College English 3 The Course Curricular Participants: Second-year Students Majoring Time: 9/2001-2/2002 First semester of the Academic Year 2001-2002 Teaching Material: College English (Revised edition,published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) Major Task of This Semester ◆Text Learning(10 units altogether) ◆Learning to write English composition ◆Integral Training: trying to improve the students proficiency in reading, listening, and speaking. General Goals or Objectives of This Semester ▼try to improve the students’ reading speed and the ability to get information from reading materials correctly. ▼Students acquisition of the skills involved through supplementary materials and texts. ▼More attention will be given to the understanding of discourse: focus on global understanding. ▼Enlarge students’ vocabulary (Key words and structure) ▼Learn the features of English composition and learn to write. Teaching Plan This term’s teaching content covers 10 units. Basically, every two units will be finished within 3 weeks. Except the one-week holidays in National Day, there are 15 weeks left for teaching, so at least 9 unit should be finished at the end of this term. Roughly the teaching of one unit covers 6 periods. Weeks Teaching Task  Week 1 to Week 3 Unit 1: A Brush With the Law Unit 2: The Woman Who would not Tell  Week 4 to Week 6 Unit 3: Why I Teach Unit 4: Down But not Out  Week 7 to Week 9 Unit 5: The Day Mother Cried Unit 6: A Day’s Wait  Week 10 to Week 12 Unit 7: The Shelter Unit 8: Daydreaming a Little  Week 13 to Week 15 Unit 9: The Death of Hitler Unit 10: The Fantastic Spurt of Technology  Week 16 General Review   Unit 1 A Brush with the Law I Intensive reading Objectives: 1. Understanding the main idea (法律的适用性和界限性) 2. Understand the structure : Comparison and contrast (对于犯罪的界定的前后强烈对比) 3. Learn related law terms 4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. Conduct a series of speaking and listening task based on the text Teaching focus:1.understand the arbitrariness of the British law and the hypocracy in capitalist society(提醒学生注意成长过程中的青春困惑期,不可 随意行事) 2. The understanding of “arbitrary” and “fate in court” 3. 对youth counterculture的认识。 4. Shades of meaning: 对Brush一词的文体特征的理解 Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period 2nd period  3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period  Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure, characteristics of lady hermits While-reading (questions for discussion) While-reading (questions for discussion, language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive reading  Listening and speaking   Pre-reading Tasks (45 minutes) Warming up activities Pair work/ group work: students work in pairs or groups to discuss the following questions What does the word “law” remind you of ? What are the basic requirements of law? What’s the function of law? Do you think law can always fulfill its function, and why? On what basis should police be able to arrest somebody? Is it the case in this story? 2. Nicknames of the British and American policeman and the different use or stylistic meaning of them(10 minutes) cop /brush…. While-reading Tasks (90 minutes) Reading comprehension Understanding the meaning of the title In what circumstances can someone be in trouble with the law? What follows then? What are “arbitrary circumstances” ? Do arbitrary circumstances of arrest conform to the principle of law? What are “the arbitrary circumstances” the author referred to? How long do the Chinese students stay at home after leaving school and before going to university? What did you do during these two months? What is a “temporary job” ? 10.How could the “obvious aimlessness” cause the trouble? Why did he go to the local library? Why didn’t he recognize the first man as a police officer? Why did the author take the officer’s words as a joke? What does “a perfectly straight face” mean? In what circumstances will one wear “a perfectly straight face” ? Do you think that age is one of the factors in suspecting people of committing a crime? What is usually thought of a boy with “long untidy hair” ? Why does the author prefer appearing “cool and unconcerned with the incident” ? What is “this sort of situation” ? Language Points: brush, a couple of, temporary, save up, take one's time, in uniform, wander, turn out, regard as, charge, conduct, call up, stand a chance, respectable, reliable, take up, complain Structure: a. "it turns out that" b. "given" in conditional clause lawyer, solicitor, barrister: Lawyer is the general term for anyone whose work it is to advise his clients about the law and represent them in court A solicitor is a lawyer who gives advice, appears in lower courts, and prepares cases for a barrister to argue in a higher court. A barrister is a lawyer who has the right of speaking and arguing in the higher courts of law. brush --- a short fight or quarrel; an argument or disagreement - It is his third brush with the law in less than a year. take sb to court --- take legal action against sb I told him that I would take him to court if he did not repay the money in a week. If you go on ill-treating your wife like this, you will be taken to court. arbitrary --- based on one’s own wishes or will rather than reason If a leader makes decisions without conducting investigations, he is being arbitrary. The arbitrary decisions of the factory owners caused dissatisfaction among the workers. circumstance --- condition, fact, etc connected with an event or a person - Because of circumstances beyond our control the meeting was cancelled. subsequent --- coming after, following - The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine. due --- expected or scheduled to arrive or be ready, supposed to; to be paid or returned The next train is due to leave at ten. The books are due today but I want to renew some of them. temporary --- lasting for a short time only Ant. permanent - This is not my permanent address; it is only a temporary one. save up --- keep for future use It took him a year to save up enough money for a computer. They are now saving up to buy a house in the suburbs. take one’s time --- not to hurry, do sth in an unhurried way Just take your time and tell me clearly what happened at the meeting yesterday. It’s better to take your time over a piece of work and do it properly than to hurry and make mistakes. commit --- do sth wrong, bad, foolish, or unlawful - If we fail to understand this, we shall commit a lot of mistakes. perfectly --- very, completely - I’m perfectly satisfied with your arrangements. turn out --- be found or discovered to be, prove to be - The weather turned put pretty nice that day. regard ... as --- consider ... - Einstein is regarded by many as the greatest scientist of the twentieth century. confirm --- strengthen, make firmer; prove to be true or correct The result of my experiments has confirmed my belief that your theory is correct. The Mayor confirmed the report that his son had been kidnapped. charge --- blame sb officially for having broken the law - The police charged the driver with drunken driving. conduct --- manage, direct, carry out - After failing a dozen times or so, he decided to conduct the experiment in a different way. call on --- invite, require, appeal to - He was often called upon to speak at these gatherings. dismiss --- (of a judge) stop (a court case), refuse to consider a (complaint, plea, etc) in a court - The magistrate dismissed the case because of lack of evidence. stand a chance --- have a chance - I would apply for the post if I were you. I think you stand a good chance. respectable --- deserving respect Cf. respectful --- showing respect to others - Dr Smith is a respectable professor and all his students are respectful to him. reliable --- worthy of trust, dependable - I got these figures from reliable sources. given --- considering, if one takes into account - Given their inexperience, they’ve done a good job. revolve around --- move in circles around, have as its centre or main topic or concern The moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun. The dispute at the moment revolves around whether we should go on with the experiment. meanwhile --- during the same period of time - Bob went to post office to send a letter. Meanwhile Lily was preparing lunch at home. complain --- speak in an unhappy, dissatisfied way - For my own part, I have nothing to complain about. turn against --- cause to be hostile or opposed to - He tried in vain to turn the students against their professors. take off one’s cap (or hat) to sb --- to show respect or admiration for sb Post-reading (45 minutes) Group discussion: (25 min) Topics: 1. Why does the author think his arrest arbitrary 2. Why does the author think his release from the charge arbitrary Exercises: (20 min) Do exercises in Vocabulary, Word Building, Structure, Cloze, Reading Activity, and Guided Writing after class. II Extensive Reading (45 min) 1. Reading Tasks: Extensive Reading Unit 1 第一篇 2. Reading Skills:1) How to use a dictionary 2)Get the meaning from context clue: prefix and suffix III Listening and Speaking (45 min) See VCD --- Consolidation. Listen to the dialog and then answer the following questions. disco terrific pizza Who called Susan? Why did he call Susan? What did Susan think of the offer? Where would he pick up Susan? At what time would they meet? Listen to the following song and fill in the blanks with the words you hear from the tape. angel imagining measure fade Love Story Where do I begin to tell the story of how great love can be, The sweet love story that is _________ than the sea? The simple truth about the love she _________ to me. Where do I __________ ? With her first hello, she gave a __________ to this empty world of mine. There’s never been another love another __________ . She came into my life and made the living ___________ . She fills my heart, she fills my heart, With very __________ things, with angel’s songs, with wild imaginings. She fills my ___________ with so much love, That anywhere I go, I’m never lonely, with her along, Who could be lonely? I reach for her ___________ , it’s always there. How long does it ___________ ? Can love be measured by the ____________ in a day, I have no answers now but this much I can _____________ , I know I need her till the stars fade away, And she’ll be there, and she’ll be there. 4. Listen to the passage and fill in the following blanks with the exact words you hear from the tape. traditionally emotion generous unfeeling associate Titanic attract Traditionally the heart is the part of the body where emotions come from. If you are a warm-hearted person, for example, you are _________ and thoughtful towards others. If you have a heart of __________, you are a very generous person. But if you are __________, you are cruel and unfeeling. Of all the emotions, it is _________ that is the most associated with the heart. In love _________, all over the world, love almost always goes together with the heart. As the song from Titanic _________: “ You are here in my heart and my heart will go on and on. Love can _________ us one time and last for a __________, and never let go till we’re ___________.” Perhaps the role of the heart in love comes from what __________ to it when you feel really attracted to someone. The strong ___________ of attraction make your breathing __________ up and your heart beat faster. Unit 2 The Woman Who Would Not Tell I Intensive reading Objectives: 1. Grasp the main idea (the humanity in war 战争中的人性体现) 2.Understading flashback (倒叙和转叙) 3. Getting some knowledge of American Civil War 4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 5. Conduct a series of speaking and listening task based on the text Teaching focus:1.通过学习南北战争时期一位南方姑娘对受伤的北方军官的救护过程,歌颂人性的善良,了解战争对普通人生活造成的破坏,教育学生发扬人道主义精神,与人为善于己方便。 2. what war is really like; 3. 体会fan the spark of life that flickered. Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period 2nd period  3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period  Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure, characteristics of lady hermits While-reading (questions for discussion) While-reading (questions for discussion, language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive reading  Listening and speaking   Pre-reading Tasks (45 minutes) Warm-up Questions: (pair work) (45 min) What is people’s usual attitude towards their enemies in a war? If a wounded enemy soldier were found, what should a person do first? What would he \ she be regarded as otherwise? What is life like during a war? While-reading Tasks (90 minutes) Reading comprehension Which part of the US did Aunt Bettie live in Why did she say she “never did hate the Yankees” How do you understand “I heard it many times” How did they know that the wounded soldier was from the North Why did Bettie always use the same words to describe her first sight of the wounded man What does she mean by telling the child what war is really like How did she feel when she first saw the wounded soldier What are the different responses toward an enemy and a suffering human being Can you use two or three adjectives to describe the wounds that made Bettie feel sick Why should she have reported the presence of this Union officer What prevented her from doing so What was his wife waiting and hoping for What do you think of the metaphor “fanned the spark of life that flickered in Henry Bedell” How did Bettie do that for Bedell Why is the sentence inverted when it comes to medicines What prevented Bettie from taking drugs or medicines at the Confederate hospital What does “with what she had” mean Why did Bettie feel close to Bedell’s wife Where did they move the Union soldier to and why Why didn’t Bettie go to a doctor earlier Was it necessary for her to be careful about the situation What does “long-time friend” mean Language Points: capture, former, lean, supply, flare up, proof, bear, item, risk, junior, brush aside, command, establish, spark, identity, dreadful Structure: a. "see to it that" b. conjunction "or" capture --- make a prisoner of; seize - The police have not captured the murderer yet. awful --- terrible; very bad - The war movie is full of awful scenes which I think are not suitable for children. lean --- support or rest oneself in a bent or sloping position - Feeling a little dizzy, she leaned against the wall for support. identity --- who a particular person is - The police were unable to establish the identity of the man killed in the accident. presence --- the fact or state of being present Ant. absence - Jane was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed. matter --- be important - Since it is going to be an informal party, it doesn’t matter how you’re dressed. flare up --- suddenly become angry, fierce or violent, especially of a person, fire, battle, etc. - Soon after he left the hospital, his lung cancer flared up again. proof --- evidence or a particular piece of evidence - The proof of the pudding is in the eating. (proverb) (You won’t really know whether something is good until you try it.) bear --- have; show - John is really very careless. The check he sent me yesterday bears no signature of his! item --- one of a number of things esp. in a list or as a group - Coffee is a chief export item of Brazil. risk --- place in danger; take the chance of - If you wait any longer you will risk missing your train. see that / see to it that --- make sure that; take care that I promise to see that the fee is paid without delay. See to it that the lights are turned off before you leave the office. brush aside --- disregard, ignore - The doctor’s opinions cannot be brushed aside. bring through --- save sb from The surgeon decided that only a successful operation could bring the patient through. Post-reading Tasks (45 min) 1. Group discussion: Topics: 1. What kind of character was Bettie, Was she a heroine, or a traitor 2. What is the author’s message in telling the story, What do you think he advocates ------ humanism, patriotism or pacifism 2. Role-play: 将课本内容改变为戏剧形式。 3. Exercises: Do exercises in Vocabulary, Word Building, Structure, Cloze, Reading Activity, and Guided Writing after class. II Extensive Reading (45 min) 1. Reading Task: Extensive Reading Unit 2 2. Reading Skill:Scanning III Listening and Speaking (45 min) 1. Listen to the story and decide whether the following statements are true or false. ?????????????????? 1) The farmer couldn't plant the potatoes because it was not the right season. 2) The wife was not strong enough to do the digging. 3) There were no friends or neighbors to help them. 4) The farmer's purpose of writing the first letter was to tell his wife what he hid in the potato field. 5) His wife fully understood him after reading his letter. 6) The policemen were so kind that they helped to dig the field. 2. Listen to the passage and fill in the table with the information you get from the tape. complaint lift solution replace suggestion psychologist relatively occur adopt Problem: There were complaints about 1)_________________________. Suggested solutions by 2)___________________. The solutions: 3)______________________. 4) ______________________. Disadvantage: 5)_____________________. Final solution by??6)__________________.  The solution: 7)______________________. Advantage: 8)_____________________.   Listen to the interview and fill in the table with what you’re learned from the tape. Terry Joyce average outgoing overpowering inquisitive accent inferior behavior Differences English people Americans  Characteristics They are 1)_______________. Making friends with them takes 3)__________________. They are 2)_____________.  Attitudes toward each other They think of Americans as 4)_____________________ because of their 5)__________ They 6)________ English people and 7)____________ their accent and their country.  Manners when talking They like a certain 8)______________________ They stand 9)_____________.   4. Listen to the story carefully and complete the summary of the story by filling in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. Jew India kingdom settle suspicion hesitant dilute spoil addition bow sweeten A group of Jew got _________ in _________, so they went to ask the king for permission to ____________ there. At first, the king was quite suspicious of them. He asked the leader of the Jews to __________ the taste of the milk with ____________ poured into it in order to show them that their stay might _____________ the kingdom. The leader, however, added __________ to the ,ilk to improve its taste. Finally the king was persuaded into letting them ______________. Unit 3 Why I Teach I Intensive reading Objectives: 1.Understandingthe author’s different values on money and power and appreciate his noble ideas (透彻理解作者在金钱和权利问题上与众不同的价值观,并把学生引入教师的内心世界,感受教师的敬业精神,治学态度和对学生倾注的爱心。 2. Grasp the main idea and structure 3. Master Key words and useful expressions Teaching focus:1. 对why I teach的理解和认同。 2..对good questions, bad questions 和questions that need struggle to answer的认识和态度。 3. Appreciate and understand what money and power mean in the eyes of the teacher 4. Learn about puns, metonymy , parallel structure and other figures of speech. Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period 2nd period  3rd period  4th period 5th period  6th period   Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure, topic sentence, content questions) While-reading (Writing characteristics, Language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive reading  Listening   Pre-reading (45 minutes) 1. T asks Ss the following questions: (10 minutes) --- What does the job of teaching conjure up in your mind? --- In your opinion what are the qualifications of a good teacher? --- Is it easy to meet the qualifications of a good teacher? Why or why not? ---Do you want to be a teacher in the future? Why? Why not? 2. T introduces some background Information: Teaching in the U.S. / Bible (See courseware)(15 minutes) 3. Ss go over the text very quickly and find out the reasons given by the author for choosing teaching as his career. (15 minutes) (key: ---- the pace of the academic calendar ---- variety ( teaching is built on change ) ---- the freedom to be his own boss ( the freedom to do things his own way ) ---- the opportunity to teach his students to play their roles in the real world ---- the opportunity to keep on learning ---- the opportunity to share with his students the happiness of their success ---- the joy of seeing his students grow and change in front of his eyes ---- the power to help his students grow and change ---- the love teaching offers, the love of learning, of books and ideas and the love a teacher feels for rare students ---- the feeling of remaining young while teaching 4. Ss do Comprehension Questions on P53 (5 minutes) While-reading Tasks (90 minutes) 1. T guides Ss through the text to learn about the structure of the text, and then Ss sum up the main idea of each part. (10 minutes) Part One ( L1- L4 ): The author raises the questions "Why do you teach?" at the very beginning. Part Two ( L5 - L15 ): The author answers the question indirectly "Certainly I don't teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share." Part Three ( L6 - L70): The author gives his reasons for choosing teaching as his career. 2. Ss find the topic sentence for each of the last 5 paragraphs of the text. (8 minutes) 3. Ss work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer content questions on P54 in the textbook. (27 minutes) 4. Writing Characteristics: (20 minutes) The text is an argumentation. The author raises the question at the very beginning and then gives his reasons why he loves to be a teacher. The article is well-organized as a whole. The language of the article is simple and easy; the structure is clear, simple and logical with various rhetoric devices such as pun, metonymy and parallel structure. Pun is a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words. Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power. Various parallel structures used in this article make the language concise, rhythmical and forceful. ▼ Ss find the use of pun and metonymy in the text. (Key: pun: "catch my breath"在文中起到一语双关的作用。一方面,表达了作者对自己学生迅速成长而产生的惊喜,另一方面,又暗示了作者生活在学生当中感到自己获得了新的生命,相当于“与…一起呼吸,一起成长”。 metonymy 即用一种名称指代另一与之有密切关系的事物。Emerson, Thorean, Huxley都是人名,在此处借代他们的著作。 借喻的例子:Gray hair should be respected. 老人应当受到敬重。 (用白发代替老人) The pen is mightier than the sword. 笔杆子比刀剑更有力。 (用刀剑代替动武)) ▼ Ss find out the parallel structures in the text and classify them into the categories by filling in the following table. 平行结构  名词平行  名词短语平行  动名词平行  修饰语平行  动词不定式平行  谓语平行  句子平行   例句         5. T explains the key language points in the text and has Ss practice them. (For detailed explanations, see courseware) (45 minutes) Words and Phrases: puzzle compel convince promotion stay up be built on leave out earn one's living  2) Words Distinction (Ss do relevant exercises in the courseware.) a. [辨析] profession, vocation, occupation b. [辨析] stay in, stay out, stay with, stay off 3) Structure: find + oneself + a present or past participial phrase, or a prepositional phrase Post-reading Tasks (45 minutes) 1. Reviewing work based on the text (10 minutes) ★Dictation: New words ★Dictation: a short paragraph ★using new words to make sentences Summary questions: Ss work in groups and discuss the following questions. (10 minutes) What are the most important reasons the author gives for choosing teaching as his profession? What does the author mean by saying that as a teacher he has money and power? Can you sump up the joys and frustrations of a teacher according to your knowledge? Writing Do the Guided Writing II on P66 in the textbook. (10 minutes) The topic of writing assignment of this unit is The Teachers’ Problems. Write a composition on the instructions given in English. The composition should be written in no less than 100 or 120 words. At present, many teachers in China have left their job. Some people are for them, while others are against them. What do you think of this fact? What do you think we should do to solve the teachers’ problems? There is a model paper for Ss’ reference. (See Courseware) 3. Homework: (5 minutes) 1) Do Revision Exercises 1 on P67 2) Find out the following words and phrases in the Exercises and Reading Activity of Unit3: 1. 就…而言;依据..来看 2 如何处理这一病例 3 导致他(她)被炒鱿鱼 4 详细记录了…. 5 引起了学生们对…的兴趣 6 竞选连任 7 由于 8 我们不在的时候 9 回报你的好意 10 酷热难当 11填字游戏 12 关于裁减军备的初步会谈 13 严重休克 14 前总统 15 可行的,行得通的 16 筋疲力尽 17 一点儿也不, 绝不 18 对成绩, 分数过分在意 19 入学人数 20预计数字 21 相当重要的事实 22 政治团体 23高等学府 24 公立的 25 授予学士学位 4. Check answers to the after-text exercise( 10 minutes) II Extensive Reading (45 minutes) 1. Reading Tasks: Extensive Reading Unit 3第7-- 9篇文章,重点讲第7篇,检查第8, 9篇。 2. Reading Skills:a. How to Mater the Reading Skill of Skimming b. How to Understand Characterization Developing Reading Skills: How to Master the Reading Skill of Skimming Skimming means that you have to read quickly in order to find out the main idea and the most important supporting ideas. The following elements will help you understand an essay better, using the technique of skimming: the topic sentence of each paragraph signal words that show a sequence, a transition, etc. introductory paragraphs which often bear the author’s thesis statement or attitude toward the problem under discussion concluding paragraphs which often repeat the most important points mentioned in the essay repeated words, sentences, or ideas, which are often crucial to the understanding of the essay the noticeable changes of printing style, for instance, capitalization, italics, etc., which are often emphasized by the author certain punctuations such as a dash, quotation marks, which are often used to distinguish some important ideas out How to Understand Characterization Characterization refers to the representation of a person as a hero or heroine by describing or imitating the actions, gestures or speeches of that person. Probing into the psychological make-up of the character is also important, for it provides what underlies the hero or heroine’s actions or choices. III Listening and Speaking (45 minutes) 1. Listening Task: Listening & Speaking Unit 5 2. Listening Strategy: Learning to making Prediction Listening Strategy: How to Predict When you listen to a person speaking your own language, in many situations you can be one step ahead of the speaker. You can very often predict what that person is going to say next – perhaps not always the exact words, but at least the main ideas. Have you ever found yourself finishing other people’s sentences for them? This is often something we do without even thinking about it. The more you can predict, the easier it becomes to understand – in a foreign language too, In fact, you will probable be surprised at how much you can predict in English. Train yourself to predict as much as possible. Do this consciously. There are many things which can help you to predict while you are listening, for example: how much you know about: the topic / the situation / the country in which the language is spoken intonation, for example: When presenting a list, rising intonation signals that more items will follow and a falling intonation signals the end of the list: “I’d like to buy some eggs, cheese, tomatoes and a cake.” signals such as, “I’m afraid that …” (signals something negative will follow). “There’s one point I’d like to make … “ (signals an opinion will follow) 3. Home listening College English Course Book Listening & Speaking Unit 6 Unit 4 Lady Hermits Who Are Down But Not Out I Intensive reading Objectives:1. Learn the life and psychology of Lady Hermits and find out the cases of this social phenomenon as well as the indifference of urban people and the duty of social workers. 2. Grasp the main idea and structure 3. Master Key words and useful expressions Teaching focus:1.The meaning of the title 2. Understanding “hermit” and “freedom” 3.The feature of journalistic writing Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period 2nd period  3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period  Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure, characteristics of lady hermits While-reading (questions for discussion) While-reading (questions for discussion, language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive reading  Listening and speaking   Pre-reading Tasks (45 minutes) 1. T asks Ss the following questions: (10 minutes) --- How can you define a “shopping-bag lady”? --- What message do you get from the title? 2. T introduces background Information: Feature. (新闻特写)(See courseware)(15 minutes) Four Ws and one H: Who, When, Where, What and How Characteristics: factual, prompt, correct, real, acute and penetrating While-reading Tasks (90 minutes) 1. T guides Ss through the text to learn about the structure of the text, and then Ss sum up the main idea of each part. (10 minutes) Part One ( L1- L4 ): This part introduces the existence of shopping-bag ladies. Part Two ( L5 – L56): This part describes the characteristics and real lives of the ladies. Part Three ( L57 – L60): This part tells us that some people are trying to help the ladies. 2. Ss scan the text to find out the characteristics of the lady hermits. (10 minutes) (Where they live / What they eat / What they wear / Who cares for them / Behavior) 3. Ss read the passage again, and finish the MC on P78 (10 minutes) 4. T raises the following questions for discussion: (45 minutes) Part One (Lines 1-4) How can these women live in an isolated world of their own in such a crowded city? What are the possible reasons that make people mistrust each other? What are people’s usual attitudes towards vagrants? Why does the author say that this type of vagrant is peculiar? Part Two (Lines 5-56) What kinds of people are conventional people? What can you infer from their staying or disappearing from a place? Why does the author compare the attitude toward a shopping-bag lady to that toward a lost dog? How many types can bag ladies be classified into? What do you think of the three types of bag ladies? 5. Do you know anything about the application for relief in the U.S.A.? 6. How do most shopping-bag ladies cope with life on the streets? 7. Do you think freedom should be constrained? How and why? Why do “most shopping-bag ladies seem to be between the ages of 40 and 65”? 9. What does it mean to “intrude”? Why do you think the shopping-bag ladies “take general conversation as an intrusion”? 10. How do you understand “Most New Yorkers are cold”? Part Three (Lines 57-60) What gets the ladies “down”? Why aren’t they “out”? 5. Ss underline any sentences or words difficult or important for them. Discuss with their partner to find out the meaning of the words or phrases new for them. (5 minutes) T explains the key language points in the text and has Ss practice them. (For detailed explanations, see courseware) (40 minutes) Words and Phrases: peculiar constraint volunteer conventional down but out keen on pass by turn away in general cope with be entitled to  2) Structure: absolute structure (Ss do Structure Exercise XV on P83.) 3) Words Distinction (See Courseware) peculiar, particular, special; b. populace , population Post-reading Tasks (45 minutes) 1. Reviewing work based on the text (10 minutes) ★Dictation: New words ★Dictation: a short paragraph ★using new words to make sentences 2. Summary questions: Ss work in groups and discuss the following questions. (10 minutes) --- Can you search for the possible causes of the existence of shopping-bag ladies as a social phenomenon? --- Can anything be done to cut the figures of these ladies down? 3. Writing: Do the Guided Writing II on P90 in the textbook. (Read the passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate connective words.) (20 minutes) writing assignment of this unit: Write a brief report about the poll on P91 in the textbook. There is a model paper for Ss’ reference. (See Courseware) 4. Homework: (5 minutes) 1) Do Translation 2 on P85 in the textbook. 2) Memorize the second paragraph after class. 3) Preview Unit5. Extensive Reading (45 minutes) 1. Reading Task: 泛读教程第四单元第10-- 12篇文章,重点讲第10篇,检查第11, 12篇。 2. Reading Skills: How to Distinguish Causes and Effects How to Understand Personification Developing Reading Skills: a. How to Distinguish Causes and Effects ?????? Cause-and-effect analysis tries to give reasons why something occurs or to predict a future result. When reading a cause-and-effect analysis, you must pay attention not to mistake an effect for cause. Such words and phrases as because, because of, for, since, now that, due to, on account of, etc. refer to causes, while words and phrases such as therefore, so, as a result, etc. refer to effects. Also, you must not confuse associations with causes. b. How to Understand Personification Personification treats abstract ideas or inanimate objects as if they were human by endowing them with human qualities. As a figure of speech, personification is to make abstract ideas specific and familiar and inanimate objects lively and emotional. In the essay selected here, Ackerman, by endowing the leaves with human emotions or activities, leads her readers to the wonder of autumn by appealing to their senses so that they can see and feel the beauty of the colorful leaves. At the same time, she expresses her love for the beauty of nature and praises the marvel of nature when it is “more carnal, mute and radiant …” and when it goes on and on without an end. Listening and Speaking (45 minutes) 1. Listening Task: College English Course Book Listening & Speaking Unit 7 2. Listening Strategy:Note taking (1) Recognizing the Main Idea Note taking (1) Recognizing the Main Idea Unless, for some reason, you wish to record every word that the lecturer says, you will have to select what to write down. You will naturally want to select the main points, and perhaps some subordinate or subsidiary points which relate to the main points. How does one recognize the main points? Usually, the speaker will make it clear which ideas he wishes to emphasize by the way in which he presents them. In other words, the main ideas are cued. They are often cued by such semantic markers as: I would like to emphasize … The general point you must remember is … It is important to note that … I repeat that … The next point is crucial to my argument … Let’s move on to another matter … My next point is … Another problem to be discussed is … A related area would be … Very often speakers list their main points. Often examples and points of lesser importance are also cued. The speaker may use such phrases as: Let me give you some examples … For instance … I might add … To illustrate this point … Examples and points of lesser importance should be related briefly to the main headings. Sometimes speakers will digress, i.e. mention things which have very little to do with their main topic, or relate to it only in a rather roundabout way. Speakers will sometimes digress deliberately in order to give more spice or variety to their lectures, or because the digression is interesting, amusing or topical. There is, of course, no need to note down digressions. Digression markers are expressions like: By the way … I might note in passing … 3. Home listening College English Course Book Listening & Speaking Unit 8 Unit Five The Day Mother Cried I. Intensive reading Objectives:1. Grasp the main idea (学习母亲面对失败不屈不扰的精神,明确坚定的意志对自我发展的意义,体会通向成功的道路上的酸甜苦辣。) 2. Understand how the text is organized 3. Master key words and useful phrases and learn them by heart Teaching focus:1. Identify mother’s personality; 2. Cultivate an correct attitude towards pressure , tension, defeat and failure; 3. Understand the influence a mother has on the growth of a child Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period  2nd period  3rd period  4th period 5th period  6th period  Pre-reading While-reading While-reading While-reading Post-reading Listening Listening and speaking   Pre-reading tasks (45 minutes) 1. Warming-up activities 1). Group Discussion : Discuss with each other the influence a mother exerts on their children according to your experience. 2) Answer the following questions --- Have you ever seen your parents cry? What's your feeling at that moment? What did you do? --- If you were a mother or father of a 16-year-old boy, in what kind of situation you would cry because of him? 3) Say something about your parents. While-reading tasks (90 minutes) 1. Read the text in 10-15 minutes. Then finish the following?tasks: 1) Form at leas five questions on the key information in your mind. 2) Present your questions in front of the whole class and ready to answer the questions of others. 3) Finish the MC exercises in P99. 4) Listen to the sentences, to see it is True or False. 2. Read the passage again, try to compare the difference of the author before, while and after mother cried. Before mother cried While mother crying After mother cried   Assumed mother could do anything.   Not surprised, or impressed by mother's new job.   Ignore mother's tiredness and downiness.   Believe I've already done a lot to help mother.   Didn't care mother's reason for the hard work    Shocked into stillness.   Repeat the line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble "you'll catch on".   Felt helpless and out of place.   Could sense her pain and the tension of holding back the strong emotions.   Something inside me truned.   Reached out my hand and put my arms around her.   Sitting beside and began slowly to understand.   Could feel her pain.    Recognized how little I understood the pressure on her.   Understood her vulnerability.   Knowing that besides being a mother, she is a person capable of fear and hurt and failure.   Hearing the tapping, I felt different. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.   The old typewriter became a memento which remind me the story of mother.   What i remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead.    3. Language Points: 1.filled with anticipation  full of expectation; very excited   anticipate: to think likely happen; expect   I was .. at the thought of the planned trip to Jiu Zai Gou' Are you anticipating any trouble when you help him.  2. issue  ?a particular edition of a magazine or newspaper   a subject to be talked about, argue about or decided   Did you read the latest issue of Reader's Digest. Students and teachers are debating the issue of oral test in CET6.  3. ..., and (I had) the hours to myself  to have something to oneself: to have sth. for one's own private house.   When we're out for summer, you can have the place entirely to yourself.  4. bound up the steps.  move along quickly by jumping or leaping movement   Her heart bounded with joy at the good news. The little girl bounded out of the room with her candy.  5. approach  to come near or nearer   go to sombody for help?   deal with    We're approaching the place you asked. Will you approach the bank manager for a loan. These workers do not know how to approach the mechanic problems correctly.   6. assume  take as true without actual proof   take power or responsibility    I didn't see you today, so I assumed that you were ill. Now that he is dead, I must assume responsibility for the work.  7. It wasn't long before she had a full enrollment and a waiting list. ???? They came back before long.  8. frantic  widely anxious, afraid, happy   extremely hurried but not well organized   There were no news about Peter, his parents were getting frantic. be frantic with worry/grief急得发疯 frantic rush/activity一阵忙乱    9. burst into  rush into     He burst into classroom and rushed out again.   10.catch on  understand, learn about ( often used with to')     You'll catch on to the job after you've been here a week or two.   11. set one's mind to  give all one's attention to doing sth.     After hearing the sad news, Jack could not set his mind to his work that afternoon.   12. stand/be in one's way  prevent sb. from doing sth.     I hope nothing will stand in my way to success.   13. primarily  chiefly; mainly   Our duties as college students are primarily to construct our country.   4. Structure analysis: This passage can be divided into FOUR parts. Fill in the chart according to your understanding. Part I paragraphs: ?   Coming home with the expect of reading his favorite magazine without any disturbance. The boy was shocked to see his mother crying because she lost her new job.  Part II paragraphs: ?   The boy felt helpless and awkward. He assumed that his mother could do everything, the management of a day nursery as an example. He also knew that his mother was frantic for the ways to save money in order that his sister and he to go to college. But he understood little about the pressure on his mother.  Part III Paragraphs: 18-20   The boy, for the first time, realized that his mother was just a human who was capable of fear, hurt and failure.  Part IV paragraphs: 21-24 Mother admitted defeat but would not be defeated. Having still great respect for her mother, the boy learned from his mother that as long as you have set you mind on doing something, you would always succeeded in the end.   Post-reading tasks (45 minutes) 1. Translate the first paragraph into Chinese.?? (presentation) 2. Finish Ex.VI. VII. VIII. XV 3. Retell the story. 4. Debate? Usually, a debate is carried out by two sides: the affirmative side and negative side. The most essential principle is that the affirmative side agrees to support the proposition while the negative side agrees to counter that effort. Each side must try to present every available bit of evidence and reasoning in the best possible light. In debating, presenting examples, proverbs, generally accepted principles is a very useful. In the following debating, you are asked to find as many facts (including? unit 5)as possible to defend your view. Which one can we learn more from, defeat or victory? II Extensive Reading (45 minutes) Reading Task: Extensive Reading, Unit 5 13——15课 Reading skill:increasing word power Writing:After you have reordered the pictures on page 111, write a one-paragraph story based on them. The first and last few sentences have been written for you. It was Mother’s Day. Susan asked her father and brother to think of something special they could do for the occasion. In the end they had to ask for some from neighbours, disturbing the television viewing of a couple living nearby. III Listening and speaking (45 minutes) Listening Task: Unit 5 & 6 Listening Skill: making suggestions, identifying adverbials of frequency Unit 6 A Day’s Wait I. Intensive reading Objectives:1. Understanding the main idea (由于误解,小男孩经历了等待死亡的一天。 然而,他努力控制情绪,展示了毫不畏惧的精神。) 2. Understanding the structure and writing strategy: Develop the story according to time sequence. 3. Master key words and phrases 4. Conduct a series of listening and speaking tasks Teaching focus: 1.Understanding the calmness of the nine-year-old child when facing death 2. Analyze the different performance of the father and child. 3. Understand what “ hold tight onto oneself” means. Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period  2nd period  3rd period  4th period 5th period  6th period  Pre-reading While-reading While-reading While-reading Post-reading Listening Listening and speaking   Pre-reading tasks (45 minutes) 1. Warm-up Activities By posing these questions for students to think and answer, let students have a some idea about Hemingway 1)When did Hemingway write The Sun Also Rises? And? what is it about? 2) What is the subject of A Farewell to Arms? 3) What was his occupation the second time he went to Europe ? 4) When did he write The Old Man and the Sea ? And what is it about ? 5) Why was this short novel so powerful and emotional ? 6) When did Hemingway kill himself ? why? 7) What do you think of Hemingway ??? 2. Background information about Hemingway A man may be destroyed, but not defeated.----Ernest Hemingway Death and courage are two of the themes that Hemingway often writes about. Essentially, Hemingway thinks of courage as a person's ability to be calm and controlled in the face of death. In this short story, Hemingway shows the feelings o f a nine-year-old boy who, through a misunderstanding ,undergoes a shattering experience. This misunderstanding is brought about by what may seem to be a little thing, the fact that different countries use different kinds of medical thermometers. The experience nevertheless is a real crisis for the boy : he thinks he is going to die and has spent a day thinking about his death. However, in facing this crisis, the boy shows no fear and controls his emotions manfully----a mark of courage in Hemingway's sense. Reference: Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961) world-famous American novelist and short writer. He was born in a well-to-do suburb of Chicago. His father was a physician. After graduation from high school, Ernest Hemingway worked as a journalist and he learned a great deal about exactness and style in reporting. In 1917 he went to Italy with a volunteer ambulance unit, then fought as a soldier in the Italian Army, and was badly wounded. This experience in World War I gave him material for many of his short stories and some of his novels, including "The Sun Also Rises" (1926) and "A Farewell to Arms" (1929). During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), he went to Spain as a journalist. His experiences there provided material for one of his best novels, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1940). In 1952, he published his masterpiece "The Old Man and The Sea". In 1954 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. On July 2, 1961,he killed himself with his hunting rifle.? Influenza or flu Influenza or flu is an infectious disease. It is caused by any one of several viruses. Symptoms appear one to two days after exposure to an influenza virus. They include fever, weakness, muscle pains, sour throat, coughing, nasal discharge, and ----in some instances ----digestive upsets, Symptoms last from two to ten days. Many attacks are mild and leave no after-effects.? Severe attacks are sometimes complicated by pneumonia caused by the virus or bacteria. People used to think that flu was caused by germs or bacteria. It was not until 1933 that an influenza virus was identified as the cause of the disease.? While Reading tasks (90 minutes) Read the text to have a general idea about the content. Analyze the text: help students understand the content—what the author does say help students to understand how or by what means the author says what he wants to say 3. Through the explanation and appreciation of the text by means of stylistic analysis to achieve the objectives of this text. 4. Language Points and Structure 2).instruction 3).prescribe 4).scatter 5).slack ?Phrases: 1. bring down: reduce; cause to fall e.g. It will take more than speeches to bring down the price. 2. something like: about, approximately e.g. There are something like 4000 students in our school. He left his son something like 10 million dollars. Translate: 每天他要走大约两英里的路去上学。 3. keep from: prevent oneself from (doing sth.); stop (doing sth.) e.g. She couldn’t keep from laughing when she saw a cat chasing its own tail. What shall I do to keep this from getting dirty? 4. be + of + n. = be + adj. e.g. be of importance: be important be of help: be helpful be of significance: be significant be of value: be valuable be of no value: be valueless be of use: be useful be of no use: be useless Useful ??Structure 1)????? He was shivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it ached to move. As though/as if后面通常接从句,从句中一般使用虚拟语气。如果谓语是系动词be,通常用were这个形式,而不管是什么人称。句中与现在事实相反的假设,谓语一般用过去时;与过去事实相反的假设,谓语用过去完成时。如: * Alan talks as if he knew everything. * He looked as though he had seen a ghost. Translate: 她看上去有点怪,好象她知道些什么。 * 他看上去就好象刚刚哭过。 2)????? I’d rather stay awake. 句中 “d”是had/would的省略。Had/would rather译成“宁愿”,后面可接动词原形,如上文中是否定,应把 not 放在动词原形前。 如: I’d rather not go out tonight, if you don’t mind. Had/would rather 后还可跟从句。如接从句要省去that, 用虚拟语气,句中谓语用过去时。如: 3)????? … and the red dog slipped and slithered and … slip and slither这里使用的是头韵 (alliteration).头韵是两个或两个以上的动词的起首字母或起首音相同而产生的音韵。这种音韵用于文中、标题和广告中不仅引人注目,而且读起来上口,听起来悦耳,给人一种美的感受。我们常见的含有头韵的短语有: safe and sound 安然无恙 as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 as good as gold (表现)好极了 4)…and it was necessary to jump on the ice-coated mounds of brush several times before they would flush. 句中before用作连词,但并不翻译成“在…之前”而是译成“…(之后)才”。如: It was a long time before I got to sleep again. He had to be called two or three times before he would come to his dinner. Post Reading Task (45 minutes) 1. Phrases translation: Chinese to English 2.Pair work: Talking about “Courage” According to Hemingway, as is shown in the text, courage is a person's ability to be calm and controlled in the face of death. -What do you think of such a definition of courage ? -What does courage mean to you ? 3. Writing : Which Is More Important, Passing CET-4 or?? Developing Language Skills? Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition. The composition should be written in three paragraphs. You are given part of the first sentence of each paragraph. Your composition should be no less than 100 words, not including the words given. Remember to write it clearly. 1. When it comes to the study of English, __________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. It is well known that the purpose of learning English is __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. From the discussion above, ______________________________ __________________________________________________________ 范文: Which Is More Important, Passing CET-4 or Developing Language?? Skills? ????? When it comes to the study of English, college students are frequently asked such a question: "Have you passed CET-4?" It seems that passing CET-4 means everything in the learning of English. Is this really true? ????? It is well known that the purpose of learning English is to communicate in it, not to pass the test about it. Testing is only a means for showing how much you have learnt, but not the final aim of learning English. For you to use English freely, you have to develop your language skills, that is, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Translating, of course, should not be over-looked. If these skills are fully developed, you will be able to communicate successfully in English, to say nothing of passing an English test. Conversely, if you concentrate your major efforts on the test itself, totally ignoring the developing of the skills, there may arise a considerable distance between your scores and your actual language skills. In other words, you may score high on the test, but you are awkward in using the language. Investigation shows that the language proficiency of many CET-4 passers is not up to the standards set by the teaching syllabus. ????? From the discussion above, it can be safely concluded that good scores does not necessarily mean good language skills. It is with the help of the language skills, rather than the scores, that you communicate in English. Hence, developing language skills counts more than just passing CET-4. Unit 7 The Shelter I Intensive reading Objectives: 1. grasp the main idea of the text: In some cases the selfishness of human beings, which is usually hidden underneath, is more dangerous to human society than nuclear missiles. 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Teaching focus: The conflicts in the play: ---surface level: man vs. man (e.g. Stockton vs. the others; Weiss vs. the Hendersons; Harlowe vs. the others) ---deep level: man vs. himself (his own selfishness, for everyone in the play is selfish although in varying degrees) Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) : 1st period 2nd period 3rd period  4th period 5th period  Pre-reading While-reading While-reading While-reading Post-reading Post-reading Preparation for the activity Activity: to play the drama   Pre-reading tasks (35 minutes) Lead-in activities Ask Ss to do understanding the text exercises on p.161: Choose the best answer for each of the following (10 minutes) 2. Background information (10 minutes) Civil Defense: is the national program of the U.S. to safeguard civilian life and property. During World War Two civil defense was mainly a program to protect civilians and their homes. With the coming of the age of missiles and rockets, civil defense became a program for national survival. U.S. government officials admit that in a major attack millions of persons would be killed, but believe that an effective program of civil defense would save millions of lives. In 1961, the federal government of the U.S. began a survey to find shelter spaces in factories, office buildings, and other places. These shelters were to be stocked with essential supplies, marked for identification, and made available to the public in an emergency. The government appropriated funds to help schools, universities, and other institutions build public shelters. Some companies and individuals provided their own shelters with the help of government information and guidance. 3. A few words about drama: (15 minutes) Ask Ss what do they know about drama: What is drama? To name some famous Chinese or foreign dramas according to their knowledge. What are the characteristics of drama? (The drama is one of several methods of telling a story. It differs from the novel in that the story is not told directly by the author but is acted on a stage by actors before an audience. Strictly speaking, a printed play is not a play at all until it is acted. So, in reading plays, we should visualize as well as we can the stage for which the play was written; that is, we must imagine seeing and hearing the characters in action. The essence of drama is conflict. A conflict is a clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills. It may happen in different forms: man against man, man against environment or man against himself. The conflict becomes more and more intensified as the play moves on until it reaches its climax, the point of greatest excitement or tension. When the story is over, we are able to see what it all amounts to, what the playwright has been gradually disclosing throughout the play. Only then can we define and assess the theme, a kind of generalization about life embodied in the story.) While-reading tasks (80 minutes) Skimming the text to have a general idea about drama and the content of the text.(10 minutes) Ask the Ss to work out the characters in play (10 minutes) Dr. Stockton (Bill): owner of the shelter Grace Stockton: his wife Paul Stockton: his son Henderson Mrs. Henderson Marty Weiss Mrs. Weiss his neighbor Jerry Harlowe Mrs. Harlowe Man 1 Team work: T ask Ss to analyze the character of Mr. Harlowe (10 minutes) Mr. Harlowe, who, being able to remain sensible most of the time while the other have all “blown their tops,” is an embodiment of reason in the play. Form the very beginning, Harlowe knows that it’s only a waste of time asking Stockton to let them in and he suggests choosing one basement and going to work on it. He breaks up the fight between Weiss and Henderson. Yet, even he is ultimately overwhelmed by the danger of the supposed missile and joins in the act of smashing the door of the shelter, which symbolizes the triumph of savage instinct over reason. Language Points: (15 minutes) ⑴ break up: come to an end e.g. :When did the meeting break up yesterday afternoon? The birthday party didn’t break up until 2 A.M. ⑵ abridge: make shorter by using fewer words; cut shorter e.g. :You can abridge your story by leaving out some unimportant details. This is an abridged edition of “War and Peace”. ⑶ overtake: catch up with; pass e.g. : When I eventually overtook the last truck I pulled over to the inside lane. ⑷ make a difference: be important, have an effect or influence e.g. : It doesn’t make much/ any/ the least difference to me whether you go or not. A person’s appearance makes a / some difference in how others judge him. ⑸ accommodate: have enough space for e.g. : This newly-built hotel can accommodate 1,000 guest. This minibus accommodates twelve people quite comfortably. ⑹ plead: ask earnestly; beg e.g. : When the rent was due, Tom pleaded with the landlady for more time. The mother pleaded with the judge to show mercy to her son. ⑺ deserve: have a right to; be worthy of; be fit for e.g. : His first novel deserved the high praise it received. Those war criminals deserved to be severely punished. ⑻ aggressive: always ready to quarrel or attack e.g. : It is good to be a little aggressive in business but people who are aggressive in social life are not popular. He is a boss hard to deal with. Sometimes, his language sounds so aggressive that you can barely put up with it. ⑼ head for: go in the direction of; make for e.g. : When I saw them yesterday afternoon, they were heading for the swimming pool. They set sail at dawn and headed straight for Ningbo. ⑽ figure out: work out; calculate e.g. : It took me hours to figure that algebra problem out. understand by thinking e.g. : He couldn’t figure out how it had happened. ⑾ remind: make somebody think of something; cause somebody to remember e.g. : Be sure to remind your brother to write to me. ⑿ definitely: clearly; without a doubt e.g. : You’re definitely wrong in your judgment of the situation. ⒀ identify: prove or find who or what somebody or something is; establish the identity of e.g. : The mysterious flying object has been identified as a spy device from a foreign country. She identified the man who had attacked her. ⒁ blow one’s top: become very angry e.g. : Mary blew her top when she found her husband drunk again. become insane e.g. : A prisoner blew his top and tried to kill one of the guards. 5. Home work: Prepare to act the play out Post-reading (55 minutes) Role Play : Ask students to act the ply out in several groups (20 minutes) T guides Ss through some after-text exercises. (15 minutes) Group work: discuss the conflicts in the play. (10 minutes) surface level: man vs. man (e.g. : Stockton vs. the others; Weiss vs. the Henderson; Harlowe vs. the others) deep level: man vs. himself (his own selfishness, for everyone in the play is selfish although in varying degrees) Conclusion: It is very ironical that the people should suddenly turn against each other after a joyous birthday celebration, during which they were all friends. The dramatic change of the situation has greatly reinforced the meaning of the play. (3 minutes) Dictation: New words Writing assignment Suppose Mary, Susan, and Pearl are good friends, and Susan is coming to stay with Mary for a few days. Mary is planning to give a dinner party for her guest at her house and hopes Pearl can join them. You are required to write on the basis of the above situation an invitation to dinner a letter accepting the invitation a letter declining the invitation Unit 8 Daydreaming A Little I Intensive reading Objectives:1。grasp the main idea and structure of the text 2.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period  2nd period  3rd period  4th period 5th period  6th period  Pre-reading While-reading While-reading While-reading Post-reading Listening Listening and speaking   Pre-reading tasks (30 minutes) Warm-up questions 1. Ask Ss to read the text quickly and arty to answer the following questions (10 minutes) ⑴ why do people take a hostile attitude towards daydreaming? (a waste of time, an escape from real life and its duties) ⑵ What happens if a person is not allowed to dream in his sleep? (He becomes tense, anxious and irritable. He has trouble concentrating and his mental health is temporarily damaged. In short, he cannot get the benefits of rest.) 2. More Information about daydreaming (10 minutes) ---some scientists’ idea about daydreaming --- the interesting incidents of some famous scientists, writers, artist who benefit from daydreaming ( See Powerpoint) 3. Group work: work in pairs to tell each other their experience of daydreaming (10 minutes) While-reading tasks (90 minutes) 1. Skim and scan the text to understand the facts and idea by answering the following questions: 1. What are the benefits of daydreaming according to the researchers? It’s a good means of relaxation and important to mental health. It contributes to intellectual growth. It improves concentration. It leads children to pay more attention to detail. It makes children feel happier and work together better. It seems to produce improved self-control and creative abilities. It’s useful in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. 2. Why would positive daydreaming help produce real success according to Dr. Maltz? (According to Dr. Maltz, our nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a real experience. In both cases, it reacts automatically to information that we give if. And it reacts to what we think or imagine to be true. Besides daydreaming builds new memories in the brain. These positive memories improve our self-image and this self-improved image may help bring about real success.) 3. What is the procedure of creative daydreaming? Choose a time when you can be alone and undisturbed Close your eyes Let your imagination soar freely Picture yourself as vividly as possible the way you want to be Picture your desired goals as if you had already attained it. Go over all the details of this picture. See them clearly and sharply Impress them strongly on your memory. 4. Is daydreaming all you have to do in order to attain your desired goals? (No, in order to attain your desired goals, you have to combine creative daydreaming with hard work and other methods of self-development.) 5. Why is it worthwhile to set aside a few minutes each day for daydreaming? (Because it may improve your physical and mental health, and much to the excitement and enjoyment of your life and even help your attain your desired goals.) Language Points: (15 minutes) ⒈ amount to: develop into; be equal to e.g. If you go on like this, you’ll never amount to anything. What he said amounted to very little. 2. hostile: unfriendly; showing a great amount of dislike be hostile to/ towards a hostile country hostile words e.g. Don’t be hostile to new ideas and changes. You can’t blame your son fro being so hostile towards you after the way you treated him. 3. escape: means of avoiding difficulties or responsibility; get away from unpleasant or dangerous places. have a narrow escape make an escape escape our of/ from something e.g. For Tom, listening to classical music is an escape from reality. Some American youth turn to drugs as a form of escape. Is the gas escaping somewhere? Where can we go to escape the crowds? His name escapes me for the moment. interfere with 防碍,干扰 inerfere in 干涉 e.g. I hope that this misunderstanding will not interfere with our friendship. The noise from the street interferes with my study. It’s unwise to interfere between husband and wife. Don’t interfere in my business. Some people believe that it’s not the church’s job to interfere in politics. by means of/ through: with the help of by no means: not at all by all means: certainly, at all costs e.g. The money was acquired by dishonest/ honest means. What are the effective means of doing the job? These goods are by no means satisfactory. contribute to: help to bring about e.g. Mr. Green has contributed (poems) to the “ London Magazine” for several years. Drink contributed to his ruin. Bob’s carelessness contributed to the accident. Your timely help contributed greatly to our success. get along/ on with: form or have a relationship with e.g. He is kind, friendly and easy to get along with. Do you get along well with your classmates. How is he getting along with his French. maintain: continue to believe and claim (that a face, opinion, etc. is true) e.g. Critics maintain that the reforms will lead to the decline of educational standards. We should maintain friendly maintain friendly relations with our neighboring countries. How can you maintain a family on $800 a month. go about: start working on, do e.g. It’s an easy job if you go about it right way. substitute A for B e.g. We sub substitute red balls for blue to see if the babies would notice. Vegetable oil is a good substitute for animal oil. She substituted for the professor who was ill. be after: be in pursuit of , seek, try to obtain e.g. I know what you are after: a comfortable and well-paid job, but I must warn you that it will be a waste of time. Many young men are after Mary because she is clever as well as clever. Post-reading tasks (45 minutes) 1. Reviewing work based on the text (8 minutes) ★Dictation: New words ★Dictation: a short paragraph ★using new words to make sentences Phrase translation: (7 minutes) 做白日梦 一事无成 敌对态度 时间的浪费 逃避现实生活和责任 被视为… 据认为… 干扰/干涉 一种好的休息方式 得出令人惊异的结论 与别人友好相处 注意细节 有益于智力发展 塑造个性/性格 随波逐流 临场发挥 如愿以偿 产生很大的差异 Guides Ss through some after-text exercises. (30 minutes) 4. Writing assignment: How to Attain Our Goals in Life (Homework) II Extensive Reading (45 minutes) Reading Tasks: Extensive reading Unit 8 Reading Skills : 1.Identifying facts 2. making inference III Listening and speaking (45 minutes) Listening Task: unit 15 and unit 16 Listening strategies: Unit Nine The Death of Hitler I Intensive reading Objectives: Grasp the main idea (that how Hitler and his fellow fascist dictators ended their vicious lives?) 2. Study the structure of the text (the progress of event following time sequencing) 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. Time allotment (This unit will be finished within 6 periods) 1st period 2nd period  3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period  Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure, characteristics of lady hermits While-reading (questions for discussion) While-reading (questions for discussion, language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive reading  Listening and speaking   Pre-reading tasks (45 minutes) Warming up activities and introductory remarks (20 minutes) T asks students to have a free discussion in groups about the following questions concerning Hitler (10 minutes) ---When and by whom was the Second World War started in Europe? ---Can you use some words to describe Hitler? ---How is your attitude towards the Second World War?---Is Hitler’s death doomed, in your opinion? T displays the important dates, years and relevant events about Hitler on the powerpoints with the wrong orders. T asks students to match them into correct order based on the time sequencing and their own knowledge about them. Display the correct orders to check it. (10 minutes) --April 20, 1889: Hitler was born at Braunau, Austria ---1919: Hitler joined the German Workers’ Party and changed the name of the party to the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” (the term Nazi) ---January 30, 1933: Hitler became Chancellor (prime Minister) of a coalition government. ---1934: Hitler combined the offices of Chancellor and President and took the tile of Fuher (leader). Proclaimed his regime as the “new Order” and the German state as the “third Reich’. ---September 1, 1939: Hitler invade Soviet Union without declaration of war. The world II broke out. ---April 30, 1945: Hitler committed suicide by shooting him in the mouth ---May 7. 1945: Germany surrender While-reading tasks (90 minutes) Skimming (10 minutes) T asks students to skim the text quickly and write on what Hitler did in the last two days of his life. On the afternoon of April 29: ⑴ Hitler received the news of Mussolini’s death; ⑵ Hitler had his three dogs killed; ⑶ Hitler gave capsules of poison to his two remaining women secretaries. On the evening of April 29: ⑴ He instructed Mrs. Junge to destroy the remaining papers in his files At about 2:30 AM of April 30: ⑴ He appeared in the general passage where he made his farewells to some 20 associates by shaking hands with them. At noon: ⑴ he attended the last situation conference. Around 2:30 PM: ⑴ He had his last meal with two secretaries and with his cook; ⑵ Most probably he personally gave the order to his chauffeur to deliver immediately 200 liters of gasoline in cans to the Chancellery garden; After lunch: ⑴ he fetched his bride for another and final farewell to his intimate collaborators At 3:30 PM: ⑴ Hitler shot himself in the mouth with a revolver 2. Scanning (15 minutes) T asks students to scan the text carefully and answer the comprehension questions on P207 IV. Then work in pairs, one asking the first half questions and the other providing the answers. Then switching to the next half questions. 3. Careful learning of the text: (30 minutes) ▼Understand the text on sentence level& discourse level ▼Difficult sentences 4. Language points (25minutes) T explains language points in the text and gives students practice (45 minutes) The important languages and sentence structures are as follows Language Points: apparently, appreciation, assemble, decent, doom, drip, execute, file, institute, instruct, interpret, interval, intimate, relief, request, resolve, string, swallow Structure: now that/ now/ since… Now that (or Now or Since) the Fuehrer’s strict control of their lives was over, they would seek pleasure where and how they could find it.   Post-reading tasks (45 minutes) 1. Retell the story by the time sequencing in pairs. Then, invite some to report to the class (10 minutes) T guides students through several after text exercise.(core: Chinese to English translation) (12 minutes) T checks on students’ home reading (3 minutes) Guiding writing skills (20 minutes) ⑴ T teaches students the skills of narration by following an opening offered: (Identify the time sequencing order: Chronological; flashback) ⑵ identify the writing skills used in the text. (Past event description: past simple tense; chronological order) ⑶ assign the after class writing on P 219 Never Forget the Atrocities Committed by the Japanese Aggressors 5. Dictation: New words (10 minutes) II Extensive reading (45 minutes) Make Today Count Objectives: Get the main idea: Teach the reading skills: (identify 5 Ws) Some important languages points and sentences comprehension While-reading Reading comprehension: check comprehension questions on P161 to check their preview. (5 minutes) S teaches reading skills: the 5 Ws (15 minutes) Reading skill 1: In this unit, we have learned 5 Ws which are involved in reading activity. The so-called 5 Ws are a set of questions we often ask while reading. They refer to who, what, where, when and why. Practice in finding the answers to theses questions can improve your reading comprehension of the main idea of almost nay material, whether it be a newspaper articles, a short story, or a piece of historical writing. Please notice the 5 Ws in the text and try to answer correctly the five questions. 5 Ws: Who: What: Where: When: Why: For further better understanding of the text context. T asks students to explicit some detailed question based on the reading skills 5 W for his/her partner to answer. Reading skill 2: In this text, the author narrated the event mainly in the chronological order, but he also used the flashback to recall his childhood. Please think of the following questions: In which part does author use the flashback? Why did he recall his childhood? How can we identify quickly and clearly the flashback of an event in the narration? Fill in the missing information in the main idea offered to test students’ ability to grasp main ideas. (10 minutes) When author knew he had caner, he inevitably experienced psychological crisis results from his family’s different reaction to his disease as well as his own despair. But eventually, he gathered his courage and strength and fought with cancer and his despair, then pulled through this crisis with the love and encouragement of his beloved family members. T explains some important and difficult language points in the text and guide students practice. (15 minutes) III Listening and speaking Christmas Objectives: Identify the right and wrong information in the listening exercise. Learn to grasp the main ideas of the passages. Review the greeting and invitation. Learn to express personals ideas Learn the skills to interrupt someone in the talk politely. While-listening (45 minutes) 1. Listening of conversations (15 min) 1). Listen to ten short conversations 2) Before the first listening. T reminds students to read the choices carefully to identify their slight differences. And ask them to take notes about the information in the choices During T’s checking, write down the new and key words in the conversation and guide students to get the right answer. 2. Passages (15 min) 1) Listen to three short passages and do the multiple- choices 2) Before listening, write down the new words and phrases on the blackboard and explain the meanings as an help for their better understanding. 3) During T’s checking, teach them the skill to grasp the main idea: (usually the topic sentence is the main idea of each paragraph) 3. Speaking; (15 min) Passage related role play: One of the passage talks about the ways western people celebrate their traditional festival: Christmas Ask students to collect some general ideas and key words the ways western people celebrate their Christmas and our traditional Spring Festival Work in pairs and find the differences and similarities between two ways of celebration. Role play: Roles: You; a Chinese student; your partner: a British overseas student, and other two classmates: your mother and your father Situations provided: you invite your partner to visit your home and spend the Spring festival with your family Content: while you are having dinner together on the eve, you talk about the differences and similarities in celebrating traditional festival in China and Britain. You also talk about other important festivals and people’s celebrating activities. Invite a group to act for us and ask students to point out their mistakes either in culture or the language itself.