs,making the board more reliable,To make that move,
however,he had to start over in his design,This time it only took twenty
hours,He then saw another feedthrough that could be eliminated,and again
started over on his design.,The?nal design was generally recognized by
computer engineers as brilliant and was by engineering aesthetics beautiful,
Woz later said,’It’s something you can only do if you’re the engineer and the
PC board layout person yourself,That was an artistic layout,The board has
virtually no feedthroughs.’”
From apple2history.org which in turn quotes Fire in the Valley by Freiberger and Swaine,
Graph Theory II 7
Finally,as we’ll see shortly,planar graphs reveal a fundamental truth about the structure
of our three-dimensional world,
3.1 Euler’s Formula
A drawing of a planar graph divides the plane into faces,regions bounded by edges of
the graph,For example,the drawing below has four faces,
1 2
3 4
Face 1,which extends off to in?nity in all directions,is called the outside face,It turns out
that the number of vertices and edges in a connected planar graph determine the number
of faces in every drawing,
Theorem 4 (Euler’s Formula),For every drawing of a connected planar graph
v? e +f = 2
where v is the number of vertices,e is the number of edges,and fis the number of faces,
For example,in the drawing above,|V = 4,E = 6,and f = 4,Sure enough,4?6+4 =| | |
2,as Euler’s Formula claims.
Proof,We use induction on the number of edges in the graph,Let P(e) be the proposition
that v? e +f = 2 for every drawing of a graph G with e edges.
Base case,A connected graph with e = 0 edges has v = 1 vertices,and every drawing of
the graph has f = 1 faces (the outside face),Thus,v? e + f = 1? 0 + 1 = 2,and so P(0)
is true.
Inductive step,Now we assume that P(e) is true in order to prove P(e + 1) where e ≥ 0.
Consider a connected graph G with e + 1 edges,There are two cases:
1,If G is acylic,then the graph is a tree,Thus,there are e+2vertices and every drawing
has only the outside face,Since (e +2)? (e +1)+1 = 2? 1+1 = 2,P(n +1) is true,
2,Otherwise,G has at least one cycle,Select a spanning tree and an edge (u,v) in
the cycle,but not in the tree,(The spanning tree can not contain all edges in the
cycle,since trees are acyclic.) Removing (u,v) merges the two faces on either side
of the edge and leaves a graph G
with only e edges and some number of vertices
v and faces f,Graph G
is connected,because there is a path between every pair
of vertices within the spanning tree,So v? e + f = 2 by the induction assumption
P(e),Thus,the original graph G had v vertices,e + 1 edges,and f + 1 faces,Since
v? (e + 1) + (f + 1) = v? e +f = 2,P(n + 1) is again true,
8 Graph Theory II
The theorem follows by the principle of induction,
In this argument,we implicitly assumed two geometric facts,a drawing of a tree can
not have multiple faces and removing an edge on a cycle merges two faces into one,
3.2 Classifying Polyhedra
The Pythagoreans had two great mathematical secrets,the irrationality of 2 and a geo-
metric construct that we’re about to rediscover!
A polyhedron is a convex,three-dimensional region bounded by a?nite number of
polygonal faces,If the faces are identical regular polygons and an equal number of poly-
gons meet at each corner,then the polyhedron is regular,Three examples of regular
polyhedra are shown below,the tetraheron,the cube,and the octahedron,
How many more polyhedra are there? Imagine putting your eye very close to one face
of a translucent polyhedron,The edges of that face would ring the periphery of your
vision and all other edges would be visible within,For example,the three polyhedra
above would look something like this,
Thus,we can regard the corners and edges of these polyhedra as the vertices and edges
of a planar graph,(This is another logical leap based on geometric intuition.) This means
Euler’s formula for planar graphs can help guide our search for regular polyhedra,
9 Graph Theory II
Let m be the number of faces that meet at each corner of a polyhedron,and let n be
the number of sides on each face,In the corresponding planar graph,there are m edges
incident to each of the v vertices,Since each edge is incident to two vertices,we know,
mv = 2e
Also,each face is bounded by n edges,Since each edge is on the boundary of two faces,
we have,
nf = 2e
Solving for v and f in these equations and then substituting into Euler’s formula gives,
2e 2e
= 2
e +
1 1 1 1
+ = +
m n e 2
The last equation places strong restrictions on the structure of a polyhedron,Every non-
degenerate polygon has at least 3 sides,so n ≥ 3,And at least 3 polygons must meet to
from a corner,so m ≥ 3,On the other hand,if either n or m were 6 or more,then the left
side of the equation could be at most
+,which is less than the right side,Checking =
3 26
the?nitely-many cases that remain turns up?ve solutions,For each valid combination of
n and m,we can compute the associated number of vertices v,edges e,and faces f,And
polyhedra with these properties do actually exist,
n m v e f polyhedron
3 3 4 6 4 tetrahedron
4 3 8 12 6 cube
3 4 6 12 8 octahedron
3 5 12 30 20 icosahedron
5 3 20 30 12 dodecahedron
The last polyhedron in this list,the dodecahedron,was the other great mathematical se-
cret of the Pythagorean sect!
4 Hall’s Marriage Theorem
A class contains some girls and some boys,Each girl likes some boys and does not like
others,Under what conditions can each girl be paired up with a boy that she likes?
We can model the situation with a bipartite graph,Create a vertex on the left for each
girl and a vertex on the right for each boy,If a girl likes a boy,put an edge between them,
For example,we might obtain the following graph,
10 Graph Theory II
Jane Mergatroid
In graph terms,our goal is to?nd a matching for the girls; that is,a subset of edges
such that exactly one edge is incident to each girl and at most one edge is incident to each
boy,For example,here is one possible matching for the girls,
Jane Mergatroid
Hall’s Marriage Theorem states necessary and suf?cient conditions for the existence of
a matching in a bipartite graph,Hall’s Theorem is a remarkably useful mathematical tool,
a hammer that bashes many problems,Moreover,it is the tip of a conceptual iceberg,a
special case of the,max-?ow,min-cut theorem”,which is in turn a byproduct of,linear
programming duality”,one of the central ideas of algorithmic theory,
We’ll state and prove Hall’s Theorem using girl-likes-boy terminology,De?ne the set
of boys liked by a given set of girls to consist of all boys liked by at least one of those girls,
For example,the set of boys liked by Martha and Jane consists of Tom,Michael,and
For us to have any chance at all of matching up the girls,the following marriage con-
dition must hold,
Every subset of girls likes at least as large a set of boys,
For example,we can not?nd a matching if some 4 girls like only 3 boys,Hall’s The-
orem says that this necessary condition is actually suf?cient; if the marriage condition
holds,then a matching exists,
Graph Theory II 11
Theorem 5,A matching for a set of girls G with a set of boys B can be found if and only if the
marriage condition holds,
Proof,First,let’s suppose that a matching exists and show that the marriage condition
holds,Consider an arbitrary subset of girls,Each girl likes at least the boy she is matched
with,Therefore,every subset of girls likes at least as large a set of boys,Thus,the mar-
riage condition holds,
Next,let’s suppose that the marriage condition holds and show that a matching ex-
ists,We use strong induction on |G,the number of girls,If G = 1,then the marriage | | |
condition implies that the lone girl likes at least one boy,and so a matching exists,Now
suppose that G ≥ 2,There are two possibilities,| |
1,Every proper subset of girls likes a strictly larger set of boys,In this case,we have
some latitude,we pair an arbitrary girl with a boy she likes and send them both
away,The marriage condition still holds for the remaining boys and girls,so we can
match the rest of the girls by induction,
2,Some proper subset of girls X? G likes an equal-size set of boys Y? B,We match
the girls in X with the boys in Y by induction and send them all away,We will show
that the marriage condition holds for the remaining boys and girls,and so we can
match the rest of the girls by induction as well,
To that end,consider an arbitrary subset of the remaining girls X
G? X,and
let Y
be the set of remaining boys that they like,We must show that |X
| ≤ |Y
Originally,the combined set of girls X ∪ X
liked the set of boys Y ∪ Y
,So,by the
marriage condition,we know,
X ∪ X
Y ∪ Y
| | ≤ | |
We sent away |X girls from the set on the left (leaving X
) and sent away an equal |
number of boys from the set on the right (leaving Y
),Therefore,it must be that
| ≤ |Y
as claimed,|
In both cases,there is a matching for the girls,The theorem follows by induction,
The proof of this theorem gives an algorithm for?nding a matching in a bipartite
graph,albeit not a very ef?cient one,However,ef?cient algorithms for?nding a matching
in a bipartite graph do exist,Thus,if a problem can be reduced to?nding a matching,the
problem is essentially solved from a computational perspective,
4.1 A Formal Statement
Let’s restate Hall’s Theorem in abstract terms so that you’ll not always be condemned to
saying,“Now this group of little girls likes at least as many little boys...” Suppose S is
a set of vertices in a graph,De?ne N(S) to be the set of all neighbors of S; that is,all
vertices that are adjacent to a vertex in S,but not actually in S,
12 Graph Theory II
Theorem 6 (Hall’s Theorem),Let G = (L ∪ R,E) be a bipartite graph such that every edge
has one endpoint in L and one endpoint in R,There is a matching for the L vertices if and only if
S for every set S? L.|N(S)| ≥ | |