Questions for Eukarya List the Eukaryotic Microorganism you have learned. Describe the differences between various eukaryotic microorganisms. What do algea have various colors? How to classify algae? List six major algae and describe their characteristics you have learned? What are the differences snd similarities between fungal cell wall and bacterial cell wall? List the types of fungi you have learned. How to classify fungi? What groups do Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, Mucor, Agaricus belong to? Give an example of how cellular slime molds go through their various life cycles. How do protozoa distinguish themself from algae, yeast, fungi, and slime molds List five groups of protozoa we have learned. Which protozoa causes the African Sleeping Sickness? What is the unique properties of Paramecium? Give an example of one protozoa that causes health problem.