6.042/18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science April 29,2005
Srini Devadas and Eric Lehman
Notes for Recitation 20
Problem 1,The following two parts are not related,Try them,to make sure you un-
derstand the jargon of random variables,distributions,probability density functions,etc,
Ask your TA if you don’t understand/remember what some phrase means,
(a) Suppose X
,and X
are three mutually independent random variables,each
having the uniform distribution
Pr (X
= k) equal to 1/3 for each of k = 1,2,3,
Let M be another random variable giving the maximum of these three random vari-
ables,What is the density function of M?
Solution,This can be easily hashed out by counting the possible outcomes,
M is 1 with probability
2 with probability
3 with probability
(b) Suppose X,Y are two independent binomial random variables with parameters
(n,p) and (m,p),respectively,What is Pr (X + Y = k)?
Solution,The pdf of X is the probability of tossing k Heads out of n independent
ips of a coin with bias p,Likewise for Y and m?ips,Since,X and Y are inde-
pendent,the pdf of X + Y corresponds to n + m independent?ips,i.e.,X + Y is a
Binomial variable with parameters (n + m,p),Hence,
m + n
p (1? p)
2 Recitation 20
Problem 2,I’m God,Seriously,So,I know everything that everybody thinks,In particu-
lar,I know who each one of the 250,000,000 Americans want to vote for in the upcoming
elections,I know that a fraction p = 0.52 of them want to vote for the current president,
You are mortal,An insigni?cant dot in space-time,But a quite signi?cant dot among
dots,You work close to the president and,within a week,you must answer his agonizing
question:,Am I winning?” Or,in math jargon (but with the same agony):,Is p

Your?rst idea is to ask me (I’m God),But you haven’t talked to me for a long time,so you
know I won’t tell you,Your second idea is to call every American,ask them,then divide
the yes’s by 250 million,But you soon realize there is not enough time (there is a reason
for representative democracy),Your third idea.,, You have no third idea! In your panic
as the week is almost over,you start picking Americans at random,call them,and ask!
Amazingly,that’s the correct approach,But you should be careful what you are going to
say to the president! Let’s see,
(a) In you?rst phone call,you pick 1 American uniformly at random,call,and ask
whether he/she will vote for the president,What is the probability that the answer
is going to be,yes”.,, (i) from my perspective? (ii) from your perspective? How
would you model this in terms of coin?ips?
Solution,From my perspective,it’s 0.52,From your perspective,it is also 0.52,The
only problem is that you don’t know that,so you just call it p,Clearly,from your
perspective,the?rst phone call is the same as?ipping a coin with an unknown bias,
which you call p (and I know is 0.52),
(b) In your second phone call,you again pick 1 American uniformly at random,call,
and ask whether he/she will vote for the president,But wait! When selecting the
second voter,shouldn’t you exclude the guy that you asked in the?rst phone call?
No,What’s bad if you exclude him/her?
Solution,If you do this,you alter the coin that you are?ipping,The bias will
decrease or increase,depending on whether the?rst guy said,yes” or,no”,respec-
tively,The analysis gets messy,so you don’t want to do this,
(c) So,in each one of n phone calls,you pick 1 American uniformly at random and
ask,Your plan is to eventually divide the number M of positive answers by n to
get P =
An MIT friend tells you that,as the numerical outcome of a random
experiment,this P is a random variable; and that,according to his calculations,
Pr ( P? p ≤ 0.03) 0.95,(1)| | ≥
When you are done calling people,you divide to get P,and it’s 0.53,You call the
president up and.,, what do you say?
Mr,President,p = 0.53!
Mr,President,with probability at least 95%,p is within 0.03 of 0.53!
3 Recitation 20
Mr,President,either p is within 0.03 of 0.53 or something very strange (less
than 5-in-100) has happened,
For each statement answer,(i) Are you justi?ed to claim it? (ii) Is it true?
Solution,The?rst statement is clearly off the mark,
(i) Since you haven’t asked all Americans,you can only make probabilistic state-
ments about p,
(ii) The statement is also false,since p = 0.52,However,with a different choice of
voters,it could have been true,Of course,even in that case,you wouldn’t be
justi?ed to claim it,
The second statement is also wrong,
(i) The unknown constant p is either within 0.03 of 0.53 or more than 0.03 away of
0.53,In the?rst case,the probability of it being as you claim is 1; in the second
case,it is 0,The crucial point is that you don’t know which case holds,You
could make the above claim,only if you knew you were in the?rst case,Sadly,
you don’t,
(ii) The claim is actually true in this case. Since p = 0.52,the unknown constant
is indeed within 0.03 of 0.53,So the probability that you talk about is 1,and
therefore at least 95%,But,as we said,it could be 0 and then the statement
would be false,
The third statement is the correct one,
(i) You are justi?ed to claim this statement,To see why,start with the statement
either 0.53? p ≤ 0.03 or 0.53? p > 0.03.| | | |
which is clearly true,Now read it as follows,Either p is within 0.03 of 0.53 or it
is not and therefore my random random variable P took a value from a set that
is hit only 5 times in 100,So,clearly either p is within 0.03 of 0.53 or something
strange has happened,
(ii) The statement is true,In the particular case,it is true because the?rst half of it
is true,
4 Recitation 20
Fact from lecture,Suppose a coin that comes up heads with probability p is?ipped n
times,Then for all α < p
1? α
Pr (# heads ≤ αn) ≤
1? α/p
(1? p)
· p
2πα(1? α)n
1 1
H(α) = αlog
+ (1? α)log
α 1? α
Problem 3,A coin that comes up heads with probability p is?ipped n times,Find an
upper bound on
Pr (# heads ≥ βn)
where β > p,Think about the number of tails and plug into the monster formula above,
Pr (# heads ≥ βn) = Pr (# tails ≤ (1? β)n)
Now tails comes up with probability 1? p,So the answer is the same as above with α
replaced by 1? β and p replaced by 1? p,
Pr (# heads > βn) ≤?
2πβ(1? β)n
(1? p)
· · p
Here we’re using the fact that H(1? β) = H(β),
5 Recitation 20
Problem 4,A Gallup poll in November 2004 found that 35% of the adult population of the
United States believes that the theory of evolution is,well-supported by the evidence”,
Gallup polled 1016 people and claims a margin of error of 3 percentage points,
Let’s check Gallup’s claim,Suppose that there are m adult Americans,of whom pm be-
lieve evolution is well-supported and (1? p)m do not,Gallup polls n Americans selected
uniformly and independently at random,Of these,qn believe that evolution is well-
supported and (1? q)n do not,Gallup then estimates that the fraction of Americans who
believe evolution is well-supported is q,
Note that the only randomization in this experiment is in who Gallup chooses to poll,So
the sample space is all sequences of n adult Americans,The response of the i-th person
polled is,yes” with probability p and,no” with probability 1? p since the person is
selected uniformly at random,Furthermore,the n responses are mutually independent,
(a) Give an upper bound on the probability that the poll’s estimate will be 0.03 or
more too low,Just write the expression; don’t evaluate yet!
Solution,We can regard each response as a coin?ip that is heads with probability
p,In these terms,qn is the total number of heads?ipped,So we have,
Pr (qn ≤ (p? 0.03)n)
1? (p? 0.03)
(1? p)
· p≤
1? (p? 0.03)/p
2π(p? 0.03)(1? (p? 0.03))n
(b) Give an upper bound on the probability that the poll’s estimate will be 0.03 or
more too high,Again,just write the expression,
Solution,Reasoning as before and using the answer to the preceding problem gives,
Pr (qn > (p + 0.03)n)

p + 0.03
2π(p + 0.03)(1? (p + 0.03))n
· p
(1? p)
(c) The sum of these two answers is the probability that Gallup’s poll will be off by
3 percentage points or more,one way or the other,Unfortunately,these expres-
sions both depend on p— the unknown fraction of evolution-believers that Gallup
is trying to estimate!
However,the sum of these two expressions is maximized when p = 0.5,So evaluate
the sum with p = 0.5 and n = 1016 to upper bound the probability that Gallup’s
error is 0.03 or more,Pollsters usually try to ensure that there is a 95% chance that
the actual percentage p lies within the poll’s error range,which is q ± 0.03 in this
case,Is Gallup’s evolution poll properly designed?
Solution,The probability that the error is 0.03 or more is about 0.07,which means
that pwill lie within the error range of a polled fraction with probability 0.93,So our
6 Recitation 20
estimates suggest Gallup’s poll is not quite large enough to meet the claimed 0.95
probability,Since Gallup is a professional,we expect he’s got the poll size right,by
by using a more accurate numerical estimation formula – or he may have considered
it legitimate to round a very slightly larger margin of error down to 0.03,
(d) If we accept all of Gallup’s polling data and calculations,can we conclude that
there is a high probability that the number of adult Americans who believe evolu-
tion is well-supported by the facts is 35 ± 3 percent?
Solution,No,This is an question of fact,which is either true or false,We can say
that either the statement above is true or else a 1-in-20 event occurred during the
poll; speci?cally,Gallup chose an unrepresentative sample,This may convince you
that p is,probably” in the range 0.35 ± 0.03,but there is no way to convert that
informal,probably” to a mathematical probability,