views on the structure of the MFGM and note that complete information on
the structure is still not available. Since the MFGM is a dynamic, unstable
structure, it is probably not possible to describe a structure which is
applicable in all situations and conditions.
3.9 Stability of the milk fat emulsion
The stability, or instability, of the milk fat emulsion is very significant with
respect to many physical and chemical characteristics of milk and dairy
products. The stability of the emulsion depends strongly on the integrity of
the MFGM and, as discussed in section 3.8.7, this membrane is quite fragile
and is more or less extensively changed during dairy processing operations.
In the following, some of the principal aspects and problems related to
or arising from the stability of the milk fat emulsion are discussed. Some of
these relate to the inherent instability of emulsions in general, others are
specifically related to the milk system.
3.9.1 Emulsion stability in general
Lipid emulsions are inherently unstable systems due to:
1. The difference in density between the lipid and aqueous phases (c. 0.9 and
1.036 g cm-3, respectively, for milk), which causes the fat globules to float
or cream according to Stokes’ equation:
where V is the rate of creaming; Y, the radius of fat globules; p1 and p2,
the densities of the continuous and dispersed phases, respectively; g,
acceleration due to gravity; and rl, viscosity of the system. If creaming is
not accompanied by other changes, it is readily reversible by gentle
2. The interfacial tension between the oil and aqueous phases. Although
interfacial tension is reduced by the use of an emulsifier, the interfacial
film may be imperfect. When two globules collide, they may adhere
(flocculate), e.g. by sharing emulsifier, or they may coalesce due to the
Laplace principle which states that the pressure is greater inside small
globules than inside large globules and hence there is a tendency for large
fat globules (or gas bubbles) to grow at the expense of smaller ones.
Taken to the extreme, this will lead to the formation of a continuous mass
of fat.
Destabilization processes in emulsions are summarized schematically in
Figure 3.19. The rate of destabilization is influenced by the fat content, shear
rate (motion), liquid: solid fat ratio, inclusion of air and globule size.
Previous Page
rapid creaming
slow creaming
Before creaming
After creaming
Figure 3.19 Schematic representation of different forms of emulsion destabilization (modified
from Mulder and Walstra, 1974).
A cream layer may be evident in milk within 20min after milking. The
appearance of a cream layer, if formed as a result of the rise of individual
globules of 4 pm diameter according to Stokes' equation, would take
approximately 50 h. The much more rapid rate of creaming in milk is caused
by clustering of globules to form approximate spheres, ranging in diameter
from 10 to 800pm. As milk is drawn from the cow, the fat exists as
individual globules and the initial rate of rise is proportional to the radius
(rJ of the individual globules.
Cluster formation is promoted by the disparity in the size of the fat
globules in milk. Initially, the larger globules rise several times faster than
the smaller ones and consequently overtake and collide with the slower-
moving small globules, forming clusters which rise at an increased rate, pick
up more globules and continue to rise at a rate commensurate with the
increased radius. The creaming of clusters only approximates to Stokes'
equation since they are irregular in geometry and contain considerable
occluded serum and therefore Ap is variable.
The creaming process in milk
30 t 40
0 10 20
Temperature ("C)
Figure 3.20 Effect of temperature on the volume of cream formed after 2 h (modified from
Mulder and Walstra, 1974).
In 1889, Babcock postulated that creaming of cows’ milk resulted from
an agglutination-type reaction, similar to the agglutination of red blood
cells; this hypothesis has been confirmed. Creaming is enhanced by adding
blood serum or colostrum to milk; the responsible agents are immunog-
lobulins (Ig, which are present at high levels in colostrum), especially IgM.
Because these Igs aggregate and precipitate at low temperature ( c 37°C)
and redisperse on warming, they are often referred to as cryoglobulins.
Aggregation is also dependent on ionic strength and pH. When aggregation
of the cryoglobulins occurs in the cold they may precipitate on to the
surfaces of large particles, e.g. fat globules, causing them to agglutinate,
probably through a reduction in surface (electrokinetic) potential. The
cryoprecipitated globulins may also form a network in which the fat
globules are entrapped. The clusters can be dispersed by gentle stirring and
are completely dispersed on warming to 37°C or higher. Creaming is
strongly dependent on temperature and does not occur above 37°C (Figure
3.20). The milks of buffalo, sheep and goat do not exhibit flocculation and
the milks of some cows exhibit little or none, apparently a genetic trait.
The rate of creaming and the depth of the cream layer show considerable
variation. The concentration of cryoglobulin might be expected to influence
the rate of creaming and although colostrum (rich in Ig) creams well and
late lactation milk (deficient in Ig) creams poorly, there is no correlation in
mid-lactation milks between Ig concentration and the rate of creaming. An
uncharacterized lipoprotein appears to act synergistically with cryoglobulin
in promoting clustering. The rate of creaming is increased by increasing the
ionic strength and retarded by acidification. High-fat milks, which also tend
to have a higher proportion of larger fat globules, cream quickly, probably
because the probability of collisions between globules is greater and because
large globules tend to form larger aggregates. The depth of the cream layer
in high-fat milks is also greater than might be expected, possibly because of
greater ‘dead space’ in the interstices of aggregates formed from large
The rate of creaming and the depth of the cream layer are very markedly
influenced by processing operations. Creaming is faster and more complete
at low temperatures (c 20°C; Figure 3.20), probably because of the tempera-
ture-dependent precipitation of the cryoglobulins. Gentle (but not pro-
longed) agitation during the initial stages of creaming promotes and
enhances cluster formation and creaming, possibly because of an increased
probability of collisions. It would be expected that stirring cold milk would
lead to the deposition of all the cryoglobulin on to the fat globule surfaces,
and rapid creaming, without a time lag, would be expected when stirring
ceased. However, milk so treated does not cream at all or only slightly after
a prolonged lag period. If cold, creamed milk is agitated gently, the clusters
are dispersed and do not reform unless the milk is rewarmed to c. 40°C and
then recooled, i.e. the whole cycle repeated. Violent agitation is detrimental
to creaming, possibly due to denaturation of the cryoglobulins and/or
alteration to the fat globule surface. If milk is separated at 40°C or above,
the cryoglobulins are present predominantly in the serum, whereas they are
in the cream produced at lower temperatures. Agglutination and creaming
are impaired or prevented by heating (eg 70°C x 30min or 77°C x 20s)
owing to denaturation of the cryoglobulins; addition of Igs to heated milk
restores creaming (except after very severe heat treatment, e.g. 2 min at 95°C
or equivalent). Homogenization prevents creaming, not only due to the
reduction of fat globule size but also to some other factor since a blend of
raw cream and homogenized skim milk does not cream well. In fact two
types of euglobulin appear to be involved in agglutination, one of which is
denatured by heating, the other by homogenization. Thus, a variety of
factors which involve temperature changes, agitation or homogenization
influence the rate and extent of creaming.
3.10 Influence of processing operations on the fat globule membrane
As discussed in section 3.8.7, the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) is
relatively fragile and susceptible to damage during a range of processing
operations; consequently, emulsion stability is reduced by dislodging inter-
facial material by agitation, homogenization, heat treatment, concentration,
drying and freezing. Rearrangement of the membrane increases the suscep-
tibility of the fat to hydrolytic rancidity, light-activated flavours and
‘oiling-off of the fat, but reduces susceptibility to metal-catalysed oxidation.
The influence of the principal dairy processing operations on MFGM and
concomitant defects are discussed below.
3. IO. I Milk supply: hydrolytic rancidity
The production of milk on the farm and transportation to the processing
plant are potentially major causes of damage to the MFGM. Damage to the
membrane may occur at several stages of the milking operation: foaming
due to air sucked in at teat-cups, agitation due to vertical sections (risers)
in milk pipelines, constrictions and/or expansion in pipelines, pumps,
especially if not operating at full capacity, surface coolers, agitators in bulk
tanks and freezing of milk on the walls of bulk tanks. While some oiling-off
and perhaps other physical damage to the milk fat emulsion may accrue
from such damage, by far the most serious consequence is the development
of hydrolytic rancidity. The extent of lipolysis is commonly expressed as
‘acid degree value’ (ADV) of the fat as millimoles of free fatty acids per 100 g
fat; ADVs greater than 1 are undesirable and are probably perceptible by
taste to most people.
The principal lipase in bovine milk is a lipoprotein lipase (LPL; Chapter
8) which is associated predominantly with the casein micelles and is isolated
from its substrate, milk fat, by the MFGM, i.e. the enzyme and its substrate
are compartmentalized. However, even slight damage to the membrane
permits contact between enzyme and substrate, resulting in hydrolytic
rancidity. The enzyme is optimally active at around 37°C and pH 8.5
and is stimulated by divalent cations, e.g. Ca2+ (CaZ+ complex free fatty
acids, which are strongly inhibitory). The initial turnover of milk LPL is
c. 3000 s-', i.e. 3000 fatty acid molecules are liberated per second per mole
of enzyme (milk usually contains 1-2 mg lipase l-', i.e. 10-20 nM) which,
if fully active, is sufficient to induce rancidity in about 10s. This never
happens in milk due to a variety of factors, e.g. the pH, ionic strength and,
usually, the temperature are not optimal; the lipase is bound to the casein
micelles; the substrate is not readily available; milk probably contains lipase
inhibitors, including caseins. The activity of lipase in milk is not correlated
with its concentration due to the various inhibitory and adverse factors.
Machine milking, especially pipe-line milking systems, markedly increases
the incidence of hydrolytic rancidity unless adequate precautions are taken.
The effectors are the clawpiece and the tube taking the milk from the clawpiece
to the pipeline; damage at the clawpiece may be minimized by proper
regulation of air intake, and low-line milking installations cause less damage
than high-line systems but the former are more expensive and less convenient
for operators. Larger-diameter pipelines (e.g. 5 cm) reduce the incidence of
rancidity but may cause cleaning problems and high milk losses. The receiving
jar, pump (diaphragm or centrifugal, provided they are operated properly)
and type of bulk tank, including agitator, transportation in bulk tankers or
preliminary processing operations (e.g. pumping and refrigerated storage) at
the factory, make little if any contribution to hydrolytic rancidity.
The frequency and severity of lipolysis increases in late lactation, possibly
owing to a weak MFGM and the low level of milk produced (which may
aggravate agitation); this problem is particularly acute when milk produc-
tion is seasonal, e.g. as in Ireland or New Zealand.
The lipase system can also be activated by cooling freshly drawn milk to
5"C, rewarming to 30°C and recooling to 5°C. Such a temperature cycle may
occur under farm conditions, e.g. addition of a large quantity of warm milk
to a small volume of cold milk. It is important that bulk tanks be emptied
completely at each collection (this practice is also essential for the mainten-
ance of good hygiene). No satisfactory explanation for temperature activa-
tion is available but changes in the physical state of fat (liquid/solid ratio)
have been suggested; damage/alteration of the globule surface and binding
of lipoprotein co-factor may also be involved.
Some cows produce milk which is susceptible to a defect known as
'spontaneous rancidity' - no activation treatment, other than cooling of the
milk, is required; the frequency of such milks may be as high as 30% of the
population. Suggested causes of spontaneous rancidity include:
0 a second lipase located in the membrane rather than on the casein
0 a weak membrane which does not adequately protect the fat from the
normal LPL; and
0 a high level of lipoprotein co-factor which facilitates attachment of the
LPL to the fat surface; this appears to be the most probable cause.
Mixing of normal milk with susceptible milk in a ratio of 4: 1 prevents
spontaneous rancidity and therefore the problem is not serious except in
small or abnormal herds. The incidence of spontaneous rancidity increases
with advancing lactation and with dry feeding.
/ Who‘e mi’k
( b)
Figure 3.21 Flow of cream and skim milk in the space between a pair of discs in a centrifugal
separator (a); a stack of discs (b); and a separator disc showing holes for the channelling of
milk and spacers (caulks) (c). (From Towler, 1994.)
Figure 3.21 (Continued),
3.10.2 Mechanical separation of milk
Gravity creaming is relatively efficient, especially in the cold (a fat content
of 0.1% in the skim phase may be obtained). However, it is slow and
inconvenient for industrial-scale operations. Mechanical milk separators
were developed independently in the 1880s by Alpha and Laval; schematic
representations of a modern separator are shown in Figures 3.21 and 3.22.
In centrifugal separation, g in Stokes' equation is replaced by centrifugal
force, wZR, where w is the centrifugal speed in radianss-' (2n radi-
ans = 360") and R is the distance (cm) of the particle from the axis of
where S is the bowl speed in r.p.m. Inserting this value for g into Stokes'
equation and simplifying gives:
O.O0244(p - pz)rZS2R
Thus, the rate of separation is influenced by the radius of the fat globules,
the radius and speed of the separator, the difference in density of the
continuous and dispersed phases and the viscosity of the milk; temperature
influences r, (pi - p2) and q.
Figure 3.22 Cutaway diagram of a modern milk separator (from Towler, 1994).
Fat globules of less than 2pm diameter are incompletely removed by
cream separators and since the average size of fat globules decreases with
advancing lactation (Figure 3.19, the efficiency of separation decreases
concomitantly. The percentage fat in cream is regulated by manipulating the
ratio of cream to skim-milk streams from the separator, which in effect
regulates back-pressure. With any particular separator operating under
more or less fixed conditions, temperature is the most important variable
affecting the efficiency of separation via its effects on r, q and (pl - pz). The
efficiency of separation increases with temperature, especially in the range
20-40°C. In the past, separation was usually performed at 40°C or above
but modern separators are very efficient even at low temperatures.
As discussed in section 3.9.2, cryoglobulins are entirely in the serum
phase at temperatures above about 37"C, as a result of which creams
prepared at these temperatures have poor natural creaming properties and
the skim milk foams copiously due to the presence of cryoglobulins.
Following separation at low temperatures (below lO-l5"C), most of the
cryoglobulins remain in the cream phase. Considerable incorporation of air
and foaming may occur during separation, especially with older machines,
causing damage to the MFGM. The viscosity of cream produced by
low-temperature separation is much higher than that produced at higher
temperatures, presumably due to the presence of cryoglobulins in the
Centrifugal force is also applied in the clarification and bactofugation of
milk. Clarification is used principally to remove somatic cells and physical
dirt, while bactofugation, in addition to removing these, also removes
95-99% of the bacterial cells present. One of the principal applications of
bactofugation is the removal of clostridial spores from milk intended for
Swiss and Dutch-type cheeses, in which they cause late blowing. A large
proportion (around goo/,) of the bacteria and somatic cells in milk are
entrapped in the fat globule clusters during natural creaming and are
present in the cream layer; presumably, they become agglutinated by the
cryoglo bulins.
3.10.3 Homogenization
Homogenization is widely practised in the manufacture of liquid milk and
milk products. The process essentially involves forcing milk through a small
orifice (Figure 3.23) at high pressure (13-20 MNmP2), usually at about
40°C (at this temperature, the fat is liquid; homogenization is less effective
at lower temperatures when the fat is partially solid). The principal effect of
homogenization is to reduce the average diameter of the fat globules to
below 1 pm (the vast majority of the globules in homogenized milk have
diameters below 2 pm) (Figure 3.24). Reduction is achieved through the
combined action of shearing, impingement, distention and cavitation. Fol-
lowing a single passage of milk through a homogenizer, the small fat
globules occur in clumps, causing an increase in viscosity; a second-stage
homogenization at a lower pressure (e.g. 3.5 MN m-2) disperses the clumps
and reduces the viscosity. Clumping arises from incomplete coverage of the
greatly increased emulsion interfacial area during the short passage time
through the homogenizer valve, resulting in the sharing of casein micelles
by neighbouring globules.
Milk from high-
pressure pump
Spring-loaded valve
Figure 3.23 Diagram of a milk homogenizer.
Reducing the average diameter of the fat globules to 1 pm results in a
four- to sixfold increase in the fat/plasma interface. There is insufficient
natural membrane to completely coat the newly formed surface or insuffi-
cient time for complete coverage to occur and consequently the globules in
homogenized milk are coated by a membrane which consists mostly of
casein (93% of dry mass, with some whey proteins, which are adsorbed less
efficiently than the caseins) (Figure 3.25). The membrane of homogenized
milk contains 2.3 g protein per lOOg fat (10mg proteinm-'), which is very
considerably higher than the level of protein in the natural membrane
(0.5-0.8g per 1OOg fat), and is estimated to be about 15nm thick. The
casein content in the serum phase of homogenized milk is reduced by about
Homogenization causes several major changes in the properties of milk:
1. Homogenized milk does not cream naturally and the fat is recovered only
poorly by mechanical separation. This is due in part to the smaller
average size of the fat globules but failure of the globules in homogenized
milk to form aggregates, due mostly to the agitation-induced denatura-
tion of some immunoglobulins, is mainly responsible for the failure to
2 4 6
Globule diameter (um)
Figure 3.24 Effect of homogenization on the size (volume distribution) of fat globules in milk
(modified from Mulder and Walstra, 1974).
2. As discussed in section 3.10.1, homogenized milk is very susceptible to
hydrolytic rancidity because the artificial membrane does not isolate the
fat from the lipase; consequently, homogenized milk must be pasteurized
prior to or immediately after homogenization. Homogenized milk is also
more susceptible to sunlight oxidized flavour, which is due to the
production of methional from methionine, but is less susceptible to
metal-catalysed lipid oxidation; the latter is presumably because the
phospholipids, which are very susceptible to oxidation (highly un-
saturated) and are located largely in the natural membrane (which
contains pro-oxidants, e.g. xanthine oxidase and metals) are more uni-
formly distributed after homogenization and, therefore, are less likely to
propagate lipid oxidation.
3. Homogenized milk is whiter due to finer dispersion of the fat (and thus
greater light scattering) and its flavour is more bland.
Whey protein
Figure 3.25 Schematic representation of the membrane of fat globules in homogenized milk
(modified from Walstra, 1983).
4. The heat stability of whole milk is reduced by homogenization, as is the
strength (curd tension) of rennet-induced gels; these changes will be
discussed in more detail in Chapters 9 and 10. Viscosity is increased for
unidentified reasons, probably independent of size changes. Homogenized
milk has improved foaming characteristics, a feature which may be due
to the release of foam-promoting proteins from the natural membrane or
to reduction in fat globule size - small globules are less likely to damage
foam lamellae. Homogenization reduces surface tension, possibly due to
inclusion of very surface-active proteins in the artificial membrane and to
changes in the fat globule surface. Homogenized milk drains cleanly from
the sides of a glass bottle or drinking glass. Milk for homogenization
should be clarified to avoid sedimentation of leucocytes.
The efficiency of homogenization may be assessed by microscopic exam-
ination or more effectively by a particle sizer, e.g. Malvern Mastersizer.
3.10.4 Heating
Normal HTST pasteurization causes very little change in the fat globule
membrane or in the characteristics of milk fat dependent on the membrane.
However, excessively high pasteurization temperatures denature the cryog-
lobulins and aggregation of the fat globules and creaming are impaired or
prevented. Severe treatments, e.g. 80°C x 15 min, remove lipid and protein
material from the membrane, the fat globules are partially denuded and may
coalesce, forming large clumps of fat and resulting in defects such as cream
plug in milk or cream (section 3.11).
Processes such as thermal concentration also cause membrane damage,
especially since many of these treatments also involve vigorous agitation in
high velocity heating systems. Since milk for concentrated and dehydrated
milk products is normally homogenized, damage to the natural membrane
is of little significance.
3.11 Physical defects in milk and cream
In addition to the flavour defects initiated or influenced by damage to the
fat globule membrane, such damage also results in a variety of physical
defects in milk and especially in cream. The more important of these are
‘oiling-off, ‘cream plug’ and ‘age thickening’.
‘Oiling-off, characterized by the appearance of globules of oil or fat on
the surface of coffee or tea when milk, and especially cream, is added, is due
to membrane damage during processing, resulting in ‘free fat’; low pressure
homogenization re-emulsifies the free fat and eliminates the defect.
‘Cream plug’ is characterized by the formation of a layer of solid fat on
the surface of cream or milk in bottles; the defect is due to a high level of
‘free fat’ which forms interlocking crystals on cooling and is most common
in high-fat creams. Cream plug is common in unhomogenized, pasteurized,
late lactation milk, presumably due to a weak MFGM.
‘Age thickening’ is due essentially to a high level of free fat, especially in
high-fat creams; the product becomes very viscous due to interlocking of
crystals of free fat.
Two somewhat related instability problems are ‘feathering’ and ‘bitty’
cream. ‘Feathering’ is characterized by the appearance of white flecks when
milk or cream is poured on hot coffee and is a form of heat-induced
coagulation; the white ‘flecks are mainly destabilized protein. The heat
stability of cream and its resistance to feathering are reduced by:
0 single-stage homogenization;
0 high homogenization pressure at low temperature;
0 high concentrations of Caz+ in the cream or water;
0 a high ratio of fat to serum solids, i.e. high-fat creams;
0 high temperature and low pH of the coffee.
Protein-lipid interaction is enhanced by homogenization, while high tem-
peratures, low pH and high divalent cation concentration induce aggrega-
tion of the casein-coated fat globules into large visible particles. Stability
may be improved by:
0 using fresh milk;
0 adding disodium phosphate or sodium citrate, which sequester Ca2+,
increase protein charge and dissociate casein micelles;
0 standardizing the cream with buttermilk which is a good emulsifier owing
to its high content of phospholipids.
‘Bitty cream’ is caused by the hydrolysis of phospholipids of the fat
globule membrane by phospholipases secreted by bacteria, especially Bacil-
lus cereus, but also by psychrotrophs; the partially denuded globules
coalesce when closely packed, as in cream or in the cream layer of milk,
forming aggregates rather than a solid mass of fat.
3.11.1 Free fat
‘Free fat’ may be defined as non-globular fat, i.e. fat globules from which the
membrane has been totally or partially removed. Damage to fat globules
may be determined by measuring the level of free fat present. The fat in
undamaged globules is not extractable by apolar solvents because it is
protected by the membrane, damage to which permits extraction, i.e. the
amount of fat extractable by apolar solvents is termed ‘free fat’.
Free fat may be determined by a modified Rose-Gottlieb method or by
extraction with carbon tetrachloride (CCl,). In the standard Rose-Gottlieb
method, the emulsion is destabilized by the action of ammonia and ethanol
and the fat is then extracted with ethyl/petroleum ether. The free fat in a
sample may be determined by omitting the destabilization step, i.e. by
extracting the product directly with fat solvent, and expressed as the
percentage of free fat in the sample or as a percentage of total fat.
Alternatively, the sample may be extracted with CCl,. In both methods, the
sample is shaken with the fat solvent; the duration and severity of shaking
must be carefully standardized if reproducible results are to be obtained.
Other methods used to quantify free fat include: centrifugation in
Babcock or Gerber butyrometers at 40-60°C (the free fat is read off directly
on the graduated scale); release of membrane-bound enzymes, especially
xanthine oxidase or alkaline phosphatase, or the susceptibility of milk fat to
hydrolysis by added lipase (e.g. from Geotrichum candidum).
3.12 Churning
It has been known since prehistoric times that if milk, and especially cream,
is agitated, the fat aggregates to form granules (grains) which are converted
to butter by kneading (Figure 3.26). Buttermaking has been a traditional
method for a very long time in temperate zones for conserving milk fat; in
Churning Working
Separation Churning
- -
Milk Cream Small grains Large grains Butter
Figure 3.26 Schematic representation of the stages of butter production. 0, Indicates fat globules; @, water droplets; and -, fat crystals. Black indicates
continuous aqueous phase and white indicates continuous fat phase. (Modified from Mulder and Walstra, 1974.)
tropical regions, butter grains or cream are heated to remove all the water;
the resulting product is called ‘ghee’, a crude form of butter oil.
The cream used for butter may be fresh (- pH 6.6) or ripened (fermented;
- pH 4.6), yielding ‘sweet-cream’ and ‘ripened cream (lactic)’ butter, respect-
ively. Sweet-cream butter is most common in English-speaking countries but
ripened cream butter is more popular elsewhere. Traditionally, the cream for
ripened cream butter was fermented by the natural microflora, which was
variable. Product quality and consistency were improved by the introduc-
tion in the 1880s of cultures (starters) of selected lactic acid bacteria, which
produce lactic acid from lactose and diacetyl (the principal flavour compo-
nent in ripened cream butter) from citric acid. A flavour concentrate,
containing lactic acid and diacetyl, is now frequently used in the manufac-
ture of ripened cream butter, to facilitate production schedules and improve
Butter manufacture or churning essentially involves phase inversion, i.e.
the conversion of the oil-in-water emulsion of cream to a water-in-oil
emulsion. Inversion is achieved by some form of mechanical agitation which
denudes some of the globules of their stabilizing membrane; the denuded
globules coalesce to form butter grains, entrapping some globular fat. The
butter grains are then kneaded (‘worked’) which releases fat liquid at room
temperature. Depending on temperature and on the method and extent of
Figure 3.27 Schematic representation of the structure of butter. 1, fat globule; 2, membrane; 3,
aqueous droplet; 4, fat crystals; 5, air cell. (Modified from Mulder and Walstra, 1974.)
Table 3.13 Structural elements of conventional butter
Approximate Proportion
number of butter Dimensions
Element (mi-') (%, VIV) (Pm) Remarks
Fat globules 1O'O 10-50 2-8 Differ in composition;
with complete or
partial membrane
temperature; at higher
temperature occur mainly
in globules; at low
temperature, form solid
Fat crystals 1013 10-40 0.01-2 Amount depends on
Moisture 1O'O 16 1-25 Differ in composition
Air cells 107 5 > 20
Modified from Mulder and Walstra (1974).
working, liquid fat may represent 50-95% of total fat. The liquid fat forms
the continuous phase in which fat globules, fat crystals, membrane material,
water droplets and small air bubbles are dispersed (Figure 3.27, Table 3.13).
NaCl may be added (to c. 2%) to modify flavour but more importantly as
a preservative: added salt dissolves in the water droplets (to give c. 12% salt
in moisture) which also contain contaminating bacteria. Usually, ripened
cream butter is not salted.
The process of phase inversion has received considerable attention (see
McDowall (1953) and Wilbey (1994) for a detailed discussion). Briefly,
churning methods can be divided into (1) traditional batch methods and (2)
continuous methods.
1. The traditional method involves placing 3O-4O0/o fat cream in a churn (of
various shapes and design, Figure 3.28) which is rotated gently. During
rotation, air is incorporated and numerous small air bubbles are formed;
fat globules are trapped between the lamellae of the bubbles. As the
bubbles grow, the lamellae become thinner and exert a shearing effect on
the fat globules. Some globules become denuded of membrane and
coalesce; the aggregated globules are cemented by liquid fat expressed
from the globules. A portion of the liquid fat spreads over the surface of
the air bubbles, causing them to collapse, releasing butter grains and
buttermilk (representing the serum phase of cream plus the fat globule
When a certain degree of globular destabilization has occurred, the
foam collapses rather abruptly and when the grains have grown to the
requisite size, the buttermilk is drained off and the grains worked to a
continuous mass. Proper working of the butter is essential for good
Figure 3.28 Examples of butter churns.
quality - a fine dispersion of water droplets reduces the risk of microbial
growth and other spoilage reactions (most water droplets are < 5 pm).
Working is also necessary to reduce the water content to the legal limit,
i.e. < 16%. The length of time required to churn cream, fat losses in the
buttermilk and the moisture content of the butter are influenced by
various factors, as summarized schematically in Figures 3.29 and 3.30.
2. Modern 'churns' operate continuously by either of two principles:
processes using about 40% fat cream (i.e. the Fkz piocess, e.g.
Westfalia Separator AG) in which air is whipped into a thin film of
cream in a Votator (Figure 3.31). The process of phase inversion in
this process is essentially similar to that of traditional churning
Processes using highfat cream (80% fat); although the fat in 80% fat
cream is still in an oil-in-water emulsion, it is a very unstable
emulsion and is destabilized easily by chilling and agitation.
Turning rate
15 20
Temperature (“C)
Figure 3.29 Effect of turning rate, pH, fat content, average globule size and churning
temperature on churning time (t) and efficiency (% fat in buttermilk, FBM) of churning. 1, low
(- 11°C) and h, high ( - 19°C) temperatures; cream kept cold for several hours at 5°C (c) and
subsequently warmed to 40°C (w) before bringing to churning temperature. (From Mulder and
Walstra, 1974.)
10 15
Churning temperature (“C)
Figure 3.30 Moisture content of traditional butter as a function of churning temperature, all
other conditions being equal (from Mulder and Walstra, 1974).
Figure 3.31 Diagram of a Westfalia continuous buttermaker. 1, Primary churning cylinder; 2, texturizer with blending section I; 3, metering connections;
4, vacuum chamber; 5, blending section 11; 6, buttermilk pump 11, buttermilk recycling; 7, buttermilk vat with strainer; 8, buttermilk pump I, buttermilk
discharge; 9, buttermilk clarifying device; 10, secondary churning cylinder.
Raw milk storage
Skim milk
- .-
Skim milk Separation Cream Cream inter. Cream Cream
parteuri~er billing mdiate storage pasteurization ripening
Packaging Canoning
Figure 3.32 Line diagram of a modern buttermaking plant (courtesy of Alfa-Lava1 AB, Lund).
The line diagram for a modern buttermaking plant is shown in Figure
All the methods of butter manufacture involve complete or partial
removal of the fat globule membrane which is largely lost in the buttermilk,
which is, consequently, a good source of phospholipids and other emulsi-
3.13 Freezing
Freezing and dehydration tend to destabilize all lipoprotein complexes, both
natural and artificial. Thus, freezing of milk, and especially cream, results in
damage to the membrane which causes destabilization when the product is
thawed. Most of the destabilizing effect is due to physicochemical changes
induced by dehydration of the lipoprotein complexes but some physical
damage is also caused by ice crystals. The damage is manifest as oiling-off
and free fat formation. The extent of damage is proportional to fat
concentration and moderately high-fat creams (50%) are completely de-
stabilized by freezing.
Frozen cream is produced commercially and is used mainly for the
production of soups, butter-oil, butter, etc., where emulsion stability is not
important. Damage may be reduced by:
0 rapid freezing as thin blocks or continuously on refrigerated drums;
0 homogenization and pasteurization before freezing;
0 storage at very low temperature (c. -30°C) and avoiding temperature
fluctuations during storage.
3.14 Dehydration
The physicochemical state of fat in milk powder particles, which markedly
influences the wettability and dispersibility of the powder on reconstitution,
depends on the manufacturing process. The fat occurs either in a finely
emulsified or in a partly coalesced, de-emulsified state. In the latter case, the
membrane has been ruptured or completely removed, causing the globules
to run together to form pools of free fat. The amount of de-emulsified ‘free
fat’ depends on the manufacturing method and storage conditions. Typical
values for ‘free fat’ (as a percentage of total fat) in milk powders are:
spray-dried powders, 3.3-20%; roller-dried powders, 91.6-95.8%; freeze-
dried powders, 43-75%; foam-dried powders, less than 10%.
The high level of ‘free fat’ in roller-dried powder is due to the effects of
the high temperature to which milk is exposed on the roller surfaces and to
the mechanical effect of the scraping knives. In properly made and stored
spray-dried powder, the fat globules are distributed throughout the powder
particles. The amount of free fat depends on the total fat content, and may
be about 25% of total fat. Homogenization pre-drying reduces the level of
free fat formed.
Further liberation of ‘free fat’ may occur under adverse storage condi-
tions. If powder absorbs water it becomes ‘clammy’ and lactose crystallizes,
resulting in the expulsion of other milk components from the lactose crystals
into the spaces between the crystals. De-emulsification of the fat may occur
due to the mechanical action of sharp edges of lactose crystals on the fat
globule membrane. If the fat is liquid at the time of membrane rupture, or
if it becomes liquid during storage, it will adsorb on to the powder particles,
forming a water-repellant film around the particles.
The state of fat in powder has a major influence on wettability, i.e. the
ease with which the powder particles make contact with water. Adequate
wettability is a prerequisite for good dispersibility. Free fat has a water-
repelling effect on the particles during dissolution, making the powder
difficult to reconstitute. Clumps of fat and oily patches appear on the surface
of the reconstituted powder, as well as greasy films on the walls of
containers. The presence of ‘free fat’ on the surface of the particles tends to
increase the susceptibility of fat to oxidation. A scum of fat-protein
complexes may appear on the surface of reconstituted milk; the propensity
to scum formation is increased by high storage temperatures.
3.15 Lipid oxidation
Lipid oxidation, leading to oxidative rancidity, is a major cause of deterio-
ration in milk and dairy products. The subject has been reviewed by
Richardson and Korycka-Dahl(l983) and O’Connor and O’Brien (1995).
Lipid oxidation is an autocatalysed free-radical chain reaction which is
normally divided into three phases: initiation, propagation and termination
(Figure 3.33).
The initial step involves abstracting a hydrogen atom from a fatty acid,
forming a fatty acid (FA) free radical, e.g.
CH 3 ---- CH ,-CH=CH-CH-CH=CH-CH 2 - - - - - COOH
Although saturated fatty acids may lose a H’ and undergo oxidation, the
reaction principally involves unsaturated fatty acids, especially polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids (PUFA), the methylene, -CH,--, group between double
bonds being particularly sensitive:
c18:3 >> cIE:2 ” cIE:I ’ clS:O
The polar lipids in milk fat are richer in PUFA than neutral lipids and are
'O,, light, M"', lipoxygenase, ionizing radiation
~ [FA tar a d]
CH3-----CH,CH=CH-CHCH=CH-CH2- ----
~ [Fi peroxide]
RH [unsaturated FA]
RCH,-CH=CHCHCH=CH-CH, + R [FA radical]
[FA hydroperoxide]
Unsaturated aldehvdes
and ketones (off-flavours)
(FA peroxide)
RH (unsaturated FA)
Primary and secondary
alcohols (off-flavours) ROOH + R' 4 R-R
Figure 3.33 Autooxidation of fatty acids. AH, antioxidant; M"', polyvalent metal (e.g. Fez',
concentrated in the fat globule membrane in juxtaposition with several
pro-oxidants and are, therefore, particularly sensitive to oxidation.
The initiation reaction is catalysed by singlet oxygen (lo2, produced by
ionizing radiation and other factors), polyvalent metal ions that can
undergo a monovalent oxidation/reduction reaction (M"" + M"), especial-
ly copper (the metal may be free or organically bound, for example, xanthine
oxidase, peroxidase, catalase or cytochromes), or light, especially in the
presence of a photosensitizer, e.g. riboflavin (in the case of vegetable
products, lipoxygenase is a major pro-oxidant but this enzyme is not present
in milk or dairy products).
The FA free radical may abstract a H from a hydrogen donor, e.g. an
antioxidant (AH), terminating the reaction, or may react with molecular
triplet oxygen, 30,, forming an unstable peroxy radical:
---CH,-CH = CH-CH-CH =CH-CH,---
In turn, the peroxy radical may obtain a H from an antioxidant,
terminating the reaction, or from another fatty acid, forming a hydroperox-
ide and another FA free radical, which continues the reaction.
FA free radical
\ Q
I !v
H FA peroxy radical
Hydroperoxide i
Two free radicals, each of which
can initiate a new oxidation cycle
The intermediate products of lipid oxidation are themselves free radicals,
and more than one may be formed during each cycle; hence the reaction is
autolcatalytic, i.e. the rate of oxidation increases with time, as shown
schematically in Figure 3.34. Thus, the formation of only very few (theoreti-
cally only one) free radicals by an exogenous agent is necessary to initiate
the reaction. The reaction shows an induction period, the length of which
depends on the presence of pro-oxidants and antioxidants.
The hydroperoxides are unstable and may break down to various
products, including unsaturated carbonyls, which are mainly responsible for
the off-flavours of oxidized lipids (the FA free radicals, peroxy radicals and
Figure 3.34 Rate of oxidation in the absence (A) or presence (B) of an antioxidant,
Table 3.14 Compounds contributing to typical oxidized
Compounds Flavours
Alkanals C,-C, Green tallowy
2-Alkenals C,-C,, Green fatty
2,4-Alkadienals C,-C,, Oily deep-fried
3-cis-Hexenal Green
4-cis-Heptenal Cream/putt y
2,6- and 3,6-Nonadienal Cucumber
2,4,7-Decatrienal Fishy, sliced beans
1 -0cten-3-one Metallic
1 ,S-cis-Octadien-3-one Metallic
1 -0cten-3-01 Mushroom
From Richardson and Korycka-Dahl (1983).
hydroperoxides are flavourless). Different carbonyls vary with respect to
flavour impact and since the carbonyls produced depend on the fatty acid
being oxidized, the flavour characteristics of oxidized dairy products vary
(Table 3.14).
The principal factors affecting lipid oxidation in milk and milk products
are summarized in Table 3.15.
Probably the principal pro-oxidants in milk and dairy products are metals,
Cu and to a lesser extent Fe, and light. The metals may be indigenous, e.g.
Pro-oxidants in milk and milk products
Table 3.15 Major factors affecting the oxidation of lipids in milk and dairy
A. Potential pro-oxidants
1. Oxygen and activated oxygen species
2. Riboflavin and light
3. Metals (e.g. copper and iron) associated with various ligands
Active oxygen system of somatic cells?
Salts of fatty acids
Xanthine oxidase
Lactoperoxidase, catalase (denatured)
Cytochrome P420
Cytochrome b,
Sulphydryl oxidase?
4. Metallo-enzymes (denatured?)
5. Ascorbate (?) and thiols (?) (via reductive activation of metals?)
1. Tocopherols
2. Milk proteins
3. Carotenoids @-carotene; bixin in anatto)
4. Certain ligands for metal pro-oxidants
5. Ascorbate and thiols
6. Maillard browning reaction products
7. Antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, sulphydryl oxidase)
C. Environmental and physical factors
1. Inert gas or vacuum packing
2. Gas permeability and opacity of packaging materials
3. Light
4. Temperature
5. pH
6. Water activity
7. Reduction potential
8. Surface area
D. Processing and storage
1. Homogenization
2. Thermal treatments
3. Fermentation
4. Proteolysis
B. Potential antioxidants
"Many of these factors are interrelated and may even present paradoxical
effects (e.g. ascorbate and thiols) on lipid oxidation.
Modified from Richardson and Korycka-Dahl (1983).
as part of xanthine oxidase, lactoperoxidase, catalase or cytochromes, or
may arise through contamination from equipment, water, soil, etc. Contami-
nation with such metals can be reduced through the use of stainless-steel
Metal-containing enzymes, e.g. lactoperoxidase and catalase, and cyto-
chromes, can act as pro-oxidants owing to the metals they contain rather
than enzymatically; the pro-oxidant effect of these enzymes is increased by
heating (although there are conflicting reports). Xanthine oxidase, which
contains Fe and Mo, can act enzymatically and as a source of pro-oxidant
Riboflavin is a potent photosensitizer and catalyses a number of
oxidative reactions in milk, e.g. fatty acids, proteins (with the formation of
3-methyl thiopropanal from methionine which is responsible for light-
induced off-flavour) and ascorbic acid. Milk and dairy products should be
protected from light by suitable packaging and exposure to UV light should
be minimized.
Ascorbic acid is a very effective anti-oxidant but combinations of ascor-
bate and copper can be pro-oxidant depending on their relative concentra-
tions. Apparently, ascorbate reduces Cuz+ to Cu'.
3.15.2 Antioxidants in milk
Antioxidants are molecules with an easily detachable H atom which they
donate to fatty acid free radicals or fatty acid peroxy radicals, which would
otherwise abstract a H from another fatty acid, forming another free radical.
The residual antioxidant molecule (less its donatable H) is stable and
antioxidants thus break the autocatalytic chain reaction.
Milk and dairy products contain several antioxidants, of which the
following are probably the most important:
0 Tocopherols (vitamin E), which are discussed more fully in Chapter 6.
The principal function of tocopherols in uiuo is probably to serve as
antioxidants. The concentration of tocopherols in milk and meat products
can be increased by supplementing the animal's diet.
0 Ascorbic acid (vitamin C): at low concentrations, as in milk, ascorbic acid
is an effective antioxidant, but acts as a pro-oxidant at higher concentra-
0 Superoxidase dismutase (SOD). This enzyme, which occurs in various
body tissues and fluids, including milk, scavenges superoxide radicals
(0;) which are powerful pro-oxidants. SOD is discussed more fully in
Chapter 8.
0 Carotenoids can act as scavengers of free radicals but whether or not they
act as antioxidants in milk is controversial.
0 The thiol groups of P-lactoglobulin and proteins of the fat globule
membrane are activated by heating. Most evidence indicates that thiol
groups have antioxidant properties but they may also produce active
oxygen species which could act as pro-oxidants under certain circumstan-
ces. The caseins are also effective antioxidants, possibly via chelation of
0 Some products of the Maillard reaction are effective antioxidants.
The addition of synthetic antioxidants, e.g. P-hydroxyanisole or butylated
hydroxytoluene, to dairy products is prohibited in most countries.
3.15.3 Spontaneous oxidation
Between 10 and 20% of raw individual-cow milk samples undergo oxidation
rapidly while others are more stable. Milks have been classified into three
categories, based on their propensity to lipid oxidation:
Spontaneous: milks which are labile to oxidation without added Cu or Fe.
Susceptible: milks which are susceptible to oxidation on addition of Cu
Non-susceptible milks that do not become oxidized even in the presence
or Fe but not without.
of added Cu or Fe.
It has been proposed that spontaneous milks have a high content (10
times normal) of xanthine oxidase (XO). Although addition of exogenous
XO to non-susceptible milk induces oxidative rancidity, no correlation has
been found between the level of indigenous XO and susceptibility to
oxidative rancidity. The Cu-ascorbate system appears to be the principal
pro-oxidant in susceptible milk. A balance between the principal antioxidant
in milk, r-tocopherol (Chapter 6), and XO may determine the oxidative
stability of milk. The level of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in milk might
also be a factor but there is no correlation between the level of SOD and
the propensity to oxidative rancidity.
Like many other reactions, lipid oxidation is influenced by the water activity
(a,) of the system. Minimal oxidation occurs at a, -0.3. Low values of a,
(< 0.3) are considered to promote oxidation because low amounts of water
are unable to 'mask' pro-oxidants as happens at monolayer a, values
(a, - 0.3). Higher values of a, facilitate the mobility of pro-oxidants while
very high values of a, may have a diluent effect.
Oxygen is essential for lipid oxidation. At oxygen pressures below 10 kPa
(z 0.1 atm; oxygen content - 10 mg kg- fat), lipid oxidation is propor-
tional to 0, content. Low concentrations of oxygen can be achieved by
flushing with inert gas, e.g. N,, the use of glucose oxidase (Chapter 8) or by
Lipid oxidation is increased by decreasing pH (optimum -pH 3.8),
perhaps due to competition between Hf and metal ions (M"') for ligands,
causing the release of M"'. The principal cause may be a shift of the Cu
distribution, e.g. at pH 4.6, 30-40% of the Cu accompanies the fat globules.
Homogenization markedly reduces the propensity to oxidative rancidity,
perhaps due to redistribution of the susceptible lipids and pro-oxidants of
the MFGM (however, the propensity to hydrolytic rancidity and sunlight
oxidized flavour (due to the production of methional from methionine in
protein) is increased).
Other factors that afect lipid oxidation in milk and dairy products
NaCl reduces the rate of auto-oxidation in sweet-cream butter but
increases it in ripened cream butter (c. pH 5); the mechanism in unknown.
In addition to influencing the rate of lipid oxidation via activation of
thiol groups and metallo-enzymes, heating milk may also affect oxidation
via redistribution of Cu (which migrates to the FGM on heating) and
possibly by the formation of Maillard browning products, some of which
have metal chelating and antioxidant properties.
The rate of auto-oxidation increases with increasing temperature
(Qlo - 2) but oxidation in raw and HTST-pasteurized milk is promoted by
low temperatures whereas the reverse is true for UHT-sterilized products
(i.e. the effect of temperature is normal). The reason(s) for this anomalous
behaviour is unknown. Measurement of lipid oxidation
In addition to organoleptic assessment, several chemical/physical methods
have been developed to measure lipid oxidation. These include: peroxide
value, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value, ultraviolet absorption (at 233 nm),
ferric thiocyanate, Kreis test, chemiluminescence, oxygen uptake and analy-
sis of carbonyls by HPLC (see Rossell, 1986).
3.16 Rheology of milk fat
The rheological properties of many dairy products are strongly influenced
by the amount and melting point of the fat present. The sensory properties
of cheese are strongly influenced by fat content but the effect is even greater
in butter in which hardness/spreadability is of major concern. The hardness
of fats is determined by the ratio of solid to liquid fat which is influenced
by: fatty acid profile, fatty acid distribution and processing treatments.
The fatty acid profile of ruminant fats (milk and adipose tissue) is relatively
constant due to the 'buffering' action of the rumen microflora that modify
ingested lipids. However, the proportions of various fatty acids in milk lipids
show seasonal/nutritional/lactational variations (Figure 3.5) which are re-
flected in seasonal variations in the hardness of milk fat (Figure 3.7).
The fatty acid profile can be modified substantially by feeding encap-
sulated (protected) polyunsaturated oils to cows. The oil is encapsulated
in a film of polymerized protein or in crushed oil-rich seeds. The encapsul-
ating protein is digested in the abomasum, resulting in the release of the
unsaturated lipid, a high proportion of the fatty acids of which are
then incorporated into the milk (and adipose tissue) lipids. The technical
Fatty acid pro$le and distribution
0 10 20 30
Carhon atoms
Figure 3.35 Relationship between the melting point of fatty acids and their chain length.
0 1 2 3
Numher of double bonds
Figure 3.36 Effect of introducing one or more double bonds on the melting point of
octadecanoic acid.
60 -
50 -
,s 40-
30 -
20 -
10 -
s v
M e
01 I 1
0 5 10 15 20
Position of double bond
Figure 3.37 Effect of the position of the double bond on the melting point of octadecenoic acid.
feasibility of this approach has been demonstrated and it may be economic
under certain circumstances.
The melting point of triglycerides is determined by the fatty acid profile
and the position of the fatty acids in the triglyceride. The melting point of
fatty acids increases with increasing length of the acyl chain (Figure 3.35)
and the number, position and isomeric form of double bonds. The melting
Table 3.16 Effect on the melting point of shortening a single fatty acid chain of
triglyceride from 18 to 0 carbon atoms and of esterification position (symmetrical
or asymmetrical)
Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Glyceride MP "C Glyceride MP "C
1 8- 14-1 8
18-1 2-18
18- 10-1 8
18-6- 18
18-4-1 8
18-2- 18
18-18-1 8
18-18-1 2
18-1 8-4
18-1 8-2
point decreases as the number of double bonds in the molecule increases
(Figure 3.36) and cis isomers have lower melting points than the corre-
sponding trans isomers (Figure 3.37). The melting point of both cis and trans
isomers increases as the double bond moves from the carboxyl group
towards the o-carbon.
Symmetrical triglycerides have a higher melting point than asymmetrical
molecules containing the same fatty acids (Table 3.16).
As discussed in section 3.6, the fatty acids in milk fat are not distributed
randomly and the melting point may be modified by randomizing the fatty
acid distribution by transesterification using a lipase or chemical catalysts.
3.16.2 Process parameters
Temperature treatment of cream. The melting point of lipids is strongly
influenced by the crystalline form, ct, fl, fl', which is influenced by the
structure of the triglycerides and by the thermal history of the product. The
hardness of butter can be reduced by subjecting the cream to one of a
variety of temperature programmes, which may be automated. The classical
example of this is the Alnarp process, a typical example of which involves
cooling pasteurized cream to c. 8"C, holding for c. 2 h, warming to 20°C,
holding for c. 2 h and then cooling to c. 10°C for churning. More compli-
cated schedules may be justified in certain cases.
All these treatments exert their effect by controlled crystal growth, e.g.
larger, fewer crystals adsorb less liquid fat and there is less formation of
mixed (liquid-solid) crystals due to reduced supercooling.
Work softening (microfixing). The liquid fat in butter crystallizes during
cold storage after manufacture, forming an interlocking crystal network and
resulting in increased hardness. Firmness can be reduced by 50-55% by
disrupting this network, e.g. by passing the product through a small orifice
(Figure 3.38) (the hardness of margarine can be reduced by 70-75% by a
similar process; the greater impact of disrupting the crystal network on the
hardness of margarine makes margarine appear to be more spreadable than
butter even when both contain the same proportion of solid fat). Microfix-
ing is relatively more effective when a strong crystal network has formed, i.e.
when setting is at an advanced stage (e.g. after storage at 5°C for 7days).
The effect of microfixing is reversed on storage or by warming/cooling, i.e.
is essentially a reversible phenomenon (Figure 3.38).
Fractionation. The melting and spreading characteristics of butter can be
altered by fractional crystallization, i.e. controlled crystallization of molten
fat or crystallization from a solution of fat in an organic solvent (e.g. ethanol
or acetone). Cleaner, sharper fractionation is obtained in the latter but
solvents may not be acceptable for use with foods. The crystals formed may
- 1 margarine
before working
lo a butter 1
O' 0 2 4 6 a
Days after working
Figure 3.38 Effect of microfixing on the hardness of butter and conventional margarine (from
Mulder and Walstra, 1974).
be removed by centrifugation (special centrifuges have been developed) or
filtration. Early studies on fractional crystallization involved removing the
high-melting point fraction for use in other applications, the mother liquor
being used as a modified butter spread. This approach shifts the melting
point-temperature curve to lower temperatures without significantly chang-
ing its shape (Figure 3.39). While the resulting butter has acceptable
spreadability at low temperatures, its 'stand-up' properties are unsatisfac-
tory, i.e. it becomes totally liquid at too low a temperature. A better
approach is to blend low and high melting point fractions, by which an ideal
melting curve can be approached. The problem of finding economic uses for
the middle melting point fraction remains.
Blending. Blends of vegetable oils and milk fat offer an obvious solution
to the problem of butter hardness - any desired hardness values can be
obtained. Such products were introduced in the 1960's and are now used
widely in many countries. These products may be produced by blending an
10 20 30 40 50
Temperature ("C)
Figure 3.39 Melting point curves of unfractionated milk fat (a), fraction solid at 25°C (b),
fraction liquid at 25°C (c) (from Mulder and Walstra, 1974).
emulsion of the oil with dairy cream for the manufacture of butter or by
blending the oil directly with butter.
In addition to modifying the rheological properties of butter, blends of
milk fat and vegetable oils can be produced at a reduced cost (depending
on the price paid for milk fat) and have an increased content of polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids, which probably has a nutritional advantage. Oils rich in
0-3 fatty acids, which are considered to have desirable nutritional proper-
ties, may be included in the blend, although these oils may be susceptible to
oxidative rancidity.
Low-fat spreads. Spreads containing 40% fat (milk fat or blends of milk
fat and vegetable oils), c. 3-5% protein and selected emulsifiers are now
commonly available in many countries. These products have good spreada-
bility and reduced caloric density (see Keogh, 1995).
High meltingpointproducts. Butter may be too soft for use as a shortening
in certain applications; a more suitable product may be produced by
blending butter and lard or tallow.
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Richardson, T. and Korycka-Dahl, M. (1983) Lipid oxidation, in Developments in Dairy
Chemistry, Vol. 2: Lipids, (ed. P.F. Fox), Applied Science Publishers, London, pp. 241 -363.
Rossell, J.B. (1986) Classical analysis of oils and fats, in Analysis of Oils and Fats, (eds R.J.
Hamilton and J.B. Rossell), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 1-90.
Towler, C. (1994) Dewlopments in cream separation and processing, in Modern Dairy.
Technology, Vol. 1, 2nd edn, (ed. R.K. Robinson), Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 61-105.
Walstra, P. (1983) Physical chemistry of milk fat globules, in Decelopments in Dairy Chemistry,
Vol. 2: Lipids, (ed. P.F. Fox), Applied Science Publishers, London, pp. 119-58.
Walstra, P. and Jenness, R. (1984) Dairy Chemistry and Physics, John Wiley and Sons, New
Wilbey, R.A. (1994) Production of butter and dairy based spreads, in Modern Dairy Technology,
Vol. 1, 2nd edn, (ed. R.K. Robinson), Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 107-58.
Wooding, F.B.P. (1971) The structure of the milk fat globule membrane. J. Ultrastructure Res.,
37. 388-400.
Suggested reading
Fox, P.F. (ed.) (1983) Developments in Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 2: Lipids, Applied Science
Fox, P.F. (ed.) (1995) Advanced Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 2: Lipids, 2nd edn, Chapman & Hall,
Mulder, H. and Walstra, P. (1974) The Milk Fat Globule, Podoc, Wageningen.
Walstra, P. and Jenness. R. (1984) Dairy Chemistry and Physics, Wiley-Interscience, New York.
Webb, B.H. and Johnson, A.H. (1965) Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry, AVI Publishing,
Webb, B.H., Johnson, A.H. and Alford, J.A. (eds) (1974) Fundamentals ofDairy Chemistry, 2nd
Wong, N.P. (ed.) (1980) Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 1, 3rd edn, AVI Publishing,
Publishers, London.
Westport, CT.
edn, AVI Publishing, Westport, CT.
Westport, CT.
Appendix 3A Principal fatty acids in milk fat
See table overleaf.
Appendix 3A. Principal fatty acids in milk fat
designation Structure
Systematic Melting Odour threshold
name Common name point ("C) value (mg kg-')
c4 0 CH,(CH,),COOH
C6 0 CH,(CH,),COOH
c, 0 CH,(CH,),COOH
C,, 0 CH,(CH,), ,COOH
'14 0 CH,(CH,),,COOH
CI, 0 CH,(CH,),,COOH
CI, 0 CH,(CH,), ,COOH
18: 1 CH3(CH,),CH=CH-CH,-(CH,)6-COOH
18:2 CH3(CH,),-(CH%H-CH,)~~CH2)6-COOH
18:3 CH3(CH,),-(CH=CH-CHz)3~CH2)3<OOH
20:4 CH I(CH ,),-(CH%H--CH 2)4-(CH ,),-COOH
18:3 CH,CH,--(CH=CH<H,)j-(CHJ6<OOH
18: 1 CH,(CH,),--CH%H--CH ,<CH ,),--COOH
16: 1 CH,(CH,),--CH%H-CH,-(CH,)6--COOH
Butanoic acid
Hexanoic acid
Octanoic acid
Decanoic acid
Dodecanoic acid
Tetradecanoic acid
Hexadecanoic acid
Octadecanoic acid
A9-octadeconic acid
A9J2-0ctadecdienoic acid
A6,9,12-octadectrienoic acid
A5,8,11,14-ecosatetraenoic acid
A9,12,15-octadectrienoic acid
A9-octadeconoic acid
A9-hexadecenoic acid
Butyric acid
Caproic acid
Caprylic acid
Capric acid
Lauric acid
Myristic acid
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
Oleic acid
Linoleic acid
y-Linolenic acid
Arachidonic acid
a-Linolenic acid
Oleic acid
Palmitoleic acid
- 7.9 0.5-10
- 3.9 3
16.3 3
31.3 10
44.0 10
- 5.0
Appendix 3B Structures of the principal polar lipids
I o\\
HZC -0-P -0- I
H~C-0- C- R'
I o\\
H2C- 0 - C - R1
HC-O-C-F? I 0,. +
I 0,. H,C-O-P-O-CH2CHZN(CH,),
A Phosphatidic acid A phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)
O\\ H~C-0- C- R'
H~C-0-C-R' I o\\ +
I o\\ HC-O-C-R2 NH3
I o\\ I
HC -0-c - R~
I o\\ + HZC-0-P-0-C-CH
I 0 coo
A Phosphatidylethanolamine A phosphatidylserine
H~C -o~c- R' '%-C-CHz
HC-O-C-R~ 1% 'R3C-CH
H~C-O~C-R' O\\
HC-O~C-R~ I\\
I\\ I o,\ \\ I
HzC-0- P-0- C- CH- C-0- P- 0-CHp
I H2 I
I H2 I Hz I
0' OH
0 OH 0
A phosphatidylglycerol A disphosphatidylglycerol (cardiolipin)
I H?,
HO-C-C=C-(CH2)12CH3 HO-C-C=C-(CH2)12CH3
Sphingosine A ceramide (R = fatty acid residue)
I H?\ I Ho+
C-N-C --R C-N-C-R
HO-C-C=C-(CH2)12CH3 HO-C-C=C-(CH2)12CH3
I O,\ + I
H2C - 0 - glucose
A sphingomyelin A cerebroside
I H O\\
N-acetylneuraminic acid
A ganglioside
H~C -0 - c = C- R'
H2C- 0 - P%OCHZCH~;(CH~)~
R' and R2 = are long chain alkyl groups derived from a fatty alcohol or fatty acid, respectively.
A plasmalogen
Appendix 3C Structures of cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol and a
cholesteryl ester
Cholesteryl ester