Unit 10 Teenager’s Nightmare
P I Listening and Speaking Activities
Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III Extended Activities
Part I Listening and Speaking Activities
? Introduction of functions
? Listen and speak
? Try to speak more
? Make your own dialogue
? What are they for?
? If you want to learn more
Introduction of functions
? You may make an explicit command like this,
? Do you object to coming here tomorrow morning?
? Do you mind coming here tomorrow morning?
? You are to come here tomorrow morning,
? You are supposed to come here tomorrow morning,
? Come here tomorrow morning!
? You should/ought to come here tomorrow morning,
? You must come here tomorrow morning,
Listen and speak
1,How did the father command the son to come over?
2,What were Bill?s exam results,according to his father?
3,Why didn?t Bill do well in the exams?
4,What does the father think Bill must do?
Turn to p,135,and let’s listen,
? Listen to the conversation and tick the correct
answer to each question,
Try to speak more
? Notes,
? put sth into sth/doing sth,devote (time,effort,etc) to sth
e.g,She’s putting a lot of work into improving her French,
? revise (sth) (for sth),go over (work already done) in
preparation for an examination
? hard-line,uncompromising I one?s beliefs or policies
? be hard on sb,a) treat or criticize sb severely
b) be unfair to sb
e.g,Don’t be too hard on her---she’s very young,
The new law is a bit hard on those who were born
Make your own dialogue
1,You and your partner are talking about your
last exam,Make a dialogue using the following
cues,(Turn to page 137)
2,Study the following cartoons,Make a story and
then tell it to your classmates,Limit your story
to approximately one minute,(Turn to page 137)
What are they for?
Key,1.f 2,b 3,h 4,a 5,d 6,c 7,g 8,e 9,i
If you want to learn more
Key,a,5 b,3 c,8 d,10 e,6
f,4 g,7 h,1 i,9 j,2
Part II Reading Comprehension and
Language Activities
? Pre-reading Tasks
? Notes
? Translation
? Comprehension work
? Language work (A,B,C)
Part II Reading Comprehension and
Language Activities
? Pre-reading Tasks
? Do you like school examinations,why and why not?
? What are the stages of going through an examination?
? How do you feel when you take an examination? Tick
your answer from the following list,
apprehensive panicked nervous worried frightened
excited amazed terrible joyous scared
Turn to p,139,and listen to the text,
Teenager’s Nightmare
Taking exams must be one of the most frightening
experiences that anyone must go through,It is not so much the
actual taking of the exams themselves which is so awful,
although of course they play a great part in the general feeling
of fear; no,the most awful time comes at the beginning and at
the end,
The beginning is the time when you are meant to revise,
Revision is a terrible time both if you revise and if you don’t,
Firstly,if you revise,concentrating on a pile of A4 pages
covered in your untidy handwriting,you suddenly wish not only
that you had written everything down a bit more clearly,but also
that you had started revision a lit earlier,However,once
resigned to the fact that you can’t put the cock back,you
prepare to give yourself up to full and thorough revision,putting
aside all else in life,
Of course,such a hard decision is absolutely impossible to carry
out,although you do try to fool yourself that you can undertake it
easily,You let your attention wander away easily,finding you
have a sudden,irresistible urge to tide up your room,even
though it has looked like a pigsty for the last three months,
When you are tempted away from your studying by such
strange amusements,your are moving onto the territory of the
second group concerning revision---those who know they need
and should get down to hard studying,but somehow have
neither got the determination nor the willpower to force
themselves to sit down for hours on end digesting the delights of
pure mathematics,Now,this second group in which we have all
found ourselves from time to time suffer the most severe guilt
complexes over their lack of revision,
Teenager’s Nightmare
Although they are aware that they should be studying they
cannot somehow bring themselves to the awful task;
temptation has won over what they know they should be doing,
and in a way they suffer far more than those who eventually
find the willpower and determination to sit down and revise,
The end of the exam procedure,which is in some cases
worse than the revision period,is awaiting the results,While
waiting you can’t do much about your own school work,You
feel that it is very hard to resist the temptation to light a fire
with all your notebooks and files instead of logs,but at the
same time you feel that you had better keep a your notes safe in
case you discover you have failed and need to re-take all your
Teenager’s Nightmare
Teenager’s Nightmare
The worst day of all is the one when you know that the
postman is to deliver the letter (always in a brown envelope
to make it look more official and frightening) which will
inform you whether the academic world (and society in
general) considers you a failure or a success,whether you
can get the job you want,or go to the university you wish
to attend,That envelope is to contain the key to your future
and,perhaps most importantly of all,to inform you whether
you need to suffer again the horrors of exams,
1,The country has gone through too many
go through fire and flood 赴汤蹈火
2,We went through five pints of milk last week,
3,I always start the day by going through my
go trough sth,
a,to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation,
feeling etc
b,to use up money or a supply of sth
c,to look at or examine sth carefully,especially in
order to find sth
e.g,I thought the police were meant to protect people,
be meant to do sth,
a,to be intended to do sth
b,if you are meant to do sth,you should do it,
especially because someone has told you to or
because you are responsible for it 照道理 /规矩应该
give yourself up to sth,to spend all your time doing sth;
to allow yourself to feel an emotion completely,without
trying to control it 致力于;沉溺于
1,When you are starting an enterprise,you have to
give yourself over to your work,
2,Don't give yourself up to sadness; there's still hope!
1,Their team will undertake exploration for oil,
2,I can not undertake that you will make a profit,
a,vt,formal to accept that you are responsible for
a piece of work,and start to do it 承担;从事;
b,undertake to do sth/that to promise or agree to
do sth
get down to sth/doing sth,to begin to do
sth; to give serious attention to sth
e.g,The frightening noise set her hair on end,
on end,
a,for the stated length of time,without stopping
b,in an upright position 竖着;直立着
e.g,He can not buy it because of his lack of money,
lack of,[singular,u] when there is not enough of
something,or none of it 缺乏;匮乏;短缺 lack (of sth)
? synonym shortage
e.g,She couldn?t bring herself to tell him the tragic news,
bring yourself to sth/do sth,to force yourself to
do sth强迫自己做某事;鼓起勇气 ;下决心
e.g,He disagrees,but we can win him over to our point
of view,
win sb over/around/round (to sth),to get someone?s
support or friendship by persuading them or being nice
to them 赢得 … 的支持;说服;把 … 争取过来
首先,如果复习的话,你得集中精力去看一堆写满潦草字迹的 A4纸,你
人员的圈子 —— 它是指那些知道自己需要也应该认真刻苦地学习,但既
那些人 。 我们置身其中的这没能第二类人时常会因充分地复习而遭受负
罪感的磨难 。 尽管他们很清楚自己应该学习却又不知怎么就是无法投
身于这苦差事之中;诱惑战胜了使命, 在某种程度上, 他们遭受的苦
难远比那些有毅力和决心坐下来复习的人多 。
比考前复习阶段更可怕的就是考试之后等待结果的日子 。 在等待
的过程中, 你干不成什么学习的事情 。 你发觉自己时时恨不得将所有
的笔记本和文档纸付之一炬, 但转而又觉得最好还是把它们保存下来
以免考试不及格需要补考时还得用 。 最可怕的是你知道邮差给你送成
绩报告单的那天 ( 棕色的信封通常使它更官方, 更恐惧 ), 它会告诉
你学术界 ( 还有整个社会 ) 是判你成功还是失败, 告诉你能否找到理
想的工作, 或进入理想的大学 。 信封里装着通往你未来的钥匙, 也许
最重要的是, 它告诉你是否还得再一次遭受考试的恐惧 。
Comprehension work
(Questions for discussion )
1,What are the troubles for those who revise before an
2,What is meant by the sentence,you can?t put the clock
3,What does the expression,strange amusements” refer
4,What is the main trouble for the second group?
Comprehension work
(Questions for discussion )
5,Why does the writer have a desire,to light a fire with all
your notebooks and files”? Why can?t he do that?
6,Why does the letter in a brown envelope seem so
important to an examinee?
Language work (A,p,141)
willpower/determination,wander,resign,get down,
3,go through,concerning,carry out,undertake
Language work (B,p.142)
1,Elias Howe gave himself up to the design of a sewing-
2,The singer specializes in classic music,Pop music is
outside his territory,
3,Armed with modern equipment,the police undertook the
difficult job of looking for the missing boy I the woods,
4,Due to lack of funds,the scientists found it difficult to
carry out the plan,
Language work (B,p.142)
5,Toys in bright colours usually are a temptation to
6,You may use this police hot-line in case someone tries to
break in,
7,Tired of intense publicity,the movie star has an urge to
live in a desert island,
8,Sade?s debut album was so successful that it stayed I
the Top Ten Charts for months on end,
Language work (B,p.142)
9,We?ve spent so much time talking,now let?s get down to
the project,
10,The woman resign herself to that fact she would never
get the call from the man,
Language work (C,p.143)
1,a,He didn?t want to marry again because he didn?t want
to go through all that quarrelling and fighting once
b,It?s said that a person can not be mature without going
through some hardships,
c,The boy went through his lecture notes before taking
the exam,
Language work (C,p.143)
2,a,Teachers are meant to treat the parents like their
b,Soldiers are meant to defend their country when it is in
c,In Japan,people are meant to take off their shoes
before entering their homes,
Language work (C,p.143)
3,a,He had a sudden urge to ride the horse,
b,The old man,left alone at home all day,had a strong
urge to talk to someone,
c,The girl waiting impatiently had an irresistible urge to
call her boyfriend,
Language work (C,p.144)
4,a,You?d better take the umbrella with you in case it rains,
b,Before the joint project begins,everything has to be
written down in case any dispute arises in the future,
c,You?d better put the laptop away in case the children
treat it like a toy,
Language work (C,p.144)
5,a,Concentrating on his microscope,the scientist made a
sudden discovery of a new organism,
b,Concentrating on the novel he was reading,he barely
noticed that it was getting dark outside,
c,When I?m hungry,I can?t concentrate on my work,
Language work (C,p.144)
6,a,Resigned to the fact that she was unable to walk any
more,she learned to use the wheelchair,
b,I finally have to resign myself to the fact that I have
lost the job,I have to find a new one,
c,He looked calmly resigned to his fate,
Part III Extended Activities
Read more
Grammar work
Word formation
Vocabulary work
? Script of the Dictation
The term education has had a variety of definitions,The
traditional view of education is expressed in the formal
teaching activities conducted in schools and universities,
A better definition is that education is a lifelong process
that includes both formal schooling and the broad range
of other experiences,including television viewing,out-of-
class activities,and family living,that usually take more
time and often have more powerful influences than the
formal schooling does,
Read more
? True/False/Not Mentioned
Answers,1,T 2,F 3,F 4,F 5,F 6,F 7,T 8,T 9,NM
? Topics for discussion
1,Books open,Have the students prepare for the answers
to the discussion questions in small groups,
2,Have three groups present their views on the three
Grammar work
? Answers
1,You ought not to see him any more,
2,You?re not supposed to play ball games in the classroom,
3.,It?s raining,You should/ought to take the umbrella with you,” said
4,The guest requested:,I would like to have another drink.”
5,The doctor said seriously to the patient:,You?ve got a bad cough,so
you mustn?t smoke cigarettes any more.”
6,At the meeting,the chairman suggested that the present
examination system (should) be reformed,
7.,John,where is your sister? You should/ought to have brought her to
the party,She is welcome here.”
8,Professor Davy,could you write a recommendation letter for me?
9,If you see a man with a black cap appear before that building,you
should call the police immediately,OK?
Word formation
? Answers
Vocabulary work
? Answers
1,Everyone supposes him to be poor,but he is actually
quite rich,
2,I wouldn?t put up with his arrogance if I were you,
3,There is plenty of paper on the desk if you need it,
4,In order to pass the exam,she is resigned to not
watching TV this weekend,
5,The scientists are carrying out some interesting cloning
6,They often quarrel over trifles for hours on end,
7,When you get down to the task,you won?t feel it is that
8,As some guests were coming,she spent all morning
tidying up her room,