Creating effective graphics Graphics that show parts/whole Graphics that show process Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2 To create effective parts/whole or process graphics 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see. – Choose appropriate type of graphic ? For example, what is the difference between a photo and a drawing? ? Remember audience analysis skills. 2. Plan the sequence and directionality. – How do you want the reader’s eye to travel? 3.Think about the focal point of the graphic. – Humans scan for pattern against overall context. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 4. Integrate labels and information into graphic to make interpretation efficient. -Make the graphic substantive but not too dense. - Pay attention to font style and font size. How will graphics be read? 5. Use color judiciously. Don’t decorate. Make the color work with the information. - Remember audience analysis skills. Different cultures “read” colors differently. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 4 6. Plan to place graphic where it will improve reader’s comprehension of complex material. - It’s not about what you can do but instead what the reader needs. 7. Label and title all graphics. - Integrate, refer, and interpret. - In large documents, remember graphics appear in their own List of Tables and Figures. 8. Remember to edit, revise, and proofread graphics just as you do text. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 5 ? Graphics that show parts/whole. – Technical drawings ?External ?Cutaway ? Cross section ? Exploded – Sketches ? More appropriate for general audience or in introductory sections – Some photographs ? Graphics that show process – Decision trees – Flow charts – Organization charts ? Budget ? Schedules Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 6 Wear of Aircraft Tires during Touchdown Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 7 10/8/02 CDIO3 Class Project 5 EMFFORCEEMFFORCE Structures Design Overview Reaction wheel Superconducting magnet coils LN 2 Storage CO 2 tank attach point Subsystem packing space Tripod air carriage Courtesy of 16.685 team, October, 2002 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 8 10/8/02 CDIO3 Class Project 1 EMFFORCE Implementation method Each vehicle receives position and rate information from the other vehicles Each vehicle has an identical controller and should compute the same commands as the other vehicles based on identical inputs Introduction Subsystems Actuation Formation Control Control Overview Requirements Risks Tasks Scheduling Budgets Metrology Electronics Structure/Power Integration Budgets Conclusion Reference point B A α B α C α AB r AC r Reference point A Reference point C AB θ AC θ A B C Courtesy of 16.685 team, October 2002 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 9 Linear Bearings Rotary Sensor Linear Actuator Accelerometer stationary with respect to sting can be moved along the longitudinal axis component with moving parts (not to scale) longitudinal axis Displacement Sensor Linear Slide Courtesy of Phil Springman, Glenn Tournier: 16.621 Fall 2002 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 12 12345678910112131415 WEEK Final Re por ts Data Analysis Experimentation Setup Construction Materials Acquisition Shop Orientation PH ASE Courtesy of Phil Springman, Glenn Tournier: 16.621 Fall 2002