6.042/18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science February 4,2005
Srini Devadas and Eric Lehman
Notes for Recitation 2
1 Case Analysis
The proof of a statement can sometimes be broken down into several cases,which then
can be tackled individually,
1.1 The Method
In order to prove a proposition P using case analysis,
Write,“We use case analysis.”
Identify a sequence of conditions,at least one of which must hold,(If this is not
obvious,you must prove it.)
For each condition,
– State the condition,
– Prove P assuming that the condition holds,
Often case-analysis arguments extend to several levels,The most dif?cult challenge in a
case-analysis argument is try to decide how to break up the problem,The most common
error is failing to construct a complete set of cases,
1.2 Example
Theorem 1,There exist irrational numbers p and q such that p raised to the power q is rational,
This is an ingenious proof,not the sort of thing one would think up in a few minutes,
Proof,We use case analysis,Let v =


,There are two cases,
Case 1,v is rational,Let p = q =

2,Then p
= v is rational,so the claim holds,
2 Recitation 2
Case 2,v is irrational,Let p = v and q =

= v





2 = 2
Since 2 is rational,the claim holds,
3 Recitation 2
Team Problem,An Indirect Proof
Here is the format of an indirect proof of a proposition P,
1.,We use proof by contradiction.”
2.,Suppose P is false.”
3,Show this implies some sort of contradiction,
4.,This is a contradiction,Therefore,P is true.”
Give an indirect proof of the following theorem,
Theorem 2,log
8 is irrational,
Solution,We use proof by contradiction,Suppose that log
8 is rational,Then there
exist integers a and b such that,
8 =
This implies that,
8 = 5
= 5
(Raising the?rst equation to the b-th power gives the second.) Now the left side of the
last equation is even and the right side is odd,This is a contradiction,Therefore,log
8 is
4 Recitation 2
Team Problem,A Case Analysis
Four castaways must escape from an island to the mainland on a makeshift raft,Their
weights are 5,10,20,and 25,The raft can hold at most two people,The number of
minutes required to paddle the raft between the island and the mainland is equal to the
weight of the heaviest passenger aboard,For example,if 10 and 25 cross together,25
minutes are used,If 10 then returns alone,another 10 minutes are used,
Claim 3,It takes at least 65 minutes for all four castaways to escape,
Proof,At least three trips and two return trips are required,Since the lightest person has
weight 5,a minimum of 2 5 = 10 minutes are required for the two return trips,The three ·
forward trips then require a total of 55 minutes,10 minutes for 5 and 10,20 minutes for 5
and 20,and 25 minutes for 5 and 25,Therefore,the total time for all four people to cross
is at least 10 + 55 = 65 minutes as claimed,×
(a) Where is the error in this argument?
Solution,The,proof” considers only the possibility that person 5 shuttles everyone
else to shore,
(b) Find a way to get everyone to shore in 60 minutes.
5 and 10 cross
5 returns
20 and 25 cross
10 returns
5 and 10 cross
5 Recitation 2
(c) Flesh-out the case-analysis proof of the following theorem,
Theorem 4,The four castaways can not escape in 55 or fewer minutes,
Speci?cally,explain why there is no way for the four castaways to escape in 55 or
fewer minutes in each case,
Proof,We use case analysis,We?rst consider the total number of boat trips,
Case 1,There are an even number of trips,
Solution,Then the boat ends up on the island,Whoever brought it over last is
stuck there,
Case 2,There are three or fewer trips.
Solution,Then at most three people can escape the island.
Case 3,There are seven or more trips,
Solution,At least one trip takes 25 minutes,This trip excludes either 20 or
10,so another trip takes at least 10 minutes,The remaining trips take at least 5
minutes each,So the total time is at least 25 + 10 + 5· 5 = 60 minutes,
Case 4,There exactly?ve trips,Now we consider trips involving 20 and 25,
– Case A,Multiple trips involve either 20 or 25,
Solution,Then there is at least one 25 minute trip and at least one 20
minute trip,The remaining trips require at least 5 minutes each for a total
of 25 + 20 + 3· 5 = 60 minutes,
– Case B,No trips involve either 20 or 25.
Solution,Then they are stuck on the island.
– Case C,Exactly one trip involves both 20 and 25,We now consider trips
involving person 10,
Case i,An even number of trips involve 10,
Solution,Then 10 ends up on the island,
Case ii,Exactly one trip involves 10,
Solution,This implies that 5 is the only passenger on one trip off the
island,Thus,there are at most?ve departures from the island,Some-
one must be in the boat for both trips back to the island,so there are
at least two returns,But that means that someone is left stuck on the
Case iii,Three or more trips involve 10,
Solution,Then the total time for all four castaways to escape is at least
25 + 3· 10 + 5 = 60,