Ramakumar, R., Barnett, A.M., Kazmerski, L.L., Benner, J.P., Coutts, T.J. “Power
Systems and Generation”
The Electrical Engineering Handbook
Ed. Richard C. Dorf
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
Power Systems
and Generation
60.1 Distributed Power Generation
Photovoltaics ? Wind-Electric Conversion ? Hydro ?
Geothermal ? Tidal Energy ? Fuel Cells ? Solar-Thermal-Electric
Conversion ? Biomass Energy ? Thermoelectrics ?
Thermionics ? Integrated System Concepts ? System Impacts
60.2 Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Solar Cell Operation and Characteristics ? Solar Cell Types and
Their Optimization ? Crystalline Silicon ? III-V Semiconductors ?
Thin-Film Solar Cells ? Dye-Sensitized Cells ? Module
Technologies ? Photovoltaic Power Systems
60.3 Thermophotovoltaics
Background ? Design Considerations of a TPV System ? Optical
Control of Sub-bandgap Energies ? Development of PV Cells ?
Status of System Development ? Systems and Applications
60.1 Distributed Power Generation
Distributed generation (DG) refers to small (a few watts up to 1 MW) power plants at or near the loads, operating
in a stand-alone mode or connected to a grid at the distribution or subtransmission level, and geographically
scattered throughout the service area. Typically they harness unconventional energy resources such as insolation,
wind, biomass, tides and waves, and geothermal. Small plants powered by site-specific conventional energy
resources such as low-head and small hydro and natural gas are also included in this general group.
Interest in DG has been growing steadily since the dramatic oil embargo of 1973. In addition to the obvious
advantages realized by the development of renewable energy sources, DG is ideally suited to power small remote
loads, located far from the grid. An entire family of small power sources has been developed and employed for
space, underwater, and biomedical applications. Another niche for these systems is in energizing remote rural
areas of developing countries. It is estimated that there are more than one million remote villages in the world
with no grid connection and minimally sustained by locally available energy sources. Integrated renewable
energy systems (IRES), a special subset of DG, are ideally suited for these situations.
General Features
DG will have one or more of the following features:
? Small size
? Intermittent input resource
? Stand-alone or interface at the distribution or subtransmission level
? Extremely site-specific inputs
? Located near the loads
R. Ramakumar
Oklahoma State University
Allen M. Barnett
AstroPower, Inc.
Lawrence L. Kazmerski
National Renewable Energy
John P. Benner
National Renewable Energy
Timothy J. Coutts
National Renewable Energy
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
? Remoteness from conventional grid supply
? Availability of energy storage and reconversion for later use
Potential and Future
Globally, the potential for DG is vast. Even extremely site-specific resources such as tides, geothermal, and small
hydro are available in significant quantities. Assessments of the future for various DG technologies vary,
depending on the enthusiasm of the estimator. However, in almost all cases, the limitations are economic rather
than technical. Concerns over the unrestricted use of depletable energy resources and the ensuing environmental
problems such as the greenhouse effect and global warming are providing the impetus necessary for the
continued development of technologies for DG.
Among the powerful motivations for the entry of DG are:
? Less capital investment and less capital at risk in the case of smaller installations
? Easier to site smaller plants under the ever-increasing restrictions
? Likely to result in improved reliability and availability
? Location near load centers decreases delivery costs and lowers transmission and distribution losses
? In terms of the cost of power delivered, DG is becoming competitive with large central-station plants,
especially with the advent of open access and competition in the electric utility industry
DG Technologies
Many technologies have been proposed and employed for DG. Power ratings of DG systems vary from milliwatts
to megawatts, depending on the application. A listing of the technologies is given below.
? Photovoltaics (PV)
? Wind-electric conversion systems
? Mini and micro hydro
? Geothermal plants
? Tidal and wave energy conversion
? Fuel cells
? Solar-thermal-electric conversion
? Biomass utilization
? Thermoelectrics
? Thermionics
? Small cogeneration plants powered by natural gas and supplying electrical and thermal energies
The technology involved in the last item above is mature and very similar to that of conventional thermal
power plants and therefore will not be considered in this section.
PV refers to the direct conversion of insolation (incident solar radiation) to electricity. A PV cell (also known
as a solar cell) is simply a large-area semiconductor pn junction diode with the junction positioned very close
to the top surface. Typically, a metallic grid structure on the top and a sheet structure in the bottom collect
the minority carriers crossing the junction and serve as terminals. The minority carriers are generated by the
incident photons with energies greater than or equal to the energy gap of the semiconductor material.
Since the output of an individual cell is rather low (1 or 2 W at a fraction of a volt), several (30 to 60) cells
are combined to form a module. Typical module ratings range from 40 to 50 W at 15 to 17 V. PV modules are
progressively put together to form panels, arrays (strings or trackers), groups, segments (subfields), and ulti-
mately a PV plant consisting of several segments. Plants rated at several MW have been built and operated
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Advantages of PV include demonstrated low operation and maintenance costs, no moving parts, silent and
simple operation, almost unlimited lifetime if properly cared for, no recurring fuel costs, modularity, and
minimal environmental effects. The disadvantages are its cost, need for large collector areas due to the diluteness
of insolation, and the diurnal and seasonal variability of the output.
PV systems can be flat-plate or concentrating type. While flat-plate systems utilize the global (direct and
diffuse) radiation, concentrator systems harness only the direct or beam radiation. As such, concentrating
systems must track (one axis or two axis) the sun. Flat-plate systems may or may not be mounted on trackers.
By 1990, efficiencies of flat-plate crystalline and thin-film cells had reached 23 and 15%, respectively.
Efficiencies as high as 34% were recorded for concentrator cells. Single-crystal and amorphous PV module
efficiencies of 12 and 5% were achieved by the early ’90s. For an average module efficiency of 10% and an
insolation of 1 kW/m
on a clear afternoon, 10 m
of collector area is required for each kW of output.
The output of a PV system is dc and inversion is required for supplying ac loads or for utility-interactive
operation. While the required fuel input to a conventional power plant depends on its output, the input to a
PV system is determined by external factors such as cloud cover, time of day, season of the year, geographic
location, orientation, and geometry of the collector. Therefore, PV systems are operated, as far as possible, at
or near their maximum outputs. Also, PV plants have inertialess generation and are subject to rapid changes
in their outputs due to moving clouds.
The current-voltage (IV) characteristic of an illuminated solar cell is shown in Figure 60.1. It is given as
where I
and I
are the dark and source currents, respectively, k is the Boltzmann constant (1.38 × 10
T is the temperature in K, and e is the electronic charge. Under ideal conditions (identical cells), for a PV
module with a series-parallel arrangement of cells, the IV characteristic will be similar, except that the current
scale should be multiplied by the number of parallel branches and the voltage scale by the number of cells in
series in the module. The source current varies linearly with insolation. The dark current increases as the cell
FIGURE 60.1 Typical current-voltage characteristic of an illuminated solar cell.
exp 1
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operating temperature increases. Also, the larger the energy gap of the material, the smaller the dark current.
The ratio of source current to dark current should be made as large as possible for improved operation.
Single-crystal silicon is still the dominant technology for fabricating PV devices. Polycrystalline, semicrys-
talline, and amorphous silicon technologies are developing rapidly to challenge this. Highly innovative tech-
nologies such as spheral cells are being introduced to reduce costs. Concentrator systems typically employ
gallium arsenide or multiple junction cells. Many other materials and thin-film technologies are under inves-
tigation as potential candidates.
PV applications range from milliwatts (consumer electronics) to megawatts (central station plants). They
are suitable for portable, remote, stand-alone, and utility-interactive applications. PV systems should be con-
sidered as energy sources and their design should maximize the conversion of insolation into useable electrical
form. Power requirements of practical loads are met using an energy storage and reconversion system or utility
interconnection. Concentrating systems have been designed and operated to provide both electrical and low-
grade thermal outputs with combined peak utilization efficiencies approaching 60%.
The vigorous growth of PV technology is manifested by a doubling of world PV module shipments in six
years — from 42 MW in 1989 to 84 MW in 1995. Tens of thousands of small (<1 kW) systems are in operation
around the world. Thousands of kilowatt-size systems (1 to 10s of kW) also have been installed and are in
operation. Many intermediate-scale systems (10 to 100s of kW) and large-scale systems (1 MW or larger) are
being installed by utility- and government-sponsored programs as proof-of-concept experiments and to glean
valuable operational data.
By 1988, nearly 11 MW of PV was interconnected to the utility system in the United States alone. Most were
in the 1- to 5-kW range. The two major exceptions are the 1-MW Hesperia-Lugo project installed in 1982 and
the 6.5-MW Carrisa Plains project installed in 1984, both in California. In Germany, a 340-kW system began
operation in 1988 as part of a large program. Switzerland had a plan to install 1 MW of PV in 333 roof-mounted
units of 3 kW each. By 1990, the installed capacity of PV in Italy exceeded 3 MW. Many nations have recognized
the vast potential of PV and have established their own PV programs within the past decade. A view of the
300 kW flat-plate grid-connected PV system installed and operated by the city of Austin electric utility depart-
ment in Austin, Texas is shown in Figure 60.2.
From a capital cost of $7000/kW in 1988 with an associated levelized energy cost of 32¢/kWh, even with a
business-as-usual scenario, a twofold reduction to $3500/kW by 2000 and an additional 3-to-1 reduction to
$1175/kW by 2030 are being projected. The corresponding energy costs are 15 and 5¢/kWh, respectively. These
FIGURE 60.2 A view of the city of Austin PV-300 flat-plate grid-connected photovoltaic system. (Courtesy of the city of
Austin electric utility department.)
? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
estimates put the cost of energy from PV in par with the cost of energy from conventional plants in the early
part of the twenty-first century.
Wind-Electric Conversion
Wind energy is intermittent, highly variable, and site-specific, exists in three dimensions, and is the least
dependent upon latitude among all renewable resources. The power density (in W/unit area) in moving air
(wind) is a cubic function of wind speed and therefore even small increases in average wind speeds can lead
to significant increases in the capturable energy. Wind sites are typically classified as good, excellent, or
outstanding, with associated mean wind speeds of 13, 16, and 19 mph, respectively.
Aeroturbines employ lift and/or drag forces to convert wind energy to rotary mechanical energy, which is
then converted to electrical energy by coupling a suitable generator. The power coefficient C
of an aeroturbine
is the fraction of the incident power converted to mechanical shaft power, and it is a function of the tip speed-
to-wind speed ratio λ as shown in Figure 60.3. For a given propeller configuration, at any given wind speed,
there is an optimum tip speed that maximizes C
Several types of aeroturbines are available. They can have horizontal or vertical axes, number of blades
ranging from one to several, mounted upwind or downwind, and fixed- or variable-pitch blades with full blade
control or tip control. Vertical-axis (Darrieus) turbines are not self-starting and require a starting mechanism.
Today, horizontal-axis turbines with two or more blades are the most prevalent, and considerable work is
underway to develop advanced versions of these.
The electrical output P
of a wind-electric conversion system (WECS) is given as
= η
where η
and η
are the efficiencies of the electrical generator and mechanical interface, respectively, A is the
swept area, K is a constant, and v is the wind speed incident on the aeroturbine.
There are two basic options for wind-electric conversion. With varying wind speeds, the aeroturbine can be
operated at a constant speed by blade-pitch control, and a conventional synchronous machine is then employed
to generate constant-frequency ac. More commonly, an induction generator is used with or without an adjust-
able var supply. In this case, the aeroturbine will operate at a nearly constant speed. Alternatively, the aeroturbine
rotational speed can be allowed to vary with wind to maintain a constant and optimum tip speed ratio, and
then a combination of special energy converters and power electronics is employed to obtain utility-grade ac.
FIGURE 60.3 Typical aeroturbine characteristics.
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The variable-speed option allows optimum efficiency operation of the turbine over a wide range of wind speeds,
resulting in increased outputs with lower structural loads and stresses. All future utility-grade advanced turbines
are expected to operate in the variable-speed mode and use power electronics to convert the variable-frequency
output to constant frequency with minimal harmonic distortion.
Large-scale harnessing of wind energy will require hundreds or even thousands of WECS arranged in a wind
farm with spacings of about 2 to 3 diameters crosswind and about 10 diameters apart downwind. The power
output of an individual WECS will fluctuate over a wide range, and its statistics strongly depend on the wind
statistics. When many WECS are used in a wind farm, some smoothing of the total power output will result,
depending on the statistical independence of the outputs of individual WECS. This is desirable, especially with
high (>20%) penetration of WECS in the generation mix. While the output of WECS is not dispatchable, with
large wind farms the possibility of assigning some capacity credit to the overall output significantly improves.
Although wind-electric conversion has overall minimum environmental impacts, the large rotating structures
involved do generate some noise and introduce visual aesthetics problems. By locating wind energy systems
sufficiently far from centers of population, these effects can be minimized. The envisaged potential for bird
kills turned out to be not a serious problem. Wind energy systems occupy only a very small fraction of the
land. However, the area surrounding them can be used only for activities such as farming and livestock grazing.
Thus, there is some negative impact on land use.
Today, the cost of energy delivered by wind plants rivals those obtained from some nonrenewable sources. By
1990, wind became the most utilized and competitive option among all the solar energy technologies for the bulk
power market at a cost of generation of about 8¢/kWh (or roughly 7¢/kWh in 1987 dollars). Ongoing research and
development work in new design tools, advanced airfoils, site tailoring, operating strategies, array spacing, and
improved reliability and manufacturability is expected to bring the cost of energy further down by a factor of 2 to 3.
At around 1600 MW, nearly 90% of all the WECS installed in the world are in California. They are expected
to generate nearly 3 billion kWh of electricity per year to the state’s utilities to which they are interconnected.
Although their lack of control and the intermittent nature of wind-derived energy are not embraced enthusiastically
by electric utilities, this gap is expected to be bridged very soon with appropriate computer controls and operating
strategies. Wind energy is already an economical option for remote areas endowed with good wind regimes. The
modularity of WECS, coupled with the associated environmental benefits, potential for providing jobs, and
economic viability point to a major role for wind energy in the generation mix of the world in the decades to come.
Hydropower is a mature but neglected and one of the most promising renewable energy technologies. In the
context of DG, small (less than 15 MW), mini (less than 1 MW), and micro (less than 100 kW) hydroelectric
plants are of interest. The source of hydropower is the hydrologic cycle driven by the energy from the sun. Most
of the sites for DG hydro are either low-head (2 to 20 m) or medium-head (20 to 150 m). The global hydroelectric
potential is vast. One estimate puts it at 31 GW for Indonesia alone! The installed capacity of small hydro in
the People’s Republic of China was exceeding 7 GW by 1980.
Both impulse and reaction turbines have been employed for small-scale hydro for DG. Several standardized
units are available in the market. Most of the units are operated at constant speed with governor control and
are coupled to synchronous machines to generate utility-grade ac. If the water source is highly variable, it may
be necessary to employ variable-speed operation. If the speed variations are not large, induction generators
can be used. Special variable-speed constant-frequency (VSCF) generation schemes may be needed if the range
of speed variations is large (> ±10%). Permanent magnet generators provide another alternative, especially if
the output is to be rectified and stored for later use in the case of very small units.
Geothermal plants exploit the heat stored in the form of hot water and steam in the earth’s crust at depths of
2000 to 8000 ft. By nature, these resources are extremely site-specific and slowly run down (depletable) over a
period of years. For electric power generation, the resource should be at least around 250°C. Depending on
the temperature and makeup, dry steam, flash steam, or binary technology can be employed. Of these, dry
natural steam is the best since it eliminates the need for a boiler.
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The three basic components of a geothermal plant are (1) a production well to bring the resource to the
surface, (2) a turbine generator system for energy conversion, and (3) an injection well to recycle the spent
geothermal fluids back into the reservoir.
Worldwide deployment of geothermal plants reached 5000 MW by 1987 in 17 countries. Nearly one-half of
this was in the United States. The Geysers plant north of San Francisco is the largest in the world with an
installed capacity of 516 MW. In some developing countries, the Philippines for example, geothermal plants
supply nearly 20% of their electrical needs.
Tidal Energy
The origin of tidal energy is the upward-acting gravitational force of the moon, which results in a cyclic variation
in the potential energy of water at a point on the earth’s surface. These variations are amplified by topographical
features such as the shape and size of estuaries. The ratio between maximum spring tide and minimum at neap
can be as much as 3 to 1. In estuaries, the tidal range can be as large as 10 to 15 m.
Power can be generated from a tidal estuary in two basic ways. A single basin can be used with a barrage at
a strategic point along the estuary. By installing turbines at this point, electricity can be generated both when
the tide is ebbing or flooding. In the two-basin scheme, generation can be time-shifted to coincide with hours
of peak demand by using the basins alternately.
As can be expected, tidal energy conversion is very site-specific. The largest tidal power plant is the single-
basin scheme at La Rance in Brittany, France. It is rated at 240 MW and employs 24 vane-type horizontal turbines
and alternator motors, each rated at 10 MVA. The plant has been in operation since 1966 with good technical
and economic results. It has generated, on the average, around 500 GWh of net energy per year. The Severn
estuary in the southwest of England and the Bay of Fundy in the border between the United States and Canada
with the highest known tidal range of 17 m have been extensively studied for tidal power generation. There are
several other possible sites around the world, but the massive capital costs required have delayed their exploitation.
Fuel Cells
A fuel cell is a simple static device that converts the chemical energy in a fuel directly, isothermally, and
continuously into electrical energy. Fuel and oxidant (typically oxygen in air) are fed to the device in which an
electrochemical reaction takes place that oxidizes the fuel, reduces the oxidant, and releases energy. The energy
released is in both electrical and thermal forms. The electrical part provides the required output. Since a fuel
cell completely bypasses the thermal-to-mechanical conversion involved in a conventional power plant and
since its operation is isothermal, fuel cells are not Carnot-limited. Efficiencies in the range of 43 to 55% are
forecasted for modular dispersed generators featuring fuel cells.
The low (< 0.05 lb/MWh) airborne emissions of fuel cell plants make them prime candidates for siting in
urban areas. The possibility of using fuel cells in combined heat and power (CHP) units provides the cleanest
and most efficient energy system option utilizing valuable (or imported) natural gas resources.
Hydrocarbon fuel (natural gas or LNG) or gasified coal is reformed first to produce hydrogen-rich (and
sulphur-free) gas that enters the fuel cell stack where it is electrochemically “burned” to produce electrical and
thermal outputs. The electrical output of a fuel cell is low-voltage high-current dc. By utilizing a properly
organized stack of cells and an inverter, utility-grade ac output is obtained.
Early MW-scale demonstration plants employed phosphoric acid fuel cells. Molten carbonate fuel cell systems
have shown considerable promise in recent years with demonstrated efficiencies in the 50 to 55% range based
on the higher heating value. Another competitor in the long range is the solid oxide fuel cell that can be
intergrated with a coal gasifier and a steam bottoming cycle.
Solar-Thermal-Electric Conversion
The quality of thermal energy needed for DG employing solar-thermal-electric conversion necessitates concen-
trated sunlight. Parabolic troughs, parabolic dishes, and central receivers are used to generate temperatures in
the range of 400 to 500, 800 to 900, and >500°C, respectively.
Technical feasibility of the central receiver system was demonstrated in the early ’80s by the 10-MWe Solar
One system in Barstow, California. Over a six-year period, this system delivered 37 GWh of net energy to the
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Southern California Edison’s grid with an overall system efficiency in the range of 7 to 8%. With improvements
in heliostat and receiver technologies, annual system efficiencies of 14 to 15% and generation cost of 8 to
12¢/kWh have been projected.
Parabolic-dish electric-transport technology for DG was under active development at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, in the late ’70s and early ’80s. Prototype modules with Stirling engines
reached a record 29% overall efficiency of conversion from insolation to electrical output. Earlier parabolic-
dish designs collected and transported thermal energy to a central location for conversion to electricity.
Advanced designs such as the one developed at JPL employed engine driven generators at the focal points of
the dishes, and energy was collected and transported in electrical form.
By far the largest installed capacity (nearly 400 MW) of solar-thermal-electric DG employs parabolic-trough
collectors and oil to transport the thermal energy to a central location for conversion to electricity via a steam-
Rankine cycle. With the addition of a natural gas burner for hybrid operation, this technology, developed by
LUZ under the code name SEGS (solar electric generating system), accounts for more than 90% of the world’s
solar electric capacity, all located in Daggett, Kramer Junction, and Harper Lake in California. Generation costs
of around 8 to 9¢/kWh have been realized with SEGS. This technology uses natural gas to compensate for the
temporal variations of insolation and firms up the power delivered by the system. This compensation may
come during 7 to 11 P.M. in summer and during 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. in winter. SEGS will require about 5 acres/MW
or can deliver 130 MW/mi
of land area.
Biomass Energy
Biological sources provide a wide array of materials that have been and continue to be used as energy sources.
Wood, wood wastes, and residue from wood processing industries, sewage or municipal solid waste, cultivated
herbaceous and other energy crops, waste from food processing industries, and animal wastes are lumped
together by the term biomass. The most compelling argument for the use of biomass technologies is the inherent
recycling of the carbon by photosynthesis. In addition to the obvious method of burning biomass, conversion
to liquid and gaseous fuels is possible, thus expanding the application possibilities.
In the context of electric power generation, the role of biomass is expected to be for repowering old units
and for use in small (20 to 50 MW) new plants. Several new high-efficiency conversion technologies are either
already available or under development for the utilization of biomass. The technologies and their overall
conversion efficiencies are listed below.
? FBC (fluidized-bed combustor), 36–38%
? EPS (energy performance system) combustor, 34–36%
? BIG/STIG (biomass-integrated gasifier/steam-injected gas turbine), 38–47%
Acid or enzymatic hydrolysis, gasification, and aqueous pyrolysis are some of the other technology options
available for biomass utilization.
Anaerobic digestion of animal wastes is being used extensively in developing countries to produce biogas,
which is utilized directly as a fuel in burners and for lighting. An 80–20 mixture of biogas and diesel has been
used effectively in biogas engines to generate electricity in small quantities.
Biomass-fueled power plants are best suited in small (<100 MW) sizes for DG to serve base load and
intermediate loads in the eastern United States and in many other parts of the world. This contribution is clean,
renewable, and reduces CO
emissions. Since biomass fuels are sulphur-free, these plants can be used to offset
and SO
emissions from new fossil power plants. Ash from biomass plants can be recycled and used as
fertilizer. A carefully planned and well-managed SRWC (short-rotation woody crop) plantation program with
yields in the range of 6 to 12 dry tons/acre/year can be effectively used to mitigate greenhouse gases and
contribute thousands of MW of DG to the U.S. grid by the turn of the century.
Thermal energy can be directly converted to electrical energy by using the thermoelectric effects in materials.
Semiconductors offer the best option as thermocouples since thermojunctions can be constructed using a p-type
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and an n-type material to cumulate the effects around a thermoelectric circuit. Moreover, by using solid
solutions of tellurides and selenides doped to result in a low density of charge carriers, relatively moderate
thermal conductivities and reasonably good electrical conductivities can be achieved.
In a thermoelectric generator, the Seebeck voltage generated under a temperature difference drives a dc
current through the load circuit. Even though there is no mechanical conversion, the process is still Carnot-
limited since it operates over a temperature difference. In practice, several couples are assembled in a series-
parallel configuration to provide dc output power at the required voltage.
Typical thermoelectric generators employ radioisotope or nuclear reactor or hydrocarbon burner as the heat
source. They are custom-made for space missions as exemplified by the SNAP (systems for nuclear auxiliary
power) series and the RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator) used by the Apollo astronauts. Maximum
performance over a large temperature range is achieved by cascading stages. Each stage consists of thermocouples
electrically in series and thermally in parallel. The stages themselves are thermally in series and electrically in parallel.
Tellurides and selenides are used for power generation up to 600°C. Silicon germanium alloys turn out better
performance above this up to 1000°C. With the materials available at present, conversion efficiencies in the 5
to 10% range can be expected. Whenever small amounts of silent reliable power is needed for long periods of
time, thermoelectrics offer a viable option. Space, underwater, biomedical, and remote terrestrial power such
as cathodic protection of pipelines fall into this category.
Direct conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy can be achieved by employing the Edison effect—the
release of electrons from a hot body, also known as thermionic emission. The thermal input imparts sufficient
energy (≥ work function) to a few electrons in the emitter (cathode), which helps them escape. If these electrons
are collected using a collector (anode) and a closed path through a load is established for them to complete
the circuit back to the cathode, then electrical output is obtained. Thermionic converters are heat engines with
electrons as the working fluid and, as such, are subject to Carnot limitations.
Converters filled with ionizable gases such as cesium vapor in the interelectrode space yield higher power
densities due to space charge neutralization. Barrier index is a parameter that signifies the closeness to ideal
performance with no space charge effects. As this index is reduced, more applications become feasible.
A typical example of developments in thermionics is the TFE (thermionic fuel element) that integrates the
converter and nuclear fuel for space nuclear power in the kW to MW level for very long (7 to 10 years) duration
missions. Another niche is the thermionic cogeneration burner module, a high-temperature burner equipped
with thermionic converters. Electrical outputs of 50 kW/MW of thermal output have been achieved. High (600
to 650°C) heat rejection temperatures of thermionic converters are ideally suited for producing flue gas in the
500 to 550°C range for industrial processes. A long-range goal is to use thermionic converters as toppers for
conventional power plants. Such concepts are not economical at present.
Integrated System Concepts
DG technologies offer many possibilities for integrated operation. Integrated systems may be stand-alone with
energy storage and reconversion or include grid connection. Also, both renewable and conventional systems
can be integrated to achieve the required operational characteristics. Integrated renewable energy systems (IRES)
that harness several manifestations of solar energy to supply a variety of energy and other needs have many
advantages and applications worldwide. The complementary nature of some of the resources (insolation and
wind, for example) over the annual cycle can be exploited by IRES to decrease the amount of energy storage
necessary and lower the overall cost of energy.
System Impacts
Response of distribution systems to high penetrations of DG is not yet fully understood. Also, the nature of
the response will depend on the DG technology involved. However, there are some general areas of potential
impacts common to most of the technologies: (i) voltage flicker, imbalance, regulation, etc.; (ii) power quality;
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(iii) real and reactive power flow modifications; (iv) islanding; (v) synchronization during system restoration;
(vi) transients; (vii) protection issues; (viii) load following capability; and (ix) dynamic interation with the rest
of the system. Since there are very few systems with high penetration of DG, studies based on detailed models
should be undertaken to forecast potential problems and arrive at suitable solutions.
Defining Terms
Biomass: General term used for wood, wood wastes, sewage, cultivated herbaceous and other energy crops,
and animal wastes.
Distributed generation: Small power plants at or near loads and scattered throughout the service area.
Fuel cell: Device that converts the chemical energy in a fuel directly and isothermally into electrical energy.
Geothermal energy: Thermal energy in the form of hot water and steam in the earth’s crust.
Hydropower: Conversion of potential energy of water into electricity using generators coupled to impulse
or reaction water turbines.
Insolation: Incident solar radiation.
IRES: Acronym for integrated renewable energy system, a collection of devices that harness several manifes-
tations of solar energy to supply a variety of energy and other needs.
Photovoltaics: Conversion of insolation into dc electricity by means of solid state pn junction diodes.
Solar-thermal-electric conversion: Collection of solar energy in thermal form using flat-plate or concentrat-
ing collectors and its conversion to electrical form.
Thermionics: Direct conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy by using the Edison effect (thermi-
onic emission).
Thermoelectrics: Direct conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy using the thermoelectric effects
in materials, typically semiconductors.
Tidal energy: The energy contained in the varying water level in oceans and estuaries, originated by lunar
gravitational force.
Wind-electric conversion: The generation of electrical energy using electromechanical energy converters
driven by aeroturbines.
Related Topic
22.1 Physical Properties
S.W. Angrist, Direct Energy Conversion, 4th ed., Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon, 1982.
R. C. Dorf, Energy, Resources, & Policy, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1978.
J. J. Fritz, Small and Mini Hydropower Systems, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984.
J. F. Kreider and F. Kreith (eds.), Solar Energy Handbook, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981.
T. Moore, “On-site utility applications for photovoltaics,” EPRI J., p. 27, 1991.
R. Ramakumar and J. E. Bigger, “Photovoltaic Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 365–377, 1993.
R. Ramakumar, “Renewable energy sources and developing countries,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus
and Systems, vol. PAS-102, no. 2, pp. 502–510, 1983.
R. Ramakumar, “Wind-electric conversion utilizing field modulated generator systems,” Solar Energy, vol. 20,
no. 1, pp. 109–117, 1978.
R. Ramakumar, I. Abouzahr, and K. Ashenayi, “A knowledge-based approach to the design of integrated
renewable energy systems,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. EC-7, no. 4, pp. 648–659, 1992.
R. Ramakumar, H. J. Allison, and W. L. Hughes, “Solar energy conversion and storage systems for the future,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-94, no. 6, pp. 1926–1934, 1975.
R. H. Taylor, Alternative Energy Sources for the Centralised Generation of Electricity, Bristol, U.K.: Hilger, 1983.
The Potential of Renewable Energy, An interlaboratory white paper, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy,
Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colo., 1990.
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? 2000 by CRC Press LLC
t the close of the 19th century, Niagara Falls, New York, represented a showplace for displaying
how far the electrical engineering profession had come in one short decade. Here, electrical
engineers were confronted with one of the great technical challenges of the age — how to harness
the enormous power latent in Niagara’s thundering waters and make it available for useful work.
Years of study and heated debate preceded the start-up of the first Niagara Falls Power Station in the
summer of 1895, as engineers and financiers argued about whether electricity could be relied on to
transmit large amounts of power the 20 miles to Buffalo and, if so, whether it should be direct or
alternating current. The success of the giant polyphase alternating current generators made clear the
directions that electric power technology would take in the new century, and the attraction of novel
industries that consumed great amounts of electricity, such as aluminum and other electrochemical
manufacturers, showed the vast potential for growth and change that electricity held for the future.
(Courtesy of IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering.)
The discovery of how to use electricity to make aluminum in 1886 gave Niagara Falls its first major consumer of
power — the Pittsburgh Reduction Company, known today as the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA). (Photo
courtesy of IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering.)
60.2 Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Allen M. Barnett and Lawrence L. Kazmerski
Photovoltaic solar cells are semiconductor diodes that are designed to abso rb sunlight and convert it into
electricity. The absorption of sunlight creates free minority carriers, which determine the solar cell current.
These carriers are collected and separated by the junction of the diode, which determines the voltage. Photo-
voltaic solar cells have been the power supply of choice for satellites since 1958; 350 kilowatts of solar cells were
sold for space applications in 1998. The widespread use of photovoltaic solar cells for terrestrial applications
began during the oil crisis of 1973. The market for these solar cells has grown from 240 kilowatts in 1976 to
160 megawatts in 1998. Space solar cells cost approximately 100 times as much as terrestrial solar cells, so the
revenue difference between the two markets is not as great as the power generation difference.
Solar Cell Operation and Characteristics
The basic operation of a solar cell is shown in Fig. 60.4. Photons of light are absorbed by the semiconductor
material and each photon that is absorbed generates an electron-hole pair. The generated minority carriers
diffuse to the junction where they are collected. The number of collected carriers determines the current. The
voltage is determined by the junction characteristics. The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 60.5. The charac-
teristic curve of the photovoltaic solar cell can be determined by first calculating the collected minority carriers
and then separately calculating the current–voltage characteristic of the diode. Superposition can be used to
combine them.
The maximum current for any solar cell is dependent on the bandgap of the absorbing semiconductor and
the solar spectrum. Any photon with an energy greater than the bandgap can be expected to generate one
electron-hole pair, which will lead to one collectable minority carrier. The absorption coefficient of the semi-
conductor material determines the thickness required to absorb the sunlight with energies greater than the
bandgap. As examples, a silicon thickness of 0.5 mm will absorb 93% of the sunlight with an energy above its
FIGURE 60.4 Operation of a solar cell.
FIGURE 60.5 Equivalent circuit of a solar cell.
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bandgap, while a gallium arsenide thickness of 5 μm will absorb 96% of the sunlight with an energy above it
The photogenerated minority carriers must diffuse to the junction to be collected. These carriers will
recombine as a function of the distance that they travel in accordance with the following formula n = n
where x is the distance traveled and L is the diffusion length for the minority carrier.
The other determinant of current is the spectrum of the light. The two most commonly used spectra in
modeling are AM1.5 for terrestrial applications and AM0 for space applications. AM1.5 is the spectrum of the
sunlight after it has passed through an equivalent thickness of 1.5 atmospheres. The integrated power of this
spectrum is 970 W m
. AM0 is the spectrum of the sunlight before it passes through any of the atmosphere
(0 atmospheres) and has an integrated power of 1353 W m
. AM1.5D is used to describe direct sunlight for
applications that use optics to focus the sunlight onto the solar cell, these solar cells are called concentrators
and the available power to the optical surface is 752 W m
The solar cell voltage is determined by the diode junction. The most common and most efficient junction
is the pn junction. The diode characteristic is determined by J = J
– 1). J
is the reverse saturation current
of the solar cell and is most commonly described as
This is the case where surface recombination can be ignored and the device thickness is much greater than the
minority carrier diffusion length. Unfortunately, surface recombination is an important factor in a number of
semiconductor materials, including silicon. Also, the minority carrier diffusion length can be greater than the
solar cell thickness. The equation for J
then becomes the more formidable (see [Hovel, 1976] or [Fahrenbruch
and Bube, 1983]).
Superposition of the theoretical maximum generated current as a function of energy gap and the diode
characteristic leads to the solar cell curve shown in Fig. 60.6. This is the diode curve offset by the light-generated
current (I
). The maximum current is called the short circuit current, I
, while the maximum voltage is called
the open circuit voltage, V
. The maximum power point is shown in Fig. 60.6 as the product of V
and I
as the IV curve is traced by varying the load.
The maximum power is often described by V
× I
× FF, where FF is called the fill factor and is defined as
× I
× I
FIGURE 60.6 Current voltage characteristic of solar cell showing superposition.
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Efficiency is defined as the maximum power divided by the power in the solar spectrum (for the solar cell
area). The theoretical maximum efficiency as a function of photon energy and solar spectrum can be calculated
and is shown in Fig. 60.7. The effect of energy gap is embedded in term n
in the equation for J
Solar Cell Types and Their Optimization
When one reviews the defining equation for an ideal solar cell,
it becomes apparent that there are two types of solar cell design improvements:
1. Those that improve the light-generated current, I
2. Those that improve the open-circuit voltage by decreasing the diode saturation current, I
The full impact of new solar cell designs is often hard to separate from the three parameters used to
characterize the performance of any solar cell: short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, fill factor and their
product, P
. However, these parameters merely summarize, and often obscure, the potential performance of
any particular design. Light-generated current, together with all the various recombination processes, are the
fundamental determinants of solar cell performance. A high efficiency solar cell design must maximize light-
generated current and minimize losses in the bulk base and emitter, within the collecting junction, and at the
surfaces. Because of these requirements, a particular device design for any material is typically optimized to
obtain, first, light-generated current, then open-circuit voltage, and finally fill factor. Many examples of this
approach can be found for a variety of solar cell materials, including silicon, GaAs, amorphous silicon, CuInSe
, CdTe, and InP.
More recently, however, an approach that emphasizes open-circuit voltage, rather than short-circuit current,
has been followed. Notable examples are present high-efficiency crystalline silicon and GaAs solar cells. This
FIGURE 60.7 Single-junction solar cell efficiencies for the standard spectra.
II e I
qV kT
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philosophy is due, in part, to the fact that for any photovoltaic material, optimizing the light-generated current
is, in general, an easier task to accomplish than optimizing the voltage-sensitive parameters. Therefore, a better
measure of the potential performance of a material or design is the actual achieved open-circuit voltage, relative
to the theoretical open-circuit voltage, rather than short-circuit current, which often has a value approaching
the theoretically expected current.
Although the open-circuit voltage of a pn junction solar cell is influenced by the operating temperature, the
light-generated current and the minority carrier losses, the minority carrier loss term visually dominates since
it can change by orders of magnitude for different solar cell designs, materials, and fabrication processes.
Minority carriers can recombine in each of the various regions of the solar cell — in the base, within the
junction depletion region, in the emitter, and at either the front or the rear surface. For completeness, it should
be mentioned that recombination at each surface consists of two parts: recombination at the ohmic contact
and recombination at the free surface (if the metallization does not cover the whole surface, such as the front
of the solar cell). In the limiting thick-base case, recombination at the surfaces and within the junction and
emitter of the solar cell will be minimized in comparison to the base recombination term, and minority carrier
losses will be controlled solely by the minority carrier lifetime in the base “bulk” region. For the thin-base
device, however, base recombination will be reduced with volume, and minority carrier losses will be increas-
ingly influenced by the surfaces and contacts.
Solar cell design innovations that significantly impact high-efficiency performance include:
1. Increased photon absorption with surface texturing and antireflection coatings to reduce top surface
2. Surface passivation and low-recombination emitters that decrease both bulk and surface recombination
near the top surface
3. High-low junctions and heterojunctions for reducing surface recombination, particularly at the back
4. Reduced-area and heterojunction contacts to reduce contact recombination losses
5. High-injection conditions that can lead to reduced J
6. And for polycrystalline materials, grain-boundary passivation to reduce recombination at the defects at
the grain boundaries
The first design innovation contributes to improved performance primarily by increasing the light-generated
current. The second innovation leads to increases in light-generated current for a direct bandgap material and
to increased voltage in all materials. The next four lead to decreases in minority carrier recombination, and
increased open-circuit voltage.
In addition to the pn junction, there are a number of other ways to make semiconductor diode junctions.
These approaches, in addition to the pn or homojunction, are heterojunction, metal/semiconductor junction,
metal/insulator/semiconductor (MIS), semiconductor/insulator/semiconductor (SIS), and electrolyte/semicon-
Band diagrams for these six structures are shown on Fig. 60.8.
For a detailed discussion of the physics of these junction types, see [Fonash, 1981; Green, 1982; and Hovel,
1976]. The junction is designed to maximize the voltage at any current; accordingly the objective is to minimize
. The pn junction leads to the minimum values for I
, in part due to the lack of interface states and the ability
to tune the doping. Other junction types can approximate, but usually fall short of the values achieved by the
pn junction.
The status of the technologies — including an examination of the problems, opportunities, and issues with
the various technical approaches — is summarized in this chapter. Bulk crystalline (Si, GaAs) and thin-film
Cu-ternaries and multinaries, CdTe, hydrogenated amorphous silicon and dye-sensitized, CuInSe
, CdTe tech-
nologies are reviewed. Applications for flat-plate and concentrator modes of operation are considered. This
chapter can only present a brief overview, and the reader is directed to several other sources for more detailed
evaluations and technical discussions [Kazmerski, 1997]. It can also only provide a “snapshot” of technologies
that are changing with advancing R&D and manufacturing.
Following is a discussion of specific solar cells.
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Crystalline Silicon
Silicon continues to be the foundation of the PV industry. The material is abundant, and Si solar cells have
demonstrated reliability in both space and terrestrial environments [Green, 1996]. Although the properties of
this semiconductor might make it non-ideal from a theoretical view, Si solar cells have reached among the
highest efficiencies among the PV material options. The evolution of the high-efficiency Si solar cell is illustrated
in the device cross sections shown in Fig. 60.9. The relatively simple, conventional p-n junction has given way
to more complicated designs and structures — all aimed at capturing every incident photon, maximizing
electron-hole generation, and generating maximum currents. This has called for improving antireflection
approaches on the front surfaces, providing for multiple passes for the light, incorporating back surface electric
field to reflect noncollected carriers, and minimizing obscuration of the incident light on the front surfaces.
The evolution of these designs has included metal/insulator/n-type/p-type (MINP), passivated-emitter solar
cells (PESC), single-sided and doubled-sided buried contact (SSBC and DSBC), point contact, and bifacial cells
(see [Green, 1996]). Efficiencies up to 24% have been verified with monocrystalline Si cells. It should be noted
that although performance enhancement is attained through these more complex designs, there is also a
potentially significant increase in manufacturing cost.
A major cost factor for the Si solar cell is that associated with a high-perfection wafer. This has directed
attention toward less energy-intensive process, which sacrifice the crystalline order and higher device efficiency
for the benefits of lower energy production and perhaps the utilization of lower purity feedstock Si. Casting (and
some sister technologies) has become conventional in the current Si manufacturing industry. Bulk and ribbon
approaches for sheet-Si material have undergone extensive investigations and development over the past 20 years.
Among the more developed technologies is the Edge Film-Fed Growth (EFG) process, which involves the shaping
of Si through a special die and forming a connected octagon of flat sheets. The cells are cut from the connected
structure by lasers, and large area solar cells (100 cm
) with efficiencies exceeding 14% have been produced.
Treatments of the multi- and polycrystalline Si with hydrogen, lithium, aluminum, arsenic, and phosphorus
have been used with varying degrees of success to minimize the effects of active defects and boundary surfaces.
There is considerable effort on identifying treatment processes that benefit commercially produced polycrys-
talline Si products and to implement them into manufacturing. The best bulk multicrystalline Si cells have
reported 18.6% efficiency.
FIGURE 60.8 Band diagrams for various solar cell junctions: (a) homojunction; (b) heterojunction; (c) metal/semicon-
ductor; (d) metal/insulator/semiconductor (MIS); (e) semiconductor/insulator/semiconductor (SIS); and, (f) electro-
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For better materials utilization, thin-film Si has always been of keen interest to the photovoltaics community.
Early work in this area was limited to cells having efficiencies in the 5% regime, much below expectations. With
the evolution of better cell engineering and understanding of Si deposition, higher efficiencies have been realized.
Among these are a 20.6% (CVD of Si on Si) 47 μm thick active layer, a 47 μm thinned Si cell (CVD of Si on
Si) with efficiency of 21.5%, and a PERL structure. However, the economy of these cells is not expected to meet
large-scale production requirements in their current technologies. (Figure 60.10 presents some structures of
advanced thin-film Si designs.) They serve as indicators that high efficiencies can be reached with thin-Si layers.
The economy of films of Si requires high-performance and low-cost materials, process, and production methods.
AstroPower Silicon-Film? solar cells have reached 16.6%. This thin-Si solar cell represents a first-phase com-
mercial design. Other more advanced designs are also illustrated in Fig. 60.10.
Si-based solar cells continue to lead the industry in performance, reliability, and availability. Major issues
and concerns for Si include:
? Silicon feedstock (materials availability, solar-grade Si, competitiveness with electronic technologies)
? Manufacturing costs (yields, complexity)
? Manufacturing capacity (current output, demands, plans for increased capacity)
? Research (materials production, processing, solar cell design, thin films)
FIGURE 60.9 Evolution of silicon solar cell designs.
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III-V Semiconductors
Semiconductors such as GaAs, GaAlAs, GaInAsP, InSb, and InP have been receiving attention for photovoltaics
because they have exceptional characteristics that offer energy conversions exceeding one third of the sun’s
energy. Although cost is the overriding consideration for terrestrial applications, some compelling arguments
can be made for their use in concentrators. Space markets have expanded for these materials, since solar cell
cost has been less a factor compared to performance. Because of the ability to adjust the electro-optical properties
(e.g., bandgap), these materials lend themselves extremely well to multiple bandgap cell designs. Fig. 60.11
presents structures for two-, three-, and four-terminal approaches. Solar cells in the 30 to 34% efficiency range
have been realized for these structures, and research continues in order to bring about better performances
with lower complexities [Friedman, 1998]. There has been some recent attention directed toward the two-
terminal, two-junction tandem — with the best efficiency of 30.3% under non-concentrator conditions. While
these robust performing solar cells boast the highest efficiencies, the cost demands for terrestrial markets are
still impeding their acceptance in competition with other approaches. Dominant issues include:
? Cost (materials, manufacturing, and processing)
? Industry (primarily directed toward space applications currently)
? Research (materials, processing, cell engineering)
Emerging from the development of lower-bandgap III-V cells is the resurgent thermophotovoltaic (TPV)
technology [Coutts and Ward, 1998]. These are photovoltaic devices designed to work with infrared or thermal
sources rather than sunlight. Early considerations of this technology used semiconductors with bandgaps in
the range of 0.9 to 1.1 eV (primarily Ge and Si), that are matched to black-body temperatures above 2000K,
which is difficult to engineer real systems. The development of devices in the 0.5 eV range correspond to
temperatures of approximately 1500K, more suitable for system realization.
The complete TPV system includes: (1) a fuel and a burner that is non-direct solar, (2) a radiator using either
selective or broadband emitters, (3) a long-wave photon recovery mechanism, (4) a PV cell or converter, and
(5) a waste-heat recuperation system. TPV represents a growing and intensive research area for photovoltaics.
FIGURE 60.10 Silicon-Film? products: (a) current design; (b) thinner solar cell design; and (c) thin, interconnected solar
cell design.
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System efficiencies have promise of better than 40%. Certainly, an attractive system quality is that it offers
“24-hour power” potential, directly from a fueled burner. Selective emitters, primarily rare-earth oxides (e.g.,
for Si, Ho
for III-V alloys) and broadband emitters, black and gray-body types (e.g., SiC-based for
1300 to 1700K), are under consideration. The TPV cells are central to the system, and include InGaAs, GaSb,
and InGaAsSb. The GaSb cells have been introduced into commercial products. Thin-film semiconductor cells
based on Ge and chalcopyrites are research projects. The radiation sources for terrestrial applications remain
the most intriguing. These vary from biomass related (e.g., burning of wood-powder) to industrial waste heat
(e.g., large furnaces used in float-glass production). In any case, TPV is in the area of next-generation technol-
ogies that could make a very large contribution to energy generation.
Thin-Film Solar Cells
The arguments for thin-film solar cells for terrestrial PV applications are primarily based on materials utiliza-
tion, large-scale manufacturing potential, and better energy economy for production. The focus of this section
is on the major approaches based on copper indium selenide, cadmium telluride, hydrogenated amorphous
silicon (α Si:H), and dye-sensitized cells (see [Kazmerski, 1997]). Solar cells made from these materials generally
have lower voltages than predicted by the energy gap because the diode technology is not an ideal pn junction.
Additionally, there may be grain boundary losses due to additional minority carrier recombination, parallel
diodes, and parasitic resistance, as shown in Fig. 60.12.
FIGURE 60.11 Multijunction structures for high-efficiency cells: (a) two terminal; (b) three terminal; and, (c) four
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Cu-Ternaries and Multinaries
Interest in Cu-ternary semiconductors began in the early 1970s for solar cells. CuInSe
and CuInS
(and their
various alloys) have dominated R&D. Advantageous properties include: (1) suitable bandgaps for homojunc-
tions or heterojunctions; (2) direct bandgap transitions minimizing requirements for absorber-layer thickness;
(3) n- and p-type semiconductor types achievable; (4) lattice and electron affinity matches with window layer
partners; (5) high optical absorption coefficients; and (6) stable electro-optical properties.
Most of the emphasis has been on modifications of CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se
(or CIGS) heterojunction devices.
The cross-sectional representations in Fig. 60.13 indicate the relative complexity in structure. Each of the layers,
thicknesses, interfaces, and compositions are ascribed to the engineering of the cell for optimal performance
and reliability. The best research cells have been demonstrated as high as a remarkable 18.8% for these true,
polycrystalline thin films. Certainly, the positive and perhaps unique factors that favor this thin-film technology
are stability and large-area production potential — with performance characteristics similar to those for
laboratory devices. (Commercial modules with better than 12% efficiency and 4 ft
areas are available, using
active layers.) The variety of techniques (vacuum and non-vacuum deposition) used to make
the cells speaks to the potential of low-cost manufacturing. Recently, a 15% “Cd-free” ZnO/CIGS research
device has been reported. This and other Cu ternaries are undergoing research: CuGaSe
and CuInS
are prime
contenders. The issues and concerns with CuInSe
and alloys include:
? Research (chemical paths to materials realization, window heteropartner, process development, minority
carrier properties, contacts, role of sodium, alloy compositions)
? Complexity (manufacturing costs, control)
? Stability (increase in efficiency with light exposure)
? Device issues (low open-circuit voltage, high short-circuit current)
? Scale-up
? Manufacturing base (enhancing the current embryonic commercial base and products)
FIGURE 60.12 Equivalent circuit of a solar cell with grain boundaries.
FIGURE 60.13 Device cross sections for Cu(In,Ga)Se
solar cell designs.
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Cadmium Telluride
Since the 1960s, CdTe has been a candidate photovoltaic material. Evaporation, spraying, screen printing/sin-
tering, and electrodeposition have been used to produce efficient solar cells. Inherent to most solar cell processing
is a chemical treatment in CdCl
: methanol solutions at high temperature (~400°C). The beneficial effects of
this process have been attributed to enhanced grain size, identification, evolution of a p-i-n or heterojunction,
surface alteration/passivation, alteration of shallow and/or deep electronic levels, improvement in morphology,
and the formation of an interfacial CdSTe layer. The best solar cell efficiency has been measured at 15.8%. There
is some concern that this record efficiency has not been exceeded since its report more than 6 years ago.
There is a small manufacturing base. Modules in excess of 9% have been confirmed. The devices are relatively
stable, although there are concerns with humidity. Concerns for the environmental effects of Cd surround this
(and other technologies). A great deal of validation (fire testing, leaching) testing has been undertaken by the
industry and research laboratories. The reader is directed to the literature about this sensitive area for Cd-based
cells. Issues and concern for CdTe include:
? Research (process development, modeling, interface optimization, contacts, chemical treatments, role
of oxygen)
? Substrates (cost of borosilicate glass and use of sodium glasses)
? Cadmium (environmental concerns and availability)
? Stability (Cu diffusion, contact oxidation, contact degradation, humidity)
? Scale-up (cell vs. module performance levels)
? Manufacturing base
Hydrogenated-Amorphous Silicon
In contrast to more perfect crystalline materials, amorphous semiconductors have neither short- nor long-
range structural order. At its introduction, a-Si:H seemed to be the ideal photovoltaic candidate. Its bandgap
can be varied over tenths of eVs by changing the hydrogen content. Because its physics are considerably different
from its single-crystal relative, its absorption characteristics make it about 100 times more effective in absorbing
the sun’s irradiance. It also has benefited technologically because there are other electronic technologies (tran-
sistors, flat-panel displays) that have enhanced knowledge and understanding of its properties.
The evolution of the a-Si:H cell is illustrated in Fig. 60.14.
The development of various device structures has been an
integral part of improving solar cell performance. The
inherent light instabilities [Staebler and Wronski, 1977]
have been minimized by engineering of the layer thick-
nesses, and by the use of multiple or tandem structures. The
origins and cure for the light instabilities have not been
completely identified, but “stabilized” cells and modules
having less than 10% change in output characteristics have
been produced. Many solar cells and modules with efficien-
cies exceeding 10% have been reported and confirmed.
Amorphous silicon-based solar cells and modules have
serious problems with several stability mechanisms. The
stabilized efficiencies of research solar cells are about 33%
less than other thin-film options (i.e., 12% vs. 18%).
Although solar cell and module engineering have mini-
mized the Staebler-Wronski effect, the stability issue
remains a major research, manufacturing, and consumer
acceptance issue. Module design has requirements beyond
those for crystalline Si and the ingress of any environmental
entity has major influence because of the large surface-to-
volume ratios involved. Stability and reliability of a device
is the major issue relating to amorphous Si technology.
FIGURE 60.14 Amorphous Si:H module designs,
showing interconnections.
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These issues may require the development of new methods of producing the films, new film structures (e.g.,
nanocrystalline Si or multilayers), or a new a-Si technology.
Issues and concerns with the amorphous silicon technology primarily relate to the overriding stability issues.
However, a variety of other concerns do accompany this technology:
? Stability and reliability
? Research (modeling, characterization, analysis, deposition research)
? Production costs (capital costs)
? Manufacturing capacity (vacuum based costs, yields, production volume)
Dye-Sensitized Cells
Among the thin-film technologies on the near horizon is the dye-sensitized solar cell. The device, illustrated
in Fig. 60.15, utilizes an oxide semiconductor (TiO
) having a bandgap in the 3-eV range that is insensitive to
the solar spectrum. The extension of the photoresponse across the visible portion of the spectrum is achieved
by separation of the two steps of the photovoltaic process. The oxide semiconductor in the electrochemical
system is sensitized by a monolayer of an electroactive dye having an optical absorption band extending across
the width of the visible spectrum. Charge separation occurs by electron loss from the photoexcited dye to the
semiconductor substrate. Following absorption of a photon, the excited state of the dye is such that relaxation
FIGURE 60.15 Device cross section for dye-sensitized solar cell.
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by electron loss to the semiconductor substrate is possible, leaving the dye molecule as an oxidized species. The
original ground state of the dye is restored by charge transfer reactions with the redox electrolyte. The solar
cell circuit is completed by a metallized counterelectrode at which a reduction reaction with a redox system
takes place. Research cells with better than 10% efficiency have been confirmed. Such cells have substantially
better conversion efficiencies at lower light intensity levels. The technology is promising because it involves a
low-cost processing of large areas. The solar cell continues to show growth in performance and in stability, a
parameter that has been of concern to research and manufacturing groups. This technology is still in its infancy,
and represents one area of thin films that is an alternative to conventional junction solar cell approaches.
Module Technologies
Solar cells are typically electrically connected into series and par-
allel strings to deliver a desired voltage and current and encapsu-
lated into a supporting structure for environmental protection
and strength. The module is a composite structure involving
mechanical, optical, and electrical optimization that has required
the collaborating and overlapping knowledge of physics, chemis-
try, materials science, and engineering to ensure viability [Lasnier
and Ang, 1990]. The materials used for support and encapsulation
depend on both the solar cell type and the application/installation.
The module construction determines not only its cost, but also
its lifetime. Module design has occupied a significant portion of
the development efforts in photovoltaics, and the complexities
and details for all photovoltaic materials are beyond the scope of
this review. However, module issues are almost as important as
solar cell issues because they directly impact the performance,
lifetime, and cost of the photovoltaic technology [Wohlgemuth,
1995]. The module is central to meeting not only the efficiency
goals (e.g., 15 to 25% for modules), but also the system cost (e.g.,
$1.00 to $1.50/W) and system lifetime (e.g., >30 years) in the
2010 to 2030 timeframe. (See Fig. 60.16.)
Even the most developed and commercialized of the photovol-
taics approaches, crystalline Si, has required many redirections of
its module construction to meet either operational or cost limi-
tations over the past 25 years. Two examples highlight this ability and necessity for change. First, the module
has been redesigned to eliminate framing to decrease materials cost, and improve loading (weight) and aero-
dynamics when configured into the array. In this same area, some modules, traditionally only the DC delivery
system, have integrated the inverter into its construction to meet AC energy requirements. The second example
has to do with the encapsulation of the Si cells in a polymer — commonly ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). This
encapsulant was identified through several development programs as a cost-effective and environment-resistant
material for PV modules in the late 1970s. In the mid-1980s, the EVA in some modules was observed to turn
yellow and brown. Subsequently, new and improved polymer encapsulants have also been developed to replace
the original EVA formulations and UV-absortion glass has been implemented.
The evolving thin-film and concentrator technologies have additional complexities and, likely, as yet
unknown problems. These advanced technologies are much different from their flat-plate silicon cousins.
Consider the thin-film solar cells. Because the surface-to-volume ratios in these solar cell types are extremely
high compared with bulk counterparts, materials and environmental interactions are not only enhanced, but
affect relatively larger portions of the structures. These structures are also more complex, beyond the numerous
interfaces that are inherent to the device itself. The cross sections for a-Si:H integrated module designs, shown
in Fig. 60.14, illustrate areas of concern for shunting (bridges), contact openings, electromigration, interdiffu-
sion, delamination, and microdefects that affect macroscale electrical behavior. Moreover, concentrators present
module designs and complexities that have little relationship to their “one-sun” relatives.
FIGURE 60.16 75 W, 36 solar cell module.
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Photovoltaic Power Systems
The photovoltaic module is the power generating component of a power system. Systems can be generically
divided into stand-alone and grid-connected. A stand-alone system provides power directly to a load and usually
includes storage. Stand-alone systems can vary greatly in complexity. A relatively simple system is a lighting
system that includes a battery, battery charge regulator, the photovoltaic module(s), and the lights. More
complex stand-alone systems include a range of battery charging systems, provide power for a whole house,
provide power to a telecommunications repeater, or provide power to a satellite. All of these systems have
battery and the battery charge control electronics in common. The simplest stand-alone system is a water pump
that can be directly connected to the photovoltaic module. In this case, no electricity storage is required because
the pumped water can be stored if it is not immediately used.
Electricity grid-connected systems generally exist in two basic forms. Systems that immediately convert the
generated electricity from direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac) and synchronize this power with the
electricity grid are the most fundamental for safety reasons. These systems are designed to not supply electricity
to the grid when there is a grid power outage. The most complex photovoltaic systems are grid-connected
systems with storage — sometimes called uninterruptible power supplies. These systems disconnect from the
utility grid when there is a power outage but continue to provide electricity to the load. The load can often be
a home, commercial building, or a sensitive load, such as a computer. The systems include the ability to
synchronize with the grid, the ability to provide electricity to the grid when the amount generated is greater
than the load, battery charging, and the conversion of dc to ac. A schematic of one of these systems is shown
in Fig. 60.17. All other systems can be derived from this complex system by removing components.
Defining Terms
Photovoltaic effect: Conversion of photons to electricity.
Solar cell: Diode that converts sunlight to electricity using photovoltaic effect.
Fill factor: A measure of the relative squareness of the solar cell diode curve.
Electricity grid: Transmission and distribution system for centrally generated electricity.
T.J. Coutts and S. Ward, Thermophotovoltaic Solar Cells, Scientific American, 1998.
A.L. Fahrenbruch and R.H. Bube, Fundamentals of Solar Cells, Academic Press, New York, 1983.
S.J. Fonash, Solar Cell Device Physics, New York, Academic Press, 1981.
D. Friedman, Proc. 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vienna, Austria, IEEE Press,
M.A. Green, Silicon Solar Cells, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, Australia, 1996.
M.A. Green, Solar Cells: Operating Principles, Technology and System Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1982.
H.J. Hovel, Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 2, Academic Press, 1976.
L.L. Kazmerski, Photovoltaics: A Review of Cell and Module Technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, chap. 1, pp. 71, 1997.
FIGURE 60.17 Grid-connected photovoltaic system.
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F. Lasnier and T.G. Ang, Photovoltaic Engineering Handbook, Adam Hilger Publishing, Bristol, UK, 1990.
D.L. Staebler and C.R. Wronski, Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 31, 292–294, 1977.
J. Wohlgemuth, Proc. 24th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New York, IEEE Press, pp. 901–904, 1995.
Further Information
Chopra, K.L. and S.R. Das, Thin Film Solar Cells, Plenum Press, New York, 1983.
R. Hill, Applications of Photovoltaics, Adam Hilger Publishing, Bristol, UK, 1989.
A. Luque and G.L. Araujo (Eds.), Physical Limitations to Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Adam Hilger Publishing,
Bristol, UK, 1990.
J.A. Mazer, Solar Cells — An Introduction to Crystalline Photovoltaic Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
A. Ricaud, Photopiles Solaires, PPUR, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1997.
R.J. Van Overstraeten and R.P. Mertens, Physics, Technology and Use of Photovoltaics, Adam Hilger, Bristol, UK,
S.R. Wenham, M.A. Green, and M.E. Watt, Applied Photovoltaics, Centre for Photovoltaics and Systems, Aus-
tralia, 1994.
60.3 Thermophotovoltaics
John P. Benner and Timothy J. Coutts
Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) is the title given to a process of generating electric power by photovoltaic conversion
of the energy radiated from a thermal source. The source of energy can be a hydrocarbon or hydrogen burner,
concentrated solar energy, radioisotope or nuclear reactor heating the emitter to an operating temperature in
the range of 1000°C to 1800°C. Two significant attributes of TPV systems, relative to photovoltaic solar energy
conversion, are that the source is in close proximity to the cell and thus delivers a high power density and that
the emission spectrum lies in the infrared. TPV cells share many design features with concentrator solar cells,
but are generally made from semiconductors with smaller bandgaps in order to achieve peak response better
matched to the spectrum of the emitter. Silicon devices, however, are still viable for systems with emitter
temperatures in the upper end of the above range. The final component essential for high conversion efficiency
is some mechanism for controlling the flux of sub-bandgap photons such that their energy is not lost. This can
be achieved with either selective emission or optical systems to return unused energy to the emitter. Theoret-
ically, TPV systems could achieve conversion efficiencies approaching 30%, far higher than any other candidates
for energy conversion in this temperature range. In the near term, a system efficiency of 10% is a practical goal.
System design must balance the conversion efficiency and power density from the PV converter. This important
trade-off will be described later.
TPV systems are now commercially available operating at power levels in the range of several tens of watts
to about 500 W. Market analyses indicate that TPV may be competitive for a variety of distributed generation
applications of up to about 100 kW. In addition, many industrial processes operate in a range of temperatures
suitable for TPV conversion. As the technology matures, these may provide the opportunity for co-generation
of heat, as well as electricity. In this type of application, TPV units of several megawatt electric generating
capacity would be reached to correspond with the scale of the waste heat from associated manufacturing
The first reference to the concept of TPV appeared in 1961 and attributes the original idea to Professor Pierre
Agrain [1]. In a series of lectures at MIT in the early 1960s, Agrain assumed that radiation from the emitter
that is not useful for conversion in the photocell could be returned to the emitter. Photocells were available in
several materials systems, but only silicon had reached conversion efficiencies of a level for consideration in
power conversion. Silicon’s limited utilization of the emission spectrum from early systems was addressed in
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1964 with proposed use of selective emitters, development of rare-earth oxide systems for selective emission,
and with use of germanium photocells [2–4]. By the mid-1970s, system designs of up to 1 kW with projected
efficiencies of 6 to 7% were brought to the stage of working prototypes [5]. Interest waned as the benefits did
not appear to outweigh the challenges in thermal management and structural stability through thermal cycling
to the required emitter temperatures.
More than a decade later, the advances in high-efficiency solar photovoltaics and innovations in selective
emitter development prompted renewed interest in TPV systems. Solar-to-electric energy conversion efficiencies
greater than 30% were achieved in multiple-junction structures. These devices exploit the range of properties
that can be obtained from III–V semiconductors. The ability to tune the photocell to a desired response
characteristic provided the degree of freedom necessary to address the remaining system design issues effectively.
Design Considerations of a TPV System
Figure 60.18 is a cross-sectional drawing of a proto-
type TPV unit under development by McDermott
Technologies for use as a portable power source and
battery charger [6]. One of the major advantages of
TPV is the wide variety of fuels that can be selected
for powering the system. This system will use diesel
fuel, greatly simplifying logistics for the planned use
by the Army. The combination of burner, radiator, gas
flow channels, and emitter is designed to optimize the
temperature uniformity over the emitter surface and
also to isolate the PV cells from any of the hot com-
bustion products. At a flame temperature of 1700K,
the TPV system can be designed for very low NO
emission. The steady burn contributes to quiet and
reliable operation. Burner efficiency is improved by
thermal recuperation. This consists of a heat
exchanger that recirculates a high percentage of the
heat of the combustion products to raise the temper-
ature of the incoming combustion air and fuel. Note
that the exhaust is mixed with the air flowing over the
cooling fins for the PV cells, dropping the final outlet
temperature to only 30 to 50°C over ambient.
The cylindrical geometry and flow from the burner,
up through the radiator, then down through the channel between the radiator and the emitter, are key features
in the thermal design. The energy emitted depends on emitter temperature in proportion to T
. System
performance will clearly require a high degree of uniformity of emitter surface temperature. In this particular
system, the emitter produces a black-body spectrum. The front surface of the cell is coated with a selective filter
that reflects long-wavelength light back to the emitter. This not only minimizes the cooling load on the PV
array, but also returns useful energy to the emitter, maintaining more efficient energy conversion. The solar
cells are made of GaSb. These usefully absorb energies to a maximum wavelength of about 1.8 μ.
Figure 60.19 shows the emission spectrum for several temperatures, overlaid by the cut-off energies for silicon
and GaSb. For an emitter temperature of 1700K, the silicon device is able to use only about 5% of the available
flux, while the device with a bandgap at about 0.7 eV can use 30%. When corrected for obscuration of the
front contact grid, this portion of the available spectrum that the cell can use is called the spectral utilization
factor. A silicon photovoltaic cell can achieve efficiencies of about 25% under illumination by the solar spectrum.
The major losses are in relaxation of carriers generated by high-energy photons back to the bandgap and
nonabsorbing sub-bandgap energies. The photovoltaic cell in a TPV system can be quite efficient — 40 to
50% — in converting the usable energy into electricity, since most of this energy arrives at close to the bandgap
energy for a selective radiator. For this reason, the silicon device will be more efficient than the 0.7 eV device.
FIGURE 60.18 Schematic of the McDermott Technologies
portable TPV generator. (Used with permission of the Amer-
ican Institute of Physics.)
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And, as mentioned, some proportion of the sub-bandgap photons are not lost, but recirculated. However, the
power density produced by the silicon-based system will be quite small. The overall system efficiency is more
critically dependent on the efficiency of the spectral control components — the efficiency of recirculating the
unused energy. This challenge is further compounded by the broad bandwidth needed for spectral control.
Figure 60.20 plots the trade-off between conversion efficiency and power density for PV cells of various cut-
off wavelengths and a black-body emitter at 1700K. The calculations assume that 100% of the sub-bandgap
energy is usefully returned to the emitter. If this figure is reduced to 50%, the theoretical silicon-based system
efficiency will drop to under 10%, while the 0.7 eV system efficiency will fall to 25%. The power density is,
however, unaffected. The practical challenges in efficiently recirculating the sub-bandgap energies highlight the
importance of the development of low-bandgap TPV cells.
For high-efficiency III-V-based PV cells, such as the GaSb device, economic considerations demand that
TPV systems operate a PV cell at power densities of about 1 W cm
. The geometry of the TPV system also has
a major impact on power density for the converter. For example, it would be technically desirable to evacuate
the region between the emitter and cell to reduce convection losses or to place a filter in this region, but
economic considerations may render these improvements impracticable. In the cylindrical geometry, if the
FIGURE 60.19 Black-body emission spectrum and spectral utilization for GaSb and Si photovoltaic cells.
FIGURE 60.20 Calculated power density and converter efficiency for TPV operating at three different emitter temperatures.
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converter array is separated far from the emitter, then the view factor is reduced. The view factor is the ratio
of the photon flux per unit area impinging on the converter to that emanating from the emitter.
The TPV system has several potential advantages, including:
? Versatile fuel usage
? High efficiency
? High power density
? Quiet
? Clean, low NO
? No moving parts
Optical Control of Sub-bandgap Energies
Advances in selective emitters provided a major influence in rekindling interest in TPV development. Several
investigators have shown the utility of rare-earth oxides such at holmia, ytterbia, erbia in modifying the emission
spectrum from a broad band to one that selectively emits a substantial portion of the energy in a narrow band
around a characteristic resonant frequency. Ytterbia emits with good selectivity at a peak wavelength of 980 nm
— close to the bandgap of silicon (1070 nm). Given the relative maturity, efficiency, and low cost of silicon
solar cells, development of an effective ytterbia emitter and surrounding system for use of silicon converters
presents a pathway with potential for good performance and quick development for TPV. Unfortunately, the
bulk properties of the substrate for these materials also contribute to the total radiation. Even a very low value
of out-of-band emissivity integrated over a broad spectrum presents unacceptable losses. Mantles, similar to
those used in camping lanterns, alleviate this loss by eliminating most of the bulk of the support structure.
Nelson was the first to observe that fibrous emitters for TPV systems yield the same improvement [7]. However,
it is difficult to scale the mantle structure to larger sizes and maintain acceptable mechanical performance.
Several solutions for design of mechanically robust emitters are in development. One example uses selectively
emitting fibers embedded in a ported ceramic block that allows the radiating fibers to work within the flame
while the ceramic substrate remains relatively cool.
The alternative to selective emission is to reflect sub-bandgap energy back to the emitter. Several types of
filters show potential for this task, including dielectric layers, plasma filters, metallic reflectors on the back
surface of the cell, or some combination of these. An ideal filter will have 100% transmission up to the band
edge of the semiconductor and 100% reflection for lower energies. Even very small absorption losses in the
filter system can produce unacceptable cooling loads at typical TPV system power densities.
A new class of systems for optical control is under development using geometrical feature sizes on the order
of the wavelength of the light. Patterning a metal film to produce a high-density array of antenna elements can
achieve an inductive resonance that produces a bandpass filter. In a somewhat similar way, producing a fine
periodic surface structure on the emitter material can produce wavelength-selective behavior.
Development of PV Cells
High-performance silicon solar cells are more widely available and lower in cost than other types of photovoltaic
devices. For this reason, they remain in consideration for a number of TPV prototype systems. As discussed,
choosing silicon for the PV converter places stringent requirements on other subsystems. TPV system design
can take one of two paths to improve on Si-based converters; namely, either raise the emitter temperature
(which will worsen thermal management problems) or seek PV devices with smaller bandgaps and commen-
surately longer wavelength response. During the early phase of TPV research, only Ge cells offered a longer
wavelength response. However, the intrinsic carrier concentration of germanium is too high for this device
technology ever to reach a high efficiency [8].
Development of very high efficiency tandem PV cells for use with concentrated solar power provided the
other major stimulus for renewed interest in TPV. Two designs were particularly important in that they took
the approach of developing low bandgap booster cells of GaSb or Ga
As for use under existing high-
performance devices [9–11]. Both GaSb and Ga
As have bandgaps of about 0.7 eV, corresponding to a
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cut-off wavelength near 1.8 μm. This response enabled new designs and applications for TPV using lower
emitter temperatures and less-demanding photon recuperation.
Ongoing research in TPV converters is advancing on two fronts. First, materials are in development with
even lower bandgaps in the Ga
system and in Ga
As. As shown in Figure 60.20, maximum
power densities should be achieved for devices at about 0.5 eV or less. The availability of devices over a narrow
range of bandgaps opens the possibility of further system efficiency gains through use of cascade multiple-
junction converters. A two-cell stack with bandgaps of 0.7 eV and 0.53 eV should be current-matched for a
black-body emitter operating at about 1500°C. The use of such tandem cells will likely place an even greater
premium on achieving exceedingly uniform temperature profile over the emitter area.
The other avenue of converter development is in the creation of monolithic interconnected modules. These
devices are fabricated in semiconductor layers grown on semi-insulating substrates (or an isolation layer on a
conducting substrate), using processing to isolate mesas into individual cells and then to connect the cells in
series to produce a higher-voltage, lower-current circuit. This greatly simplifies the balance-of-system design
and assembly because the converter size is limited only by dimensions of available substrates rather than current
handling capability for the single high-flux device. The use of a semi-insulating substrate in the design may
also provide the simplest method for optical and thermal control by incorporating a back surface reflector.
This option is essentially precluded in other converter designs because of excessive free-carrier absorption losses
in the relatively thick substrate.
All of the TPV converters described above present some challenge in reaching a cost target of about $1 per
watt. In the case of silicon, the power densities are quite small. For the GaSb or GaInAs devices, the cost of the
substrate (GaSb or InP) and device processing leaves little margin. Thus, as in solar photovoltaics, there is
growing research interest in thin-film technologies and in low-cost substrate alternatives.
Status of System Development
Despite the elegance of the physics of the emitters, optical control, and PV converters, the engineering of
components and system designs to minimize optical and thermal losses is probably the major near-term barrier.
Monte Carlo analyses of photon paths have provided insights into the mechanisms of photon loss for charac-
teristic Lambertian emission profiles. These analyses yield some surprising results. Off-normal angle of inci-
dence and internal reflection can multiply the effective cross section of absorbing or reflecting materials. As
mentioned, the emitter operates at relatively high temperatures and must maintain a highly uniform temper-
ature profile. Considerations of view factor and power density require close spacing between hot and cool
components. Thus, some designs include evacuation of the region between emitter and converter. Small
oversights in estimating conductive losses have also broadened the gap between predicted and achieved
Systems and Applications
One class of systems, used for explanation here, is intended for military use. The Army consumes large quantities
of batteries for communications and a range of other applications. In these kinds of applications, systems of
less than 5% conversion efficiency using diesel fuel compare favorably to batteries.
Remote communication systems also benefit from new approaches for power delivery. For example, many
are currently powered by hybrid systems that may contain combinations of small diesel engines, photovoltaics,
thermoelectrics, and batteries. In many remote applications, risk of environmental damage from spilled liquid
fuels limits choices for power generation. TPV systems offer efficient conversion of energy from gaseous sources.
This offers greatly reduced maintenance, reduced delivery cost of maintaining the fuel supply, and improved
environmental acceptance.
In the commercial sector, one of the early applications might well be for recreational vehicles and boats.
Quiet operation carries premium value. One of the next early opportunities may well be for self-powered
appliances. A furnace can be designed to extract the electricity needed to power the blower motor by TPV
conversion of radiant emission from the burner. More than a million households in the U.S. experience power
outages annually, leaving their homes without electric power to drive circulation circuits on heating units. The
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Gas Research Institute estimates that a unit costing about $500 added to furnaces could capture much of this
market to make furnaces self-powered units. The power demands for these will be in the range of 200 to 500 W.
This path leads to larger energy units that could provide electricity, heat, and hot water for a home.
The PV cell array for TPV systems are likely to represent about half of the system cost for units using
crystalline silicon or III–V devices. How might the applications for TPV systems change if thin-film photovol-
taics or other advances significantly drop projected system costs? One possibility may be in co-generation in
industrial processes. For example, float-glass manufacturing processes 600 tons of material each day for a typical
line. These factories melt feedstock in crucibles 100 ft long by 30 ft wide operating at 1500°C. Projected
technology advances both in improving energy efficiency of glass manufacturing as well as in TPV create the
potential for covering the top of this melt unit with an umbrella of TPV converters. A large part of the electric
demand for the factory might be met by the co-generation unit. The engineering problems may be challenging,
however, even if the benefits are potentially great.
Defining Terms
Recuperator: A heat exchanger that extracts energy from the combustion products to heat the incoming fuel
and air. In TPV systems, optical control is sometimes called photon recuperation.
Optical control: Technology such as a selective emitter or filter used to minimize loss of unusable sub-bandgap
photons by the photovoltaic converter.
View factor: Ratio of the photon flux per unit area impinging on the converter to that emanating from the
Spectral utilization factor: The fraction of the incident energy that the photovoltaic converter can use to
generate electricity.
1. D. C. White, B. D. Wedlock, and J. Blair, Recent advances in thermal energy conversion, 15th Annual
Proceedings, Power Sources Conference, May 1961, pp. 125–132.
2. D. C. White and R. J. Schwartz, P-I-N structures for controlled spectrum photovoltaic converters, Pro-
ceedings NATO AGARD Conference, Cannes, France, March 1964.
3. E. Kittl, Thermophotovoltaic energy conversion, Proceedings 20th Annual Power Sources Conference, May
1966, pp. 178–182.
4. R. W. Beck and E. N. Sayers, Study of Germanium Devices for Use in a Thermophotovoltaic Converter,
Progress Report No. 2 (Final Report) DA28-043-AMC-02543(E), General Motors Corporation, 1967.
5. E. Kittl and G. Guazzoni, Design analysis of TPV-generator system, Proceedings 25th Power Sources Symp.,
May 1972, pp. 106–109.
6. C. L. DeBellis, M. V. Scotto, L. Fraas, J. Samaras, R. C. Watson, and S. W. Scoles, Component development
for 500 watt diesel fueled portable thermophotovoltaic (TPV) power supply, Thermophotovoltaic Gener-
ation of Electricity: Fourth NREL Conference, AIP Confrence Proceedings 460, Woodbury NY.
7. R. E. Nelson, U.S. Patent No. 4,584,426, filed July 1984, issued April 1986.
8. J. L. Gray and A. El-Husseini, A simple parametric study of TPV system efficiency and output power
density including a comparison of several TPV materials, Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity:
Second NREL Conference, AIP Confrence Proceedings 358, Woodbury NY, pp. 3–15.
9. L.M. Fraas, J. E. Avery, P. E. Gruenbaum, and V. S. Sundarum, Fundamental characterization studies of
GaSb solar cells, Conference Record of the 22
IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, IEEE, New York,
1991, pp. 80–89.
10. M. W. Wanlass, T. A. Gessert, G. S. Horner, K. A. Emery, and T. J. Coutts, InP/Ga
two-junction, three-terminal tandem solar cells, Proc. 10
Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology
Conference, NASA, 1989, pp. 102–116.
11. M. W. Wanlass, J. S. Ward, K. A. Emery, T. A. Gessert, C. R. Osterwald, and T. J. Coutts, High-performance
concentrator tandem cells based on IR-sensitive bottom cells, Solar Cells, 30, 363, 1991.
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Further Information
Proceedings from the NREL Conferences 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity; AIP
Conference Proceedings Volumes 321, 358, 401, and 460, American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY;
T. J. Coutts and M. C. Fitzgerald, Thermophotovoltaics, Scientific American, September, 1998, pp. 90–95.
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