College English 4 The Course Curricular Participants: Second-year Students Majoring Time: 2/2002-6/2002 (The Second Semester of the Academic Year 2001-2002) Teaching Material: College English (Revised edition published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) Major Task of This Semester ◆Text Learning(4 units altogether) ◆Integral Improvement of English Proficiency ◆ Prepare for CET4 General Goals or Objectives of This Semester Further improve students’ reading comprehension. More Listening practice and the skills to improve their listening comprehension Mastering core words of CET 4 and improve their the ability to use the words in context. Practice writing Composition of CET4 Teaching Plan This term’s teaching content covers 10 units. Basically, every two units will be finished within 3 weeks. Except the one-week holidays in National Day, there are 15 weeks left for teaching, so at least 9 unit should be finished at the end of this term. 时间 内容安排 备注  第1-3周 上第四册书 课文1,2  第二周末 统一做第一套暴光题 用机读卡,分析卷子  第4周 评讲 集体备课后评讲  第5周 单项练习 针对第一套卷子中学生的难点进行复习练习  第6周 第2套暴光题 学生课后自己做,随堂评讲  第7周- 第10周 上第四册书,单项练习 课文,3, 4  第10周末左右 统一做第二套暴光题   第11周 评讲第二套暴光题 集体备课后评讲  第12-16周 统一复习,做四级暴光题 集体备课后评讲   Unit One BIG BUCKS THE EASY WAY Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. understand the key information of the text; 2. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3. understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time allotment: Week 1 to Week 2 1st period: pre-reading; while-reading 2nd period: while-reading 3rd period: while-reading 4th period: post-reading 5th period: post-reading, writing 6th period: extensive reading 7th & 8th period: listening Pre-reading Tasks: (20m.) 1. Introduction (5m.) Introductory Remarks: In the United States of America family background or personal influence plays a much less important role than in many other societies. Anyone who wants to become successful has to rely mainly on his own efforts. That’s why many American parents encourage their children to do part-time jobs while studying in college or even in high school. This is of great benefit to the young people not only financially but also in the development and formation of character, for in the process of work, they can learn a lot of things which are impossible for them to acquire from their text books at school. In this story, for instance, the two college sons have to develop management skills quickly in order to get their work done; they have to learn cooperation, team work, efficiency and business ethics in order to meet the real world’s deadlines. And the two youngest sons have also to learn that “you’re never done with books”, because books teach us knowledge and theories which are as important as, if not more important than, practical experience. Written in a humorous style, the story also tells us as well as all those youngsters that there is no easy way to earn a lot of money in the United States. You have to learn quickly and work hard before you can get your share of money. 2. Warm-up Questions (10m.) Before we study the text, please think about the following questions: 1. How do you usually get your pocket money? Is it from your parents? 2. Do you take it for granted that you ask your parents for money? 3. Have you ever tried to earn it by yourself? 4. What is “Minimum Wage”? 3. Please read the background information on the CD-ROM. (5m.) While-reading Tasks (115m.) 1.Read through the text and do comprehension exercise on P9. (10m.) 2.Please answer the following questions: (15m.) 1) What did the ad printed on the bag promise? 2) What did the father want his college sons to do? 3) What was the father’s response to his sons’ answer? 4) What was the job exactly? How did the boys feel at first? 5) What was the mother’s response? 6) What measures did the boys take to get the job done on time? 7) What prompted the two youngest sons to offer “for sale of rent” their entire library? 3. Please find the corresponding English expressions. (20m) Chinese English  考虑 可以容忍 令我痛心 伸手要钱 出差 (车)开过来 因…受责备 易如反掌 抱着一大捆 接着第二天 廉价商店 小杂货店 堆满了 成堆 超过极限 午餐约会 还是别做…好 外交语言 无济于事充分利用 体罚 look into live with It pains me panhandle/ask for money on a business trip pull up be blamed for a piece of cake carry loads of the following day a dime store drug store be crammed wall-to-wall in stacks out of the range of a lunch date know better than to do the language of diplomacy not make a dent in the work/situationget the best out of bodily harm  Chinese English  减少利润 恍然大悟 教会某人做人 没有理由 竞争奖金 双方 开始减少 结果 截止期之前 结帐 劳务支出 正如…说的一样 一切正常 引起对 …注意 从各个角落 垃圾车 无意中听到某人议论 弄清真相 供出售/出租 某人的全部藏书 不如做…更好 cut into the profit work a profound change in work a profound change in one’s personality have no business doing competitive bonuses both parties begin to shrink as it turns out before the deadline settle the account labor cost as … put it all go well draw one’s attention to from various corners a trash pickup overhear sb. Discussing reveal the fact for sale/rent one’s entire library might/may/could as well do  4. Language points (25m) 1) deliver: We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes. The president will deliver a speech about schools tomorrow. N. delivery 2) agree: agree on: reach an agreement; find (sth.) mutually acceptable agree with: share the same view as (sb.) agree to: accept or give consent to The workers threatened to strike unless the employer agreed _____ the terms within twenty-four hours. Through the mediation of friendly nations, the two sides agreed _____ a cease-fire. He agreed ______ the proposal though he did not actually agree ______ it. The war between the two countries has lasted more than a decade. It seems as if the two sides would never agree ______ an end to hostilities. Key: to, on, to, with, on 3) deadline: the last possible date or time by which sth. must be done or finished What’s your deadline for finishing the book report? The work was done two hours before Friday’s 5 p.m. deadline. 4) finance: provide money, esp. a large amount of money, to pay for sth. The local authorities have refused to finance our housing project. N. His company needs a man who really knows finance. Whether it can be done or not depends, of course, on your finance. 5) may / might as well: have no strong reason not to do Since it’s such a fine day, we might as well go home on foot. Since you are all here, I may as well tell you all about it. 5. Translation: (30m.) 我父亲做事总是不紧不慢。 My father does everything in a leisurely manner. 看到儿子受罪,母亲真是心疼。 It really pained the mother to see her son suffering. 这家商店送货及时。 This store makes prompt delivery. 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience the next day. 这么多人挤上一辆公车是很危险的? It’s dangerous for so many people to be crammed into one bus. 在王教授的书房里,你可以看到很多书堆在地板上。 In Prof. Wang’s study you can find stacks of books on the floor. 牛奶酸了。 The milk has gone sour. 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是大部分学生却至今几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term paper, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 河水遭到污染,使那个街区的房屋价值下降。 The pollution of the river cut into the value of the houses in that neighborhood. 两个月的军训改变了他的生活习惯。(work) The two-month military training has worked a change in his living habits. 如此一个小公司怎能在竞争激烈的商界里生存? How will such a small firm survive in the competitive world of business. 我觉得奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn’t seem to remember his own birthday. 我们需要为学术研究募集资金。 We need to raise finance for academic research. 不管怎么说,你已经来了,就多呆几天。 Anyway, you’re here; you might as well stay for a few more days. 6. Fill in the table (15m.) Old words/expressions New words/expressions  unhurried/relaxed endure ask tell fill tie appointment extra money careful thinking have the right to reduce happenings think hear by chance finish leisurely live with inquire inform cram band date bonus thoughtful be entitled to shrink goings-on assume overhear be done with  Post-reading Tasks (45m) 1. Group Discussion (20m.) What are the advantage and disadvantages of college students doing part-time jobs? Advantages: They can make some money for their own use --- to buy books, to go traveling, etc. They can learn some practical skills or techniques and form a sound attitude toward labor, rather manual or mental. They can learn more about the world they live in and how to get along with various kinds of people. They can develop some good work habits and more importantly, a sense of responsibility. With fewer hours for their studies, they may work even harder and make better use of their precious time. Disadvantages: With less time for their studies, some students may fall behind. With more money in their pockets, some students may form the bad habits of spending money freely. A few students may become interested in nothing but money and profits and even break the law in order to make more money. 2. Do some exercises in Study & Practice (25m. Do the following exercises ___ Vocabulary; Word-building; Structure; Translation. Writing Task (45m.) Fast Food 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映。 2. a. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因: b. 然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意。 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 Sample writing: (主题句)Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. (分述原因)There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal —— saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Although cooking at home is time — consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while.(结论) Transitional Expressions finally/eventually/at last/at length/last of all in brief/short in conclusion/a word/general in summary therefore/thus/so to sum up/conclude/summarize briefly/above all as has been noted/explained accordingly surely/certainly/obviously/truly in the end/in the last analysis/in the last place finally/eventually/at last/at length/last of all in brief/short in conclusion/a word/general in summary therefore/thus/so to sum up/conclude/summarize briefly/above all as has been noted/explained accordingly surely/certainly/obviously/truly in the end/in the last analysis/in the last place all in all all this means that to make a long story short it may be confirmed /said that on the whole Extensive Reading Tasks (45m.) 1. Explain the useful phrases and expressions in Passage 1 Strength to Love. (15m.) 2. Check the answers to the exercises of Passage 1, Passage 2 and Passage 3 in Unit One. (30m.) Listening Tasks (90m.) 1. Lesson One: Descriptions (I) (45m.) 2. Lesson Two: Descriptions (II) (45m.) Unit Two DEER AND THE ENERGY CYCLE Intensive Reading Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. understand the key information of the text; 2. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3. understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time allotment: Week 3 to Week 4 1st period: pre-reading 2nd period: while-reading 3rd period: while-reading 4th period: post-reading 5th period: writing 6th period: extensive reading 7th & 8th period: listening Pre-reading Tasks (45m.) 1. Introduction (5m.) Life depends on energy. All human beings eat food and make use of the chemical energy in it, and do so all other animals. Calling energy the currency of the ecological system, the author argues that it is neither love nor money but energy that makes the world go round. However, our energy sources are limited and, to make matter worse, we are rapidly using up energy supplies. It is extremely important therefore that we conserve the supplies we have so as to make them last as long as possible. In this article the author describe in great detail of deer round the year and the various means by which they survive the hard winter. When he concludes by saying "it is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chances of surviving in winter." he is actually leading us to the question: if deer can do that, why not human beings? 2. Warm-up Questions: (10m.) What kinds of energy sources do we have? How many of them are renewable? And how many of them are not? Among them, what kinds are raw power?? What is the current situation of energy sources in the world? 3. Study the male and female names of these animals. (5m.) ANIMAL NAME: FEMALE NAME: MALE NAME:  ox cow bull  horse mare stallion  sheep ewe ram  pig sow boar  fox vixen fox  fowl hen cock  duck duck drake  goose goose gander  cat queen tom  dog bitch dog  tiger tigress tiger  lion lioness lion   4. Now let's do the listening comprehension on CD-ROM. (10m.) 5. Find some key words in the text and work out the energy cycle of deer in the four seasons. (15m.) While-reading Tasks (90m.) 1. Do reading comprehension exercise on P30. (10m.) 2. The text is divided into 3 parts. Please find out the main idea for each part according to the paragraphs. (10m.) Part 1(para. 1): the author states the main idea of the article: energy is the currency of the ecological system; it is energy that makes the world go round, and it is on the energy cycle that all life depends. Part 2(para.2-8):to illustrate the main idea, the author takes wild animals such as the white-tailed deer as a typical example of energy saving, and describe in detail the life of deer in the four seasons. Part 3(para.9-10):the author draws a conclusion from the life cycle, which reinforces the main idea of the article. 3. Look for the corresponding English or Chinese for the following useful expressions. (10m.) Chinese English  ?转换为能量 ?把多余的部分以脂肪的形式储存起来 ?一个很好的例证 ?成熟健壮的母鹿 ?生下,产下 ?消耗能量的过程 ?丰富的食物资源 ?储存体内脂肪,以备过冬 ?支取使用 ?生理活动的速度 ?当食物充裕时 ?当食物匮乏时 ?边缘地区 ?随着冬季来临 ?度过。熬过 ?一条根本的生存规律 ?周而复始,循环不已 ?be converted into energy ?store the excess in the form of fat ?a good case in point ?a physically mature female deer in good condition ?give birth to ?energy consuming process ?ample food resources ?deposit body fat for the winter ?be drawn on ?rate of bodily functioning ?when food is abundant ?when food is less available ?an edge of an area ?as winter progressed ?pull through ?a fundamental rule of life ?a cycle that goes round and round   4. Language points: (40m.) 1) conserve vs. reserve conserve: to protect from loss or harm; preserve: 保存保护从而使其不受损失或伤害;保存: calls to conserve our national heritage保护我们的民族遗产 to use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste: 节约谨慎或节省地使用;避免浪费: kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy.减少自动调温机的使用以节约能源 reserve: to keep sth. for a particular person or purpose. 保留,收藏保留. They have reserved a lot of firewood for this winter. 他们为今年冬天储备了大量柴火。 2) source: n.来源, 水源, 消息来源, 原始资料, 发起者 resource: n.资源, 财力, 办法, 智谋 a man of great 足智多谋的人 Bad food is a of illness . 坏了的食物是疾病之源。 of labor force 劳动力资源 The local library is a valuable . 当地图书馆是一个宝贵的资料库 The news comes from a reliable . 这条消息来源可靠。 resource source resource resource source 3) L2: others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind… turn of mind: natural tendency, disposition性情,气质 She was of a strong intellectual and literary turn of mind. He has a poetic/humorous/ optimistic /philosophic turn of mind. 4) L4. Energy is the currency of the ecological.. Pay attention to the metaphor here. What is the similarity between energy and currency? They are both transmitted as a medium of exchange in circulation. 5) L5: convert into: change into, transform into 我们最后的努力,把失败变成了成功。 Our last effort converted defeat into victory. 6) L6:in turn: in due course or succession 理论建筑在实践之上,反过来为实践服务。 Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 7) L13: a good case in point: a good example of what is talking about Lack of communication may cause serious problems and their divorce is a case in point. in point of:就……而言,关于…… to the point:切题 Do Structure XV on P.35 8) L18: meet one’s need: satisfy one’s demand In order to meet their expenses, many students have to work part-time while studying. make ends meet;收支相抵 9) L21: consume: use; use up; destroy The air-conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. 大火很快烧毁了这一带的旧木屋。 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood. consumer—consumption---consumptive 10) L27:deposit (1).存放,储存 You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. (2).沉积 The flood fell, depositing mud over the whole area. (3). n. 存款,押金,沉积物 deposit sth. in some place 把某物存放在某处 deposit sth. with sb.把某物托付给某人 draw out one’s deposit 取出存款 a demand/current deposit 活期存款 a fixed/ time deposit 定期存款 L29: accumulate: collect or gather 他通过投资地产,累积财富。 He accumulated his fortune through property investment. Dust quickly accumulates if we don't sweep our room. 我们如果不打扫房间, 灰尘很快就会积聚起厚厚的一层。 accumulative—accumulation 12) L30: draw on/upon: 动用 draw in:天黑了;近了;吸气 draw out:拉长;取钱;离开 draw up:草拟;布置;停在 I will a scheme of it for you. I shall have to my money. The child the elastic until it measured a yard. The bus and people got on it in queue. draw up draw on drew out drew in 13) L.41 extreme:极度,极端 In the past 30 years or so, she had experienced the extremes of both sadness and joy. in the extreme 非常 go to an extreme 走向极端 to the other extreme 在另一极端 extremist 极端分子 extremity n.末端, 极端, 极度, 穷困, 绝境, 临死, 非常手段, L43: abundant: more than enough Small as it is, this country has abundant supplies of oil and natural gas. 这个国家天然资源丰富。 The country is abundant in natural resources. L57: Not every winter is …: partial negation Practice: structure XVI on p.36 L61: pull through: survive a period of danger or crisis Her injuries were serious and we all hoped that she would pull through. Synonyms: live through, survive 17) fundamental: basic, very important His fundamental weakness is that he relies too much on other people. 空气新鲜是身体健康之必需。 Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 5. Phrases translation: (5m.) 能量消耗过程 an energy-consuming process 热爱和平分人们 peace-loving people 震撼全球的事件 world-shaking events 节省劳力的措施 labor-saving measures 前所未有的繁荣 record-breaking properity 6. Sentence Translation: (15m.) 他每月买十本书, 不久便集成一个丰富的藏书库。 By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library. 伊拉克是一个石油储量丰富的国家。 Iraq is a country abundant in petroleum deposits 公司去年处于困境中,但银行的一大笔贷款使它度过了难关。 The company was in great difficulty at the end of last year, but a generous loan from the bank pulled it through. 孩子们如果要靠自己出去野营两个星期,便须懂得照顾自己的基本知识。 If the young boys and girls are going to camp for two weeks by themselves, they'll need to know the fundamentals of taking care of themselves. 大家必须学会节约用水,特别是在干旱期间。 People have to learn to conserve water anytime, especially during the drought. 他非常自私,他不愿意帮助他的弟弟就是很好的证明 He was rather selfish. His unwillingness to help his brother is a case in point. Post-reading Tasks (45m.) Class Discussion: in the text the author mentions three?pieces of advice given on the radio for conserving energy. Please work in groups to give more suggestions for saving energy. (20m.) Class Discussion Reference: Turn off lights when there is no one in the room and use appliances only when one really has to. Use fluorescent light instead of bulbs wherever possible. Design car engines, appliances and other items that operate on less energy. Use heaters and air-conditioners only when necessary.Putting stricter restrictions on buying cars and encourage people to take buses or ride bicycles Cloze (10m.) Only a few centuries ago, people’s energy supply was made up almost entirely of wood and water. Wood was burned to heat homes and to cook food. Water was used to turn grinding stones. People had not yet discovered the vast underground reserves of petroleum. They had not discovered electricity. Today our energy supply consists mostly of coal, petroleum and natural gas. These, in turn, produce electricity, which runs machines, heats and cools buildings, and does many other jobs for us. However, these fuels will last for ever. Moreover, in some places, electricity is in short supply. Some scientists believe solar energy is the only kind which can meet the world’s enormous need for power. The problem has been to find a way to use the tremendous power which the earth receives from the sun every day. 3. Fast Reading (15m.) Bush outlines oil plan By GUARDIAN Environmental laws will be relaxed, and more power plants built LONDON — US President George W. Bush last Thursday launched an energy plan that would dramatically increase the number of oil rigs, power stations and nuclear plants across the country. He warned of a “darker future” ahead for the United States unless something was done about “the worst serious energy shortage since the 1970s.” Bush claimed that it was possible to dramatically increase oil drilling and coal mining without serious damage to the environment, and restated his intention to open up the Arctic wildlife refuge in Alaska to oil rigs. However, environmentalists and congressional Democrats were quick to portray the plan as a polluters’ charter. It was drawn up in secret in the interests of businesses such as the oil industry, in which Bush and vice-president Dick Cheney used to work. Oil shocks Writing in the Washington Post, former president Jimmy Carter called into question the White House’s claims that the country was facing a crisis comparable with the oil shocks of the 1970s. During that period of time, energy prices doubled within a few months and there were long lines of cars outside petrol stations. The White House report argues that energy consumption will increase by a third over the next two decades. If it continues to grow at the same rate as during the past decade, energy supplies would run out. Approaching shortages Bush said the current wave of power blackouts in California suggests approaching national energy shortages. The threat was serious enough, Bush said, to justify relaxing environmental laws. The Arctic national wildlife refuge should be opened for drilling, he argued, because new technology allowed oil extraction with less environmental damage. Under the plan, regulations governing coal mining and the licensing of new nuclear power plants would be relaxed. The plan predicts the need for up to 1,900 new power plants over the next 20 years. It earmarks US$10 billion in tax credits to reward fuel-efficient homes and companies. Friends of the Earth (FOE) in London and the Worldwatch Institute in Washington said the EU and other developed countries would gain a competitive advantage by embracing new technologies such as solar and hydrogen power. And they would leave the United States with outdated industries such as coal, oil and nuclear power. FOE climate campaigner Kate Hampton said: “The US administration simply gives a green light for ever faster consumption of fossil fuels and greater use of nuclear power. It will face protests at home and across the world if it ever tries to put this plan into action.” Worldwatch said: “The US risks falling behind its economic competitors on the international stage. Wind and solar power are growing at double digit annual rates globally. In Europe and Japan, government support for new energy is creating vibrant markets, high-tech jobs and exports.” True or? False? Questions: 1. An energy plan in favor of oil industry was launched to solve the energy crisis in America. 2. The White House is optimistic about the future energy situation. 3. The energy crisis in 1970s was the most serious in the history. 4. Only environmentalists protest against this plan. 5. Recently California has suffered energy crisis. 6. America plays a leading role in developing the new power technology. 7. More renewable energy sources will be allowed to be exploited in the future. 8.? It is predicted that the government will be faced with severe objections home and abroad. Key: 1.T 2.F 3. T 4. F 5.T 6. F 7. F 8. T Writing Task (45m.) How to Solve the Energy Problem 有人认为解决能源危机的方式是厉行节约 有人则认为开发新的能源是最好的办法 我的看法 How to Solve the Energy Problem When asked about one of the biggest problems today, many people say that an energy crisis is approaching and is threatening mankind's survival. They are afraid that the world is likely to run out of oil and metals and to run short of food in the near future. To this problem, most countries respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources. Indeed, this is urgently needed, for the present waste of energy in industrial and personal consumption is so serious that it has become habitual and traditional. If the natural resources are used economically, we can certainly slow down the present drain on the limited energy supply. However, conservation alone is not the answer. It is obvious that even if we can save much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis, but cannot solve the problem completely. However abundant certain natural resources may be, they cannot reproduce themselves and are bound to be used up ultimately. So in the long run, we must develop new sources of energy instead of merely conserving the known, limited supplies. Man is highly adaptable and creative, and since he is able to tap such resources as oil and metal, why can't he develop and harness solar energy, nuclear energy and other unknown energy resources? Extensive Reading Tasks (45m.) 1. Explain the useful phrases and expressions in Passage 4 To Face Life With Courage . (15m.) 2. Check the answers to the exercises of Passage 4, Passage 5 and Passage 6 in Unit Two. (30m.) Listening Tasks (90m.) 1. Lesson Three: Telephoning (I) (45m.) 2. Lesson Four: Telephoning (II) (45m.) Unit 3 Is the Earth Round? Intensive Reading Objectives:1. Understanding the theories――Flat Earth theory; Oval Earth theory; Round Earth theory and its evidence 2. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text 3. Master key words and useful expressions Teaching focus:Learn how to contradict others’ argument and express one’s own idea clearly by means of comparison and contrast (学习如何反驳他人观点及阐明自己观点;学习对比与比较写作方法) Time allotment 1st period 2nd period  3rd period  4th period 5th period  6th period  Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure) While-reading (questions for discussion) While-reading (questions for discussion, language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive reading  Listening  Pre-reading Tasks 1. Lead-in activities: have a glance at these suffixes: (15 minutes) Let the students imagine that they have just met with someone who insists that the earth is flat. Ask them to list as many ways as possible of persuading him that he is wrong. Reference: 1) If you stand by the seashore on a clear day, you can see ________________. 2) Since we can see both the sun and the moon are round, we may assume _________________. 3) During lunar eclipses we see the earth’s shadow _________________. 4) Astronomers can see the earth is _________________. 5) People can sail ships around the world _____________________. While-reading Tasks I. T guides Ss through the text to learn about the structure of the text, and then Ss sum up the main idea of each part. (10 minutes) Divide the passage into three parts Part (para.1.2)? A general introduction, in which the author refers to Shaw's remark on the modern credulity._____________  Part II(para3-7) The author tries to prove the Round Earth belief by 5 supporting points, namely, ________________.   Part III(para8) Conclusion: Ours is a credulous age because ________.   II. 1. Read the text again and try to answer the following questions(30 minutes): 1) What does Bernard Shaw say in the preface to Saint Joan?   2) What example does he give to support his view? 3) Can you paraphrase “ swallows this theory” in L6? 4) What is the question that is worth following up? 5) What does the author mean by saying that the question “throws light on modern knowledge”? ( Line 9-10) 6) Why does the author only tend to speak of ordinary men when answering why we believe that the earth is round? 7) How does he try to refute the Flat Earth theory? Does he consider his argument adequate? 8) Does the author really “play cards” ? 9) How does the author try to support his belief that the earth is round? How does the Oval Earth man rebut? List the arguments given by the author and counter-arguments produced by the Oval Earth man. 10) What does the author think of his evidence? 11) Can you use a Chinese saying to explain “ When the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramus as soon as he strays away from his own specialty” ? 12) How to understand the last sentence?   III.? Students will underline the words used to present the ideas (10 minutes): As for the Flat Earth theory ....?????? Against the Oval Earth man,? the first card I can play is...????? The Oval Earth man promptly? answers....????????? I have no answer to that one .... My second card is ....?? But how do I know, demands the Oval Earth man,? that... The answer is that ... Defeated in the minor exchanges, I now play my queen of trumps:....?????? The Oval Eary man cover the queen with his king....???? Here I bring out may ace...????? then bang goes my ace....? I have only one card left:....?? I believe that finishes the Oval Earth man, though even then he may possibly have some kind of counter. Iv. Summary of the passage ( 20 minutes): Students then summarize the main idea of this passage. In this essay, Orwell tries to show how credulous and superstitious we modern men have become by answering the question "Why do we believe that the earth is round?" Orwell first argues that the Flat Earth theory is not right, and then supplies as many reasons as he can think of to refute the Oval Earth theory. In modern men's eye's, this problem is originally quite a simple one, but when the average man refutes both the Flat Earth theory and the Oval Earth theory, almost all his arguments are weak, precarious, indirect and vulnerable. The five "cards" that Orwell can play in refuting the Oval Earth theory turn out to be ambiguous and even can not withstand a single refutation. It becomes clear, therefore, that we believe the Round Earth theory to be true not because we can test it and prove it, but because we take it form authority; and still worse, we take almost any other theory to be true in the same manner. So in his conclusion Orwell writes that this is a "a credulous age", and that the huge amount of knowledge we have accumulated at the present time is "partly responsible for it". Orwell implicitly warns us that we have gone so far with credulity that it can be dangerously misleading. As average men, we are often overloaded with both information and misinformation and cannot suitably process and assimilate what we receive. We tend to regard what we hear and read as true without factual verification or the test of reason. According to Orwell, though we should respect the viewpoints of true experts, we should try to test their theories before we accept them, and should compare different viewpoints to arrive at a truer perspective. Only by doing so, can we truly become more intelligent. Word Study (55 minutes): Students understand and master these expressions through practice. 1. Somewehre or other--I think it is in the preface to Saint Joan --Bernard Shaw remards that we are more gullible and superstitious today than we were in the Middle Ages, and as an example of modern credulity he cites the widespread belief that the earth is round. 2. The average man, says Shaw, can advance not a single reason for thinking that the earth is round. 3. He merely swallow this theory because there is something about it that appeal to the twentith-century mentality. 4.... but there is something in what he says, and the question is worth following up, for the sake of the light it throws on modern knowledge. 5. ... when cast on the moon during eclipses, it appears to be the shadow of a round object. 6. I am, to my delight, justified in accepting their say-so about the shape of the earth. Do Vocabulary Exercise in the Intensive Reading. Post-reading Task Quiz I. Multiple Choice (20minutes) 1. He ____ a Miss Green ____ an example. ??? A. looks; of??????? B. cites; as??????? C. names; by??????? D. sets; for 2. Does she say anything that ____ to you especially? ??? A. excites??????? B. interests??????? C. appeals??????? D. angers 3. They ____ the matter until they got results. ??? A. followed up??????? B. went on??????? C. set aside??? D. gave up 4. _____ earning more money, he left home and went to Guangzhou. ??? A. In order to???????? B. So eager as to??? C. By the name of??? D. For the sake of 5. It ____ light on the mentality of his former friend. ??? A. threw??????????? B. turned??????? C. let??????? D. kept 6. There were a good many regulations about beds and baths and washing and ____. ??? A. so well??????? B. so forth??????? C. so much??????? D. so many 7. _____ her father, she was not sure whether he would go or not. ??? A. As long as??????? B. As far as??? C. As a result of??? D. As for 8. Because he is good, it does not ____ that he is wise. ??? A. equal??????????? B. think??????????? C. follow??????? D. proof 9. They were ___? in turning down our proposal. ??? A. reasonably??? B. justified C. unwilling D. determined 10. He is a man ____ in case of emergency. ??? A. to fall back on??? B. depending on??? C. showed his true colors?????? D. runs away II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (15 minutes): 1. That we modern men are becoming more gullible and credulous is caused partly due to the "explosion" of knowledge. 2. Except many astronomers and geographers, the ordinary man can hardly give a single piece of evidence to prove that the earth is round like a ball. 3. With the ocular proof, fact and theoretical knowledge, scientists can explain and describe the earth's shape. 4. If you stand by the seashore on a fine day, you can see the masts and funnels of invisible ships moving along the horizon. This shows that the earth's surface is not flat but curved. 5. It's difficult for the author to refute the argument that the earth is shaped like an egg. We can follow the author's argument only that the earth is either oval or flat. 6. The author has no adequate reason or example to demonstrate that the earth is spherical and not a flat. Writing: writing on page64 (20 minutes)  Sample? It is generally accepted that theory is based on? practice. Galileo, For example, based his studies of natural laws on experimentation and observation. It was by observation that he proved the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system. Likewise, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory? concerning the building of socialism with distinctive Chinese features has been established on the basis of revolutionary practice in China today. Beyond doubt, there can be scientific theory without practice. ? It is also certain that theory, in turn, serves practice. For instance, astronomers apply theories about the heavenly bodies to foretell eclipses and suchlike. Another case in point is ,again, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory, which guides the Chinese people on their way to building a? prosperous and powerful socialist society. Practice without theory as its guide is like a ship sailing into a port without a pilot. The consequences can be disastrous. ?? In view of the above, we can safely conclude that it is important to combine theory with practice in our work. We must never ignore one in favor of the other. Extensive Reading Develop Reading Skills: 1. 通过判断句子的交际功能如: 请求、拒绝、命令、接受、反对等可以帮助理解文章。表达每一种交际功能都有相应的语汇或句型。 2. 测试对体裁结构的认知能力 解此类问题需要考生具有一定的对常用应用文体裁结构的认知。大学英语四级考试所选用的阅读文章中有相当一部分具有明显的体裁标志,如:新闻报道、试验报告、序言等。新闻报道通常采用“导语+(背景)+正文(事件+评价)”这种模式;试验报告的模式为“实验目的+实验用具+实验过程+实验结论”;序言通常采用“介绍内容/特色(作者简介)+评价” (see powerpoint) Listening and Speaking Passage 1 1.A)Homework must be handed on time. ? B)The students must follow all instructions exactly. ? C)The students will be able to make choices about the laboratory work. ? D)A great deal of equipment is available. 2.A)The activities are to be done during class. ? B)The activities take less time. ? C)No equipment is needed for the activities. ? D)Few instructions are given for the activities. 3.A)At the beginning of the semester. ? B)When the students need to be motivated. ? C)After the first laboratory session. ? D)When the students have done good work. Passage 2 4. A)They realized their knowledge. B)They realized their own truth. C)They realized their ignorance. D)They realized their courage. 5. A) A set of unspoken presuppositions. B)All pervasive nature. C)Explanations of nature. D)A major revolutionary change. 6) A) A framework. B)Wider social and cultural paradigms. C)A simple entity controlling life. D)Philosophical analyses. Homework: Do Vocabulary,Word Building,Structure and Translation in the textbook. ( Write Translation in the exercise book.) Unit 4 Jim Thorpe Intensive Reading Objectives:1. 学习对人物、人物生平或事迹的描述。 2. 了解文章的中心思想,掌握文章的结构。 3. 掌握本单元的重点词汇并进行与主题相关的听说读写语言操练。 Teaching focus:掌握本课中事件描述中的倒叙、插叙方法。 Time allotment 1st period 2nd period  3rd period  4th period 5th period  6th period  Intensive reading: Pre-reading; While-reading (structure) While-reading (questions for discussion) While-reading (questions for discussion, language points)  Language points, Post-reading  Extensive Reading  Listening   Pre-reading Tasks Lead-in activities Cultural Notes: Olympic Games ( see powerpoint) II. Listen to the introduction of Olympic Games, Choose the best one for each exercise. 1. Olympic Games designed to achieve fostering the ideal of a sound mind and a sound body,and to ________. ????A.earn money????????????????????????? B.achieve the champinship ????C.enhance friendship among nations??? D. compete with other nations 2.The first Olympic Games was held in _____. ???A. Italy?? B. German ????C. England? D. Greece 3. The modern summer Olympic Games began in ____. ?? A. 776BC??? B. 393 AD???? C. 1896??? D.1924 4. The winter games began in ____. A. 776BC??? B. 393 AD???? C. 1896?? D.1924 5. What sports are prominent at the summer games? A. figure skating???????? B. track and field C. football???????? D. swimming While-reading Tasks I. Read the text in 5-8 minutes, fill in the following chart about Jim Thorpe. (15 minutes) Name ______ birthday_______ Birth place _______ Jim Thorpe’ Family ______ Education _______ Life Experience _______________________________________________ Jim Thorpe’s Olympic Records ( according to time sequence) II.Questions for Discussion (see intensive reading books) (10 minutes) III. Finish the MC exercises about the passage in P80 ( 20 minutes) IV. Word Study (45 minutes) 1. Students from Lafayette College were crowding onto the train platform eagerly awaiting the arrival of ... 2.Surely these Carlisle athletes would come charging off the train,... 3. If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team, he would be competing against the entire Lafayette squad. 4.Young Bright Path seemed destined to spend his life in the Oklahoma farmland. 5. In whatever sport Jim Thorpe played, he excelled. 6.He would watch a coach or player demonstrate a difficult maneuver, then he would try it himself. 7. Thorpe came out of his hammock ..., to take part in the two most demanding Olympic events. 8. Despite his loss of the Olympic gold medals and a sad decline in fortune during his later years, ... V. Grammar (30minutes) 虚拟语气的特殊用法 1. I wish + that 从句表示一种不可能实现的愿望,从句的位于要用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在,过去完成式表示过去。 ??? I wish I could afford to buy this TV set. ??? I whish I had not made such a serious mistake. 2. It is (high/about) time + (that)从句, 从句的谓语动词要用过去式,意指将来。 ??? It is time the child were in bed. 3. but for + 名词,but that + 从句,一般译成“要不是”,“假如...不...",“倘没有” ??? The rain delayed us. But for the rain we would have arrived here at 8.a.m. ??? But that you helped us, we would have failed. 4. If only 表示“要是...该多好”的意思。它是一种表示强烈愿望的形式,这种愿望的实现是很渺茫的,故用虚拟语气。 ? ? If only the letter had arrived there in time. 5. Would rather 表示“情愿”,“希望”的意思,后接省去that的从句,要求从句中的谓语动词用一般过去式表现在。 ??? I would rather you stayed at home now. ??? I would rather you had not made that mistake. 6. should (ought to) + 完成式表式过去的虚拟,应当而实际并没有做到。 ?? Mike was caught in the heavy rain this moring. He should have brought an umbrella before leaving home. 7。表示命令,愿望,建议,要求等动词之后that 从句的位于动词要求用虚拟语气,即用动词原形或用should + v.这类动词有:command, order, ask, request, demand, suggest, proposse, insist... ?? We commanded that he (should)come early. 8. It is + 下列adj. +that 从句,要求主语从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即用should +v. 这类adj.有: good, better, essential, important, necessary, vital, natural, urgent, imperative.. ?? It is important that the experiment (should )be done. 9.用以表示愿望或祈祷的虚拟语气,不论其人称的单复数如何,动词都用原形。 ?? Heaven help us.???? God bless you. Post-Reading Task Writing (45 minutes) Directions: For this part , you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 120 words ,and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1.面试在求职过程中的作用。 2.取得面试成功的因素:仪表,举止谈吐,能力,专业知识,自信,实事求是.... 14 points Nowadays, there are many books telling people how to behave in a job interview. People looking for a job usually attach great importance to job interview. And doing well in a job interview means a good chance of being employed. To leave a deep impression on the interview, the first thing you have to do is dressing yourself properly so that you may look mature and confident. Pay attention to the way you talk and behave, for such little things are often ignored. What is more, you should prepare a brief self-introduction including your working experiences and special abilities. ? If you follow the advice, you will most probably succeed in a job interview and in most cases, you will get the job you are dreaming of. Homework: Do Vocabulary( VII and VIII), Word Building, Cloze(B)and Translation. Extensive Reading (45 minutes) Develop reading skills (passages—see powerpoint) Relationships within sentences: cause and effect; comparison and contrast; 1. Cause and effect: ·表示原因或结果的动词和动词短语: bring about, lead to, make, give rise to, arise from, result in,result from, ·表示原因的介词和短语:because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, for, on account of ·表示原因的连词和短语:since, because, now that, in that, the reason is that, This is why ·表示结果的词和短语: as a result, consequently, the result is.. 在理解原因和结果时,要注意一因多果和一果多因。有些结果,在这里是结果,在那里可能变成原因。 2. Comparison and Contrast为了论证作者的观点,作者往往把他所论述的内容跟读者所熟悉的内容进行比较和对照,通过这两种手段阐释主题。Comparison阐明事物的相似或相同之处;而contrast说明事物的不同,以下一些标志词可以帮助我们理解comparison and contrast。 Contrast: but … than; and … than; than; instead of; unlike; but … as; more; and; while; however; in contrast; on the contrary; different from; opposite; even though Comparison: and; like; as … as; but … than; more / … er; compare with; similar to / similarly; in the same way; also; too; in comparison Listening Task (45 minutes) Listening Skill: I. Guessing Read the following statements and do the pre-questions first: 1. A) She will move into another place. B) She will retire. C) She will change her job. D) She will ask for leave. Pre-Question: What question will be possibly asked? 在题干中,反复出现的句型为“She do”,因此有可能提出的问题涉及“What”。 Answer: What will she do? 2. A) At a bus station. B) At a bookstore. C) At a clinic. D) At a post office Pre-Question: What question will be possibly asked? 题干中均出现了地点:bus station, book store, clinic, post office, 因此问题应为“Where”。 Answer: Where does the conversation take place? 3. A) Boss-Secretary. B) Teacher-Student. C) Customer-Waitress. D) Doctor-patient. Pre-Question: What question may be asked? 看到表示职业的两组词放在一起,用联字符或and 连接,问题常是有关:“the relationship between…”。 Answer: What’s the relationship between the two speakers? 4. A) April. B) May. C) June. D) July. Pre-Question: What question may be asked? 题干中为均为月份,因此在听力中应排除其它干扰项,将注意力集中在时间上。 Answer: When did it happen? 5. A) On foot. B) By bus. C) She calls a taxi. D) By bike. Pre-Question: What question may be asked? 在试题中出现了交通工具,因此问题为“How”。 Answer: How did she go to a place? 6. A) Because she does not like it. B) Because it does not fit her very well. C) Because it is too formal for the occasion. D) Because it is informal for the occasion. Pre-Question: What question may be asked in the conversation? 题干中均because开头,因此问题为“Why”。 Answer: Why does she like or dislike the dress? 7. A) To a druggist. B) To a dentist. C) To a doctor. D) To his wife. Pre-Question: What kind of question may be probably asked? 题干中的句型为to a person, 因此问题应为“to whom”。 Answer: To whom did he go? 8. A) Not good. B) Excellent. C) Worth seeing. D) Saving money Pre-Question: What kind of question may probably be asked? 在题干中出现的均为评价性的形容词,因此问题应为“How”。 Answer: How is something 9. A) George’s brother. B) George’s wife. C) George’s father. D) George’s father-in-law. Pre-Question: What kind of question may be asked? 题干中出现的均为人,因此问题应为“Who”。 Answer: Who? 10. A) He will pay $ 6.50. B) He will pay $ 1.00 C) He will pay $ 1.25 D) He will not pay for the call. Pre-Question: What kind of question may be asked? 在题干中出现了钱数,因此问题应为某件物品花费多少钱,或某人为买某件物品支付多少钱。 Answer: How much? 现在请听录音,做听力理解练习。 II. Inferring 例如:my friend Martin needs to get a scholarship, or he’11 probably have to quit school and go back home to his country. The problem is that his grades aren’t very good. 在这段话中,谈话者没有直接说出的含义是:Martin won’t be able to get a scholarship and will probably have to go back home. 众所周知,要想得到scholarship(奖学金),则必须学习成绩好,而Martin恰恰学习不好,那么就得不到奖学金。这段话说得非常清楚,得不到奖学金,他就要离开学校。 下面的练习集中训练考生对话外音的理解。先听录音,做出填空练习,然后写出直接含义。 1. My boss told me that if I wanted to work in Japan next , then I should have to him about the pos-sibility back in . 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 2. Some are worth paying to see. Others are about half that much. Tonight’s movie should have gone for about cents or less. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 3. When it’s raining ,it’s raining really hard, right? Yesterday, Diane’s two-year-old daughter said that it was raining . 4. My husband went with his friend this morning. He promised me a fresh-fish for tonight. A promise is a . Do you know any good restaurants in town? 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 5. Having good like Rijos can mean a . You help each other when there’s a problem. There’s somebody close by to talk to. We’re sure going to him. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 6. I’ve been my money either for a new car or for a big of some kind. A new car would be nice, but I really haven’t had a vacation in quite a , and they say the travel are very low right now. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 7. They say that one of the worst-paying to go into right now is . But isn’t the most important thing to me. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 8. If I buy a TV, I’11 be able to see some of the shows that I’ ve been missing. On the other , watching TV can a lot of my time, and I don’t think I want that to happen. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 9. My boss told me that there are only two to go in this business, either up or out. He said that he wants to talk to me some more about a plan in the company. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . 10. My father warned me that if I wanted to a serious injury, then I should have a basketball to Farnsworth University instead of a scholarship to Merlin. 请暂停听录音,写出这段话的真正含义。 Message: . Basic Reading Comprehension Skills Objectives: Students will be able to master five basic reading comprehension skills. Time allotment: Week 5 to Week 6 1st period: Skill 1 Determining the Main Idea 2nd period: Skill 2 Recognizing Important Details 3rd period: Skill 3 Finding Implications and Making Inferences 4th period: Skill 4 Drawing Logical Conclusions 5th period: Skill 5 Making Sound Judgments 6th period: Skill 6 Guessing Unknown Words from the Context 7th & 8th period: Reading Practice Tests Skill 1 Determining the Main Idea (45m.) Introduce the reading skill. (10m.) Step 1 Skim over the passage to get a general sense. Step 2 Carefully read the passage and underline the topic sentence or key words that express the implied main idea. Step 3 Go over what has been underlined and determine the main idea. Explain the Sample. (10m.) Ss do Passage 1 and Passage 2. (25m.) Skill 2 Recognizing Important Details (45m.) Introduce the reading skill. (10m.) Step 1 Read the passage and determine the main idea. Step 2 Underline important words and ideas and sort out the important details that support the main idea. Step 3 Find how the paragraph is put together. Explain the Sample. (10m.) Ss do Passage 3 and Passage 4. (25m.) Skill 3 Finding Implications and Making Inferences (45m.) Introduce the reading skill. (10m.) Step 1 Read and think beyond the printed words. Step 2 Analyze the information or idea stated in the passage. Step 3 Determine the author’s reason for his or her choice of words. Step 4 Combine what is stated with a related thought not stated in the passage Explain the Sample. (10m.) Ss do Passage 5 and Passage 6. (25m.) Skill 4 Drawing Logical Conclusions (45m.) Introduce the reading skill. (10m.) Step 1 Read the passage and underline the important ideas. Step 2 Interpret---explain and understand---and evaluate these ideas. Step 3 Build your conclusions upon facts or evidence shown in the passage. Explain the Sample. (10m.) Ss do Passage 7 and Passage 8. (25m.) Skill 5 Making Sound Judgments (45m.) Introduce the reading skill. (10m.) Step 1 Try to understand the facts as presented. Step 2 Evaluate the ideas and compare them with your own. Step 3 Consider the author’s purpose. Step 4 Make a decision --- accept or reject what the author says Explain the Sample. (10m.) Ss do Passage 9 and Passage 10. (25m.) Skill 6 Guessing Unknown Words from the Context (45m.) Introduce the reading skill. (10m.) In any comprehension text you will inevitably find some words you don’t know. You can look them up in a dictionary, of course. But it is a good idea to get into the habit of doing without a dictionary as much as possible, especially when you are preparing for a test. In fact, if you read the text carefully and think, it is usually possible to figure out the meaning of unknown words by using context clues. Explain the Sample. (10m.) Ss do Passage 11, Passage 12, Passage 13 and Passage 14. (25m.) Reading Practice Tests (90m.) Introduction (10m.) Step 1 Read the whole passage quickly to get a general impression of it. Step 2 Reread the passage more carefully and underline the key words and expressions. Step 3 Read each of the questions and turn back to the text, concentrating on the part which seems to be related to the question. Step 4 Examine the four possible answers and make your decision. Step 5 Go back to the related part of the text and check to see that your choice is based on the information shown in the text (not in your personal opinion). Ss do the tests. (45m.) Check the answers. (35m.)