1 18.338J/16.394J: The Mathematics of In?nite Random Matrices Essentials of Finite Random Matrix Theory Alan Edelman Handout #6, Tuesday, September 28, 2004 This handout provides the essential elements needed to understand ?nite random matrix theory. A cursory observation should reveal that the tools for in?nite random matrix theory are quite di?erent from the tools for ?nite random matrix theory. Nonetheless, there are signi?cantly more published applications that use ?nite random matrix theory as opposed to in?nite random matrix theory. Our belief is that many of the results that have been historically derived using ?nite random matrix theory can be reformulated and answered using in?nite random matrix theory. In this sense, it is worth recognizing that in many applications it is an integral of a function of the eigenvalues that is more important that the mere distribution of the eigenvalues. For ?nite random matrix theory, the tools that often come into play when setting up such integrals are the Matrix Jacobians, the Joint Eigenvalue Densities and the Cauchy-Binet theorem. We describe these in subsequent sections. Matrix and Vector Di?erentiation In this section, we concern ourselves with the di?erentiation of matrices. Di?erentiating matrix and vector functions is not signi?cantly harder than di?erentiating scalar functions except that we need notation to keep track of the variables. We titled this section “matrix and vector” di?erentiation, but of course it is the function that we di?erentiate. The matrix or vector is just a notational package for the scalar functions involved. In the end, a derivative is nothing more than the “linearization” of all the involved functions. We ?nd it useful to think of this linearization both symbolically (for manipulative purposes) as well as numerically (in the sense of small numerical perturbations). The di?erential notation idea captures these viewpoints very well. We begin with the familiar product rule for scalars, d(uv) = u(dv) + v(du), from which we can derive that d(x 3 ) = 3x 2 dx. We refer to dx as a di?erential. We all unconsciously interpret the “dx” symbolically as well as numerically. Sometimes it is nice to con?rm on a computer that 3 (x + ?) 3 ? x ≈ 3x 2 . (1) ? I do this by taking x to be 1 or 2 or randn(1) and ? to be .001 or .0001. The product rule holds for matrices as well: d(UV ) = U(dV )+ (dU)V . In the examples we will see some symbolic and numerical interpretations. Example 1: Y = X 3 We use the product rule to di?erentiate Y (X) = X 3 to obtain that d(X 3 ) = X 2 (dX)+ X(dX)X + (dX)X 2 . When I introduce undergraduate students to matrix multiplication, I tell them that matrices are like scalars, except that they do not commute. The numerical (or ?rst order perturbation theory) interpretation applies, but it may seem less familiar at ?rst. Numerically take X=randn(n) and E=randn(n) for ? = .001 say, and then compute (X + ?E) 3 ? X 3 ≈ X 2 E + XEX + EX 2 . (2) ? This is the matrix version of (1). Holding X ?xed and allowing E to vary, the right-hand side is a linear function of E. There is no simpler form possible. Symbolically (or numerically) one can take dX = E kl which is the matrix that has a one in element (k,l) and 0 elsewhere. Then we can write down the matrix of partial derivatives: ?X 3 = X 2 (E kl ) + X(E kl )X + (E kl )X 2 . ?x kl As we let k,l vary over all possible indices, we obtain all the information we need to compute the derivative in any general direction E. In general, the directional derivative of Y ij (X) in the direction dX is given by (dY) ij . For a particular matrix X, dY(X) is a matrix of directional derivatives corresponding to a ?rst order perturbation in the direction E = dX. It is a matrix of linear functions corresponding to the linearization of Y(X) about X. Structured Perturbations We sometimes restrict our E to be a structured perturbation. For example if X is triangular, symmetric, antisymmetric, or even sparse then often we wish to restrict E so that the pattern is maintained in the perturbed matrix as well. An important case occurs when X is orthogonal. We will see in an example below that we will want to restrict E so that X T E is antisymmetric when X is orthogonal. Example 2: y = x T x Here y is a scalar and dot products commute so that dy = 2x T dx. When y = 1, x is on the unit sphere. To stay on the sphere, we need dy = 0 so that x T dx = 0, i.e., the tangent to the sphere is perpendicular to the sphere. Note the two uses of dy. In the ?rst case it is the change to the squared length of x. In the second case, by setting dy = 0, we ?nd perturbations to x which to ?rst order do not change the length at all. Indeed if one computes (x+dx) T (x+dx) for a small ?nite dx, one sees that if x T dx = 0 then the length changes only to second order. Geometrically, one can draw a tangent to a circle. The distance to the circle is second order in the distance along the tangent. Example 3: y = x T Ax Again y is scalar. We have dy = dx T Ax + x T Adx. If A is symmetric then dy = 2x T Adx. Example 4: Y = X ?1 We have that XY = I so that X(dY) + (dX)Y = 0 so that dY = ?X ?1 dXX ?1 . We recommend that the reader compute ? ?1 ((X + ?E) ?1 ? X ?1 ) numerically and verify that it is equal to ?X ?1 EX ?1 . In other words, (X + ?E) ?1 = X ?1 ? ?X ?1 EX ?1 + O(? 2 ). Example 5: I = Q T Q If Q is orthogonal we have that Q T dQ + dQ T Q = 0 so that Q T dQ is antisymmetric. In general, d(Q T Q) = Q T dQ+dQ T Q, but with no orthogonalitycondition on Q, there is no anti-symmetry condition on Q T dQ. If y is a scalar function of x 1 ,x 2 ,. . . ,x n then we have the “chain rule” ?y ?y ?y dy = dx 1 + dx 2 + . . . + dx n . ?x 1 ?x 2 ?x n bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg integraltext integraltext integraldisplay integraldisplay Often we wish to apply the chain rule to every element of a vector or matrix. 2 bracketrightbigg Let X = p q and Y = X 2 = p + qr pq + rs then r s pr + rs qs + s 2 dY = XdX + dXX . (3) 2 Matrix Jacobians (getting started) 2.1 De?nition Let x ∈ R n and y = y(x) ∈ R n be a di?erentiable function of x. It is well known that the Jacobian matrix ? ? ?y 1 ?y 1 ? ?x 1 ··· ?x n ? parenleftbigg parenrightbigg ? . ? ?y i ? .J = . . ? = ? . . ? ? ?x j i,j=1,2,...,n ? ?y n ?y n ?x 1 ··· ?x n evaluated at a point x approximates y(x) by a linear function. Intuitively y(x + δx) ≈ y(x) + Jδx, i.e., J is the matrix that allows us to invoke perturbation theory. The function y may be viewed as performing a change of variables. Furthermore (intuitively) if a little box of n dimensional volume ? surrounds x, then it is transformed by y into a parallelopiped of volume det J ? around y(x). Therefore the Jacobian det J is the magni?cation | | | | factor for volumes. If we are integrating some function of y ∈ R n as in p(y)dy, (where dy = dy 1 . . . dy n ), then when we change variables from y to x where y = y(x), then the integral becomes p(y(x))|det( ?y i ) dx. For many ?x j | people this becomes a matter of notation, but one should understand intuitively that the Jacobian tells you how volume elements scale. The determinant is 0 exactly where the change of variables breaks down. It is always instructive to see when this happens. Either there is no “x” locally for each “y” or there are many as in the example of polar coordinates at the origin. Notation: throughout this book, J denotes the Jacobian matrix. (Sometimes called the derivative or simply the Jacobian in the literature.) We will consistently write det J for the Jacobian determinant (un fortunately also called the Jacobian in the literature.) When we say Jacobian, we will be talking about both. 2.2 Simple Examples (n=2) We get our feet wet with some simple 2×2 examples. Every reader is familiar with changing scalar variables as in integraldisplay integraldisplay f(x)dx = f(y 2 )(2y)dy. We want the reader to be just as comfortable when f is a scalar function of a matrix and we change X = Y 2 : f(X)(dX) = f(Y 2 )(Jacobian)(dY). One can compute all of the 2 by 2 Jacobians that follow by hand, but in some cases it can be tedious and hard to get right on the ?rst try. Code 8.1 in MATLAB takes away the drudgery and gives the right answer. Later we will learn fancy ways to get the answer without too much drudgery and also without the aid of a computer. We now consider the following examples: 2 × 2 Example 1: Matrix Square (Y = X 2 ) parenleftBig parenrightBig bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg 2 × 2 Example 2: Matrix Cube (Y = X 3 ) 2 × 2 Example 3: Matrix Inverse (Y = X ?1 ) 2 × 2 Example 4: Linear Transformation (Y = AX + B) 2 × 2 Example 5: The LU Decomposition (X = LU) 2 × 2 Example 6: A Symmetric Decomposition (S = DMD) 2 × 2 Example 7: Traceless Symmetric = Polar Decomposition (S = QΛQ T , tr S = 0) 2 × 2 Example 8: The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem (S = QΛQ T ) 2 × 2 Example 9: Symmetric Congruence (Y = A T SA) Discussion: Example 1: Matrix Square (Y = X 2 ) bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg With X = p q and Y = X 2 the Jacobian matrix of interest is r s ?p ?r ?q ?s ? ? 2p q r 0 ?Y 11 ? r p+ s 0 r ? ?Y 21 ? ? J = ? q 0 p+ s q ? ?Y 12 0 q r 2s ?Y 22 On this ?rst example we label the columns and rows so that the elements correspond to the de?nition J = ?Y ij . Later we will omit the labels. We invite readers to compare with Equation (3). We see that ?X kl the Jacobian matrix and the di?erential contain the same information. We can compute then det J = 4(p+ s) 2 (sp? qr) = 4(tr X) 2 det(X). Notice that breakdown occurs if X is singular or has trace zero. Example 2: Matrix Cube (Y = X 3 ) p q With X = and Y = X 3 r s ? 3p 2 + 2qr pq + q(p+ s) 2rp+ sr qr ? ? ? ?? 2rp + sr p 2 + 2qr + (p+ s)s r 2 rp + 2sr ? ? J = ? ? , ? 2pq + qs q 2 p(p+ s) + 2qr + s 2 pq + 2qs ? ? ? qr pq + 2qs r (p+ s) + sr 2qr + 3s 2 so that 2 2 det J = 9(sp? qr) 2 (qr + p + s + sp) 2 = 9 (det X) 2 (tr X 2 + (tr X) 2 ) 2 . 4 Breakdown occurs if X is singular or if the eigenvalue ratio is a complex cube root of unity. Example 3: Matrix Inverse (Y = X ?1 ) p q With X = and Y = X ?1 r s ? 2 ? qs sr ?qr ?s ? ? ? sr ?ps 2 rp ? 1 ? ?r ? J = ? ? , det X 2 × ? qs ?q 2 ?ps pq ? ? ? 2 ?qr pq rp ?p bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg negationslash bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg so that det J = (det X) ?4 . Breakdown occurs if X is singular. Example 4: Linear Transformation (Y = AX + B) ? ? a b 0 0 ? ? ? c ? d 0 0 ? ? J = ? ? ? 0 ? 0 a b ? ? 0 0 c d The Jacobian matrix has two copies of the constant matrix A so that det J = det A 2 = (detA) 2 . Breakdown occurs if A is singular. Example 5: The LU Decomposition (X = LU) The LU Decomposition computes a lower triangular L with ones on the diagonal and an upper triangular U such that X = LU. For a general 2 × 2 matrix it takes the form p q 1 0 p q = r s which exists when p = 0. r p p ps?qr 1 0 Notice the function of four variables might be written: y 1 = p y 2 = r/p y 3 = q y 4 = (ps ? qr)/p = det(X)/p The Jacobian matrix is itself lower triangular ? ? 1 0 0 0 ? p ?1 ? 0 0 r p 2 ? ? , ? 0 ? 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? J = ? qr p 2 so that det J = 1/p. Breakdown occurs when p = 0. Example 6: A Symmetric Decomposition (S = DMD) Any symmetric matrix X = p r may be written as r s √ p 0 1 r/ √ ps X = DMD where D = . 0 √ s r/ √ ps 1 Since X is symmetric, there are three independent variables, and thus the Jacobian matrix is 3 × 3. The three independent elements in D and M may be thought of as functions of p, r, and s: namely y 1 = √ p y 2 = √ s and y 3 = r/ √ ps q p r p 1? ? and M = radicalbig bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg bracketleftBigg bracketrightBigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg The Jacobian matrix is ? 1 ? √ p 0 0 ? ? ? 1 ? √ s 0 J = ? 0 1 ? 2 ? ? r/p r/s 2 √ ps √ ps √ ps ? ? so that 1 det J = 4ps Breakdown occurs if p or s is 0. Example 7: Traceless Symmetric = Polar Decomposition (S = QΛQ T , tr S = 0) The reader will recall the usual de?nition of polar coordinates. If (p, s) are Cartesian coordinates, then the angle is θ = arctan(s/p) and the radius is r = p 2 + s 2 . If we take a symmetric traceless 2 × 2 matrix p s S = , s ?p and compute its eigenvalue and eigenvector decomposition, we ?nd that the eigendecomposition is mathe matically equivalent to the familiar transformation between Cartesian and polar coordinates. Indeed one of the eigenvectors of S is (cos φ, sin φ), where φ = θ/2. The Jacobian matrix is ? ? √ p 2 p +s √ p 2 s +s 2 2 J = ? ? p?s 2 p 2 +s 2 p 2 +s The Jacobian is the inverse of the radius. This corresponds to the familiar formula using the more usual notation dxdy/r = drdθ so that det J = 1/r. Breakdown occurs when r = 0. Example 8: The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem (S = QΛQ T ) We compute the Jacobian for the general symmetric eigenvalue and eigenvector decomposition. Let p s cos θ ? sin θ λ 1 cos θ ? sin θ bracketrightbigg T S = = . sin θ cos θ λ 2 sin θ cos θ s r We can compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of S directly in MATLAB and compute the Jacobian of the two eigenvalues and the eigenvector angle, but when we tried with the Maple toolbox we found that the symbolic toolbox did not handle “arctan” very well. Instead we found it easy to compute the Jacobian in the other direction. We write S = QΛQ T , where Q is 2 × 2 orthogonal and Λ is diagonal. The Jacobian is ? ? ?2sin θcos θ(λ 1 ? λ 2 ) cos 2 θ sin 2 θ ? ? J = ? 2sin θcos θ(λ 1 ? λ 2 ) sin 2 θ cos 2 θ ? ? ? (cos 2 θ ? sin 2 θ)(λ 1 ? λ 2 ) sin θ cos θ ? sin θcos θ so that det J = λ 1 ? λ 2 . Breakdown occurs if S is a multiple of the identity. Example 9: Symmetric Congruence (Y = A T SA) bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg ? ? ? ? Let Y = A T SA, where Y and S are symmetric, but A = a b is arbitrary. The Jacobian matrix is c d ? 2 2 ? a c 2ca ? ? ? J = ? b 2 d 2 2db ? ? ab cd cb + ad and det J = (det A) 3 . The cube on the determinant tends to surprise many people. Can you guess what it is for an n × n symmetric matrix (Y = A T SA)? The answer (det J = (det A) n+1 )is in Example 3 of Section 3. %jacobian2by2.m %Code 8.1 of Random Eigenvalues by Alan Edelman %Experiment: Compute the Jacobian of a 2x2 matrix function %Comment: Symbolic tools are not perfect. The author % exercised care in choosing the variables. syms p q r s a b c d t e1 e2 X=[p q ; r s]; A=[a b;c d]; %% Compute Jacobians Y=X^2; J=jacobian(Y(:),X(:)), JAC_square =factor(det(J)) Y=X^3; J=jacobian(Y(:),X(:)), JAC_cube =factor(det(J)) Y=inv(X); J=jacobian(Y(:),X(:)), JAC_inv =factor(det(J)) Y=A*X; J=jacobian(Y(:),X(:)), JAC_linear =factor(det(J)) Y=[p q;r/p det(X)/p]; J=jacobian(Y(:),X(:)), JAC_lu =factor(det(J)) x=[p s r];y=[sqrt(p) sqrt(s) r/(sqrt(p)*sqrt(s))]; J=jacobian(y,x), JAC_DMD =factor(det(J)) x=[p s]; y=[ sqrt(p^2+s^2) atan(s/p)]; J=jacobian(y,x), JAC_notrace =factor(det(J)) Q=[cos(t) -sin(t); sin(t) cos(t)]; D=[e1 0;0 e2];Y=Q*D*Q.’; y=[Y(1,1) Y(2,2) Y(1,2)]; x=[t e1 e2]; J=jacobian(y,x), JAC_symeig =simplify(det(J)) X=[p s;s r]; Y=A.’*X*A; y=[Y(1,1) Y(2,2) Y(1,2)]; x=[p r s]; J=jacobian(y,x), JAC_symcong =factor(det(J)) Code 1 productdisplay 3 Y = BXA T and the Kronecker Product 3.1 Jacobian of Y = BXA T (Kronecker Product Approach) There is a “nuts and bolts” approach to calculate some Jacobian determinants. A good example function is the matrix inverse Y = X ?1 . We recall from Example 4 of Section 1 that dY = ?X ?1 dXX ?1 . In words, the perturbation dX is multiplied on the left and on the right by a ?xed matrix. When this happens we are in a “Kronecker Product” situation, and can instantly write down the Jacobian. We provide two de?nitions of the Kronecker Product for square matrices A∈ R n,n to B∈ R m,m . See [1] for a nice discussion of Kronecker products. Operator De?nition A? B is the operator from X∈ R m,n to Y ∈ R m,n where Y = BXA T . We write (A? B)X = BXA T . Matrix De?nition (Tensor Product) A? B is the matrix ? a 11 B ... a 1m 2 B ? A? B = ? ? . . . . . . ? ? . (4) a m 1 1 B ... a m 1 m 2 B The following theorem is important for applications. Theorem 1. det(A? B) = (det A) m (det B) n Application: If Y = X ?1 then dY = ?(X ?T ? X ?1 )dX so that det J| = det X ?2n .| | | Notational Note: The correspondence between the operator de?nition and matrix de?nition is worth spelling out. It corresponds to the following identity in MATLAB Y = B * X * A’ Y(:) = kron(A,B) * X(:) % The second line does not change Y Here kron(A,B) is exactly the matrix in Equation (4), and X(:) is the column vector consisting of the columns of X stacked on top of each other. (In computer science this is known as storing an array in “column major” order.) Many authors write vec(X), where we use X(:). Concretely, we have that vec(BXA T ) = (A? B)vec(X) where A? B is as in (4). Proofs of Theorem 8.1: Assume A and B are diagonalizable, with Au i = λ i u i (i = 1,...,n) and Bv i = μ i v i (i = 1,...,m). Let M ij = T . The mn matrices M ij form a basis for R mn and they are eigenmatrices of our map since v i u j BM ij A T = μ i λ j M ij . The determinant is μ i λ j or (det A) m (det B) n . (5) 1≤i≤n 1≤j≤m The assumption of diagonalizability is not important. Also one can directly manipulate the matrix since obviously A?B = (A?I)(I ?B) as operators, and det I ?B = (det B) n and detA?I which can be reshu?ed into detI ?A = (detA) m . Other proofs may be obtained by working with the “LU” decomposition of A and B, the SVD of A and B, the QR decomposition, and many others. Mathematical Note: That the operator Y = BXA T can be expressed as a matrix is a consequence of linearity: B(c 1 X 1 + c 2 X 2 )A T = c 1 BX 1 A T + c 2 BX 2 A T i.e. (A?B)(c 1 X 1 + c 2 X 2 ) = c 1 (A?B)X 1 + c 2 (A?B)X 2 It is important to realize that a linear transformation from R m,n to R m,n is de?ned by an element of R mn,mn , i.e., by the m 2 n 2 entries of an mn×mn matrix. The transformation de?ned by Kronecker products is an m 2 + n 2 subspace of this m 2 n 2 dimensional space. Some Kronecker product properties: 1. (A?B) T = A T ?B T 2. (A?B) ?1 = A ?1 ?B ?1 , A ∈R n,n ,B ∈R m,m 3. det(A?B) = det(A) m det(B) n 4. tr(A?B) = tr(A)tr(B) 5. A?B is orthogonal if A and B are orthogonal 6. (A?B)(C ?D) = (AC)?(BD) 7. If Au = λu, and Bv = μv, then if X = vu T , then BXA T = λμX, and also AX T B T = λμX T . Therefore A?B and B ?A have the same eigenvalues, and transposed eigenvectors. It is easy to see that property 5 holds, since if A and B are orthogonal (A?B) T = A T ?B T = A ?1 ?B ?1 = (A?B) ?1 . Linear Subspace Kronecker Products Some researchers consider the symmetric Kronecker product ? sym . In fact it has become clear that one might consider an anti-symmetric, upper-triangular or even a Toeplitz Kronecker product. We formulate a general notion: De?nition: Let Sdenote a linear subspace of R mn and π S a projection onto S. If A ∈R n,n and B ∈R m,m then we de?ne (A?B) S X = π S (BXA T ) for X ∈S. Comments 1. If S is the set of symmetric matrices then m = n and BXA T + AXB T (A?B) sym X = 2 2. If S is the set of anti-sym matrices, then m = n BXA T + AXB T (A?B) anti X = as well 2 but this matrix is anti-sym. productdisplay productdisplay 3. If S is the set of upper triangular matrices, then m = n and (A?B) upper = upper(BXA T ). 4. We recall that π S is a projection if π is linear and for all X∈R mn , π . S S X∈S 5. Jacobian of ? sym : BXA T + AXB T (A?B) sym X = 2 If B = A then det J = λ i λ j = (det A) n+1 i≤j T by considering eigenmatrices E = u i u j for i≤j. 6. Jacobian of ? upper : Special case: A lower triangular, B upper triangular so that (A?B) upper X = BXA T since BXA T is upper triangular. The eigenvalues of A and B are λ i = A ii and μ j = B jj respectively, where Au i = λ i u i and Bv i = μ i v i T (i = 1,...,n). The matrix M ij = v i u j for i≤j is upper triangular since v i and u j are zero below the ith and above the jth component respectively. (The eigenvectors of a triangular matrix are triangular.) j ? ? i ? ? ? ? for i≤j. M ij = ? ? Since the M ij are a basis for upper triangular matrices BM ij A T = μ i λ j M ij . We then have n n 2 λ 3 det J = μ i λ j = (λ 1 λ 2 3 ...λ n )(μ 1 μ n?1 μ n?2 ...μ n ) 2 3 i≤j n = (A 11 A 2 33 ...A nn )(B n 22 A 3 11 B n?1 B n?2 ...B nn ). 22 33 Note that J is singular if an only if A or B is. 7. Jacobian of ? Toeplitz Let X be a Toeplitz matrix. We can de?ne (A? Toeplitz B)X = Toeplitz(BXA T ) where Toeplitz averages every diagonal. 4 Jacobians of Linear Functions, Powers and Inverses The Jacobian of a linear map is just the determinant. This determinant is not always easily computed. The 2 dimension of the underlying space of matrices plays a role. For example the Jacobian of Y = 2X is 2 n for n(n+1) n(n?1) 2 2 X ∈R n×n , 2 for upper triangular or symmetric X, 2 for antisymmetric X, and 2 n for diagonal X. We will concentrate on general real matrices X and explore the symmetric case and triangular case as well when appropriate. producttext producttext summationdisplay productdisplay summationdisplay 4.0.1 General Matrices Let Y = X 2 then dY = XdX + dXX or dY = I? X + X T ? I Using the E ij as before Equation (5), we see that the eigenvalues of I? X + X T ? I are λ i + λ j so that det J = 1≤i,j≤n (λ i + λ j ) = 2 n det X i<j (λ i + λ j ) 2 . When n = 2, we obtain 4detX(trX) 2 as seen in example 8.2.2. For general powers, Y = X p , (p = 1,2,3,...) p?1 dY = X k dX X p?1?k k=0 n j and det J = parenleftBigg p?1 λ i k λ p?1?k parenrightBigg = p (det X) p?1 productdisplay bracketleftBigg λ i p ? λ p bracketrightBigg 2 . j 1≤i,j≤n k=0 i<j λ i ? λ j Of course by computing the Jacobian determinant explicitly in terms of the matrix elements, we can obtain an equivalent expression in terms of the elements of X rather than the λ i . Formally, if we plug in p = ?1, we ?nd that we can compute det J for Y = X ?1 yielding the answer given after Theorem 8.1. Indeed one can take any scalar function y = f(x) such as x p ,e x ,logx,sin x, etc. The correct formula is bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg 2 n bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg 2 productdisplay productdisplay f(λ i )? f(λ j ) det J = det(f ′ (X)) productdisplay f(λ i )? f(λ j ) = f ′ (λ i ) .· λ i ? λ j λ i ? λ j i<j i=1 i<j We can prove these using the tools provided by wedge products. Often one thinks that to de?ne Y = f(X) for matrices, one needs a power series, but this is not so. If X = ZΛZ ?1 , then we can de?ne f(X) = Zf(Λ)Z ?1 , where f(Λ) = diag(f(λ 1 ),...,f(λ n )). The formula above is correct at any matrix X such that f is di?erentiable at the eigenvalues. When X is of low rank, we can consider the Moore-Penrose Inverse of X. The Jacobian was calculated in [2] and [3]. There is a nonsymmetric and symmetric version. Exercise. Compute the Jacobian determinant for Y = X 1/2 and Y = X ?1/2 . Advanced exercise: compute the Jacobian matrix for Y = X 1/2 as an inverse of a sum of two Kronecker products. Numerically, a “Sylvester equation” solver is needed. To obtain the Jacobian matrix for Y = X ?1/2 one can use the chain rule, given the answer to the previous problem. It is interesting that this is as hard as it is. 4.0.2 Symmetric Matrices If X is symmetric, we have that det J = (det X) ?(n+1) for the map Y = X ?1 . 5 Jacobians of Matrix Factorizations (without wedge products) Let A be an n × n matrix. In elementary linear algebra, we learn about Gaussian elimination, Gram- Schmidt orthogonalization, and the eigendecomposition. All of these ideas may be written compactly as matrix factorizations, which in turn may be thought of as a change of variables: productdisplay parenleftbig parenrightbig parenleftbigg parenrightbigg producttext producttext producttext Gaussian Elimination: Gram-Schmidt: Eigenvalue Decomposition: A = L U· ↑ ↑ unit lower upper triangular triangular A = Q R· ↑ ↑ Orthogonal upper triangular A = X Λ X ?1 · · ↑ ↑ eigenvectors eigenvalues parameter count n(n? 1)/2 + n(n + 1)/2 n(n? 1)/2 + n(n + 1)/2 (n 2 ? n)+ n ↑ ↑ eigenvector eigenvalue Each of these factorizations is a change of variables. Somehow the n 2 parameters in A are transformed into n 2 other parameters, though it may not be immediately obvious what these parameters are (the n(n? 1)/2 parameters in Q for example). Our goal is to derive the Jacobians for those matrix factorizations. 5.1 Jacobian of Gaussian Elimination (A = LU) In numerical linear algebra texts it is often observed that the memory used to store A on a computer may be overwritten with the n 2 variables in L and U. Graphically the n× n matrix A U A = L Indeed the same is true for other factorizations. This is not just a happy coincidence, but deeply related to the fact that n 2 parameters ought not need more storage. Theorem 2. If A = LU, the Jacobian of the change of variables is n det J = u n?1 u 22 n?2 ...u n?1,n?1 = u n?i 11 ii i=1 Proof 1: Let A = LU, then using dA = LdU + dLU = L(dUU ?1 + L ?1 dL)U = (U T ? L) (U T ? upper I) ?1 dU + (I? lower L) ?1 dL The mapping dU dUU ?1 only a?ects the upper triangular part. Similarly dL L ?1 dL for the lower → → triangular. We might think of the map in block format: ?1 dU dA = U T ? L (U T ? upper I) I? lower L parenrightbigg parenleftbigg dL n Since the Jacobian determinants of U T ? L is u ii and of (U T ? I) ?1 is u ?i (and that of I? L is 1), we ii have that det J = u n?i . ? ii That is the fancy slick proof. Here is the direct proof. It is of value to see both. braceleftbigg braceleftbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg productdisplay parenrightbig producttext l ij i > j Proof 2: Let M ij = i≤ j as in the diagram above. Since A = LU, we have that u ij i?1 summationdisplay A ij = M ik M kj + u ij for i≤ j k=1 and j?1 summationdisplay A ij = M ik M kj + l ij u jj for i > j. k=1 Therefore 1 if ?Aij = i≤ j . (6) ?M ij u jj if i > j Notice that A ij never depends on M pq when p > i or q > j. Therefore if we order the variables ?rst by row and next by column, we see that the Jacobian matrix is lower triangular with diagonal entries given in (6). Remembering that the determinant of a lower triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal entries, the theorem follows. ? Perhaps it should not have been surprising that the condition that A admits a unique LU decomposition may be thought of in terms of the Jacobian. Given a matrix A, let p k denote the determinant of the upper left k by k principal minor. It may be readily veri?ed that u 11 ...u kk = p k and hence the Jacobian is p 1 p 2 ...p n?1 . The condition that A admits a unique LU decomposition is well known to be that all the upper-left principal minors of dimension smaller than n are non-singular. Otherwise the matrix may have no LU decomposition. For example, 0 1 has no LU factorization. 1 1 It may also have many LU decompositions as does the zero matrix when n > 1. This degeneracy explains the need for pivoting strategies (i.e., strategies that reorder the matrix rows and/or columns) for solving linear systems of equations even if the computation is done in exact arithmetic. Modern Gaussian elimination software for solving linear systems of equations in ?nite precision include pivoting strategies designed to avoid being near a matrix with such a degeneracy. Exercise. If A is symmetric positive de?nite, it may be factored A = LL T . This is the famous Cholesky decomposition of A. How many independent variables are in A? In L? Prove that the Jacobian of the change of variables is n 2 n n+1?i det J = l ii i=1 Research Question. It seems that the existence of a ?nite algorithm for a matrix factorization is linked to a triangular Jacobian matrix. After all, the latter implies only one new variable need be substituted at a time. This is the essential idea of Doolittle’s or Crout’s matrix factorization schemes for LU. 5.2 Jacobian of Gram-Schmidt (A = QR) It is well known that any nonsingular square matrix A may be factored uniquely into orthogonal times upper triangular, or A = QR with R ii > 0. Theorem 3. Given any dQ with Q T dQ anti-symmetric, and any dR, we can compute dA = QdR+dQR = Q(dRR ?1 + Q T dQ)R = (R T ? Q) parenleftbig (R T ? upper I) ?1 dR+ (Q T dQ) . The linear maps from (lower Q T dQ), dR n to dA then has determinant ( producttext i n =1 r ii )( r ?i = . ii ) producttext n n?i i=1 r ii bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg parenleftbig parenrightbig parenleftbig parenrightbig productdisplay 2 6 Note: It is straightforward to imagine computing the Jacobian numerically. We can make n(n+1) perturba tions to R, say by systematically adding .001 to each entry, and then compute dA via dA = QR?Q(R+dR). Similarlywe can make n(n?1)/2 perturbation to Q by choosing two distinct columns of Q and multiplying the n×2 matrix formed from these columns by a matrix such as cos(.001) sin(.001) . ?sin(.001) cos(.001) The dQ is the new Q minus the old one. The n 2 resulting dA’s may be squashed into an n 2 by n 2 matrix whose determinant could be computed numerically, con?rming Theorem 3. Note: It is easy to compute the inverse map, i.e., given dA compute dQ and dR. Numerically we can ask for [Q,R] = qr(A) and [Q+ dQ,R+ dR] = qr(A + dA). Mathematically, dA = Q(dRR ?1 + Q T dQ)R so if lower(M) denotes the strictly lower part of M and upper(M) denotes the upper part of M, then dQ = Q lower(Q T dAR ?1 )?lower(Q T dAR ?1 ) T and dR = upper(Q T dAR ?1 )+ lower(Q T dAdR ?1 ) T R Jacobians for Spherical Coordinates The Jacobian matrix for the transformation between spherical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates has a su?ciently interesting structure that we include this case as our ?nal example. The structure is known as a “lower Hessenberg” structure. We recall that in R n , we de?ne spherical coordinates r,θ 1 ,θ 2 ,...,θ n?1 by x 1 = rcos θ 1 x 2 = rsin θ 1 cos θ 2 x 3 = rsin θ 1 sin θ 2 cos θ 3 . . . x n?1 = rsin θ 1 sin θ 2 sin θ n?2 cos θ n?1 ··· x n = rsin θ 1 sin θ 2 ...sin θ n?2 sin θ n?1 or for j = 1,...,n, x j may be written as bracketleftBigg j?1 bracketrightBigg x j = r sin θ i cos θ j (θ n = 0). i=1 We schematically place an × in the matrix below if x j depends on the variable heading the columns. The dependency structure is then r θ 1 θ 2 θ n?2 θ n?1 ? ··· ? x 1 ? x 2 . ? ? × × × × × . . ? ? ? . ? . . . . ? . ? ? ? x n?2 × × × × × × × × × ··· × × × × × ? ?? x n?1 ? x n ? Therefore the nonzero structure of the Jacobian matrix is represented by the pattern above. Matrices that are nonzero only in the lower triangular part and on the superdiagonal are referred to as lower Hessenberg matrices. It is fairly messy to write down the exact Jacobian matrix. Fortunately, it is unnecessary to do so. We obtain the LU factorization of the matrix by de?ning auxiliary variables y i as follows: 2 2 y 1 = x 1 + + x 2 = r n ········· 2 y 2 = x 2 + + x 2 = r 2 sin 2 θ 1 n ······ 2 y 3 = x 3 + + x 2 = r 2 sin 2 θ 1 sin 2 θ 2 n ··· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y n = x 2 = r 2 sin 2 θ 1 sin 2 θ 2 sin 2 θ n?1 n ··· Di?erentiating and expressing the relationship between dy i +dx j for i,j = 1,...,n in matrix form we obtain that the Jacobian matrix J x→y from x to y is triangular: ? ?? ? ? ? x 1 x 2 dy 1 ··· x n dx 1 ? x 2 ··· x n ?? dx 2 ? ? dy 2 ? ? ?? ? ? ? 2? . ?? . ? = ? . ? . . . . ?? . ? ? . ?? . x n dx n dy n We recognize that we have an upper triangular matrix in front of the vector of Cartesian di?erentials and a lower triangular matrix in front of the vector of spherical coordinate di?erentials. ? ?? ?? ? ? ? 1 1 1 x 1 dx 1 dy 1 ··· ? 1 1 ?? x 2 ?? dx 2 ? ? dy 2 ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ··· 2? . ?? . ?? . ? = ? . ? . . . . ? . ?? . ?? . ? ? . ? 1 x n dx n dy n Similarly the Jacobian matrix J spherical→y from spherical coordinates to y is triangular ? ? ? ? ? ? 2 . r dr dy 1 . ? . 2rsin θ 1 x 1 ? ? dθ 1 ? ? dy 2 ? ? . . ? ? ? ? ? ? . . . . 2rsin θ 1 sin θ 2 x 2 ? ? dθ 2 ? = ? . . ? . ? . . . . ? . . . . ? . ? ? . ? ? . . . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . 2rsin θ 1 sin θ n?1 x n?1 dθ n?1 dy n ··· Therefore J x r,θ = J ?1 r,θ→y J x→y . → The LU (really (L ?1 U) ?1 ) allows us to easily obtain the determinant as the ratio of the triangular determinants. The Jacobian determinant is then ?(x 1 ,...,x n ) 2 n r n (sin θ 1 ) n?1 (sin θ 2 ) n?2 (sin θ n?1 )x 1 x n?1 = ··· ?(r,θ 1 ,...,θ n ) 2 n x 1 ···x n = r n?1 (sin θ 1 ) n?2 ···(sin θ n?2 ). In the next section we will introduce wedge products and show that they are a convenient tool for handling curvilinear matrix coordinates. summationdisplay summationdisplay summationdisplay 7 Wedge Products There is a wedge product notation that can facilitate the computation of matrix Jacobians. In point of fact, it is never needed at all. The reader who can follow the derivation of the Jacobian in Section 5 is well equipped to never use wedge products. The notation also expresses the concept of volume on curved surfaces. For advanced readers who truly wish to understand exterior products from a full mathematical viewpoint, this chapter contains the important details. We took some pains to write a readable account of wedge products at the cost of straying way beyond the needs of random matrix theory. The steps to understanding how to use wedge products for practical calculations are very straightforward. 1. Learn how to wedge two quantities together. This is usually understood instantly. 2. Recognize that the wedge product is a formalism for computing determinants. This is understood instantly as well, and at this point many readers wonder what else is needed. 3. Practice wedging the order n 2 or mn or some such entries of a matrix together. This requires mastering three good examples. 4. Learn the mathematical interpretation of the wedge product of such quantities as the lower triangular part of Q T dQ and how this relates to the Jacobian for QR or the symmetric eigendecomposition. We provide a thorough explanation. 8 The Mechanics of Wedging The algebra of wedge products is very easy to master. We will wedge together di?erentials as illustrated in this example: (2dx + x 2 dy + 5dw + 2dz)∧ (ydx ? xdy) = (?2x ? x 2 y)dx ∧ dy + 5y(dw ∧ dx)? 5x(dw ∧ dy)? 2y(dx ∧ dz)+ 2x(dy ∧ dz) Formally the wedge product acts like multiplication except that it follows the anticommutative law (du ∧ dv) = (?dv ∧ du) Generally (pdu + qdv)∧ (rdu + sdv) = (ps ? qr)(du ∧ dv) It therefore follows that du ∧ du = 0. In general f i (x)dx i ∧ g j (x)dx j = (f i (x)g j (x)? f j (x)g i (x))dx i ∧ dx j = summationdisplay f i (x) g i (x) dx i ∧ dx j . f j (x) g j (x) i<j i<j We can wedge together more than two di?erentials. For example 2dx ∧ (3dx + 5dy)∧ 7(dx + dy + dz) = 70dx ∧ dy ∧ dz Let us write down concretely the wedge product. Rewriting the two examples above in matrix notation, we have ? ? 2 y ? ? 2 3 7 2 ? x ? F = ? ?x ? and F = ? 0 5 7 ? ? 5 0 ? 0 0 7 2 0 parenleftbig parenrightbig logicalanddisplay parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg logicalanddisplay logicalanddisplay logicalandtext logicalandtext logicalandtext logicalandtext logicalandtext logicalandtext In the ?rst case, we have computed all 2 ×2 subdeterminants and in the second case we compute the one 3 ×3 determinant. In general, if F ∈ R n,p , we compute all n subdeterminants of size p. p If F(x) ∈ R n,p and dx is the vector (dx 1 ,dx 2 ,...,dx n ) T , then we can wedge together the elements of F(x) T dx. The result is p parenleftbigg parenrightbigg (F(x) T dx) i = summationdisplay F i 1 i 2 ... i p , 1 2 ... p dx i 1 ∧···∧dx i p i=1 i 1 <i 2 <...<i p i 1 i 2 ... i p where F denotes the subdeterminant of F obtained by taking rows i 1 ,i 2 ,...,i p and 1 2 ... p i 1 i 2 ... i p all p columns. In almost MATLAB notation, F = det(F[i 1 i 2 ... i p ,:]). In simple 1 2 ... p English, if we wedge together p di?erentials which we can store in the columns of F, then the wedge product computes all p×p subdeterminants. We use the notation p (F(x) T dx) ∧ ≡ (F(x) T dx) i , i=1 i.e., “( ) ∧ ” denotes wedge together all the elements of the vector inside the parentheses. A notational note: We are inventing the “( ) ∧ ” notation. Books such as [4] use only parentheses to indicate the wedge product of the components inside. Unfortunately, we have found that parenthesis notation is ambiguous especially when we want to wedge together the elements of a complicated expression. Once we decided on placing the wedge symbol “ ” somewhere, we experimented with upper/lower left and ∧ upper/lower right, ?nally settling on the upper right notation as above. We will extend the “( ) ∧ ” notation from vectors to matrices of di?erentials. We will only wedge together the independent elements. For example M ∈ R mn (dM) ∧ = dM ij . 1≤i≤m 1≤j≤n We use subscripts to indicate which elements to wedge over. For example (dS) ∧ i≥j = i≤j dS ij . When unnecessary as in the cases below, we omit the subscripts. S∈ R nn (dS) ∧ = dS ij symmetric 1≤i≤j≤n A∈ R nn (dA) ∧ = dA ij antisymmetric 1≤i<j≤n Λ ∈ R nn (dΛ) ∧ = dΛ ii diagonal 1≤i≤n U ∈ R nn (dU) ∧ = dU ij upper triangular 1≤i≤j≤n U ∈ R nn (dU) ∧ = dU ij strictly upper triangular 1≤i<j≤n etc. De?nitional note: We have not speci?ed the order. Therefore the wedge product of elements of a matrix is de?ned up to “+” or “?” sign. Notational note: We write (dM 1 ) ∧ (dM 2 ) ∧ for (dM 1 ) ∧ ∧(dM 2 ) ∧ . 9 Jacobians with wedge products 9.1 Wedge Notation not useful (Y = X 2 ) Consider the 2 ×2 case of Y = X 2 as in Example 1 of Section 2.2. bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg p q With X = r s bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg p q dp dq dp dq p q dY = XdX + dXX = + . r s dr ds dr ds r s Thus dY 11 = 2pdp+ qdr + rdq dY 21 = rdp+ (p + s)dr + rds (7) dY 12 = qdp + (p+ s)dq + qds dY 22 = qdr + rdq + 2sds. If we wedge together all of the elements of Y, we obtain the determinant of the Jacobian: (dY) ∧ = 4(p+ s) 2 (sp?qr). The reader should compare the notation with that from the previous chapter: ?p ?r ?q ?s ? ? 2p q r 0 ?Y 11 ? r p+ s 0 r ? ?Y 21 ? ? J = ? q 0 p+ s q ? ?Y 12 0 q r 2s ?Y 22 We conclude that for these examples the notation is of little value. 9.2 Square Matrix = Antisymmetric + Upper Triangular Given any matrix M ∈ R n,n , let A = lower(M)?lower(M) T , where lower(M) is the strictly lower triangular part of M. Further let R = upper(M) + lower(M) T , where upper(M) includes the diagonal. We have the decomposition = + R = (antisymmetric) + (upper triangular). M A Therefore ? ? dr 11 dr 12 ?da 21 dr 13 ?da 31 dr 1n ?da n1 ··· ?? da 21 dr 22 dr 23 ?da 32 dr 2n ?da n2 ? ? ? ? dM = ? da 31 da 32 dr 33 dr 3n ?da n3 ? . (8) ? . . . . ? . . . . ? . ? . . . da n1 da n2 da n3 dr nn We can easily see that the ?da ij play no role in the wedge product: (dM) ∧ = (lower (dA) + dR) ∧ = (dA) ∧ (dR) ∧ . We feel this notation is already somewhat more mechanical than what was needed in the last chapter. Without wedges, we would have concentrated on the n(n + 1)/2 parameters in R and the n(n ? 1)/2 in lower(A) and would have written a block two by two matrix as in Section 5.2. The reader should think carefully about the following sentence: The realization that the upper da ji ’s play no role in (dM) ∧ , is equivalent to the realization that the matrix X 12 plays no role in the determinant of the 2 ×2 block matrix X 11 X 12 X = . 0 X 21 parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftBig parenrightBig producttext productdisplay 9.3 Triangular ←→ Symmetric +Let S = U + U T = . If we consider the map from U to upper(S), it is easy to see that the Jacobian determinant is 2 n . (dS) ∧ = (diag(dS)) ∧ ∧(strictly-upper(dS)) ∧ = 2 n (diag(dU)) ∧ ∧(strictly-upper(dU)) ∧ = 2 n (dU) ∧ . 9.4 General matrix functions x 11 x 12 Let Y = Y(X) be a 2 ×2 matrix, where X = . We have that x 21 x 22 ? ? ?y 11 dx 11 + ?y 11 dx 12 + ?y 11 dx 21 + ?y 11 ?y 12 dx 11 + ?y 12 dx 12 + ?y 12 dx 21 + ?y 12 dx 22 ?x 11 dx 22 ?x 11 ?x 12 ?x 21 ?x 22 ?x 12 ?x 21 ?x 22 dY = ? ? . ?y 21 dx 11 + ?y 21 dx 12 + ?y 21 dx 21 + ?y 21 ?y 22 dx 11 + ?y 22 dx 12 + ?y 22 dx 21 + ?y 22 dx 22 ?x 11 dx 22 ?x 11 ?x 12 ?x 21 ?x 22 ?x 12 ?x 21 ?x 22 The wedge product of all the elements is (dY) ∧ = dy 11 ∧dy 21 ∧dy 12 ∧dy 22 = det ?y ij dx 11 ∧dx 21 ∧dx 12 ∧dx 22 = (detJ)(dX) ∧ . ?x kl In general, if Y = Y(X) is an n ×n matrix, then (dY) ∧ = (det J)(dX) ∧ , where det J denotes the Jacobian determinant ?y ij . ?x kl 9.5 Eigenproblem Jacobians Case I: S Symmetric If S ∈ R n,n is symmetric it may be written S = QΛQ T ,Q T Q = I,Λ = diag(λ 1 ,··· ,λ n ). The columns of Q are the eigenvectors, while the λ i are the eigenvalues. Di?erentiating, dS = dQΛQ T + QdΛQ T + QΛdQ T , Q T dSQ = (Q T dQ)Λ ?Λ(Q T dQ)+ dΛ. T Notice that Q T dSQ is a symmetric matrix of di?erentials with dλ i on the diagonal and q i dq j (λ i ?λ j ) as the i,jth entry in the upper triangular part. Therefore (Q T dSQ) ∧ = i<j |λ i ? λ j (dΛ) ∧ (Q T dQ) ∧ . We have from Example 3 of Section 4 that | (Q T dSQ) ∧ = (dS) ∧ . In summary (dS) ∧ = |λ i ?λ j (dΛ) ∧ (Q T dQ) ∧ .| i<j Many readers will wonder about the meaning of (Q T dQ) ∧ . We did. We will not discuss this in length here but encourage you to ask us if you are curious. logicalanddisplay logicalanddisplay logicalanddisplay logicalanddisplay 10 Handbook of Jacobians Some Jacobians that come up frequently are listed in this and the following sections. Function Y = BXA T N = (A B)X “Kronecker Product” Y = X ?1 “inverse” Y = X 2 Y = X k 1 Y = 2 (AXB + B T XA) “Symmetric Kronecker” Sizes X m × n A n × n B m × m X n × n X n × n X n × n X,A,B n × n A,B sym B = A T Jacobian (dY) = (detA) n (det B) m (dY) = (detX) ?2n (dX) (dY) = Q i,j |λ i + λ j |(dX) ? ? ? P k?1 λ i l λ n?1?l ? (dY) = Q i≥j ? ? (dX) l=0 j (dY) = Q i≤j |λ i M j + λ j M i |(dX) (dY) = (detA) n+1 (dX) 11 Real Case; General Matrices In factorizations that involve a square m × m orthogonal matrix Q, and start from a thin, tall m × n matrix A (m ≥ n always), H T dQ stands for the wedge product n n H T dQ = q i T dq j . i=1 j=i+1 Here H is a stand-in for the ?rst n columns of Q. If the di?erential matrix and the matrix whose transpose we multiply by are one and the same, the wedging is done over all of the columns. For example, n n V T dV = v i T dv j , i=1 j=i+1 for V an n × n orthogonal matrix. The Jacobian of the last factorization (non-symmetric eigenvalue) is computed only for the positive- measure set of matrices with real eigenvalues and with a full set of eigenvectors. Factorization Matrix sizes & properties Parameter count Jacobian A,L,U n × n A = LU n 2 = (dA) = L,U T lower triangular n Q n?i i=1 n(n?1) n(n+1) (dL)(dU)u lu + ii 2 2 l ii = 1, ?i = 1,n A,R m × n A = QR Q m × m mn = (dA) = n Q i=1 R upper triangular A,Σ m × n A = UΣV T U m × m, V n × n mn = (dA) = m?i (dR)(H T ii ′ n(n+1) n(n+1) dQ) ` Q T r + Q = I n mn qr ? 2 2 n QQ i<j i=1 V T V = I n A,Q m × n A = QS S n × n mn = (dA) = σ m?n i (σ 2 j ) i ?σ 2 T (dΣ)(H T dU)(V ′ n(n+1) n(n?1) dV ) ` svd U T + n + U = I m mn ? 2 2 (σ i + σ j )(dS)(Q T dQ) Q i<j S positive de?nite A = XΛX ?1 A,X,Λ n × n 2 = (dA) = n ` ′ n(n+1) polar Q T Q = I n mn ? n(n+1) + 2 2 Q (λ i ?λ j ) 2 (dΛ)(X ?1 dX) i<j ` ′ 2 n ? n + n nonsymm eig Λ diagonal 12 Real Matrices; Symmetric “+” Cases Here we gather factorizations that are symmetric or, in the case when this is required, positive de?nite. All matrices are square m× m. A = LL Factorization “+” Parameter count Matrix properties Jacobian ′ n(n+1) = (dA) = 2 Positive de?nite L lower triangular 2 n n Q =1 i l n+1?i ii n(n+1) (dL) Choleski 2 A = LDL ′ n(n+1) = L lower triangular (dA) = 2 — lii = 1, ?i = 1, n n Q =1 i d n?i i (dL)(dD) n(n?1) ldl + n D diagonal 2 n(n 2 +1) = Q T Q = I n (dA) = A = QΛQ T — Q i<j |λ i ? λ j |(dΛ)(Q T dQ) eig n(n?1) Λ diagonal + n 2 13 Real Matrices; Orthogonal Case This is the case of the CS decomposition. Note that the matrices U 1 and V 1 share p(p 2 ?1) parameters; this is due to the fact that the product of the ?rst p columns of U 1 and the ?rst p rows of V T is invariant and 1 determined. This is equivalent to saying that we introduce an equivalence relation of the set of pairs (U 1 ,V 1 ) of orthogonal matrices of size k, by having parenleftbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg bracketleftbigg bracketrightbiggparenrightbigg Q 0 Q 0 (U 1 ,V 1 ) ~ U 1 ,V 1 0 I j 0 I j , for any p× p orthogonal matrix Q. Since it is rather hard to integrate over a manifold of pairs of orthogonal matrices with the equivalence relationship mentioned above, we will use a di?erent way of thinking about this splitting of parameters. We k(k?1) ? p(p?1) (having can assume that U 1 contains k(k 2 ?1) parameters (a full set) while V 1 only contains 2 2 the ?rst p columns already determined from the relationship with U 1 ). Alternatively, we could assign a full set of parameters to V 1 and think of U 1 as having the ?rst r columns predetermined. In the following we choose to make the former assumption, and think of the undetermined part H of V T as a point in the Stiefel 1 manifold V j,k . Factorization Q = 2 3 ? U 1 0 – I p 0 0 ? V 1 0 – T 4 0 S 5 C 0 U 2 0 V 2 0 S ?C n = k + j, p = k ? j CS decomposition Matrix sizes & properties Q n × n U 1 , V 1 k × k U 2 , V 2 j × j Q T Q = I n U 1 , V 1 , U 2 , V 2 orthogonal C = diag(cos(θ i )), i = 1...n S = diag(sin(θ i )), i = 1...n Parameter count U 1 V 1 T has k(k ? 1)? p(p 2 ?1) U 2 , V 2 have j(j?1) each 2 C and S share j Jacobian (dA) = Q sin(θ j ?θ i )sin(θ i + θ j )(dθ) i<j T T T (U 1 dU 1 )(U 2 dU 2 )(H T dH)(V 2 dV 2 ) 14 Real Matrices; Symmetric Tridiagonal The important factorization of this section is the eigenvalue decomposition of the symmetric tridiagonal.The tridiagonal is de?ned by its 2n? 1 parameters, n on the diagonal and n? 1 on the upper diagonal: ? ? a b n n?1 ? b a b ? n?1 n?1 n?2 ? ? T = ? ? . . . . . . . . . ? ? . ? ? ? b 2 a 2 b 1 ? b 1 a 1 The matrix ofeigenvectors Qcan be completely determined from knowledge of its ?rst row q = (q 1 ,...,q n ) (n? 1 parameters) and the eigenvalues on the diagonal of Λ (another n parameters). Here dq represents integration over the (1,n) Stiefel manifold. Factorization T = QΛQ T eig Matrix sizes T,Q,Λ n× n Parameter count 2n? 1 = (n? 1) + n Matrix properties Q T Q = I n Λ diagonal Jacobian n?1 b i i Q =1 (dT) = (dΛ)(dq) n q i i Q =1 Proof by MATLAB At a basic level, as we discussed earlier, the Jacobian is the magni?cation in the volume element that occurs when a matrix is perturbed in “every conceivable direction”. Hence the theoretical results can be ver?ed using actual MATLAB experiments. Consider the symmetric eigenvalue problem on the third row of the table in Section 12. The function jsymeig.m allows you to enter a real symmetric matrix A and computes the theoretical Jacobian and the numerical answer. You should easily be able to verify that both these answers match. We encourage you to verify the theoretical answers for other factorizations. Once we have the Jacobians computing the eigenvalue densities is fairly straightforward. The densities for the Hermite, Laguerre and Jacobi ensembles is tabulated here as well. ? ? ? ? function j = jsymeig(a) %JSYMEIG Jacobian for the symmetric eigenvalue problem % J = JSYMEIG(A) returns the Numerical and Theoretical Jacobian for % the symmmetric eigenvalue problem. The numerical answer is % computed by perturbing the symmetric matrix A in the N*(N+1)/2 % independent directions and computing the change in the % eigenvalues and eigenvectos. % % A is a REAL N x N symmetric matrix % Example: Valid Inputs for A are % 1) G = randn(5); A = (G + G’) % 2) G = randn(5,10); A = G * G’ % % J is a 1 x 2 row vector % J(1) is the theoretical Jacobian computed using the formula in the % third row of the table in Section 12 of Handout # 6 % % % References: % [1] Alan Edelman, Handout 6: Essentials of Finite Random Matrix % Theory, Fall 2004, Course Notes 18.338. % [2] Alan Edelman, Random Matrix Eigenvalues. % % Alan Edelman and Raj Rao, Sept. 2004. % $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/09/28 17:11:18 $ format long [q,e] = eig(a); % Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors e = diag(e); epsilon = 1e-7; % Size of perturbation n = length(a); % Size of Matrix jacmatrix = zeros(n*(n+1)/2); k = 0; mask = triu( ones(n),1); mask = logical(mask(:)); for i = 1:n, for j = i:n k = k+1; E = zeros(n); E(i,j) = 1; E(j,i) = 1; aa = a + epsilon * E; [qq,ee] = eig(aa); de= (diag(ee)-e)/epsilon; qdq = q’*(qq-q)/epsilon; qdq = qdq(:); jacmatrix(1:n,k) = de; jacmatrix((n+1):end,k) = qdq(mask); end end % Numerical answer j = 1/det(jacmatrix); % Theoretical answer [e1,e2] = meshgrid(e,e); z = abs(e1-e2); j = abs([j prod( z(mask) ) ]); Code 2 Random Matrix Ensembles n Joint Eigenvalue Distributions: c | Δ | β Π V( λ i ) i=1 β 2 β 2 (n ? m+1) ? 1 H C R H C R C H R A A S AS D T Q AQ H A U AU A S AS D A A T Q AQ U AU H ? λ / 2 β 2 Decomposition Singular Value Eigenvalue Problem SymmetricGOE Symmetric GUE Hermitian GSE Self?Dual Laguerre ensembles Wishart ensembles Jacobi ensembles 1 2 MANOVA ensembles a = b = 1 MANOVA real 2 1 2 4 4 4 Hermite ensembles Gaussian ensembles Technical name Traditional name β Invariance ba (QZ) V(λ ) = e V(λ V(λ ) = ) = λ a a = (n ? m+1) ? 1 Positive Semi?Definite Positive1 Semi?Definite Eigenvalue Problem e ? λ / 2 2 Generalized Symmetric Wishart complex Wishart quaternion Wishart real MANOVA complex MANOVA quaternion (SVD) (EIG) Field Property λ (1?λ) 2 (n ? m+1) ? 1 T T H H D X Y Q YQ X Y U YU X S XS Y S YS D 4 2 1 2 1 4 A = [X Y; ?conj(Y) conj(X)]; A = (A+A’) / 2; A = randn(n) + i * randn(n); A = (A+A’) / 2; A = randn(m, n); A = A * A’; Type of ensemble Hermite Laguerre Jacobi 1 4 2 X = randn(n) + i * randn(n); Y = randn(n) + i * randn(n); A = randn(m, n) + i * randn(m, n); A = A * A’; 1 1 1 2 2 X = randn(m, n ) + i * randn(m, n ); Y = randn(m, n ) + i * randn(m, n ); A = (X * X’) / (X * X’ + Y * Y’); 222 1 211 1 Y = randn(m, n ) + i * randn(m, n ); Y = randn(m, n ) + i * randn(m, n ); X = randn(m, n ) + i * randn(m, n ); X = randn(m, n ) + i * randn(m, n ); 2 2 11 2 121 X = [X X ; ?conj(X ) conj(X )]; Y = [Y Y ; ?conj(Y ) conj(Y )]; A = (X * X’) / (X * X’ + Y * Y’); 1 1 2 2 X = randn(m, n) + i * randn(m, n); Y = randn(m, n) + i * randn(m, n); A = [X Y; ?conj(Y) conj(X)]; A = A * A’; β X = randn(m, n ); Y = randn(m, n ); A = (X * X’) / (X * X’ + Y * Y’); 2 Q XQ U XU 1 1 1 1 1 1 A = randn(n); A = (A+A’) / 2; MATLAB code Connected Matrix Problem BD integraldisplay integraldisplay summationtext integraltext integraltext integraltext integraltext logicalandtext summationtext summationtext 15 Volume and Integration 15.1 Integration Using Di?erential Forms One nice property of our di?erential form notation is that if y = y(x) is some function from (a subset of) R n to R n , then the formula for changing the volume element is built into the identity f(y)dy 1 ∧...∧dy n = f(y(x))dx 1 ∧...∧dx n , y(S) S because as we saw in 9.4 the Jacobian emerges when we write the exterior product of the dy’s in terms of the dx’s. We will only concern ourselves with integration of n-forms on manifolds of dimension n. In fact, most of our manifolds will be ?at (subsets of R n ), or surfaces only slightly more complicated than spheres. For example, the Stiefel manifold V m,n of n by p orthogonal matrices Q (Q T Q = I m ) which we shall introduce shortly. Exterior products will give us the correct volume element for integration. If the x i are Cartesian coordinates in n-dimensional Euclidean space, then (dx) ≡ dx 1 ∧dx 2 ∧...dx n is the correct volume element. For simplicity, this may be written as dx 1 dx 2 ...dx n so as to correspond to the Lebesgue measure. Let q i be the ith component of a unit vector q∈ R n . Evidently, n parameters is one too many for specifying points on the sphere. Unless q n = 0, we may use q 1 through q n?1 as local coordinates on the sphere, and then dq n may be thought of as a linear combination of the dq i for i < n. ( i q i dq i = 0 because q T q = 1). However, the Cartesian volume element dq 1 dq 2 ...dq n?1 is not correct for integrating functions on the sphere. It is as if we took a map of the Earth and used Latitude and Longitude as Cartesian coordinates, and then tried to make some presumption about the size of Greenland 1 . Integration: x∈S f(x)(dx) or f(dx) and other related expressions will denote the “ordinary” integral over a region S S∈ R. || || 2 /2 .Example. R n exp(? x 2 /2)(dx) = (2π) n/2 and similarly R n,n exp(? x F /2)(dA) = (2π) n 2 F summationtext 2 || || ||A|| 2 = tr(A T A) = i,j a ij = “Frobenius norm” of A squared. If an object has n parameters, the correct di?erential form for the volume element is an n-form. What 2 about x ∈ S n?1 , i.e., {x ∈ R n : x = 1}? dx i = (dx) ∧ = 0. We have x i = 1 x i dx i = 0 i=1 ? ? dx n = 1 (x 1 dx 1 + + x n?1 dx || n? || 1 ). Whatever the correct volume element for a sphere is, it is not (dx). x n ? ··· As an example, we revisit spherical coordinates in the next section. 15.2 Plucker Coordinates and Volume Measurement Let F ∈ R n,p . We might think of the columns of F as the edges of a parallelopiped. By de?ning Pl(F) (“Plucker(F)”), we can obtain simple formulas for volumes. De?nition 1. Pl(F) is the vector of p×p subdeterminants of F written in natural order. 1 I do not think that I have ever seen a map of the Earth that uses Latitude and Longitude as Cartesian coordinates. The most familiar map, the Mercator map, takes a stereographic projection of the Earth onto the (complex) plane, and then takes the image of the entire plane into an in?nite strip by taking the complex logarithm. producttext producttext producttext parenrightbig parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg productdisplay p = 2 : ? ? ? f 11 . . . f n1 f 12 . . . f n2 ? ? ? Pl ?→ ? ? ? ? ? f 11 f 12 f 13 ? ? ? ? ? ? p = 3 : ? ? ? ? . . . ? ? ? ? Pl ?→ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f n1 f n2 f n3 ? ? Pl ? ? f 11 f 22 ? f 21 f 12 . ? . . ? f n?1,1 f n,2 ? f n,1 f n?1,2 ? f 11 f 12 f 13 ? f 21 f 22 f 23 ? ? f 31 f 32 f 33 ? . ? . ? . ? ? f n?2,1 f n?2,2 f n?2,3 ? f n?1,1 f n?1,2 f n?1,3 ? f n,1 f n,2 f n,3 ? p general : F = (f ij ) 1≤i≤n ? ?→ ? det (f ij ) i=i 1 ,...,i p 1≤j≤p j=1,...,p i 1 <...<i p De?nition 2. Let vol(F) denote the volume of the parallelopiped { Fx : 0 ≤ x i ≤ 1} , i.e., the volume of the parallelopiped with edges equal to the columns of F. p Theorem 4. vol(F) = p σ i = det(F T F) 1/2 = i=1 r ii = bardbl Pl(F)bardbl , where the σ i are the singular values i=1 of F, and the r ii are the diagonal elements of R in F = YR, where Y ∈ R n,p has orthonormal columns and R is upper triangular. Proof. Let F = UΣV T , where U ∈ R n,p and V ∈ R p,p has orthonormal columns. The matrix σ denotes a box with edge sides σ i so has volume σ i . The volume is invariant under rotations. The other formulas follow trivially except perhaps the last which follows from the Cauchy-Binet theorem taking A = F T and B = F. ? Theorem 5. (Cauchy-Binet) Let C = AB be a matrix product of any kind. Let M parenleftbig i 1 ...i p denote the p× p j 1 ...j p minor det(M i k j l ) 1≤k≤p,1≤l≤p . In other words, it is the determinant of the submatrix of M formed from rows i 1 ,...,i p and columns j 1 ,...,j p . The Cauchy-Binet Theorem states that i 1 ,...,i p summationdisplay i 1 ,...,i p j 1 ,...,j p C = A B . k 1 ,...,k p j 1 ,...,j p k 1 ,...,k p j 1 <j 2 <···<j p Notice that when p = 1 this is the familiar formula for matrix multiplication. When all matrices are p× p, then the formula states that det C = det Adet B. Corollary 6. Let F ∈ R n,p have orthonormal columns, i.e., F T F = I p . Let X ∈ R n,p . If span(F) = span(X), then vol(X) = det(F T X) = Pl(F) T · Pl(X). Theorem 7. Let F,V ∈ R n,p be arbitrary. Then p Pl(F) T Pl(V ) = det(F T X) = | vol(F) vol(V) cos θ i ,|| | i=1 where θ 1 ,...,θ p are the principal angles between span(F) and span(V ). Remark 1. If S p is some p-dimensional surface it is convenient for F (i) to be a set of p orthonormal tangent vectors on the surface at some point x (i) and V (i) to be any “little” parallelopiped on the surface. summationdisplay summationdisplay summationdisplay integraldisplay integraldisplay summationtext productdisplay productdisplay radicaltp If we decompose the surface into parallelopipeds we have vol(S p ) ≈ Pl(F (i) ) T Pl(V (i) ). and integraldisplay f(x)d(surface) ≈ f(x (i) )Pl(F (i) ) T Pl(V (i) ) = f(x (i) )det((F (i) ) T V (i) ). Mathematicians write the continuous limit of the above equation as f(x)d(surface) = f(x)(F T dx) ∧ . Notice that (F(x) T dx) ∧ formally computes Pl(F(x)). Indeed ? ? . . . ? ? ? (F(x) T dx) ∧ = Pl(F(x)) T ? dx i 1 ∧...∧dx i p . ? ? . . . i 1 <...<i p III. Generalized dot products algebraically: Linear functions l(x) for x∈ R n may be written l(x) = f i x i , i.e., f T x. The information that speci?es the linear function is exactly the components of f. F ∈ R n,p Similarly, consider functions l(V) for V ∈ R n,p that have the form l(V) = det(F T V), where . The reader should check how much information is needed to “know” l(V) uniquely. (It is “less than” all the elements of F.) In fact, if we de?ne E i 1 i 2 ...i p = The n×p matrix consisting of columns i 1 ,...,i p of the identity, i.e., (E = eye(n);E i,i 2 ,...,i p = E(:,[i 1 ...i p ])) in pseudo-Matlab notation, then knowing l(E i 1 ,...,i p ) for all i 1 < ... < i p is equivalent to knowing l everywhere. This information is precisely all p× p subdeterminants of F, the Plucker coordinates. IV. Generalized dot product geometrically. If F and V ∈ R n,p we can generalize the familiar f T v = bardblfbardblbardblvbardblcosθ. It becomes p Pl(F) T Pl(V) = det(F T V) = |vol(F) vol(V) cos θ i .|| | i=1 Here vol(M) denotes the volume of the parallelopiped that is the image of the unit cube under M (Box with edges equal to columns of M). Everyone knows that there is an angle between any two vectors in R n . Less well known is that there are p principal angles between two p-dimensional hyperplanes in R n . The θ i are principal angles between the two hyperplanes spanned by F and by V. Easy special case: Suppose F T F = I p and span(F) = span(V). In other words, the columns of F are an orthonormal basis for the columns of V. In this case det(F T V) = vol(V). Other formulas for vol(V) which we mention for completeness is p vol(V ) = σ i (V), i=1 the product of the singular values of V. And radicalvertex parenleftbigg parenrightbigg 2 radicalvertex summationdisplay 1...p vol(V) = radicalbt V i 1 ...i p , i 1 <...<i p the sum of the p×p subdeterminants squared. In other words vol(V) = bardblPlucker(V)bardbl. logicalandtext logicalandtext logicalandtext integraldisplay summationdisplay logicalanddisplay 1. Volume measuring function: (Volume element of Integration) We now more explicitly consider V ∈ R n,p as a parallelopiped generated by its columns. For general F ∈ R n,p , det(F T V) may be thought of as a “skewed” volume. p We now carefully interpret i=1 (F T dx) i , where F ∈ R n,p and dx = (dx 1 dx 2 ...dx n ) T . We remind the summationtext n reader that (F T dx) i = j=1 F ji dx j . p By i=1 (F T dx) i we are thinking of the linear map that takes V ∈ R n,p to the scalar det(F T V). In our mind we imagine the following assumptions ? We have some p-dimensional surface S p in R n . ? At some point P on S p , the columns of X ∈ R n,p are tangent to S p . We think of X as generating a little parallelopiped on the surface of S p . ? We imagine the columns of F are an orthonormal basis for the tangents to S p at P. p Then i=1 (F T dx) i = (F T dx) ∧ is a function that replaces parallelopipeds on S p with its Euclidean ? volume. Now we can do “the calculus thing.” Suppose we want to compute I = f(x)d(surface), S p the integral of some scalar function f on the surface S p . We discretize by circumscribing the surface with little parallelopipeds that we specify by using the matrix V (i) ∈ R n,p . The word circumscribing indicates that the p columns of V (i) are tangent (or reasonably close to tangent) at x (i) . Let F (i) be an orthonormal basis for the tangents at x (i) . Then I is discretized by I≈ f(x (i) )det(F (i) T V (i) ) i We then use the notation integraldisplay p integraldisplay I = f(x) (F T dx) i = f(x)(F T dx) ∧ S p i=1 S p to indicate this continuous limit. Here f is a function of x. The notation does not require that F be orthonormal or tangent vectors. These conditions guarantee that you get the correct Euclidean volume. Let them go and you obtain some warped or weighted volume. Linear combinations are allowed too. The integral notation does require that you feed in tangent vectors if you discretize. Careful mathematics shows that for the cases we care about, no matter how one discretizes, the limit of small parallelopipeds gives a unique answer. (Analog of no matter how you take small rectangles to compute Riemann integrals, in the limit there is only one unique area under a curve.) 15.3 Overview of special surfaces We are very interested in the following three mathematical objects: 1. The sphere = {x : bardblxbardbl = 1} in R n 2. The orthogonal group O(n) of orthogonal matrices Q (Q T Q = I) in R nn . 3. The Stiefel manifold of tall skinny matrices Y ∈ R np with orthogonal columns (Y T Y = I p ). parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg summationdisplay integraltext summationdisplay logicalanddisplay summationtext Of course the sphere and the orthogonal group are special cases of the Stiefel manifold with p = 1 and p = n respectively. We will derive and explain the meaning of the following volume forms on these objects Sphere (H T dq) ∧ where H is a so-called Householder transform i=2,...,n Orthogonal Group (Q T dQ) ∧ = (Q T dQ) ∧ i>j Stiefel Manifold (Q T dY) ∧ i>j where Q T Y = I p . The concept of volume or surface area is so familiar that the reader might not see the need for a formalism to encode this concept. Here are some examples. x 1 Example 1: Integration about a circle Let x = . x 2 integraldisplay integraldisplay 2π f(x)(?x 1 dx 1 + x 2 dx 2 ) = f(cos θ,sin θ)dθ x∈R 2 0 ?x?=1 x 1 cos θ Algebraic proof: = implies x 2 sin θ parenleftbigg parenrightbigg T parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg T parenleftbigg parenrightbigg 2 dx 1 ? sin θ ? sin θ ?x 2 dx 1 + x 1 dx 2 = dθ = ?x = dθ. x 1 dx 2 cos θ cos θ Geometric Interpretation: Approximate the circle by a polygon with k sides. parenleftBigg parenrightBigg T (i) integraldisplay 2π (x (i) ? x (i?1) ) ≈f(x (i) ) ?x ( 2 i) f(cos θ,sin θ)dθ. x 1 0 Note that the dot product computes bardblv i bardbl. Geometric interpretation of the wrong answer: Why not f(x)dx 1 ? ?x?=1 x∈R 2 This is approximated by parenleftbigg parenrightbigg T f(x (i) ) 1 v (i) 0 which is the integral of f over the “shadow” of the circle on the x-axis. Example 2: Integration over a sphere Given q with bardblqbardbl = 1, let H(q) be any n× n orthogonal matrix with ?rst column q. (There are many ways to do this. One way is to construct the “Householder” re?ector T I? 2 vv H(q) = v v , where v = e 1 ? q, and e 1 is the ?rst column of I.) The sphere is an n? 1 dimensional surface in n dimensional space. Integration over the sphere is then T integraldisplay n integraldisplay f(x) (H T dx) i = f(x)dS, x∈R n x∈R n ?x?=1 i=2 ?x?=1 where dS is the surface “volume” on the sphere. Consider the familiar sphere n = 3. Approximate the sphere by a polyhedron of parallelograms with k faces. A parallelogram may be algebraically encoded by the two vectors forming edges, into a matrix V(i). We have f(x(v i ))· det(H(q) T V) approximates this integral. Example 3: The orthogonal group Let O(n) denote the set of orthogonal n× n matrices. This is an n(n?1) 2 dimensional set living in R n . 2 logicalandtext bracketleftbigg bracketrightbigg Tangents consist of matrices T such that Q T T is anti-symmetric. We can take an orthogonal, but not orthonormal set to consist of matrices Q(E ij ? E ji ) for i > j ((E ij kl = 1) if i = k and j = l; 0 otherwise). The matrix “F T V” roughly amounts to taking twice the triangular part of Q T dQ. Let O(m) denote the “orthogonal group” of m× m matrices Q such that Q T Q = I. We have seen T (Q T dQ) = i>j q i dq j is the natural volume element on O(M). Also, notice that O(n) has two connected components. When m = 2, we may take Q = c ?s 2 (c 2 + s = 1) s c for half of O(2). This gives parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg parenleftbigg parenrightbigg Q T dQ = cos θ ? sin θ sin θ cos θ ? sin θdθ ? cos θdθ cos θdθ ? sin θdθ = 0 dθ ?dθ 0 in terms of dθ. Therefore (Q T dQ) ∧ = dθ. 15.4 The Sphere Students who have seen any integral on the sphere before probably have worked with traditional spherical coordinates or integrated with respect to something labeled “the surface element of the sphere.” We mention certain problems with these notations. Before we do, we mention that the sphere is so symmetric and so easy, that these problems never manifest themselves very seriously on the sphere, but they become more serious on more complicated surfaces. The ?rst problem concerns spherical coordinates: the angles are not symmetric. They do not interchange nicely. Often one wants to preserve the spherical symmetry by writing x = qr, where r = bardblxbardbl and q = x/bardblxbardbl. Of course, q then has n components expressing n? 1 parameters. The n quantities dq 1 ,...,dq n are linearly dependent. Indeed di?erentiating q T q = 1 we obtain that q T dq = summationtext n = 0. i=1 q i dq i Writing the Jacobian from x to q,r is slightly awkward. One choice is to write the radial and angular parts separately. Since dx = qdr + dqr, q T dx = dr and (I? qq T )dx = rdq. We then have that dx = dr∧ (rdq) = r n?1 dr(dq), where (dq) is the surface element of the sphere. We introduce an explicit formula for the surface element of the sphere. Many readers will wonder why this is necessary. Experience has shown that one can need only set up a notation such as dS for the surface element of the sphere, and most integrals work out just ?ne. We have two reason for introducing this formula, both pedagogical. The ?rst is to understand wedge products on a curved space in general. The sphere is one of the nicest curved spaces to begin working with. Our second reason, is that when we work on spaces of orthogonal matrices, both square and rectangular, then it becomes more important to keep track of the correct volume element. The sphere is an important stepping stone for this understanding. We can derive an expression for the surface element on a sphere. We introduce an orthogonal and symmetric matrix H such that Hq = e 1 and He 1 = q, where e 1 is the ?rst column of the identity. Then ? ? dr ? r(Hdq) 2 ? ? ? ? r(Hdq) 3 ? Hdx = e 1 dr + Hdqr = ? ? . ? . ? . ? . ? r(Hdq) n Thus (dx) ∧ = (Hdx) ∧ = r n?1 dr n logicalanddisplay i=2 (Hdq) i . We can conclude that the surface element on the sphere is (dq) = logicalandtext n i=2 (Hdq) i . v (5) 1 f (5) 1 x (5) v (5) 2 v (17) 1 f (5) 2 f (17) 2 f (17) 1 v (17) 2 x (17) Householder Re?ectors We can explicitly construct an H as described above so as to be the Householder re?ector. Notice that H serves as a rotating coordinate system. It is critical that H(:,2 : n) is an orthogonal basis of tangents. Choose v = e 1 ?q the external angle bisector and H = I?2 vv T v T v . See Figure 1 which illustrate that H is a re?ection through the internal angle bisector of q +e 1 . Notice that (Hdq) 1 = 0 and every other component summationtext n j=1 H ij dq j (inegationslash= 1) may be thought of as a tangent on the sphere. H = H T ,Hq = e 1 ,He 1 = q 1 ,H 2 = I, and H is orthogonal. ? ? ? ? v = q?e 1 q e 1 q +e 1 plane of re?ection Figure 1: I think many people do not really understand the meaning of (Q T dQ) ∧ . I like to build a nice cube on the surface of the orthogonal group ?rst. Then we will connect the notations. First of all O(n) is an n(n?1) 2 dimensional surface in R n 2 . At any point Q, tangents have the form Q·A, where A is anti-symmetric. summationtext integraldisplay integraldisplay integraldisplay integraldisplay integraldisplay The dot product of two “vectors” (matrices) X and Y is X Y ≡ tr(X T Y) = X ij Y ij . If Q is orthogonal · QX·QY = X Y.· If Q = I then the matrices A ij = (E ij ? E ji )/ √ 2 for i < j clearly form an n(n?1) dimensional cube 2 tangent to O(n) at I, i.e., they form an orthonormal basis for the tangent space. Similarly the n(n?1)/2 matrices Q(E ij ?E ji )/ √ 2 form such a basis at Q. One can form an F whose columns are vec(Q(E ij ?E ji )) for i < j. The matrix would be n 2 by n(n?1)/2. Then F T (dq ij ) i<j would be the Euclidean volume element. Mathematicians like to throw away the √ 2 so that the volume element is o? by the factor 2 n(n?1)/4 . This does not seem to bother anyone. In non-vec format, this is (Q T dQ) ∧ . Application Surface Area of Sphere Computation We directly use the formula (dx) ∧ = r n?1 dr(Hdq) ∧ : ∞ 2 2 r dr (Hdq) ∧ e ? 1 2 ?x? n?1 e ? 1 2 (2π) n 2 dx= = r r=0 x∈R n n 2n?2 parenleftBig n parenrightBig 2π (Hdq) ∧ or (Hdq) ∧ 2 2 Γ A= = = n , Γ( n 2 )2 and A n is the surface of the sphere of radius 1. For example, A 2 = 2π (circumference of a circle) A 3 = 4π (surface area of a sphere in 3d) A 4 = 2π 2 15.5 The Stiefel Manifold QR Decomposition ? ? x ? 0 ? ? ? Let A ∈ R n,m (m ≤ n). Taking x = a i , we see ?H 1 such that H 1 A has the form ? . ? . We can . ? . ? 0 ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 x x··· ? 0 ? x ?? 0 ? ? ? ? then construct an H 2 = ? . ? so that H 2 H 1 A = ? . . ? . Continuing H m ···H 1 A = . H 2 . . 0 0 0 ? . ? ? ? . . ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? . ? R ? . . ? ? ? or A = (H 1 H m ) ? ? , where R is m×m upper triangular (with positive diagonals). ? 0 ? ··· O 0 0··· let Q = the ?rst m columns of H 1 H m . Then A = QR as desired. ··· The Stiefel Manifold The set of Q∈ R n,p such that Q T Q = I p is denoted V p,n and is known as the Stiefel manifold. Considering the Householder construction, ?H 1 ,··· ,H p such that. ? ? 1 0 ? . ? H p H p?1 H 1 Q = ? . . ? ··· 0 1 logicalanddisplay logicalanddisplay integraldisplay so that Q = 1st p columns of H 1 H 2 H p?1 H p .··· Corollary 8. The Stiefel manifold may be speci?ed by (n ?1)+ (n ?2)+ = pn ?1/2p(p+ 1) ···+ (n ?p) parameters. You may think of this as the pn arbitrary parameters in an n×p matrix reduced by the p(p+1)/2 conditions that q i T q j = δ ij for i ≥ j. You might also think of this as dim{Q} = dim{A} ? dim{R} ↑ ↑ pn p(p + 1)/2 It is no coincidence that it is more economical in numerical computations to store the Householder parameters than to compute out the Q. This is the prescription that we would like to follow for the QR decomposition for the n by p matrix A. If Q ∈ R p,n is orthogonal, let H be an orthogonal p by p matrix such that H T Q is the ?rst p columns of I. Actually H may be constructed by applying the Householder process to Q. Notice that Q is simply the ?rst p columns of H. As we proceed with the general case, notice how this generalizes the situation when p = 1. If A = QR, then dA = QdR + dQR and H T dA = H T QdR + H T dQR. Let H = [h 1 ,. . . , h n ]. The matrix H T QdR is an n by p upper triangular matrix. While H T dQ is (rectangularly) antisymmetric. (h T h j = 0 implies i h T dh j = ?h T dh i ) i j Haar Measure and Volume of the Stiefel Manifold It is evident that the volume element in mn dimensional space decouples into a term due to the upper triangular component and a term due to the orthogonal matrix component. The di?erential form m n (H T dQ) = h i T dh j j=1 i=j+1 is a natural volume element on the Stiefel manifold. We may de?ne μ(S) = (H T dQ). S This represent the surface area (volume) of the region S on the Stiefel manifold. This “measure” μ is known as Haar measure when m = n. It is invariant under orthogonal rotations. producttext m 1 Exercise. Let Γ m (a) ≡ π m(m?1)/4 i=1 Γ[a ? 2 (i ?1)]. Show that the volume of V m,n is 2 m π mn/2 Vol (V m,n ) = Γ m ( 1 n) . 2 Exercise. What is this expression when n = 2? Why is this number twice what you might have thought it would be? Exercise. Let A have independent elements from a standard normal distribution. Prove that Q and R are independent, and that Q is distributed uniformly with respect to Haar measure. How are the elements on the strictly upper triangular part of R distributed. How are the diagonal elements of R distributed? Interpret the QR algorithm in a statistical sense. (This may be explained in further detail in class). Readers who may never have taken a course in advanced measure theory might enjoy a loose general description of Haar measure. If G is any group, then we can de?ne the map on ordered pairs that sends (g, h) to g ?1 h. If G is also a manifold (or some kind of Hausdor? topological space), and if this map is continuous, we have a topological group. An additional assumption one might like is that every g ∈ G has integraldisplay integraldisplay summationdisplay summationdisplay braceleftBig bracerightBig summationtext braceleftBig bracerightBig summationtext braceleftBig bracerightBig summationtext parenleftbigg parenrightbigg summationtext an open neighborhood whose closure is compact. This is a locally compact topological group. The set of square nonsingular matrices or the set of orthogonal matrices are good examples. A measure μ(E) is some sort of volume de?ned on E which may be thought of as nice (“measurable”) subsets of G. The measure is a Haar measure if μ(gE) = μ(E), for every g ∈ G. In the example of orthogonal n by n matrices, the condition that our measure be Haar is that f(Q)(Q T dQ) ∧ = f(Q 0 Q)(Q T dQ) ∧ . Q∈S Q∈Q ?1 S 0 In other words, Haar measure is symmetrical, no matter how we rotate our sets, we get the same answer. The general theorem is that on every locally compact topological group, there exists a Haar measure μ. 16 Exterior Products (The Algebra) Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over R. For p = 0,1,...,n we de?ne the pth exterior product. For p = 0 it is R and for p = 1 it is V. For p = 2, it consists of formal sums of the form a i (u i ∧w i ), i where a i ∈ R and u i ,w i ∈ V. (We say “u i wedge v i .”) Additionally, we require that (au + v) ∧ w = a(u∧w)+ (v∧w), u∧(bv+ w) = b(u∧v)+ (u∧w) and u∧u=0. A consequence of the last relation is that u∧w = ?w∧u which we have referred to previously as the anti-commutative law. We further require that if e 1 ,...,e n constitute a basis for V, then e i ∧e j for i < j, constitute a basis for the second exterior product. Proceeding analogously, if the e i form a basis for V we can produce formal sums ),c γ (e γ 1 ∧e γ 2 ∧···∧e γ p γ where γ is the multi-index (γ 1 ,...,γ p ), where γ 1 < < γ p . The expression is multilinear, and the signs ··· change if we transpose any two elements. The table below lists the exterior products of a vector space V = {c i e i }. p 0 1 2 3 . . . p . . . n n + 1 pth Exterior Product V 0 = R V 1 = V = {c i e i } V 2 = i<j c ij e i ∧e j V 3 = i<j<k c ijk e i ∧e j ∧e k . . . V p = i 1 <i 2 <...<i p c i 1 i 2 ...i p e i 1 ∧e i 2 ∧...∧e i p . . . V n = {ce 1 ∧e 2 ∧...∧e n } V n+1 = {0} Dimension 1 n n(n?1)/2 n(n?1)(n?2)/6 . . . n p . . . 1 0 In this book V = c i dx i }, i.e. the 1-forms. Then V p consists of the p-forms, i.e. the rank p exterior { di?erential forms. References [1] Charles Van Loan. The ubiquitous Kronecker product. J. Comp. and Applied Math., 123(200):85–100. [2] Y. Zhang. The exact distribution of the Moore-Penrose inverse of X with a density. In P.R. Krishnaiah, editor, Multivariate Analysis VI, pages 633–635, New York, 1985. Elsevier. [3] Heinz Neudecker and Shuangzhe Liu. 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