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翻译 (将下列每段英文翻译成中文)
Chapter 1 Summary 蔡信杰 03391004 陈 彬 03391005
1,Public finance ,also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income.
2,Public finance economists analyze both actual policies and develop guidelines for government activities . In the latter role, economists are influenced by their attitudes toward the role of government in society.
3,In all organic view of society , individuals are valued only by their contribution to the realization of social goals. These goals are determined by the government.
4,In a mechanistic view of society ,government is a contrivance erected to further individual goals.If is not clear how the government can reconcile sometimes conflicting individual goals.
5,Individual decision making is the focus of much economics and is consistent with the mechanistic view of society adopted in this book .This does not eliminate much controversy over the appropriate role of the government in our economic.
6,The Constitution embodies constraints on federal and state government economic activity.
7,The federal government may effectively undertake any expenditures it whishes and may use debt and taxes to finance them .The federal government may not discriminate among states when choosing tax rates and may not place a levy on state exports .The 16th Amendment empowers the federal government to tax personal incomes.
8,State government are forbidden to levy tariffs on imports ,discriminate against outsides residents, or tax other states’ products. Most states have balanced budget requirement.
9,All common measures of the size of government-employees, expenditures, revenues, etc.-involve some deficiency. In particular, these items miss the impact of regulatory costs. Nonetheless , there is strong evidence that the impact of the government on the allocation of national resources has increased over time.
10,The level of government expenditures has increased in both nominal and real absolute terms, in per capita terms, and as a percentage of gross domestic product.
11,The share of defense spending in federal expenditure has fallen over time ,while Social Security ,public welfare, and payment on outstanding debt have increased in importance . The combination of entitlement programs and interest payments reduces yearly control over the level of expenditures.
12,Personal income and Social Security payroll taxes are currently the largest sources of government revenue. 个人收入和社会安全工资税通常是政府最大的财税来源。
CHAPTER 2 Summary: 陈瑜星 03391009 郭思 03391017
1, Because economists generally cannot perform controlled experiments with the economy, the effects of economic policy are difficult to determine.
2,Economic theory helps specify the factors that might affect a given kind of behavior. However, theory alone cannot say how important any particular factor is.
3,Empirical research attempts to measure both the directions and size of the effect of government policy changes on behavior. Common types of empirical studies are interview studies, social and laboratory experiments , and econometric analysis.
4,Interviews studies consist of directly asking people how various policies affect their behavior. However, people may not actually react to policies in the way they say they do.
5,Social experiments subject one group of people to some policy and compare their behavior with that of a control group. Problems can arise because: the experiment itself may affect people’s behavior; it’s difficult to obtain a random sample ; and social experiments are quite costly.
6, Laboratory experiments are used to study some types of economic decisions .
7, Econometrics is the statistical analysis of economic data .In econometrics, the effects of various policies are inferred from observed behavior.
8,Multiple regression analysis is used to pick the “best” parameters for an econometric model. Knowing the parameters allows one to predict the effects of policy changes.
9,Econometrics has some pitfalls. Misleading results occur if data from greatly dissimilar groups are combined; if important variables are omitted; if the wrong mathematical form is adopted; if variables are incorrectly measured; or if there is simultaneous causation between variables.
Chapter 3 Tools of Normative Analysis 何玉琼03391020 胡 毅03391022
1,Welfare economics is the study of the desirability of alternative economic states.
2,A Pareto efficient allocation occurs when no person can be made better off without making another person worse off. Pareto efficiency requires that each person’s marginal rate of substitution between two commodities equal the marginal rate of transformation. Pareto efficiency is the economist’s benchmark of efficient performance for an economy.
3,The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics states that, under certain conditions, competitive market mechanisms lead to Pareto efficient outcomes.
4,Despite its appeal, Pareto efficiency has no obvious claim as an ethical norm. Society may prefer an inefficient allocation on the basis of equity or some other criterion. This provides one possible reason for government intervention in the economy.
5,A social welfare function summarizes society’s preferences concerning the utility of each of its members. It may be used to find the allocation of resources that maximizes social welfare.
6,The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics states that society can attain any Pareto-efficient allocation of resources by making a suitable assignment of initial endowments and then letting people freely trade with each other.
7,A second reason for government intervention is market failure, which may occur in the presence of market power or when markets do not exist.
8,The fact that the market does not allocate resources perfectly does not necessarily mean the government can do better. Each case must be evaluated on its own merits.
9,Welfare economics is based on an individualistic social philosophy. It does not pay much attention to the processes used to achieve results. Thus, although it provides a coherent and useful framework for analyzing policy, welfare economics is not universally accepted.
Chapter 4 Public Goods Summary摘要 03391035 李 鑫 03391030 鞠艳双
1,Public goods are characterized by nonrivalness and nonexcludability in consumption.
2,Thus, each person consumes the same amount, but not necessarily the preferred amount, of the public good. 因此,每个人都消费同样数量的公共产品,但并不一定是其所偏好的数量。
3,Efficient provision of public goods requires that the sum of the individual MRSs equal the MRT, unlike private goods where each MRS equals the MRT.
4,Market mechanisms are unlikely to provide nonrival goods efficiently, even if they are excludable. 市场机制不可能有效地提供在消费上具有非竞争性的产品,即使它们在消费上具有非排他性。
5,Casual observation and laboratory studies indicate that people do not fully exploit free riding possibilities. 随机观察和实验室研究显示,人们并没有充分地利用免费搭便车的机会。
6,Nonetheless, in certain cases, free riding is a significant problem
7,Public goods can be provided privately, and private goods can be provided publicly
8,Even in cases where public provision of a good is selected, a choice between public and private production must be made.
9,A key factor in determining whether public or private production will be more efficient
is the market environment. 决定是由公共生产还是私人生产更有效率的关键因素是市场环境。
10,Another important question is the extent to which complete contracts can be written
With private sector service providers.
11,Although education is generally publicly provided, it is not clear that education is a public good.
12,Moreover, statistical research suggests that the link between spending and educational outcomes is tenuous. 而且,统计研究表明,支出和教育结果之间的关系是相当含糊的。
13,Although general increases in educational expenditure to reduce classroom size seem unlikely to enhance educational performance, some targeted spending programs seem to be quite effective.
14,In particular, well-designed early interventions appear to raise both future test scores and earnings. 特别是,那些经过精心设计的早期教育看来很可能提高了将来的考试成绩和收入。
15,Some economists are convinced that public schools would improve if they were subjected to competition. 一些经济学家相信,如果公立学校有竞争,那么他们会得到改进。
16,One proposal in that direction is a voucher system, under which financial support for education goes to the family of the student, not directly to the school.
17,The voucher could be redeemed at whatever qualified school was preferred by the Family
Chapter 5 Summary 03391040 留丹鹤 03391036 林嘉俊
1,An externality occurs when the activity of one person affects another person outside the market mechanism. Externalities may generally be traced to the absence of enforceable property rights.
2,Externalities cause market price to diverge from social cost, bringing about an inefficient allocation of resource.
3,The Coase Theorem indicates that private parties may bargain toward the efficient output if property rights are established. However, bargaining costs must be low and the source of the externality easily identified.
4,A Pigouvian tax is a tax levied on pollution in an amount equal to the marginal social damage at the efficient level . Such a tax gives the producer a private incentive to pollute the efficient amount.
5,A subsidy for pollution not produced can induce producers to pollute at the efficient level. However, subsidies can lead to too much production, are administratively difficult,and are regarded by some as ethically unappealing.
6,Pollution rights may be traded in markets, This fixes the total level of pollution ,an advantage when administrators are uncertain how polluters will respond to Pigouvian taxes.
7,Regulation is likely to be inefficient because the social value of pollution reduction varies across firms, locations, and the populace. Nevertheless, this is the most widespread form of environmental policy---a source of dismay to economists. A prime example is the US Clean Air Act.
8,Positive externalities generally lead to underprovision of an activity . A subsidy can correct the problem, but care must be taken to avoid wasteful subsidies.
Chapter 6 Political Economy Summary 马瑞林 03391041 苏珊珊 03391044
1, Political economy applies economic principle to the analysis of political decision making .
2, Economists have studied several methods for choosing levels of public foods in a direct democracy.
3, Lindahl pricing results in a unanimous decision to provide an efficient quantity of public goods, but relies on honest revelation of preferences.
4, Majority voting may lead to inconsistent decisions regarding public goods if some people’s preferences are not single peaked.
5, Logrolling allows voters to express the intensity of their preferences by trading votes .However, minority gains may come at expense of greater general losses.
6, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem states that, in general, it is impossible to find a decision-making rule that simultaneously satisfies a number of apparently reasonable criteria. The implication is that democracies are inherently prone to make inconsistent decisions.
7, Explanations of government behavior in a representative democracy require studying the interaction of elected officials, public employees, and special-interest groups.
8, Under restrictive assumptions, the actions of elected officials mimic the wishes of the median voter.
9, Public employees have an important impact on the development and implementation of economic policy. 公务员对经济政策的制定和执行有很重要的影响。
10, One theory predicts that bureaucrats attempt to maximize the size of their agencies’ budgets, resulting in oversupply of the service. 有一种理论预示:官僚主义者(政府雇员)试图最大化他们的行政预算,从而导致机构服务的过度提供。
11, Rent-seeking private citizens form groups to influence government activity.
12, Special interests can form on the basis of income source, income size, industry, region, or personal characteristics. 特殊利益集团的形成是基于收入来源,收入的规模,行业,地区,还有个人的特征。
13, The growth of government has been rapid by any measure. Explanations of this phenomenon include: 无论用何种方法来衡量,政府支出增长速度都过快。以下现象可以解释:
14, Citizens simply want a larger government. 公民简单地认为需要一个更大的政府。
15, The public sector must expand to absorb private excess production.
16, Random events (such as wars) increase the growth of government, while inertia prevents a return to previous levels. 随机事件(如:战争)加快了政府支出的增长,然而惯性阻碍它回到原来的水平。
17, Unrealistic expectations have resulted in increasing demands that ignore the opportunity costs of public programs. 不切实际的期望导致需求的增长,而忽略公共项目的机会成本。
18, Certain groups use the government to redistribute income to themselves.
19, Proposals to control the growth in government include encouraging private sector competition, reforming the budget process, and constitutional amendments.
chapter7 Summary 许俊勇03391053 陈云颖03391067 吴育云03391052
1, Measuring the extent of poverty is difficult to do. Problems with the government’s official poverty figures include:(a)they count only cash receipts;(b)they ignore taxes;(c)they are based on annual income measures;(d)they ignore changes in household composition
2, if(1)social welfare is the sum of identical utility functions that depend only on incomes;(2)there is decreasing marginal utility of incomes ; and (3)the total amount of income is fixed; then income should be equally distributed .these are strong assumptions and weakening them gives radically different results.
3, the maximin criterion states that the best income distribution maximizes the utility of the person who has the lowest utility. The ethical validity of this proposition is controversial.
4, the income distribution may be like a public good—everyone derives utility from the fact that income is equitably distributed, but government coercion is needed to accomplish redistribution. Pareto efficient redistribution occurs when on one is made worse off as a result of a transfer.
5, other views of income distribution reject the utilitarian framework. some believe it is a first principle that income, or at least certain goods, should be distributed equally. others argue that the distribution of income is irrelevant as long as the distribution arises from a “fair” process.
6, a government program can change relative prices, creating losses and gains for various individuals. It is difficult to trace all of these price changes, so economists generally focus only on the prices in the markets directly affected.
7, because people do not reveal how they value public goods, it is difficult to determine how these goods affect real incomes.
8, many government programs provide goods and services (in -kind transfers) instead of cash. Recipients are not legally allowed to sell the goods and services so received. If recipients would prefer to consume less, the value of the in-kind transfer is less than the market price.
9, the prevalence of in-kind transfer programs may be due to paternalism, commodity egalitarianism, administrative feasibility , or political attractiveness.
Chapter 8 李晨曦03391080 胡名栋03391071 李俭 03391082
1, Means-tested programs transfer income to people whose resource fall below a certain level .Government means-tested programs are about 4.1 percent of GDP.
2, The current program of cash assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),was enacted in 1996. It removed the entitlement to cash benefits. In general, recipients cannot receive cash transfers for more than five years, and after two years they must take part in some work-related activity.
3, Under TANF, the sates have virtually total control over the structure of their welfare systems. States vary considerably in the rates at which they reduce benefits when recipients earn income.
4, Any income maintenance system must deal with several issue, including the conflict between adequate support and good work incentives, welfare dependence, work requirements, and state versus federal administration.
5, The earned income tax credit (EITC) provides a subsidy to the wages of qualified low-income individuals. The phaseout of the EITC after earnings exceed a certain threshold imposes a high implicit marginal tax rate on earnings. Although administered through the tax system , it is now the most important program for cash transfers to the poor.
6, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides cash grants to the aged, blind, or disabled.
7, Medicaid, the largest spending program for the poor, provides certain medical services at no charge. Medicaid partially crowds out private medical insurance.
8, A food stamp is a voucher that can be used only for the purchase of food .Food stamps apper to induce more food consumption than an equivalent amount of cash.
9, In the past , housing assistance in the United States focused on the creation of public housing for poor. The Section 8 program now provides a small number of recipients with housing vouchers to pay the rent on dwellings of their choice.
10, The goal of education and job-training programs is to enhance the ability of the poor to support themselves in the future. The efficacy of job-training programs does not appear to very substantial. However, compensatory education for children, such as Head Start ,leads to long-term improvements in educational attainment and education.
Chapter 9 社会保障 林阿端(03391085) 林罡(03391086)邱强(03391095)
Social insurance may be justified on grounds of adverse selection, decision-making costs, income distribution, or paternalism.
Social Security (OASDI) is the largest social insurance program, indeed the largest domestic spending program. It providers retirement incomes for the aged.
Social Security benefits are calculated in two steps. Average indexed monthly earnings (AIME) are derived from the worker’s history and determine the primary insurance amount (PIA). To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings.
The Social Security system is pay-as-you-go. Current benefits are financed by taxes on current workers.
The Social Security trust fund is essentially an accounting device, and by itself dose not enhance society’s ability to care for retirees in the future.
Broadly speaking, Social Security redistributes incomes from high-to-low income individuals from men to women, and from young to old. One-earner married couples tend to gain relative to either two-earner couples or individuals.
Over time, the economic status of the elderly has improved. Social Security benefits have played an important role in the development.
Social Security may reduce private saving--the wealth substitution effect—or increase saving—the retirement and bequest effects. A reasonable conclusion on the basis of the econometric results is that saving has been reduced, but by how much is not clear.
The percentage of retired older workers has increased dramatically since the introduction of Social Security. This is at least partially the result of work disincentives in the system.
Social Security taxes are project to fall short of benefits starting in about 2016. One possible response is to privatize the system—allow individuals to invest some or all of the contributions as they see fit. While such plans are worth of considering, one must remember that unless a giving proposal lead to increased saving in the present, it will not help ease the burden of providing for the elderly in the future.
The unemployment insurance system has imperfect experience ratings for employs. Moreover, its benefits are frequently a substantial proportion of prior earings. Both these factors increase unemployment.
Chapter 10 Social Insurance Ⅱ: Health Care Summary
03391101 王玲玲 03391102 王娜 03391106 王新
●Health markets may be inefficient because of poor information, and because of the adverse selection and moral hazard problems associated with health insurance.
●Most private medical insurance is provided through employers as a benefit to their employees.
●The Medicare program provides health insurance for people aged 65 and older. Benefits include hospital insurance (HI) and supplementary medical insurance (SMI), which pays for physicians and associated medical care.
●HI is financed by a payroll tax on the earnings of current workers at a rate of 1.45percent on employers and employees each. SMI is financed out of general revenues. If currents trends continue, Medicare expenditures are likely to outpace revenues.
●Possible policies for restraining the growth of Medicare expenditures include placing more of the burden on current beneficiaries, price controls, managed care, greater use of hospice and home health care, and Medical Savings Accounts. It is not clear that any of these would be successful in the long run.
●Under federal tax law, employer-provided health insurance is not subject to taxation. This provides an implicit subsidy for health insurance.
●About 15 percent of the US population at any given time lacks health insurance. The proportion of the uninsured population under 65 years old has been growing over time.
●Health care costs have been increasing at a rapid rate. Possible reasons include the aging of the population, growth in income, the prevalence of third-party payments, and technological change. The evidence points to technological change as the primary factor.
●A number of proposals for changing the health care system have been made. Individual mandates would require all people to purchase health insurance. Single-payer systems would have all insurance provided by the government and financed by tax revenues. Add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.
●Any attempts to increase access to health care to the uninsured are likely to involve both increased costs and increased government intervention in the health care market.
Chapter 11 Summary 肖大展 03391110 周洁 03391118 常海天 03391121
1、Cost-benefit analysis is the practical use of welfare economics to evaluate potential projects
2、To make net benefits from different years comparable, their present value must be computed.
3、Other methods—internal rate of return, benefit cost ratio-can lead to incorrect decisions.
4、Choosing the discount rate is critical in cost-benefit analyses. in public sector analyses, three possible measure are the before-tax private rate of return, a weighted average of before-and after-tax private rates of return, and the social discount rate. Choosing among then depends on the type of private activity displaced-investment or consumption—and the extent to which private markets reflect society’s preferences.
5、In practice, the us government applies discount rates inconsistently.
6、The benefits and costs of public projects may be measured in several ways:
7、Market prices serve well if there is no strong reason to believe they depart from social marginal costs. 如果没有充分理由认为市场价格偏离了社会边际成本,市场价格就是很好的尺度。
8、Shadow prices adjust market prices for deviations from social marginal costs due to market imperfections. 因市场缺乏引起市场价格偏离社会边际成本是,用影子价格来调整市场价格。
9、If labor is currently unemployed and will remain so for the duration of the project, the opportunity cost is small. 如果劳动力目前处于失业状态,且在该工程的整个建设期间都处于失业状态,那么,机会成本会很小。
10、If large government projects change equilibrium prices, consumer surplus can be used to measure benefits. 如果大型政府工程改变均衡价格,那么,消费者剩余可以用来测定收益。
11、For nonmarketed commodities, the values can sometimes be inferred by observing people’s behavior. Two examples are computing the benefits of saving time and the benefits of reducing the probability of death.
12、Certain intangible benefits and costs simply cannot be measured. The safest approach is to exclude them in a cost-benefit analysis and then calculate how large they must be to reverse the decision
13、Cost-benefit analyses sometimes fall prey to several pitfalls: Chain-reaction game–secondary benefits are included to make a proposal appear more favorable, without including the corresponding secondary costs. Labor game-wages are viewed as benefits rather than costs of the project. Double-counting game—benefits are erroneously counted twice.
14、Including distributional considerations in cost-benefit analysis is controversial. some analysts count dollars equally for all persons, whole others apply weights that favor projects for selected population groups.
15、In uncertain situations, individuals favor less risky projects, other things being the same. in general, the costs and benefits of uncertain projects must be converted to certainty equivalents.
Chapter 12 Taxation and Income Distribution Summary
1, Statutory incidence is the legal liability for a tax, while economic incidence is the actual burden of the tax.. Knowing the legal incidence usually tells us little about economic incidence.
2, Economic incidence is determined by the price changes induced by a tax, and depends on both individuals’ sources and uses of income.
3, Depending on the policy being considered, it may be appropriate to examine balanced budget, differential, or absolute incidence.
4, In partial equilibrium competitive models, tax incidence depends on the elasticities of supply and demand. The same general approach can be used to study incidence in a monopolized market. For oligopoly, however, there is no single accepted framework for tax analysis.
5, Due to capitalization, the burden of future taxes may be borne by current owners of an inelastically supplied durable commodity such as land.
6, General equilibrium incidence analysis often employs a two-sector, two-factor model. This frame-work allows for nine possible taxes. Certain combinations of these taxes are equivalent to others.
7, In a general equilibrium model, a tax on a single factor in its use only in a particular sector can affect the returns to all factors in all sectors.
8, Applied tax incidence studies indicate that the federal tax system is quite progressive. But such studies rest upon possibly problematic assumptions.
Chapter 13 Taxation and Efficiency 林妙妙03391143 陶佳03391155 王岩03391158
1. Taxes generally impose an excess burden – a cost beyond the tax revenue collected.
2. Excess burden is caused by tax—induced distortions in behavior. It may be examined using either indifference curves or compensated demand curves.
3. Lump sum taxes do not distort but are unattractive as policy tools. Nevertheless, they are an important standard against which to compare the excess burdens of other taxes.
4. Excess burden may result even if observed behavior is unaffected, because it is the compensated response to a tax that determines its excess burden
5.When a single tax is imposed, the excess burden is proportional to the compensated elasticity of demand, and to the square of the tax rate.
6.Excess-burden calculations typically assume no other distortions. If other distortions exist, the incremental excess burden of a new tax depends on its effects in other markets.
7.Subsidies also create excess burdens because they encourage people to consume goods valued less than the marginal social cost of production.
8. The differential taxation of inputs creates an excess burden. Such inputs are used“too little”in taxed activities and“too much”in untaxed activities.
Chapter 14 Summary 徐安生03391163 谢中川 03391162 杨露 03391169
1, Efficient commodity tax theory shows how to raise a given amount of revenue with a minimum of excess burden.
2, The Ramsey rule stipulates that to minimize excess burden, tax rates should be set so that the proportional reduction in the quantity demanded of each good is the same.
3, When goods are unrelated in consumption, the Ramsey rule implies that relative tax rates should be inversely related to compensated demand elasticities.
4, Choosing optimal user fees for government-produced services is quite similar to choosing optimal taxes. 政府生产服务的最适使用费的选择与最适税种的选择十分类似。
5, Income taxation is a major source of revenue in developed countries. Edgeworth’s early study of optimal income taxes indicated that after-tax incomes should be equal. However, when the excess burden of distorting the leisure-income trade-off is included, marginal tax rates of far less than 100 percent are optimal.
6, Tax systems may be evaluated by standards other than those of optimal tax theory. Horizontal equity, the costs of administration, incentives for tax evasion, and political constraints all affect the design of tax systems.
7, Traditional definitions of horizontal equity rely on income as a measure of “equal position” in society. However, income as conventionally measured is inadequate in this context. The utility definition is more precise, but has radically different policy implications and contains an inherent bias toward the pretax status quo. Other definitions of horizontal equity focus on the rules by which taxes are chosen.
8, The costs of running a tax system are ignored in most theoretical analyses. However, administrative and compliance costs affect the choice of tax base, tax rates, and the amount of tax evasion.
Chapter 15 Summary 杨阳03391170 张玲玲 03391175 张舟 03391177
Computing federal individual income tax liability has three major steps: measuring total income (adjusted gross income), converting total income to taxable income, and calculating taxes due.
A traditional benchmark measure of income is the Haig-Simons definition: Income during a given period is the net change in the individual’s power to consume.
Implementation of the Haig-Simons criterion is confounded by several difficulties: (1) Income must be measured net of the expenses of earning it.(2)Unrealized capital gains and the imputed income from durable goods are not easily gauged.(3)It is difficult to measure the value of in-kind receipts.
Critics of the Haig-Simons criterion argue that it guarantees neither fair nor efficient outcomes.
The US income tax base excludes:(1) interest on state and local bonds, (2) employer contributions to pension and medical plans, (3) gifts and inheritances.
Exemptions are fixed amounts per family member. Exemptions are subtracted from adjusted gross income (AGI) and phased out at high-income levels.
Deductions are either standard or itemized. A standard deduction reduces taxable income by a fixed amount.
Itemized deductions are permitted for expenditures on particular goods and services. They are phased out at high-income levels. Itemized deductions change after-tax relative prices, which often affects economic behavior.
Major itemized deductions in the US tax code include (1) unreimbursed medical expenses in excess of 7.5 percent of AGI, (2) state and local income and property taxes, (3) certain interest expenses, (4) charitable contributions.
Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment.
The final step in determining tax liability is to apply a schedule of rates to taxable income. Because of various phaseouts, the actual statutory marginal tax rates exceed the official rates.
The alternative minimum tax (AMT) was designed to make sure that high-income taxpayers who heavily utilize tax shelters would pay at least some federal income tax. However, due to certain structural flaws, it will soon be the tax system confronting millions of middle-class Americans.
Bracket widths, personal exemptions, the standard deduction, and the earned income credit are now indexed against inflation. However, there are no provisions to correct for inflation’s effect on the taxation of capital income.
No system of family taxation can simultaneously achieve increasing marginal tax rates, marriage neutrality, and equal taxes for families with equal incomes. Under current law, joint tax liabilities may increase or decrease upon marriage, depending on the couple’s circumstances.
The United States follows a global system with respect to the tax treatment of income earned in other countries. The total amount of tax due is supposed to be roughly independent of whether the income is earned at home or abroad.
Income tax systems are important as revenue raisers for the states. State income taxes have lower rates than the federal system and vary widely in their exact provisions.
Chapter 16 Summary 闫鸥 03040045 孙鹏 03091086 陈益炯 03111007
1, The US personal tax affects many economic decisions, including labor supply, saving, residential housing consumption, and portfolio choice. Analysis of the behavioral effects of taxation is among the most contentions of all areas of public policy.
2, Econometric studies of labor supply indicate prime age males vary their hours only slightly in response to tax changes, while hours of married women are quite sensitive to variations in the after-tax wage rate.
3, Earnings taxes can increase, decrease, or leave unchanged the amount of human capital investments. The outcome depends in part on how taxes affect hours of work..
4, The effect of tax rates on tax revenues depends on the responsiveness of labor supply to changes in tax rates and on the extent of substitution between taxable and nontaxable forms of income..
5,The effect of taxes on saving may be analyzed using the life-cycle model, which assumes that people’s annual consumption and saving decisions are influenced by their lifetime resources. Taxing interest the opportunity cost of present consumption and thereby creates incentives to lower saving. However, such a tax reduces total lifetime resources, which tends to reduce present consumption, that is, increase saving. The net effect on saving is an empirical question.
6, Econometric studies of saving behavior have foundered on both conceptual and practical difficulties. As a result, there is no firm consensus of opinion on the effects of taxation on saving.
7, The personal income tax excludes the imputed rent from owner-occupied housing from taxation. This increases both the percentage of those choosing to own their homes and the quantity of owner-occupied housing.
8, The theoretical effects of taxation on portfolio composition are ambiguous. Taxes reduce the expected return on a risky asset but also lessen its riskiness. The net effect of these conflicting tendencies has not been empirically resolved.
Chapter 17 The Corporation Tax Summary
林肖敏03250044 姚媛媛 03321021 李天舒 03290052
1. Corporations are subject to a separate federal income tax. The tax accounts for about 8 percent of all federal revenues.
2. Before applying the 35 percent tax rate, firms may deduct employee compensation, interest payments, and depreciation allowances. These are meant to measure the cost of producing revenue. Dividends, the cost of acquiring equity funds, are not deductible. However, dividends are taxed preferentially at the individual level.
3. Investment tax credits (ITCs) are deducted from the firm’s tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 repealed ITCs, but they often surface in policy debates.
4. The corporate tax has been viewed either as an economic profits tax or as a partial factor tax. In the former case, the tax is borne entirely by owners of firms, while in the latter the incidence depends on capital mobility between sectors, substitutability of factors of production, the structure of consumer demand, and the sensitivity of capital accumulation to the net rate of return.
5. The effect of the corporate tax system on physical investment depends on (1) its effect on the user cost of capital, and (2) the sensitivity of investment to changes in the users cost.
6. In the accelerator model, investment depends only on output, making the user cost irrelevant. The neoclassical model assumes that capital demand depends on the user cost. In the cash flow model, internal funds play a key role in determining investment.
7. In the neoclassical investment model, the user cost of capital (C) is
(1- θ)(1-t )
Where r is the after-tax interest rate, δthe economic depreciation rate, θthe corporation tax rate, k the ITC, andφthe present value of depreciation allowances per dollar.
在新古典投资模型中,资本C的使用者成本是*, 公式中的r是税后利息率,δ是经济折旧率,θ是公司税率,k是投资税抵免,φ是每一美元的折旧扣除现值。
8. Estimate of the effect of the user cost on investment vary greatly, but most recent research suggests that there is some responsiveness.
9. Due to the double taxation of dividends, it is puzzling that firms pay them. Dividends may serve as a signal of the firm’s financial strength, or be used to cater to particular clienteles.
10. Interest deductibility provides a strong incentive for debt finance. However, increasing the proportion of debt may lead to larger bankruptcy costs.
11. Most states have corporate income taxes. The possibilities for tax exporting and interstate mobility of factors of production complicate analysis of these taxes.
12. US multinational corporations are allowed tax credits for taxes paid to foreign governments. Complications arise due to tax deferral using foreign subsidiaries and opportunities for tax avoidance via transfer pricing.
13. One possible corporate tax reform is full integration of the corporate and personal income taxes. Owners of stock would be taxed on their share of corporate income as if they were partners. The corporation tax as a separate entity would cease to exist.
14. Another approach to integration is dividend relief, in which dividends are taxed only once, either by allowing a deduction at the corporate level or an exclusion at the individual level.